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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marqueurs neurodéveloppementaux en psychiatrie : intérêt dans les troubles schizophréniques / Neurodevelopmental markers in psychiatry : interest in schizophrenia disorders

Gay, Olivier 09 May 2016 (has links)
Le terme de neurodéveloppement dans son acception la plus large renvoie à l'ensemble des processus permettant le développement du système nerveux depuis les étapes les plus précoces de sa formation in utero jusqu'aux étapes plus tardives de maturation à l'adolescence aboutissant au système nerveux adulte. Les travaux de ces quarante dernières années ont conduit à proposer un modèle neurodéveloppemental des troubles psychiatriques, notamment schizophréniques, sur la base d'arguments génétiques, épidémiologiques et d'imagerie. Ce modèle propose que l'apparition de la maladie soit liée à une/des anomalie(s) dans les processus de formation (neurodéveloppement précoce) et de maturation (neurodéveloppement tardif) du système nerveux, sous l'effet combiné de facteurs génétiques et environnementaux. Dans ce contexte, ce travail de thèse vise à préciser les effets des anomalies neurodéveloppementales sur les troubles psychiatriques, notamment schizophréniques à travers l'étude de différents marqueurs. La première étude a pour objectif d'étudier les corrélations entre deux marqueurs du développement cérébral précoce : un marqueur clinique (les signes neurologiques mineurs) et un marqueur en imagerie (la sulcation du cortex cérébral) dans une population de sujets atteints de schizophrénie. Une corrélation entre ces deux marqueurs est mise en évidence : l'index de sulcation est d'autant plus faible que les sujets présentent des signes neurologiques mineurs significatifs. Notre conclusion est que l'étude combinée de différents marqueurs peut permettre d'isoler des sous-groupes de patients ayant eu des atteintes neurodéveloppementales précoces plus marquées. La deuxième étude a pour objectif de caractériser l'effet de différents marqueurs d'anomalies neurodéveloppementales précoces sur le fonctionnement cognitif de sujets atteints de schizophrénie. L'effet sur le contrôle exécutif (mesuré par la tâche du Trail Making Test) de marqueurs cliniques (signes neurologiques mineurs, latéralisation manuelle) et en imagerie (sulcation du cortex cingulaire antérieur et élargissement des ventricules ventraux) est mesuré en recherchant les effets principaux et les interactions entre chaque marqueur. Nous trouvons des interactions entre différents marqueurs, avec principalement un effet de sommation non-linéaire. Notre interprétation est que les différents marqueurs reflètent des atteintes distinctes, bien que toutes précoces, du développement cérébral avec un effet final commun sur les fonctions exécutives. La troisième étude a pour objectif de préciser la spécificité de la sulcation comme marqueur d'anomalies neurodéveloppementales précoces à travers son étude dans une population de sujets adultes présentant un trouble du spectre autistique (TSA), pathologie débutant dès la petite enfance, en lien évident avec des atteintes neurodéveloppementales précoces. Des anomalies de sulcation du cortex cingulaire antérieur, similaires à celles observées chez les patients atteints de troubles schizophréniques, sont détectées chez les patients présentant un TSA. Ces résultats sont en faveur d'anomalies neurodéveloppementales précoces partagées entre différentes pathologies psychiatriques : les modifications de la sulcation corticale sont spécifiques non pas d'un trouble donné mais de la précocité des atteintes. En conclusion, nous proposons que l'étude des anomalies neurodéveloppementales soit intégrée dans une approche dimensionnelle en psychiatrie. / The term neurodevelopment in its broadest sense refers to all of the processes encompassing development of the nervous system from the earliest stages of formation in utero to later stages of maturation during adolescence to produce the fully functional adult nervous system. Work over the last thirty years has led to a neurodevelopmental model of human psychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia, based on genetic, epidemiological and imaging evidence. This model asserts that disease is fundamentally linked to or develops from abnormality(s) in the formation processes (early neurodevelopment) and maturation (late neurodevelopment) of the nervous system due to a combination of genetic and environmental factors. In this context this thesis aims to clarify the effects of neurodevelopmental abnormalities on psychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia, through the study of different markers. The first study aims to investigate correlations between markers of early brain development: a clinical marker (neurological soft signs) and an imaging marker (sulcation of the cerebral cortex) in a population of subjects with schizophrenia. A correlation between these two markers is presented: the sulcation index was found to be lower in subjects that had significant neurological soft signs. We concluded that the combined study of different markers may help to isolate subgroups of patients with greater early neurodevelopmental damage. The second study aims to characterize effects of different markers of early neurodevelopmental abnormalities on cognitive functioning in patients with schizophrenia. Effects on executive control (as measured by the Trail Making Test) were correlated with clinical markers (neurological soft signs, handedness) and imaging (sulcation of the anterior cingulate cortex and enlargment of the ventricles). We found interactions between different markers with a mainly non-linear summation effect. Our interpretation is that different markers reflect separate insults, though all early, on brain development with a common final effect on executive function. The third study aims to clarify the specificity of sulcation as a marker of early neurodevelopmental abnormalities by studying a population of adult subjects with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a patholody beginning in early childhood and linked with evidence of early neurodevelopmental damage. Sulcation abnormalities of the anterior cingulate cortex, similar to those observed in patients with schizophrenia are detected in patients with ASD. These results suggest early neurodevelopmental abnormalities are shared by different psychiatric disorders and that changes in cortical sulcation are not specific to a given disorder but the early damage. In conclusion, we suggest that the study of neurodevelopmental abnormalities should be integrated into a dimensional approach in psychiatry.

Framework for Integration of the Driving Simulator in Connected Vehicle Environment

Unknown Date (has links)
Research on connected vehicles (CV) has attracted attention in the last decade due to numerous potential applications and challenges related to exchange of information between the vehicles (and infrastructure). Most of the relevant studies focus on these applications and challenges with the help of novel or existing simulation frameworks. The simulation framework often contains the mobility and communication components, and these components are frequently simplified. In this study, the authors aim to provide the detailed information for developing a fully V2X capable infrastructure within the lab environment. The physical components of the proposed infrastructure include: (i) userdriven Driving Simulator (DS) with the embedded micro-simulation tool (MS); (ii) external traffic signal controller (TSC); (iii) Road Side Unit (RSU) and omnidirectional antenna attached to RSU; (iv) On-Board Unit (OBU) that is integrated within DS‘s cockpit. The proposed framework can be used for advanced applications in the context of connected vehicles. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2017. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection


Unknown Date (has links)
Allusions explores the volatile nature of intimate relationships by revisiting and recovering my memory of dramatic experiences in my own intimate relationships then translating them into painted psychological scenes. These scenes are activated by symbolically charged objects and interrupted by openings or portals serving as points of entry or exit. The people involved are referred to by pieces of carefully chosen furniture situated in a space that has shifting perspectives and illogical planes, referencing the complexity of memory and the subjectivity of experience. Discordant color, texture, and layered information are used to heighten the drama of the moment. These painted panels and ceramic structures are a manifestation of my mental processing of interpersonal exchanges and remembered experiences through the development of a unique visual vocabulary in paint. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.F.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2016. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection


Oliveira, Carila Aparecida de 17 December 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T11:07:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CARILA APARECIDA DE OLIVEIRA.pdf: 1803945 bytes, checksum: 9bc0a0f802a85183973377ecca4cd7d8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-17 / In this thesis, we study the short narratives O mundo crepuscular Hortência, Os três destinos de Luzia and Nos degraus que se bifurcam, in Das estampas, Aguinaldo José Gonçalves, to get to the homological understanding of the creative procedure in which the narratives were woven, seeking generators elements of tension effect; the rhizomatic lines; universes poetic text; the diegetic speech; the dialogues between signs; thematic choices with their mythological overlapping, besides analyzing osmosis look, which form the set of signic movements that interact with each other. For such studies, we seek artists, theorists and critics of literature as Proust, Edgar Alan Poe, Julio Cortázar, for your critical role about short-story and because tale by Gonçalves O mundo crepuscular Hortência refers to Cortázar Continuidade dos parques, and others mentioned or linked to the narratives under study. Thus, the main objective of this study is the analysis short narratives by Gonçalves, highlighting that the stories narrated with their signs work metrically become mere pretexts for the suggestive context of how is the creative procedure of short narrative, in the stylistics of creator of the work that distinguishes the literary art to put in signs and arts dialogue with her artistic that mirrors the selfpoetic speech. / Nesta dissertação, procuramos estudar os contos O mundo crepuscular de Hortência, Os três destinos de Luzia e Nos degraus que se bifurcam, da obra Das estampas, de Aguinaldo José Gonçalves, para se chegar à compreensão mais homológica do procedimento criativo em que as narrativas foram tecidas, buscando os elementos geradores do efeito tensional; as linhas rizomáticas; os universos poéticos textuais; o discurso diegético; os diálogos entre signos; as escolhas temáticas com suas imbricações mitológicas, além de analisar a osmose do olhar, que formam o conjunto dos movimentos sígnicos que dialogam entre si. Para tais estudos, buscamos artistas, teóricos e críticos da Literatura como Proust, Edgar Alan Poe, Julio Cortázar, pela sua atuação crítica sobre contos e porque o conto de Gonçalves O mundo crepuscular de Hortência remete ao de Cortázar Continuidade dos parques, e outros citados ou vinculados às narrativas em estudo. Dessa forma, o objetivo central deste estudo consiste na análise de contos de Gonçalves, destacando que as estórias narradas com seus signos trabalhados metricamente tornam-se meros pretextos para a conjuntura sugestiva de como se dá o procedimento criativo da narrativa curta, sob a estilística do criador da obra que singulariza a arte literária ao por em diálogo signos e artes, com sua artística que espelha o discurso metapoético.

Criando sentido para as incertezas imprevisíveis em projetos inovadores / Sensemaking unforeseeable uncertainty for innovative projects

Russo, Rosaria de Fatima Segger Macri 02 August 2012 (has links)
As inovações, motores do desenvolvimento global, viabilizam-se nas organizações por meio dos projetos. Quanto maior for o nível de inovação nesses projetos, maior é a probabilidade de existirem incertezas imprevisíveis. A identificação dos sinais precoces de uma mudança permitiria perceber essas incertezas, porém, para o reconhecimento antecipado desses sinais, é preciso também dar sentido ao que está ocorrendo, pela criação de sentido (sensemaking). Assim, este estudo tem como objetivo principal entender qual é o fator gerador da incerteza imprevisível, quais são os fatores motivadores de sua identificação e quais práticas contribuem para a criação de sentido dessas incertezas em projetos inovadores. Para tal, foi feito um levantamento de campo, de maio a dezembro de 2011, no qual foram utilizados: um questionário para se obterem informações iniciais sobre os projetos que poderiam ser considerados inovadores e, posteriormente, uma entrevista aprofundada, direcionada por um roteiro com perguntas abertas, com um dos participantes do projeto. Foram enviados 152 convites para gestores de projetos, dos quais apenas 16 projetos atenderam aos requisitos exigidos, transformando-se em unidade de análise. A cada uma dessas unidades foram solicitados, também, pelo menos dois eventos imprevistos, materialização da incerteza imprevisível, obtendo-se a quantidade de 35. Esses eventos imprevistos foram considerados unidade de análise incorporada. A análise dos dados foi inicialmente qualitativa, com a geração de variáveis e categorias avaliadas estatisticamente; posteriormente, por meio de provas não paramétricas. Com base nas análises efetuadas, foi possível observar que o nível mais alto de eficiência na identificação da incerteza imprevisível - perceber a incerteza imprevisível previamente e ter menos impacto - ocorre preferencialmente em eventos com a percepção do sinal precoce feita pelo gerente do projeto ou pelo sponsor, no início do projeto; com a existência de um fator facilitador organizacional; com a utilização de um processo de criação coletiva de sentido. O nível mais baixo de eficiência - percepção tardia do evento imprevisto e existência de mais impacto - associa-se, porém, à causa externa da incerteza imprevisível, à ausência da percepção de um sinal precoce, à presença de um fator bloqueador à identificação com origem nas características pessoais, baixo número de atividades coletivas, entre outras. Recomenda-se incorporar o diagnóstico da incerteza na gestão de riscos dos projetos, buscar informações sobre as áreas incertas do projeto e interagir para socializar o conhecimento. Futuros estudos ampliados, para se obter um número maior de eventos e projetos, poderão permitir novas associações, assim como gerar um modelo multivariado. O uso de métodos alternativos de gestão de projetos inovadores também se mostra como um relevante tema de pesquisa. / The organizations enable innovations, engines of global development, through the projects. The more innovative a project, the greater is the probability of occurrence of unforeseeable uncertainties. The identification of early signs of a change would realize this kind of uncertainty, but for the early recognition of these early signs is necessary to give sense to them, sensemaking. Thus, this study aims to understand what the main factor that generates the unforeseeable uncertainty is, what the motivating factors for their identification are and what the practices that contribute to the creation of meaning of these uncertainties are on innovative projects. To this end, a field survey has been done, from May to December 2011, with: a questionnaire to obtain initial information about the projects that could be considered innovative, and subsequently an in-depth interview, guided by a script with open questions, with one of the project participants. 152 invitations were sent to project managers, of which only 16 projects met the requirements, becoming a unit of analysis. Each of these units was also requested at least two unforeseen events, materialization of unforeseeable uncertainty, thus obtaining 35 unanticipated events, which are considered the unit of analysis embedded. Data analysis was qualitative, the generation of categories and variables were evaluated statistically through non-parametric tests. Based on the analysis performed it was observed that the highest level of efficiency in identifying unforeseeable uncertainty - it was notice in advance and it had less impact - occurred preferentially when events have had the perception of early sign made by the project manager or the sponsor at the beginning of the project, with the existence of an organizational facilitator factor, and using a collective sensemaking process. Moreover, the lowest level of efficiency - late perception of the unforeseeable event and existence of more impact - were associated with the external cause of unforeseeable uncertainty, the lack of perception of an early signal, the presence of a blocking factor identification originated from the personal characteristics, low number of collective activities, among others. It is recommended to incorporate the diagnosis of unforseeable in risk management of projects, seeking information about the uncertain areas of the project and interacting to share the knowledge. Further studies extended to obtain a larger number of events and projects may allow new associations as well as generate a multivariate statistical model. The use of alternative methods of management of innovative projects to identify unforeseeable uncertainty also appears as a relevant research topic.

Figuracão e gesto: signos de magia popular na contemporaneidade

Salazar, Jussara Farias de Mattos 05 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2016-11-07T16:27:02Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Jussara Farias de Mattos Salazar.pdf: 6273883 bytes, checksum: 2679f7e544756521ed6c83372eb06593 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-07T16:27:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jussara Farias de Mattos Salazar.pdf: 6273883 bytes, checksum: 2679f7e544756521ed6c83372eb06593 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-05 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo / The art image regimen was built not only around images but prior to everything, around an eccentric knowledge, between deviations and flaws. This doctorate thesis aims to investigate the archeological marks of certain signs materialized in magic books. The main idea is that the artists from historical vanguards were inspired by the geometric and magical dimension of theses signs. By focusing on this archeology that coincides or not with the network of popular books, they combined different traditions, such as the ancestry and the vanguard ones. We verified how such signs system composed by squares, circles, crosses, triangles etc converses with these contexts, through critical, anthropological and historical arguments. According to the concept of borders, formulated by Jerusa Pires Ferreira, the frontiers that occur on this transit allow for a meaning exchange that reorganizes these systems and guides knowledge surrounding such geometric forms. The artist from Paraíba, Brasil, Raul Córdula, with graphisms and geometry or, in another sphere, the artist Kasimir Malevich, with suprematism of forms and primary colors, converse with transcendence through this signs system. Therefore, the presence of such magical forms in the ancestor thought in art is the meaning we advocate on this present thesis. In the end, the dimensions of the human and its gestures appears whether it is by a magical sign or a vanguard work of art. When recreated by these modulations, they don’t stop creating new possibilities / O regime das imagens da arte foi construído não apenas com imagens, mas antes de tudo, por um saber excêntrico, entre desvios e falhas. A presente tese tem por objetivo investigar as marcas arqueológicas de alguns signos materializados nos livros de magia. A ideia central é a de que os artistas das chamadas vanguardas históricas se inspiraram na dimensão geométrica e mágica desses signos. Ao se apoiarem nessa arqueologia, coincidente ou não com a rede de livros populares, conjugaram diferentes tradições: a da ancestralidade e a das vanguardas. Verificamos como tal sistema de signos, ao utilizar quadrados, círculos, cruzes e triângulos etc., dialoga com esse contexto, mediante argumentações críticas, antropológicas e históricas. Segundo o conceito de bordas formulado por Jerusa Pires Ferreira, as fronteiras que definem esse trânsito permitem as trocas de sentido que reorganizam esses sistemas e orientam os saberes que cercam tais formas. O artista paraibano Raul Córdula com os grafismos e a geometria ou, em outra esfera, Kasemir Malevich, com o suprematismo de formas e cores primárias, dialogam com a transcendência por meio desse sistema de signos. Assim, a presença de formas mágicas do pensamento ancestral na arte é o sentido que defendemos nessa tese. Ao fim, evidenciam-se as dimensões do humano com seus gestos, quer se trate de um signo mágico ou de uma obra vanguardista, que, recriadas por essas modulações, não cessam de produzir novas possibilidades

Identificação precoce de sinais de risco de autismo : o risco do risco

Oliveira, Aniê Coutinho de January 2017 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar e discutir a identificação precoce de sinais de risco de autismo. Caracterizada como uma pesquisa bibliográfica de cunho qualitativo, a investigação realiza uma análise da produção científica sobre o tema, tomando como eixos analíticos suas tendências, tensões e lacunas. Pesquisas epidemiológicas apontam para o crescimento do número de casos dessa síndrome. No âmbito escolar, também tem sido frequente a preocupação dos professores em relação ao aumento do número de matrículas desses alunos. Há estudiosos que se referem a uma epidemia devido ao grande crescimento da prevalência dessa síndrome em um curto espaço de tempo. Apesar disso, as possíveis motivações explicativas sobre a ocorrência desse aumento tendem a ser alvo de grandes controvérsias. Ao longo da tese, procurou-se conferir prioridade aos percursos teórico-metodológicos condizentes com a compreensão complexa do fenômeno pesquisado, com base nas reflexões atinentes à Educação Especial e à Saúde Mental, por meio de referencial teórico vinculado à abordagem sistêmica representada por autores como Gregory Bateson e Humberto Maturana. A análise do conhecimento acerca do tema central da pesquisa colocou em evidência a dimensão histórica, as diferentes ênfases conceituais, além do debate relativo aos sistemas de classificação diagnóstica implicados no processo de identificação precoce de risco. Discutiu-se o conceito de risco em saúde mental e, em modo particular, o sentido de risco de autismo em momentos iniciais da infância. Assim, torna-se possível reconhecer a pertinência de uma ampla gama de questões, entre elas: como tem ocorrido a identificação precoce de sinais de risco de autismo? Quais premissas podem ser identificadas como integrantes dessas práticas? Quais as características constitutivas ou predominantes dos processos de investigação e qual o papel atribuído à ação do investigador ou do profissional que a realiza? A identificação precoce tem contribuído para o aumento da prevalência dos casos de autismo no Brasil? Quais seriam os caminhos escolares trilhados pela criança que é alvo da identificação e intervenção precoces? Ao analisar tais questionamentos, demos destaque para a dimensão que define como foco os processos de identificação e seus nexos com a prática pedagógica que orienta as intervenções. Evidenciamos que diversos estudos têm destacado a imprescindibilidade da identificação precoce de sinais de risco de autismo para que se tenha a oportunidade de intervir previamente, permitindo o melhor aproveitamento da sensível fase do desenvolvimento humano que é o início da vida. As controvérsias relativas à avaliação de sujeitos que apresentam comprometimentos psíquicos podem ser assinaladas como predominantes no que se refere à suposição de uma objetividade e abrangência generalizadora dos procedimentos. Esta investigação analisou o fenômeno do autismo e suas tendências definidoras e descritivas com especial atenção aos processos de identificação da síndrome como um risco na vida da criança, sendo discutidas, ainda, as vantagens e os perigos relacionados à nomeação precoce, a qual se associa a inferências acerca de um desenvolvimento marcado pela possibilidade de um transtorno que age como nexo organizador das relações futuras e da ocupação de espaços sociais como aqueles vinculados à escolarização. Concebendo o autismo como um fenômeno complexo que não pode ser explicado a partir da análise de fragmentos de indícios tomados isoladamente, entendemos que os procedimentos de identificação deveriam ser realizados processualmente. / The present study had the purpose to analyze and discuss the early identification of signs of autism risk. Characterized as a qualitative bibliographical research, the research performs an analysis of the scientific production on the subject, taking as analytical axes its tendencies, tensions and gaps. Epidemiological researches points to the increase in the number of cases of this syndrome. In the school context, there has also been a frequent concern among teachers about the increase in the number of these students. There are authors who refer to an epidemic because of the great growth of the prevalence of this syndrome in a short time. Despite this, the possible explanatory motivations about the occurrence of this increase tend to be the object of great controversies. Throughout the thesis, we sought to prioritize the theoretical-methodological pathways consistent with the complex understanding of the phenomenon under study, based on the reflections related to Special Education and Mental Health, through a theoretical reference linked to the systemic approach represented by authors such as Gregory Bateson and Humberto Maturana. The analysis of knowledge about the central theme of the research highlighted the historical dimension, the different conceptual emphases, as well as the debate regarding the diagnostic classification systems involved in the process of early identification of risk. The concept of risk in mental health and, in particular, the risk of autism in the early stages of childhood was discussed. Thus, it becomes possible to recognize the pertinence of a wide range of questions, including: how has early identification of signs of autism risk occurred? What assumptions can be identified as part of these practices? What are the constitutive or predominant characteristics of the investigative processes and what is the role assigned to the action of the researcher or the professional who carries it out? Has early identification contributed to the increased prevalence of autism cases in Brazil? What are the school paths that the child is the target of early identification and intervention? In analyzing these questions, we have highlighted the dimension that defines how to focus the processes of identification and their links with the pedagogical practice that guides the interventions. We have shown that several studies have emphasized the indispensability of early identification of signs of autism risk so that we have the opportunity to intervene in advance, allowing the best use of the sensitive phase of human development that is the beginning of life. Controversies related to the evaluation of subjects with psychic impairments can be pointed out as predominant with regard to the assumption of an objectivity and generalizability of procedures. This study analyzed the phenomenon of autism and its defining and descriptive tendencies with special attention to the processes of identification of the syndrome as a risk in the life of the child, and discussed the advantages and dangers related to early naming, which is associated with Inferences about a development marked by the possibility of a disorder that acts as an organizing nexus for future relations and the occupation of social spaces such as those related to schooling. Conceiving autism as a complex phenomenon that can not be explained from the analysis of fragments of clues taken in isolation, we understand that the identification procedures should be carried out procedurally.

Influência do cálculo ureteral silencioso sobre a função renal antes e após o tratamento / The burden of silent ureteral stones on renal function before and after treatment

Marchini, Giovanni Scala 19 November 2015 (has links)
Sua história natural e o real risco à função renal foram pouco estudados. Objetivo: Avaliar o impacto do cálculo ureteral silencioso sobre a função renal antes a após o tratamento, procurando por fatores preditivos de uma melhor evolução. Material e Método: O cálculo ureteral silencioso foi definido como aquele em que o paciente não apresentava nenhum sintoma subjetivo ou objetivo a ele relacionado. Os pacientes com cálculo ureteral silencioso foram prospectivamente incluídos no estudo, sendo avaliados com 99mTc-DMSA, creatinina sérica (Cr), ritmo de filtração glomerular (RFG) e ultrassonografia (USG) no pré-tratamento, três e 12 meses após o mesmo. Pacientes que receberam tratamento fora de nossa instituição e aqueles com avaliação perioperatória incompleta foram excluídos. A análise estatística incluiu os testes de ANOVA, Qui-quadrado/Fisher, e regressão logística/múltipla. O nível de significância foi estabelecido em p<0,05. Resultados: Entre jan/2006 e jan/2014, 26 pacientes com cálculo ureteral silencioso, correspondendo a 2,1% de todos os cálculos ureterais tratados, preencheram os critérios de inclusão do estudo. Treze pacientes eram do sexo feminino, com idade média de 59,3 ± 11,3 anos. O diagnóstico do cálculo foi relacionado a uma causa urológica em 14 (53,8%) casos. O diâmetro e densidade média dos cálculos era de 11,8 ± 2,8 mm e 1201 ± 272 UH, respectivamente. Apenas dois pacientes não apresentavam hidronefrose ao USG inicial e a espessura média do parênquima renal era 10,7 ± 4,1 mm. Os valores médios pré-operatórios de Cr, RFG e 99mTc-DMSA foram 1,24 ± 0.87 mg/dl, 72,5 ± 25.2 mL/min e 33,4 ± 16,7%, respectivamente. Vinte (77%) pacientes apresentavam 99mTc-DMSA < 45% no exame inicial. Regressão múltipla revelou que idade (p=0,041) e espessura do parênquima renal (p=0,001) predizem o valor do 99mTc-DMSA inicial. Quando comparados com os valores pré-operatórios, a Cr (p=0,89), o RFG (p=0,48) e a função renal ao 99mTc-DMSA (p=0,19) permaneceram inalterados com três e 12 meses após o tratamento. A hidronefrose apresentou melhora três meses após o tratamento (p < 0,01), mas manteve-se inalterada no período entre três e 12 meses (p=0,06). Nenhuma variável pré-operatória foi capaz de prever uma variação > 5% do 99mTc-DMSA entre pré e pós-operatório, sendo que o tamanho do cálculo (p=0,12) e tempo para tratamento (p=0,15) tiveram influência marginal. Conclusão: O cálculo ureteral silencioso está associado à diminuição da função renal e algum grau de hidronefrose já ao diagnóstico. Idade, espessura do parênquima renal e grau de hidronefrose predizem o valor inicial do 99mTc-DMSA. Enquanto a hidronefrose regride após a remoção do calculo, a função renal se mantém inalterada. Nenhum fator conseguiu predizer significativamente a evolução da função renal ao 99mTc-DMSA doze meses após o tratamento / Introduction: Ureteral stones may be asymptomatic in 0.3-5.3% of patients. The natural history and the disease influence on renal function have been poorly studied. Objective: to evaluate the impact of silent ureteral stone on renal function before and after treatment, searching for predictive factor of better outcomes. Material and Method: A ureteral stone was defined as silent if the patient had no subjective/objective symptoms related to the calculus. Patients with a silent ureteral stone were prospectively enrolled in the study. Patients were evaluated with 99mTc-DMSA scintigraphy, serum creatinine (Cr), Cr clearance (CrCl) and ultrasound (USG) pre and post-operatively on months three and 12. Patients treated outside our institution or with incomplete perioperative evaluation were excluded. ANOVA, Chi-square/Fisher test, and regression analysis were used. Significance was set at p < 0.05. Results: Between Jan/06-Jan/14, 26 patients with silent ureteral stones met our inclusion criteria, comprising 2.1% of all ureteral stones treated at our institution. Half of patients were female, mean age was 59.3 ± 11.3 years-old. Stone diagnosis was related to a urological cause in 14 (53.8%) cases. Mean stone diameter and density were 11.8 ± 2.8 mm and 1201 ± 272 HU, respectively. Only two patients had no hydronephrosis at initial USG evaluation and mean renal parenchyma thickness was 10.7 ± 4.1mm. Mean preoperative Cr, CrCl and 99mTc-DMSA were 1.24 ± 0.87 mg/dL, 72.5 ± 25.2 mL/min and 33.4 ± 16.7%, respectively. Twenty (77%) patients had 99mTc-DMSA < 45% at initial examination. Multiple regression revealed age (p=0.041) and renal parenchyma thickness (p=0.001) to predict initial 99mTc-DMSA. When compared to preoperative values, Cr (p=0.89), CrCl (p=0.48) and 99mTc-DMSA (p=0.19) remained unaltered three and 12 months postoperatively. Hydronephrosis improved from before to three months after treatment (p < 0.01), but remained unchanged from three to 12 months (p=0.06). No preoperative variable was able to predict a > 5% variation on 99mTc-DMSA from pre to postoperative periods, though stone size (p=0.12) and time to treatment (p=0.15) had a marginal influence. Conclusion: Silent ureteral stones are associated with decreased renal function and hydronephrosis already at diagnosis. Age, renal parenchyma thickness and degree of hydronephrosis predict initial 99mTc-DMSA. Hydronephrosis tends to diminish after stone removal, while renal function remains stable. No preoperative factor significantly predicted renal function progression twelve months postoperatively

CaligrafiAsnoum: graffiti, calligraffiti e criação de signos visuais / CaligrafiAsnoum: graffiti, calligraffiti and criation of visual signs.

Cruz Júnior, Paulo Roberto Costa, Cruz Júnior, Paulo Roberto Costa 01 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Leda Lopes (ledacplopes@hotmail.com) on 2017-08-09T16:31:24Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Paulo_Roberto_C. C._Junior_Dissertação.pdf: 25343408 bytes, checksum: bd9e991bd63311027678aa102b2dedb6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-08-10T20:55:08Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Paulo_Roberto_C. C._Junior_Dissertação.pdf: 25343408 bytes, checksum: bd9e991bd63311027678aa102b2dedb6 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-08-10T20:56:58Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Paulo_Roberto_C. C._Junior_Dissertação.pdf: 25343408 bytes, checksum: bd9e991bd63311027678aa102b2dedb6 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-10T20:57:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Paulo_Roberto_C. C._Junior_Dissertação.pdf: 25343408 bytes, checksum: bd9e991bd63311027678aa102b2dedb6 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-01 / A pesquisa “CaligrafiAsnoum: graffiti, caligraffiti e criação de signos visuais” desenvolvida junto ao Mestrado em Artes Visuais, na UFPel, considera os processos de criação produzida em três momentos relativos a trajetória como artista/graffiteiro: no graffiti enquanto estatuto da linguagem e da expressão visual, a representação dos signos alfábeticos sem a intenção de sua legibilidade, aborda questões históricas sobre o seu surgimento, autoria e inclusão social; no calligraffiti como um novo estilo de trabalho que envolve a escrita caligráfica e o graffiti, momento em que o significado da palavra passa a interessar como escrita verbal; e na elaboração de novos signos visuais, uma recodificação do código alfabético criando uma visualidade/linguagem própria, onde o sentido do que está escrito fica em segundo plano, interessando nesse momento a visualidade da escrita. Interessa à esta pesquisa reconhecer ligações, características e elementos presentes na elaboração dos trabalhos desenvolvidos entre 2002 e 2016. / The research “CaligrafiAsnoum: graffiti, calligraffiti and creation of visual signs” developed in the Master’s degree in Visual Arts, at UFPEL, reflects the process of creation produced in three moments of my history as artist/graffiti artist: in grafitti as language and visual expression, the representation of alphabetic signs without the intention of legibility also approaches an historical questions about concepcion, authorship and social inclusion; in calligraffiti as a new work style, that involves the writing calligraphic and the graffiti, when the meaning of the word starts to work as a verbal writing; and in the development of new visual signs, a recoding of alphabetic code creating a visuality/language, where the meaning of what is written remains in the second plan, and the focus is the visuality written. Interest to this research recognize links, features and elements present in the preparation of the work done between 2002 and 2016.

Mental activity in Descartes' causal-semantic model of sensory perception

Ortín Nadal, Anna Pilar January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to defend a reading of Descartes' theory of sensory perception in which, against a widespread interpretation, the mind is not a passive receiver of inputs from the environment, but an active decoder of neural information that contributes to the representational content of ideas. I call this the 'mental activity thesis' and, in the overall picture, I identify it as one of the philosophical implications of the seventeenth-century scientific revolution. Within Descartes' dualism, to offer a theory of sensory perception amounts to describing the interplay between the natural world, the brain, and the mind. Given his mechanistic, micro-corpuscular conception of matter, Descartes developed detailed physiological descriptions of the interaction between external objects and the brain. He envisaged it as an isomorphic relation in which the characteristics of objects are transmitted through the nerves to the brain as patterns of geometrically reduced properties. This process is often read as culminating with the mind being passively affected by a corporeal isomorph. Descartes' doctrine becomes elusive in its mental phase, but the passivity reading, so I contend, remains inadequate. I argue for the mental activity thesis through four claims. First, I subscribe the known view that Descartes is concerned about a version of the mind-body problem that is not equivalent to the problem of substance interaction. It is rather a problem of dissimilarity between mental representations and mechanistic explanations. The question is how the qualitative character of sensory experiences can arise from the quantitative notions of physical science. As a way of emphasising the weight that the problem of dissimilarity has for Descartes' philosophical decisions, I show that it motivates a metaphysically interesting distinction between types of causes for the case of brain-mind interaction. Second, I defend the position that, despite not holding a perfectly unambiguous doctrine, Descartes' introduction of natural signs is the closest that he got to formulating a full-fledged theory of sensory perception. The appeal to natural signs has been normally deemed as metaphorical in the literature. I argue that, on the contrary, it is possible to reconstruct a causal story for brain-mind interaction along the lines of a semantic model based on Descartes' identification of neural events with natural signs. A causal-semantic model emerges as a charitable, plausible reading that reveals the mind as an active interpreter. Third, in light of the mental activity thesis, I read Descartes' late appeal to the innateness of all ideas (notably in the Comments on a Certain Broadsheet) as a strategy to account for a type of representational content needed for sensory ideas that, while produced by the mind, is different from that of his paradigmatic innate ideas. I assist Descartes in exploring how the category of innateness captures mental activity within a causal-semantic theory. Fourth, in the course of this argumentation, and for further support, I address the role of the distinction between primary and secondary qualities in Descartes' theory. I tackle a pervasive objection stemming from his alleged association of the perception of primary qualities with the intellect. By reassessing Descartes' views on mental activity, this interpretation aims at a lucid description of sensory perception that goes beyond the rigid rationalism that is often credited to him.

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