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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Konsultantų motyvavimo tobulinimas / Development of consultants motivation

Jakaitytė-Gaubienė, Neringa 24 May 2006 (has links)
Final work of the Master‘s studies, 75 pages, 13 pictures, 8 tables, 48 literature sources, 6 appendices, in Lithuanian language. KEY WORDS: motivation of consultants, motivation tools, motivation system, model of motivation system, structure of motives, motivation level. Research object: Lithuanian agricultural consulting services, consultants of Chamber of Agriculture of Lithuanian Republic and JSC “ETKC”. Research subject: motivation system of consultants. Research aim: to create the consultants’ motivation system based on the analysis of the scientific literature and the results of the researches performed. Objectives: 1. To analyse and summarize the main concepts and the theories of the motivation of employees. 2. To discuss the means of employees’ motivation and the possible ways of their application. 3. To analyse the employees’ motivation system and prepare a theoretical model of the consultants’ motivation system. 4. To investigate the main factors that motivate the consultants in the enterprises analysed. 5. To create a system of the motivation of consultants based on the results of the research. Research methods: method of a cooperative scientific research - analysis of the scientific literature, quantitative research method – survey based on questionnaires of the consultants of the organisations in question, method of comparative analysis, method of logical analysis and conclusion findings, method of graphical representation. On the basis of theoretical part... [to full text]

Melizmų sintezė dirbtinių neuronų tinklais / Melisma synthesis using artificial neural networks

Leonavičius, Romas January 2006 (has links)
Modern methods of speech synthesis are not suitable for restoration of song signals due to lack of vitality and intonation in the resulted sounds. The aim of presented work is to synthesize melismas met in Lithuanian folk songs, by applying Artificial Neural Networks. An analytical survey of rather a widespread literature is presented. First classification and comprehensive discussion of melismas are given. The theory of dynamic systems which will make the basis for studying melismas is presented and finally the relationship for modeling a melisma with nonlinear and dynamic systems is outlined. Investigation of the most widely used Linear Prediction Coding method and possibilities of its improvement. The modification of original Linear Prediction method based on dynamic LPC frame positioning is proposed. On its basis, the new melisma synthesis technique is presented.Developed flexible generalized melisma model, based on two Artificial Neural Networks – a Multilayer Perceptron and Adaline – as well as on two network training algorithms – Levenberg- Marquardt and the Least Squares error minimization – is presented. Moreover, original mathematical models of Fortis, Gruppett, Mordent and Trill are created, fit for synthesizing melismas, and their minimal sizes are proposed. The last chapter concerns experimental investigation, using over 500 melisma records, and corroborates application of the new mathematical models to melisma synthesis of one [ ...].

Paskirstytųjų objektinių duomenų bazių transakcijų valdymo protokolo tyrimas / Analysis of transaction management protocol for distributed object-oriented databases

Savickis, Donatas 30 May 2005 (has links)
GLOBDATA is a project that aims to design and implement a middleware tool offering the abstraction of a global object database repository. This tool, called COPLA, supports transactional access to geographically distributed persistent objects independent of their location. Additionally, it supports replication of data according to different consistency criteria. For this purpose, COPLA implements a number of consistency protocols offering different tradeoffs between performance and fault-tolerance. This paper presents the analysis of one of two strong consistency protocols for the GLOBDATA system, the voting protocol. A protocol relies heavily on the use of atomic translation primitive as a building block to serialize conflicting transactions. The paper presents an in-depth description of the conceptual model using UML-based analysis of the protocol which later is used to define the PLA (piece-linear aggregates) model of the system, a discrete event-based simulation of the processes. As a result of the work, the PLA model is ready to be used to validate, verify and simulate various behavioral and performance characteristics of the model using mathematical proof techniques.

Paskirstytų duomenų surinkimo ir apdorojimo technologijos / Technologies of distributed data collection and processing

Maraška, Artūras 31 August 2009 (has links)
Duomenų „surinkimas“ – tai procesai, skirti tam tikros informacijos, apie dominančią objektinę sritį, kaupimui. Tokių duomenų „apdorojimo“ sąvoka apima jų filtravimą, priežiūrą, saugojimą, analizę ir pan. Kriterijai pagal kuriuos duomenys yra renkami, taip pat metodika ir filtravimas juos padaro specifiniais arba „paskirstytais“. Paskirstytų duomenų surinkimo ir apdorojimo sąvoka yra gana plati ir apima ne tik elementariausius Web klausimynus ar testus, bet ir dideles sistemas, skirtas analizuoti ir apdoroti struktūrizuoto (pvz.: XML) duomenų srauto informaciją, prireikus ją konvertuoti, saugoti ir adaptuoti. / Term WIKI defines ideas and basis for data collection and management, necessary and mandatory methods required to ensure quality of collectible data. The purpose of this master work is analysis of existing solutions of data collecting and analysis systems in order to create a new unique WIKI community based system for price and other information (related to products on the market) analysis. System target – build up user manageable knowledge base for recognition of changes in the market, fast, easy and cheapest products information withdraw. It gives an overview of the best data collection approaches structure, techniques and logic, data analysis and collection methods (based on the system target), also proposes created model and defines means and tools, for model creation and realization.

Bankinių apmokėjimų pranešimų perdavimo sauga / Bank transfer payments messaging security

Miškelevičius, Andrius 25 August 2010 (has links)
Šiais laikais daugelis bankinių atsiskaitymų vyksta elektroninėje erdvėje. Operatyvumas bei patogumas per kelis dešimtmečius bankines sistemas integravo į viso pasaulio verslą. Vis populiarėjant e. komercijai elektroninės bankininkystės sistemos integravosi į WEB aplikacijas, kuriomis gali naudotis visi elektroninės erdvės vartotojai. Atsiskaitymai elektroninėje erdvėje sukuria didelę pridėtinę vertę visai ekonomikai tačiau dėl didelio panaudojimo masto išaugo ir opios saugumo grėsmės. Dėl piktavališkų veiksmų el.erdvėje per metus padaroma žala siekia 1 trilijoną dolerių, dėl šių patiriamų didelių nuostolių mažėja investicijos į naujų technologijų diegimą ko pasėkoje dar labiau sumažėja saugos lygis. Bankinių apmokėjimų programinė įranga, kuri apdoroja bankinius atsiskaitymus yra laikoma atskira sistemos dalimi, į kurią ji yra integruota. Ši posistemė lanksčiai ir paprastai integruojasi į bendrą sistemą ir efektyviai atlieka svarbias funkcijas susijusias su apmokėjimų apdorojimu. Bankinių apmokėjimų sistema skirta, operatyviai bei lanksčiai apdoroti mokėjimus bei apie įvykusius apmokėjimus informuoti tiek siuntėją, tiek ir gavėją. / Nowadays, many banking payments takes place in cyberspace. Timeliness and convenience through several decades integrated banking systems in the business world. However e.commerce popularity integrated electronic banking systems into Web applications that are available to all users of electronic space. Payments in cyberspace creates significant added value to the economy as a whole but on a large spread banking systems increase sensitive security threat. The hostile actions in e.space damage per year increase to 1 trillion dollars, for the losses incurred by major reduction in investment in new technologies it resulting in further decrease in the level of safety. All IT professionals can help create a safer online space, because the future of electronic payments become more closely associated with our business and life. The purpose of this work is to analyze banking systems safety and threats. In this work I designed and tested several banking systems and choose the best security solutions, to reduce security threats of electronic payments.

Skirtingos paskirties medicinos informacinių sistemų sąveikos modelis: administracinei bei klinikinei IS / Interaction model for different medical information systems: administrative and clinical IS

Liutkus, Audrius 01 September 2011 (has links)
Nagrinėjama skirtingais medicinos informatikos standartais ar jų skirtingomis versijomis sąveikaujančių asmens sveikatos priežiūros įstaigos informacinių sistemių integracija. Pagal Kauno Dainavos poliklinikos informacinių sistemų integracijos uždavinius pasirinktas artimiausias teorinis integracijos modelis. Jo pagrindu parengti tarpinio (integracinio) IS sluoksnio/modulio funkciniai reikalavimai, užtikrinantys vienareikšmius paciento sąryšius su jo sveikatos duomenimis, esančiais skirtingose sistemose. Panaudojant medicinos informatikos standarto HL7 bibliotekas 2-ai ir 3-iai versijoms, sukurtas ir sėkmingai išbandytas tarpinio (integracinio) IS sluoksnio/modulio prototipas, leidžiantis automatiškai formuoti procedūrų užsakymo identifikatorius ir, jų pagrindu, nuorodas į duomenų archyvą. Integralumas tarp 2-os ir 3-os versijos sutampančių komponentų užtikrinamas trigeriais: įterpiant, keičiant bei trinant įrašus iš vietos versijos komponento, jis bus atitinkamai modifikuotas ir kitoje versijoje. Toks duomenų sluoksnio realizavimas leidžia sumažinti verslo logikos sluoksnio sudėtingumą, kai naudojama trijų lygių architektūra, bei pačių duomenų transformacijų skaičių. / The research is devoted to an integration of health information systems, when the interoperability should be utilised using different health informatics standards or their versions. To meet the integration goals, the theoretical model, closest to a particular situation of the Dainava outpatient clinic in Kaunas, had been chosen. Based on the model, the functional requirements for the middleware (integration) layer had been defined in order to ensure unambiguous links between patient data, stored in different systems. The middleware software prototype had been developed using messaging libraries for the HL7 versions v2 and v3. The middleware was successfully tested for automatic generation of orders for procedures and links to the procedure result data in the archive. The integration of the HL7 v2 and v3 coincidental components is achieved using trigger events for synchronous data manipulations. Such rules, implemented at the data layer, leads to less complex logics at business process layer and to lower number of data transformations. After automatic orders generation from referrals model implementation, we had to produce Worklist management system prototype to ensure full control of coming patient examinations. In this scenario DICOM based data models and terms had been chosen to use.

Developing business model for geo-location database for the operation of cognitive radio in the TV white space bands / TV spektro tuštumų geografinės duomenų bazės verslo modelis

Sukarevičienė, Gintarė 20 June 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze how technological, economic, political and social factors can be integrated into Business Model for Geo-location database as a controlling entity for operation of Cognitive Radio devices in the TV White Space spectrum range. Tasks of thesis: to perform an analysis of scientific literature in the context of TVWS and to identify technologies of TVWS management, to find factors influencing Geo-location Database Business Model, to put forward Geo-location Database scenarios, to construct classification of Business Model for the Geo-location Database, to provide experimental study of feasibility to deploy distinct classification of Business Model for the distinct scenarios of Geo-location Database. Qualitative methods chosen for the research: exploratory literature analysis, consultations with experts/specialists and conceptual modelling based on scenarios. The exploratory part of the thesis describes existing spectrum shortage problem and presents potential technologies that can solve this problem. The theoretical part of this work introduces research methodology and the concept and principles of Business Model for technology innovation. Analytical part of the thesis seeks to identify potential Business Model configurations for the operations of Geo-location database in the TV White Space spectrum range. This part ends with presenting experimental study of the feasibility of Geo-location Business Model. The final part of the thesis concludes... [to full text] / Šio darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti, kaip technologiniai, ekonominiai, politiniai ir socialiniai faktoriai gali būti integruoti į verslo modelį, skirtą TV spektro tuštumų geografinei duomenų bazei, naudojančiai sumaniojo radijo ryšio sistemas. Tikslui pasiekti išsikelti uždaviniai: atlikti mokslinės literatūros analizę TV spektro tuštumų tema ir identifikuoti spektro tuštumų valdymo technologijas, nustatyti veiksnius, įtakojančius geografinės duomenų bazės verslo modelį, sudaryti geografinės duomenų bazės verslo scenarijus, sudaryti geografinės duomenų bazės verslo modelių klasifikaciją, nustatyti sudarytos verslo modelių klasifikacijos tinkamumą kiekvienam scenarijui bei nustatyti optimalią verslo modelio konfigūraciją. Uždaviniams įgyvendinti taikyti kokybiniai metodai: mokslinės literatūros analizė, konsultacijos su ekspertais bei specialistais, konceptualus modeliavimas, paremtas scenarijų metodu. Pirmoje darbo dalyje aprašomos egzistuojančios spektro trūkumo problemos ir apžvelgiamos potencialios technologijos, kurios gali išspręsti išanalizuotą problemą. Antroji darbo dalis pristato tyrimo metodus ir nagrinėja verslo modelį bei jo principus, galinčius įtakoti technologijos inovaciją. Trečioji darbo dalis siekia identifikuoti ir įvertinti potencialius TV spektro tuštumų geografinės duomenų bazės verslo modelius. Pateikiamos darbo išvados atsižvelgiant į darbo naudingumą, praktiškumą ir esamus apribojimus. Pagrindiniai darbo rezultatai: nustatyta optimali verslo modelių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Šiltnamio dujų prekybos sistemos tobulinimo galimybių įvertinimas / Possibilities for improvement of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading System

Naujėkaitė, Julija 16 January 2007 (has links)
Magistrinio darbo pirmojoje dalyje iškeliama klimato kaitos problema, apžvelgiami pagrindiniai tarptautiniai susitarimai, kurių pagrindu formuojama šiltnamio dujų prekybos sistema Europos Sąjungoje. Šioje dalyje nagrinėjamos taršos mažinimo priemonės – lankstieji Kioto protokolo mechanizmai (bendro įgyvendinimo ir švarios plėtros) bei jų metu sukuriami šiltnamio dujų prekybos sistemos objektai. Antrojoje darbo dalyje apibrėžiama, kas yra šiltnamio dujų prekybos sistema - aptariami jos įkūrimo Europos Sąjungoje etapai ir ypatybės. Aiškinamasi, kokie šiltnamio dujų prekybos sistemą reglamentuojantys teisės aktai yra priimti Lietuvos Respublikoje bei kokie mechanizmai nėra numatyti. Šioje dalyje išsamiai nagrinėjami šiltnamio dujų prekybos sistemos objektai ir jų sukūrimą reglamentuojančios Europos Parlamento ir Tarybos direktyvos 2004/101/EB dėl Kioto protokolo projektų mechanizmų principai. Remiantis Europos Sąjungos teisės aktais, daromos apibendrintos išvados dėl dar nenumatytų šiltnamio dujų prekybos galimybių nacionaliniuose teisės aktuose. Trečiojoje magistrinio darbo dalyje pateikiama pirmųjų šiltnamio dujų prekybos sistemos metų Lietuvoje analizė, pateikiami 2005-2007 ir 2008-2012 metų laikotarpių nacionalinių paskirstymo planų pagrindiniai skirtumai. Šioje darbo dalyje analizuojamos taršos mažinimo priemonių įgyvendinimo galimybės bei apžvelgiamos Lietuvos šiltnamio dujų prekybos administravime dalyvaujančios institucijos. Remiantis atlikta analize ir šiltnamio dujų... [to full text] / The problem of climate change is raised in the first part of the thesis and the main international treaties are overviewed. These treaties lay the basis for emissions trading system in the European Union. Means for emissions reduction: Kyoto mechanisms (joint implementation and clean development) and created objects of emissions trading system while implementing mechanisms are reviewed. In the second part of the thesis greenhouse gas emissions trading system is described and stages and features of its creation in the European Union are discussed. Legal acts of emissions trading system of the Republic of Lithuania are explained and not foreseen possibilites for implementation of Kyoto mechanisms are overwied. Objects of emissions trading system are described detaily together with principles of Kyoto mechanisms and Directive 2004/101/EC of the Eurpean Parliament and of the Council for Kyoto Protocol‘s project mechanisms. Refering to legal acts of the European Union, conclusions for possibilities of implementation of Kyoto mechanisms which are not foreseen in national law system are drawn. In the third part of the thesis the analysis of the first year of emissions trading system in Lithuania are overwied, main differences of national allocation plans for 2005-2007 and 2008- 2012 periods are presented. The possibilities for emissions reduction are analysed and administrative system of institutions of emissions traning system in Lithuania is overviewed. Conclussions and... [to full text]

Rekombinantinio žmogaus granulocitų kolonijas stimuliuojančio faktoriaus pasiskirstymas ir renatūracija vandens dvifazėse sistemose, dalyvaujant chelatuotiems metalų jonams / Partitioning and refolding of recombinant human granulocyte-colony stimulating factor in aqueous two-phase systems containing chelated metal ions

Zaveckas, Mindaugas 16 November 2005 (has links)
The contribution of Cys17 and surface-exposed histidine residues in rhG-CSF interaction with Cu(II), Ni(II) and Hg(II) ions chelated by Light Resistant Yellow 2KT-polyethylene glycol derivative was evaluated in aqueous two-phase systems composed of polyethylene glycol (PEG) and dextran. It was determined that His43, His52, His156 and His170 residues are involved in protein interaction with chelated Cu(II) ions. Protein interaction with chelated Ni(II) is governed by His52 and His170 residues, though Cys17 is also involved. The contribution of Cys17 side chain is dominant in the interaction between rhG-CSF and chelated Hg(II) ions. The direct interaction between chelated Hg(II) ions and the –SH group of protein was determined for the first time. Based on the study of the interaction between rhG-CSF and chelated metal ions, rhG-CSF was successfully refolded from inclusion bodies in aqueous two-phase systems PEG-dextran containing chelated Ni(II) or Hg(II) ions for the first time. The refolding of rhG-CSF (C17S) in these systems was more effective compared to that of intact rhG-CSF. The dependence of refolding efficiency of rhG-CSF (C17S) in two-phase systems containing chelated metal ions on the number of histidine mutations was evaluated. It was determined that the refolding efficiency of protein in the systems containing chelated Ni(II) is inversely proportional to the number of histidine mutations. The affinity of purified rhG-CSF (C17S) and its histidine mutants for... [to full text]

Visuomeninių pastatų renovacijos daugiakriterinė internetinė sprendimų paramos sistema / Multiple Criteria Web-Based Decision Support System for Refurbishment of Public Buildings

Gulbinas, Andrius 20 February 2006 (has links)
The aim of the disertation is to improve the efficiency of the of the refurbishment process of the public buildings by using methods of multiple criteria analysis, the developed model for integrated analysis of the negotiations process for refurbishment of buildings and the Multiple Criteria Decision Support System for Refurbishment of Public Buildings developed on the basis of these models.

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