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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Deep Learning-Based Depth Estimation Models with Monocular SLAM : Impacts of Pure Rotational Movements on Scale Drift and Robustness

Bladh, Daniel January 2023 (has links)
This thesis explores the integration of deep learning-based depth estimation models with the ORB-SLAM3 framework to address challenges in monocular Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), particularly focusing on pure rotational movements. The study investigates the viability of using pre-trained generic depth estimation networks, and hybrid combinations of these networks, to replace traditional depth sensors and improve scale accuracy in SLAM systems. A series of experiments are conducted outdoors, utilizing a custom camera setup designed to isolate pure rotational movements. The analysis involves assessing each model's impact on the SLAM process as well as performance indicators (KPIs) on both depth estimation and 3D tracking. Results indicate a correlation between depth estimation accuracy and SLAM performance, underscoring the potential of depth estimation models in enhancing SLAM systems. The findings contribute to the understanding of the role of monocular depth estimation in integrating with SLAM, especially in applications requiring precise spatial awareness for augmented reality. / Denna avhandling utforskar integrationen av djupinlärningsbaserade modeller för djupuppskattning med ORB-SLAM3-ramverket för att möta utmaningar inom monokulär Samtidig Lokalisering och Kartläggning (SLAM), med särskilt fokus på rena rotationsrörelser. Studien undersöker möjligheten att använda förtränade generiska nätverk för djupuppskattning och hybridkombinationer av dessa nätverk, för att ersätta traditionella djupsensorer och förbättra skalanoggrannheten i SLAM-system. En serie experiment genomförs med användning av en specialbyggd kamerauppställning utformad för att isolera rena rotationsrörelser. Analysen omfattar bedömning av varje modells påverkan på SLAM-processen samt kvantitativa prestandaindikatorer (KPI:er) för både djupuppskattning och följning. Resultaten visar på ett samband mellan noggrannheten i djupuppskattningen och SLAM-prestandan, vilket understryker potentialen hos modeller för djupuppskattning i förbättringen av SLAM-system. Rönen bidrar till förståelsen av rollen som monokulär djupuppskattning har i integrationen med SLAM, särskilt i tillämpningar som kräver exakt spatial medvetenhet.

Simultaneous Aircraft Localization and Mapping using Signals of Opportunity and Inverse Depth Parametrization

Ramsberg, Oskar, Wigström, Elin January 2024 (has links)
In modern combat aircraft, the most common localization method integrates a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) with an Inertial Navigation System (INS). Although GNSS is the optimal choice for navigation, there are situations when the GNSS satellite signal is unavailable. This can happen due to various reasons such as jamming, physical obstacles, or technical failures. An alternative method to GNSS is utilizing Signals of Opportunity (SOP), which leverages signals not intended for navigation, such as those from cellular towers. These signals are transmitted from non-controllable sources, and challenges may arise due to the lack of guarantee regarding their quality and availability. Therefore, it is crucial that any estimation method utilizing SOP is robust to ensure accurate aircraft localization. This thesis investigates three different localization approaches to address this challenge. This study explores SOP sources with both known and unknown positions. For known signal source positions, an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) based solution is utilized as a baseline to evaluate how well unknown signal sources can be used to estimate the aircraft's location. To address the challenge of unknown signal source positions, an EKF combined with a Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) method, referred to as EKF SLAM, is used. In this case, the sources are introduced through two different approaches. The first approach, undelayed initialization, introduces the signal source directly when observed. The second approach, delayed initialization, involves inverse depth parameterization (IDP) and preprocessing of the signal source position before fully introducing it into the aircraft system. While both approaches outperform an unassisted INS approach, they do not achieve the same level of performance as when the source positions are known. Moreover, various factors, including the aircraft's trajectory, measurement noise, measurement frequency, and the initial covariance of new landmarks, influence the performance of the EKF SLAM approaches. Additionally, delayed initialization is strongly influenced by a threshold assessing landmark position estimate linearity, underscoring its sensitivity to accuracy. The concept behind delayed initialization aims to reduce the error of the signal source position before it is introduced to the system. This method has been proven to significantly reduce the signal source position error. However, its robustness is influenced by several factors, including the parallax angle, sudden changes in the aircraft's direction, and particularly the initial covariance of a landmark estimate. The accuracy of the aircraft's position is crucial, resulting in a trade-off between preprocessing and rapidly initializing a signal source position to the aircraft system. In contrast, undelayed initialization is less sensitive to trajectory changes, even though it introduces the signal sources with greater initial error. There is a significant difference in computational time when comparing known and unknown sources. As the number of sources increases, the computational time for unknown sources is more affected than for known sources. The delayed source initialization method increases computational time due to its preprocessing, especially as more sources are used. Conversely, initializing sources directly reduces the computational time, as no preprocessing is required. / I moderna stridsflygplan är den vanligaste lokaliseringsmetoden att integrera ett Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) med ett Inertial Navigation System (INS). Även om GNSS är det optimala valet för navigation finns det situationer när GNSS-satellitsignalen inte är tillgänglig. Detta kan inträffa på grund av olika orsaker som störningar, fysiska hinder eller tekniska fel. En alternativ metod till GNSS är att använda Signals of Opportunity (SOP), som utnyttjar signaler som inte är avsedda för navigation, till exempel de från mobilmaster. Dessa signaler kommer från okontrollerbara källor, vilket kan medföra utmaningar på grund av att deras kvalitet och tillgänglighet inte kan garanteras. Därför är det viktigt att varje lokaliseringsmetod som använder SOP är robust för att säkerställa en bra och korrekt flygplans positionering. Detta examensarbete undersöker tre olika lokaliseringsmetoder för att hantera denna utmaning. Denna studie utforskar SOP-källor med både kända och okända positioner. För kända positioner används en lösning baserad på ett Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) som en baslinje för att utvärdera hur väl okända signalkällor kan användas för att uppskatta flygplanets position. För att hantera utmaningen med okända signalkällors positioner används ett EKF kombinerad med en metod vid namn Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), även kallad EKF SLAM. I detta fall introduceras källorna genom två olika tillvägagångssätt. Det första tillvägagångssättet, ofördröjd initialisering, introducerar signalkällan direkt när den observeras. Det andra tillvägagångssättet, fördröjd initialisering, involverar inverse depth parameterization (IDP) och förbearbetning av signalkällans position innan den introduceras i flygplanets lokaliseringssystem. Även om båda tillvägagångssätten presterar bättre än en oassisterad INS-metod uppnår de inte samma prestandanivå som när källornas position är kända. Dessutom påverkar olika faktorer prestandan hos EKF SLAM-metoderna, vilka främst är flygplanets flygbana, mätbrus, mätfrekvens och den initiala kovariansen av nya landmärken. Dessutom påverkas fördröjd initialisering starkt av en tröskel som bedömer linjäritet hos landmärkes positionen, vilket understryker dess känslighet för noggrannhet. Konceptet bakom fördröjd initialisering syftar till att minska felet i signalkällans position innan den introduceras i lokaliseringssystemet. Denna metod har visat sig kunna minska felet i signalkällans position avsevärt. Emellertid påverkas dess robusthet av flera faktorer, inklusive parallaxvinkeln, plötsliga förändringar i flygplanets riktning och särskilt den initiala kovariansen av uppskattningen av ett landmärkes position. Noggrannheten i flygplanets position är avgörande, vilket resulterar i en avvägning mellan förbearbetning och snabb initialisering av en signalkällas position till flygplanets lokaliseringssystem. Till skillnad från fördröjd initialisering är ofördröjd initialisering mindre känslig för förändringar i flygbanan, även om den introducerar signalkällorna med större initialt fel. Det finns en anmärkningsvärd skillnad i beräkningstid när man jämför kända och okända källors. När antalet källor ökar påverkas beräkningstiden för okända källor mer än för kända källor. Den fördröjda källinitialiseringsmetoden ökar beräkningstiden på grund av dess förbearbetning, särskilt när många källor används. Däremot minskar beräkningstiden när källor initialiseras direkt, eftersom ingen förbearbetning krävs.

Automatisierte Integration von funkbasierten Sensornetzen auf Basis simultaner Lokalisierung und Kartenerstellung

Weber, Richard 29 June 2021 (has links)
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur automatisierten Integration funkbasierter drahtloser Sensornetze (engl. Wireless Sensor Network, kurz WSN) in die jeweilige Anwendungsumgebung. Die Sensornetze realisieren dort neben Kommunikationsaufgaben vor allem die Bestimmung von Ortsinformationen. Das Betriebshofmanagement im ÖPNV stellt dabei eine typische Anwendung dar. So wird auf der Grundlage permanent verfügbarer Positionskoordinaten von Bussen und Bahnen als mobile Objekte im Verkehrsumfeld eine effizientere Betriebsführung ermöglicht. Die Datenbasis in dieser Arbeit bilden zum einen geometrische Beziehungen im Sensornetz, die aus Gründen der Verfügbarkeit lediglich durch paarweise Distanzen zwischen den mobilen Objekten und den im Umfeld fest installierten Ankern beschrieben sind. Zum anderen kann auf vorhandenes digitales Kartenmaterial in Form von Vektor- und Rasterkarten bspw. von GIS-Diensten zurückgegriffen werden. Die Argumente für eine Automatisierung sind naheliegend. Einerseits soll der Aufwand der Positionskalibrierung nicht mit der Anzahl verbauter Anker skalieren, was sich ausschließlich automatisiert realisieren lässt. Dadurch werden gleichzeitig symptomatische Fehlerquellen, die aus einer manuellen Systemintegration resultieren, eliminiert. Andererseits soll die Automatisierung ein echtzeitfähiges Betreiben (z.B. Rekalibrierung und Fernwartung) gewährleisten, sodass kostenintensive Wartungs- und Servicedienstleistungen entfallen. Das entwickelte Verfahren generiert zunächst aus den Sensordaten mittels distanzbasierter simultaner Lokalisierung und Kartenerstellung (engl. Range-Only Simultaneous Localization and Mapping, kurz RO-SLAM) relative Positionsinformationen für Anker und mobile Objekte. Anschließend führt das Verfahren diese Informationen im Rahmen einer kooperativen Kartenerstellung zusammen. Aus den relativen, kooperativen Ergebnissen und dem zugrundeliegenden Kartenmaterial wird schließlich ein anwendungsspezifischer absoluter Raumbezug hergestellt. Die Ergebnisse der durchgeführten Verfahrensevaluation belegen anhand generierter semi-realer Sensordaten sowie definierter Testszenarien die Funktions- und Leistungsfähigkeit des entwickelten Verfahrens. Sie beinhalten qualifizierende Aussagen und zeigen darüber hinaus statistisch belastbare Genauigkeitsgrenzen auf.:Abbildungsverzeichnis...............................................X Tabellenverzeichnis...............................................XII Abkürzungsverzeichnis............................................XIII Symbolverzeichnis................................................XVII 1 Einleitung........................................................1 1.1 Stand der Technik...............................................3 1.2 Entwickeltes Verfahren im Überblick.............................4 1.3 Wissenschaftlicher Beitrag......................................7 1.4 Gliederung der Arbeit...........................................8 2 Grundlagen zur Verfahrensumsetzung...............................10 2.1 Überblick zu funkbasierten Sensornetzen........................10 2.1.1 Aufbau und Netzwerk..........................................11 2.1.2 System- und Technologiemerkmale..............................12 2.1.3 Selbstorganisation...........................................13 2.1.4 Räumliche Beziehungen........................................14 2.2 Umgebungsrepräsentation........................................18 2.2.1 Koordinatenbeschreibung......................................19 2.2.2 Kartentypen..................................................20 2.3 Lokalisierung..................................................22 2.3.1 Positionierung...............................................23 2.3.2 Tracking.....................................................28 2.3.3 Koordinatentransformation....................................29 3 Zustandsschätzung dynamischer Systeme............................37 3.1 Probabilistischer Ansatz.......................................38 3.1.1 Satz von Bayes...............................................39 3.1.2 Markov-Kette.................................................40 3.1.3 Hidden Markov Model..........................................42 3.1.4 Dynamische Bayes‘sche Netze..................................43 3.2 Bayes-Filter...................................................45 3.2.1 Extended Kalman-Filter.......................................48 3.2.2 Histogramm-Filter............................................51 3.2.3 Partikel-Filter..............................................52 3.3 Markov Lokalisierung...........................................58 4 Simultane Lokalisierung und Kartenerstellung.....................61 4.1 Überblick......................................................62 4.1.1 Objektbeschreibung...........................................63 4.1.2 Umgebungskarte...............................................65 4.1.3 Schließen von Schleifen......................................70 4.2 Numerische Darstellung.........................................72 4.2.1 Formulierung als Bayes-Filter................................72 4.2.2 Diskretisierung des Zustandsraums............................74 4.2.3 Verwendung von Hypothesen....................................74 4.3 Initialisierung des Range-Only SLAM............................75 4.3.1 Verzögerte und unverzögerte Initialisierung..................75 4.3.2 Initialisierungsansätze......................................76 4.4 SLAM-Verfahren.................................................80 4.4.1 Extended Kalman-Filter-SLAM..................................81 4.4.2 Incremental Maximum Likelihood-SLAM..........................90 4.4.3 FastSLAM.....................................................99 5 Kooperative Kartenerstellung....................................107 5.1 Aufbereitung der Ankerkartierungsergebnisse...................108 5.2 Ankerkarten-Merging-Verfahren.................................110 5.2.1 Auflösen von Mehrdeutigkeiten...............................110 5.2.2 Erstellung einer gemeinsamen Ankerkarte.....................115 6 Herstellung eines absoluten Raumbezugs..........................117 6.1 Aufbereitung der Lokalisierungsergebnisse.....................117 6.1.1 Generierung von Geraden.....................................119 6.1.2 Generierung eines Graphen...................................122 6.2 Daten-Matching-Verfahren......................................123 6.2.1 Vektorbasierte Karteninformationen..........................125 6.2.2 Rasterbasierte Karteninformationen..........................129 7 Verfahrensevaluation............................................133 7.1 Methodischer Ansatz...........................................133 7.2 Datenbasis....................................................135 7.2.1 Sensordaten.................................................137 7.2.2 Digitales Kartenmaterial....................................143 7.3 Definition von Testszenarien..................................145 7.4 Bewertung.....................................................147 7.4.1 SLAM-Verfahren..............................................148 7.4.2 Ankerkarten-Merging-Verfahren...............................151 7.4.3 Daten-Matching-Verfahren....................................152 8 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick....................................163 8.1 Ergebnisse der Arbeit.........................................164 8.2 Ausblick......................................................165 Literaturverzeichnis..............................................166 A Ergänzungen zum entwickelten Verfahren..........................A-1 A.1 Generierung von Bewegungsinformationen........................A-1 A.2 Erweiterung des FastSLAM-Verfahrens...........................A-2 A.3 Ablauf des konzipierten Greedy-Algorithmus....................A-4 A.4 Lagewinkel der Kanten in einer Rastergrafik...................A-5 B Ergänzungen zur Verfahrensevaluation............................A-9 B.1 Geschwindigkeitsprofile der simulierten Objekttrajektorien....A-9 B.2 Gesamtes SLAM-Ergebnis eines Testszenarios....................A-9 B.3 Statistische Repräsentativität...............................A-10 B.4 Gesamtes Ankerkarten-Merging-Ergebnis eines Testszenarios....A-11 B.5 Gesamtes Daten-Matching-Ergebnis eines Testszenarios.........A-18 B.6 Qualitative Ergebnisbewertung................................A-18 B.7 Divergenz des Gesamtverfahrens...............................A-18 / The aim of this work is the development of a method for the automated integration of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) into the respective application environment. The sensor networks realize there beside communication tasks above all the determination of location information. Therefore, the depot management in public transport is a typical application. Based on permanently available position coordinates of buses and trams as mobile objects in the traffic environment, a more efficient operational management is made possible. The database in this work is formed on the one hand by geometric relationships in the sensor network, which for reasons of availability are only described by pairwise distances between the mobile objects and the anchors permanently installed in the environment. On the other hand, existing digital map material in the form of vector and raster maps, e.g. obtained by GIS services, is used. The arguments for automation are obvious. First, the effort of position calibration should not scale with the number of anchors installed, which can only be automated. This at once eliminates symptomatic sources of error resulting from manual system integration. Secondly, automation should ensure real-time operation (e.g. recalibration and remote maintenance), eliminating costly maintenance and service. Initially, the developed method estimates relative position information for anchors and mobile objects from the sensor data by means of Range-Only Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (RO-SLAM). The method then merges this information within a cooperative map creation. From the relative, cooperative results and the available map material finally an application-specific absolute spatial outcome is generated. Based on semi-real sensor data and defined test scenarios, the results of the realized method evaluation demonstrate the functionality and performance of the developed method. They contain qualifying statements and also show statistically reliable limits of accuracy.:Abbildungsverzeichnis...............................................X Tabellenverzeichnis...............................................XII Abkürzungsverzeichnis............................................XIII Symbolverzeichnis................................................XVII 1 Einleitung........................................................1 1.1 Stand der Technik...............................................3 1.2 Entwickeltes Verfahren im Überblick.............................4 1.3 Wissenschaftlicher Beitrag......................................7 1.4 Gliederung der Arbeit...........................................8 2 Grundlagen zur Verfahrensumsetzung...............................10 2.1 Überblick zu funkbasierten Sensornetzen........................10 2.1.1 Aufbau und Netzwerk..........................................11 2.1.2 System- und Technologiemerkmale..............................12 2.1.3 Selbstorganisation...........................................13 2.1.4 Räumliche Beziehungen........................................14 2.2 Umgebungsrepräsentation........................................18 2.2.1 Koordinatenbeschreibung......................................19 2.2.2 Kartentypen..................................................20 2.3 Lokalisierung..................................................22 2.3.1 Positionierung...............................................23 2.3.2 Tracking.....................................................28 2.3.3 Koordinatentransformation....................................29 3 Zustandsschätzung dynamischer Systeme............................37 3.1 Probabilistischer Ansatz.......................................38 3.1.1 Satz von Bayes...............................................39 3.1.2 Markov-Kette.................................................40 3.1.3 Hidden Markov Model..........................................42 3.1.4 Dynamische Bayes‘sche Netze..................................43 3.2 Bayes-Filter...................................................45 3.2.1 Extended Kalman-Filter.......................................48 3.2.2 Histogramm-Filter............................................51 3.2.3 Partikel-Filter..............................................52 3.3 Markov Lokalisierung...........................................58 4 Simultane Lokalisierung und Kartenerstellung.....................61 4.1 Überblick......................................................62 4.1.1 Objektbeschreibung...........................................63 4.1.2 Umgebungskarte...............................................65 4.1.3 Schließen von Schleifen......................................70 4.2 Numerische Darstellung.........................................72 4.2.1 Formulierung als Bayes-Filter................................72 4.2.2 Diskretisierung des Zustandsraums............................74 4.2.3 Verwendung von Hypothesen....................................74 4.3 Initialisierung des Range-Only SLAM............................75 4.3.1 Verzögerte und unverzögerte Initialisierung..................75 4.3.2 Initialisierungsansätze......................................76 4.4 SLAM-Verfahren.................................................80 4.4.1 Extended Kalman-Filter-SLAM..................................81 4.4.2 Incremental Maximum Likelihood-SLAM..........................90 4.4.3 FastSLAM.....................................................99 5 Kooperative Kartenerstellung....................................107 5.1 Aufbereitung der Ankerkartierungsergebnisse...................108 5.2 Ankerkarten-Merging-Verfahren.................................110 5.2.1 Auflösen von Mehrdeutigkeiten...............................110 5.2.2 Erstellung einer gemeinsamen Ankerkarte.....................115 6 Herstellung eines absoluten Raumbezugs..........................117 6.1 Aufbereitung der Lokalisierungsergebnisse.....................117 6.1.1 Generierung von Geraden.....................................119 6.1.2 Generierung eines Graphen...................................122 6.2 Daten-Matching-Verfahren......................................123 6.2.1 Vektorbasierte Karteninformationen..........................125 6.2.2 Rasterbasierte Karteninformationen..........................129 7 Verfahrensevaluation............................................133 7.1 Methodischer Ansatz...........................................133 7.2 Datenbasis....................................................135 7.2.1 Sensordaten.................................................137 7.2.2 Digitales Kartenmaterial....................................143 7.3 Definition von Testszenarien..................................145 7.4 Bewertung.....................................................147 7.4.1 SLAM-Verfahren..............................................148 7.4.2 Ankerkarten-Merging-Verfahren...............................151 7.4.3 Daten-Matching-Verfahren....................................152 8 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick....................................163 8.1 Ergebnisse der Arbeit.........................................164 8.2 Ausblick......................................................165 Literaturverzeichnis..............................................166 A Ergänzungen zum entwickelten Verfahren..........................A-1 A.1 Generierung von Bewegungsinformationen........................A-1 A.2 Erweiterung des FastSLAM-Verfahrens...........................A-2 A.3 Ablauf des konzipierten Greedy-Algorithmus....................A-4 A.4 Lagewinkel der Kanten in einer Rastergrafik...................A-5 B Ergänzungen zur Verfahrensevaluation............................A-9 B.1 Geschwindigkeitsprofile der simulierten Objekttrajektorien....A-9 B.2 Gesamtes SLAM-Ergebnis eines Testszenarios....................A-9 B.3 Statistische Repräsentativität...............................A-10 B.4 Gesamtes Ankerkarten-Merging-Ergebnis eines Testszenarios....A-11 B.5 Gesamtes Daten-Matching-Ergebnis eines Testszenarios.........A-18 B.6 Qualitative Ergebnisbewertung................................A-18 B.7 Divergenz des Gesamtverfahrens...............................A-18

Robotics Approach in Mobile Laser Scanning : Generation of Georeferenced Point-based Forest Models

Faitli, Tamas January 2023 (has links)
A mobile laser scanning (MLS) system equipped with a lidar, inertial navigation system and satellite positioning can be used to reconstruct georeferenced point-based models of the surveyed environments. Ideal reconstruction requires accurate trajectories that are challenging to obtain in forests. Satellite signals are heavily degraded under the forest canopy, while lidar-based positioning is often inefficient due to the forest’s unstructured and complex nature. Most forestry-related solutions compute or improve the trajectory in post-processing, focusing on accuracy rather than the possibility of real-time operation. On the other hand, real-time solutions exist, but they are primarily tested and evaluated in urban environments, and the forest’s effect on them is less known. In this study, high-quality, real-time point-based forest model generation was considered by applying techniques from the field of robotics. Forest data were collected with an MLS system mounted 1) on a stick carried by a person and 2) mounted on a forest harvester while performing thinning operations. The system’s trajectory was computed using lidar-inertial-based smoothing and mapping algorithms with real-time limitations. In addition, satellite measurements were either fused into the smoothing algorithm contributing to the trajectory estimation or were used to georeference the trajectory in a post-processing manner. Collecting reliable reference trajectories is difficult in forests. Therefore, this study mainly contains qualitative and relative evaluation. The results indicate that real-time and onboard processing is feasible for forest data with adequate accuracy. State-of-the-art edge and planar feature-based lidar odometry was the most accurate but could not fully maintain real-time operation. On the other hand, the normal distributions transform-based odometry can maintain fast and constant computation with slightly lower accuracy. Fusing the satellite positioning for the mapping reduced the internal integrity of the reconstructed point cloud models, and it is suggested to use it for post-processed georeferencing instead. / Ett mobilt laserskanningssystem (MLS) utrustat med ett lidar, tröghetsnavigeringssystem och satellitpositionering kan användas för att rekonstruera georefererade punktbaserade modeller av de undersökta miljöerna. Idealisk återuppbyggnad kräver exakta banor som är utmanande att uppnå i skogar. Satellitsignaler är kraftigt försämrade under skogens tak, medan lidarbaserad positionering ofta är ineffektiv på grund av skogens ostrukturerade och komplexa natur. De flesta skogsbruksrelaterade lösningar beräknar eller förbättrar banan i efterbearbetning, med fokus på noggrannhet snarare än möjligheten till drift i realtid. Å andra sidan finns realtidslösningar, men de är främst testade och utvärderade i stadsmiljöer och skogens påverkan på dem är mindre känd. I denna studie övervägdes högkvalitativ, punktbaserad skogsmodellgenerering i realtid genom att tillämpa tekniker från robotteknikområdet. Skogsdata samlades in med ett MLS-system monterat 1) på en pinne som bärs av en person och 2) monterad på en skogsskördare under gallringsoperationer. Systemets bana beräknades med hjälp av lidar-tröghetsbaserade utjämnings- och kartläggningsalgoritmer med realtidsbegränsningar. Dessutom fuserades satellitmätningar antingen in i utjämningsalgoritmen som bidrog till banuppskattningen eller användes för att georeferera banan på ett efterbearbetningssätt. Att samla pålitliga referensbanor är svårt i skogar. Därför innehåller denna studie främst kvalitativ och relativ utvärdering. Resultaten indikerar att bearbetning i realtid och ombord är möjlig för skogsdata med tillräcklig noggrannhet. Toppmodern kant- och planfunktionsbaserad lidarodometri var den mest exakta men kunde inte helt upprätthålla realtidsdrift. Å andra sidan kan normalfördelningstransformationsbaserad odometri upprätthålla snabb och konstant beräkning med något lägre noggrannhet. Att sammansmälta satellitpositioneringen för kartläggningen minskade den interna integriteten hos de rekonstruerade punktmolnmodellerna, och det föreslås att man istället använder den för efterbehandlad georeferens.

Augmented Reality through Various Sensory Channels and its Application to Orientation and Spatial Localization Processes

Muñoz Montoya, Francisco Miguel 31 July 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Esta tesis se centra en explotar las posibilidades de la Realidad Aumentada (RA) basada en SLAM (localización y mapeo simultáneos) para la evaluación de la memoria espacial. El objetivo principal fue desarrollar nuevas técnicas de localización en interiores en el ámbito de la RA, aprovechando los avances tecnológicos, y validarlas mediante la construcción de frameworks y aplicaciones orientadas a la evaluación de la capacidad de localización espacial en adultos; y estudiar el aumento perceptivo en los canales visual y táctil. En esta tesis, para cumplir con este objetivo principal, se desarrolló un framework para el desarrollo de aplicaciones de autor para utilizar en el estudio de la memoria espacial aprovechando la RA basada en SLAM. Nuestro framework permite utilizar diferentes motores/SDKs de RA. Existen diferentes interfaces incorporadas en el framework a través de las cuales se puede acceder a los diferentes módulos de RA. Esto permite un uso modular e independiente del motor de RA para los desarrolladores. El funcionamiento general de las aplicaciones desarrolladas en esta tesis consta de tres fases. En una primera fase, el supervisor selecciona el número de objetos virtuales a memorizar y los propios objetos virtuales, que coloca en los lugares deseados del entorno. En la segunda fase, el usuario recorre el entorno y memoriza las ubicaciones de los objetos virtuales en el entorno real. En la tercera fase, el usuario debe colocar los objetos virtuales en las ubicaciones que tenían en la fase anterior. Hasta donde sabemos, este es el primer trabajo que utiliza la RA basada en SLAM para la evaluación de la memoria espacial, implicando el movimiento físico del usuario, y considerando estímulos visuales y táctiles. Para la validación, se realizaron tres estudios centrados en investigar la viabilidad del uso de las aplicaciones en entornos de pequeñas y grandes dimensiones, así como el uso de estímulos visuales y táctiles. El rendimiento de nuestras aplicaciones se comparó con los métodos tradicionales. También se evaluaron las variables subjetivas. En el primer estudio (N=55) se consideraron los estímulos visuales y los entornos de pequeñas dimensiones. Los participantes se dividieron en dos grupos: ARGroup (memorización mediante RA) y el NoARGroup (memorizaron mirando fotografías). El segundo estudio (N=46) consideró los estímulos visuales y los entornos de grandes dimensiones. Se evaluó el rendimiento de los participantes en una tarea verbal de recuerdo de objetos, una tarea de colocación en mapas y una tarea de orientación espacial con lápiz y papel. También se evaluó la importancia de las distintas estrategias espaciales de orientación y los niveles de ansiedad. En el tercer estudio (N=53) se comparó el rendimiento con estímulos visuales y táctiles y se utilizaron entornos de pequeñas dimensiones. Del desarrollo y de los tres estudios realizados se extrajeron las siguientes conclusiones generales: 1) La RA basada en SLAM es adecuada para desarrollar tareas de evaluación de la memoria espacial, pudiéndose utilizar en cualquier entorno y sin necesidad de añadir elementos reales al entorno para su registro; 2) Las aplicaciones desarrolladas en esta tesis permiten la personalización de la tarea y el almacenamiento de las variables de rendimiento; 3) Estas aplicaciones han permitido una evaluación ecológica; 4) Estas aplicaciones y otras herramientas similares podrían utilizarse para evaluar y entrenar la memoria espacial como alternativa a los métodos tradicionales; 5) Los estímulos táctiles son estímulos válidos que pueden beneficiar la evaluación de la memoria de las asociaciones táctiles-espaciales, pero la memoria de las asociaciones visuales-espaciales es dominante; 6) Las aplicaciones desarrolladas en esta tesis y otras herramientas similares podrían ayudar en el diagnóstico de las alteraciones de la memoria espacial. / [CA] Aquesta tesi se centra en explotar les possibilitats de la Realitat Augmentada (RA) basada en SLAM (localització i mapeig simultanis) per a l'avaluació de la memòria espacial. L'objectiu principal va ser desenvolupar noves tècniques de localització en interiors en l'àmbit de la RA, aprofitant els avanços tecnològics, i validarles mitjançant la construcció de frameworks i aplicacions orientades a l'avaluació de la capacitat de localització espacial en adults; i estudiar l'augment perceptiu en els canals visual i tàctil. En aquesta tesi, per a complir amb aquest objectiu principal, es va desenvolupar un framework per al desenvolupament d'aplicacions d'autor per a utilitzar en l'estudi de la memòria espacial aprofitant la RA basada en SLAM. El nostre framework permet utilitzar diferents motors/SDKs de RA. Hi ha diferents interfícies incorporades en el framework a través de les quals es poden connectar els diferents mòduls de RA. Això permet un ús modular i independent del motor de RA per als desenvolupadors. El funcionament general de les aplicacions desenvolupades en aquesta tesi consta de tres fases. En una primera fase, el supervisor selecciona el nombre d'objectes virtuals a memoritzar i els propis objectes virtuals, que col·loca en els llocs desitjats de l'entorn. En la segona fase, l'usuari recorre l'entorn i memoritza les ubicacions dels objectes virtuals en l'entorn real. En la tercera fase, l'usuari ha de col·locar els objectes virtuals en les ubicacions que tenien en la fase anterior. Fins on sabem, aquest és el primer treball que utilitza la RA basada en SLAM per a l'avaluació de la memòria espacial, implicant el moviment físic de l'usuari, i considerant estímuls visuals i tàctils. Per a la validació, es van realitzar tres estudis centrats en estudiar la viabilitat de l'ús de les aplicacions en entorns de xicotetes i grans dimensions, així com l'ús d'estímuls visuals i tàctils. El rendiment de les nostres aplicacions es va comparar amb els mètodes tradicionals. També es van avaluar les variables subjectives. En el primer estudi (N=55) es van considerar els estímuls visuals i els entorns de xicotetes dimensions. Els participants es van dividir en dos grups: ARGroup (memorització mitjançant RA) i el NoARGroup (memorització mirant fotografies). El segon estudi (N=46) va tindre en compte els estímuls visuals i els entorns de grans dimensions. Es va avaluar el rendiment dels participants en una tasca verbal de record d'objectes, una tasca de col·locació en mapes i una tasca d'orientació espacial amb llapis i paper. També es va avaluar la importància de les diferents estratègies espacials d'orientació i els nivells d'ansietat. En el tercer estudi (N=53) es va comparar el rendiment amb estímuls visuals i tàctils i es van utilitzar entorns de xicotetes dimensions. Del desenvolupament i dels tres estudis realitzats es van extraure les següents conclusions generals: 1) La RA basada en SLAM és adequada per a desenvolupar tasques d'avaluació de la memòria espacial, podent-se utilitzar en qualsevol entorn i sense necessitat d'afegir elements reals a l'entorn per al seu registre; 2) Les aplicacions desenvolupades en aquesta tesi permeten la personalització de la tasca i l'emmagatzematge de les variables de rendiment; 3) Aquestes aplicacions han permés una avaluació ecològica; 4) Aquestes aplicacions i altres ferramentes similars podrien utilitzar-se per a avaluar i entrenar la memòria espacial com a alternativa als mètodes tradicionals; 5) Els estímuls tàctils són estímuls vàlids que poden beneficiar l'avaluació de la memoria de les associacions tàctils-espacials, però la memòria de les associacions visualsespacials és dominant; 6) Les aplicacions desenvolupades en aquesta tesi i altres ferramentes similars podrien ajudar en el diagnòstic de les alteracions de la memòria espacial. / [EN] This thesis focuses on exploiting the possibilities of Augmented Reality (AR) based on SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) for the assessment of spatial memory. The main objective was to develop new indoor localization techniques in the field of AR, taking advantage of technological advances, and to validate them by building frameworks and applications oriented to the assessment of spatial location ability in adults; and studying perceptual augmentation in the visual and tactile channels. In this thesis, to fulfill this main objective, a framework was developed for the development of author applications to use in the study of spatial memory taking advantage of AR based on SLAM. Our framework enables using different AR engines or SDKs. There are different interfaces incorporated in the framework through which the different AR modules can be connected. This enables a modular and independent use of the AR engine for developers. The general functioning of the applications developed in this thesis consists of three phases. In a first phase, the supervisor selects the number of virtual objects to be memorized and the virtual objects themselves, which she/he places at desired locations in the environment. In the second phase, the user walks through the environment and memorizes the locations of the virtual objects in the real environment. In the third phase, the user must place the virtual objects in the locations they were in the previous phase. To our knowledge, this is the first work using SLAM-based AR for the assessment of spatial memory, involving physical movement of the user, and considering visual and tactile stimuli. For the validation, three studies were carried out that focused on studying the feasibility of using the applications in small and large environments, as well as the use of visual and tactile stimuli. The performance of our applications was compared with traditional methods. Subjective variables were also assessed. The first study considered visual stimulus and small environments. This study involved 55 users. Participants were divided into two groups: ARGroup (participants memorized the location of virtual objects in the real world in a memorization phase using AR) and the NoARGroup (participants memorized the location of virtual objects by looking at photographs of the augmented environment using the device). The second study considered visual stimulus and large environments. This study involved 46 young adults. The participants had to go through a two-story building and memorize the position of a total of eight virtual objects. Participants' performance was also evaluated in a verbal object recall task, a pencil and paper spatial orientation task and a map-pointing task. The importance of different spatial strategies for orientation and anxiety levels were also evaluated. The third study compared the performance using visual versus tactile stimuli and used small environments. This study involved 53 subjects. The participants were divided into two groups: Visual, which used visual stimuli, and Tactile, which used tactile stimuli. The following general conclusions were extracted from the development and the three studies carried out: 1) SLAM-based AR is suitable for developing spatial memory assessment tasks, working in any environment and without the need to add real objects to the environment for registration; 2) The applications developed in this thesis allow task customization and storage of performance variables; 3) These applications have allowed an ecological assessment; 4) These applications and similar tools could be used to assess and train spatial memory as an alternative to traditional methods; 5) Tactile stimuli are valid stimuli that can help the assessment of memory of tactile-spatial associations, but memory of visual-spatial associations is dominant; 6) The applications developed in this thesis and similar tools could help in the diagnosis of spatial memory impairments. / Muñoz Montoya, FM. (2023). Augmented Reality through Various Sensory Channels and its Application to Orientation and Spatial Localization Processes [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/195733 / Compendio

Structureless Camera Motion Estimation of Unordered Omnidirectional Images

Sastuba, Mark 08 August 2022 (has links)
This work aims at providing a novel camera motion estimation pipeline from large collections of unordered omnidirectional images. In oder to keep the pipeline as general and flexible as possible, cameras are modelled as unit spheres, allowing to incorporate any central camera type. For each camera an unprojection lookup is generated from intrinsics, which is called P2S-map (Pixel-to-Sphere-map), mapping pixels to their corresponding positions on the unit sphere. Consequently the camera geometry becomes independent of the underlying projection model. The pipeline also generates P2S-maps from world map projections with less distortion effects as they are known from cartography. Using P2S-maps from camera calibration and world map projection allows to convert omnidirectional camera images to an appropriate world map projection in oder to apply standard feature extraction and matching algorithms for data association. The proposed estimation pipeline combines the flexibility of SfM (Structure from Motion) - which handles unordered image collections - with the efficiency of PGO (Pose Graph Optimization), which is used as back-end in graph-based Visual SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) approaches to optimize camera poses from large image sequences. SfM uses BA (Bundle Adjustment) to jointly optimize camera poses (motion) and 3d feature locations (structure), which becomes computationally expensive for large-scale scenarios. On the contrary PGO solves for camera poses (motion) from measured transformations between cameras, maintaining optimization managable. The proposed estimation algorithm combines both worlds. It obtains up-to-scale transformations between image pairs using two-view constraints, which are jointly scaled using trifocal constraints. A pose graph is generated from scaled two-view transformations and solved by PGO to obtain camera motion efficiently even for large image collections. Obtained results can be used as input data to provide initial pose estimates for further 3d reconstruction purposes e.g. to build a sparse structure from feature correspondences in an SfM or SLAM framework with further refinement via BA. The pipeline also incorporates fixed extrinsic constraints from multi-camera setups as well as depth information provided by RGBD sensors. The entire camera motion estimation pipeline does not need to generate a sparse 3d structure of the captured environment and thus is called SCME (Structureless Camera Motion Estimation).:1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation 1.1.1 Increasing Interest of Image-Based 3D Reconstruction 1.1.2 Underground Environments as Challenging Scenario 1.1.3 Improved Mobile Camera Systems for Full Omnidirectional Imaging 1.2 Issues 1.2.1 Directional versus Omnidirectional Image Acquisition 1.2.2 Structure from Motion versus Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping 1.3 Contribution 1.4 Structure of this Work 2 Related Work 2.1 Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping 2.1.1 Visual Odometry 2.1.2 Pose Graph Optimization 2.2 Structure from Motion 2.2.1 Bundle Adjustment 2.2.2 Structureless Bundle Adjustment 2.3 Corresponding Issues 2.4 Proposed Reconstruction Pipeline 3 Cameras and Pixel-to-Sphere Mappings with P2S-Maps 3.1 Types 3.2 Models 3.2.1 Unified Camera Model 3.2.2 Polynomal Camera Model 3.2.3 Spherical Camera Model 3.3 P2S-Maps - Mapping onto Unit Sphere via Lookup Table 3.3.1 Lookup Table as Color Image 3.3.2 Lookup Interpolation 3.3.3 Depth Data Conversion 4 Calibration 4.1 Overview of Proposed Calibration Pipeline 4.2 Target Detection 4.3 Intrinsic Calibration 4.3.1 Selected Examples 4.4 Extrinsic Calibration 4.4.1 3D-2D Pose Estimation 4.4.2 2D-2D Pose Estimation 4.4.3 Pose Optimization 4.4.4 Uncertainty Estimation 4.4.5 PoseGraph Representation 4.4.6 Bundle Adjustment 4.4.7 Selected Examples 5 Full Omnidirectional Image Projections 5.1 Panoramic Image Stitching 5.2 World Map Projections 5.3 World Map Projection Generator for P2S-Maps 5.4 Conversion between Projections based on P2S-Maps 5.4.1 Proposed Workflow 5.4.2 Data Storage Format 5.4.3 Real World Example 6 Relations between Two Camera Spheres 6.1 Forward and Backward Projection 6.2 Triangulation 6.2.1 Linear Least Squares Method 6.2.2 Alternative Midpoint Method 6.3 Epipolar Geometry 6.4 Transformation Recovery from Essential Matrix 6.4.1 Cheirality 6.4.2 Standard Procedure 6.4.3 Simplified Procedure 6.4.4 Improved Procedure 6.5 Two-View Estimation 6.5.1 Evaluation Strategy 6.5.2 Error Metric 6.5.3 Evaluation of Estimation Algorithms 6.5.4 Concluding Remarks 6.6 Two-View Optimization 6.6.1 Epipolar-Based Error Distances 6.6.2 Projection-Based Error Distances 6.6.3 Comparison between Error Distances 6.7 Two-View Translation Scaling 6.7.1 Linear Least Squares Estimation 6.7.2 Non-Linear Least Squares Optimization 6.7.3 Comparison between Initial and Optimized Scaling Factor 6.8 Homography to Identify Degeneracies 6.8.1 Homography for Spherical Cameras 6.8.2 Homography Estimation 6.8.3 Homography Optimization 6.8.4 Homography and Pure Rotation 6.8.5 Homography in Epipolar Geometry 7 Relations between Three Camera Spheres 7.1 Three View Geometry 7.2 Crossing Epipolar Planes Geometry 7.3 Trifocal Geometry 7.4 Relation between Trifocal, Three-View and Crossing Epipolar Planes 7.5 Translation Ratio between Up-To-Scale Two-View Transformations 7.5.1 Structureless Determination Approaches 7.5.2 Structure-Based Determination Approaches 7.5.3 Comparison between Proposed Approaches 8 Pose Graphs 8.1 Optimization Principle 8.2 Solvers 8.2.1 Additional Graph Solvers 8.2.2 False Loop Closure Detection 8.3 Pose Graph Generation 8.3.1 Generation of Synthetic Pose Graph Data 8.3.2 Optimization of Synthetic Pose Graph Data 9 Structureless Camera Motion Estimation 9.1 SCME Pipeline 9.2 Determination of Two-View Translation Scale Factors 9.3 Integration of Depth Data 9.4 Integration of Extrinsic Camera Constraints 10 Camera Motion Estimation Results 10.1 Directional Camera Images 10.2 Omnidirectional Camera Images 11 Conclusion 11.1 Summary 11.2 Outlook and Future Work Appendices A.1 Additional Extrinsic Calibration Results A.2 Linear Least Squares Scaling A.3 Proof Rank Deficiency A.4 Alternative Derivation Midpoint Method A.5 Simplification of Depth Calculation A.6 Relation between Epipolar and Circumferential Constraint A.7 Covariance Estimation A.8 Uncertainty Estimation from Epipolar Geometry A.9 Two-View Scaling Factor Estimation: Uncertainty Estimation A.10 Two-View Scaling Factor Optimization: Uncertainty Estimation A.11 Depth from Adjoining Two-View Geometries A.12 Alternative Three-View Derivation A.12.1 Second Derivation Approach A.12.2 Third Derivation Approach A.13 Relation between Trifocal Geometry and Alternative Midpoint Method A.14 Additional Pose Graph Generation Examples A.15 Pose Graph Solver Settings A.16 Additional Pose Graph Optimization Examples Bibliography

Cell Fate Decisions and Transcriptional Regulation in Single Cells at High Temporal Resolution

Neuschulz, Katrin Anika Elisabeth 03 June 2024 (has links)
RNA ist ein zentrales Molekül in der Zelle und essentiell für ihre Lebensfunktionen. Die durchschnittliche Halbwertszeit von RNA-Molekülen limitiert jedoch die zeitliche Auflösung herkömmlicher RNA-Sequenzierung, da geringe Änderungen im Transkriptom kaum zu erkennen sind, bis eine gewisse Anzahl an Molekülen akkumuliert. Durch metabolische Markierung von RNA (SLAMseq) kann die Auflösung deutlich erhöht werden. Hierfür werden der Probe markierte Nucleotide (4sU/4sUTP) zugesetzt, die dann zufällig in neu transkribierte RNA inkorporiert werden und eine Unterscheidung zwischen ‚neuer‘ und ‚alter‘ RNA erlauben. In dieser Arbeit werden eine der ersten Einzelzell-SLAMseq-Methoden, die dazugehörige Datenanalyse-Software sowie drei Anwendungen der entwickelten Methoden vorgestellt. Die erste Anwendung verwendet Einzelzell-SLAMseq, um zwischen maternaler (alter) und zygotischer (neuer) RNA in sich entwickelnden Zebrafischembryos bis zur Gastrulation zu unterscheiden. Im Rahmen des Projekts entstand der erste Einzelzell-SLAMseq-Datensatz in einem vollständigen Wirbeltier, der es außerdem erlaubt, im Vorfeld identifizierten lokalisierten maternalen Transkripten zeitlich zu folgen. Diese – vorher uncharakterisierten –Transkripte wurden während der Gastrulation in den Keimzellen angereichert gefunden, was Rückschlüsse auf ihre mögliche Funktion erlaubt. Die zweite Anwendung konzentriert sich auf die neu transkribierte RNA und verwendet (Einzelzell-)SLAMseq, um Transkripte, die in Reaktion auf Stress während der Probenaufbereitung hergestellt wurden, zu identifizieren und rechnerisch zu entfernen. Die Vorteile der Methode werden in mehreren Systemen und Geweben (Mausherz, Zebrafischlarve, Maus-Microglia) demonstriert. In der dritten Anwendung wird eine Machbarkeitsstudie für in vivo SLAMseq zur Identifikation der initialen Immunantwort nach Makrophagenstimulation präsentiert, die auf einen deutlichen Gewinn an zeitlicher Auflösung durch SLAMseq hindeutet. / RNA is a central molecule in the cell and essential to its life functions. With the average RNA half life being multiple hours, regular RNA sequencing has an intrinsic limit on temporal resolution, where small changes in the transcriptome are not picked up until a certain amount of transcripts has build up. This resolution can be greatly improved using RNA metabolic labelling (SLAMseq), where labelled nucleotides (4sU/4sUTP) are added to the samples. These nucleotides are randomly incorporated into nascent transcripts and allow distinction between RNA produced before and after introduction of the labelling agent. This thesis presents one of the first high throughput single cell SLAMseq protocols, an accompanying computational pipeline for data analysis as well as three applications for the developed methods. The first application uses single cell SLAMseq to distinguish between maternal (unlabelled) and zygotic (labelled) transcripts in early zebrafish development (up to mid-gastrulation). This project generated the first single cell SLAMseq dataset in a whole vertebrate. Additionally the data allows to follow a previously discovered set of vegetally localised maternal transcripts in time and determine that these specific transcripts are mainly enriched in the primordial germ cells at gastrulation, therefore ascribing a potential function to a set of so far uncharacterised genes. The second application focuses on newly transcribed RNA and uses (single cell) SLAMseq as a technique to identify and remove transcripts generated in response to sample preparation stress. The method’s benefits are demonstrated in multiple systems and tissues, among them mouse cardiomyocytes, zebrafish larvae and mouse microglia. Finally as the third application an in vivo proof of concept study of SLAMseq to identify first response genes in macrophage stimulation is presented, where the introduction of 4sU shows clear advantages in temporal resolution compared to unlabelled data.

Sycophant Wireless Sensor Networks Tracked By Sparsemobile Wireless Sensor Networks While Cooperativelymapping An Area

Dogru, Sedat 01 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis the novel concept of Sycophant Wireless Sensors (SWS) is introduced. A SWS network is a static ectoparasitic clandestine sensor network mounted incognito on a mobile agent using only the agent&rsquo / s mobility without intervention. SWS networks not only communicate with each other through mobileWireless Sensor Networks (WSN) but also cooperate with them to form a global hybrid Wireless Sensor Network. Such a hybrid network has its own problems and opportunities, some of which have been studied in this thesis work. Assuming that direct position measurements are not always feasible tracking performance of the sycophant using range only measurements for various communication intervals is studied. Then this framework was used to create a hybrid 2D map of the environment utilizing the capabilities of the mobile network the sycophant. In order to show possible applications of a sycophant deployment, the sycophant sensor node was equipped with a laser ranger as its sensor, and it was let to create a 2D map of its environment. This 2D map, which corresponds to a height dierent than the follower network, was merged with the 2D map of the mobile network forming a novel rough 3D map. Then by giving up from the need to properly localize the sycophant even when it is disconnected to the rest of the network, a full 3D map of the environment is obtained by fusing 2D map and tracking capabilities of the mobile network with the 2D vertical scans of the environment by the sycophant. And finally connectivity problems that arise from the hybrid sensor/actuator network were solved. For this 2 new connectivity maintenance algorithms, one based on the helix structures of the proteins, and the other based on the acute triangulation of the space forming a Gabriel Graph, were introduced. In this new algorithms emphasis has been given to sparseness in order to increase fault tolerance to regional problems. To better asses sparseness a new measure, called Resistance was introduced, as well as another called updistance.

Towards Sustainable Phosphorus Management : Material Flow Analysis of phosphorus in Gothenburg and ways to establish nutrient recycling by improving urban wastewater systems / Mot en mer hållbar fosforhantering : Substansflödesanalys av fosfor i Göteborg och sätt att uppnå näringsåtervinning genom att förbättra urbana avloppssystem

Borgestedt, Helena, Svanäng, Ingela January 2011 (has links)
All life forms require the nutrient phosphorus and it cannot be substituted by any other element. The global cycle of phosphorus is special among the major biogeochemical cycles, since it has no significant gaseous compounds and only closes every 10-100 million years. However, human activities, as application of mineral fertilizers, conversion of natural ecosystems to arable land and releases of untreated waste, intensify remarkably thephosphorus flows. The problems with linear flows of a limited resource leading to eutrophication of aquaticenvironments, for instance, have generated national environmental quality objectives for phosphorus in Sweden. The main objective of this master thesis is to get a holistic overview of how phosphorus is moving through Gothenburg today, using Material Flow Analysis as method. The spatial system boundary is the municipality of Gothenburg and the temporal system boundary is the year of 2009. One way of dealing with the linear flows ofphosphorus might be to develop the wastewater systems used in Gothenburg today. Possible changes in phosphorus flows, if kitchen grinders or urine-diverting toilets were installed in Gothenburg, are evaluated. In order to make the phosphorus management more sustainable, the linear flows have to be closed to a larger extent than today. One way towards this ambition is to emphasize other fertilizers than the mineral ones, like urine and low-contaminated sludge. The MFA shows that the absolutely largest input of phosphorus to Gothenburg is via the food. The two large outputs of the same magnitude are the digested sludge from the wastewater treatment plant of Rya and the ashes from the waste-fuelled district heating power plant of Sävenäs. About 7% of the phosphorus input to Gothenburg continues into the aquatic environment. According to this study, urine diversion and separate collection of food seem prospective in order to decrease the phosphorus flows in digested sludge from the wastewater treatment plant, ashes and aquatic deposition. An additional advantage would be generation of recycled fertilizing products with good quality. / Näringsämnet fosfor är nödvändigt för alla levande organismer och kan inte ersättas av något annat grundämne. Den globala fosforcykeln är speciell då den inte innehåller några gasformiga föreningar och sluts var 10-100 miljonte år. Användning av konstgödsel, omvandling av tidigare orörda ekosystem till odlingsmark och utsläppav förorenat avfall är exempel på mänskliga aktiviteter som intensifierar fosforflöden. Problemet med att linjäraflöden av denna begränsade resurs leder till övergödning av vattenmiljöer har genererat nationella miljömål i Sverige för fosfor. Det huvudsakliga målet med detta examensarbete är att få en översikt av hur fosfor rör sig genom Göteborg idag med hjälp av substansflödesanalys. Den rumsliga systemgränsen är kommungränsen för Göteborg och den tidsmässiga avgränsningen är året 2009. Ett sätt att förbättra de linjära fosforflödena kan vara att utveckla deavloppssystem som idag används i Göteborg. Förändringarna som uppstår i fosforflödena vid installation av urinsorterande toaletter alternativt köksavfallskvarnar undersöks. Linjära flöden måste bli återcirkulerade i en högre utsträckning än idag ifall fosforhushållningen ska gå mot hållbarhet. Ett sätt att nå denna ambition är att lyfta fram andra gödselprodukter än konstgödsel, exempelvis urin och renare slam. Flödesanalysen visar att det definitivt största inflödet av fosfor till Göteborg är via livsmedel. De två största fosforutflödena, båda i samma storleksordning, är rötat slam från Ryaverket och aska från sopförbränningsanläggningen Sävenäs. Cirka 7% av den fosfor som flödar in i Göteborg fortsätter vidare ut i vattenmiljön. Enligt denna studie verkar urinsortering och separat insamling av matavfall vara goda lösningar för en framtid med mindre fosfor i slammet från Rya och i aska samt till vattenmiljön. En ytterligare fördel skulle vara erhållandet av hållbara gödselprodukter med god kvalitet. / <p>This master thesis has also been published as a technical report at Chalmers with Report No. 2011:124.</p>

Efficient ranging-sensor navigation methods for indoor aircraft

Sobers, David Michael, Jr. 09 July 2010 (has links)
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles are often used for reconnaissance, search and rescue, damage assessment, exploration, and other tasks that are dangerous or prohibitively difficult for humans to perform. Often, these tasks include traversing indoor environments where radio links are unreliable, hindering the use of remote pilot links or ground-based control, and effectively eliminating Global Positioning System (GPS) signals as a potential localization method. As a result, any vehicle capable of indoor flight must be able to stabilize itself and perform all guidance, navigation, and control tasks without dependence on a radio link, which may be available only intermittently. Since the availability of GPS signals in unknown environments is not assured, other sensors must be used to provide position information relative to the environment. This research covers a description of different ranging sensors and methods for incorporating them into the overall guidance, navigation, and control system of a flying vehicle. Various sensors are analyzed to determine their performance characteristics and suitability for indoor navigation, including sonar, infrared range sensors, and a scanning laser rangefinder. Each type of range sensor tested has its own unique characteristics and contributes in a slightly different way to effectively eliminate the dependence on GPS. The use of low-cost range sensors on an inexpensive passively stabilized coaxial helicopter for drift-tolerant indoor navigation is demonstrated through simulation and flight test. In addition, a higher fidelity scanning laser rangefinder is simulated with an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) onboard a quadrotor helicopter to enable active stabilization and position control. Two different navigation algorithms that utilize a scanning laser and techniques borrowed from Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) are evaluated for use with an IMU-stabilized flying vehicle. Simulation and experimental results are presented for each of the navigation systems.

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