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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Social associations, relatedness and population genetic structure of killer whales (Orcinus orca) in Iceland

Tavares, Sara B. January 2017 (has links)
In killer whales, fish- versus mammal-eating ecological differences are regarded as key ecological drivers of sociality, but the potential influence of specific target prey characteristics remains unclear. This thesis aimed to study the social patterns and dynamics of Icelandic killer whales feeding upon herring, a schooling prey that undergoes frequent changes in distribution and school size. I used a multi-disciplinary approach combining photo-identification and genetic data to understand the sociality, role of kinship and genetic differentiation within the population. Individuals sighted in summer-spawning and overwintering herring grounds during at least five separate days (N = 198) were considered associated if photographed within 20 seconds of each other. Photo-identified individuals were genotyped (N = 61) for 22 microsatellites and mitochondrial DNA control region (611 bp). The population had weak but non-random associations, fission-fusion dynamics at the individual level and seasonal patterns of preferred associations. The society was significantly structured but not hierarchically. Social clusters were highly diverse and, whilst kinship was correlated with association, it was not a prerequisite for social membership. Indeed, some cluster members had different mitochondrial haplotypes, representing separate maternal lineages. Individuals with different observed movement patterns were genetically distinct, but associated with each other. No sex-biased dispersal or inbreeding was detected. This study revealed that the Icelandic population has a multilevel society without clear hierarchical tiers or nested coherent social units, different from the well-studied salmon- (‘residents') and seal-eating populations in the Northeast Pacific. In the Icelandic population kinship drives social structure less strongly than in residents. These findings suggest effective foraging on schooling herring in seasonal grounds promotes the formation of flexible social groupings which can include non-kin. Killer whale sociality may be strongly influenced by local ecological context, such as the characteristics of the specific target prey (e.g., predictability, biomass, and density) and subsequent foraging strategies of the population.

Seguro de riscos de engenharia: instrumento do desenvolvimento / Engineering risks insurance: an instrument for development

Tzirulnik, Ernesto 26 May 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é examinar o seguro de riscos de engenharia como instrumento para o desenvolvimento. A perspectiva adotada é a da articulação entre direito e economia política: parte-se da ideia de que as categorias jurídicas instauram determinada economia política. Nesse sentido, os contratos de seguro serão entendidos de forma indissociada das operações comunitárias em que se encerram e de sua especial tarefa de reorganização social e econômica. A função social dos contratos de seguro é revelada como conteúdo obrigatório da própria autonomia da vontade atinente a esses contratos. A relação entre seguro e desenvolvimento é ainda mais evidente nos seguros de risco de engenharia, objeto específico deste trabalho. Institucionalizada desde a década de 1930, a função desenvolvimentista desses seguros tem seu declínio a partir dos anos 1970 com nítida agravação no ano de 2007, quando ocorre a abertura do mercado brasileiro de resseguro. Defende-se a tese de que a legislação brasileira sobre seguro de risco de engenharia é inadequada, atuando de forma impeditiva do desenvolvimento nacional. A principal razão para isso está na perda paulatina de conteúdo desses seguros, em parte promovida pelo próprio Estado, capturado pelos interesses dos empresários do setor. A tentativa de anulação da teoria do interesse consagrada não só na longeva praxe dos seguros, como pela doutrina nacional e estrangeira e plasmada no art. 757 do Código Civil, é um dos principais argumentos explorados. Por fim, são apresentados dispositivos do Projeto de Lei do Senado n. 477/2013, que procura trazer para o sistema de direito positivo a primeira lei de contrato de seguro da história brasileira, com o objetivo de reordenar as relações contratuais, eliminando as principais práticas desfuncionalizadoras e em busca dos escopos fixados na Constituição de 1988. / The aim of this study is to examine engineering risk insurance as an instrument of development. The perspective adopted here is an articulation between Law and Political Economy, beginning with the idea that legal categories determine political economy. In this sense, insurance contracts are construed as non-dissociated from the community operations to which they belong and from their special task of social and economic reorganization. The social function of insurance contracts is seen as an inexorable part of the autonomous will involved in such contracts. The relationship between insurance and development is even more evident in engineering risk insurance, which is the specific object of this study. Having been institutionalized since the 1930s, the developmental function of this type insurance began to decline in the mid-1980s, and clearly worsened in 2007, when the Brazilian reinsurance market was opened. We propose that the Brazilian legislation on engineering risk insurance is inadequate and acts as an impediment to national development. The main reason for this is the gradual loss of content in this type of insurance, in part promoted by the State itself, captive to the interests of industry executives. The attempt to nullify the theory of interest well established not only in longstanding insurance practice, but also in national and international tenets, and shaped by Article 757 of the Brazilian Civil Code is one of the main arguments explored here. Finally, we present some provisions of Senate Bill no. 477/2013 that seeks to incorporate into the system of positive law Brazils first law of insurance contract, the aim of which is to reorder contractual relations by eliminating the major defunctionalizing practices, in keeping with the intentions of the 1988 Constitution.

Sex, friends, and disease: social ecology of elk (Cervus elaphus) with implications for pathogen transmission

Vander Wal, Eric 18 August 2011
Many mammals are social. The most basic social behaviour is when the actions of one conspecific are directed toward another, what we call the dyadic interaction. Both intrinsic and extrinsic factors may affect an individuals propensity to interact with other members of a population. I used a social cervid, elk (Cervus elaphus), as a model species to test the importance of intrinsic and extrinsic factors of sociality on dyadic interactions. Dyadic interactions not only form the basis for social structure and information transfer within a population, but are also routes of pathogen transmission. My objective in this thesis was thus twofold: to improve our understanding of sociobiology, but also to gain insight into how sociality may underlie the transmission of communicable wildlife disease. I used a hierarchical, autecological approach from DNA, through individual, dyad, group, subpopulation, and ultimately population to explore the effects of intrinsic factors (e.g., sex and pairwise genetic relatedness) and extrinsic factors (e.g., season, conspecific density, habitat, and elk group size) on sociality. Elk in Riding Mountain National Park (RMNP), Manitoba, Canada, are exposed to the causal agent of bovine tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis; TB); however, spatial variation in apparent disease prevalence suggests that TB can only persist in one subpopulation within the Park. Using the natural RMNP system and a captive elk herd that I manipulated, I explored factors that influence interaction rates and durations (as a proxy for pathogen transmission) among elk. Sexual segregation in elk results in seasonal and sex-based differences in interaction rate and duration; with interactions peaking in autumn-winter for both sexes. Female-female dyads interact more frequently than male-male dyads. However, male-male dyads interact for longer durations than do female-female dyads. Interaction rate and duration did not covary with pairwise relatedness. Conspecific density also had sex-specific results for interaction rate and duration. Whereas male-male dyadic interaction rates increase with density, female-female dyads increase until they reach a threshold and subsequently reduce their interaction rates at high density. I observed density dependence in interaction rates in experimental trials and from field data. Furthermore, social networks revealed that social familiarity (i.e., heterogeneity of interactions) can be both frequency- and- density dependent depending on the strength of the relationship (i.e., number of repeat interactions). Density also affected the likelihood that an interaction would occur; however, this was modified by vegetation association used by elk. My results reveal several ecological and evolutionary implications for information transfer and pathogen transmission. In particular, I show that seasonal inter-sex routes of transfer may exist and that transfer is likely to be density-dependent. Finally, I conclude that such transfer is modified by available resources.

Sex, friends, and disease: social ecology of elk (Cervus elaphus) with implications for pathogen transmission

Vander Wal, Eric 18 August 2011 (has links)
Many mammals are social. The most basic social behaviour is when the actions of one conspecific are directed toward another, what we call the dyadic interaction. Both intrinsic and extrinsic factors may affect an individuals propensity to interact with other members of a population. I used a social cervid, elk (Cervus elaphus), as a model species to test the importance of intrinsic and extrinsic factors of sociality on dyadic interactions. Dyadic interactions not only form the basis for social structure and information transfer within a population, but are also routes of pathogen transmission. My objective in this thesis was thus twofold: to improve our understanding of sociobiology, but also to gain insight into how sociality may underlie the transmission of communicable wildlife disease. I used a hierarchical, autecological approach from DNA, through individual, dyad, group, subpopulation, and ultimately population to explore the effects of intrinsic factors (e.g., sex and pairwise genetic relatedness) and extrinsic factors (e.g., season, conspecific density, habitat, and elk group size) on sociality. Elk in Riding Mountain National Park (RMNP), Manitoba, Canada, are exposed to the causal agent of bovine tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis; TB); however, spatial variation in apparent disease prevalence suggests that TB can only persist in one subpopulation within the Park. Using the natural RMNP system and a captive elk herd that I manipulated, I explored factors that influence interaction rates and durations (as a proxy for pathogen transmission) among elk. Sexual segregation in elk results in seasonal and sex-based differences in interaction rate and duration; with interactions peaking in autumn-winter for both sexes. Female-female dyads interact more frequently than male-male dyads. However, male-male dyads interact for longer durations than do female-female dyads. Interaction rate and duration did not covary with pairwise relatedness. Conspecific density also had sex-specific results for interaction rate and duration. Whereas male-male dyadic interaction rates increase with density, female-female dyads increase until they reach a threshold and subsequently reduce their interaction rates at high density. I observed density dependence in interaction rates in experimental trials and from field data. Furthermore, social networks revealed that social familiarity (i.e., heterogeneity of interactions) can be both frequency- and- density dependent depending on the strength of the relationship (i.e., number of repeat interactions). Density also affected the likelihood that an interaction would occur; however, this was modified by vegetation association used by elk. My results reveal several ecological and evolutionary implications for information transfer and pathogen transmission. In particular, I show that seasonal inter-sex routes of transfer may exist and that transfer is likely to be density-dependent. Finally, I conclude that such transfer is modified by available resources.

Perspektivets socialpsykologiska grund : En uppsats om perspektivets framträdande, gränser och variation i en social kontext

Redving, Peter January 2012 (has links)
Uppsatsens utgångspunkt är att perspektivet utgör en psykosocial länk mellan individ och omvärld. Med grund i Henry Montgomerys perspektivmodell, som bland annat framhåller hur fakta och värderingar är intimt förbundna i social perception, förs ett resonemang kring perspektivets socialpsykologiska förankring i mellanmänskliga sammanhang. Modellens element subjekt, objekt och mental position diskuteras systematiskt utifrån George Herbert Meads perspektivteoretiska ansats samt Alan Page Fiskes socialitetsteori. Syftet är främst att visa på perspektivets deskriptiva och evaluativa konstitution, dess sociala grund och kontextberoende. Tanken är att Meads resonemang fungerar som en formell teoretisk grund för subjektet och dennes kommunikativt grundade intersubjektivitet, genom perspektivtagandet via symbolbruk och den generaliserade andra, emedan Fiskes ansats tar fasta på en bestämd social differentiering genom socialitetsformer vilket i sig utgör fundamentet för värderingars sociala förankring samt människors socialitet i en mer substantiell mening. Teorierna ses som komplementära genom sina universella anspråk och diskussionen mynnar slutligen ut i begreppet socialitetsperspektiv utifrån en social differentiering av den generaliserade andra. Tyngdpunkten ligger här på subjektet som aktör och tanken är att var gång ett socialt perspektiv intas inom ramen för den generaliserade andra så görs det alltid utifrån någon av socialitetsformerna som var och en dessutom antas utgöra perspektivets gräns och variation. Inom ramen för en mellanmänsklig kontext antas därför alltid subjektet uppfatta ett objekt utifrån en bestämd mental social position, ett bestämt socialitetsperspektiv, i social handling och att individens sociala jag fyller en avgörande funktion i en sådan kontextbunden perception. Perspektivframträdandet diskuteras slutligen med grund i Montgomerys perspektivansats och Joop van der Pligts tre attributionsteoretiska slutsatser om hur interna och externa orsaksfaktorer kan korrelera med deskriptiva och evaluativa aspekter i en social kontext. Resonemanget pekar på så vis ut specifika tendenser till att ett visst perspektiv intas till förmån för ett annat beroende på interna och externa orsaker i ett mellanmänskligt sammanhang.

Seguro de riscos de engenharia: instrumento do desenvolvimento / Engineering risks insurance: an instrument for development

Ernesto Tzirulnik 26 May 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é examinar o seguro de riscos de engenharia como instrumento para o desenvolvimento. A perspectiva adotada é a da articulação entre direito e economia política: parte-se da ideia de que as categorias jurídicas instauram determinada economia política. Nesse sentido, os contratos de seguro serão entendidos de forma indissociada das operações comunitárias em que se encerram e de sua especial tarefa de reorganização social e econômica. A função social dos contratos de seguro é revelada como conteúdo obrigatório da própria autonomia da vontade atinente a esses contratos. A relação entre seguro e desenvolvimento é ainda mais evidente nos seguros de risco de engenharia, objeto específico deste trabalho. Institucionalizada desde a década de 1930, a função desenvolvimentista desses seguros tem seu declínio a partir dos anos 1970 com nítida agravação no ano de 2007, quando ocorre a abertura do mercado brasileiro de resseguro. Defende-se a tese de que a legislação brasileira sobre seguro de risco de engenharia é inadequada, atuando de forma impeditiva do desenvolvimento nacional. A principal razão para isso está na perda paulatina de conteúdo desses seguros, em parte promovida pelo próprio Estado, capturado pelos interesses dos empresários do setor. A tentativa de anulação da teoria do interesse consagrada não só na longeva praxe dos seguros, como pela doutrina nacional e estrangeira e plasmada no art. 757 do Código Civil, é um dos principais argumentos explorados. Por fim, são apresentados dispositivos do Projeto de Lei do Senado n. 477/2013, que procura trazer para o sistema de direito positivo a primeira lei de contrato de seguro da história brasileira, com o objetivo de reordenar as relações contratuais, eliminando as principais práticas desfuncionalizadoras e em busca dos escopos fixados na Constituição de 1988. / The aim of this study is to examine engineering risk insurance as an instrument of development. The perspective adopted here is an articulation between Law and Political Economy, beginning with the idea that legal categories determine political economy. In this sense, insurance contracts are construed as non-dissociated from the community operations to which they belong and from their special task of social and economic reorganization. The social function of insurance contracts is seen as an inexorable part of the autonomous will involved in such contracts. The relationship between insurance and development is even more evident in engineering risk insurance, which is the specific object of this study. Having been institutionalized since the 1930s, the developmental function of this type insurance began to decline in the mid-1980s, and clearly worsened in 2007, when the Brazilian reinsurance market was opened. We propose that the Brazilian legislation on engineering risk insurance is inadequate and acts as an impediment to national development. The main reason for this is the gradual loss of content in this type of insurance, in part promoted by the State itself, captive to the interests of industry executives. The attempt to nullify the theory of interest well established not only in longstanding insurance practice, but also in national and international tenets, and shaped by Article 757 of the Brazilian Civil Code is one of the main arguments explored here. Finally, we present some provisions of Senate Bill no. 477/2013 that seeks to incorporate into the system of positive law Brazils first law of insurance contract, the aim of which is to reorder contractual relations by eliminating the major defunctionalizing practices, in keeping with the intentions of the 1988 Constitution.

Socialitet – vad är det? : En sociologisk forskningsöversikt

Andersson, Charlotte January 2015 (has links)
Denna studie har genomförts utifrån iakttagelsen att det i forskningssammanhang inom samhällsvetenskaperna hänvisas till begreppet eller fenomenet socialitet utan att det egentligen redogörs för vad som åsyftas. För att ge ökad förståelse av socialitet har syftet för denna studie varit att belysa hur socialitet som begrepp eller fenomen beskrivs inom mikrosociologisk teoribildning och empirisk forskning. Studien är en forskningsöversikt där empirin genomgått deskriptivt kvalitativ innehållsanalys.   Översikten presenterar beskrivningar av socialitet möjliga att kategoriseras under fyra olika teman varav ett av dessa är personlighetens socialitet och där socialiteten beskrivs som en emergent spiralformad dialektisk process genomsyrad av elementär och avancerad responsivitet. Studien visar även på att socialiteten kan vara genomkorsad av skillnad utifrån vitt skilda önskemål om form, miljö och mängd. Här diskuteras hur socialiteten idag ter sig utsatt för ökade spänningar där alla anses söka gemenskap för välbefinnande och där individen ställs som ansvarig för sina personliga framgångar, ledande till ett socialitetens dilemma.

Transcriptomes of testis and pituitary from male Nile tilapia (O. niloticus L.) in the context of social status

Thönnes, Michelle, Prause, Rebecca, Levavi-Sivan, Berta, Pfennig, Frank 18 April 2024 (has links)
African cichlids are well established models for studying social hierarchies in teleosts and elucidating the effects social dominance has on gene expression. Ascension in the social hierarchy has been found to increase plasma levels of steroid hormones, follicle stimulating hormone (Fsh) and luteinizing hormone (Lh) as well as gonadosomatic index (GSI). Furthermore, the expression of genes related to gonadotropins and steroidogenesis and signaling along the brain-pituitary-gonad axis (BPG-axis) is affected by changes of an animal’s social status. In this study, we use RNA-sequencing to obtain an in-depth look at the transcriptomes of testes and pituitaries from dominant and subordinate male Nile tilapia living in long-term stable social hierarchies. This allows us to draw conclusions about factors along the brain-pituitary-gonad axis that are involved in maintaining dominance over weeks or even months. We identify a number of genes that are differentially regulated between dominant and subordinate males and show that in high-ranking fish this subset of genes is generally upregulated. Genes differentially expressed between the two social groups comprise growth factors, related binding proteins and receptors, components of Wnt-, Tgfβ- and retinoic acid-signaling pathway, gonadotropin signaling and steroidogenesis pathways. The latter is backed up by elevated levels of 11-ketotestosterone, testosterone and estradiol in dominant males. Luteinizing hormone (Lh) is found in higher concentration in the plasma of long-term dominant males than in subordinate animals. Our results both strengthen the existing models and propose new candidates for functional studies to expand our understanding of social phenomena in teleost fish.

Placing Paamese : locating concerns with place, gender and movement in Vanuatu

Lind, Craig January 2011 (has links)
This is a study of coming to know what it is to be Paamese. The work seeks to present an anthropological understanding of ontological concerns that constitute a Paamese perception of subjectivities. I take my lead from Paamese perceptions that the internal capacities of subjects or “things” (e.g. persons, villages, islands, and movement itself) are revealed through relations with others. This correlates with anthropology’s methodology of testing its analytical strategies through the ethnographic practices of others in order to reach more accurate representations. Paamese, as is common elsewhere in Vanuatu and Melanesia, have an extremely fluid attitude towards sociality and easily accommodate urban dwelling without leaving Paama behind. I suggest that a nuanced multi-positioned approach in which several aspects of Paamese sociality are considered from a point of limitation employed by Paamese to focus an event, such as a marriage exchange, will present a better understanding of how these subjectivities, that is Paamese people and Paama Island, adhere such that they do not part company wherever they go. Paamese suggest that each event should be considered as if following a single branch in the canopy of a tree – a scalable perception that offers the promise that a multi-faceted approach will reveal a replicable form. I take this approach to specificity seriously and employ a looping aesthetic, measi, adapted from Paamese sand-drawing in order to consider the shifting concerns expressed by Paamese perceptions of out (place), āmal (agnatic clans), sise (road), vatte (origin), ara (blood) and asi (bone). I suggest that these, parts, can be considered together as a holography for how to come to know what it is to be Paamese.

Expérience hétérotopique du cinéma : approches théoriques et historiographiques du cinéma en salle

Thibodeau, Simon 04 1900 (has links)
Nous exposons dans ce mémoire les principes qui fondent, au sein de la discipline des études cinématographiques, une conception théorique de la réception d’images animées reposant sur la modalité de consommation spécifique du cinéma en salle. Notre analyse d’un ensemble représentatif d’approches théoriques et historiographiques de l’expérience cinématographique permet de relever les principes qui orientent la conception de différentes formes de médialité conférées à l’expérience du cinéma en salle. Les théories du dispositif et du signifiant imaginaire de Jean-Louis Baudry et Christian Metz proposent une conception de l’expérience du cinéma en salle qui met l’accent sur les effets de transparence médiatique de certaines composantes des salles de cinéma sur les spectateurs ainsi que sur le caractère imaginaire, symbolique et institutionnel de ces médiations. La sémio-pragmatique de Roger Odin et l’approche historiographique de la New Cinema History telle que présentée par Robert C. Allen et Richard Maltby proposent une conception de l’opacité médiatique de l’ensemble complexe des effets de médiation sensorielle, relationnelle, sociale et économique de l’expérience du cinéma en salle et dont les spectateurs font l’épreuve sur toute l’étendue de ce type de site d’exploitation et sur toute la durée de son occupation spectatorielle. Au terme de notre analyse, les différents principes relevés permettent de formuler la notion d’expérience hétérotopique du cinéma pour désigner la conception de l’expérience du cinéma en salle qui caractérise la compréhension de la réception d’images animées dans le cadre des études cinématographiques. / This thesis explores how theories of moving image reception that have or have had a significant impact on the development of film studies as a discipline are centered around the movie theater and on “movie-going” practices. The analysis of a representative set of theoretical and historiographical approaches to the cinematic experience allows for the definition of key principles that unearth various forms of mediation at play in the movie-going experience. Jean-Louis Baudry’s “apparatus theory” and Christian Metz’s notion of the “imaginary signifier” both suggest a theory of movie-going experience stressing the transparency effects on spectators of the mediation of certain architectural and technological aspects of movie theaters and focusing on the symbolic and institutional nature of this form of mediation. In contrast, Roger Odin’s semio-pragmatic approach and New Cinema History’s critical historiography (as theorized by Robert C. Allen and Richard Maltby) conceptualize the opacity of a complex set of sensory, relational, social, and economic mediations occurring in movie theaters, which last during the entire experience of the audience in these exhibition sites. By unspooling the complexity of the theoretical stances above mentioned, this thesis moves towards the definition of a heterotopic cinema experience formulated from within the context of film studies.

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