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Il volto europeo del reato di negazionismo tra richieste di incriminazione UE e principi fondamentali CEDULobba, Paolo 04 May 2015 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit analysiert den Umgang mit dem Tatbestand der Holocaust-Leugnung durch die Europäische Union (EU) und den Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte (EGMR). Derzeit befinden sich diese in einer heiklen Situation: Sie müssen das Gedenken an ein für die europäische Identität zentrales historisches Ereignis – den Holocaust – pflegen und schützen und zugleich die Achtung der Grundrechte, insbesondere der Meinungsfreiheit, gewährleisten. Diese besondere Situation erfordert eine gründliche Untersuchung des europäischen Umgangs mit dem Tatbestand der Holocaust-Leugnung. Der erste Teil der Dissertation steckt den Anwendungsbereich der europarechtlichen Verpflichtungen zur Kriminalisierung der Holocaust-Leugnung ab. Bewertet wird insbesondere die Bedeutung des Rahmenbeschlusses 2008/913/JHA über Rassismus und Fremdenfeindlichkeit für die EU-Mitgliedstaaten. Dabei werden einige Beispiele der Umsetzung in staatliches Recht dargestellt. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit befasst sich mit der Rechtsprechung des EGMR und untersucht das Verhältnis zwischen dem Tatbestand der Holocaust-Leugnung und der Meinungsfreiheit mit dem Ziel, die Grundsätze, nach denen Staaten verpflichtet sind, entsprechende Äußerungen zu kriminalisieren, herzuleiten. Die übergreifenden Ziele der Untersuchung sind: a) den Charakter des Zusammenspiels zwischen EU und EGMR herauszuarbeiten; b) zu ermitteln, ob die jeweiligen Positionen gegensätzlich oder komplementär sind; c) die Rechtsnatur und den Inhalt der für die Mitgliedstaaten begründeten Verpflichtungen zu bestimmen; d) herauszuarbeiten, ob eine europaweite Kriminalisierung verpflichtend ist oder lediglich gefördert werden soll; und e) ob beziehungsweise unter welchen Bedingungen ein mit Kriminalstrafe sanktioniertes Verbot der Holocaust-Leugnung erstrebenswert wäre. / The present study aims to analyse the legal treatment of the crime of denialism by the two main actors in European justice, namely, the European Union (‘EU’) and the European Court of Human Rights (‘ECtHR’). Presently, these two systems find themselves in a delicate position: they must cherish and protect the memory of an historical event – the Holocaust – which is central to Europe’s own identity, while simultaneously promoting respect for fundamental rights such as the freedom of speech. This unique balance raises a need for a thorough investigation into Europe’s approach to the crime of denialism. The dissertation’s first section seeks to measure the scope of EU-imposed obligations to make denialism a crime. Notably, the impact on EU Member States of the Framework Decision 2008/913/JHA on racism and xenophobia is assessed, with illustrations of a few archetypal examples of domestic implementing legislation. The second part of the dissertation turns to the jurisprudence of the ECtHR to examine the relationship between Holocaust denial as a crime and the right to freedom of expression, with a view to deducing the principles under which States must comply in the criminalization of this kind of utterance. The work’s overall goals are to assess: a) the nature of interactions between the EU and ECtHR; b) whether their positions on denialism are better portrayed in terms of contrast or mutual support; c) the legal nature and content of the obligations originating for the Member States; d) whether a Europe-wide criminal prohibition on denialism is dictated or simply encouraged; and e) whether such a prohibition would be desirable, and if so, under what conditions.
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Etre juif à Lyon de l'avant-guerre à la libération / Being a Jew in Lyon : from the pre-war years to the LiberationAltar, Sylvie 05 October 2016 (has links)
Le cadre global des persécutions juives en France, les mécanismes de la Shoah sont largement connus. Sur 330 000 Juifs qui vivaient France en 1940, 80 000 ont été victimes des persécutions d’État et des déportations. En deçà de cette histoire nationale, André Kaspi s’étonne en 1991 que des centres aussi importants que Lyon, Toulouse, Grenoble n’aient pas fait l’objet d’étude attentive et scientifique (Les Juifs pendant l’Occupation, Édition du Seuil, 1991, 150 p.). Les travaux locaux ont comblé ce manque depuis. Mais le déroulement sur le terrain au quotidien, au « ras des individus », mérite encore de faire l’objet de nouvelles investigations, sans perdre de vue la diversité des situations que l’on soit de part et d’autre de la ligne de démarcation. Lyon, en zone libre jusqu’en novembre 1942, n’est pas à considérer comme Paris occupée dès juin 1940. Dans cette étude nous n’avons eu de cesse de nous interroger sur ce qui fait les spécificités de Lyon. Globalement le sort des Juifs dans la capitale des Gaules a été proche de leurs coreligionnaires de la zone sud. Toutefois, écrire l’histoire des Juifs à Lyon de l’avant-guerre à la Libération, revient à s’intéresser à des itinéraires de vie et de survie dans une ville dont certaines caractéristiques lui sont propres. L’histoire des Juifs à Lyon de l’avant-guerre à la Libération, en plus de parler de la Shoah dans la cité rhodanienne, cherche à raconter les ondes de choc d’une Europe en guerre sur les individus pour comprendre ce qui leur arrive. C’est en étant plus attentifs au tissu de la vie quotidienne, dans sa diversité individuelle que nous nous proposons dans cette étude de restituer la dimension humaine d’un monde qui a été au bord du gouffre. / The global framework of the Jew's persecutions in France as well as the mechanisms of the Shoah are widely known. 80 000 Jews out of the 330 000 who were living in France in 1940 have been the victims of state persecutions and deportations. On this side of this national history, Andre Kaspi was surprised in 1991 at seeing that cities as populated as Lyon, Toulouse or Grenoble had not been given an active and scientific consideration (Les Juifs pendant l'Occupation, Édition du seuil, 1991, 150 p.). Local research have since then enabled to address this lack. However, the daily course of operations, as close as possible to each individual, still deserves to be submitted to new investigations, without losing sight of the diversity of situations on both sides of the line of demarcation. The city of Lyon, which was within the unoccupied zone until November 1942, is not to be compared with the city of Paris which had been occupied from June 1940.In this essay, we kept wondering about the causes related to the specificities of the city of Lyon. On the whole, the fate of the Jews in the capital of the Gauls was almost the same as for their co-religionists in the south zone. Nevertheless, writing about the history of the Jews in Lyon from the pre-war years to the Liberation comes down to taking an interest in different journeys though life and survival within a city which has its own features.Besides tackling the Shoah in the Rhone city of Lyon, the history of the Jews in Lyon from the pre-war years to the Liberation, also aims at telling about the shock waves experienced by individuals in a Europe in war and perceiving what was happening to them. By paying more attention to the fabric of daily life seen in its individual diversity, we thereby intend to reconstruct the human dimension of a world which was once on the brink of the abyss.
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Tödlicher Hass: Antisemitismus und Judenverfolgung in Dresden 1933–1945Schmeitzner, Mike 31 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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'More than America': some New Zealand responses to American culture in the mid-twentieth century.Whitcher, Gary Frederick January 2011 (has links)
This thesis focuses on a transformational but disregarded period in New Zealand’s twentieth century history, the era from the arrival of the Marines in 1942 to the arrival of Rock Around the Clock in 1956. It examines one of the chief agents in this metamorphosis: the impact of American culture. During this era the crucial conduits of that culture were movies, music and comics. The aims of my thesis are threefold: to explore how New Zealanders responded to this cultural trinity, determine the key features of their reactions and assess their significance.
The perceived modernity and alterity of Hollywood movies, musical genres such as swing, and the content and presentation of American comics and ‘pulps’, became the sources of heated debate during the midcentury. Many New Zealanders admired what they perceived as the exuberance, variety and style of such American media. They also applauded the willingness of the cultural triptych to appropriate visual, textual and musical forms and styles without respect for the traditional classifications of cultural merit. Such perceived standards were based on the privileged judgements of cultural arbiters drawn from members of New Zealand’s educational and civic elites. Key figures within these elites insisted that American culture was ‘low’, inferior and commodified, threatening the dominance of a sacrosanct, traditional ‘high’culture. Many of them also maintained that these American cultural imports endangered both the traditionally British nature of our cultural heritage, and New Zealand’s distinctively ‘British’ identity.
Many of these complaints enfolded deeper objections to American movies, music and literary forms exemplified by comics and pulps. Significant intellectual and civic figures portrayed these cultural modes as pernicious and malignant, because they were allegedly the product of malignant African-American, Jewish and capitalist sources, which threatened to poison the cultural and social values of New Zealanders, especially the young. In order to justify such attitudes, these influential cultural guardians portrayed the general public as an essentially immature, susceptible, unthinking and puritanical mass. Accordingly, this public, supposedly ignorant of the dangers posed by American culture, required the intervention and protection of members of this elite.
Responses to these potent expressions of American culture provide focal points which both illuminate and reflect wider social, political and ideological controversies within midcentury New Zealand. Not only were these reactions part of a process of comprehension and negotiation of new aesthetic styles and media modes. They also represent an arena of public and intellectual contention whose significance has been neglected or under-valued. New Zealanders’ attitudes towards the new cinematic, literary and musical elements of American culture occurred within a rich and revealing socio-political and ideological context. When we comment on that culture we reveal significant features of our own national and cultural selves.
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