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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Social identities and psycho-social needs in adolescents’ health literate practices

Cimon, Mimi 15 December 2009 (has links)
Adolescent perspectives on health and the social and literate values of their health related behaviours require exploration and examination in health literacy, as knowledge gaps related to the constituents of health literate practices, and the functions and acquisition of health literacy exist in the literature. Research addressing this was approached based on socio-cultural and socio-ecological principles using a collective instrumental case design. Participants were new adolescent mother aged 15-18 recruited from 4 different community/education programs around Victoria, BC. Data was collected over a four month period, and consisted of individual and focus group interviews, journals, and researchers’ observations and field notes. Findings show that participants’ health behaviours changed significantly in tandem with their identities, the groups they associated with, and the social contexts they moved within. Findings indicate that identity, informal social environments, and unconscious cognitive process and psychosocial needs play a role in adolescents health literacy and literate practices.

La gestion paysagère des ravageurs : exploration des verrous et leviers d'une innovation agroécologique par la modélisation participative. / Landscape pest control : exploring determinants of an agroecological innovation through participatory modelling

Salliou, Nicolas 23 May 2017 (has links)
L’agroécologie implique la conception de systèmes agricoles intégrant autant que possible les services écosystémiques. Aux produits chimiques souvent employés contre les ravageurs de cultures peut être privilégié la régulation par leurs ennemis naturels. Des résultats en écologie indiquent que des paysages agricoles dont la composition est riche en habitats semi-naturels (bois, forets, prairies, etc) les favorisent en leur fournissant abris, sites de pontes et nourriture. Il serait donc possible de mettre en place une Gestion Paysagère des Ravageurs (GPR), c’est-à-dire de concevoir et d’aménager des paysages agricoles en faveur de ces habitats afin de favoriser les ennemis naturels et le contrôle biologique. Toutefois, l’implémentation d’une telle innovation potentielle par les acteurs de ces paysages reste largement à explorer. Dans cette thèse, dans un esprit de recherche-action, nous avons pris le parti d’explorer la conception de tels paysages régulateurs de ravageurs en s’impliquant avec des acteurs locaux et scientifiques. Nous avons initié une démarche de recherche participative avec des acteurs agricoles d’une région du Tarn-et-Garonne spécialisée dans l’arboriculture fruitière, intensive en traitements chimiques. A partir de leurs représentations et de leurs connaissances nous avons cherché à déterminer quels étaient les facteurs favorables ou non à la GPR. En particulier, nous avons qualifié les conditions dans lesquelles le paysage et les ennemis naturels étaient construit socialement par ces acteurs comme des ressources pourvoyeuses de services écosystémiques de régulation. Nous avons cherché également à identifier si ces acteurs étaient liés entre eux par des dépendances pouvant nécessiter une gestion coordonnée du paysage. Nous avons exploré la possibilité de la gestion paysagère par plusieurs cycles de modélisations participatives. La thèse a ainsi : mis à jour et qualifié la diversité des modèles mentaux des acteurs locaux sur leurs stratégies de gestion des ravageurs, co-construit des modèles Bayésien participatifs afin d’explorer via des scénarios les incertitudes autour de la question de la régulation biologique des ravageurs et, enfin, réalisé la coconstruction d’un modèle multi-agents autour de le la dynamique de population du ravageur invasif Drosophila suzukii et de sa potentielle gestion paysagère. Nous avons pu ainsi déterminer qu’en l’état actuel des représentations des acteurs, qu’ils soient scientifiques ou locaux, la composition du paysage en éléments semi-naturels leur apparaît comme faiblement reliée à un service écosystémique de régulation des ravageurs, quand bien même ce paysage est souvent favorable à la biodiversité fonctionnelle. Actuellement, faute de bénéfices agricoles clairement identifiés, les acteurs impliqués sont en conséquence peu dépendants entre eux et le besoin de se coordonner pour mettre en place une GPR est faible. La plupart des agriculteurs indiquent plutôt une nette préférence pour les solutions individuelles vis-à-vis des ravageurs, par l’utilisation de pesticides et de filets protecteurs entourant les cultures. Ce focus individuel suggère qu’innover dans l’intégration de l’activité des ennemis naturels pourrait être plus aisé au niveau de la végétation naturelle des exploitations individuelles, comme peut l’être l’inter-rang des vergers. Par ailleurs, ces résultats font apparaître le besoin d’études scientifiques liant écologie et économie qui chercheraient à mesurer explicitement les bénéfices obtenus par les acteurs agricoles par le biais de paysages favorables aux ennemis naturels. Des résultats positifs de telles études seraient mobilisateurs pour de futures recherches participatives dans ce domaine. Enfin, cette thèse participative et exploratoire nous a permis également d’identifier de nouveaux terrains et questions de recherches dans le domaine de la GPR qui pourront être poursuivis. / Agroecology requires the design of farming system integrating as much as possible ecosystem services. Biological control by natural enemies may substitute commonly used pesticides. Ecology findings demonstrate that farming landscapes with a high proportion of natural habitats (woods, forests meadows, etc) favor natural enemies by providing them shelter, nesting sites and food. Landscape Pest Control (LPC), i.e. the design of farming landscapes in favor of these habitats, may be implemented to foster natural enemies and biological pest control. However, how stakeholders may design such landscapes remains unexplored. In this PhD, we followed an action-research approach and explored the design of such pest regulating landscapes together with local and scientific stakeholders. We initiated a participatory approach with agricultural stakeholders in a part of the Tarn-et-Garonne region specialized in fruit production. Our research seeks to identify the factors in favor of a LPC according to stakeholders’ representations and knowledge. In particular, we qualified the conditions under which natural enemies and the landscape are socially constructed resources providing ecosystem services. We also seek to identify if these stakeholders were linked through dependencies which may necessitate a coordinated management of the landscape. We explored the possibility of a LPC through several cycle of participatory modelling. This PhD successively established mental models of local stakeholders about their pest control strategies, co-constructed participatory Bayesian models in order to explore uncertainties surrounding LPC, and finally we co-constructed an agent-based model about the population dynamic of the invasive pest Drosophila suzukii and its potential landscape management. Our results show that, according to scientific and local stakeholder’s actual representations, the composition of the landscape in natural habitats is weakly related with pest regulation ecosystem services, even though the landscape is related with higher functional biodiversity. Nowadays, as stakeholders see little benefit, they don’t consider to be dependent to benefit from an enhanced biological control through a LPC strategy. Farmers rather mention their preference towards individual solutions such as pesticides or exclusion nets surrounding their orchards. This individual focus suggests that designing innovation favorable to natural enemies might be more relevant within farms, like focusing on the vegetation between rows of fruit trees. Besides, these results show the need for scientific studies relating economics and ecology to explicitly measure the benefits farmers could obtain from a landscape favorable to natural enemies. Positive results of such study would enhance further participatory research around LPC strategies. Finally, this participatory and exploratory research identified new sites for investigation and raised questions about the LPC which could be further looked into.

A micro level model for assessing community development towards improved wellbeing

Hart, Cornelia Susanna 04 1900 (has links)
Developments since the 20th century indicate that the wellbeing of communities makes for healthy national welfare in strong countries. Community wellbeing is thus a priority for policy makers and service providers. Conceptualization of a meaningful, holistic multidimensional measurement of community wellbeing at micro (community) level has been lacking. Such a concept and its measurement are essential when addressing social exclusion and development issues in the enhancement of community wellbeing is to produce worthwhile results. There is growing recognition that earlier understanding of community wellbeing failed to address development needs and processes at community level. Outsider stakeholder driven top-down one-dimensional community wellbeing (‘silo’) measurements did not address human development needs at community level. Meaningful measurement requires integrated frameworks addressing multidimensional issues conceptualizing wellbeing measurement at community level. Such measurement needs to be combined with the integrated inclusion of social capital influence through ‘insider-outsider’ partnerships. The research study purpose was to develop a community driven holistic, integrative wellbeing assessment model. This model could assist ‘insiders’ (community members) and ‘outsiders’ (policy makers, service providers and community development practitioners) in developing and implementing community driven initiatives towards improved wellbeing. The two main research questions were: 1) which macro level wellbeing assessment factors to consider in an aligned micro level wellbeing assessment? and 2) what is the associative relationship between wellbeing and social capital? Two descriptive sample surveys were conducted utilizing a structured questionnaire. Primary data findings contributed to finalization of a community level wellbeing assessment model. This model would enable estimation of the potential (push and pull) factors that influence the targeted success of suggested community development processes. The assessment model is community driven and owned, with spider and quadrant diagram graph tools indicating first the status of community wellbeing and social capital, then the associative relationships of wellbeing and social capital in ‘insider-outsider’ initiatives for wellbeing enhancement. / Development Studies / D. Phil. (Development Studies)

Ressources naturelles et développement dans le monde tropical : les contradictions entre dynamiques écologiques, reproduction sociale et ordre économique international / Natural resources and development in the tropical world : the contradictions between socio-ecological dynamics, social reproduction and the international economic order

Schmitt, Boris 02 December 2013 (has links)
Les ressources naturelles sont au cœur de dynamiques contradictoires. Alors qu'elles sont essentielles à la reproduction des sociétés et du vivant, l'organisation actuelle de l'économie mondiale tend à les subordonner principalement à des logiques d'accumulation. Outre que ces dernières ne prennent pas suffisamment en compte les limites physiques au sein desquelles l'humanité évolue, elles entraînent à diverses échelles des inégalités problématiques sur les plans social et écologique. L'ordre économique international actuel tend en effet à générer des phénomènes d'échange écologique inégal qui nuisent au développement des pays producteurs et exportateurs de matières premières, ainsi qu'aux populations et écosystèmes les plus vulnérables en leur sein. Le monde tropical est exemplaire de telles contradictions, concentrant parmi les plus importantes ressources de la biosphère – notamment en matière de biodiversité – ainsi que des milieux socio-écologiques particulièrement fragilisés. Face à des visions et logiques économicistes d'exploitation des ressources, qui s'inscrivent dans la longue durée historique, et trouvent des relais dans les structures juridico-politiques du système économique mondial, il importe de repenser le concept même de ressource naturelle. Il s'agit en effet de redonner toute leur place aux dimensions sociales et écologiques dans les processus de gestion et d'exploitation des ressources. Cela implique une réflexion sur les valeurs qui guident les interactions avec la nature et les relations économiques internationales, afin que la solidarité, la complémentarité et la justice deviennent des priorités. / Natural resources are in the midst of contradictory dynamics. While they are essential to the reproduction of societies and life, actual organization of the world economy subordinates them to logics of accumulation. In addition to the fact that these logics don't take into account (consider) the physical limits inside of which humanity evolves, they induce problematic socio-ecological inequalities at different scales. Indeed, actual international economic order tends to generate ecologically unequal exchanges, which disrupt the development of primary exporting countries and threaten the most vulnerable populations and ecosystems inside of them.Tropics are the typical context in which such contradictions develop themselves. Actually, this part of the world concentrates some of the most important resources for the biosphere – such as biodiversity – but also highly fragilized socio-ecological environments.To confront economistic views and logics of resources exploitation, which are the product of the longue durée, and find support in the juridical and political structures of the world economic system, it is critical to rethink the very concept of natural resources. Social and ecological dimensions should be put back at the heart of natural resources management and exploitation process. Such an approach necessitates thinking about the values that guide interactions with nature and international economic relations, so that solidarity, complementarity and justice become priorities.

Quelles distributions spatiales des systèmes de culture pour limiter l'occurence des crises de gestion quantitative de l'eau ? Une démarche de conception évaluation sur le territoire irrigué de l'Aveyron aval / What alternative cropping systems spatial distributions to limit the risk of quantitative water management crises ? A design and assessment method for an irrigated landscape in the lower reaches of the Aveyron River

Murgue, Clément 17 December 2014 (has links)
Dans les territoires irrigués exposés aux crises de gestion quantitative de l’eau, la sévérité des étiages dépend des interactions entre systèmes de culture, situations pédoclimatiques, hydrologie, lâchers d’eau et restriction d’irrigation. Dans de nombreuses situations, l’absence de nouvelles solutions de stockage et les tensions entre gestionnaires et usagers de l’eau rendent nécessaire la planification des étiages. Mes travaux explorent le potentiel de « la gestion spatiale » de l’eau pour mettre en adéquation la dynamique des prélèvements pour l’irrigation avec celle de l’offre en eau disponible (naturelle et stockée). Je propose une méthodologie participative de conception-évaluation d’organisations territoriales des activités agricoles, déployée sur l’aval du bassin versant de l’Aveyron (800 km²), en trois étapes: (1) modéliser le système socio-agro-hydrologique, (2) concevoir des alternatives de distribution spatiale des systèmes de culture, (3) conduire une évaluation intégrée des alternatives face à la variabilité climatique observée. Ces travaux combinent des méthodes, connaissances et outils « hard and soft », et font usage de la plateforme de simulation multi-agent MAELIA. Le processus a permis de formaliser des visions d’acteurs et de poser les bases d’une concertation multi acteur. Cependant la simulation des impacts de ces alternatives a montré leurs limites pour régler le problème de déficit structurel en eau. Cette démarche pourrait être prolongée pour aboutir à des propositions opérationnelles. / In irrigated landscapes exposed to quantitative water management crisis, the intensity of low flows depends on interactions between cropping systems, pedoclimatic situation hydrology, water releases and withdrawal restrictions. In many situations there are no opportunities for more water storage, thus tensions occur between water managers and users, which makes the planning of water demand dynamics necessary. My work explores the potentials in the “spatial management of water” to align the water demand dynamics with natural and stored water availability. I present a 3 step, participatory method to design and assess agricultural landscapes: (1) model the Social-Agro Hydrological system, (2) design alternative spatial distribution of the cropping systems, (3) carry an integrated assessment of those alternatives based on observed climatic variability. This method combines “hard” and “soft” methods, knowledge and tools, and uses the MAELIA multi-agent simulation platform. I tested the method tested in the downstream area of the Aveyron River (800 km² Southwestern France). It allowed to formalize the actors’ visions on alternative distributions of the cropping systems. However they showed to be limited in solving the water deficit issue. The method could be continued to reach operational proposals.

Hodnocení ekosystémových služeb a alternativ jejich dalšího vývoje v biosférických rezervacích UNESCO / Assessing ecosystem services and the alternatives of their future development in UNESCO Biosphere Reserves

Harmáčková, Veronika Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
The provision of ecosystem services within social-ecological systems is influenced by multiple environmental and anthropogenic driving forces, affecting natural ecosystems. At the same time, the capacity of ecosystems to concurrently provide different types of ecosystem services is inherently limited. Thus, ecosystem changes and their effect on ecosystem services have direct implications for human existence and well-being. The aim of this thesis is to present a modelling approach to assess regulating, provisioning and cultural ecosystem services and to quantify their potential trade-offs, illustrated by two case studies carried out in selected UNESCO Biosphere Reserves in the Czech Republic, Třeboň Basin Biosphere Reserve and Šumava Biosphere Reserve. Both of the selected case study areas are characterized by high levels of natural and cultural assets and challenges regarding future landscape management. In this study, first the social-ecological dynamics within the study areas was analysed by creating participative scenarios through collaboration with local stakeholders, eliciting their preferences regarding future landscape development to 2050. Second, the impact of the scenarios on ecosystem services and their trade-offs were assessed using a combination of spatially explicit models and...

Hodnocení ekosystémových služeb a alternativ jejich dalšího vývoje v biosférických rezervacích UNESCO / Assessing ecosystem services and the alternatives of their future development in UNESCO Biosphere Reserves

Harmáčková, Veronika Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
The provision of ecosystem services within social-ecological systems is influenced by multiple environmental and anthropogenic driving forces, affecting natural ecosystems. At the same time, the capacity of ecosystems to concurrently provide different types of ecosystem services is inherently limited. Thus, ecosystem changes and their effect on ecosystem services have direct implications for human existence and well-being. The aim of this thesis is to present a modelling approach to assess regulating, provisioning and cultural ecosystem services and to quantify their potential trade-offs, illustrated by two case studies carried out in selected UNESCO Biosphere Reserves in the Czech Republic, Třeboň Basin Biosphere Reserve and Šumava Biosphere Reserve. Both of the selected case study areas are characterized by high levels of natural and cultural assets and challenges regarding future landscape management. In this study, first the social-ecological dynamics within the study areas was analysed by creating participative scenarios through collaboration with local stakeholders, eliciting their preferences regarding future landscape development to 2050. Second, the impact of the scenarios on ecosystem services and their trade-offs were assessed using a combination of spatially explicit models and...

The Management Of Feral Pig Socio-Ecological Systems In Far North Queensland, Australia

Shuster, Gabriela January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Understanding Community Character as a Socio-ecological Framework to Enhance Local-scale Adaptation: An Interdisciplinary Case Study from Rural Northwest Connecticut

Wozniak-Brown, Joanna 15 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Understanding Ecosystem Services through Organizational Analysis: Application to the Truckee-Carson River System

Tashev, Azamat 13 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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