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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Visual and Verbal Communication on Sustainable Packaging As a Vehicle for Public Education and Awareness

Nam, Hyena 30 April 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Recognising deterioration: nurses’documentation of vital signs–a systematic literature review

Collin, Frida January 2021 (has links)
Introduction: Research show that patients frequently display abnormal vital signs as much as 48h before a serious adverse event occur, such as cardiac arrest or unplanned intensive care unit admission. Therefore, early recognition of these changes trough vital sign examination is essential in the prevention of deterioration. However, deterioration is often missed.Aim: The aim was to investigate to what extent nurses in the general ward are documenting vital signs prior to patient deterioration. Methods: A systematic literature review was done usingthe databases PubMed and CINAHL. Inclusion criteria: general ward and publication 2010-2020, exclusion criteria:emergency department, acute admission ward, paediatric ward, psychiatric ward, interventions and continuousmonitoring. Critical appraisalusingtools from Joanna Briggs Institute. PRISMA statement for reporting of systematic reviews.Results: Nine studies were included. It was seen that the fraction of cases who had vital signs documented prior to deterioration was diverse, although never complete. Some studies showed an acceptable fraction of patients who weremonitoredin the hours prior to deterioration, but it was seen that the monitoring did not always escalate as the patient got worse. The vital signs most frequently documentedwereheart rate and pulse, thoughstill missing in a large fraction of charts. Respiratory rate was documented less than the other vital signs.Conclusions: This study suggests that documentation of vital signs prior to deterioration is diverse but often incomplete. Further research is needed to understand what can be done to improve vital sign documentation on general wards.

LVU är sista utvägen : En kvalitativ vinjettstudie om socialsekreterares bedömning i ett LVU-ärende / LVU is the last option : A qualitative vignette study about social secretaries assessment of an LVU case

Kjellén, Petra, Engholm, Michaela January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this study was to illustrate how a selection of social secretaries reason about the assessment of an LVU case. We also wanted to investigate whether the assessments differed and the working methods the social secretaries used in the case. To achieve the aim, a qualitative method was used where the data collection consisted of a fictitious LVU case in the form of a vignette and semi-structured interviews. A total of five social secretaries were interviewed, active in different municipalities and with different years of experience. Thereafter a qualitative analysis was used to interpret and structure the collected data. The results showed that the social secretaries’ reasoning regarding the assessment of the vignette differed to some extent. This is because the social secretaries, among other things, had different reasoning regarding which contacts they wanted to make in the case before being able to make an assessment. Furthermore, the results showed that the child's attitude to care as well as the child's network are a central part of the reasoning in the assessment. In conclusion, the results also show that the social secretaries’ choice of methods was largely unitary. However, the choice of methods could depend on what further education the social secretaries had received.

Constructing Semiotic System : A Study of Traditional Chinese Woodblock New Year Pictures

Qian, Jinyue January 2023 (has links)
Traditional Chinese woodblock New Year pictures face the danger of being marginalized and disappearing in the context of industrialization and technological development. It is, therefore, imperative to conduct research on traditional New Year pictures to address this challenge. This thesis analyses the content of New Year pictures from four representative bases (Yangliuqing, Taohuawu, Wuqiang, and Mianzhu) in China. The semiotic perspective is selected as a theoretical framework. Through quantitative and qualitative analysis of representative New Year pictures, this study identifies commonly used signs in New Year pictures and explores their meanings from the perspectives of connotation and myth. The study also examines the construction relationship between the signifier and the signified of the signs. These findings preliminarily construct the semiotic system for Chinese woodblock New Year pictures. Furthermore, the analytical framework provides an innovative quantitative research approach to the study of traditional New Year picture signs, contributing to the current research on the New Year pictures’ semiotic system. In previous studies, quantitative methods have never been applied to the study of New Year pictures, nor have they been widely used in other similar folk art forms. Distant reading methods from the field of digital humanities open new frontiers in the study of folk art. While visual art may be better suited for traditional close-up reading, computational methods can help capture the overall characteristics of art from a macroscopic perspective.

Augustine and the Vision of God: The Evolution of Augustine's Conception of the Attainment of the Vision of God in De Quantitate Animae, Confessiones, and De Trinitate

Hillis, Gregory K. 09 1900 (has links)
Throughout his career Augustine wrote often about the attainment of the vision of God, in which God would be seen face-to-face without the need of signs and symbols. He understood this vision to be the ultimate goal of Christianity, for in this contemplation of the divine believers attain true happiness through the enjoyment ofGod. Given the centrality ofthe vision of God in Augustine's writings, one would expect the secondary literature to be replete with references to this facet of his thought. However, this is not the case. While minor studies have been produced on the vision of God and Augustine, no major study exists. This thesis is an attempt to address, at least in some measure, this scholarly lacuna. In this thesis I attempt to examine Augustine's conception of the attainment of the vision of God as formulated at different points of his career in order to analyse the evolution of his thought. To accomplish this task I chose three principal writings from his corpus in which the vision of God plays an especially prominent role, each of which provides a window into the mindset of Augustine at a particular period of his life; they are De Quantitate Animae (The Greatness ofthe Soul), written c. 387; Confessiones, completed between 397 and 401; and De Trinitate (On the Trinity), completed c. 420. Through an analysis of Augustine's conception ofthe vision of God in each of these writings, I argue that his understanding ofthe means by which the vision is attained evolves as his career progresses. For example, in De Quantitate Animae Augustine posits that the soul can attain the vision of God in this life through a Plotinian-style interior withdrawal, and while he suggests that the church and the incarnate Son of God play a role in the soul's ascent to God, precisely what role they play is ambiguously formulated. Later writings, however, indicate that Augustine's conception of the vision of God evolved and I argue that the development of Augustine's conception of the attainment of the vision of God is a development which sees him moving steadily away from a positive understanding ofhuman potentiality toward a conception ofthe drastic consequences of human fallenness which is directly related to wrongly-ordered love, and away from an emphasis on interiority as a means of purification and toward an understanding of God as purifier in and through the Holy Spirit, whereby the individual is purified through the collective purification of the community manifesting the love that is the Holy Spirit. A more pronounced and nuanced conception ofthe role of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and ofthe community ofthe church in the attainment ofthe vision of God eschatologically thus characterises the evolution of Augustine's conception of humanity's ascent to the divine. This development also finds Augustine placing progressively less emphasis on the attainment of the vision of God in this life. / Thesis / Master of Arts (MA)

När allt ser nattsvart ut - tiden före självmord : Efterlevandes upplevelser utifrån självbiografier / When everything looks pitch black - the time before suicide : Bereaved one’s experiences based on autobiographies

Pernung, Corinna January 2023 (has links)
Suicide is a common global problem about which more knowledge is needed. The purpose of this study is to make visible, through autobiographies, individuals experiences of the time before the suicide of a loved one. The questions and themes of this study concerns the presented mood, life situation, future plans and signs of suicide risk. The empirical material, consisting of three autobiographies, were analyzed by thematic analysis. The theoretical foundation is Goffman`s dramaturgical theory, where the opposite poles of pride and embarrassment and the avoidance of embarrassment play a major role in the understanding of an individual’s action. The result of the study shows that when circumstances show that the life situation is going in the right direction and plans for the future are imminent, it can cloud the signs of suicide risk. The result also shows the ability of individuals to maintain a facade in order to not share their feelings. Withdrawing or maintaining a facade become strategies to avoid embarrassment and live up to social norms and expectations. And usually, signs of suicidal risk or the seriousness of them are seen in retrospect. This is a small qualitative study and result of this study cannot be generalized.

Deleuzova asignifikantní sémiotika / Deleuze's asignifying semiotics

Charvát, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Mgr. Martin Charvát Deleuze's asignifying semiotics Disertační práce Abstract: In the thesis I am trying to prove that Gilles Deleuze's philosophy must be considered in respect of his analysis of sign. Deleuze's philosophy is thus inseparable from his semiotics which I would like to show on the figure of philosophy as symptomatology. If we understand sign as a symptom we are also standing on the semiotic level. Signs are expressions of ways of life, of our understanding of the world around us. The problem of Deleuze's semiotics (which is connected with the problem of expression) leads us to the problem of genesis. In this respect the genesis is united with the concept of pure difference. Key words: Deleuze, Gilles - signs - semiotics - genesis - difference

Betydelsen av vitalparametrar vid bedömning av patienters tillstånd / Importance of vital signs in assessing patients condition

Hedlund Dykiel, Carolina, Rehnberg, Victoria January 2021 (has links)
Bedömning av patientens vitalparametrar (andningsfrekvens, blodtryck, puls, kroppstemperatur, saturation och medvetandegrad) är sjuksköterskans ansvar inom den akuta vårdkedjan. Tidigare forskning visar att en tidig identifiering av försämrade patienter minskar både mortalitet och morbiditet. För patientens välmående och säkerhet är det av högsta vikt att sjuksköterskor utför evidensbaserade och säkra bedömningar för att upprätthålla patientsäkerheten. Syftet var att utforska faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans bedömning av vitalparametrar för att tidigt upptäcka en försämrad patient inom den intrahospitala akuta vårdkedjan.  En litteraturöversikt med systematisk artikelsökning användes som metod. Databassökningar utfördes i PubMed och CINAHL. Sexton originalartiklar som undersökte sjuksköterskors bedömning av patientens vitalparametrar i den akuta vårdkedjan valdes ut från databassökningen samt manuell sökning. Studierna kvalitetsgranskades för att sedan analyseras med hjälp av integrerad analys.  Resultatet visade att sjuksköterskors bedömning av vitalparametrar påverkades av sjuksköterskefaktorer, patientfaktorer samt organisatoriska faktorer. Sjuksköterskefaktorer som sågs påverka var sjuksköterskans förhållningssätt till vitalparametrar, bedömning av frekvens, kunskap och erfarenhet, intuition, helhetsbild samt avsteg från rutiner. Gällande patientfaktorer sågs specifika patientgrupper svårare att bedöma på grund av exempelvis underliggande grundsjukdomar eller ålder. Organisatoriska faktorer som sågs påverka bedömningen var arbetsmiljö, samarbete/kommunikation, kontinuitet i vården samt bedömningsinstrument.   Slutsats som dras är att sjuksköterskans bedömning av vitalparametrar för att tidigt upptäcka en försämrad patient inom den akuta vårdkedjan är ett komplext ämne som påverkas av både sjuksköterske-, patient-, och organisatoriska faktorer. Även då vitalparametrar är ett viktigt redskap för att upptäcka förändring i patientens tillstånd och således främja patientens välmående och säkerhet, använder inte sjuksköterskans alltid dessa verktyg. Denna studie gav inte några säkra förklaringar till varför detta fenomen förekom utan behöver studeras vidare. / Assessing the patient's vital signs (respiratory rate, blood pressure, pulse, body temperature, saturation, and level of consciousness) is a responsibility assigned to the registered nurse within the emergency care chain. Previous research has shown that early identification of deteriorating patients reduces both mortality and morbidity. To enhance patient safety and well-being, it is vital that the registered nurse performs evidence-based and secure assessments of the patient.  The aim of this study was to explore the factors that influence the nurse’s assessments of vital signs to early detect patient deterioration within emergency care.   The research method used was a literature review with a systematic approach, using database searches in PubMed and CINAHL. Sixteen original articles with the main focus of examining registered nurses’ assessments of vital signs within emergency care was chosen from the database searches and manual searches. The quality of the studies was then examined, and an integrated analysis was performed.  The result of the analysis show that assessment of vital signs performed by registered nurses was affected by factors contributed to the nurse, the patient, and the organization as a whole.  When it comes to the factors found contributed to affect the registered nurses, these factors were found to be, approach to vital signs, assessment of frequency, knowledge and experience, intuition, comprehensive picture, and deviations from the established routine. For the factors contributed by the patient, specific patient groups were regarded as more difficult to assess due to underlying diseases or age.  The organisational factors seen affecting the nursing assessment were the work environment, teamwork/communication, continuity in the care and the evaluation tools at hand.  In conclusion, the results show that this is a complex subject that is affected by several factors contributed to the registered nurse, patient, and the organization. Even though vital signs are an important tool to identify changes in a patient’s well-being and safety, the registered nurse does not always utilize this as a tool. This study could not conclude any clear explanation as to why assessing vital signs was not used more often and will require further studies and analysis to determine an answer.

Synligt men ändå osynligt : en litteraturöversikt om att identifiera barn inom akutsjukvården som utsatts för barnmisshandel / Visible but sill invisible : a literature review on identifying children in emergency care who have been subjected to child abuse

Larsson, Elisabeth, Lindgren, Kerstin January 2021 (has links)
Konsekvenserna för barn som utsatts för barnmisshandel är allvarliga. Det kan leda till psykisk och fysisk ohälsa, suicidalt beteende, alkohol- och drogmissbruk. Hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal upptäcker inte alltid barnmisshandel och kunskap om detta saknas. Akutsjuksköterskan ska kunna identifiera personer som misstänks ha utsatts för våld eller övergrepp och därmed kunna upptäcka de barn som misstänks ha utsatts för barnmisshandel samt upprätta en orosanmälan till Socialtjänsten så att barnet kan få hjälp. Syftet var att beskriva hur sjuksköterskan kan identifiera tecken, symtom och skador som tyder på fysisk eller psykisk barnmisshandel hos barn som söker akutsjukvård. Som metod valdes en litteraturöversikt utifrån en systematisk struktur. Sökningarna utfördes i databaserna Cinahl och PubMed och resulterade i 15 artiklar publicerade 2010–2020. Alla artiklar kvalitetsgranskades utifrån Sophiahemmet högskolas bedömningsunderlag och en integrerad analys av innehållet i artiklarna gjordes. Resultatet presenterades i två kategorier; Bedömning av tecken, symtom och skador som barnet uppvisar och Fråga vårdnadshavaren om orsak till skadans uppkomst. Blåmärken och brännskador på vissa delar av kroppen eller i form av specifika mönster, multipla frakturer, frakturer som var läkta och specifika typer av frakturer kunde tyda på att barnet utsatts för misshandel. Åldern på barnet som utsatts för misshandel var låg, flertalet var <1 år och medelåldern var i många fall <6 månader. Vårdnadshavarens historia rörande händelseförloppet kring hur barnets skada uppkommit kunde ha stor betydelse för om misstanke om barnmisshandel skulle väckas. Slutsatsen är att det är svårt att identifiera barn som utsatts för fysisk eller psykisk barnmisshandel inom akutsjukvården då de tecken och symtom barnet uppvisar kan vara vaga eller saknas helt. Enskilda tecken, symtom och skador är i sig inte ett bevis för att barnet utsatts för misshandel utan det krävs alltid en samlad bedömning av barnets tecken, symtom och skador samt av vårdnadshavarens förklaring till hur dessa uppkommit. / The consequences for children who have been abused are serious. It can lead to mental and physical illness, suicidal behavior, alcohol- and drug abuse. Healthcare professionals do not always detect child abuse and lack knowledge about it. The emergency nurse must be able to identify persons who are suspected of having been subjected to violence or abuse and thus be able to discover the children who are suspected of having been subjected to child abuse and draw up a report of concern to the Social Services so that the child can receive help. The aim of this study was to describe how the nurse can identify signs, symptoms and injuries that indicate physical or psychological child abuse in children seeking emergency care. A literature review based on a systematic structure was chosen as the method. The searches were performed in the databases Cinahl and PubMed and resulted in 15 articles published in 2010–2020. All articles were quality reviewed on the basis of Sophiahemmet University's assessment and an integrated analysis of the content of the articles was made. The results were presented in two categories; Assessment of signs, symptoms and injuries that the child shows and Ask the caregiver about the cause of the injury. Bruises and burns on certain parts of the body or in the form of specific patterns, multiple fractures, fractures that were healed and specific types of fractures could indicate that the child had been abused. The age of the child who was abused was low, the majority was <1 year and the average age was in many cases <6 months. The caregiver´s history regarding the course of events of how the child's injury arose could have a decisive effect on whether suspicion of child abuse should be raised. The conclusion is that it is difficult to identify children who have been subjected to physical or psychological child abuse in emergency care as the signs and symptoms the child shows may be vague or completely absent. Individual signs, symptoms and injuries are not in themselves proof that the child has been abused, but an overall assessment of the child's signs, symptoms and injuries is always required, as well as the caregiver's explanation of how these arose.

Implementation and Evaluation of WebAssembly Modules on Embedded System-based Basic Biomedical Sensors / Implementation och utvärdering av WebAssembly på enkla biomedicinska sensorer baserade på inbyggda system

Putra, Ramadhani Pamapta January 2019 (has links)
WebAssembly is a new binary code specification, which was initially designed to complement JavaScript in web applications. WebAssembly is inherently portable and small, designed for multiplatform usage. Therefore, WebAssembly modules can be created to support embedded system-based biomedical sensor operation. However, WebAssembly has its own limitations to compensate with its portability. In this thesis, we show how WebAssembly modules can be applied to the basic biomedical modalities of body temperature, heart rate, and breathing pattern.  We show how the implementation performed, and what challenges were met during the development. It is concluded that WebAssembly can be applied for achieving safe and effective biomedical sensor devices, although with some limitations. / WebAssembly är ett nytt binärt maskinkodsformat, ursprungligen skapat för att komplettera JavaScript i webbapplikationer.  WebAssemblys kod är liten och kan lätt användas på flera plattformar. Därför kan WebAssembly-moduler skapas för att stödja inbyggda system för biomedicinska sensorer. WebAssembly har dock sina egna begränsningar på grund av sin portabilitet.  I denna avhandling visar vi hur WebAssembly-moduler kan användas på enkla biomedicinska mätningar av kroppstemperatur, hjärtfrekvens och andningsmönster. Vi visar hur implementeringen genomfördes och vilka utmaningar som möttes under utvecklingen. Slutsatsen är att WebAssembly kan tillämpas för att skapa säkra och effektiva biomedicinska sensorenheter, även om det finns en del begränsningar.

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