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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Geografinės informacinės sistemos mokyklinėje geografijoje (mokomoji medžiaga) / Geographic information systems in schools geography (learning materials)

Repečka, Linas 13 June 2005 (has links)
In early 60-ies of XX th century the computer is born and begin to inculcate in various range of life. Text data have been changed into digital databases. In late nineties computers becomes concurrent with our daily life. In year of 2001 government begins to fund computerizing of secondary schools in Lithuania. According, to analysis of situation in secondary schools computerization, we can admit that the level of computerization is high. Situation with geography computerization is quite comfortable too. It is good situation to begin apply GIS to secondary education. In year of 2002 a document of “Geography education standards for secondary schools” was realized, and GIS, as a part of geography, has his place in this document. Talking about textbooks of geography, it is only one of them that includes information about GIS (prepared by David Waugh), but considering to geography standards, to form informational skills of students, information about GIS in this textbook is insufficient. Looking for information about GIS we regarded of qualitative information standards, that is set by Education evolutionary centre. Information about GIS is divined into several rubric, they are: definition of GIS, history and birth of GIS, shape of data used in GIS, usage of GIS in modern world. It is important to overview all of those rubric as a main information that is needed to gain a modern calibre of geography. Introduction to GIS programs is important too. Because, at the moment, we don’t... [to full text]

Microsoft operacinių sistemų sąsajų lyginamoji analizė / Comparative analysis of interface of Windows systems

Mudurytė, Edita 08 July 2010 (has links)
Užsibrėžtam tikslui pasiekti, buvo įdiegtos populiariausios „Windows“ operacinės sistemos. Nagrinėjant atskiras sistemų versijas, susipažinta su jų istorija. Palyginus skirtingu laikmečiu sukurtas operacines sistemas įvertinti sąsajos elementai, remiantis vieninga vartotojo aplinka, prieinamumu, natūralia vartotojo sąsaja ir papildyta tikrove. Analizės metu buvo nustatyta, kad keičiantis operacinių sistemų versijoms, išlikdavo tie patys valdymo elementai, buvo įdiegiami pakeitimai, nedarantys įtakos vartotojo sąsajai su operacinių sistemų darbu. / The most popular "Windows" operative systems were intalled to achieve the targeted aims. During analysis of single systems versions it was acquainted with their history. After comparison of operating systems that were created in different time, evaluated the interface elements based on the recommendations of common user accer, accessibility, natural user interface and the augmented reality. During the analysis, it was found that replacing the operating system versions, has remained with same controls, there were made changes, without affecting the user interface with the operating system.

Smulkios teisinės įmonės apskaitos sistema / Small juristical companies financial system

Merkys, Justas 29 May 2006 (has links)
Small juristical companies financial system The main purpose of this project was to analyze financial activity of chosen small company and to create the appropriate software tool. Using it, data would be centralized, and well protected. This system works in the Local Area Network. Also here is compared the functionality of various financial systems, which are adjusted to small companies. There are three types of users in the system – director, accountant and workers. The modeled activities are: • Director – has ability to edit information about company, it’s members, and also to insert/edit/delete all the information in the database and of course print reports. • Accountant – has ability to manage everything in this program. • Workers – have ability to view data in the database. The modern CASE tool “Rational Rose 2003” was used to design, create and analyze necessary diagrams. PHP and HTML programming languages were chosen to implement this system.

Atviro kodo CRM tyrimas / Open Source CRM Research

Bukelis, Donatas 09 June 2006 (has links)
The study deals with the features open source CRMs have, the ways we can change the code and make our own open source CRM system. The research is oriented to Web based CRMs. One open source CRM system is modyfied and translated into the Lithuanian language. Installation files were created for people who do not know databases and Web services software in order to help them install this CRM system and configure database as well as other system requirements. The final result of our work is open source CRM system called „OfisasTinkle2006“. This product is used by a couple of firms in their business sphere.

Žinių valdymo vertinimas tarptautinėse kompanijose (jų filialuose) / The evaluation of knowledge management in international companies (their branches)

Rusinavičiūtė, Laura 08 September 2009 (has links)
Pastaruoju metu vadybos literatūroje itin susidomėta žinių valdymu, kuris laikomas vienas iš naujausių pastarojo meto organizacijų vadybos tendencijų bei mokslinių tyrimų objektų. Žinios laikomos vienu svarbiausių, strateginiu kompanijos turtu, taip pat išskirtinės kompetencijos šaltiniu. Magistro baigiamąjį darbą sudaro trys pagrindinės dalys. Pirmojoje dalyje pristatoma kompanijos žinių bazė, atskleisti pagrindiniai skirtumai tarp dažnai mokslinėje literatūroje, ir ypač praktinėje žinių valdymo veikloje painiojamų sąvokų: duomenų, informacijos ir žinių, taip pat pateikta žinių valdymo samprata, žinių kategorijos ir klasifikacijos bei žinių valdymo veiklos ir procesai. Antroje dalyje yra pateikiamos žinių valdymo vertinimo tarptautinėse kompanijose tyrimo prielaidos, paaiškinama tyrimo metodologija, aprašomas tyrimo procesas. Trečiojoje dalyje pristatomos tyrimo vertinimas, išskiriamos pastebėtos tendencijos, veiksniai. Galiausiai darbas baigiamas išvadomis. / The evaluation of knowledge management in international companies (their branches) Recently in management literature great attention is paid to knowledge management processes, knowledge is seen as a strategic asset and a primary resource of the international company’s competitive advantage. On the one hand, this is new and very popular term, coined not long ago and appearing in most prestigious publications on management. On the other hand, researchers working in the field agree, that currently there are no exact theoretical definitions and epistemologies for knowledge management. The goal of this graduation paper – to analyze the knowledge management in international companies, their branches. For this purpose the following tasks were formulated – to present and systematize the theories of knowledge management, to determine and define the specific of knowledge management in international companies in the framework of these theories, to construt the methodic of research and theoretical model of research, to perform the research of the knowledge management in international companies which have subsidaries in Lithuania. The main focus is set on knowledge transfer and management processes in foreign owned subsidaries in Lithuania. The research findings were related to the existing knowledge management theories. This graduation paper consists of three parts – the first one includes the conception of knowledge and its management, the basic ideas and concepts, used in the work... [to full text]

Verslo valdymo sistemų palyginamoji analizė / The comparison of enterprise resource planning systems

Selenkovas, Justas 08 September 2009 (has links)
Tobulėjant naujosioms technologijoms buvo sukurtos verslo valdymo sistemos (VVS). Su jų atsiradimu gamybos pramonė buvo pakylėta į aukštumas, kokių dar niekad nebuvo pasiekusi. Tačiau taip kardinaliai keičiantis technologijoms organizacijos privalo „sekti paskui jas“, jeigu nori išlikti konkurencingos. Vis dėlto VVS diegimas yra ganėtinai sudėtingas, o ir nuspręsti kokią sistemą diegtis yra dar sudėtingiau. Daugelis diegimo projektų žlugo dėl to, kad buvo nepilnai atlikta poreikių analizė, dėl darbuotojų motyvacijos ir atsidavimo ar dėl neteisingos VVS pasirinkimo. Šiame darbe bus apžvelgtos pagrindinės diegimo, pasirinkimo ir darbo su VVS problemos. Bus atlikta pasirinktų VVS palyginamoji analizė pagal nustatytus kriterijus ir sukurtas VVS koncepcinis modelis. / The title of this work is „A comparison of Enterprise recourse planning systems“. This study has identified a problematic lack of knowledge regarding how companies identify their system needs and choose appropriate software vendors and products for one of their most significant areas of operation. The primary purpose of this study was to compare most known ERP systems ant develop ERP system, which will be suitable for Lithuanian market. Starting from the question which opportunities a company has to support its processes with IT, the advantages of flexible systems are elaborated. Besides the focus on flexibility, I reviewed and evaluated key software features that directly impact the ownership experience of enterprise applications. Some of these feature sets included: advanced data loading and moving during the implementation phase, task-oriented navigation for the usability phase, and user-centric performance testing for the maintenance phase. The resulting study provides a comparative, multi-vendor assessment across the three major phases of the application lifecycle: implementation, application usage, and ongoing support and maintenance. The players evaluated in the study included:  Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains  PeopleSoft Enterprise  SAP The selected ERP projects are reviewed and classified according to these criteria. The results are a criteria catalog and a classification of selected ERP systems also the new ERP system was created. Recommended... [to full text]

Išskirstytų sistemų technologijų tyrimas / Investigation of distributed systems technologies

Žąsinas, Donatas 25 November 2010 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjamos išskirstytos sistemos ir jų kūrimui naudojamos technologijos. Kadangi technologijų yra daug, o visas jas ištirti ir palyginti būtų labai sunku, todėl didžiausias dėmesys skiriamas Java RMI ir .Net Remoting – tai dvi populiarios išskirstytų objektų paradigmos šiuo metu naudojamos programų sistemų kūrimui Pagrindinis darbo tikslas yra išanalizuoti ir visapusiškai palyginti pasirinktas technologijas, didelį dėmesį skiriant jų veikimo greičiui. Darbas sudarytas iš keturių dalių. Pirmoje dalyje pateikiama bendra informacija apie išskirstytas sistemas, jų vystymąsi, architektūras, technologijų raidą ir t.t.. Antroje dalyje nagrinėjama Java RMI ir .Net Remoting veikimo principai, kuriais remiasi šios technologijos. Trečioje dalyje pateikiami šių dviejų technologijų veikimo principų panašumai ir skirtumai. Ir galiausiai siekiant išsiaiškinti Java RMI ar .Net Remoting realiomis sąlygomis veikia greičiau, ketvirtoje dalyje pateikiamas atlikto vykdymo greičio tyrimo aprašymas. Atlikti darbai leidžia teigti, kad Java RMI ir .Net Remoting idėjiškai yra panašios technologijos, bet skirtumų, įtakojančių veikimą, tarp jų irgi yra. Greičio tyrimo metu gauti rezultatai parodė, kad .Net Remoting beveik visais atvejais yra lėtesnė nei Java RMI. / Distributed systems and technologies used for this type of software are analyzed in this paper. Since there are a lot of technologies and it would be very difficult to explore and compare all of them, therefore this paper mainly focuses on Java and RMI. Net Remoting - two popular distributed objects paradigms currently used in distributed systems development. The first part provides general information about distributed systems, their development, architectures, technologies, and so on. The second part of the paper analyses the operating principles of Java RMI and. Net Remoting. The third section determines technological similarities and differencies. And finally, in order to clarify the fact Java RMI or. Net Remoting works faster in real terms, the fourth part provides the results of the implemented speed test. Although Java RMI and. Net Remoting are similar technologies, but the analysis showed that the there are quite a lot differences between them. The speed survey showed that. Net Remoting is slower than Java RMI in almost all cases.

Verslo valdymo sistemų funkcinių galimybių analizė ir vertinimas / The analysis and evaluation of functional abilities of enterprise resource planning systems

Ratkevičius, Donatas 30 December 2013 (has links)
Disertacijos tyrimo objektas yra šiuolaikinių verslo valdymo sistemų (VVS) funkcinės savybės. Tyrimo tikslas – atlikti VVS funkcinių galimybių analizę ir kiekybinį jų vertinimą tokiu būdu palengvinant įvairią veiklą vykdančioms įmonėms pasirinkti sistemą, geriausiai atitinkančią jų poreikius. Siekiant šio tikslo disertacijoje yra išanalizuoti VVS atrankos kriterijai ir pasiūlyta jų klasifikacija, ekspertinės apklausos duomenų pagrindu sukurtas VVS atrankos veiksnių sąryšių neraiškaus pažinimo projektų modelis, atliktas plačiausiai pasaulyje naudojamų VVS funkcinių galimybių įvertinimas bei palygintas Lietuvoje ir užsienyje sukurtų sistemų funkcionalumas. Panaudotas klasterinės analizės metodas homogeniškiems VVS bruožams, „paslėptiems“ tarp didelio skaičiaus heterogeniškų jų savybių identifikuoti. Analizuotos sistemos suskirstytos į grupes pagal jų tinkamumą skirtingą veiklą vykdančioms įmonėms, bei sukurtas VVS funkcinių galimybių panaudojimo vertinimo modelis. / The object of the research is the functionality of contemporary enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. The purpose of the research – to perform the analysis and quantitative evaluation of functionality of ERP systems available on the market, thus facilitating ERP selection process for the companies of different industries in order to choose the best fit solution. To meet this purpose the most important ERP selection criteria and their relationships have been determined. The statistical analysis of contemporary ERP systems and their allocation into different clusters by versatility and appropriateness for the distributing, manufacturing and financial accounting companies of different size have been performed. The functional power of Lithuanian accounting software has been compared with foreign systems. The mathematical model more evaluating the usage of ERP systems functionality has been created.

Verslo valdymo sistemų funkcinių galimybių analizė ir vertinimas / The analysis and evaluation of functional abilities of enterprise resource planning systems

Ratkevičius, Donatas 30 December 2013 (has links)
Disertacijos tyrimo objektas yra šiuolaikinių verslo valdymo sistemų (VVS) funkcinės savybės. Tyrimo tikslas – atlikti VVS funkcinių galimybių analizę ir kiekybinį jų vertinimą tokiu būdu palengvinant įvairią veiklą vykdančioms įmonėms pasirinkti sistemą, geriausiai atitinkančią jų poreikius. Siekiant šio tikslo disertacijoje yra išanalizuoti VVS atrankos kriterijai ir pasiūlyta jų klasifikacija, ekspertinės apklausos duomenų pagrindu sukurtas VVS atrankos veiksnių sąryšių neraiškaus pažinimo projektų modelis, atliktas plačiausiai pasaulyje naudojamų VVS funkcinių galimybių įvertinimas bei palygintas Lietuvoje ir užsienyje sukurtų sistemų funkcionalumas. Panaudotas klasterinės analizės metodas homogeniškiems VVS bruožams, „paslėptiems“ tarp didelio skaičiaus heterogeniškų jų savybių identifikuoti. Analizuotos sistemos suskirstytos į grupes pagal jų tinkamumą skirtingą veiklą vykdančioms įmonėms, bei sukurtas VVS funkcinių galimybių panaudojimo vertinimo modelis. / The object of the research is the functionality of contemporary enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. The purpose of the research – to perform the analysis and quantitative evaluation of functionality of ERP systems available on the market, thus facilitating ERP selection process for the companies of different industries in order to choose the best fit solution. To meet this purpose the most important ERP selection criteria and their relationships have been determined. The statistical analysis of contemporary ERP systems and their allocation into different clusters by versatility and appropriateness for the distributing, manufacturing and financial accounting companies of different size have been performed. The functional power of Lithuanian accounting software has been compared with foreign systems. The mathematical model more evaluating the usage of ERP systems functionality has been created.

Elektroninės laboratorijos prototipo sudarymo metodika / Formation methodology of prototype of e-laboratory

Slotkienė, Asta 31 May 2004 (has links)
During the past decade the environment of learning has been changing notably due to the expansion of information and communication technologies. New forms of working appear and the improvement methods of education and skills change. Teaching with modern technologies has become an obligatory aspect of remit. Consequently, the lecturers seek for new methods of education to meet the increasing demand of students and improve the quality of education. Regarding the demand for education shift on the basis of working market, the goal of the paper is to analyze and ground the e-laboratory application for “Information processing systems” module in the laboratories. The paper analyses an idea in essence, which is crucial and modern in Lithuania as well as abroad – a new environment purposing the formation of environment in the e-laboratory. On the basis of the latter module of e-tools and e-learning systems of teaching experience in digital signal teaching course, the recommendations for its formation methodology to reach the comprehensive e-laboratory has been proposed. Hopefully, the application of e-laboratories will enable to decline the licensed software in future, meet the increasing demand of the students, grant the quality of education and organize the module for distance learning.

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