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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kujichagalia! Self-Determination in Young African American Women With Disabilities during the Transition Process

Gillis, La Tonya L 01 January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the role that self-determination played in the transition process for young African American women with disabilities who exited high school with a special diploma and participated in a local transition program. Factors under study included the young women's autonomy, self-regulation, psychological empowerment, and self-realization (Wehmeyer, 1996). This examination of the perceptions of the transition process of young African American women with disabilities involved in-depth interviews with five young women and their parent or guardian. Additionally, The Arc's Self-Determination Scale (ASDS) and the Parent Self-Determination Practice Survey (PSDPS) were administered to determine the level of self-determination of the young women as well as the level of parental promotion of self-determination. Results showed that the young women were able to use self-determination in a variety of settings. Three of the five student participants demonstrated high levels of self-determination as measured by the ASDS when compared to the normative sample. Also, the parent or guardian of the young women provided multiple opportunities for the young women to practice self-determination in their homes and employment settings. Furthermore, the young women discussed several factors that they perceived to be strengths and challenges to using self-determination throughout and beyond the transition process. The findings have implications for school systems, social service agencies, and parents and guardians.

The theme of self-realization in four of Henrik Ibsen's plays

Jacobs, Elizabeth, 1913- January 1937 (has links)
No description available.

Moterų savirealizacijos galimybės klubinėje veikloje / Possibilities of women self-realization in club activity

Lipkevičiūtė, Milda 16 August 2007 (has links)
Tiek pasauliniame, tiek Europos, tiek ir Lietuvos kontekste pastaruoju metu pastebimas ženklus moterų aktyvumo padidėjimas. Moterys nesitenkina vien tik žmonos ar mamos vaidmeniu. Šiandieną jos sėkmingai daro karjerą, tobulina profesines žinias, aktyviai dalyvauja visuomeniniame bei politiniame gyvenime. Lietuvos smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo plėtros agentūros duomenimis, pastaraisiais metais didėja ir auga moterų verslininkių vaidmuo ekonomikoje. Spėjama, kad moterų kūrybiškumas ir verslo potencialas yra užslėptas ekonominio augimo ir naujų darbo vietų kūrimo šaltinis. Būdamos užimtos verslu, karjera, šeima ir namais - moterys dar sugeba rasti laiko ir savo profesinių žinių tobulinimui, bendravimui, patirties pasidalijimu su kitomis moterimis klubinėje veikloje. Verslo bei sėkmingai karjerą darančios moterys yra dar labiau užimtos nei verslininkai vyrai, tad įdomu, kaip joms pavyksta atrasti laiko dar ir klubinei veiklai, ir ko jos siekia šioje veikloje. Šiame darbe siekta išsiaiškinti LIONS moterų klubo narių nuomonę apie moterų savirealizacijos galimybes klubinėje veikloje. / In today's World, Europe and even Lithuania context we see a very noticeable women activity. Nowadays it is not enough for them to take care of the house and children, to study at universities, to run their own business. Women take part in different political or social organizations, associations and clubs. What are their expectations? Having so little free time, they waste it on improving our imperfect world. And they have been doing it for more than two hundred years, since one of the earliest and most influential of women's clubs Sorosis was founded in New York City in 1868. As there were no studies in women's club movement in Lithuania, this paper aims to find out what are the expectations of women self-realization and self-actualization, and how they could be fulfilled participating in club activity.

Empowerment : a multi-level process

Eylon, Dafna 11 1900 (has links)
The term "empowerment" is frequently used by organizational researchers, management practitioners, and consultants. However, despite the popularity of the term, there is a lack of empirical work and no generally accepted definition. As part of a thorough multi-disciplinary literature review, fourteen different conceptualizations for the term empowerment were discovered and classified into four categories: Micro (intra-psychic), Meso (relational-interactive), Macro (structural), and Misnomer (bogus). As a result of this work, both a new definition and a multi-level process model of empowerment are offered. Empowerment is defined here as an enhancing and energizing context specific process that expands an individual's power and feelings of trust, is usually facilitated by another, and results in increased levels of self-esteem, self-efficacy and other characteristics related to personal growth and control, which eventually lead to outcomes such as performance and satisfaction. The proposed multi-level process model postulates that the process of empowerment is driven by changes in information, responsibility, and active belief, and mediated by intra-psychic factors. This model was empirically tested in a between-subject, pre-test, post-test simulation design. Over a period of three weeks 135 graduate students completed a novel application of in-basket exercises, within which an empowerment manipulation was embedded. This manipulation included increasing information, responsibility, and active belief for the empowered manipulation and decreasing these three components for the disempowered manipulation. Multivariate analysis of variance revealed that, as predicted, the manipulation had a significant impact on the three mediating intra-psychic factors (self-efficacy, self-esteem, and locus of control) and an analysis of variance found significant results in the predicted direction on the dependent variable of job satisfaction. Regression analyses revealed the predicted mediation relationship between the intra-psychic variables and the dependent variable of job satisfaction. However, none of the analyses yielded significant results for the performance measures (initiative, sensitivity, planning and organizing, delegation, administrative control, problem analysis, judgement, and decisiveness). Several potential explanations are offered for these results, including a motivational interpretation which focuses on participant's motivation directionality. Theoretical and practical implications for these results are discussed as well as directions for future research.

Asmens vertingumo įsisąmoninimas ir aktualizacija / Awareness and Actualisation of a Person’s Value

Sapožnikova, Alina 16 August 2007 (has links)
Tyrimo rezultatai. Darbo eigoje išryškėjo, jog asmens vertingumą lemia ne tik jo vertybinė orientacija, bet gebėjimas įžvelgti savyje, kartu ir kitame žmoguje, asmenį, ne tik suvokti, bet aktyviai, atsakingai kurti save ir plėtoti tarpusavio santykius. Reikia teigti ne vien objektyvią tiesą, pagal fiziologinius, instrumentinius ar kitus matus, bet pastebėti žmogiškosios prigimties aktualizacijos prasmę bei jos vystymosi galimybes atskirose asmenyse, pastebėti dabar integralaus „Aš” ir „Tu” esatį bei ją suvokus brandinti. Asmens vertingumą apibūdina ne jo geri įpročiai, bet sąmoningi ir aktualūs veiksmai skirti asmeniui. Prasmingiau būtų kalbėti apie įgūdžius. Taip pat asmens vertingumą labiau apibūdina ne patys veiksmai, bet jų darymo vidinė motyvacija, grįsta savęs bei kito įvertinimu. Taigi tikslinant hipotezę, galima suformuluoti tezę: Asmens vertingumas yra asmens savikūra remiantis žmogiškosios prigimties duotybe, vykdoma sąmoningai, sąveikaujant su kitais asmenimis bei nukreipta į asmenį. Ši tezė suformuluota analizuojant E. S. Brightman‘o, M. Buber��io, E. Mounier ir J. Lacroix poziciją asmens atžvilgiu. Jos pagrindu tirti psichologiniai bei sociologiniai asmens vertingumo įsisąmoninimo ir aktualizacijos ypatumai. Apžvelgiant A.H. Maslow’o, C. R. Rogers’o, G. W. Allport’o, E. Fromm’o, V. E. Frankl’io požiūrį į asmenį (saviaktualizaciją, besąlygišką pagarbą, propriumą, moralinį aspektą, prasmę), išryškintos esminės asmens struktūros –... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The study is based on the personalistic point of view and the evaluation of a person. The theme of self-developing, conscious actualisation of man’s value without loss of human nature is a matter of great relevance of modern-day problems, such as lack of opportunity and ability to live humanly, loneliness, every kind of national, cultural conflict, war etc. In this work the essence and features of a person’s value, and the sense of the process of this consciousness and actualisation are analysed. In this study God’s presence is not denied, but the religious question is not touched. To reach the aim, the work starts with the foundation of the theme on philosophical arguments. E. S. Brightman’s, M. Buber’s, E. Mounier’s, J. Lacroix’s explanations of the person are investigated and a thesis is formulated: The value of person is his self - creation based on human nature, pursued consciously, in relationship with others and always oriented towards the person. Secondly, the evaluation of psychological humanistic approach to the person was analysed. Emphasis was placed upon the individual continuous effort of attention to a person, moral relationship, connection of understanding, memory, fantasy with a man’s value, exact action and at the same time unlimited love and maturity. Self- esteem is grounded on objective evaluation of person and his actualisation together with others. The third part is dedicated to discussion about social issues (political... [to full text]

Koncertinė veikla - muzikos mokyklos pradinių klasių mokinių muzikinę kultūrą ugdantis veiksnys / Performing activity – musical culture training factor of primary class in music school

Miliuvienė, Jolana 16 August 2007 (has links)
Pradinis muzikinis ugdymas yra ypatingos reikšmės vaiko muzikinės kultūros formavimo etapas. Muzika labai glaudžiai siejasi su emocijomis, kurios užima aktualią vietą jaunesniajame mokykliniame amžiuje. Svarbu nepervertinti pradinuk�� galimybių, atsižvelgti į jų ugdymo ypatumus, smalsumą ir žingeidumą, patenkinti šiuos poreikius, įtraukiant vaikus į muzikinę veiklą. Veikla gali būti įvairi. Muzikos mokykloje vaikams aktuali yra koncertinė veikla, kuri padeda tobulėti, leidžia save išreikšti, labiau pažinti muzikos kalbą ir yra vienas muzikinės kultūros ugdymo veiksnių. Deja, ne visi vaikai turi galimybę save išreikšti koncertinėje veikloje, nes dažniausiai koncertams ruo��iami gabesnieji, o mažiau gabiems lieka tik muzikavimas klasėje. Taip pat trūksta ir koncertų jaunesnių klasių vaikams, kad atitiktų jų amžiaus tarpsnį ir paskatintų dažniau juose lankytis. Pasinaudojant vaikų aktyviu domėjimusi aplinka, jų emocionalumu, būtina mokymo procesą daugiau organizuoti per veiklą, įtraukiant į ją ne tik labai gabius bet ir silpnesnių muzikinių gabumų vaikus bei skatinti dažniau lankytis koncertuose – tai aktuali pedagoginė problema. Tyrimo tikslas. Ištirti koncertinės veiklos įtaką muzikos mokyklos pradinių klasių mokinių muzikinės kultūros ugdymui. Tyrimo objektas. Muzikos mokyklos pradinių klasių mokinių koncertinės veiklos poveikis jų muzikinės kultūros ugdymui. Tyrimo hipotezė – mokinių koncertinė veikla teigiamai veikia... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Primary musical training is the exclusive stage in forming the child,s musical culture. Music is very closely related with emotions which are very important in the junior school years. It is important not to overestimate young learners possibilities taking into consideration the training peculiarities, curiosity, to satisfy these needs, involving children to musical activity. This activity can be various. Prforming activity is very important to children in the music school which helps them to improve, gives opportunities for self-exprssion, to know better the music language and it is one of musical culture training factor. Unfortunately, not all the children has a possibility of self-axpression in the performing activity because usually more gifted pupils are prepared to take part in concerts suitable for their age and inducing to take part in them as well. It is necessary to organize the learning process through the activity involving to it not only very gifted pupils, but less gifted to music pupils as well, and to induce them to attend concerts more often. It is very urgent pedagogical problem. The research aim is to investigate the influence of performing activity to musical culture training of primary class pupils in music school. The research objekt is performing activity of primary class pupils in music school. The research hypothesis – pupils performing activity has a positive effect on children,s musical culture training, induces them to attend cultural events... [to full text]

Feminine self-consciousness in the works of Margaret Laurence

Tremblay, Anne January 1976 (has links)
No description available.

Depression : vor tidsalders vrangside

Petersen, Anders January 2007 (has links)
What are the social conditions that enable depression to play a significant societal role in contemporary Western societies? This is the leading question of the dissertation. As an alternative to those who claim that contemporary depression is constructed by the exorbitant consumption of antidepressants, it is stated that both depression and the consumption of antidepressants is possible due to contemporary social conditions. Inspired by the analysis of modernity by Wagner, and on the basis of the theoretical concept of third modernity as proposed by Carleheden, it is claimed that an ethical conduct of life that demands authentic self-realization has been institutionalised in our historical epoch. By analysing how authentic self-realization is being realized in the new spirit of capitalism (Boltanski & Chiapello), it is being concluded that the socializing parameters of third modernity are those of being able to be active, flexible, polyvalent, adaptable, versatile etc. selves. Hence, authentic self-realization in imbued with these normative demands. In relation to the phenomenon of depression this is interesting, because contemporary depression can be understood, not as a subjective condition, but as a phenomenon of lack. What is being applauded in the society of today is just what depressive individuals lack, namely the ability to act in accordance with the normative claims of self-realization. Depressed individuals are in that sense failed selves (Ehrenberg) who represent and informs us about the “other side” of contemporary normative self-realization requirements. In other words: Within present-day society the institutionalized demands for authentic self-realization and depression have become each others antithesis. This socially demanded form of self-realization – which is put under the scrutiny of normative critique (Taylor) – is thus exactly what allows for depression to play such a significant role in present-day Western societies.

Labors of authenticity the function of spirituality and the construction of selfhood in the American business /

LoRusso, James Dennis. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Georgia State University, 2007. / Description based on contents viewed Feb. 15, 2008. Christopher White, committee chair; Timothy Renick, Louis Ruprecht, Jr., committee members. Title from file title page. Electronic text (43 p.) : digital, PDF file. Includes bibliographical references.

Silencing the self and its relation to physical illness.

McCance, Nicole. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of Toronto, 2006. / Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 44-06, page: 3001.

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