Spelling suggestions: "subject:"socialpsykologi.""
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Edward Westermarck : Forskare i vetenskapens vindskiftenEhrenkrona, Olof January 2019 (has links)
Edward Westermarck, finlandssvensk sociolog och filosof, studeras med Lorraine Dastons och Peter Galisons (D&G) metod för att analysera vetenskapshistoriska förändringar. Syftet är att testa ändamålsenligheten i D&G:s analysmodell för att studera metodologiska och innehållsliga förändringar. Användningen av epistemic virtues prövas som ett sätt att identifiera interaktionen mellan dynamiska fält och övergångar mellan olika doktriner under decennierna kring sekelskiftet 1800/1900. Metoden tillämpas på Westermarck och hans samtida i sociologins grundargeneration. Westermarck och Durkheim betraktas som arketypiska företrädare för en sociologisk respektive en biologisk – evolutionistisk – funktionalism. Malinowski är en brygga mellan de två. Undersökningen analyserar kunskapsteoretiska och ideologiska skillnader och likheter mellan forskarna. Deras förhållande till vetenskaplighet som epistemic virtue analyseras. Dynamiska fält och förändringslaviner beskrivs för att belysa kontinuitet och diskontinuitet i doktrinutvecklingen. Studien visar att metoden kan tillämpas även på humaniora och beteendevetenskaperna. Westermarcks kritik av Freud och Oidipuskomplexet exemplifierar hur doktrinförändringar fångas upp i andra vetenskapsområden – sociobiologin. Undersökningen visar att interaktionen sker också mellan olika vetenskapsområden och hur förändringarna mellan dessa sker diakront. Read more
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"Vi är varandras arbetsmiljö" : om studiero på högstadiet / "We are each other's work environment" : about learning conditions at high schoolOlsson, Linda January 2018 (has links)
Den här studien undersöker fenomenet studiero i två sjundeklasser på en högstadieskola i Sverige. Klasserna har observerats under lektionstid vid sex tillfällen och intervjuer har gjorts med sex elever och två pedagoger. Fokus ligger på elevernas upplevelse av studiero, vilka möjligheter eleverna har att forma sin arbetsmiljö samt hur eleverna ser på sitt inflytande och delaktighet. Det jag under min fältstudie har funnit är att elever och pedagoger är samstämmiga om vad studiero är, men att den bäst förstås när den störs. Då blir även andra processer tydliga så som skapandet av normer, elevernas socialiseringsprocess och det vänliga maktutövandet. Dock verkar det som om eleverna inte är fullständigt medvetna om sina möjligheter till påverkan och inflytande i skapandet av sin arbetsmiljö. / This study examines the learning conditions in two seventh grade classes at a high school in Sweden. The classes have been observed during lessons on six occasions and interviews have been done with six students and two educators. The focus is the students' experience of learning conditions in the classroom, what opportunities the students have to shape their work environment and how the students experience their participation. What I have found during my fieldwork is that students and educators agree on what good and calm learning conditions are, but that learning conditions are best understood when it is disrupted. Then other processes also become clear, such as the creation of norms, the students' socialization process and the friendly exercise of power. However, it seems that the students are not fully aware of the opportunities given when they participate in the creation of their work environment. Read more
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Upplevelser av tacksamhetskrav : En studie kring upplevelser av en invandraridentitet och krav på tacksamhet riktat mot första generationens invandrare i Sverige.Eriksson, Victoria January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Face in Japanese culture : A study on the importance of face and the relation to shame, based on the example of Japanese living in the Stockholm/Uppsala regionSteinfurth, Karolin January 2019 (has links)
This bachelor thesis conducts an anthropological study of the definition of face within Japanese culture through literature as well as by Japanese people in the age group 20 to 30 years living in the Stockholm/Uppsala region. It further investigates how face is related to shame and, in which conditions shame is felt by the above-mentioned target group. Having analyzed when shame occurs, the study further enquires how these Japanese people avoid shameful situations and how this relates to their face. As a core theme to this thesis will be an analysis of the conducted interviews with the help of Japanese anthropologist Takie Lebra’s definition of shame. This thesis will demonstrate how these Japanese informants are influenced, how they react to shaming situations and how it is related to their face.
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Den delade patriotismen : En antropologisk studie om den upplevda patriotismen bland Stockholms eritreanerAdem, Aida January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Våld i nära relationer, en jämställdshetsproblematik ur en normativ synvinkel : En antropologisk studie med fokus på mannen som den utsatteBroccolo, Gianella January 2019 (has links)
Abstract The main topic of this study is IPV (Intimate Partner Violence) with a focus on the men that are exposed. The empirical data was examined from a stigma and a gender perspective. The purpose of my thesis was to investigate how different beliefs and social norms about male and female affect how men exclude themselves and are excluded, for example, from social safety nets. I started my study with inspiration from internet-based material about a woman and a man's experience with IPV. I fetched empirical data by attending a seminar on Youth IPV and in semi-structured interviews of two professionals, one who works with male victims of IPV and one who works with violence victims in generally. I also interviewed four men who has been exposed to IPV. Through my informants' stories I was able to investigate whether there were social circumstances that could affect IPV, which came about through varying concrete examples. Also how IPV distinguishes itself when the man is the vulnerable instead of the woman because most of the information and material available in Sweden is about the woman's over-represented vulnerability. With the help of previous research and literature that I used in my study, I came to the conclusion that the most effective method of analyzing IPV among men is through the personal meeting in an interview because the subject is otherwise taboo. My study showed that IPV differs where the practitioner is male or female because women use more mental violence while men use most physical violence and since the mental violence is easier to hide, the subject remains unlit partly because of the men's own silence and partly because the environment is not equipped to emphasize this kind of problem. Read more
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”Afterwork = Alkohol efter jobbet” : En kvalitativ studie runt alkoholbruk i sälj- och finansbranschen och chefernas inflytande om detsammaHolmgren, Jill January 2019 (has links)
<p>Betyg 190416.</p>
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Antropologins informationsvärldar : En biblioteks- och informationsvetenskaplig studie kring socialantropologer och etnografiska fältarbeten.Fridholm, Axel January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine information behavioursamongst a group of social anthropologists. The thesis alsohas a special focus on issues concerning information andinformation behaviour during periods of ethnographicfieldwork. As a empirical foundation for this studyinterviews where made between may – september in 2011with seven social anthropologists active at a swedishuniversity. The results from the conducted interviews areanalysed with the theoretical framework of the informationbehaviour theory as presented by T.D Wilson. Furthermorethe concept of “information worlds” by Paul T. Jeager andGary Burnett is another theoretical viewpoint in this thesis.Results in this study shows that the social anthropologistsduring periods of ethnographic fieldwork, in addition to theempirical data gathering process by participant observationand similar methods, actively search for relevant informationin other information sources. These types of informationseeking amongst the social anthropologists in this studyshows strong connections to the intervening variablespresented in T.D Wilson´s models of information behaviour.Overall the study shows that it´s possible to observe anotable change in the information behaviour amongst thesocial anthropologists during ethnographic fieldwork. Theempirical data collection presents by natural reasons a bigtime consuming part of the fieldwork. But the study alsoreveals different perceptions and views amongst the socialanthropologists on issues concerning searching and usingdifferent types of information sources, and especially issuesconcerning theoretical literature and likewise duringfieldwork. / Program: Bibliotekarie Read more
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Arbetsrelaterad stress hos sjuksköterskor / Occupational stress among nursesBjärterot Lundqvist, Christel January 2019 (has links)
The subject: Stressrelated illness is highlighted as a social problem in public debates. According to reports, it has been found that there is considerably greater risk to becoming ill from stress on female-dominated workplaces such as in healthcare. As this problem continues to increase, this has created an interest to investigate what one experiences creating occupational stress and whether it distinguishes between male or female nurses. Aim: The purpose of the study is to create an understanding of how female and male nurses experience stressrelated illness at their workplace. Method: This study was conducted through interviews of five male and five female nurses at the same emergency care clinic. The purpose of the choice of a qualitative method is to have the opportunity to deepen the information’s answers. Theory: Based on previous research, a model was established in studies of stress at work. This model is called job demands, control and support and was developed by Karasek, Theorell and Johnson. Their theory says that if there is a balance between demands and control negative stress is not experienced as strongly. But if there is no balance between demand and control, social support at work can weigh up some. In order to compare differences between men and women, gender is a social structure and not just gender of male/female. The social structure is multidimensional where for example identity, work, power and personal qualities are included. Conclusion: The summary of my conclusions is that, according to these respondents, there are some differences between men and women. If they experience demands, control and support in their work, they usually do not experience a work-related stress regardless of gender. But the difference is that the factors that they perceive as important for feeling a balance are not the same whether it is a woman or a man. Read more
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Homo adopticus - Policydiskurs, visuell verklighet och utilitarismCidrelius, Daniel January 2006 (has links)
<p>I den här uppsatsen argumenterar jag för att den internationella adoptionsinstitutionen kan studeras som en del av ett kulturellt system av prestationer och motprestationer vilka följer reciprocitetsprincipen och uttrycker maktrelationer och exploaterande praktiker. I första hand är detta en uppsats som syftar till att utjämna relationen Vi-Dom. I andra hand en inbjudan till diskussion; inte EN punkt för diskussionen...</p><p>Please email Cidah789@hotmail.com for the English version.</p>
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