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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A CIDADE DA FUMAÇA: a constituição do grupo operário do bairro do Pequiá no município de Açailândia-MA / SMOKE CITY : formation of the group worker in the neighborhood of Pequiá the municipality of Açailândia-MA

Evangelista, Leonardo Nunes 07 March 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-17T18:01:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LEONARDO NUNES EVANGELISTA.pdf: 2258834 bytes, checksum: a89d474324637cc78cc7ef9d0663eb64 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-03-07 / The study analysis the constitution of the workers group of metallurgic in the Pequiá neighborhood, in the city of Açailândia-MA, from the view of the quotidian social pratics that contribute to the formation of a network of social relations that sustain the identity of these workers. Discuss how the different positions assumed by these workers on the internal division of the metallurgical work, condition the constructions of the categorical thoughs wich for they represent their reality. Prove that the elements that indentify that constitute this social group are strong influenced by the trajectory of these workers, wich camponese experience previous the arrive in Açailândia works like a important element. Make analysis of the principals elements that bases the social organization, directed by social pratics solidified inside and outside of the fabric universe. / O estudo analisa a constituição do grupo de trabalhadores metalúrgicos no bairro do Pequiá no município de Açailândia-MA, a partir da visualização das práticas sociais cotidianas que contribuem para a formação de uma rede de relações sociais que sustentam a identidade desses trabalhadores. Discuto como as diferentes posições assumidas por esses operários, na divisão interna do trabalho metalúrgico, condiciona a construção das categorias de pensamento pelas quais eles representam sua realidade. Demonstro que os elementos identitários que constituem esse grupo social são fortemente influenciados pela trajetória desses trabalhadores, cuja experiência camponesa anterior a chegada em Açailândia funciona como um elemento importante. Faço análise dos principais elementos que fundamentam a organização social, orientada por práticas sociais solidificadas dentro e fora do universo fabril.

O papel dos processos de participação popular na gestão municipal: estudo do orçamento participativo no município de Rio Claro/SP / O papel dos processos de participação popular na Gestão Municipal: estudo do orçamento participativo no município de Rio Claro/ SP

Fabiane Pizzirani 12 December 2006 (has links)
Esta dissertação analisa o espaço da participação popular através do processo intitulado orçamento participativo. O estudo da realidade do município de Rio Claro/SP através da discussão e deliberação por parte da população, proposta pela administração municipal, durante sete anos de execução, revelou uma cidade produzida socialmente, porém apropriada de forma desigual e cujas carências urbanas evidenciam a reprodução do processo de produção capitalista. Apresentamos ainda como o processo de produção desigual do espaço urbano se evidencia nas reivindicações feitas pela população quando ela passa a discutir sobre parte dos investimentos do município por meio do orçamento participativo. Debatemos também como a gestão participativa da cidade aponta para o debate da cidadania e os limites deste instrumento de gestão pública. / This dissertation analyzes the space of the popular participation through a process named Participative Budget. The study of the town of Rio Claro/SP reality through the discussion and the deliberation from the population, proposal by the municipal administration, during seven years of execution, revealed a city socially produced, however unequally appropriated and which urban lacks show the capitalism reproduction process. We present as well how the process of unequal production of urban space highlighted by claims made by the population when they discuss on part of investments of the city by means of the participative budget. We also discuss how the participative management of the city emphasizes the discuss of the citizenship and the limits of this of public management instrument.

Skolgården - ett möjligt rum för lek och lärande

Asker Hagelberg, Sophie, Moussa, Hevin January 2019 (has links)
Skolgården är en institutionell miljö med normer och regler som de flesta barn och ungdomar vistas i dagligen, då obligatorisk skolgång gäller i Sverige. Skolgårdsmiljöerna utgör del i infrastrukturen av lärandemiljöer utomhus som förekommer i barns och ungas vardag, och förknippas ofta med elevers rastaktiviteter och paus från undervisningen inomhus. Det har dock i mindre utsträckning bedrivits empirisk forskning om skolgården som socialt såväl som pedagogiskt rum och dess betydelse för elevers lärande kopplat till lokalsamhället. Vi avser att med denna studie bidra med kunskap till detta område genom att undersöka hur skolgårdar är utformade och huruvida skolgården tillsammans med det omgivande landskapet skapar förutsättningar för elevers lek och rörelse och för pedagogisk verksamhet, som exempelvis undervisning i växt- och matodling och naturmiljö. Studiens fokus riktas till undersökning av skolgårdars fysiska och materiella utformning. Datainsamling har skett genom observationstillfällen på sex geografiskt spridda grundskolegårdar i Uppsala kommun, innerstad, förort såväl som landsbygd. Bearbetningen av data skedde genom analysprotokoll utifrån en teoretisk tematisering samt bearbetning av fotografier tagna på skolgårdarna. Studiens resultat visade på vissa institutionaliserade värden om vad som ska ske på skolgården – friytor, fysisk aktivitet, sitt- och samlingsplatser, samt ytor för sportaktiviteter. Växtlighet och naturmiljöer var framträdande i varierande grad, och kunde utgöra olika funktioner i respektive skolgårdsrum, som avgränsningar mellan stadier, prydnader eller inramning av skolgården. Ingen av de undersökta skolgårdarna var belägna i naturmiljöer såsom skogsdungar, utan var byggda på utgrävda fundament och konstgjorda terränger, vissa kuperade och med konstgräs. I de fall där det fanns naturmiljöer i närheten fanns det tydliga avgränsningar mellan skolgård och naturmiljö. Vidare var endast en av de undersökta skolgårdarna som på skolgården verkade bedriva skolodlingsprojekt. / School grounds are institutional milieu with certain norms and rules and that most children and youth meet daily, due to mandatory schooling in Sweden. School ground environments are part of children’s and youth spaces of learning environments that occur in everyday life. The aim of this this study is to contribute with knowledge about the school grounds as social and pedagogical space and the school grounds potential to contribute to student learning connected to local community. This we intend by researching how school grounds are designed and how their potential institutional conditionings may convey values of play, physical activity and teaching. This includes pedagogical practices in natural environments as well as plant and food gardening. The focus of the study is directed toward the physical conditions and designs of school grounds, and not students’ interactions with the school grounds. The collection of data was managed through observations studies in six geographically scattered school grounds in the municipality of Uppsala, urban, suburban as well as rural. The processing of data was managed by an analysis protocol created by the theoretical framework of the study, which include aspects of play, physical activity and teaching, and of analysis of photos taken at the school grounds visited for this study. The results of the study showed some institutionalized values on what activities should take place in the school grounds – open spaces of asphalt, physical activity in sport areas were represented, but there were few open spaced with surrounding natural environment such as shrubbery or groves. Natural environments occurred with varying functions – as boundaries between areas intended for students with different ages, as ornaments, or framing of the school grounds facing the surroundings. None of the school grounds observed hade natural environments inside them, as they were built upon artificially made terrain, for example hills and grass. In the school grounds that had natural environments in their proximity, there were clear boundaries made by fences of different sorts. Furthermore there was only one of the observed school grounds that seemed to be conducting outdoor education in terms of gardening.

Kuřáci, šňupáci a cigaretáři: Reprezentace konzumentů tabákových výrobků ve veřejném prostoru v letech 1864 až 1914 / Smokers, Snuffers and Cigarette Smokers: The Representation of the Consumers of Tobacco Products in the Public Sphere between 1864 and 1914

Holíková, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the analysis of the period discourse of tobacco product consumption in the Czech lands between the years 1864 and 1914 with main focus on the unifying and differentiating potential of tobacco. The aim of the thesis is to portray how the tobacco consumer was perceived, whether they were a pipe smoker, cigar smoker, a smoker of cigarettes newly mechanically massproduced in this period or individuals insufflating ground tobacco, usually called snuffers. The thesis deals with the representation of the physical appearance and characteristic attributes of tobacco consumers in period source material. It also tries to depict how the smoking and snuffing by women and children was perceived. This thesis also aims to capture the social distinction that tobbaco consumption was associated with and how it was perceived by individual social groups of the period. The representation of period social space and its segmentation in connection to tobacco consumption is also a part of this research. The thesis also addresses the interconnection of the period eugenics discourse and the tobacco discourse. A wide spectrum of period monographies and periodics dealing with tobacco consumption was analysed as well as selected period illustrations representing tobacco consumption. The source of...

Propagation des informations menaçantes : le rôle du temps et de l'espace social / Propagation of threatening informations : the role of time and social space

Pelletier, Petra 29 November 2016 (has links)
Les menaces sociétales, comme les attaques terroristes, la crise économique ou le réchauffement climatique sont devenues omniprésentes dans notre société en raison de leur extensive diffusion médiatique. La situation de menace, qui agit comme une disruption entre les représentations de l'individu et la réalité, conduit au processus du partage social des émotions (Rimé, 2005) qui constitue le moteur de la propagation des informations menaçantes d'une personne à l'autre et d'un groupe social à l'autre. La présente thèse examine le rôle du temps et de l'espace en tant que deux principales sources de freins à la propagation des informations menaçantes. L'objectif de l'Étude 1 est d'investiguer le sens que les personnes attribuent au terme « menace sociétale », ainsi que de proposer un classement des menaces sociétales actuelles issues de l'actualité médiatique et perçues par les personnes dans le contexte français. L'Étude 2 examine le rôle du temps en tant que frein à la propagation des informations menaçantes dans le contexte suivant l'attentat de Charlie Hebdo à Paris du 7 janvier 2015, en se basant sur le modèle des étapes sociales de coping collectif avec les catastrophes (Pennebaker & Harber, 1993). Puis, l'Étude 3 consiste en une mise à l'épreuve expérimentale du rôle de l'espace social, plus spécifiquement le rôle de l'appartenance groupale, en tant que frein à la propagation des informations porteuses d'une menace terroriste. Les principaux résultats montrent que la fréquence des deux principales composantes du partage social des émotions, c'est-à-dire la parole et l'écoute, diminue dans les deux mois suivant l'attaque terroriste (Étude 2). Puis, l'appartenance groupale des personnes influence le contenu de l'information menaçante transmise à l'interlocuteur (Étude 3). Ces résultats suggèrent que le temps et l'espace social contribueraient à freiner la propagation des informations porteuses d'une menace. Toutefois, de futures recherches devraient se focaliser sur d'autres processus qui permettraient de freiner la propagation des informations menaçantes au sein de la société et d'élucider ainsi la construction du climat socio-émotionnel négatif. / Large-scale societal threats, such as the terrorist attacks, the economic crisis and global warming have become omnipresent in our society because of their extensive media coverage. The threat situation that acts as a disruption between people's representations and the reality leads to social sharing of emotions (Rimé, 2005). The social sharing of emotions constitutes the main impetus underpinning the propagation of threatening information from one person to another and from one social group to another. Thus, this thesis investigates the role of time and space as the primary brakes on the propagation of threatening information. The main aim of Study 1 is to investigate the meaning that people attach to the term "societal threat", and also to propose a classification of actual societal threats from the mass media and actual societal threats perceived by individuals in a French context. Study 2 examines the role of time as a brake on the propagation of threatening information following the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack of January 7, 2015 in Paris, using the social stage model of collective coping with disasters (Pennebaker & Harber, 1993). Study 3, which is experimental in nature, investigates the role of social space, and group membership specifically, as a brake on the propagation of threatening information related to terrorism. The results show that the frequency of the two main components of social sharing, namely talking and hearing, decreased over two months following the terrorist attack (Study 2). Furthermore, participants' group membership modifies the content of threatening information transmitted to the interlocutor (Study 3). Such results suggest that time and social space contribute to curbing the propagation of threatening information. However, future research might bear a specific interest on the other processes that impede the propagation of threatening information within society, thus elucidating the construction of a negative socioemotional climate.

Повседневная мобильность пользователей интернет-сетей в социальном пространстве города : магистерская диссертация

Danilova, A. V., Данилова, А. В. January 2014 (has links)
The dissertation considers daily mobility as grouping factor. Forms and resources of daily mobility are defined. Empirical research of daily mobility directions explores social differentiation of groups and correlation between daily mobility directions and unequal distribution of capitals. / В диссертации рассматривается влияние повседневной мобильности интернет-пользователей на процессы группообразования в мегаполисе. Определяются виды повседневной мобильности и ресурсы, обеспечивающие ее осуществление. На основе эмпирического исследования анализируются социальные группы, интеграция и дифференциация которых обусловлена направлениями повседневной мобильности. Исследуется корреляция между направлениями повседневной мобильности населения в городском пространстве и неравномерным распределением капиталов.

Communication and Collective Identities in the Transnational Social Space: A Media Ethnography of the Salvadorean Immigrant Community in the Washington D.C Metropolitan Area

Benítez, José Luis 28 September 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Familiar Places in Global Spaces: Networking and Place-making of American English Teachers in Sanlitun, Beijing

Kilgore, Clinton Travis 03 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Interpretations of the Politics of Fictive Landscapes in Context: A Comparison of Allan Sekula's Sketch on a Geography Lesson and Martha Rosler's In the Place of the Public Airport Series

Leedy, Alison J. January 2012 (has links)
Interpretations of the Politics of Fictive Landscapes in Context: A Comparison of Allan Sekula's Sketch on a Geography Lesson and Martha Rosler's In the Place of the Public Airport Series Throughout this thesis project I examine the geopolitical context(s) of the photographs featured in Martha Rosler's 'In the Place of the Public Airport Series' (1983) and Allan Sekula's series, 'Sketch on a Geography Lesson' (1982). I investigate the manner in which they question the legitimacy of the genre of documentary photography within the post-modern age by emphasizing the documentation of an actual physical place, presenting an alternative to the post-modern notion of photograph merely as another component of simulacra, or the intentional creation of an image without meaning or origin. By looking at photographs that Rosler and Sekula made during the burgeoning stages of post-modern theory, presents a broader interpretation of the development of Marxist documentary photography from the early 1980's to today. One way in which I dialogue with the discourse surrounding documentary photography in the 1980's is to focus on Rosler's and Sekula's intentional choice of material that emphasizes the political dialogue rather than concepts that are abstract and maintain no reference to real life. Furthermore, the period of the 1980's is considered a point in contemporary art history when the political fervor of the 1960's and early 1970's diminished greatly. Departing from this trend, Rosler's and Sekula's work continues to address political ideas throughout the 1980's, creating a bridge to today's photographers, such as Edward Burtynsky and Andreas Gursky who consider aesthetics from a socio-political perspective. / Art History


Wallace, Peter T January 2017 (has links)
Kalavasos-Ayios Dhimitrios (K-AD; Figure 1) is a Late Bronze Age (LBA) settlement on Cyprus. It is notable for having among the earliest examples of urbanism and monumental architecture on the island along side the sites of, for example, Kition, Alassa, Enkomi, and Maroni (Philokyprou 2011; Fisher et al. in press). The LBA on Cyprus marked the beginning of urban society, economy and architecture in Cyprus (Fisher et al. in press). This study explores the social processes associated with the transition to urbanism represented by the entangled relationship between the architectural creation of social spaces and the use of these spaces as platforms for the creation and negotiation of power and influence (Fisher 2009a, 2009b; Fisher et al. in press). Specifically this study will concentrate on the construction of plaster surfaces, the immobile architecture of these social spaces, as indexes of the social development at K-AD during the LBA. Analysis of pyrogenic lime and gypsum plasters was carried out using high-resolution microscopic methods based on the integration of petrography and soil micromorphology. These techniques are employed to optically examine in-situ and oriented plaster samples in laboratory thin section. Laboratory Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) analysis was applied to loose sediments to obtain spectroscopic data when necessary. Following the findings that lime plaster recipe variation is the result of human choice (Kingery et al. 1988; Love 2011, 2013a) the results of this analysis shows that the LBA architects at K-AD produced different recipes for different utilitarian uses and also that the construction of elite spaces demanded complex recipes that extend beyond utilitarian requirements, which can be classified as more “expensive,” resource-draining procedures (Kingery et al. 1988; Love 2011). Plaster is used at K-AD for both functional purposes and as an active component in societal creation and transformation. / Thesis / Master of Arts (MA) / Craft specialization is a core feature of urban life but the process of specialization is not perfectly understood. This thesis seeks to explore the use of lime plaster for constructing surfaces at the Late Bronze Age (LBA) site of Kalavasos-Ayios Dhimitrios (K-AD) on the island of Cyprus. Previous research has revealed a central, monumental complex, among the first of its kind on the island, surrounded by an early city. How did the LBA people create their living environment in this new setting? This thesis has shown, through the analysis of lime plaster features, floors and walls that the LBA inhabitants of K-AD were able to create diverse, specialized surfaces with a specialized lime plaster tradition in a scale and complexity that went beyond structural requirements, suggesting these surfaces were constructed with the explicit intent for creating space imbued with social meaning.

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