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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigating the role of potential genetic markers that can predict risk for steroid refractory inflammatory bowel disease

Krupoves, Alfreda 12 1900 (has links)
Contexte - La variation interindividuelle de la réponse aux corticostéroïdes (CS) est un problème important chez les patients atteints de maladies inflammatoires d’intestin. Ce problème est bien plus accentué chez les enfants avec la prévalence de la corticodépendance extrêmement (~40 %) élevée. La maladie réfractaire au CS a des répercussions sur le développement et le bien-être physique et psychologique des patients et impose des coûts médicaux élevés, particulièrement avec la maladie active comparativement à la maladie en rémission, le coût étant 2-3 fois plus élevé en ambulatoire et 20 fois plus élevé en hôpital. Il est ainsi primordial de déterminer les marqueurs prédictifs de la réponse aux CS. Les efforts précédents de découvrir les marqueurs cliniques et démographiques ont été équivoques, ce qui souligne davantage le besoin de marqueurs moléculaires. L'action des CS se base sur des processus complexes déterminés génétiquement. Deux gènes, le ABCB1, appartenant à la famille des transporteurs transmembraneaux, et le NR3C1, encodant le récepteur glucocorticoïde, sont des éléments importants des voies métaboliques. Nous avons postulé que les variations dans ces gènes ont un rôle dans la variabilité observée de la réponse aux CS et pourraient servir en tant que les marqueurs prédictifs. Objectifs - Nous avons visé à: (1) examiner le fardeau de la maladie réfractaire aux CS chez les enfants avec la maladie de Crohn (MC) et le rôle des caractéristiques cliniques et démographiques potentiellement liés à la réponse; (2) étudier l'association entre les variantes d'ADN de gène ABCB1 et la réponse aux CS; (3) étudier les associations entre les variantes d'ADN de gène NR3C1 et la réponse aux CS. Méthodes - Afin d’atteindre ces objectifs, nous avons mené une étude de cohorte des patients recrutés dans deux cliniques pédiatriques tertiaires de gastroentérologie à l’Ottawa (CHEO) et à Montréal (HSJ). Les patients avec la MC ont été diagnostiqués avant l'âge de 18 ans selon les critères standard radiologiques, endoscopiques et histopathologiques. La corticorésistance et la corticodépendance ont été définies en adaptant les critères reconnus. L’ADN, acquise soit du sang ou de la salive, était génotypée pour des variations à travers de gènes ABCB1 et NR3C1 sélectionnées à l’aide de la méthodologie de tag-SNP. La fréquence de la corticorésistance et la corticodépendance a été estimée assumant une distribution binomiale. Les associations entre les variables cliniques/démographiques et la réponse aux CS ont été examinées en utilisant la régression logistique en ajustant pour des variables potentielles de confusion. Les associations entre variantes génétiques de ABCB1 et NR3C1 et la réponse aux CS ont été examinées en utilisant la régression logistique assumant différents modèles de la transmission. Les associations multimarqueurs ont été examinées en utilisant l'analyse de haplotypes. Les variantes nongénotypées ont été imputées en utilisant les données de HAPMAP et les associations avec SNPs imputés ont été examinées en utilisant des méthodes standard. Résultats - Parmi 645 patients avec la MC, 364 (56.2%) ont reçu CS. La majorité de patients étaient des hommes (54.9 %); présentaient la maladie de l’iléocôlon (51.7%) ou la maladie inflammatoire (84.6%) au diagnostic et étaient les Caucasiens (95.6 %). Huit pourcents de patients étaient corticorésistants et 40.9% - corticodépendants. Le plus bas âge au diagnostic (OR=1.34, 95% CI: 1.03-3.01, p=0.040), la maladie cœxistante de la région digestive supérieure (OR=1.35, 95% CI: 95% CI: 1.06-3.07, p=0.031) et l’usage simultané des immunomodulateurs (OR=0.35, 95% CI: 0.16-0.75, p=0.007) ont été associés avec la corticodépendance. Un total de 27 marqueurs génotypés à travers de ABCB1 (n=14) et NR3C1 (n=13) ont été en l'Équilibre de Hardy-Weinberg, à l’exception d’un dans le gène NR3C1 (rs258751, exclu). Dans ABCB1, l'allèle rare de rs2032583 (OR=0.56, 95% CI: 0.34-0.95, p=0.029) et génotype hétérozygote (OR=0.52, 95% CI: 0.28-0.95 p=0.035) ont été négativement associes avec la dépendance de CS. Un haplotype à 3 marqueurs, comprenant le SNP fonctionnel rs1045642 a été associé avec la dépendance de CS (p empirique=0.004). 24 SNPs imputés introniques et six haplotypes ont été significativement associés avec la dépendance de CS. Aucune de ces associations n'a cependant maintenu la signification après des corrections pour des comparaisons multiples. Dans NR3C1, trois SNPs: rs10482682 (OR=1.43, 95% CI: 0.99-2.08, p=0.047), rs6196 (OR=0.55, 95% CI: 0.31-0.95, p=0.024), et rs2963155 (OR=0.64, 95% CI: 0.42-0.98, p=0.039), ont été associés sous un modèle additif, tandis que rs4912911 (OR=0.37, 95% CI: 0.13-1.00, p=0.03) et rs2963156 (OR=0.32, 95% CI: 0.07-1.12, p=0.047) - sous un modèle récessif. Deux haplotypes incluant ces 5 SNPs (AAACA et GGGCG) ont été significativement (p=0.006 et 0.01 empiriques) associés avec la corticodépendance. 19 SNPs imputés ont été associés avec la dépendance de CS. Deux haplotypes multimarqueurs (p=0.001), incluant les SNPs génotypés et imputés, ont été associés avec la dépendance de CS. Conclusion - Nos études suggèrent que le fardeau de la corticodépendance est élevé parmi les enfants avec le CD. Les enfants plus jeunes au diagnostic et ceux avec la maladie coexistante de la région supérieure ainsi que ceux avec des variations dans les gènes ABCB1 et NR3C1 étaient plus susceptibles de devenir corticodépendants. / Background - Inter-individual variation in response to treatment by corticosteroids (CS) is an important problem in the management of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patient’s. This problem is even more prominent in children, the prevalence of steroid dependence (~40%) in whom is extremely high. Steroid refractoriness has a considerable impact on the physical and psychological development of these children, also imposing high medical costs related to treatment. Active disease, as opposed to quiescent, increases medical costs 2-3 times in ambulatory patients and 20 times in hospitalized cases. Identifying markers that could predict steroid response is therefore a high clinical priority. Previous attempts to investigate potential clinical and demographic markers have been equivocal, highlighting the need for further investigations of other predictive markers. It is well known that the action of CS entails complex processes controlled by genetic factors. Two genes, the ABCB1 gene, which belongs to the family of trans-membrane transporters, and the NR3C1 gene, coding for the glucocorticoid receptor, are major elements of the pathway. We postulated that inter-individual variations in these genes may play a role in the observed variability of the response to CS and could serve as potential predictors. Objectives - We aimed to: (1) examine the burden of steroid refractoriness in children diagnosed with CD and explore the potential clinical/demographic factors related to CS response; (2) study the association between DNA variants in the ABCB1 gene and CS response; (3) investigate the associations between DNA variants in the NR3C1 gene and CS response. Methods - We investigated these objectives in a cohort of CD patients recruited from two tertiary paediatric gastroenterology clinics from Ottawa (CHEO) and Montreal (HSJ). CD patients diagnosed prior to age 18 using standard clinical, radiological, endoscopic and histopathological criteria were included. Published criteria were adapted to define CS-resistance and dependence. DNA acquired from blood and/or saliva was genotyped for variations across the ABCB1 and NR3C1 genes selected using the tag-SNP methodology. The frequencies of steroid resistance and dependence were estimated assuming a binomial distribution. Associations between clinical/demographic variables and steroid responses were examined using logistic regression modeling after accounting for potential confounding variables. Associations between ABCB1 and NR3C1 genes’ variants and steroid responses were examined using logistic regression assuming different models of inheritance. Multi-marker associations were examined via haplotype analysis. Un-genotyped variants in the genes were imputed using HAPMAP data as the reference panel and associations with imputed SNPs examined using standard methods. Results - Among 645 CD patients diagnosed at the study centers, 364 (56.2%) received corticosteroids during the first year since diagnosis. The majority of patients were male (54.9%), had inflammatory (84.6%), ileo-colonic (51.7%) disease phenotypes at diagnosis and were Caucasians (95.6%). Eight percent of patients developed CS-resistance and 40.9% became CS-dependent. Younger age at diagnosis (OR=1.34, 95% CI: 1.03-3.01, p=0.040), coexisting upper digestive tract involvement (OR=1.35, 95% CI: 1.06-3.07, p=0.031) and concomitant immunomodulators use (OR=0.35, 95% CI: 0.16-0.75, p=0.007) were significantly associated with CS-dependency in multivariate analysis. From among the 27 markers genotyped across the ABCB1 (n=14) and NR3C1 genes (n=13), all except one in NR3C1 gene (rs258751, excluded) were in Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium. For ABCB1, the rare allele of rs2032583 (OR=0.56, 95% CI: 0.34-0.95, p=0.029) and heterozygous genotype (OR=0.52, 95% CI: 0.28-0.95, p=0.035) conferred protection from CS dependency. A 3-marker haplotype including the functional SNP rs1045642 was associated with CS-dependence (empiric p-value=0.004). On imputation 24 intronic SNPs and six haplotypes were statistically significantly associated with CS dependence. None of these associations however maintained significance after corrections for multiple comparisons. For the NR3C1 gene 3 SNPs, rs10482682 (OR=1.43, 95% CI: 0.99-2.08, p=0.047), rs6196 (OR=0.55, 95% CI: 0.31-0.95, p=0.024), and rs2963155 (OR=0.64, 95% CI: 0.42-0.98, p=0.039), showed associations under an additive model whereas rs4912911 (OR=0.37, 95% CI: 0.13-1.00, p=0.03) and rs2963156 (OR=0.32, 95% CI: 0.07-1.12, p=0.047) showed associations under a recessive model. Two haplotypes encompassing these 5 SNPs (AAACA and GGGCG) were significantly (empirical p=0.006 and 0.01 respectively) were associated with CS-dependence. On imputation 19 SNPs were associated with CS-dependence. Two multi-marker haplotypes (p-values=0.001 each) including genotyped and imputed SNPs conferred susceptibility for CS-dependency. Conclusions - Our studies suggest that the burden of steroid dependence is high among children with CD. Children diagnosed at a younger age, those with co-existent upper tract disease and with variations in the ABCB1 and NR3C1 genes were more likely to become CS dependent.

Investigation des variants génétiques dans la dysfonction endothéliale et le risque de maladies cardiovasculaires.

Codina-Fauteux, Valérie-Anne 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Anàlisi de la variació genètica de les regions CFTR i GBA en poblacions humanes de tot el món

Mateu Morante, Eva 06 July 2001 (has links)
Aquest treball és una contribució als estudis de diversitat del genoma humà i pretén estudiar la variació genètica existent a nivell mundial en dos gens, causants de malaltia, el gen CFTR i el gen GBA, en cromosomes d'individus sans. Mutacions en aquests gens produeixen la fibrosi quística i la malaltia de Gaucher respectivament. La fibrosi quística és la malaltia autosòmica recessiva més comuna en poblacions europees. La malaltia de Gaucher és la malaltia lisosòmica d'acumulació lipídica més freqüent. L'estudi analitza la variació genètica en diferents polimorfismes d'ambdós gens; reconstrueix els haplotips i analitza la seva distribució geogràfica; i analitza l'extensió i distribució geogràfica del desequilibri de lligament entre loci. Pel gen GBA, hem ampliat la regió, abastant fins al gen PKLR (que codifica per a la piruvat quinasa). A més a més, pel cas de CFTR, pot ajudar a entendre l'origen de les mutacions més freqüents causants de fibrosi quística. / This work is a contribution to human genome diversity studies and it aims to study the world-wide genetic variation that exists in two disease genes, CFTR and GBA gene, in healthy chromosomes. Mutations in these genes are known to cause cystic fibrosis and Gaucher disease respectively. Cystic fibrosis is the most common severe autosomal recessive disease in patients of European descent. Gaucher disease is the most frequent lysosomal storage disorder. The study analyzes the genetic variation in CFTR and GBA polymorphisms; estimates haplotype frequencies and describes their geographic distribution; and measures linkage disequilibrium between loci. For GBA gene, we have extended the analysis covering PKLR gene (that encodes for a pyruvate kinase). Moreover, for CFTR gene, we have tried to understand the origin of the most common cystic fibrosis causing mutations.

Mecanismes moleculars en el transtorn de la conducta alimentària: estudis en humans i en model murins

Mercader Bigas, Josep Maria 11 July 2008 (has links)
Els trastorns de la conducta alimentària (TCA) tenen una etiologia complexa en la que hi intervenen factors de predisposició socioculturals, ambientals i genètics. S'ha aprofundit en les bases moleculars dels TCA mitjançant estudis en pacients i en models murins. S'ha descrit una alteració en la concentració de BDNF en plasma de pacients, una correlació d'aquests nivells amb trets psicopatològics, i una associació de determinats polimorfismes a bulímia nerviosa i als nivells de BDNF en plasma. Un estudi d'associació en vàries poblacions ha demostrat una forta associació de variants del gen NTRK3, amb epistasi amb NGF, a TCA. Un model de sobreexpressió de BDNF confirma el seu paper en la regulació del pes corporal i estableix un possible vincle entre BDNF i la fisiopatologia de les tremolors. La caracterització del ratolí anx/anx suggereix que pot ser un model de la síndrome caquètica que acompanya malalties com el càncer, la SIDA o les malalties autoimmunitàries. / Eating disorders (ED) are complex disorders were environmental, sociocultural and genetic factors are involved. We have improved the knowledge of the genetic basis of ED through studies involving ED patients and murine models. Altered BDNF blood levels have been linked to ED and its related psychopathological traits. In addition several polymorphisms in the BDNF gene have been associated to bulimia nervosa and BDNF plasma levels. A family based association study has shown a strong association of NTRK3 variants to ED which show epistasis with NGF. The generation of an overexpression mouse model for BDNF confirms its role in body weight regulation and establishes a possible link between BDNF and the pathophysiology of tremors. The characterization of the anx/anx mouse model suggests that it may be a good model for the cachexia syndrome that accompanies certain chronic or inflammatory diseases such as cancer, AIDS or autoimmune diseases.

Genetic diversity of " brain genes" across worldwide

Gardner, Michelle 25 June 2007 (has links)
El treball presentat en aquesta tesi és un estudi de la diversitat genètica en un conjunt de gens implicats en funcions neurològiques ("Gens cerebrals"). Hom ha examinat vint-i-dos gens implicats en els sistemes de neurotransmissió dopaminèrgic, serotoninèrgic i glutamatèrgic. L'objectiu de l'estudi té dos vessants: per una banda l'anàlisi de la diversitat genètica en un conjunt de gens implicats en malaltia humana, en aquest cas en malaltia psiquiàtrica, en poblacions humanes mundials, amb la intenció d'assentar les bases per propers esforços de mapatge genètic; i per altra banda analitzar la diversitat genètica en aquest conjunt de gens per tal de descobrir evidències d'esdeveniments històrics, incloent possibles evidències de selecció. / The work presented in this thesis is a study of the genetic variation in a set of genes related to neurological function ('Brain genes'). Twenty two genes are examined, all of which are involved in either the Dopaminergic, Serotonergic or the Glutamatergic systems of neurotransmission.The objective of the study has two aspects: on the one hand the analysis of genetic variation in a set of genes which are implicated in human disease, in this case psychiatric disease, across global human populations, towards the end of providing some new insight for gene mapping efforts, and on the other hand the study of genetic variation in this set of genes may reveal traces of the population history events undergone, including possible evidence for selection.

Investigating the role of potential genetic markers that can predict risk for steroid refractory inflammatory bowel disease

Krupoves, Alfreda 12 1900 (has links)
Contexte - La variation interindividuelle de la réponse aux corticostéroïdes (CS) est un problème important chez les patients atteints de maladies inflammatoires d’intestin. Ce problème est bien plus accentué chez les enfants avec la prévalence de la corticodépendance extrêmement (~40 %) élevée. La maladie réfractaire au CS a des répercussions sur le développement et le bien-être physique et psychologique des patients et impose des coûts médicaux élevés, particulièrement avec la maladie active comparativement à la maladie en rémission, le coût étant 2-3 fois plus élevé en ambulatoire et 20 fois plus élevé en hôpital. Il est ainsi primordial de déterminer les marqueurs prédictifs de la réponse aux CS. Les efforts précédents de découvrir les marqueurs cliniques et démographiques ont été équivoques, ce qui souligne davantage le besoin de marqueurs moléculaires. L'action des CS se base sur des processus complexes déterminés génétiquement. Deux gènes, le ABCB1, appartenant à la famille des transporteurs transmembraneaux, et le NR3C1, encodant le récepteur glucocorticoïde, sont des éléments importants des voies métaboliques. Nous avons postulé que les variations dans ces gènes ont un rôle dans la variabilité observée de la réponse aux CS et pourraient servir en tant que les marqueurs prédictifs. Objectifs - Nous avons visé à: (1) examiner le fardeau de la maladie réfractaire aux CS chez les enfants avec la maladie de Crohn (MC) et le rôle des caractéristiques cliniques et démographiques potentiellement liés à la réponse; (2) étudier l'association entre les variantes d'ADN de gène ABCB1 et la réponse aux CS; (3) étudier les associations entre les variantes d'ADN de gène NR3C1 et la réponse aux CS. Méthodes - Afin d’atteindre ces objectifs, nous avons mené une étude de cohorte des patients recrutés dans deux cliniques pédiatriques tertiaires de gastroentérologie à l’Ottawa (CHEO) et à Montréal (HSJ). Les patients avec la MC ont été diagnostiqués avant l'âge de 18 ans selon les critères standard radiologiques, endoscopiques et histopathologiques. La corticorésistance et la corticodépendance ont été définies en adaptant les critères reconnus. L’ADN, acquise soit du sang ou de la salive, était génotypée pour des variations à travers de gènes ABCB1 et NR3C1 sélectionnées à l’aide de la méthodologie de tag-SNP. La fréquence de la corticorésistance et la corticodépendance a été estimée assumant une distribution binomiale. Les associations entre les variables cliniques/démographiques et la réponse aux CS ont été examinées en utilisant la régression logistique en ajustant pour des variables potentielles de confusion. Les associations entre variantes génétiques de ABCB1 et NR3C1 et la réponse aux CS ont été examinées en utilisant la régression logistique assumant différents modèles de la transmission. Les associations multimarqueurs ont été examinées en utilisant l'analyse de haplotypes. Les variantes nongénotypées ont été imputées en utilisant les données de HAPMAP et les associations avec SNPs imputés ont été examinées en utilisant des méthodes standard. Résultats - Parmi 645 patients avec la MC, 364 (56.2%) ont reçu CS. La majorité de patients étaient des hommes (54.9 %); présentaient la maladie de l’iléocôlon (51.7%) ou la maladie inflammatoire (84.6%) au diagnostic et étaient les Caucasiens (95.6 %). Huit pourcents de patients étaient corticorésistants et 40.9% - corticodépendants. Le plus bas âge au diagnostic (OR=1.34, 95% CI: 1.03-3.01, p=0.040), la maladie cœxistante de la région digestive supérieure (OR=1.35, 95% CI: 95% CI: 1.06-3.07, p=0.031) et l’usage simultané des immunomodulateurs (OR=0.35, 95% CI: 0.16-0.75, p=0.007) ont été associés avec la corticodépendance. Un total de 27 marqueurs génotypés à travers de ABCB1 (n=14) et NR3C1 (n=13) ont été en l'Équilibre de Hardy-Weinberg, à l’exception d’un dans le gène NR3C1 (rs258751, exclu). Dans ABCB1, l'allèle rare de rs2032583 (OR=0.56, 95% CI: 0.34-0.95, p=0.029) et génotype hétérozygote (OR=0.52, 95% CI: 0.28-0.95 p=0.035) ont été négativement associes avec la dépendance de CS. Un haplotype à 3 marqueurs, comprenant le SNP fonctionnel rs1045642 a été associé avec la dépendance de CS (p empirique=0.004). 24 SNPs imputés introniques et six haplotypes ont été significativement associés avec la dépendance de CS. Aucune de ces associations n'a cependant maintenu la signification après des corrections pour des comparaisons multiples. Dans NR3C1, trois SNPs: rs10482682 (OR=1.43, 95% CI: 0.99-2.08, p=0.047), rs6196 (OR=0.55, 95% CI: 0.31-0.95, p=0.024), et rs2963155 (OR=0.64, 95% CI: 0.42-0.98, p=0.039), ont été associés sous un modèle additif, tandis que rs4912911 (OR=0.37, 95% CI: 0.13-1.00, p=0.03) et rs2963156 (OR=0.32, 95% CI: 0.07-1.12, p=0.047) - sous un modèle récessif. Deux haplotypes incluant ces 5 SNPs (AAACA et GGGCG) ont été significativement (p=0.006 et 0.01 empiriques) associés avec la corticodépendance. 19 SNPs imputés ont été associés avec la dépendance de CS. Deux haplotypes multimarqueurs (p=0.001), incluant les SNPs génotypés et imputés, ont été associés avec la dépendance de CS. Conclusion - Nos études suggèrent que le fardeau de la corticodépendance est élevé parmi les enfants avec le CD. Les enfants plus jeunes au diagnostic et ceux avec la maladie coexistante de la région supérieure ainsi que ceux avec des variations dans les gènes ABCB1 et NR3C1 étaient plus susceptibles de devenir corticodépendants. / Background - Inter-individual variation in response to treatment by corticosteroids (CS) is an important problem in the management of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patient’s. This problem is even more prominent in children, the prevalence of steroid dependence (~40%) in whom is extremely high. Steroid refractoriness has a considerable impact on the physical and psychological development of these children, also imposing high medical costs related to treatment. Active disease, as opposed to quiescent, increases medical costs 2-3 times in ambulatory patients and 20 times in hospitalized cases. Identifying markers that could predict steroid response is therefore a high clinical priority. Previous attempts to investigate potential clinical and demographic markers have been equivocal, highlighting the need for further investigations of other predictive markers. It is well known that the action of CS entails complex processes controlled by genetic factors. Two genes, the ABCB1 gene, which belongs to the family of trans-membrane transporters, and the NR3C1 gene, coding for the glucocorticoid receptor, are major elements of the pathway. We postulated that inter-individual variations in these genes may play a role in the observed variability of the response to CS and could serve as potential predictors. Objectives - We aimed to: (1) examine the burden of steroid refractoriness in children diagnosed with CD and explore the potential clinical/demographic factors related to CS response; (2) study the association between DNA variants in the ABCB1 gene and CS response; (3) investigate the associations between DNA variants in the NR3C1 gene and CS response. Methods - We investigated these objectives in a cohort of CD patients recruited from two tertiary paediatric gastroenterology clinics from Ottawa (CHEO) and Montreal (HSJ). CD patients diagnosed prior to age 18 using standard clinical, radiological, endoscopic and histopathological criteria were included. Published criteria were adapted to define CS-resistance and dependence. DNA acquired from blood and/or saliva was genotyped for variations across the ABCB1 and NR3C1 genes selected using the tag-SNP methodology. The frequencies of steroid resistance and dependence were estimated assuming a binomial distribution. Associations between clinical/demographic variables and steroid responses were examined using logistic regression modeling after accounting for potential confounding variables. Associations between ABCB1 and NR3C1 genes’ variants and steroid responses were examined using logistic regression assuming different models of inheritance. Multi-marker associations were examined via haplotype analysis. Un-genotyped variants in the genes were imputed using HAPMAP data as the reference panel and associations with imputed SNPs examined using standard methods. Results - Among 645 CD patients diagnosed at the study centers, 364 (56.2%) received corticosteroids during the first year since diagnosis. The majority of patients were male (54.9%), had inflammatory (84.6%), ileo-colonic (51.7%) disease phenotypes at diagnosis and were Caucasians (95.6%). Eight percent of patients developed CS-resistance and 40.9% became CS-dependent. Younger age at diagnosis (OR=1.34, 95% CI: 1.03-3.01, p=0.040), coexisting upper digestive tract involvement (OR=1.35, 95% CI: 1.06-3.07, p=0.031) and concomitant immunomodulators use (OR=0.35, 95% CI: 0.16-0.75, p=0.007) were significantly associated with CS-dependency in multivariate analysis. From among the 27 markers genotyped across the ABCB1 (n=14) and NR3C1 genes (n=13), all except one in NR3C1 gene (rs258751, excluded) were in Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium. For ABCB1, the rare allele of rs2032583 (OR=0.56, 95% CI: 0.34-0.95, p=0.029) and heterozygous genotype (OR=0.52, 95% CI: 0.28-0.95, p=0.035) conferred protection from CS dependency. A 3-marker haplotype including the functional SNP rs1045642 was associated with CS-dependence (empiric p-value=0.004). On imputation 24 intronic SNPs and six haplotypes were statistically significantly associated with CS dependence. None of these associations however maintained significance after corrections for multiple comparisons. For the NR3C1 gene 3 SNPs, rs10482682 (OR=1.43, 95% CI: 0.99-2.08, p=0.047), rs6196 (OR=0.55, 95% CI: 0.31-0.95, p=0.024), and rs2963155 (OR=0.64, 95% CI: 0.42-0.98, p=0.039), showed associations under an additive model whereas rs4912911 (OR=0.37, 95% CI: 0.13-1.00, p=0.03) and rs2963156 (OR=0.32, 95% CI: 0.07-1.12, p=0.047) showed associations under a recessive model. Two haplotypes encompassing these 5 SNPs (AAACA and GGGCG) were significantly (empirical p=0.006 and 0.01 respectively) were associated with CS-dependence. On imputation 19 SNPs were associated with CS-dependence. Two multi-marker haplotypes (p-values=0.001 each) including genotyped and imputed SNPs conferred susceptibility for CS-dependency. Conclusions - Our studies suggest that the burden of steroid dependence is high among children with CD. Children diagnosed at a younger age, those with co-existent upper tract disease and with variations in the ABCB1 and NR3C1 genes were more likely to become CS dependent.

Study of genomic variability in the genetic susceptibility to psychiatric disorders: SNPs, CNVs and miRNAs

Saus Martínez, Ester 24 November 2010 (has links)
In this thesis we have studied genetic elements potentially contributing to the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders, focusing on different sources of human genome variability, including SNPs and CNVs, which can affect not only coding genes but also RNA regulatory elements, such as miRNAs. First, we have interrogated different candidate genes for psychiatric disorders overlapping with known CNVs, finding 14 different genes variable in copy number in psychiatric disorders but not in control individuals. Then, narrowing the analysis on mood disorders, we explored GSK3β gene considering both SNPs and a partially overlapping CNV. The GSK3β promoter and intron 1 region was found significantly associated with an earlier onset of the major depressive disorder. Finally, we have found evidence possibly pointing to a precise post-transcriptional regulation of circadian rhythms by miRNAs in mood disorder patients. Concretely, a variant in the precursor form of miR-182 could play an important role in fine-tuning its target sites involved in the control of sleep/wake cycles. Overall, we have provided evidence of different types of genome variation on neuronal genes or miRNA regulatory regions that can potentially contribute to the development of psychiatric disorders. / En aquesta tesi hem estudiat elements genètics que podrien contribuir potencialment en la fisiopatologia dels trastorns psiquiàtrics, centrant-nos en diferents fonts de variabilitat genòmica humana, incloent els SNPs i els CNVs, els quals poden afectar no només a gens codificants sinó també a elements reguladors, com els miRNAs. Primer, vam interrogar diferents gens candidats per trastorns psiquiàtrics solapats amb CNVs coneguts, trobant que 14 gens eren variables en el número de còpia en pacients però no en individus controls. Després, restringint l'anàlisi a trastorns afectius, vam explorar el gen GSK3β considerant SNPs així com també un CNV que se solapa parcialment amb el gen. Vam trobar la regió del promotor i de l'intró 1 del gen GSK3β associada de manera significativa amb una inferior edat d'inici del trastorn de depressió major. Finalment, hem trobat evidències que possiblement indiquen una precisa regulació post-transcriptional dels ritmes circadians per miRNAs en pacients amb trastorns afectius. Concretament, una variant en la forma precursora del miR-182 podria jugar un paper important en la fina regulació dels seus gens diana implicats en el control dels cicles de son i vigília. En general, hem aportat evidències de què diferents tipus de variació genòmica en gens neuronals o regions reguladores com els miRNAs podrien contribuir potencialment en el desenvolupament de trastorns psiquiàtrics.

Development of novel combinatorial methods for genotyping the common foodborne pathogen Campylobacter jejuni

Price, Erin Peta January 2007 (has links)
Campylobacter jejuni is the commonest cause of bacterial foodborne gastroenteritis in industrialised countries. Despite its significance, it remains unclear how C. jejuni is disseminated in the environment, whether particular strains are more pathogenic than others, and by what routes this bacterium is transmitted to humans. One major factor hampering this knowledge is the lack of a standardised method for fingerprinting C. jejuni. Therefore, the overall aim of this project was to develop systematic and novel genotyping methods for C. jejuni. Chapter Three describes the use of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) derived from the multilocus sequence typing (MLST) database of C. jejuni and the closely related Campylobacter coli for genotyping these pathogens. The MLST database contains DNA sequence data for over 4000 strains, making it the largest comparative database available for these organisms. Using the in-house software package "Minimum SNPs", seven SNPs were identified from the C. jejuni/C. coli MLST database that gave a Simpson's Index of Diversity (D), or resolving power, of 0.98. An allele-specific real-time PCR method was developed and tested on 154 Australian C. jejuni and C. coli isolates. The major advantage of the seven SNPs over MLST is that they are cheaper, faster and simpler to interrogate than the sequence-based MLST method. When the SNP profiles were combined with sequencing of the rapidly evolving flaA short variable region (flaA SVR) locus, the genotype distributions were comparable to those obtained by MLST-flaA SVR. Recent technological advances have facilitated the characterisation of entire bacterial genomes using comparative genome hybridisation (CGH) microarrays. Chapter Four of this thesis explores the large volume of CGH data generated for C. jejuni and eight binary genes (genes present in some strains but absent in others) were identified that provided complete discrimination of 20 epidemiologically unrelated strains of C. jejuni. Real-time PCR assays were developed for the eight binary genes and tested on the Australian isolates. The results from this study showed that the SNP-binary assay provided a sufficient replacement for the more laborious MLST-flaA SVR sequencing method. The clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR) region is comprised of tandem repeats, with one half of the repeat region highly conserved and the other half highly diverse in sequence. Recent advances in real-time PCR enabled the interrogation of these repeat regions in C. jejuni using high-resolution melt differentiation of PCR products. It was found that the CRISPR loci discriminated epidemiologically distinct isolates that were indistinguishable by the other typing methods (Chapter Five). Importantly, the combinatorial SNP-binary-CRISPR assay provided resolution comparable to the current 'gold standard' genotyping methodology, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Chapter Six describes a novel third module of "Minimum SNPs", 'Not-N', to identify genetic targets diagnostic for strain populations of interest from the remaining population. The applicability of Not-N was tested using bacterial and viral sequence databases. Due to the weakly clonal population structure of C. jejuni and C. coli, Not-N was inefficient at identifying small numbers of SNPs for the major MLST clonal complexes. In contrast, Not-N completely discriminated the 13 major subtypes of hepatitis C virus using 15 SNPs, and identified binary gene targets superior to those previously found for phylogenetic clades of C. jejuni, Yersinia enterocolitica and Clostridium difficile, demonstrating the utility of this additional module of "Minimum SNPs". Taken together, the presented work demonstrates the potentially far-reaching applications of novel and systematic genotyping assays to characterise bacterial pathogens with high accuracy and discriminatory power. This project has exploited known genetic diversity of C. jejuni to develop highly targeted assays that are akin to the resolution of the current 'gold standard' typing methods. By targeting differentially evolving genetic markers, an epidemiologically relevant, high-resolution fingerprint of the isolate in question can be determined at a fraction of the time, effort and cost of current genotyping procedures. The outcomes from this study will pave the way for improved diagnostics for many clinically significant pathogens as the concept of hierarchal combinatorial genotyping gains momentum amongst infectious disease specialists and public health-related agencies.

The development of rapid genotyping methods for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

Stephens, Alex J. January 2008 (has links)
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is an important human pathogen that is endemic in hospitals all over the world. It has more recently emerged as a serious threat to the general public in the form of community-acquired MRSA. MRSA has been implicated in a wide variety of diseases, ranging from skin infections and food poisoning to more severe and potentially fatal conditions, including; endocarditis, septicaemia and necrotising pneumonia. Treatment of MRSA disease is complicated and can be unsuccessful due to the bacterium's remarkable ability to develop antibiotic resistance. The considerable economic and public health burden imposed by MRSA has fuelled attempts by researchers to understand the evolution of virulent and antibiotic resistant strains and thereby improve epidemiological management strategies. Central to MRSA transmission management strategies is the implementation of active surveillance programs, via which unique genetic fingerprints, or genotypes, of each strain can be identified. Despite numerous advances in MRSA genotyping methodology, there remains a need for a rapid, reproducible, cost-effective method that is capable of producing a high level of genotype discrimination, whilst being suitable for high throughput use. Consequently, the fundamental aim of this thesis was to develop a novel MRSA genotyping strategy incorporating these benefits. This thesis explored the possibility that the development of more efficient genotyping strategies could be achieved through careful identification, and then simple interrogation, of multiple, unlinked DNA loci that exhibit progressively increasing mutation rates. The baseline component of the MRSA genotyping strategy described in this thesis is the allele-specific real-time PCR interrogation of slowly evolving core single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The genotyping SNP set was identified previously from the Multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) sequence database using an in-house software package named Minimum SNPs. As discussed in Chapter Three, the genotyping utility of the SNP set was validated on 107 diverse Australian MRSA isolates, which were largely clustered into groups of related strains as defined by MLST. To increase the resolution of the SNP genotyping method, a selection of binary virulence genes and antimicrobial resistance plasmids were tested that were successful at sub typing the SNP groups. A comprehensive MRSA genotyping strategy requires characterisation of the clonal background as well as interrogation of the hypervariable Staphylococcal Cassette Chromosome mec (SCCmec) that carries the β-lactam resistance gene, mecA. SCCmec genotyping defines the MRSA lineages; however, current SCCmec genotyping methods have struggled to handle the increasing number of SCCmec elements resulting from a recent explosion of comparative genomic analyses. Chapter Four of this thesis collates the known SCCmec binary marker diversity and demonstrates the ability of Minimum SNPs to identify systematically a minimal set of binary markers capable of generating maximum genotyping resolution. A number of binary targets were identified that indeed permit high resolution genotyping of the SCCmec element. Furthermore, the SCCmec genotyping targets are amenable for combinatorial use with the MLST genotyping SNPs and therefore are suitable as the second component of the MRSA genotyping strategy. To increase genotyping resolution of the slowly evolving MLST SNPs and the SCCmec binary markers, the analysis of a hypervariable repeat region was required. Sequence analysis of the Staphylococcal protein A (spa) repeat region has been conducted frequently with great success. Chapter Five describes the characterisation of the tandem repeats in the spa gene using real-time PCR and high resolution melting (HRM) analysis. Since the melting rate and precise point of dissociation of double stranded DNA is dependent on the size and sequence of the PCR amplicon, the HRM method was used successfully to identify 20 of 22 spa sequence types, without the need for DNA sequencing. The accumulation of comparative genomic information has allowed the systematic identification of key MRSA genomic polymorphisms to genotype MRSA efficiently. If implemented in its entirety, the strategy described in this thesis would produce efficient and deep-rooted genotypes. For example, an unknown MRSA isolate would be positioned within the MLST defined population structure, categorised based on its SCCmec lineage, then subtyped based on the polymorphic spa repeat region. Overall, by combining the genotyping methods described here, an integrated and novel MRSA genotyping strategy results that is efficacious for both long and short term investigations. Furthermore, an additional benefit is that each component can be performed easily and cost-effectively on a standard real-time PCR platform.

Computational Methods to Characterize the Etiology of Complex Diseases at Multiple Levels

Elmansy, Dalia F. 29 May 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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