Spelling suggestions: "subject:"socialinteraction"" "subject:"socialinteraktion""
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Within-Group Agreement in Perceptions of the Work Environment: Its AntecedentsFord, Lucy R. 01 January 2003 (has links)
There is an increasing interest in within-group agreement in organizations, in response to evidence that agreement is predictive of various outcomes of interest. The model in this study suggests that within-group agreement on perceptions of the work environment is predicted indirectly by the quality of exchange relationships, specifically team-member exchange (TMX), leader-member exchange (LMX), social interaction and work interdependence, through the mediation of social influence, and directly by demographic homogeneity. Chan's (1998) typology of composition models was used to appropriately conceptualize the variables at the group level.Results suggest that average high quality LMX relationships are predictive of within-group agreement, and that high quality relationships within the team are predictive of perceptions of social influence within the team. The mediation model was non-significant, and contrary to existing literature, social interaction and work interdependence were not significantly related to any of the other variables in the model.Demographic homogeneity was related to both perceptions of social influence and to within-group agreement on perceptions of the work environment in the opposite direction from that hypothesized. Post-hoc analyses suggest that organizational cultural orientation (collectivist or individualist) may moderate the relationship between demographic homogeneity and within-group agreement on perceptions of the work environment.
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The dramaturgy of the audit process : challenges in the social interaction between the auditor and clientTuvesson, Clara, Lu, Kwok January 2019 (has links)
Audit is a bilateral task where the auditors are required to socially interact with their clients during the audit process. The auditor and client may encounter different expectations that could lead to challenges in their social interaction. Thus, the purpose of this study is to explore the challenges in the social interaction between the auditor and client during the audit process. Prior literature has applied versions of agency that are implicitly based on classic contract law and virtually ignored clients as a research object. The original value of this study lies in the adoption of the dramaturgical analysis into the context of audit. This study employs a qualitative research method. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven real auditor-client dyads in Scania, Sweden. The findings suggest that clients are fixated on the price tag of an audit and do not consider the person delivering the audit service. This puts the auditor and client at risk as the findings suggest that the social interaction is important whereby a similarity attraction in sociodemographic space facilities the social interaction. Asset evaluations can create challenges in the social interaction which are solved with residual control stemming from ownership as well as social status. The seven auditor-client dyads in this study deals with their own unique challenges that resulted in seven prototypes. This study fills in a gap in the literature by interviewing and analyzing the auditors’ respective client expectations on one another. To fulfil each other’s diverse expectations, both must embody different roles.
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How interpersonal coordination changes the self: Theory, experiment, and adaptive HKB model of social memoryUnknown Date (has links)
How one behaves after interacting with a friend may not be the same as before
the interaction began What factors a ect the formation of social interactions
between people and, once formed, how do social interactions leave lasting changes on
individual behavior? In this dissertation, a thorough review and conceptual synthesis
is provided Major features of coordination dynamics are demonstrated with
examples from both the intrapersonal and interpersonal coordination literature that
are interpreted via a conceptual scheme, the causal loops of coordination dynamics
An empirical, behavioral study of interpersonal coordination was conducted to
determine which spontaneous patterns of coordination formed and whether a remnant
of the interaction ensued ("social memory") To assess social memory in dyads, the
behavior preceding and following episodes of interaction was compared In the
experiment, pairs of people sat facing one another and made continuous flexion-extension finger movements while a window acted as a shutter to control
whether partners saw each other's movements Thus, vision ("social contact") allowed
spontaneous information exchange between partners through observation Each trial consisted of three successive intervals lasting twenty seconds: without social contact
("me and you"), with social contact ("us"), and again without ("me and you")
During social contact, a variety of patterns was observed ranging from phase coupling
to transient or absent collective behavior Individuals also entered and exited social
coordination differently In support of social memory, compared to before social
contact, after contact ended participants tended to remain near each other's
movement frequency Furthermore, the greater the stability of coupling, the more
similar the partners' post-interactional frequencies were Proposing that the
persistence of behavior in the absence of information exchange was the result of prior
frequency adaptation, a mathematical model of human movement was implemented
with Haken-Kelso-Bunz oscillators that reproduced the experimental findings, even
individual dyadic patterns Parametric manipulations revealed multiple routes to
persistence of behavior via the interplay of adaptation and other HKB model
parameters The experimental results, the model, and their interpretation form the
basis of a proposal for future research and possible therapeutic applications / Includes bibliography / Dissertation (PhD)--Florida Atlantic University, 2016 / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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Gender identity and gender stereotypes as interacting influences on children's adjustmentUnknown Date (has links)
One of the hypotheses put forth by the Gender Self-Socialization Model (GSSM) is the stereotype emulation hypothesis. This hypothesis states that one role of gender identity is to motivate children to follow gender stereotypes that they have internalized. The GSSM also states that each of the constructs of gender identity, gender stereotypes, and gender typing is product of the cognitive interplay between the other two. Egan and Perry (2001) conceptualized gender identity as multidimensional, and one of these dimensions is felt pressure against other gender behavior. This study found that there was an interaction between one aspect of gender identity (felt pressure) and gender stereotypes, supporting the stereotype emulation hypothesis. This study also found that the interaction between felt pressure and sexism was more powerful in predicting adjustment in children than looking only at the main effect of felt pressure. / by Stephanie Franz. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2009. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2009. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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Com outros olhos: um estudo das representações da \"cegueira\" e/ou \"deficiência visual\" / With other eyes: a study of representations of the \"blindness\" and/or \"visual disability\"Cavalheiro, Andrea de Moraes 17 January 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como principal objeto de estudo as interações sociais, que envolvem performances chamadas de cegueira, deficiência visual, baixa visão, vidência e correlativos. O objetivo desta pesquisa é descrever tais performances em termos de acionamentos de categorias de nomeação, sinais distintivos e atributos qualificativos. Pretende-se refletir sobre os processos de negociação e incorporação das mesmas na constituição do eu dos atores. Entre os pressupostos teórico-metodológicos, optou-se por uma aproximação com aspectos do modelo teatral de Goffman e da teoria da significação de Bourdieu. Para a construção dos dados, realizou-se observação participante principalmente em institutos especializados. / This dissertation focus on the performances of \"visual disability\", \"blindness\", \"low vision\" and seeing, through social interactions. Its main objective is to describe and to analyze these performances as the use of the nomination categories, distinctive signs and qualifying attributes. Furthermore, I present the processes of embodiment of these representations and its importance for the constitution of the actors \"self\". The theoretical and methodological assumptions rely on aspects of Goffmans dramaturgical perspective and Bourdieus theory of meaning. The data were developed through participant observation at specialized institutes.
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A experiência da procura de trabalho: um estudo de caso / The experience of job search: a case studyVieira, Priscila Pereira Faria 29 September 2009 (has links)
A dissertação tem como objeto de estudo a procura de trabalho por meio de instituições do mercado de intermediação. Para desenvolver a análise assume-se que a busca de emprego não pode ser reduzida a um fenômeno econômico, baseado no cálculo racional, que une ofertantes e demandantes de vagas; nem pode ser tratada apenas como um indicador estratégico para caracterizar a situação de desemprego, como o faz uma certa sociologia. Ao contrário, assume-se que ela é uma experiência social, moral e subjetiva e que, nesse sentido, é fundamental entender os processos de interação que se dão na situação em que ela transcorre, bem como a forma como ela é vivenciada no cotidiano pelos demandantes de trabalho. A análise se baseia num estudo empírico de tipo qualitativo conduzido, entre 2005 e 2009, na região da Rua Barão de Itapetininga, no Centro de São Paulo, o principal espaço de concentração de agências de emprego da Região Metropolitana, ela mesma o maior mercado de intermediação no Brasil. Observação de tipo etnográfico, entrevistas com os agentes envolvidos na situação e análise de material documental foram as técnicas mobilizadas na análise. / This dissertation aims to understand the process of searching for a job by means of the labor market intermediaries. Our theoretical approach refuses both the type of economic analysis that describes it as a mere rational behavior linking job seekers and employers, and the current sociological perspective that reduces it to a crucial variable on the measurement of the unemployment situation. We assume a different sociological point of view which approaches the search for a job as a social, moral and subjective experience; in this sense, it has to be analyzed taking into account its context, as a negotiated situation, and the job seeker perceptions, experiences and discourses. The empirical research took place during four years (2005 to 2009) in the Barão de Itapetininga street, Sao Paulo downtown, the most important cluster of labor market intermediaries in São Paulo Metropolitan Region, which concentrates itself the most important segment of the Brazilian intermediation market. Ethnographic observation, interviews, analysis of documents and secondary data were the main sources in the fieldwork
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Conflitos e(m) brincadeiras infantis: diferenças culturais e de gênero / Cultural and gender differences in childrens play and conflictsMorais, Maria de Lima Salum e 17 November 2004 (has links)
O principal objetivo do trabalho foi comparar brincadeiras, conflitos e provocações de meninos e meninas de quatro a cinco anos de idade, pertencentes a dois grupos culturais: um de uma grande metrópole (São Paulo) e outro de uma pequena comunidade praiana no litoral norte de Estado de São Paulo (Ubatuba). As crianças foram observadas em atividade livre no pátio escolar. Em relação ao brincar, os principais resultados encontrados foram: as crianças de São Paulo se envolveram mais em brincadeiras simbólicas do que as ubatubanas e essas, mais em jogos de regras e em brincadeiras de contingência social do que as paulistanas; os meninos participaram mais de brincadeiras de contingência física do que as meninas e elas se envolveram mais em atividades de contingência social do que seus colegas. Predominaram as provocações de caráter não verbal entre as crianças ubatubanas. Os episódios de zombaria tenderam a ter conseqüências interacionais positivas em ambos os grupos, apesar de terem gerado também algumas reações negativas. As crianças de ambos os grupos apresentaram número equivalente de episódios de conflito, embora sua duração tenha sido maior entre as meninas de São Paulo. A principal causa de conflitos nos dois grupos culturais foi a disputa por brinquedos e a maior parte dos desenlaces teve caráter afiliativo. As crianças ubatubanas apresentaram táticas mais simples e diretas e as paulistanas, estratégias mais diversificadas e verbais de enfrentamento das situações conflituosas. Na discussão dos resultados, destaca-se a importância da configuração dos grupos de brincadeira e de dimensões culturais mais amplas como estilos de criação e códigos de comunicação , evidenciando-se a relevância de estudos interculturais para o avanço na compreensão do comportamento infantil / The major goal of the study was to compare play, conflicts and teasing in four to fiveyears- old children of two cultural groups: one from a big city (São Paulo), and another from a small seashore community (Ubatuba, São Paulo State). Children were observed in free play periods at school yard. The main findings concerning play were: São Paulos children engaged in more pretend play than seashores children, and these ones showed greater participation in games with rules and in social contingency play; boys engaged in more physical contingency activities than girls, while girls participated in more social contingency play than their male peers. Non-verbal teasing prevailed in seashore children, and teasing episodes had more frequent positive interational outcomes, although negative consequences were also found in the two groups. Children from both cultural groups presented equivalent number of conflicts and engaged in more same-sex disagreements, but the number of conflict turns was greater among São Paulos girls. Possession of objects and toys was the main conflict reason. Seashore children presented more simple and direct conflict strategies, and São Paulos children, more diversified and verbal tactics of conflict management. Contend resolutions had a predominantly affiliative character in both groups. In the discussion of data, play group configuration, as well as broader cultural dimensions such as rearing styles and communication codes , are emphasized, showing the importance of cross-cultural studies for advances in understanding childhood behavior
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Who dislikes whom: the characteristics of antipathy in adolescenceUnknown Date (has links)
The current study examined the process by which adolescents choose who to dislike in a sample of Finnish 10th graders. Information was available for the adolescents on their victimization, bullying behavior, problem behavior, school burnout, school grades, and their depressive symptoms. The initial analysis consisted of assessing which characteristics made individuals more likely to dislike someone, after taking into account the characteristics of the individual being nominated. This analysis found that individuals form antipathy for dissimilar others. This process is hypothesized to be a result of mechanisms of threat. The secondary analysis compared the characteristics of unilateral and mutual antipathies. This analysis found that mutual antipathies are characterized by elevated differences between individuals on victimization. These results identify and describe important aspects of the adolescent peer environment. / by Christopher A. Hafen. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2010. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2010. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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The developmental effect of the presence of a recipient in a modified dictator gameUnknown Date (has links)
Economic game theory has been a challenge to traditional models of selfish human nature. Resource acquisition games, such as the dictator game, which have been primarily played by adults, have revealed that humans are inclined to share even when it is not in their best interest to do so. Few studies have been conducted on the development of resource distribution in children, and fewer still have explored the effect of context and level of involvement of a second player in such games. In the current study, 179 children from kindergarten, first, and second grades participated in a modified dictator game with another player. Children were randomly assigned to one of four conditions; a control condition, where they played individually with an anonymous player, or one of three experimental conditions with two players who each played with varying levels of involvement with the second player. It was found that kindergarteners shared significantly less across conditions than first and second graders, with first and second graders sharing similar amounts. The presence of another player significantly increased the amount of sharing for all grades. Additionally, second players shared significantly less than first players. Developmental and contextual patterns of sharing are discussed. / by Jason Grotuss. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2011. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2011. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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Narcissism, adjustment, and target-specific aggression in preadolescence: a test of the self-image failure hypothesisUnknown Date (has links)
This study examined the consequences of self-image failure among narcissistic children. It was hypothesized that narcissistic children who perceive themselves as falling short of their hoped-for grandiose self (e.g., whose self-esteem is low) would not only increase over time in general aggression and decrease prosocial behavior, but also increase in the tendency to direct aggression specifically toward more socially successful peers (i.e., their putative rivals for social status). Participants were 195 (101 boys) fourth through seventh-graders who were tested in both the fall and the spring of a school year. Results yielded some support for the hypotheses. Narcissism combined with low self-appraisals of the real self to predict decreases in prosocial behavior and increased aggression toward popular and attractive peers. These findings not only provide longitudinal evidence for the self-image failure hypothesis but also underscore the importance of a target-specific approach to investigating children's aggression. / by Rachel E. Pauletti. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2013. / Includes bibliography. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / System requirements: Adobe Reader.
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