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Att sluta med heroin utan substitutionsbehandlingKarlsson, Petter January 2017 (has links)
Studien syftar till att undersöka hur det går till att sluta använda heroin utan att byta till användning av andra opioidpreparat och utan att erhålla substitutionsbehandling med opioidpreparaten metadon eller buprenorfin. Forskningsgenomgången visar att det är möjligt att sluta med heroin utan substitutionsbehandling, men att det är svårt att leda i bevis att vissa specifika behandlingsmetoder skapar detta resultat. Det empiriska materialet består av djupintervjuer med tio personer som delar erfarenheten av att ha varit heroinberoende och av att ha slutat använda heroin utan att erhålla substitutionsbehandling. Som teoretisk utgångspunkt används en syntes av flera sociologiska och socialpsykologiska teorier och analysbegrepp som syftar till att förklara relationen mellan mänskliga betenden och de sociala sammanhang som människan ingår i och relaterar till. Studien visar att en framgångsrik återhämtning från heroinberoende innebär en sekundär socialisering in i sociala gemenskaper organiserade kring andra företeelser än heroinanvändning, vilket möjliggör för den före detta heroinanvändaren att avhålla sig från heroin- och annan opioidanvändning. Studien visar även att en viktig komponent i återhämtningen är att, framförallt under den första tiden i återhämtningsprocessen, utveckla ett överväldigande engagemang i någon typ av sysselsättning, samt att personer som under tiden de använde heroin saknade ett överbryggande socialt kapital, har möjlighet att skapa ett sådant efter att de slutat använda heroin. / The study aims to investigate how to stop using heroin without replacing heroin with use of other opioid preparations and without receiving substitution treatment with the opioid preparations methadone or buprenorphine. The research review shows that it is possible to quit heroin addiction without substitution treatment, but it is difficult to prove that certain specific treatment methods create this result. The empirical material consists of in-depth interviews with ten people who share the experience of being addicted to heroin and having stopped using heroin without receiving substitution therapy. As a theoretical point of view, a synthesis of several sociological and social psychological theories and concepts of analysis is used to explain the relationship between human behavior and the social context in which human beings belong and relate. The study shows that a successful recovery from heroin addiction involves secondary socialization into social communities organized around phenomenas other than heroin use, which enables the former heroin user to refrain from heroin and other opioid use. The study also shows that an important component of the recovery process is, especially during the first phase of the recovery process, developing an overwhelming involvement to some type of pursuit, and that people who when they used heroin lacked any sort of bridging social capital, are able to create such after they stopped using heroin.
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Sociala faktorers påverkan på köpintention : En kvantitativ undersökning på hedoniskt värde inom spelet League of LegendsOrtega Jönsson, Veronica, Tyssling Engström, Emil January 2023 (has links)
Flera olika typer av virtuella produkter växer i popularitet och värde i människors ögon. Inomden digitala spelvärlden spenderas en hög andel pengar på virtuella produkter som inte har ettfunktionellt syfte. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om sociala faktorer kan påverkaköpintentionen i digitala spel genom sin relation till hedoniskt värde. Denna studie användersig av en kvantitativ metod och tvärsnittsdesign i form av enkäter. Enkäterna har spriditsgenom relevanta medier samt kedjeurval. Resultatet analyseras med en PLS-SEM analys föratt se om det finns ett förhållande mellan sociala faktorer och hedonism. Denna uppsatsförsöker besvara frågan: “Bidrar sociala faktorer till att skapa hedoniskt värde i virtuellaprodukter?”. Resultatet visar på att sociala band och social identitet relaterat till spelet ärpositivt relaterat till att skapa ett hedoniskt värde och på så sätt öka köpintentionen. Theory ofconsumtion value undersöker vilka värden som ligger bakom de val av köp konsumenter gör.Teorin används som grund i denna uppsats och har hjälpt till att skapaundersökningsmodellen samt styrka hypoteserna via begreppen emotionellt och socialt värde.Viktiga fynd är att ålder, kön och tid inte har någon påverkan på hedoniska värdet. Hedonisktvärde, social identitet och sociala band visades ha ett lågt instämmande i undersökningen.Trots detta blev slutsatsen att det finns ett signifikant samband mellan de sociala värdena ochhedoniskt värde. Detta bekräftar hypoteserna i uppsatsen. Resultatet i denna studie bidrar tilllitteraturen genom att undersöka relationen mellan utvalda konsumtionsvärden ochköpintentionen till virtuella produkter. Informationen som uppsatsen ger kan hjälpa företag attförstå faktorer som kan uppmuntra till köp av virtuella produkter. / Many different types of virtual products are growing in popularity and value in people's eyes.In the gaming world, large amounts of money is spent on virtual products that do not have afunctional purpose. The purpose of this essay is to investigate whether social factors caninfluence purchase intention in digital game contexts through their relationship to hedonicvalue. This study has carried out a quantitative method and a cross-sectional design in theform of questionnaires. The questionnaires have been distributed through relevant media andchain selection. The results are analysed with a PLS-SEM analysis to investigate whetherthere is a relationship between social factors and hedonism. This essay tries to answer thequestion: ”Do social factors contribute to creating hedonic value in virtual products?”. Theresult shows that social ties and social identity within the game are positively related tocreating a hedonic feeling and thus increasing purchase intention. The theory of consumptionvalue examines which values lie behind the purchase intention and choices consumers make.The theory is used as a basis in this essay, it has helped to create the research model andstrengthen the hypotheses via the concepts of emotional and social value. Some of theimportant findings in this essay is that age, gender and time are factors that have no influenceon the hedonic value. Hedonic value, social identity and social ties were shown to have lowagreement in the survey. Despite this, the conclusion was that there is a significantrelationship between the social values and hedonic value. This confirms the hypotheses in thepaper. The results of the study contribute to the literature by investigating the relationshipbetween the selected consumption values and willingnes to pay for virtual products. Theinformation provided in this essay can help companies have a better understanding of factorsthat can better promote the acquiring of virtual products.
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Three Essays on Sourcing DecisionsOsborn, Beverly January 2022 (has links)
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Navigating Identities : Social Identity Formation of Afghan Male Refugees in SwedenHaji Abdul Wali, Ahmad Walid January 2023 (has links)
This study presents general themes concerning identity preservation and identity formation among Afghan male refugees living in Sweden and who obtained Swedish citizenship. This study is based on an ethnographic survey of habits and practices of Afghan refugees living in Sweden who in a process of transition must adjust their previous values and expectations as they confront often hostile surroundings. While seeking to preserve their identity, their identity formations take place in the contextual realities and cultural influences existing in their host country Sweden. This study analyzes the narratives of Afghan refugees in Sweden to examine their sense of self. For the purpose of this research the definition of ‘identity’ is derived from the field of social psychology; specifically, the social identity theory. The social identity theory states that an individual’s self-concept is partially defined by the membership in a social group. The main finding of this research is that none of the men solely identify as Afghan. This is mainly because they left Afghanistan at a young age, encounter stereotypes and because Afghanistan is a fragmented and unsafe country. The hierarchy of salience theory and theories on multiple and hybrid identities are employed to demonstrate how they embrace different aspects of their identity at different times and in different situations. More specifically, the findings show that they embrace four strategies to do this: pragmatic, hybrid, religious and globalist. These four strategies show the hierarchy of salience.
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“This is an attack on the whole of Europe, our values and our way of life" : Use of European Identity in the Finnish Parliament Discussions About the Russian Invasion of UkraineIlves, Saara January 2023 (has links)
The Russian invasion of Ukraine changed the security environment of Europe overnight. This study addresses how this affected the rhetoric regarding European identity and the threats to it, in the Finnish parliament insecurity related discussions. It does this by employing the three part framework of social identity used by Brewer and Herman in their bookabout European identity. The framework contains three aspects: the composition, the content and the in-group out-group perceptions of identity. It attempts to unearth these aspects of European identity, byemploying concepts such as nested identity and the division between ethnicand cultural identity. The study presents the results of qualitative contentanalysis with quantitative elements of Finnish parliamentary sessions fromthe Spring of 2022. The study concludes that European Identity is used inthe Finnish parliament to both increase Finnish sense of security whilebuilding solidarity with Ukraine. The nature of European identity isprimarily civil and the threats towards it are also conceived as civil threats,however with the caveats that all national/political identities are a mix ofethnic and civil elements. The study also concludes that both EU andEuropean identity matter, but that European identity is more universal.
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Arab Americans Unveil the Building Blocks in the Construction of Our Cultural IdentitySemaan, Gaby 22 August 2007 (has links)
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Agency and Identity: A Collective Case Study of the Learning Experiences of High School Students in a Music Technology CourseGiotta, Dennis P. 02 September 2015 (has links)
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The Booster Beat: College Football Framing of Wins and Losses by Sportswriters and SB Nation BloggersBuzzelli, Nick 08 August 2017 (has links)
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Why Not Eating Alone? The Effect of Other Consumers on Solo Dining Intention and the MechanismHer, Eun Sol 26 September 2016 (has links)
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American Exceptionalism and its Malleability:An Examination of Presidential Rhetoric in State of the Union AddressesChapman , Jessica 13 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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