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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Civilinės deliktinės atsakomybės sąlygos: CK, Europos deliktų teisės principų ir DCFR palyginimas / Civil liability for delicts: a comparative study of the civil code, the principles of the european delict law and the draft common frame of reference (dcfr)

Balčiūnas, Vytautas 27 June 2014 (has links)
Darbe atliekamas Lietuvos Respublikos civilinio kodekso (CK) ir Europoje vyraujančių deliktų teisės vienodinimo tendencijų – Europos deliktų teisės principų (PETL) ir Bendros principų sistemos projekto (DCFR) civilinės deliktinės atsakomybės sąlygų palyginimas, siekiant skirti ir įvertinti jų atitiktį dabartiniame Europos deliktų teisės harmonizavimo ir unifikavimo etape. Atliekant tyrimą apibendrinamos pagrindinės Vakarų Europos deliktų teisės tradicijos, pateikiama bendra PETL, DCFR ir Lietuvos deliktų teisės sistemos charakteristika. Daromos išvados, kad PETL ir DCFR grindžiamos generalinio delikto principu. Juose skiriamos ir detaliai konkretizuojamos visos, būdingos ir Lietuvos deliktų teisės sistemai, sąlygos, kurioms esant gali būti taikoma civilinė deliktinė atsakomybė – žala, kaltė ir priežastinis ryšys. Konstatuojamas esminis CK skirtumas nuo PETL ir DCFR nuostatų, apibrėžiant trečiųjų asmenų, turinčių teisę į neturtinės žalos atlyginimą, ratą. CK trečiųjų asmenų teisė į neturtinės žalos atlyginimą įtvirtinta tik nukentėjusiojo gyvybės atėmimo atveju. PETL ir DCFR tokią trečiųjų asmenų teisę numato ir nukentėjusiojo sveikatos sužalojimo atvejais. Kaltė pagal PETL ir DCFR nuostatas gali turėti ir tyčios formą. Pabrėžiama, jog tokia nuostata prieštarauja CK. Vertinant priežastinio ryšio sąlygą daroma išvada, jog CK įtvirtinta jos samprata neprieštarauja PETL ir DCFR nuostatoms. / Work carried out the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania (CC) and Europe prevailing trends in the convergence of tort law – the Principles of European Tort Law (PETL) and the Draft Common Frame of Reference (DCFR) civil tort liability in terms of comparison in order to allocate and assess their compliance with current European tort law harmonization and unification stage. The study summarizes the main Western European tradition of tort law, the general PETL, DCFR and Lithuanian tort law system performance. Conclude that PETL and DCFR based on the general tort principle. They are awarded and all the details down specific characteristic of the Lithuanian tort law system and the conditions, under which may be subject the civil tort liability – damage, fault and causation. Finding the essential difference between CC and the PETL, DCFR provisions under definition the circle of third parties, who are entitle to non-pecuniary damages. The right of the third parties by CC consolidated only the victim’s death. PETL and DCFR provide the third party under victim’s death and personal injury cases. Fault by PETL and DCFR provisions could have the form of intentional. Emphasized that such a provision is contrary to CC. Assessing the condition of causality, it is concluded, that the CC provides its conception in compliance with the PETL and DCFR provisions.

Analysis of formal and informal systems of performance evaluation: the case of the Office of the Prime minister of Lithuania / Formalios ir neformalios veiklos vertinimo sistemos analizė: Lietuvos Ministro Pirmininko tarnybos atvejis

Kratavičiūtė-Ališauskienė, Aistė 16 June 2014 (has links)
System of performance evaluation is an essential part of performance management and a major source of organizational control. Discussion about motivational/demotivational power of the formal and informal systems of performance evaluation for different personality types of employees opens a new page in the studies of human resource management. The following research question reflects the core of this thesis “To what extent the informal system of performance evaluation exists beside the formal system of performance evaluation and how do they operate as work motivators/demotivators for civil servants of different psychological types?”. The formal and informal systems of performance evaluation in the Office of the Prime Minister of Lithuania (OPML) are analysed using the theoretical research framework based on three different perspectives: sociology of law, human resource management and psychology. An ethnographic research, supplemented by the psychometric instrument HEXACO PI-R, is conducted to unfold the informal system of performance evaluation and to investigate its motivational/demotivation impact on two different personality types of OPML advisers (ORGANIZED and FLEXIBLE). The formal system is found to be a motivator for the ORGANIZED civil servants and demotivator for the FLEXIBLE advisers, while the informal system served as demotivator for all of the advisers who admitted its existence. In-depth interpretations of the doctoral dissertation research results are provided... [to full text] / Veiklos vertinimo sistema yra neatskiriama veiklos valdymo dalis ir svarbus organizacinės kontrolės įrankis. Diskusijos apie formalios ir neformalios vertinimo sistemų motyvavimo / demotyvavimo galią skirtingų asmenybės tipų darbuotojams atveria naujas perspektyvas žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo tyrimuose. Šios disertacijos esmę atspindi tyrimo klausimas „Kiek neformali veiklos vertinimo sistema egzistuoja šalia formalios veiklos vertinimo sistemos, ir kaip jos, kaip darbo motyvatoriai / demotyvatoriai, veikia skirtingų asmenybės tipų viešojo sektoriaus darbuotojus?“. Formali ir neformali veiklos vertinimo sistemos Lietuvos Respublikos Ministro Pirmininko tarnyboje (MPT) analizuojamos pasitelkiant teorinį tyrimo pagrindą, kuris yra paremtas trimis skirtingomis perspektyvomis: teisės sociologija, žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymu ir psichologija. Etnografinis tyrimas, kurį papildo psichometrinis įrankis HEXACO PI-R, atliktas siekiant identifikuoti neformalią veiklos vertinimo sistemą ir ištirti jos motyvacinį / demotyvacinį poveikį dviejų skirtingų asmenybės tipų(ORGANIZUOTIESIEMS ir LANKSTIESIEMS) MPT patarėjams. Nustatyta, kad formali sistema veikia kaip motyvatorius ORGANIZUOTIESIEMS patarėjams ir kaip demotyvatorius LANKSTIESIEMS valstybės tarnautojams, o neformali sistema demotyvuoja visus patarėjus, kurie pripažino, kad tokia sistema egzistuoja. Darbe analizuojami atlikto tyrimo rezultatai ir pateikiamos išvados.

Rekonstrukcijos metodų analizė modernizuojant informacinę sistemą / Analysis of software re-engineering methods for modernization of information system

Malinauskienė, Eglė 27 May 2004 (has links)
This master thesis covers re-engineering methods of legacy systems. Legacy system is an old system, which is hardly compliant with modern technologies and used only because it has become an integral part of organization business process support during the long period of its maintenance. These systems are large, monolithic and difficult to modify, and cost and risk of their replacement are difficult to predict. The science of software engineering offers an incremental modernization of information systems applying the re-engineering of legacy software. The main goal of software re-engineering is to transform the software in the way, it would become easier to understand, maintain and re-use, at the same time preserving its useful, time trusted functions. The main re-engineering methods are source code translation, reverse engineering and data re-engineering. This thesis covers the analysis of these methods, which was made during the re-engineering of wood production and sales accounting system. The adoption and realization time rate of every method was examined. The influence of the applied re-engineering methods to the system reliability, efficiency, usability and other quality metrics is given.

Tiesiaeigės dažninės pavaros tyrimas / Research of linear variable frequency drive

Jenkinas, Piotras 08 June 2004 (has links)
The properties of linear induction motor and areas of its application are analyzed; frequency converters and their control methods are discussed in this final work. Methods to realize a pulse width modulation are analyzed, scalar and vector control principles as well as perspectives of perfection of semiconductor commutating elements and control systems are discussed. The principle of operation of control systems applied in frequency converters is analyzed On the base of analysis mathematical and Simulink model of linear induction motor in α-β reference frame is developed, mathematical and Simulink models of frequency controlled linear induction drives are carried out. Two models of linear frequency controlled induction drive: scalar and vector control are investigated, transient characteristics of inverter output voltage, currents of linear motor, developed force and linear speed are analyzed and results of different control principles are compared.

Elektros energijos apskaitos ir matavimo prietaisų maršrutizavimo kompiuterizuotos informacinės sistemos sukūrimas ir tyrimas / The Creation and Investigation of the Computerized Information System for the Electricity Energy Accounting and Measuring Instruments Routine

Griškėnienė, Edita 24 September 2004 (has links)
The computerize information systems are widely used in the companies of Lithuania now. A lot of them are universal enough and fit to solve the various administrative problems in the companies. These systems excel in large complexity and high price. So develops the need to create more simple and cheap information systems. An aim of the project is to create system which are accomulating the information about received and given flows of the electricity energy instruments, are doing the namesake and guantity account of the accounting instruments, are formating analysis reports for the directed period. The client of the project is Rytų skirstomieji tinklai AB branch Alytus electricity network Elekctricity energy realization division. The need of the project to the client may be given an outline: · to boost the guality of work and account results; · to reduce expenditure of time to do account works; · to eliminate the information duplicate; · to ease analysis reports composing; · to escape mistakes; · to effective account work. The project is realized by MS Access data base with integrated Microsoft Visual Basic for Aplication. The posibilities of this base complete enough to accomplish those project. Also this packet helps to realize grafic users link (GUL). There are realized those functions to help users work in this project: buttons, the facilitation of the repetitive information installing, help. The project was created to satisfy the users all needs and to diminish the use... [to full text]

Impulsinių apkrovų veikiamos netiesinės dinaminės sistemos "Neįgalus žmogus - vežimėlis - transporto priemonė" judesio stabilumo tyrimas / Motion stability analysis of the nonlinear dynamic system "Man - Wheelchair - Vehicle" under action of impulsive loads

Griškevičius, Julius 08 November 2005 (has links)
Nowadays disabled persons are actively integrated into social life. Different compensatory equipment allows them to work and travel independently and one of such means is the wheelchair. Not every disabled person has possibilities to travel by his own car, it is more convenient to use public transport facilities. Transportation safety of the wheelchair users is one of the most important problems facing engineers and transit providers, becouse improperly or totally unsecured wheelchair can lose the stability and tip over during the emergency driving situations. The main object of the scientific research work is complex dynamic system "Man - Wheelchair - Vehicle", whis is under action of environmental factors (road roughness, motion oscillations of vehicle). The main tasks of the work are to form and research nonlinear model of dynamic system considered and to define system's stability limits, providing means for safe travel; to determine main characteristics of the external action and analyze its influence on to dynamic system; to build engineering computation methodology for estimation of the rational parameters to fasten the wheelchair to the vehicle.

Automatizuotų skaitmeninių sistemų mažiems pokyčiams įvertinti tyrimas / Investigation of digital automatic systems for evaluation of small changes

Kvedaras, Rokas 12 February 2006 (has links)
1. The method for automatic digital balancing of Wheatstone resistance bridge was developed and investigated using DAC R-2R matrix for evaluation of resistance small changes. Balancing method enables reducing of external influence impact to evaluation results and avoids most disadvantages that are common to classic systems based on unbalanced Wheatstone bridge. The parameters of connecting wires and channel switches are not impacting evaluation results in the system developed. Advantages of the system developed are proven by experiments. System developed allows low cost implementation of systems for evaluation of resistance small changes. 2. Possibilities for simplification of circuit for resistance small changes evaluation by using digital signal processing means are proven. It is established that by using known and the proposed methods for improvement of reliability of evaluation results resolution of the evaluation is 12–14 bits (0,024 % - 0,006 % accuracy). It is established that it is necessary to use digital signal processing methods for achieving such resolution. 3. New structures of resistance small change evaluation systems ensuring resolutions of 212 and 28 intended for laboratory investigations and monitoring of constructions are proposed. Experimental model of system with resolution of 28 was made and investigated. Methods of reducing noises in long cables were established during experiment. In general it was proven that the model is suitable for monitoring tasks... [to full text]

Transporto priemonių vagysčių Lietuvoje ir Baltarusijoje kriminologinė charakteristika / Криминологическая характеристика краж транспортных средств в Литве и Беларуси

Zabuha, Mikita 23 March 2006 (has links)
В данной работе попытались акцентировать внимание на важности совместной деятельности правоохранительныx органов и ��аинтересованных ведомств Литвы и Беларуси по борьбе с кражами транспортных средств, а также обратить внимание на существование проблем с этим связанных.

Kokybės vadybos sistemos diegimas Lietuvos palaikomojo gydymo ir slaugos ligoninėse / Installation of quality management system in lithuanian health keeping and nursing hospitals

Malčankina, Sonata 13 June 2005 (has links)
Management of Public Health, M. Sc. INSTALLATION OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN LITHUANIAN HEALTH KEEPING AND NURSING HOSPITALS Sonata Malčankina Supervisor Ilona Bučiūnienė, Dr.Sc.Assoc.Prof., ISM University of Management and Economics. Department of Social Medicine, Faculty of Public Health, Kaunas University of Medicine.- Kaunas, 2005. – P. 92. Aim of the study: to evaluate the installation of quality management system (QMS) in Lithuanian health keeping and nursing hospitals. Objectives: 1. Identify the progress of installation of QMS in Lithuanian health keeping and nursing hospitals. 2. Identify problems arising during installation of QMS in Lithuanian health keeping and nursing hospitals. 3. Evaluate the satisfaction with a practically functioning quality management system. Methods. Research object: all Lithuanian health keeping and nursing hospitals. Research methods and extent: After analyzing the latest Lithuanian and foreign scientific literature and legal acts, the form was made and anonymous survey of heads of Lithuanian health keeping and nursing hospitals was performed. 72 forms were sent to all Lithuanian health keeping and nursing hospitals. 58 answered forms were received back. Statistical analysis methods: MS Excel and statistical data analysis package SPSS 9.0 was used to analyze data. Hypotheses on the independence of two attributes were tested using chi-square (χ2) criterion. The strength of relationship between range variables was tested using... [to full text]

Elektroninė integracija Lietuvos smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo įmonėse / Electronic integration in Lithuanian small and medium enterprises

Janušauskas, Levas 04 February 2009 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjama IRT įtaka smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo įmonių valdymui. IRT skverbimosi į verslą reiškinys darbe vadinamas e. integracija. E. integracija susideda iš dviejų dalių – techninės ir strateginės. Tai procesas, kuris yra nulemtas šiuolaikinių IRT santykio su įmonės valdymo metodais ir verslo idėja. Darbo pirmojoje dalyje aprašomas e. integracijos teorinis modelis, nagrinėjama mokslinė literatūra, analizuojamas teorinis informacinių bei ryšio technologijų ir valdymo metodų santykis. Antroje dalyje gilinamasi į e. integracijos ir verslo santykį per konkrečių veiklų prizmę, analizuojami e. integraciją lemiantys veiksniai. Trečioje dalyje e. integracija analizuojama Lietuvos smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo įmonių (SVVĮ) kontekste. Analizuojami empirinio Lietuvos SVVĮ tyrimo duomenys. Darbo rengimo metu buvo atliktas Lietuvos SVVĮ tyrimas, siekiant išsiaiškinti kokie veiksniai daugiausiai įtakoja įmonių techninį ir strateginį e. integracijos lygį. Apklausos duomenų statistinės tyrimo analizės rezultatai leido daryti išvadą, kad įmonių techninei e. integracijai įtakos turi įmonės tipas, o pastarajam įtakos turi strateginė e. integracija. Duomenų analizė taip pat parodė, kad strateginė e. integracija turi daugiau įtakos techninei e. integracijai nei atvirkščiai. / This master’s paper presents a research on information and communication systems (ICS) influence of management of small and medium business enterprises (SME). An ICS penetration to business management phenomenon in this paper named as electronic integration (e. integration). E. integration consists of two major segments – technical and strategic. E. integration could be understood as a process, determined by the relationship of ICS and methods of business management. Lithuanian SME was examined in order to find witch factors has mainly influence for technical and strategic e. integration. Data of survey analysis shoved that: technical e. integration is affected by type of enterprise; type of enterprise is affected by strategic e. integration; strategic e. integration is affecting technical e. integration much stronger than technical e. integration is affecting strategic e. integration.

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