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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Student saving, does it exist? : A study of students' saving behavior, attitude towards saving and motivation to save.

Tuvesson, Joakim, Yu, Shiyu January 2011 (has links)
Swedish households are getting deeper in debt and house prices keeps on rising. This is what happened in USA and it was one of the major causes of the recent financial crisis. To avoid a similar crisis in Sweden we think one part of the solution is to make sure that those who are students today and soon will get jobs, buy houses, take loans etcetera have necessary knowledge to do so. Students’ saving is an area that almost completely lacked researchers’ attention, and one goal with this thesis is to point out why it’s an important subject and to increase interest among other researchers. We want to give other researcher a foundation to start from, to give an idea of what students saving looks like, so they can continue to explore this important subject. Our research is using theories developed on private saving in American households as a background, and two psychological theories, The theory of planned behavior by Ajzen (1991) and Self-determination theory by Deci and Ryan (2000) as a foundation. This thesis primary focus is on researching students attitude towards saving, students attitude towards stocks and students motivation towards saving. This is researched by distributing a Likert Scale based questionnaire to two groups, business students and technical energy students, a total of 133 students. The answers were collected in two classrooms and all students agreed to fill in the questionnaire leaving us with no non-response bias. The result was very positive and quite surprising. A majority of the students in our study have a positive attitude towards saving, a slightly positive attitude towards stocks and they are motivated to save. Our conclusion is that although the result is positive students saving and students knowledge about saving can be further improved by more education.

Fastighetsekonomers motivation i yrkesliv och utbildning

Yousefi, Mahtab, Esso, Tony January 2011 (has links)
Abstract   Titel: Fastighetsekonomers motivation i yrkesliv och utbildning Nivå: C-uppsats inom ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Mahtab Yousefi & Tony Esso Handledare: Jonas Kågström Datum: 2011 - 06 Syfte: Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats var att undersöka blivande fastighetsekonomers motivation på utbildningen och yrket, som vi sedan skulle jämföra med yrkesverksamma. Samtliga intervjupersoner är befintliga och gamla studenter från Högskolan i Gävle. Denna studie är tillägnad alla studenter som är blivande fastighetsekonomer. Metod: Vi har använt oss utav kvalitativ metod under intervjuerna, totalt genomfördes det 20 intervjuer varav tio utav dem var via telefon. Vi har även använt oss utav kvantitativ metod, vår information samlade vi in via en elektronisk enkätundersökning till de yrkesverksamma, och studenterna fick undersökningen utskriven för att sedan koppla det till Self Determination Theory (SDT). Resultat och slutsats: Resultatet analyserades med hjälp av GCOS och ACI. Det resulterade i att studenterna hade högre procent i autonomy medan de yrkesverksamma hade högre procent i controlled och amotivation. Resultatet visade också att BNPT kunde anpassas och jämföras med respondenterna. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: I vår studie har vi begränsat oss till att forska och analysera studenter som endast har studerat på Högskolan i Gävle. Det skulle vara intressant att föra statistik på andra studenter från andra högskolor/universitet som har närliggande program och som har som huvudmål att arbeta inom fastighetsekonomi/förvaltning. Därefter analysera deras förväntningar och motivation till yrket med hjälp av SDT. Uppsatsens bidrag: Det har gjorts liknande forskning kring motivation, där man har fokuserat sig på bostadsköp. Vi vill fokusera på studenter och yrkesverksamma personer som är och ska bli fastighetsekonomer, hur motivationen är hos båda parter, med hjälp av SDT. Den här studien har bidragit till att ta fram information om motivation, som gynnar båda studenter och personer ute i arbetslivet. Uppsatsen visar hur personer agerar i olika situationer och hur de är som individer när det gäller att vara motiverad. SDT visar att man kan mäta motivation och dela in personer i olika typer av motivationer. Nyckelord: Self Determination Theory, GCOS, fastighetsekonom, utbildning, motivation, studenter, Högskolan i Gävle / Abstract Title: Property Economists motivation in working life and education Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Author: Mahtab Yousefi & Tony Esso Supervisor: Jonas Kågström Date:  2011 - 06 Aim: The purpose of this final essay was to investigate the future real estate economists’ motivation for education and profession, which we then would compare with professionals. All of the respondents are current and former students from the University of Gävle. This study is dedicated to students who are future real estate economists. Method: We have used qualitative methodology in the interviews, in total there were 20 interviews, ten of them were by telephone. We have also used quantitative method, our information was collected by electronic survey to professionals and students received the survey printed out, and connected to the Self Determination Theory (SDT). Result and conclusions: The results were analyzed by using GCOS and ACI. The result was that the students had a higher percentage of Autonomy while the professionals had higher percentage of controlled and amotivation. The results also showed that BNPT could be adapted and compared with the respondents. Suggestions for future research: In our study we restricted ourselves to research and analyze students who have only studied at the University of Gävle. It would be interesting to keep statistics on other students from other colleges/universities that have related programs and their main objective is to work in real estate economics/management. There after analyzing their expectations and motivation to profession using SDT. Contribution of the thesis: There have been similar researches on motivation, where the focus has been on home purchases. We want to focus on the students and professionals who are and will become real estate economists, how the motivation is of both parties, with help of SDT. This study has helped to generate information about motivation that benefits both students and people who work. The paper shows how people act in different situations and how they are as individuals when it comes to being motivated. SDT shows that one can measure the motivation and divide people in different types of motivation. Key words: Self Determination Theory, GCOS, real estate economics, education, motivation, students, University of Gävle

Motivation i grundskolans tidigare år : Var ligger elevers primära motivation? / Motivation in Secondary School : How does intrinsic and extrinsic motivation affect students?

Erman, Caroline, Apoy, Emma January 2009 (has links)
I samband med dagens socialisationsförändringar har lärares motivationsarbete med elever fått en allt mer betydande roll. Begreppet motivation är centralt i läroplanerna samt omfattar majoriteten av alla skolor runt om i världen. Lärares uppgifter innefattar inte enbart ett stärkande av elevers motivation för skolarbetet, utan en minst lika viktig uppgift är att etablera goda relationer till sina elever samt elever emellan. Vår studie inriktar sig på att utröna var elevers primära motivation ligger och hur lärare kan arbeta för att stärka den. Studien utgår från Self - Determination Theory som innebär att människans valfrihet är central för lärandet. För att ta reda på hur denna teori förhåller sig i praktiken samt för att undersöka om elever påverkas i störst grad av inre eller yttre faktorer, har vi undersökt elevers beteende i klassrumssituationer samt deras egna reflektioner kring skolan. Vi har även utfört enkäter och observationer samt intervjuer med tre olika klassföreståndare. En viktig aspekt i vår studie var jämförelsen mellan olika åldersgrupper samt skillnader och likheter mellan pojkar och flickor. Resultatet av vår studie visar att motivation är grundläggande för elevers intresse för skolarbetet och att de styrs av både inre och yttre faktorer. De sociala relationerna till kamrater och klasslärare är av största vikt för stärkandet av elevers drivkraft samt ökar intresset för arbetet. Eftersom elevers motivation är central för lärandet är det viktigt att som lärare arbeta förebyggande för att skapa ett positivt och tryggt klassrumsklimat. Elevers bekräftelsebehov har tydligt framkommit av våra observationer och beröm från läraren är en av de viktigaste faktorerna för motivationen.

Intrinsic Motivation : Psychological and Neuroscientific Perspectives

Saari, Pauli January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to give an overview of the topic of intrinsic motivation based on psychological an neuroimaging research. More specifically, the objective is to give an overview of the various benefits of intrinsic motivation, discuss its relationship to extrinsic rewards, and review the existing neuroimaging research that has explicitly explored intrinsic motivatoin. A positive relationship betweeen intrinsic motivation and persistence, conceptual learning, creativity, and both hedonic and eudaimonic well-being has been demonstrated. A wealth of studies has shown that extrinsic rewards undermine intrinsic motivation, while the validity of these findings has been debated. Initial neuroimaging studies concerning the neural basis of intrinsic motivation have been conducted, showing unique activations in the intrinsic motivation conditions in e.g. the anterior precuneus and the right insular cortex. Conceptual and methodological problems have been discussed, and it is suggested that the neuroscientific findings mentioned above can be interpreted in terms of the neural distinction between wanting and liking, rather than in terms of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and that psychological research can draw on neuroscientific findings in order to make its research more precise.

An Evaluation of the Impact of a Thesis Colloquium on Self-Regulated Motivation toward Thesis Completion

Reding, Frank Nicholas 01 May 2010 (has links)
What motivates one to write a thesis? This study assessed whether presenting one’s master’s thesis proposal at a thesis colloquium increased the probability of Industrial/Organizational I/O) Psychology graduate students completing their thesis on time (i.e., finishing their thesis as they finished their graduate coursework). This study also examined the relationship between presenting one’s thesis proposal at a thesis colloquium and different forms of motivated regulation and three basic psychological needs (autonomy, competence, and relatedness). Participants included 94 master’s level I/O Psychology alumni from four universities. As expected, students who presented at a thesis colloquium had a higher rate of on-time thesis completion. Students who presented at a thesis colloquium also reported a higher level of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation toward their thesis, and a lower level of amotivation toward their thesis compared to students who did not present at a colloquium. Reported level of relatedness toward individuals who helped work on the thesis was higher for those who presented at a thesis colloquium than for those who did not present. However, there were no differences between those who did or did not present at a colloquium in terms of reported competence and autonomy.

Motionärers motivation och barriärer till fysisk aktivitet / Athletes motivation and barriers to physical activity

Gatu, Linda, Wetterling, Emelie January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilken grad av intern motivation och extern reglering till fysisk aktivitet som motionärer har, samt vilka barriärer de upplever till fysisk aktivitet och vilka strategier de använder sig av för att övervinna barriärerna. Bakgrunds variabler var kön och aktivitetsstadie. Försökspersonerna (n=199) i studien var män (n=96) och kvinnor (n=103) och samtliga medlemmar på träningsanläggningar i Halland. Högaktiva (n=165) och lågaktiva (n=34). Datainsamling skedde via ett testbatteri bestående av mätinstrumenten The Behavioral Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire-2, Physical Activity Stages of change och Motivation Till Upprätthållande Av Motionsvanor vilka delades ut på träningsanläggningarna. Resultatet visade att både högaktiva (n=165) och lågaktiva (n=34) har en högre grad av intern motivation än extern reglering. De mest frekventa barriärerna till fysisk aktivitet var stress/tidsbrist samt brist på motivation och de mest använda strategierna var tanken på känslan efteråt och tanken på förväntade resultat. Interventioner för att främja långsiktiga motionsbeteenden bör fokusera på att skapa glädje, välbefinnande och självbestämmande hos individen som leder till högre grad intern motivation som visat sig vara eftersträvansvärt för en fysiskt aktiv livsstil. Framtida studier skulle kunna fördjupa sig mer om hur motivation, barriärer och strategier skiljer sig åt beroende på aktivitetsstadie, genom att utföra ett träningsprojekt med en grupp lågaktiva individer för att kunna jämföra om inställningen skiljer sig åt ju mer fysiskt aktiva de blir. / The purpose of this study was to investigate the degree of internal motivation and external regulation for physical activity that athletes have, and what barriers they perceive to physical activity and what strategies they use to overcome barriers. Background variables were gender and activity stage. The subjects (n=199) in the study were men (n=96) and women (n=103) and all members of fitness centers in Halland. Highly active (n=165) and low-level (n=34). Data collection was done through a test battery consisting of measuring instruments The Behavioral Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire-2, Physical Activity Stages of Change and Exercise Adherence Questionnaire which were handed out at training facilities. The results showed that both high-level (n=165) and low-level (n=34) has a higher degree of internal motivation than external regulation. The most frequent barriers to physical activity were stress / time constraints, lack of motivation and the most frequently used strategies were the idea of feeling afterwards and the idea of expected results. Interventions to promote long-term exercise behaviour should focus on creating happiness, well being and autonomy of the individual that lead to greater internal motivation that proved to be desirable for a physically active lifestyle. Future studies could deepen more in how motivation, barriers and strategies differ depending on activity stage, by performing a training project with a group low-level to compare if the attitudes differ when they get more physical active.

Drivkraft till arbete : En fallstudie om socialsekreterares arbetsmotivation

Udén, Susanna, Sener, Mehtap January 2011 (has links)
Dagens chefer förväntas ofta leda personal anställda av den egna organisationen samtidigt som de ska leda inhyrd personal då användandet av bemanningsföretag har ökat. En stor del av arbetet med att leda anställda innefattar motivationsarbete och för att utföra detta krävs en viss kunskap i ämnet motivation. En väl utformad motivationsstrategi ger inte bara de anställda ett ökat välbefinnande utan gagnar även organisationen genom en effektiviserad produktivitet. För att kunna implementera rätt strategi behöver organisationerna vara medvetna om vilka faktorer som motiverar anställda till arbete. Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva och förklara arbetsmotivationsfaktorer hos socialsekreterare i en storstadskommun. Vidare diskuteras även eventuella likheter och skillnader i motivationsfaktorer mellan socialsekreterare som är tillsvidareanställda av en kommunal verksamhet och socialsekreterare anställda av ett bemanningsföretag. Studien har utförts genom en kvalitativ forskningsansats där sex personer har intervjuats. Resultatet har därefter analyserats med hjälp av Self-determination theory för att besvara studiens frågeställningar. Self-determination theory grundar sig i att individen har tre universella behov, competence, relatedness och autonomy, som bör vara tillfredsställda för att uppnå välmående och skapa intrinsic motivation. De arbetsmotivationsfaktorer som identifierades som mest betydande i studien är feedback, utvecklingsmöjligheter, god relation till chef och kollegor samt inflytande och valfrihet i arbetsuppgifterna. Vidare ansågs lön även vara en arbetsmotivationsfaktor men då endast kortsiktigt. Den tydligaste skillnaden som kan urskiljas är betydelsen av den relation som skapas med organisationens chef och kollegor. De kommunalanställda socialsekreterarna värderar relationen till kollegor högst medan de som är anställda av bemanningsföretaget anser relationen till chefen mer betydande. Sammanfattningsvis ses ett samband mellan de identifierade arbetsmotivationsfaktorerna och de tre behoven. Sambandet talar för att en tillfredsställelse av dessa behov skulle leda till en ökad produktivitet i organisationen.


Jonsson, Linus, Lidén, Ulf January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate to what extent university students are regularly physically active, what motives and barriers they perceive towards exercise and the relationship between motivational profile, self-efficacy and exercise behaviors. A questionnaire including the instruments Physical Activity Stages of Change, BARSE, BREQ-2 and Exercise Adherence Questionnaire was distributed at a university in southern Sweden. The respondents (n = 251) were Men (n = 104) and Women (n = 147). For analysis and processing of the gathered data SPSS was used with One-Way ANOVA, Pearson's r and Regression Analysis. The study showed that 70 percent of the students were regularly physically active. The most common motives for exercise were to improve health and increase physical strength whilst the most frequent barriers were lack of motivation and lack of energy/fatigue. The results also revealed positive correlations between identified regulation, intrinsic regulation, barrier self-efficacy and physical activity.

Ledares uppfattningar av ledarskap. : En kvalitativ studie av motivation, beteende och reglering.

Dinesen, Sanne January 2015 (has links)
Background: Knatteskutt is one of the largest organizations in children's sports. Operations are located in approximately 150 cities / areas and have both sports and dance focus. The children are aged 3-7 years and may try several sports activities or dance styles during the semester, focusing on play and motor skills. All who are leaders at Knatteskutt has undergone Swedish Sports Promotion of Child Leaders Training. There are also regional managers around Sweden is as a sounding board for leaders and as an extended arm between the office and the leaders. Everybody who works as regional manager has been every leader Knatteskutt. Earlier research on the Knatteskutt, according to a search I did on uppsatser.se. Through the study, I wanted to even find out what it is that motivates the leaders of Knatteskutt why it continues to lead the children's sports / dance. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate the leaders' experiences of leadership. To find out the used self-determination theory. Method: A qualitative approach was used to explore the feelings and experiences of the individual. All six interviews stage through Skype where the calls were recorded. Results: The results of the study show that leaders motivated by the children, which means that leaders are driven by internal motivation. Most of the participants agreed that cooperation between the office and the regional manager worked well. But almost all the leaders made comments on how customers improve cooperation. According to my results, it is important to consider when leading sports / dance for children will keep all the leaders agree that you will see all the children, to be clear, flexible, that moment of Knatteskutt should be fun.

Exploring the Motives, Perceptions and Constructed Identities of the Facilitators for One Regional Council of a Positive Youth Development Program: Girls on the Run

Gallentine, Ashley Ann 01 January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore the coaches' perceptions, motives and constructed identities by participating in a regional physical activity-based positive youth development program. There is growing evidence that suggests the success of positive youth development (PYD) programs depend on the environment that is created by caring adult mentors. These coaches are the delivery vehicles for these programs and play an essential role in the development of participating youth. As a result, the characteristics these coaches possess are critical to the success of the PYD implementation. Based on the application of anthropological methods and theory, this study seeks to create a profile of the coaches and propose strategies for recruitment and retention for a regional council of Girls on the Run. The main findings from this study indicate that the coaches' network is strong within this community and contributes the success of the program and its sustainability. These women are driven by altruistic factors to become involved in this program and most were previous volunteers in some capacity (n=12). However, there seems to be an even distribution along the self-determination continuum that motivates them to participate. Intrinsic motivation (n=5), intrinsic motivation driven by external factors (n=5), and extrinsic motivation (n=3). Additionally, these findings can be translated into recommendations for other councils.

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