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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tehohoitopotilaan hoitoympäristö:psyykkinen elämänlaatu ja toipuminen

Meriläinen, M. (Merja) 10 April 2012 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this study was to describe intensive care unit patients’ nursing environment from patients’ point of view as well as patients’ memories of intensive care. There is also a description of the psychological quality of life three and six months after intensive care and a description of intensive care aftercare from patients’, relatives’, nurses’ and physicians’ point of view. The study was conducted with patients, relatives, nurses and physicians in a university hospital emergency intensive care unit. Mixed qualitative and quantitative methods were used in this study. The material on nursing environment and memories of ICU was explored by observing patients who were in ICU (n = 4, 96 hours of taped material) and by measuring noise (dB) and lighting (lx). The patients were also interviewed twice after ICU treatment. Psychological quality of life was studied by a quality of life instrument (n = 216, RAND-36). The experiences of ICU aftercare clinic were studied by observation and by interviewing patients (n = 10), relatives (n = 8), physicians (n = 2) and nurses (n = 2). The qualitative material was analysed by inductive and deductive content analysis; the quantitative material was analysed statistically. The ICU patients’ nursing environment consists of physical, social and symbolic environment. It also involves a lot of contacts with many different people in a noisy environment. There is very little difference between day and night in terms of activities. The ICU patients did not have a long continuous resting time during the day. After three and six months, 48.1% and 47.7% of the patients, respectively, had memories from the ICU. 23.7% of the patients had memories of relatives, nurses and physicians; 30.5% suffered from delusions, nightmares and panic disorders. When asked again after three months, 7.1% of the patients suffered from these symptoms. The patients who were treated in ICU had a lower psychological quality of life than age- and sex-matched Finnish population; this was especially emphasized in patients who suffered from delusions. The ICU aftercare clinic helps patients and relatives in the recovery process and provides important knowledge to intensive care unit specialists about patients’ recovery and the effects of ICU treatment. The ICU patients’ nursing environments is made up of components which the patients cannot influence and which can be difficult for them to understand. The staff can influence components of many ICU patients’ nursing environment that advance or impair their psychological recovery. These components include calming down the patients’ environment, respecting the patients’ day and night rhythm, patient-centred care planning and information to the patient that is correctly timed and appropriately formulated. This study produced new knowledge that helps to develop the quality of treatment of patients in intensive care unit or in intensive care aftercare. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvailla tehohoitopotilaan hoitoympäristöä sekä selvittää potilaan kokemuksia tehohoidosta. Lisäksi kuvailtiin tehohoidossa olleiden potilaiden psyykkistä elämänlaatua kolmen ja kuuden kuukauden jälkeen tehohoidosta sekä tehohoidon jälkiseurantapoliklinikan toimintaa potilaiden, omaisten, hoitajien ja lääkärien näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksessa yhdistettiin laadullista ja määrällistä tutkimusta. Hoitoympäristön ja tehohoitokokemusten tutkimiseksi aineisto kerättiin havainnoimalla tehohoidossa olevia potilaita (n = 4, 96 tuntia videoitua materiaalia) sekä mittaamalla melun ja valon voimakkuutta. Lisäksi heitä haastateltiin kaksi kertaa tehohoidon jälkeen. Psyykkistä toipumista tutkittiin elämänlaatumittarilla (n = 216, RAND-36-mittari,). Kokemuksia jälkiseurantapoliklinikalta tutkittiin haastelemalla ja havainnoimalla potilaita (n = 10), heidän omaisiaan (n = 7), poliklinikan lääkäreitä (n = 2) ja sairaanhoitajia (n = 2). Laadulliset aineistot analysoitiin induktiivisella ja deduktiivisella sisällön analyysillä. Määrällinen aineisto analysoitiin tilastollisesti. Tehohoitopotilaan hoitoympäristö muodostuu fyysisestä, psyykkisestä ja symbolisesta ympäristöstä. Potilaan hoitoympäristöön liittyy useita kontakteja useiden eri ihmisten kanssa meluisessa ympäristössä. Päivän ja yön välillä ei ole suurta eroa toiminnoissa. Potilailla ei ole pitkiä yhtenäisiä lepoaikoja vuorokauden aikana. Kolmen kuukauden jälkeen 48,1 %:lla ja kuuden kuukauden jälkeen 47,7 %:lla potilaista oli muistikuvia tehohoidosta. 23,7 %:lla potilaista oli muistikuvia läheisistä, hoitajista ja lääkäreistä. 30,5 % potilaista kärsi harhoista, painajaisista ja paniikkikohtauksista. Kysyttäessä uudelleen kuuden kuukauden kuluttua 7,1 % vastasi kärsineensä näistä oireista. Tehohoidossa olleilla potilailla oli matalampi psyykkinen elämänlaatu kuin ikä- ja sukupuolivakioidulla suomalaisella vertailuväestöllä. Erityisesti tämä korostui harhoista kärsineillä potilailla. Tehohoidon jälkiseurantapoliklinikka auttaa potilasta ja omaisia toipumisprosessissa ja antaa tehohoidon asiantuntijoille tietoa potilaiden toipumisesta sekä tehohoidon vaikutuksista. Tehohoidossa olevan potilaan hoitoympäristö koostuu osatekijöistä, joihin potilas ei voi itse vaikuttaa ja joita hänen voi olla vaikea hahmottaa. Henkilökunta voi vaikuttaa moniin niistä hoitoympäristön tekijöistä, jotka edistävät tai hidastavat potilaan psyykkistä toipumista. Näitä ovat hoitoympäristön rauhoittaminen, päivä-yörytmin kunnioittaminen, potilaskeskeinen hoitotyön suunnittelu sekä oikea-aikainen ja -muotoinen tiedonanto. Tutkimus tuotti uutta hoitotieteellistä tietoa, jota voidaan hyödyntää kehitettäessä tehohoitopotilaiden hoidon laatua sekä teho-osastolla että jälkiseurannassa.

Indikátory sociálního pilíře udržitelného rozvoje na lokální úrovni / Indicatours of sustainable development social pillar at the local level

Kučerová, Zita Unknown Date (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to find the answer, whether it is plausible to monitor social cohesion of the municipality and how to measure this cohesion, which is one of the essential pillars of sustainable development. In order to find out, analysis of approaches and measurements of the sustainable development social pillar in international and Czech environment was carried out. Social pillar was identified and described also at the local level. Within the framework of the sustainable development social pillar at the municipal level three main thematic blocks are proposed: • Social environment quality of the municipality • Social-demographic population structure of the municipality • Contentment and participation in the public affairs These themes should be monitored by the set of indicators proposed in this thesis. It aimed to cover all dimensions of social cohesion which are significant and well-founded in the context of the territorial planning process. These indicators can be followed in the direct relationship with the population size and regional importance of the observed territorial unit at the local level and they are not separated from the concept of indicators monitoring at other – territorially higher – levels. Outcomes, analysis and interpretation of attained values could become the basis for the “territorial sustainable development analysis” (part of territorial planning instruments according to contemporary legal regulations), representing social pillar. All phenomenon and processes must be evaluated in the context with other sustainable development pillars and afterwards they should become another suitable instrument for measurement of the fulfilling the territorial planning aims.

Sociální prostředí transformujícího se Karlína / Social environment of transforming Karlín

Korytářová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The main objektive of my thesis is a knowledge of social environment of prague district Karlín, one of the most dynamic part of inner Prague, which is undergoing a transformation of a physical, funcional and social structure. The concept of social environment is used in this work, whereby the social environment is consisted of a social structure and a social climate of a locality. By an analyse of the social, physical and funcional structure and a research of daily rhythms it tries to identify main pacemakers, to deeply learn about proceses and key moments during the day, which structurated the locality, and to capture social groups of users of the locality. The research is focused on three selected basic administrative units: 'Karlín - západ', 'Rohanský ostrov' and 'Za Invalidovnou'. Each of these localities has its own daily rhythm, which is structurated by the resident population and the temporarily present population,and different social environments, which influence each other, are dependent on each other and create the whole character of the prague district Karlín.The work tries to deepen and criticaly evaluate a current metodology. Keywords Karlín, Prague, social environment, social climate, social structure, daily rhythm, pacemaker, locality, mobility, time geography.

Vliv sociálního prostředí na mimoškolní hudební vzdělávání dětí / Influence of the social environment on extracurricalar music education of children

Jiroušková, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with social environment, especially its influence on out-of-school musical education of children. The thesis also examines factors, that influence out-of- school education of children. The thesis contains theoretical and practical part. In theoretical part the term of social environment and its possible influence on out-of- school musical education of children are defined and clarified. Different social groups, that children usually walks through in their lives, are described in individual chapters. Big attention is given to these social groups. In thesis problematics of influence of massmedia on children's musical development is delineate. The thesis also offer detailed list of institutions in which children have opportunity to musically educate themselves. The practical part consists of research of influence of social environment on out-of-school musical education of children and maps factors, that decide where children musically educate themselves, which musical instrument children play and also delineates problematics outlines of commuting to out-of-school music instititions. The research was realized in the form of questionnaire for parents of children, who study on three elementary art schools in cities, which significantly differ in size. It was ZUŠ Vimperk, ZUŠ Bohumila...

Physical Activity and Outdoor Play of Children in Public Playgrounds—Do Gender and Social Environment Matter?

Reimers, Anne Kerstin, Schoeppe, Stephanie, Demetriou, Yolanda, Knapp, Guido 16 August 2018 (has links)
Background: Few studies have delved into the relationship of the social environment with children’s physical activity and outdoor play in public playgrounds by considering gender differences. The aim of the present study was to examine gender differences and the relationship of the social environment with children’s physical activity and outdoor play in public playgrounds. Methods: A quantitative, observational study was conducted at ten playgrounds in one district of a middle-sized town in Germany. The social environment, physical activity levels, and outdoor play were measured using a modified version of the System for Observing Play and Leisure Activity in Youth. Results: In total, 266 observations of children (117 girls/149 boys) between four and 12 years old were used in this analysis. Significant gender differences were found in relation to activity types, but not in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA). The presence of active children was the main explanatory variable for MVPA. In the models stratified by gender, the presence of opposite-sex children was a significant negative predictor of MVPA in girls but not in boys. Conclusions: The presence of active children contributes to children’s physical activity levels in public playgrounds. Girls’ physical activity seems to be suppressed in the presence of boys.

ESG:s betydelse för en privatperson vid beslut om att investera i ett företag : En kvalitativ studie om hur privata investerare värderar företags ESG-arbete vid investeringsbeslut / The Significance of ESG for Individual Investors in Investment Decision-Making : A qualitative study on how private investors value companies' ESG work when making investment decisions

Brorsson, Ludvig, Portland, Christoffer January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vad ESG har för påverkan på privatainvesterare vid investeringsbeslut. I studien undersöks även hur den socialaomgivningen och finansiella rådgivare kan påverka investeringsprocessen ienlighet med ESG.Den teoretiska referensramen består av legitimitetsteorin, the socialcomparison theory och befintlig forskning på ämnet. Studien utgår från endeduktiv ansats med induktiva inslag. En kvalitativ forskningsmetod haranvänts och datainsamling har skett via semistrukturerade intervjuer.Efter genomförda analyser av datainsamlingen framgår det att företagensattityd till ESG inte har särskilt stor inverkan på privata investerare vidinvesteringsbeslut. Förväntad avkastning är alltid högst upp påprioriteringslistan. ESG-faktorer ses framförallt som ett komplement vidinvesteringsbeslut. Av studien framgick det även att de sociala aspekterna (S)är den faktor av de tre som värderas högst. Miljöaspekter (E) värderas främstnär den potentiella investeringen ska ske i ett företag som har en starkkoppling till miljön. En bra bolagsstyrning (G) skapar en trygghet förinvesteraren men är väldigt sällan en avgörande faktor. Fortsättningsvispåvisar studien att den sociala omgivningen påverkar en privat investeraresbeslut. I den sociala omgivningen är det närstående personer som har störstinverkan. Finansiella rådgivares påverkan på investeringsprocessen är låg dåförtroende ofta saknas. / The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of ESG on individualinvestors investment decisions. The study also investigates how the socialenvironment and financial advisors can influence the investment process inline with ESG.The theoretical framework consists of legitimacy theory, the socialcomparison theory and existing research on the subject. The study adopts adeductive approach with elements of an inductive approach. A qualitativeresearch method was applied and data collection was conducted throughsemi-structured interviews.After analyzing the collected data, it appears that a company's attitudetowards ESG does not have a significant influence on individual investors'investment decisions. Expected returns always rank highest on individualinvestors' priority list. ESG-factors are primarily seen as a supplementaryconsideration in investment decisions. The study also reveals that the socialaspects (S) are the most valued among the three factors. Environmentalaspects (E) are particularly prioritized when investing in companies withstrong environmental ties. A well-managed governance (G) provides a senseof security for investors but is seldom a decisive factor. Furthermore, thestudy demonstrates that the social environment influences the investmentdecisions of individual investors, with close acquaintances having the mostsignificant impact. The influence of financial advisors on the investmentprocess is low, often due to a lack of trust.

Two Monasteries in Ladakh: Religiosity and the Social Environment in Tibetan Buddhism

Bridges, Alex Wallace 02 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Effects of Group Interactive Brainstorming on Creativity

Park-Gates, Shari Lane 03 September 2001 (has links)
Corporations spend a great deal of time and money trying to facilitate innovation in their employees. The act of introducing something new, a product or a service that is viable and innovative is often increased by enhancing or nurturing creativity.This experimental study investigated the effect of group verbally interactive brainstorming (social interaction) on creativity, not by comparing the number of ideas generated on a simple task in a brainstorming session, but by assessing creativity in the final product of a complex heuristic task. The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of group interactive brainstorming to individual brainstorming on individual creativity assessed in the final product.The hypothesis which was tested in this study was that participation in group verbally interactive brainstorming prior to developing a design solution would not facilitate creativity in the final product more than individual brainstorming. Indeed, it was hypothesized that individuals brainstorming in teams.Participants were 36 interior design students in a FIDER accredited program at Virginia Tech. The Multidimensional Stimulus Fluency Measure (MSFM) was administered before beginning the experiment in order to determine individual differences in creativity. Subjects were randomly assigned to either a treatment group than participated in group verbally interactive brainstorming prior to developing a product individually, or a control group that participated in an individual brainstorming session. All subjects then created a design project individually that was assessed for creativity by judges who were recruited from professional interior design organizations. Creativity was measures using the Consensual Assessment for Interior Design Creativity (Barnard, 1992). A post session questionnaire also was used to measure attitudes and perceptions of the subjects about the creative process.Analysis of variance revealed no significant differences when creativity scores were compared between two brainstorming groups. That is, projects developed by interior design students did not differ significantly in creativity systematically between the two brainstorming techniques. When scores on the two dependent variables of secondary interest (novelty and appropriateness) were compared between groups they also did not differ significantly.Responses to post-session questionnaires indicated that although students found it more difficult to generate ideas in a group, they still believed they would generate more ideas and preferred to generate ideas in a group rather than alone. However, when developing a project students preferred to work independently.This study supports past research which suggests that group verbally interactive brainstorming does not enhance creativity. In this study, interactive brainstorming neither enhanced nor constrained creativity in the final product. The creativity scores were higher for those in the individual brainstorming condition, although not significantly so. This study also supports findings which indicate that people still believe they will generate more ideas in a group and that they prefer to generate ideas as a group. / Ph. D.

Transformation der Nachbarschaft : eine empirisch-theologische Studie einer Lebens- und Wohngemeinschaft in einem sozialen Brennpunkt Marburgs / Neighbourhood transformation : an empirical-theological study of community living in a deprived area of Marburg

Müller, Tobias 06 1900 (has links)
German text / In dieser Forschungsarbeit werden Merkmale eines missionalen Lebensstils und deren transformatorische Auswirkungen erforscht, um gesellschaftliche Formen der Gemeinde- und Glaubenspraxis zu entwickeln. Im Zentrum steht eine empirisch-theologische Untersuchung einer Wohn- und Lebensgemeinschaft in einem sozialen Brennpunkt. Mit den Mitgliedern wurde in einen Zeitraum von über einem Jahr regelmäßig eine Gruppendiskussion durchgeführt, deren Auswertung mit Hilfe der Methode der Grounded Theory (Strauss/Corbin) erfolgte. Die Ergebnisse der Datenanalyse wurden dann mit den aktuellen praktisch-theologischen Ansätzen zur Thematik sowie mit lerntheoretischen Ansätzen in Beziehung gesetzt, um Folgerungen für eine transformatorische und ganzheitliche Gemeinde- und Glaubenspraxis im sozialen Brennpunkt zu ziehen. Die erzielten Ergebnisse zeigen die Chance, Wichtigkeit und Herausforderung die diese Arbeit mit sich bringt. Die vorliegende erste qualitative Studie zu dieser Thematik möchte Wohn- und Lebensgemeinschaften in der Ausübung eines missionalen Lebensstils Orientierung und Hilfestellung bieten und einen Forschungsbeitrag zur aktuellen Debatte um den Begriff „missional“ im Kontext der Praktischen Theologie geben. / This research study examines characteristic traits of a missional lifestyle and its transformatory effects, in order to develop societal forms of church and faith practice. At the centre of the study is the empirical-theological exploration of a communal living project in a socially deprived locality. Members regularly took part in group discussions over the course of more than a year, the results of which were evaluated with the help of the Grounded Theory Method (Strauss/Corbin). The results of the data analysis were then set in relation to the current practicaltheological approaches to the topic, as well as to learning theoretical approaches, in order to draw conclusions for a transformatory and holistic church and faith practice in a socially deprived locality. The results reveal the opportunities, challenges and significance of this work. This research, the first qualitative study on the topic, intends to provide communal living projects with the orientation and support required for a missional lifestyle, and to contribute to the current debate about the term "missional" through an exploration of practical theology. / Practical Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

Mezilidské vztahy ve školních kolektivech / Interpersonal relationships in school communities

Singrová, Ivana January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this work is to gather relevant information about interpersonal relationships in the teaching staff of selected secondary schools and to show how they are perceived, understood, experienced and reflected by their participants. The result of this work is to propose principles and recommendations leading to the optimization of relationships between teachers. This work, in the terms of qualitative research, used the design of case study. Research techniques are semistructured interview and participant observation. Through them, information was gathered on relationships between teachers, teachers and school management and teachers and other people, with whom they come into contact within the scope of their profession. These relationships were then qualitatively analyzed based on open coding, categorization, typology, contrasting, generalization and validation of communication. The result of the investigation was that six schools out of four have the interpersonal relationships on a good level, educators are happy at work and their good mood and feelings are transmitted to the whole school climate. That creates the conditions for excitable work with good results both in the work of teachers as well as pupils. On one school the relationships between teachers and school management and the...

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