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Estruturas normativas da teoria da evolução social de Habermas / Normative structures of Habermas' social evolution theoryBannwart Junior, Clodomiro Jose 05 September 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Marcos Nobre / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-11T01:47:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
BannwartJunior_ClodomiroJose_D.pdf: 4684104 bytes, checksum: cd6bd028eec3fb5ed152f2c17cbe2306 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: O trabalho parte do pressuposto, afirmado por Habermas em Problemas de legitimação do Capitalismo Tardio, de que a teoria da evolução social deve servir de base para a formulação de uma teoria da sociedade. A vinculação dessas duas teorias no início da década de 1970 orienta-se pela colocação de duas outras importantes teorias: a teoria da ação comunicativa e a teoria da modernidade. Num primeiro momento, explora-se a construção da teoria da sociedade verificando-se como Habermas reformula os pressupostos da teoria crítica, inscritos numa base evolucionária com pretensões emancipatórias. Num segundo momento, discute-se a estruturação da teoria da evolução social nos textos da década de 1970, principalmente em Para a Reconstrução do Materialismo Histórico, enfatizando-se o problema da homologia entre ontogênese e filogênese e as tentativas de Habermas em equacionar indivíduo e sociedade por intermédio de três caminhos: a formação da identidade pós-convencional, a dimensão prático-moral e a capacidade de aprendizagem. Num terceiro momento, destaca-se a capacidade de aprendizagem como caminho que mantém aberta a possibilidade da relação ontofilogenética e única alternativa de que Habermas dispõe para manter em pé a sua teoria da evolução social na Teoria da Ação Comunicativa. Nesta obra, destaca-se, sobretudo, o deslocamento da psicologia do desenvolvimento para a incorporação de autores ligados à sociologia, principalmente Mead e Durkheim, visando-se à estabilidade da relação ontofilogenética enquanto ponto para a manutenção da teoria da evolução social e, conseqüentemente, da própria teoria social crítica de Habermas inscrita no paradigma da comunicação / Abstract: This work intends to discuss about the theory of social change. Habermas in Legitimationsprobleme im Spätkapitalismus analyses that the theory of social change should serve as a basis for the formulation of a society theory. The linkage of these two theories at the beginning of the 1970 guides for the placement of two other important theories: the theory of communicative action and the theory of modernity. In a first time explores the construction of the theory of society as checking Habermas recasts the assumptions of the Critical Theory, entered an evolutionary basis with emancipator claims. In a second time discusses the structure of the theory of social change in the texts of the decade of 1970, mainly for the Reconstruction of Historic Materialism, highlighting the problem of homology between ontogeny and philogenesis and attempts to equate Habermas in individual and society through of three paths: the formation of the post-conventional identity, the extent practical-moral and capacity to learn. In a third time, there is a capacity for learning as the only way that keeps open the possibility of the relationship ontofhilogenesis and only alternative that Habermas has standing to maintain his theory of social change in the Theory of Communicative Action. In this work, there is, above all, the displacement of psychology of development for the incorporation of authors linked to sociology, particularly Mead and Durkheim, targeting the stability of the relationship as an ontofhilogenesis point for the maintenance of the theory of social change and, onsequently, own critical social theory Habermas inscribed on the paradigm of communication / Doutorado / Doutor em Filosofia
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Technikentwicklung als reflexiver ModernisierungsprozeßStückemann, Thomas 01 February 2000 (has links)
Der Zusammenhang von technischer Entwicklung und gesellschaftlicher Modernisierung wird mit Mitteln der systemtheoretischen Soziologie untersucht. Zu diesem Zweck werden die Konzepte "Technik" und "soziale Evolution" reformuliert. "Technik" ist ein spezieller Typ der Grenzbildung von Systemen, die Ereignisse ihrer Umwelt als kausal verknüpft beobachten; Technik wird demnach definiert als fixierte Erwartung, die sich auf kausal verknüpfte Umweltereignisse bezieht. "Soziale Evolution" ist der Typ des Strukturwandels von sozialen Systemen, der sich aus der Selektion und Restabilisierung von Strukturvariationen ergibt. Aus soziologischer Sicht ist jede technische Entwicklung als ein spezifischer Aspekt der sozialen Evolution zu verstehen. Dies wird mit der Konfrontation des Begriff des "Fortschritts" mit dem der "Modernisierung" gezeigt. Eine Gesellschaft versucht durch das Verwenden und das Beschränken von Technik über ihre eigene Evolution zu verfügen. Es erweist sich, daß diese Versuche zwar komplexer, aber nicht unbedingt erfolgreicher werden. Die einer jeden Evolution eigene Entwicklungsoffenheit kann nicht außer Kraft gesetzt werden, auch dann nicht, wenn eine Gesellschaft Evolutionstheorien entwickelt und reflexiv auf sich selbst anwendet. Anders als vormoderne Gesellschaften zeichnet sich die moderne Gesellschaft durch ihre hochgradig frei kontextualisierbare und damit riskante Technik aus. Kontextualisierungen und Entscheidungsnotwendigkeiten im Umgang mit moderner Technik bedingen Reflexivität. Technische Entwicklungen lassen Determinationen und Optionen in gleichem Maße wachsen. Komplex ist die soziale Seite von Technik, nicht die Kompliziertheit ihrer technischen Komponenten. Reflexive Technologiepolitik und Technikfolgenabschätzung sind gezwungen, die soziale Dynamik technischer Entwicklungen zu berücksichtigen. / There are several means to analyse the intrinsic connection of technological development and social evolution in sociology today. The thesis examines technology and its development as part of social evolution from a system-theoretical point of view. Using this approach, terms like "technology" and "social evolution" are reformulated. "Technology" is a particular type of border of social systems, using the mode of causality in observing its environment; thus Technology is defined as the fixation of causal expectations. "Social evolution" is a social systems' structural change by the selection and reinforcement of variations, creating a singular history. In terms of sociology, any technological development is part of a wider developing social context. This is visualized by confronting the terms "progress" and "modernization"; both being concepts of sociology as well as of debates on technology and social development. By using technology, by giving way to innovation, and by limiting the use of technology, a given society tries to monitor and influence its own evolution. The thesis shows that these attempts become more complex, but not necessarily more effective. The fundamental properties of any evolution cannot be annulated --- the social evolution always remains unpredictable, even when evolutionary theories allow reflexive observations. In contrast to its predecessors the modern society constitutes a type of technology which is highly independent of any given social context. But this freedom is risky. Contextualizations and decision-makings imply a higher degree of reflexivity. In the case of technological development, both determinations and options increase at the same time. What is complex in technological development is its social, not its mere technical side. Any reflexive debate on technology has to reflect technology as a social issue.
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The modernity/tradition interface amongst urban black South AfricansBonora, Franco 01 January 2002 (has links)
Since the 1950s modernization theory predicted within the Third World a trajectory for social evolution and development mirroring perceived
social and developmental evolution in Western societies since the 17th
Century. Despite this theory being much discredited in both Western
societies and the developing world; this theory still forms the basis for
much analysis and policy formulation within post-1990 South Africa. This
thesis looks at various aspects of urban black South Africans' existence
and concludes that African tradition has found a place within an urban
existence due to it's flexibility in dealing with peoples' daily challenges.
An urban existence can thus no-longer be thought of as supplanting
tradition in favour of western influences, but rather as bringing about a
mixture of western and traditional influences - with positive and negative
theoretical and practical developmental consequences / Development Studies / M.A.
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Análise do efeito do investimento inicial no dilema do prisioneiro contínuo iterado simultâneo e alternado na presença e ausência de ruído em diferentes cenários de incerteza: contrapondo as estratégias RTS e LRS por meio da simulação bas / Analysis of the effect of the initial investment in the continuous iterated prisoners dilema with simultaneous and alternating moves in the presence and absence of noise in different scenarios of uncertainty: opposing the RTS and LRS strategies through agent-based simulationWu, Marcio Jolhben 11 September 2015 (has links)
O dilema do prisioneiro é geralmente visto como o ponto de partida para entender o problema da cooperação. Em comparação com o dilema do prisioneiro discreto e iterado, poucos estudos existem sobre o dilema do prisioneiro contínuo e iterado. A maioria dos trabalhos que investigaram o dilema do prisioneiro contínuo e iterado concentrou-se no período de 1990 a 2000, não obtendo resultados conclusivos sobre a melhor estratégia a ser adotada neste tipo de jogo. Duas estratégias diferentes se destacam neste tipo de dilema. A primeira é a estratégia RTS (Raise-the-Stakes) de Roberts e Sherrat (1998) que testa o terreno antes de aumentar os investimentos na relação. A segunda deriva do modelo LRS (Linear Reactive Strategies) de Wahl e Nowak (1999a). Esta última estratégia estando em equilíbrio de Nash cooperativo apresenta três características: (i) generosidade, i.e., investir o máximo possível no início da relação de cooperação; (ii) otimismo, i.e., contar com o melhor cenário para as próximas rodadas, e (iii) intransigência. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal contrapor as estratégias RTS e LRS num dilema do prisioneiro contínuo e iterado, na presença e ausência de ruído, com jogadas simultâneas e alternadas e para diferentes valores do parâmetro w (probabilidade de interagir novamente). Restringimos a nossa análise a um conjunto de seis estratégias: ALLC, ALLD, TFT, RTS, LRS e RTSM. O método utilizado foi o da simulação baseada em agente (ABM) no formato de torneios, semelhante ao de Axelrod (2006), Roberts & Sherratt (1998), Nowak & Sigmund (1992) e Nowak & Sigmund (1993). Utilizamos o software Netlogo e documentamos todo o processo da concepção e construção do modelo por meio da ferramenta TRACE (TRAnsparent and Comprehensive model Evaludation). Os resultados mostram que as estratégias mais cooperativas são mais favorecidas quando o jogo consiste em jogadas alternadas ao invés de simultâneas. A estratégia RTS teve melhor desempenho em jogos simultâneos para valores intermediários de w, na presença ou ausência de ruído. Por sua vez, a estratégia LRS teve melhor desempenho nos jogos simultâneos, na presença ou ausência de ruído, ou alternados e na presença de ruído, em ambos os casos para valores grandes de w / The prisoner\'s dilemma is generally seen as the starting point for understanding the problem of cooperation. In comparison with the discreet and iterated prisoner\'s dilemma, few studies exist on the continuous iterated prisoner\'s dilemma. Most of the works that have investigated the continuous iterated prisoner\'s dilemma has concentrated in the period from 1990 to 2000, not getting conclusive results on the best strategy to be adopted in this type of game. Two different strategies stand out in this kind of dilemma. The first is the RTS strategy (Raise-the-Stakes) of Roberts and Sherrat (1998) that tests the ground before increasing investment in the relationship. The second is the model deriva LRS (Linear Reactive Strategies) de Wahl and Nowak (1999a). This last strategy being in Nash equilibrium cooperative presents three characteristics: (i) generosity, i.e., investing as much as possible at the beginning of the cooperation relationship; (ii) optimism, i.e., rely on the best scenario for the next rounds, and (iii) intransigence. This research has as main goal to reconcile opposing RTS strategies and LRS in a continuous iterated prisoner\'s dilemma, in the presence and absence of noise, with simultaneous moves and alternate and for different values of the parameter w (probability of interacting again). We restrict our analysis to a set of six strategies: ALLC, ALLD, TFT, RTS, LRS and RTSM (halfway between RTS and LRS). The method used was the agent-based simulation (ABM) in tournament format, similar to that of Axelrod (2006), Roberts (1998), Sherratt & Nowak & Sigmund (1992) and Nowak & Sigmund (1993). We use the NetLogo software and document the whole process of design and construction of the tool model TRACE (TRAnsparent and Comprehensive model Evaludation). The results show that most strategies are more favoured unions when the game consists of alternating plays rather than simultaneous. The RTS strategy had better performance in simultaneous games for intermediate values of w, in the presence or absence of noise. In turn, the IRS strategy had better performance when simultaneous games, in the presence or absence of noise, or switched, and in the presence of noise, in both cases, for large values of w
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Análise do efeito do investimento inicial no dilema do prisioneiro contínuo iterado simultâneo e alternado na presença e ausência de ruído em diferentes cenários de incerteza: contrapondo as estratégias RTS e LRS por meio da simulação bas / Analysis of the effect of the initial investment in the continuous iterated prisoners dilema with simultaneous and alternating moves in the presence and absence of noise in different scenarios of uncertainty: opposing the RTS and LRS strategies through agent-based simulationMarcio Jolhben Wu 11 September 2015 (has links)
O dilema do prisioneiro é geralmente visto como o ponto de partida para entender o problema da cooperação. Em comparação com o dilema do prisioneiro discreto e iterado, poucos estudos existem sobre o dilema do prisioneiro contínuo e iterado. A maioria dos trabalhos que investigaram o dilema do prisioneiro contínuo e iterado concentrou-se no período de 1990 a 2000, não obtendo resultados conclusivos sobre a melhor estratégia a ser adotada neste tipo de jogo. Duas estratégias diferentes se destacam neste tipo de dilema. A primeira é a estratégia RTS (Raise-the-Stakes) de Roberts e Sherrat (1998) que testa o terreno antes de aumentar os investimentos na relação. A segunda deriva do modelo LRS (Linear Reactive Strategies) de Wahl e Nowak (1999a). Esta última estratégia estando em equilíbrio de Nash cooperativo apresenta três características: (i) generosidade, i.e., investir o máximo possível no início da relação de cooperação; (ii) otimismo, i.e., contar com o melhor cenário para as próximas rodadas, e (iii) intransigência. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal contrapor as estratégias RTS e LRS num dilema do prisioneiro contínuo e iterado, na presença e ausência de ruído, com jogadas simultâneas e alternadas e para diferentes valores do parâmetro w (probabilidade de interagir novamente). Restringimos a nossa análise a um conjunto de seis estratégias: ALLC, ALLD, TFT, RTS, LRS e RTSM. O método utilizado foi o da simulação baseada em agente (ABM) no formato de torneios, semelhante ao de Axelrod (2006), Roberts & Sherratt (1998), Nowak & Sigmund (1992) e Nowak & Sigmund (1993). Utilizamos o software Netlogo e documentamos todo o processo da concepção e construção do modelo por meio da ferramenta TRACE (TRAnsparent and Comprehensive model Evaludation). Os resultados mostram que as estratégias mais cooperativas são mais favorecidas quando o jogo consiste em jogadas alternadas ao invés de simultâneas. A estratégia RTS teve melhor desempenho em jogos simultâneos para valores intermediários de w, na presença ou ausência de ruído. Por sua vez, a estratégia LRS teve melhor desempenho nos jogos simultâneos, na presença ou ausência de ruído, ou alternados e na presença de ruído, em ambos os casos para valores grandes de w / The prisoner\'s dilemma is generally seen as the starting point for understanding the problem of cooperation. In comparison with the discreet and iterated prisoner\'s dilemma, few studies exist on the continuous iterated prisoner\'s dilemma. Most of the works that have investigated the continuous iterated prisoner\'s dilemma has concentrated in the period from 1990 to 2000, not getting conclusive results on the best strategy to be adopted in this type of game. Two different strategies stand out in this kind of dilemma. The first is the RTS strategy (Raise-the-Stakes) of Roberts and Sherrat (1998) that tests the ground before increasing investment in the relationship. The second is the model deriva LRS (Linear Reactive Strategies) de Wahl and Nowak (1999a). This last strategy being in Nash equilibrium cooperative presents three characteristics: (i) generosity, i.e., investing as much as possible at the beginning of the cooperation relationship; (ii) optimism, i.e., rely on the best scenario for the next rounds, and (iii) intransigence. This research has as main goal to reconcile opposing RTS strategies and LRS in a continuous iterated prisoner\'s dilemma, in the presence and absence of noise, with simultaneous moves and alternate and for different values of the parameter w (probability of interacting again). We restrict our analysis to a set of six strategies: ALLC, ALLD, TFT, RTS, LRS and RTSM (halfway between RTS and LRS). The method used was the agent-based simulation (ABM) in tournament format, similar to that of Axelrod (2006), Roberts (1998), Sherratt & Nowak & Sigmund (1992) and Nowak & Sigmund (1993). We use the NetLogo software and document the whole process of design and construction of the tool model TRACE (TRAnsparent and Comprehensive model Evaludation). The results show that most strategies are more favoured unions when the game consists of alternating plays rather than simultaneous. The RTS strategy had better performance in simultaneous games for intermediate values of w, in the presence or absence of noise. In turn, the IRS strategy had better performance when simultaneous games, in the presence or absence of noise, or switched, and in the presence of noise, in both cases, for large values of w
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Genes, judgments, and evolution : the social and political consequences of distributional and differential conflict / Social and political consequences of distributional and differential conflictMeyer, John Michael 24 July 2012 (has links)
The following argument offers a sharper micro-foundational lens for studying human political and social behavior by demonstrating how political science might better incorporate the theory of evolution into its behavioral models, and by showing that differential conflict occasionally prevails over the materialist conflicts depicted in much of the modern social science literature. I take evolutionary psychology's understanding of manifest behavior as a point of departure, and then analyze the manifest behavior in terms of judgments, which are binary measurements at a particular point of reference; in other words, a given manifest behavior either did or did not occur at a particular point in time. I then show that judgments can 1) transmit from one individual to the next, 2) vary according to predictable adaptive processes, and 3) are either extinguished or flourish dependent upon the process of natural selection; judgments, therefore, meet the three requirements of evolutionary theory. Judgments, rather than genes, better describe the process of human political and social evolution, which becomes especially clear when one assesses the consequences of what I term "differential" outcomes in judgments. / text
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Critical Investigation of the Sierra Leone Conlfict: A Moral Practical Reconstruction of Crisis and Colonization in the Evolution of SocietyKabba, Munya 06 December 2012 (has links)
This Sierra Leone Conflict arose from the society’s failure to institutionalize the requisite post-conventional organizing principle for collective will formation and for conflict resolution. In this post-traditional society - one artificially constructed from diverse political and cultural groups, without a shared ethos – only mutual (communicative) understanding can resolve differences and ensure solidarity. A lack of mutual understanding overburdens the adaptive capacity of the society, creating crises tendencies. Repression only intensified these tendencies, ensuring their eventual catastrophic explosion, 11 years civil conflict.
State hindrances to social (communicative) interaction rendered the society incapable of realizing the requisite post conventional moral learning i.e. the social intelligence or problem-solving equipment required to resolve conflict, decolonize itself, neutralize normative power, shed dogmatic consciousness, change oppressive conventions, and influential customs. Thus, the study promotes civic virtues of post conventional morality (justice, truthfulness, moral rightness) as the key for liberating the society from its crisis-inducing colonial organizing principle.
As the basis of sociology, the discipline the remains focused on society-wide problems, the theory of social evolution is adopted here to reconstruct the crisis in Sierra Leone’s constitutional democratic development. The study uses the rational reconstructive method to explicate problematic validity claims of norms, policy decisions, or the social order. The social order was rendered crisis-ridden because the reasons - the axis around which mutual understanding revolve - adduced for it cannot admit of consensus. The emerging social disintegration exemplifies use of deficient logic in social interaction, one below the requisite categorical moral cognitive consciousness.
For this research, colonization is not necessarily externally induced, but forms of understanding in the political, legal, social, and educational interactions. The key point of the study is this: today Sierra Leone achieves solidarity, and decolonize from its conventional organizing principle, only if the state, economy, and civil society can find their limit in the socio-cultural domain.
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Critical Investigation of the Sierra Leone Conlfict: A Moral Practical Reconstruction of Crisis and Colonization in the Evolution of SocietyKabba, Munya 06 December 2012 (has links)
This Sierra Leone Conflict arose from the society’s failure to institutionalize the requisite post-conventional organizing principle for collective will formation and for conflict resolution. In this post-traditional society - one artificially constructed from diverse political and cultural groups, without a shared ethos – only mutual (communicative) understanding can resolve differences and ensure solidarity. A lack of mutual understanding overburdens the adaptive capacity of the society, creating crises tendencies. Repression only intensified these tendencies, ensuring their eventual catastrophic explosion, 11 years civil conflict.
State hindrances to social (communicative) interaction rendered the society incapable of realizing the requisite post conventional moral learning i.e. the social intelligence or problem-solving equipment required to resolve conflict, decolonize itself, neutralize normative power, shed dogmatic consciousness, change oppressive conventions, and influential customs. Thus, the study promotes civic virtues of post conventional morality (justice, truthfulness, moral rightness) as the key for liberating the society from its crisis-inducing colonial organizing principle.
As the basis of sociology, the discipline the remains focused on society-wide problems, the theory of social evolution is adopted here to reconstruct the crisis in Sierra Leone’s constitutional democratic development. The study uses the rational reconstructive method to explicate problematic validity claims of norms, policy decisions, or the social order. The social order was rendered crisis-ridden because the reasons - the axis around which mutual understanding revolve - adduced for it cannot admit of consensus. The emerging social disintegration exemplifies use of deficient logic in social interaction, one below the requisite categorical moral cognitive consciousness.
For this research, colonization is not necessarily externally induced, but forms of understanding in the political, legal, social, and educational interactions. The key point of the study is this: today Sierra Leone achieves solidarity, and decolonize from its conventional organizing principle, only if the state, economy, and civil society can find their limit in the socio-cultural domain.
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The modernity/tradition interface amongst urban black South AfricansBonora, Franco 01 January 2002 (has links)
Since the 1950s modernization theory predicted within the Third World a trajectory for social evolution and development mirroring perceived
social and developmental evolution in Western societies since the 17th
Century. Despite this theory being much discredited in both Western
societies and the developing world; this theory still forms the basis for
much analysis and policy formulation within post-1990 South Africa. This
thesis looks at various aspects of urban black South Africans' existence
and concludes that African tradition has found a place within an urban
existence due to it's flexibility in dealing with peoples' daily challenges.
An urban existence can thus no-longer be thought of as supplanting
tradition in favour of western influences, but rather as bringing about a
mixture of western and traditional influences - with positive and negative
theoretical and practical developmental consequences / Development Studies / M.A.
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Možnosti využití metod pedagogicko-psychologické diagnostiky na 1. stupni ZŠ / The Ways of the pedago-psychological diagnostic Methods at primary SchoolŠTORKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is focused on a practical utilisation of methods of pedagogical-psychological diagnostics in a primary school. The theoretical part explores the role and importance of pedagogical diagnostics in a school, the view of a teacher on a meaningfulness of diagnosis in dependence on the years of his/her teaching experience, and positions on the personality of a pupil in dependence of his/her physical, psychical and social development. The practical part consists of interviews with teachers where I asked about the practicality and possible ways of use of the methods of pedagogical-psychological diagnostics in the usual school environment. This is followed by an analysis of the drawing-projection method and didactic non-standard tests. This paper is concluded with an assessment of social climate in a class. The research has been conducted with the teachers and the pupils of the primary school in Ceske Budejovice.
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