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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fler friande än fällande domar i våldtäktsmål : Vilka är orsakerna bakom den ökade friandefrekvensen vid våldtäkt? / More acquittals than convictions in rape cases : What are the reasons behind the increased frequency of rape case acquittals?

Linneheden, Nelly January 2015 (has links)
Våldtäkt är ett av de mest kränkande sexualbrotten en enskild individ kan utsättas för och en grundläggande uppgift för samhället är att skydda både vuxna och barn mot alla former av sexuella kränkningar. Den svenska sexualbrottslagstiftningen har blivit föremål för frekventa reformer i syfte att stärka detta skydd, men trots alla försök har utvecklingen inte gått i önskad riktning vad gäller våldtäktsbrottet. Under de senaste decennierna har det skett en dramatisk ökning av våldtäktsanmälningarna bland annat på grund av att kvinnor blivit mer benägna att anmäla olika typer av våldtäkter, utöver sådana som sker under överfallsliknande former. Kvinnor har exempelvis blivit allt mer benägna att anmäla våldtäkter som begås inom en relation, våldtäkter utan några fysiska skador, uppraggningsvåldtäkter och våldtäkter där kvinnan själv varit berusad vid övergreppstillfället. De flesta brottmål som resulterar i att åklagaren beslutar att väcka åtal leder också till fällande dom. I jämförelse med sexualbrotten är det generellt mindre än fem procent av åtalen som ogillas helt av domstolen. Tyvärr är statistiken inte lika godartad vid våldtäkt, där friandefrekvensen är betydligt högre idag. Andelen friande domar har stigit markant under det senaste decenniet, särskilt i mål där brist på konkret bevisning ger upphov till en ord-mot-ordsituation, det vill säga där parternas utsagor utgör den enda bevisningen. Under år 2013 anmäldes 17 700 sexualbrott, varav 6000 av dessa rubricerades som våldtäkt. Trots en högre anmälningsbenägenhet bland kvinnor ser vi en utveckling där antalet fällande domar står i tydlig disproportion till antalet våldtäktsanmälningar. Enligt statistiken är det endast 200 av cirka 6000 våldtäktsanmälningar som varje år leder till fällande dom. Trenden är således att fler tilltalade frias än fälls i våldtäktsmål. Mot denna bakgrund är syftet med uppsatsen att med tillämpning av den rättsdogmatiska metoden kartlägga och analysera gällande rätt för att belysa de orsaker som kan tänkas ligga till grund för den ökade friandefrekvensen vid våldtäkt.

Sexualbrott, gärningsman, barn : - En studie i sexualbrottslagstiftningen

Andersson, Madeleine January 2011 (has links)
Abstract   The law in sexual crimeis one of the most important sections in law that we have for the legalsecurity in relation to the victims. It took many years before Sweden began toactively examine how our laws were designed in this area, but throughout the2000s, several reforms have taken place. These have in turn led to SOU 2010:71,the inquiry is for us to have a new sexual offenses law again January 1st 2012.   The major reform took place in 2005,which would change the whole structure of Sexual Crimes Act by the new Chapter6. The goal here was to increase the protection of children victims of sexualabuse of any kind. Furthermore, they changed the term "sexualrelations" to "sexual conduct" throughout the entire chapter 6.The reason for this was that the former term is considered to be misinterpretedthat an assault could be seen as mutual. More thoughts how to design the lawwas presented in this reform, which may cause us to get one with acomprehensive legislation in this area.     An organization that has been givena voice in the legislative process is ECPAT, which actively works for increasedprotection for children who are sexually abused and sexually exploited. Theirexamination of draft laws has led to the seen several loopholes and enforcementproblems that need attention, to the Act must be better protected than it isfor the moment is. A major problem they see in the distinction in terms ofprotection for children up to 17 years, where it appears that we just have anabsolute protection for children up to 12-13 years of age, this must beaddressed to children should not go overlooked in the sections of law.     ECPAT also makes parallels in itsresponse to the big pimping scandal that took place in Malmo in year 2010. Theypressed on several points that indicate gaps in current legislation and that itcan be clearly inferred from the judgments of the target in question. That thisshould be taken seriously, there is no doubt, especially as Sweden also beencriticized for lack of adequate training for our judges and courts. In severalEuropean countries have special courts and specially trained judges in suchcases and it is something that we in Sweden should introduce immediately, to increaselegal protection to people who have been sexually abused.

Sexualbrottslagstiftningen : En diskursanalys som undersöker varför sexualbrottslagstiftningen behöver justeras

Vikenfalk, Amanda January 2014 (has links)
This study examines why the Swedish sexual offences legislation is in need of adjustment. This study uses Carol Lee Bacchis’ method – “what’s the problem represented to be” – in order to analyze two of the three problem statements. The third problem statement is connected to Chantal Mouffes’ theory regarding depoliticisation. The empirical data includes two debates on the Swedish sexual offences legislation. The debates were conducted on May 22nd 2013 and May 27th 2014. The study concludes that the issue of consent is a reoccurring one in the debate regarding the sexual offences legislation, and the reason for continuous adjustment of the legislation is due to the perceived lack of enforcement. The study also shows that there’s a problem of sexual consensus in the legislation as political parties tend to argue for an enforcement of said legislation but subsequently voting against it. / Denna studie undersöker varför sexualbrottslagstiftningen behöver justeras. I studien används Carol Lee Bacchis metod ”what’s the problem represented to be” för att få svar på två av tre frågeställningar. Den tredje frågan är kopplad till Chantal Mouffes teori kring politik. Det empiriska materialet som används i studien är två debatter som diskuteras i riksdagen där sexualbrottslagstiftningen diskuterades. Debatterna genomfördes 22 maj 2013 och 27 maj 2014. Undersökningen visar att samtyckesfrågan är något som ständigt kommer på tal i debatten kring sexualbrottslagstiftningen och att anledningen till justeringarna i sexualbrottslagstiftningen beror på att lagen upplevs aldrig bli tillräckligt skärpt eller effektiv. Undersökning visar även att det råder en konsensusproblematik i sexualbrottslagstiftningen då vissa partier argumenterar för en skärpning av lagstiftningen men ändå vid röstningen röstar emot förslaget.

Vilken väg ska lagen gå? : Den svenska sexualbrottslagstiftningen ur ett historieinstitutionalistiskt perspektiv

Ström, Lovisa January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine how and why a law of consent has been able to gain support among Swedish parties and most Swedish legislators. The question about what should be defined as consensual sexual acts and not have been frequently discussed in Swedish media and the political sphere during the last few years. Women’s interest associations have been urging Swedish lawmakers to institute a law of consent. According to Swedish law, those who have physically forced or threatened someone into having sexual intercourse meet juridical consequences. The theory of historical institutionalism points out that institutions, such as laws, often change marginally and not dramatically. This seems to apply also in the Swedish case of lawmaking. At the end of 1998, the ruling social democratic parliament appointed a committee to investigate whether and how a law of consent should be implemented in Swedish law. Different parliaments have since discussed this issue and the law of consent has not gained support, until now. In 2014, a committee consisting of representatives of all governing parties concluded that a law of consent should reimburse current law. This thesis will show that the law of consent was able to gain support due to incremental change of the institution. It also considers how ideas provoke actors to act for change, if existing institutions fail to fulfill their purposes.

Ett förändrat arbete med sexualbrott? : Kan det ökade antalet fällande domar sedan samtyckeslagens införande förklaras av nya arbetssätt och synsätt hos polisen?

Albertsson, Matilda January 2020 (has links)
The Swedish sexual consent legislation was introduced in July 1, 2018. The government bill that the sexual consent law was based on declared that sexual relations should be voluntary and that sexual offences are an expression of disrespect of a person’s sexual integrity. The bill stated that a law based on consent in a more distinct way could meet this need. The purpose of this study is to investigate if the increased number of rape convictions, since the introduction of the law, can be explained by a change in the work with and attitude towards sexual offences by the police. To achieve this, in-depth interviews with policemen have been conducted. The study shows that some parts of the work with and attitude towards sexual offences can be directly connected to the sexual consent legislation. Other parts are indirectly connected, and some parts cannot be connected at all. Overall, it can be said that the changes that are described in this study can in some respects be connected to the sexual consent law. The result therefore suggests that the increased number of rape convictions since the sexual consent law could be explained by a change in the work with and attitude towards sexual offences by the police.

Sexuellt vilseledande, gränsen för våldtäkt

Adbo, Rebecca January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Betyder nej äntligen nej? : En utvärdering av den nya samtyckeslagen

Triumf, Andreas January 2021 (has links)
I denna uppsats undersöker jag hur det nyligen tillkomna rekvisitet i våldtäktslagstiftningen, frivillighetsrekvisitet, har behandlats av rättstillämparen. Detta genom att undersöka hur domstolarna har bedömt de objektiva såväl som de subjektiva rekvisiten. Underlaget för denna granskning har varit ett antal av de avgöranden där den tilltalade har blivit fälld för det nya brottet grovt oaktsam våldtäkt. Vad jag har funnit är att det finns en viss diskrepans mellan domstolarnas bedömning av brottsoffret bristande frivillighet i den sexuella handlingen, och gärningsmannens uppsåt till densamma. Domstolarna kan väldigt lätt avgöra att brottsoffrets deltagande inte har varit frivilligt, men vid bedömning av gärningsmannens skuld har de i vissa fall enbart ansett denne vara oaktsam. Det är min mening att domstolarna i de fallen inte har gjort en fullgod bedömning av om gärningsmannen haft likgiltighetsuppsåt.

Offer och trovärdighet : En studie om hur offer och trovärdighet konstrueras efter införandet av den nya sexualbrottslagen / Victims and credibility : A study about how victims and credibility are constructed after the new sexual offence law

Höglund, Kerstin January 2018 (has links)
Abstract This study aims to describe and analyse how victims and credibility are constructed in the government bill and verdicts concerning the new sexual offence law in Sweden that became effective 1 July 2018. A qualitative content analyse has been used to answer the purpose of the study and the result has been analysed using Christies theory of the ideal victim. The results show that the construction of the victim is not consistent with Christies theory of the ideal victim. If the victim has acted with resistance is no longer considered significant. The perpetrator is described to have responsibility to assure that the victim participated with free will. However, victim reactions after the assault are described as important for the victims credibility. The victim is constructed as more credible if acting with sadness, crying and being jumpy. Results also show that it is important for the credibility that the victim leaves a consistent, truthful story and make a clear distinction of what is a clear memory and what is unsure. The main finding is that there has been a change in how the victim is constructed and what is needed for the victim to seem as credible.

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