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Neįgalių asmenų įsidarbinimo galimybės aptarnavimo sferoje / Possibility of disabled people to work in the service domainIvanauskaitė, Irma 28 June 2006 (has links)
There are choice aspects of disabled people, of them profession territory in the post – graduate. There are introduced with resolve and possibility of disabled people to work in the service domain. There are used these systems of the investigation – analysis of scientific literature, questionnaire of disabled people, data – processing of statistics. There are data – processing of questionnaire, conclusion of one hundred forty at work with physically and mentally disabled people. We can arque, that: · There are a lot of disabled people, who want work in the service domain, but there are little people, who work in the service domain in Lithuania. · For a lot of disabled people job is not values, because, if they would have climate, want take of. · A lot of examine people, who have a profession, a job pick not in the service domain.
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Įvaizdis kaip rinkimų kovos įrankis / Image as a powerful tool in successful electionsTylaitė, Miglė 23 June 2014 (has links)
Šio darbo objektas – politikų kuriamas įvaizdis rinkimų metu. Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti įvaizdį kaip rinkimų kovos įrankį. Darbo uždaviniai: ištirti politiko įvaizdžio reikšmę rinkimuose; išanalizuoti žiniasklaidos svarbą politinėje komunikacijoje; išnagrinėti auditorijos skilimo priežastis ir įtaką politinei komunikacijai; ištirti įvaizdžio svarbą ir įvaizdžio kūrimo procesą šalies praktikoje. Darbe keliamos prielaidos, kad įvykus technologinei medijų kaitai, pakito žiniasklaidos vartojimo įpročiai, jų turinys, o žiniasklaidą kaip pagrindinį kanalą politinei komunikacijai išnaudojantys politikai susidūrė su problema, kokį savo įvaizdį kurti, kad jis sudomintų ne tik kuo daugiau skilusių auditorijų, bet ir prisitaikytų prie pakitusio žiniasklaidos priemonių turinio. Stengdamiesi prisitaikyti prie skirtingų auditorijų, politikai ima komunikuoti skirtingus savo įvaizdžio aspektus, formuoti skirtingus pranešimus, neretai net vienas kitam prieštaraujančius. Politiko įvaizdis praranda vientisumą. Prielaidoms patikrinti darbe atlikta mokslinės literatūros analizė, taikant analitinį, loginės analizės metodą, taip pat atliktas tyrimas - kokybinis ekspertų interviu. Darbe prieita prie išvados, kad įvaizdis yra pagrindinis rinkimų kovos įrankis, susidedantis iš politiko įvaizdžio politiniame kontekste ir jo asmeninio įvaizdžio. Išanalizavus žiniasklaidos svarbą politinėje komunikacijoje, prieita prie išvados, kad jos, kaip pagrindinio kanalo, būtinybę nurodo ne tik teoretikai, bet... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The main goal of the thesis was to analize image as a powerful tool in successful elections. Importance of political image, its creation stages was analyzed in this thesis. According to the Public split theory, assumptions were made that after media had changed technologically, the public split, its consumptional habits changed, turning back from mass to individual. The hypothesis of this thesis was that changing of media made impact to split political image. The tasks for reaching this purpose was: to analyze importance of image in the elections; to analyze the importance of media in political communication; to research causes of the audiences split and their influence to political communication. There were several methods used in the thesis: method of comparative analysis and theoretical literature contents; quality interviews of Public Relations experts, who participated in creating image of different politicians and shaped their electoral campaigns. To achieve the goal of this work and to verify the hypothesis, several tasks were formed: to study the image as the main tool of struggle in the political communication in Lithuania; to study means of image creation in the country; to evaluate the integrity and effectiveness of the political image; to study the importance of the image and creative process in practice. The research performed and theoretical material analyzed proved the importance of the political image, named the stages and means of its creation, pointed the... [to full text]
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Transformacije gradskog bloka i tranzicioni prostori u XX i početkom XXI veka – ideali i ideje o gradu / Transformation of urban block and transitional spaces in XX century and at beginning of XXI century – ideals and ideas of cityMaraš Igor 19 September 2014 (has links)
<p>U radu su istražene transformacije gradskog bloka tokom XX i početkom XXI veka. U cilju razumevanja ovih procesa i načina na koji arhitektonski sklopovi predstavljaju određene socijalne, društvene vrednosti kroz prostor, proučeni su različiti aspekti tih odnosa kao što su veze između određenih arhitektonskih i urbanističkih modela i društvenih okolnosti u kojima nastaju, kao i veze određenih modela življenja i prostornih sklopova kroz njihove uzore i tehnike nastajanja. Razumevanje odnosa između različitih prostornih nivoa, na vrstu i prirodu tranzicije između javnog, privatnog i kolektivnog, gde se gradski blok i njegove transformacije pojavljuju kao glavno mesto, polje tih odnosa čini značajan deo ovog rada.</p> / <p>This thesis explores the transformation of a urban block in the XX and at beginning XXI century. In order to understand these processes and the ways in which architectural assemblies represent certain social values through space, this thesis explores and identifies various aspects of these relations as links between specific architectural and urban models and social circumstances in which they occur, it also define relationship between certain models of living and spatial configarations through their ideals and techniques of becoming. Understanding the relationships between different spatial levels, the type and nature of the transition between the public, private and collective, where transformations of urban block apperes as the main place of these relationships is also important part of this thesis.</p>
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Rėmimo organizavimo ypatumai paslaugų sferoje AB „TEO LT“ pavyzdžiu / Peculiarities of Sponsorship Arrangement in Services Sector Following AB “TEO LT” ExampleAlksnytė, Rita 16 August 2007 (has links)
Alksnytė, R. Rėmimo organizavimo ypatumai paslaugų sferoje AB „TEO LT“ pavyzdžiu: magistro darbas/vadovas doc. Dr. V. Dubinas; Šiaulių universitetas, Vadybos katedra,- Šiauliai, 2007. Šiame darbe buvo atliktos teorinės rėmimo organizavimo ypatumų tyrimų studijos, parinkta rėmimo organizavimo ypatumų tyrimo metodika, adaptuota praktikos lygmenyje, pateikiant atitinkamų tyrimo rezultatų analizę ir interpretaciją. Darbą sudaro teorinė rėmimo ir reklamos analizė, ekspertų požiūrio į rėmimo organizavimo ypatumus tyrimas, vartotojų požiūrio į rėmimo organizavimo ypatumus tyrimas, išvados ir pasiūlymai. Atliekant teorinę rėmimo organizavimo analizę, buvo atliktos užsienio ir Lietuvos mokslinių darbų, nagrinėjančių rėmimo organizavimą, studijos. Vykdant ekspertų tyrimą, buvo atlikta anketinė AB „TEO LT“ darbuotojų apklausa – buvo apklausti 20 įmonės darbuotojų. Kadangi organizuodama rėmimą įmonė plačiai naudoja vieną iš jo elementų, t. y. reklamą, tad ir anketoje didžioji dalis klausimų buvo skirti reklamai. Vykdant antrąjį tyrimą, buvo atlikta Šiaulių apskrities vartotojų apklausa anketomis, siekiant išsiaiškinti vartotojų požiūrį į rėmimo organizavimą. Apklausta 200 respondentų. Buvo atlikta tyrimų metu gautų duomenų analizė ir rezultatų interpretacija. Pateiktos darbą apibendrinančios išvados ir pasiūlymai. / Alksnytė, R. Peculiarities of Sponsorship Arrangement in Services Sector Following AB “TEO LT” Example: Master’s final paper/scientific leader doc. Dr. V. Dubinas; Siauliai University, Department of Management,- Siauliai, 2007.
This paper deals with the research study of the peculiarities of sponsorship arrangement and the selected methodology for the research of sponsorship organization peculiarities; the methodology hereof being adapted on practical level providing it with the investigation and interpretation of the corresponding research results.
The paper includes theoretical analysis of sponsorship and advertising, investigation of the viewpoint of experts towards the sponsorship organization peculiarities, investigation of the viewpoint of consumers towards the sponsorship organization peculiarities, conclusions and suggestions.
While carrying out the theoretical analysis of the organization of sponsorship, the study of foreign and Lithuanian scientific works that deal with sponsorship organization issues has been made.
In pursuance of the experts’ research, a questionnaire-based survey of AB “TEO LT” employees has been conducted. 200 employees of the company were involved. As the company uses one of the sponsorship elements, i.e. advertising, when organizing sponsorship, the greater part of the questions were devoted to advertising issues.
In pursuance of the second research, a survey of the consumers of Šiauliai County has been conducted in the way of providing them... [to full text]
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Internetas kaip viešosios erdvės arena: lankytojų komentarų turinio analizė / Internet as Public Sphere Arena: Analysis of the Visitors‘ CommentsVerbliugevičiūtė, Akvilė 04 March 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbo objektas - internetas kaip viešosios erdvės arena. Darbo tikslas – atskleisti interneto specifinius bruožus, skirtumus nuo tradicinių žiniasklaidos priemonių ir išanalizuoti, kodėl internetas atitinka arba neatitinka viešajai erdvei keliamas sąlygas. Pagrindiniai darbo uždaviniai: išnagrinėti internetą J. Habermaso suformuluotos viešosios erdvės teorijos kontekste; įvertinti internetą kaip viešosios erdvės areną; apibendrintai pateikti interneto vartotojų kaip viešosios erdvės dalyvių elgesio bruožus; palyginti internetą su kitomis žiniasklaidos priemonėmis; apsibrėžti racionalių diskusijų sąvoką, jos kintamuosius bei požymius. Šiame magistro darbe, remiantis filosofų J. Habermaso, J. Baudrillardo, mokslininkų M. McLuhano, M. Posterio, A. Lyotardo ir kt. darbais, straipsniais ir teorijomis, siekta išsiaiškinti, ar naujoji medija – internetas – gali atstoti viešąją erdvę, skirtą politiškai aktyvinti visuomenę, racionaliai diskutuoti ir formuoti viešąją nuomonę. Darbe prieita prie išvados, kad internetas negali atitikti visų J. Habermaso apibūdintų viešosios erdvės egzistavimo sąlygų dėl savo specifiškumo. J. Habermaso apibūdinta viešoji sfera idealiai atitikdama visas keliamas sąlygas neegzistavo nei vienoje visuomenėje nei vienais laikais, todėl internetas taip pat negali sukurti idealaus viešumo modelio. Kaip bebūtų, internetas įnešė svarbų indėlį kuriant demokratiją ir skatinant politinį aktyvumą. Internetas pakeitė masinės žiniasklaidos santykius su... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Internet as a new form of communication emerged in the sixties (1969) when the idea of connecting computers into one network spread across the world. While accommodating and processing tremendous information flows Internet raised discussions whether the integration of many texts and voices into its space leads to anarchic or to democratic communication form. German philosopher J. Habermas laid the foundations for the Theory of Publicity’s Structural Transformation. When new communication forms emerged it was attempted to apply the model of ideal publicity to the Internet as a means of mass media which can restore the situation of the ideal language and the discussion among different layers of society. The relevance of the topic of this work is based on the attempt to analyze the properties of Internet and to attribute them to the public sphere. Now when it is considered that public spheres are disappearing from our lives it is very important to research the possibilities of Internet and its application to public interests of society. Object of this work – Internet as a public sphere arena. The main problem of this work – specificity of Internet, difficulty in meeting the conditions for the existence of public sphere model. The aim of this work – to uncover the specific features of Internet and its differences from traditional mass media, and to analyze how much Internet matches or does not match the ideal model of public sphere. The main tasks in this work: to analyze... [to full text]
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SFERE PUBBLICHE NELLA RETE. PROMESSE PARTICIPATIVE E UTOPIE COMUNICATIVE / Online Public Spheres. Promises of participation and utopias of communicationMURRU, MARIA FRANCESCA 03 May 2010 (has links)
La tesi affronta la questione delle culture civiche presenti su internet a partire dal dibattito teorico sulla rete e le sue implicazioni in relazione al discorso e alla prassi politica. Nella prima parte verranno messi in luce i presupposti delle riflessioni più recenti che tematizzano la possibilità che il web, in quanto luogo di discussione e partecipazione tendenzialmente libero e inclusivo, possa rappresentare l’incarnazione del modello idealtipico di sfera pubblica borghese, magistralmente elaborato da Habermas (1962). Grazie all’interattività, ai bassi costi di produzione e distribuzione, a una nuova struttura di comunicazione many-to-many, le nuove tecnologie digitali sembrerebbero consentire la realizzazione di una intersoggettività pura, autenticamente orientata all’intesa reciproca e non contaminata dall’agire strumentale dei sistemi politici ed economici. Tuttavia, se si analizzano le ricerche empiriche finora condotte (tra gli altri Whilelm 1999, Tsaliki 2002, Wright e Street 2007), si osserva che, accanto a contributi che evidenziano una notevole capacità deliberativa delle discussioni online, ne esistono altrettanti che, al contrario, mettono in luce un gap profondo tra l’ideale normativo e la prassi concretamente messa in atto.
Attraverso un doppio binario, induttivo e deduttivo, si tenterà di provare come la contraddittorietà radicale di tali risultati empirici sia in ultima istanza riconducibile alle problematicità insite nel modello habermasiano e alla sua inadeguatezza nel cogliere la complessità dei processi della partecipazione politica che hanno luogo sulla rete. A partire da questa constatazione, si dimostrerà come la sua applicazione possa ancora essere feconda a patto che si ipotizzi di considerare l’ideale di sfera pubblica habermasiano come uno dei paradigmi che ancora informano gli immaginari sociali moderni (Taylor, 2005), piuttosto che come ideale contro-fattuale (Dryzek, 1990) rispetto al quale commisurare criticamente le imperfezioni del reale. Ne discenderà una traslazione della prospettiva analitica, sintetizzabile nel passaggio da un approccio normativo – prescrittivo, rigidamente ancorato a una determinata concezione del “dover-essere”, a un approccio culturale - diagnostico che invece indaga la contingenza del reale alla luce delle sue precondizioni sociologiche e culturali (Nieminen, 2006).
Nella seconda parte, si analizzerà il caso empirico del blog curato dal comico italiano Beppe Grillo (www.beppegrillo.it) attorno al quale si è sviluppato un movimento politico altamente articolato ed eterogeneo, capace di promuovere incursioni sempre più frequenti nella politica istituzionale. L’analisi empirica scaturirà dall’applicazione di un modello analitico che attinge al paradigma delle culture civiche proposto da Dahlgren (2009) e in parte lo riformula alla luce del concetto di mediazione sviluppato da Silverstone (1999). Attraverso l’analisi del contenuto dei post del blog e di un corpus di interviste realizzate su lettori del blog e attivisti del movimento, si tenterà di dimostrare come il fenomeno sviluppatosi attorno a Beppe Grillo abbia funzionato come una “public sphericule” (Gitlin, 1998), una piccola sfera pubblica capace di maturare una propria cultura civica, contraddistinta da autonomi processi di mediazione e di valorizzazione del quadro socio-tecnologico a disposizione. / The notions of deliberation and the frame of the discourse theory of democracy (Habermas, 1996), have inspired a substantial strand of studies focused on the internet’s democratic potential (See e.g. Kellner (1999), Rheingold (1993), and Wilhelm (1999)). The central accomplishment of these various contributions lies in the assessment of the extent to which dialogical exchanges taking place in the cyberspace conform to the normative requirements of the ‘counter-factual ideal’ of public sphere (Dryzek, 1990). However, the contradictions that appear when analyzing practical research findings from a comparative global view, pose a dilemma that deals more with theoretical assumptions rather than with the empirical methods applied.
The basic aim of the thesis will be the proposal of a cultural turn in the analysis of online public spheres, inspired by the model of “civil cultures” developed by Dahlgren (2009). For this purpose, two major lines of reasoning will be developed.
On one hand, the theoretical roots of the concept of deliberation and the long wave of criticisms drawn out by them, will be explored in order to underscore the intrinsic shortages of the notion. It will be argued that the model of “civic cultures” seems to offer a more adequate analytical frame in order to make sense of the pluralized and fragmented online environment. In fact, its original assumptions offer a real antidote to technological determinism. If it is true that technology only makes sense within a social context from which it receives symbolic and pragmatic meanings (Lievrouw, 2002), we can think of civic cultures as a ‘community of practices’ (Wenger, 1998) within which specific ways of using and interpreting technologies are carried out in order to achieve political and civic purposes.
On the other hand, the theoretical path will be supported by the references to an empirical case study that will show how the model can be conveniently used to study what is concretely happening in the living public spheres of the internet. The case study will be focused on Beppegrillo.it, an Italian weblog acting as a communicative platform for the development of a civic and political movement which is lead by Beppe Grillo, a well-known comedian.
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Madingi dabartinės lietuvių kalbos reiškiniai / Lithuanian language current buzzwordsVyšniauskaitė, Audronė 27 August 2009 (has links)
Kalbos mada – tai tam tikrų kalbos reiškinių neilgalaikis suintensyvėjimas tam tikru laiku ir tam tikroje aplinkoje. Darbo objektas – madingi dabartinės lietuvių kalbos reiškiniai. Darbo tikslas – aptarti leksikos, frazeologijos ir sintaksės lygmenyse rastus madingų dabartinės lietuvių kalbos reiškinių pavyzdžius, vartojamus 2007–2009 m. spaudoje, televizijoje ir reklamoje. Kalbos reiškinių madingumas nustatytas pagal šiuos kriterijus: dažnumas ir populiarumas, naujumas bei konkurencija. Tyrimas atliekamas aprašomuoju metodu, t. y., surinkti madingų kalbos reiškinių pavyzdžiai apdorojami, aptariant jų kilmę, struktūrą, vartosenos ypatumus ir pan., remiantis leksikologijos ir sintaksės teorine medžiaga bei teoriniais madingų kalbos reiškinių tyrimo aspektais. Analizuojant nustatyta, kad madingi dabartinės lietuvių kalbos reiškiniai lietuvių kalbos vartosenos lygmenyse pasiskirstę taip: madingi leksikos kalbos reiškiniai: lietuviškoji leksika, lietuviškų arba tarptautinių žodžių pagrindu padaryti dariniai, skoliniai, tarptautinių žodžių trumpiniai ir fragmentai; madingi frazeologizmai ir stabilūs žodžių junginiai; madingi sintaksės lygmens kalbos reiškiniai. / Language style – it is a intensification of particular language expressions on particular time and in particular environment within short-term. Objective of work – buzzwors of nowadays Lithuanian language. Aim of work - to discuss examples of buzzwors of nowadays Lithuanian language within lexical, phraseological and syntactical levels, used by press, television and promotion in 2007 –2009 years. Style of language expression defined according following criteria: periodicity and popularity, newness and competition. Analysis is performed by descriptive method, id est collected examples of buzzwors is handled talking over theirs genesis, structure, peculiarity of use and so on, in with reference theoretical material of lexicology and syntactic theoretical material and analysis aspects of popular language expressions. During analysis founded, that the popular Lithuanian language expressions of nowadays in usage of Lithuanian language is situated by following: popular lexis language expressions: Lithuanian lexis, formations or borrowings made on Lithuanian or international words basis, clippings and fragments of international words, combinations of popular phraseological and steady words, popular syntax’s level language expression.
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La Estampa Líquida. El Tensioactivo como Medio de Expresión Artístico / La Stampa Liquida. Il Tensioattivo come Mezzo di Espressione ArtisticaSimarro Escobar, Antonio 16 October 2020 (has links)
[ES] La presente tesis doctoral lleva por título La estampa líquida. El tensioactivo como medio de expresión artístico. Reúne la investigación de diversos artistas, cuyas obras surgen a partir de las posibilidades creativas de un químico tensor. Son el reflejo de nuevas estrategias y de la incorporación de nuevos materiales como medio creativo contemporáneo, y que tomamos como referentes para la invención de un nuevo método de entintado calcográfico.
Esta indagación toma como punto de partida los conceptos de tiempo y espacio, dos términos inherentes y complementarios, consecuencia directa del rastro y la huella derivada de una realidad social. La Modernidad líquida, categoría que define este estado actual y figura de cambio constante y de interinidad, acuñada por el sociólogo Zygmunt Bauman, nos sirve como metáfora para la interpretación de estos nuevos recursos. Del mismo modo, este ensayo recoge un análisis del diálogo permanente entre aquellos detalles cotidianos y desapercibidos, receptáculos contenedores de un devenir en forma de esfera, representación que adoptamos del filósofo Peter Sloterdijk.
Realizamos también, una aproximación a lo que fue una revolución en las vanguardias en el mundo de la gráfica: La técnica de la simultaneidad del color, inventada por el artista británico Stanley William Hayter y proceso primigenio del que surge esta tesis. Asimismo, se examinan aquellas técnicas de creación pictóricas, afines a nuestro estudio experimental, de las cuales nos imbuimos directamente.
Como resultado del estudio del efecto de transitoriedad tensioactiva, esta tesis propicia nuestra producción artística personal: Recuerdo del trayecto, que ilustra dicha evolución química a través del tiempo inmortalizado en forma de estampa. / [CA] La present tesi doctoral porta per títol L'estampa líquida. El tensioactiu com a mitjà d'expressió artístic. Reunix la investigació de diversos artistes, les obres dels quals sorgixen a partir de les possibilitats creatives d'un químic tensor. Són el reflex de noves estratègies i de la incorporació de nous materials com a mitjà d'expressió artístic contemporani, i que prenem com a referents per a la invenció d'un nou mitjà d'entintat calcogràfic. Aquesta indagació pren com a punt d'eixida els conceptes de temps i espai, dos termes inherents i complementaris, conseqüència directa del rastre i la petjada derivada d'una realitat social. La Modernitat líquida, categoria que defineix aquest estat actual i figura de canvi constant i de interinitat, encunyada pel sociòleg Zygmunt Bauman, ens servix com a metàfora per a la interpretació d'aquests nous recursos. De la mateixa manera, aquest assaig recull una anàlisi del diàleg permanent entre aquells detalls quotidians i desapercebuts, receptacles contenidors d'un esdevenir en forma d'esfera, representació que adoptem del filòsof Peter Sloterdijk. Realitzem també una aproximació al que va ser una revolució a les Avantguardes en el món de la gràfica: La tècnica de la simultaneitat del color, inventada per l'artista britànic Stanley William Hayter i procés primigeni del que sorgeix aquesta tesi. Així mateix, s'examinen aquelles tècniques de creació pictòriques, afins al nostre estudi experimental, de les quals ens inbuïm directament. Com a resultat de l'estudi de l'efecte de transitorietat tensioactiva, aquesta tesi propicia la nostra producció artística personal: Recuerdo del trayecto, que il·lustra l'esmentada evolució química a través del temps immortalitzat en forma d'estampa. / [IT] La presente tesi di dottorato si intitola La stampa liquida. Il tensioattivo come mezzo di espressione artistica. Nel nostro lavoro intendiamo riunire le ricerche di vari artisti, le cui opere nascono dalle possibilità creative di un tensore chimico. Esse riflettono le nuove strategie e l'incorporazione di nuovi materiali come mezzo creativo contemporaneo, che prendiamo come riferimento per l'invenzione di un nuovo metodo per inchiostrare la matrice calcografica.
Questa indagine prende come punto di partenza i concetti di tempo e spazio, due termini intrinseci e complementari, conseguenze dirette e prodotti derivanti da una determinata realtà sociale. La Modernità Liquida, categoria riferita allo status quo della società contemporanea, che rappresenta in costante cambiamento e una condizione ad interim, coniata dal sociologo Zygmunt Bauman, serve come metafora per l'interpretazione di queste nuove risorse. Allo stesso modo, questo saggio cattura un'analisi del dialogo permanente tra quei dettagli quotidiani e inosservati, i contenitori di un divenire in forma di sfera, così come apprendiamo dal filosofo Peter Sloterdijk.
Abbiamo anche operato un'approssimazione a quella che è stata una rivoluzione nel mondo della grafica: la tecnica della concorrenza del colore, la cui partenità si ascrive all'artista britannico Stanley William Hayter, primo processo da cui nasce questa tesi. Inoltre, il nostro alvoro esamina anche quelle tecniche di creazione pittorica, simili al nostro studio sperimentale e di cui il nostro lavoro è fortemente impregnato.
Come risultato dello studio dell'effetto della transitorietà surfattante, questa tesi promuove la nostra personale produzione artistica, Recuerdo del trayecto, che illustra questa evoluzione chimica attraverso il tempo immortalato sotto forma di stampa. / [EN] This doctoral thesis is named La estampa líquida. El tensioactivo como medio de expresión artístico (The Liquid Print. Surfactant as a resource of artistic expression). It gathers the investigation of different artists whose works arise from the creative possibilities of a tensor chemical. They are the reflection of new strategies and of the incorporation of new materials as a contemporary creative resource, and they are considered an example for the invention of a new chalcographic inking method.
This investigation takes the concepts of time and space as a starting point. These concepts are inherent and complementary, a direct consequence of the trace and the print that stem from a social reality. The Liquid Modernity, a category which defines this current state and a symbol of constant change and temporariness, coined by sociologist Zygmunt Bauman, acts as a metaphor for the interpretation of these new resources. Likewise, this essay gathers an analysis of the permanent dialogue between those daily and unnoticed details, containing receptacles of a spherical future, a representation adopted from philosopher Peter Sloterdijk.
We also carry out an approximation to what was a revolution in Avant-garde in the world of graphic arts: the technique of viscosity printing, invented by British artist Stanley William Hayter, an original process from which this thesis stems. Additionally, we examine those pictorial techniques of creation, related to our experimental study and from which we are directly influenced.
As a result of the study of the effect of surfactant transience, this thesis fosters our personal artistic production: Recuerdo del trayecto, which illustrates this chemical evolution through the time immortalized in the shape of a print. / Simarro Escobar, A. (2020). La Estampa Líquida. El Tensioactivo como Medio de Expresión Artístico [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/152187
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