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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att integreras är en utmaning : En hermeneutisk studie om utländska studenters upplevelse av integrationsprocessen i en svensk universitetsmiljö

Soukhta, Nivin, Grindebäck, Jonna January 2023 (has links)
Den här studien handlar om utländska studenter från Mellanösterns upplevelser i sin integrationsprocess på ett svenskt universitet. Syftet med studien är att öka medvetenheten kring de svårigheter som de utländska studenterna möter i sin vardag när de studerar i ett annat land än sitt eget, för att kunna hjälpa dem till en bättre integration. Med hjälp av den hermeneutiska metodansatsen vill vi få förståelse för och komma närmare de utländska studenternas upplevelser kring integrationsprocessen på ett svenskt universitet. Vi har intervjuat tio universitetsstudenter som alla kommer från Mellanöstern de senaste åtta åren, intervjuerna skedde på det svenska språket. För att komma de nära är hermeneutiken bra då vi har följt den hermeneutiska spiralen med de tre tolkningarna, preliminära tolkningen, fördjupad tolkning samt en sista huvudtolkning. Genom den hermeneutiska spiralen har vi tolkat vårt material från varje del till att komma fram till en helhet, för att sedan titta på delar igen och komma till en ny helhetsbild. Detta har gjort att vi har tolkat och omtolkat till dess att vi har nått en mättnad för vår studie och kommit fram till ett resultat. Till vår hjälp i analysen använde vi oss av Antonovskys teori om Kasam, känslan av sammanhang, med dess begrepp, begriplighet, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet, som har hjälpt oss att tolka vårt datamaterial då vi kopplade dessa till de utländska studenternas livsvärld. För att skapa en bredare bild i vår studie har vi läst tio artiklar som tidigare forskning tog upp inom ämnet, vilka visade på en del likheter och skillnader. Dessa tio artiklar kompletterade våra intervjuer på ett bra sätt. Det som framgår av resultaten i vår studie visar att de utländska studenterna kunde anpassa sig med tiden, även fast de hade utmaningar med språket, kulturen, studiemiljön samt utanförskap.

Parental Styles and Adolescents’ Autonomy

Yengo, Whitney Hope January 2023 (has links)
This thesis aims to investigate the influence of parental styles on an adolescent's ability to access and receive sexual health services, regardless of the existing policies that may or may not require parental consent. Through stratified sampling, participants who lived in different parts of Sweden during their adolescence were interviewed. The Parental Power Assertion theory has been used to identify the parental styles used by the interviewees’ parents under their adolescence. Additionally, the Self-Determination Theory has been used to determine their level of autonomy during their adolescence. The data collected indicated that parenting styles have a significant impact on an adolescent's autonomy, particularly in relation to their sexual health decisions. The findings show that parental styles play an important role in shaping an adolescent's autonomy in making their own sexual health decisions.

Idiosynkratiska överenskommelser för att förlänga arbetslivet : En studie om hur individuella överenskommelser kan förlänga arbetslivet för äldre undersköterskor

Avander, Emilia, Lindegren, Rebecka January 2023 (has links)
Three ongoing trends are the background for this study: the aging population, the large retirements and the challenges of skill supply, which are particularly pronounced in the public sector. Partly because of the large retirements, the public sector is currently experiencing recruitment difficulties combined with increasing demand for healthcare services. The increasing demand for healthcare services, high number of retirements and challenges of skill supply causes professional groups such as assistant nurses to be particularly exposed to increased strain. Significant factors proposed to solve current and future recruitment needs is an extended working life with economic incentives for additional years of labour market participation. However, previous studies have also shown that workers become increasingly heterogeneous as they age, suggesting that an individual approach to older workers are necessary. Therefore, this study seeks to create a deeper understanding of the work-related needs of older assistant nurses, and how individual agreements can improve work-related fit. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with older assistant nurses working in elderly care. Results indicated that the needs of the occupation govern the working conditions, and risk creating an imbalance between resources and work requirements. Different perceived working conditions combined with individual health-related aspects were identified as causing heterogeneous work-related needs, affecting the basis for a prolonged working life. Through individual agreements between manager and employee, it has instead been identified to enhance work motivation, therefore promoting both willingness and ability to postpone retirement. The results have particularly shown that agreements in tasks and schedules can improve the work-related fit and contribute to an extended working life. However, the complexity of individual agreements has also shown to be a risk of injustice among employees. Therefore, it places high demands on the development of age management strategies and policies, but also on managers in terms of the implementation and design of individual agreements.

Upplevelsen av Stigma och eget föräldraskap hos föräldrar med psykisk funktionsnedsättning, ADHD : En kvalitativ studie / The experience of stigma and own parenthood among parents with mental disabilities, ADHD : A qualitative study

Eriksson, Viktoria January 2023 (has links)
Det finns fortfarande viss okunskap kring psykisk funktionsnedsättning i samhället. Att utöva föräldraskap samtidigt som man har en psykisk funktionsnedsättning kan vara komplicerat. Syftet med min uppsats är att belysa föräldraperspektivet hos föräldrar med psykisk funktionsnedsättning, hur de upplever omgivningens bemötande och den egna föräldrarollen. I uppsatsen försöker jag även få svar på vad som kan göras för att stötta dessa föräldrar. Min uppsats är en kvalitativ studie som bygger på fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer med föräldrar som har ADHD. I mitt resultat lyfter jag fram sex teman; egen upplevelse av att ha ADHD, upplevelsen av eget föräldraskap, erfarenheter av bemötande, konsekvenser, förutfattade meningar och förslag på förändringar. Några av slutsatserna som framkommit i min studie är att det visat sig finnas vissa könsskillnader både i hur stigma upplevs, i vilka sammanhang man upplever stigma och vad man anser vara hjälpsamt stöd. Det har även framkommit att det inte enbart är de som har en psykisk funktionsnedsättning som kan drabbas av negativa konsekvenser till följd av stigma utan även deras barn. Alla intervjupersoner i denna studie anser att det behövs mer kunskap om psykisk funktionsnedsättning. / There is still some ignorance about mental disability in society. Practicing parenthood while having a mental disability can be complicated. The purpose of my thesis is to shed light on the parental perspective of parents with mental disabilities, how they experience the treatment of the environment and their own parental role. In the essay, I also try to get answers to what can be done to support these parents. My thesis is a qualitative study based on four semi-structured interviews with parents who have ADHD. In my results, I highlight six themes: own experience of having ADHD, experience of own parenthood, experiences of treatment, consequences, preconceived notions, and suggestions for changes. Some of the conclusions that emerged in my study are that there have been some gender differences both in how stigma is experienced, in what contexts you experience stigma and what you consider to be helpful support. It has also emerged that it is not only those with a mental disability who can suffer negative consequences because of stigma, but also their children. All interviewees in this study believe that more knowledge about mental disability is needed.

Alienation och meningsfullhet i arbetet : Kan de samexistera?

Hardenmark, Yvonne, Johansson, Linda January 2023 (has links)
Studien har till syfte att undersöka medarbetares upplevelser av meningsfullhet i arbetet på arbetsplatsen. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats med ett induktivt förhållningssätt och har hämtat empirin genom åtta kvalitativa intervjuer. Vidare har studien antagit en tematisk analys för att analysera den insamlade datan. För att svara på studiens frågeställningar förankrar vi resultaten med fyra teorier. Alienation från Marx, subjektiv-objektiv alienation från Alfonsson, objektiva-subjektiva dimensioner på meningsfullt arbete från Laaser & Karlsson, och känslan av sammanhang, KASAM, från Antonovsky. Resultaten som redovisas i studien visar att olika medarbetare upplever meningsfullt arbete i olika grad och att det främst var genom arbetsuppgifterna och den sociala gemenskapen som de upplever meningsfullhet i arbetet. Vidare presenteras låg lön, hög frånvaro bland personalen och brist på kompetensutveckling som faktorer vilka bidrar till att förutsättningarna för att utföra ett gott arbete ses som försvårande.

”Jag känner att jag nått någon form av glastak” : En studie av orsakerna till att redan yrkesverksamma personer väljer att börja studera / ”I feel like I’ve reached some kind of glass ceiling” : A study of the reasons why people who are employed choose to start studying

Johansson, Oskar January 2023 (has links)
The main purpose of this study has been to investigate the reasons of the people in a managerial position who start studying even though they are already employed. Whether there are factors in the Swedish labor market that influence their endeavors to start study is also questioned. The study is conducted by using a qualitative interview method with part- time students who work full-time in a managerial position. The informants have suggested as their main reason to study as their desire to acquire educational credentials. After having reached a managerial position in the workplace or to look for new jobs outside of the current job, a university education or degree is usually required. To be able to continue working during their studies the employees have chosen to study part-time and at distance even though their conditions may vary. Some are prepared to reduce their working hours whereas others study during their working hours, but their course literature is paid by their employers. Thereby it can be argued that human capital theory holds but with an emphasis on credentialism.

Har fängelsestraffets längd en effekt på återfallsrisk och mortalitet? : En kvasiexperimentell studie om strafflängdens effekter på återfallsrisk och mortalitet hos de som är dömda för narkotikabrott i Sverige.

Ekman, Ellinor January 2023 (has links)
Fängelsestraffet och dess konsekvenser är ett ämne som diskuteras inom både politik och forskning. Inom politiken hörs ofta argument om hårdare och längre straff som ska minska brottsligheten, men inom forskningsfältet råder större oenighet. Kriminologisk forskning har undersökt fängelsestraffets effekter på flera olika utfall med heterogena resultat som följd. Trots att fängelsets effekter har diskuterats länge finns därmed ännu ingen konsensus om hur strafflängd påverkar utfall såsom återfall och hälsa hos de som döms till påföljden. I denna studie undersöks hur strafflängd påverkar återfall och mortalitet hos de som döms för narkotikabrott av minst normalgraden i Sverige. För att undersöka detta används ett naturligt experiment och den kvasiexperimentella designen difference-in-difference. Resultaten visar inga signifikanta effekter av strafflängd på mortalitet. För strafflängdens effekter på återfall visar resultaten att längre straff signifikant kan minska risken för återfall, men minskningen är marginell. Analysen riskerar dock att påverkas av några felkällor som skapar viss osäkerhet i resultatens validitet och tillförlitlighet. Framförallt påverkas analysen av förändringar i de undersökta gruppernas demografiska sammansättning. Mer forskning krävs både för att öka tillförlitligheten till resultaten och för att få djupare förståelse för vilka mekanismer som har gett upphov till studiens resultat.

Soft skills and the Erasmus+ programme : A qualitative study of Swedish Erasmus+ students and their experiences of exchange studies

Holmberg, Gustaf January 2023 (has links)
Traditionally, higher education has put a lot of emphasis on cognitive ways of knowing. Although the focus on theoretical knowledge still remains, the labor market’s demand for social skills have increased rapidly over the past decades. Investments in the internationalisation of higher education have created a platform in which the learning of noncognitive ways of knowing is promoted. The purpose of this qualitative study is to understand how exchange studies have influenced the Swedish students participating in the Erasmus+ programme focusing on the development of soft skills. Nine students from Uppsala university were interviewed to understand how they regarded and viewed their exchange studies. In centre of interest is the growth of social learning through cultural experiences. To broaden the analysis, an additional expert interview was conducted with a study- and career counsellor involved with the Erasmus+ programme at Uppsala university. Using a Bourdieusian framework, the findings of this work indicate that soft skills could be viewed as being part of the cultural capital. By focusing on the importance of learning outside your comfort zone, the participants identified personal development through intercultural experiences. Viewing soft skills as cultural capital and by identifying that knowledge becomes embodied through social interaction, exchange studies could be seen as a great platform for learning and developing intercultural experiences.

Humanitarian Palliative Care : On the threshold of concern

Lyngø, Lea January 2023 (has links)
Humanitarian organizations and research groups are increasingly considering the potential of integrating palliative care into humanitarian health responses. While studies on the topic frequently examine the obstacles of integrating palliative care into humanitarian action, the field is marked by notable research gaps, particularly concerning assessments of practice, the impact of guidelines, as well as critical inquiries into the moral and conceptual implications of a “humanitarian palliative care”. This thesis contributes to the latter of these research gaps by unpacking the discourses of palliative care and humanitarianism as imperatives, with attention to the ways in which the two may support or challenge each other.  The main research question, “How does humanitarian action take up palliative care as a humanitarian concern?”, is addressed through an anthropological lens. To shed light on the intangible, yet powerful, moral aspects of combining these discourses, this research method consists of a literature review approaching guidelines and studies as empirical data. While without its main ethnographic method, the use of classic anthropological theories and analysis offers apt insight into the framework of a humanitarian palliative care. The thesis paper progresses as follows: first, a literature review outlines the background of palliative care and its introduction in the humanitarian sector along with the direction of existing studies and guidelines on the topic. This outline then facilitates a comparative analysis of the moral language and principles of palliative care and humanitarianism. During this analysis, Fassin’s critique of “humanitarian reason” (2012) is used to better understand both imperatives in focus, leading to a biopolitical analysis of the implications of a combined ‘humanitarian palliative care’. This analysis suggests that palliative needs inhabit a liminal position in humanitarian healthcare – at the threshold of humanitarian concern.   The liminality of humanitarian palliative care is then explored with particular attention to the infrastructure and relevant temporal aspects of humanitarian healthcare. While addressing abstract concepts, the analysis draws upon case examples to illuminate each analytical point in practice. Finally, I conclude with a discussion reflecting on the suggestions made by this thesis, and ultimately, the – arguably ambiguous – dynamic between palliative care and humanitarian action.

Religious actors in conflict management : Where and how can they be most effective?

Prieto Pérez, Fausto January 2023 (has links)
Criticism of the role of religious actors in conflict management rests primarily on the premise that evidence produced is largely anecdotal due to the lack of a theoretical underpinning that permits thorough analysis. As such, the added value of religious actors as practitioners is difficult to recognise officially and quantify. This research aims to explore the possibility of developing a theoretical framework that would eventually bestow appreciation of their role, as well as allow comparison across similar interventions, and facilitate resource distribution to those projects likely to have a bigger positive impact. A preliminary theoretical framework is proposed by reviewing the existing literature and contrasting with feedback from semi-structured interviews undertaken with professional practitioners working on an on-going peace project in Ethiopia. Further research, experimentation and expert discussion, systematically testing each of the components, will be needed in order to hone the framework to a functional and effective tool.

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