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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O uso variável do pronome de segunda pessoa você(s)/cês(s) na cidade de São Paulo / The variable use of the second person pronoun você(s)/cê(s) in the city of São Paulo

Ivanete Belem do Nascimento 17 February 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação trata da variação no uso do pronome de segunda pessoa (singular e plural) na cidade de São Paulo. Duas formas alternativas são empregadas nessa comunidade de fala: a variante plena você(s) e a forma foneticamente reduzida cê(s). A pesquisa é desenvolvida de acordo com os pressupostos teórico-metodológicos da Sociolinguística Variacionista. Foram desenvolvidas análises sincrônica e diacrônica com dados extraídos de duas amostras (NURC-SP-1970 e GESOL-SP-2000). Os resultados evidenciam um equilíbrio na distribuição das duas variantes nessa comunidade de fala. Embora se verifique uma típica mudança em progresso (tempo aparente) na década de 1970, a análise dos anos 2000 revela um caso de variação estável na comunidade de fala. Nos anos 2000, a variante inovadora, a forma reduzida cê, tende a ser favorecida pelos informantes mais jovens e pelas mulheres acima de 50 anos de idade. Cê é desfavorecida entre os indivíduos de uma faixa etária intermediária (entre 35 e 45 anos) o que pode estar relacionado a questões de monitoramento da fala e ao mercado linguístico (Paiva & Duarte, 2003). Adicionalmente, cê tende a ser evitado entre os indivíduos mais escolarizados; e é favorecido em interações cujos informantes são familiares ou amigos. De um ponto de vista linguístico, o emprego das variantes é correlacionado pelo Princípio do Contorno Obrigatório e por questões morfossintáticas, semânticas e discursivo-cognitivas, com especial atenção à referência do pronome. Os resultados corroboram a hipótese de cliticização da variante reduzida, mas fornecem um contra-argumento à correlação direta entre erosão fonética e abstratização semântica, defendida na literatura sobre gramaticalização. / This master thesis analyzes the variation in the use of the second person pronoun (singular and plural) in the city of São Paulo. Two alternative forms are employed: você you, and a phonetically reduced form cê you. The research is developed according to the theoretical and methodological framework of Variationist Sociolinguistics. Both synchronic and diachronic multivariate analyses are pursued, with data extracted from two samples (NURC-SP-1970 and GESOL-SP-2000). The results show a balance in the distribution of the two variants in the speech community. Although it was observed a typical change in progress (apparent time) in the 1970s, the analysis of the 2000s data reveals a case of stable variation in the speech community. In the 2000s, the innovative, phonetically reduced variant tends to be favored by younger people and women over 50 years old. Cê is disfavored among individuals between 35 and 45 years which can be related to issues of speech monitoring and the linguistic market (Paiva & Duarte, 2003). In addition, cê tends to be avoided by those whose level of education is higher, and is favored in conversations between informants who are friends or relatives. From a linguistic perspective, the use of variants is correlated by the Obligatory Contour Principle (OCP) and by morphosyntactic, semantic and discursive-cognitive factors, with special attention to the reference of the pronoun. Results confirm the hypothesis of cliticization of the reduced variant, but reveal a counterargument for the direct correlation between \"phonetic erosion\" and \"semantic abstraction\", which has been claimed in the literature on grammaticalization

Aspectos da polidez lingüística em sheng - língua urbana de Nairóbi / Aspects of linguistic politeness in Sheng - urban language of Nairobi

Juliana França Macek 29 August 2007 (has links)
Esta dissertação propõe-se estudar, em contextos específicos, o fenômeno da polidez lingüística em sheng. Para atingir esse objetivo abordaremos, inicialmente, as teorias sobre polidez lingüística dentro do panorama da sociopragmática, apresentando tanto as teorias mais tradicionais, surgidas nos anos 70, quanto as mais recentes, todas desenvolvidas principalmente em países anglófonos. Em seguida, traçaremos um perfil da situação lingüística do Quênia e trataremos especificamente do sheng em Nairóbi. Finalmente, serão descritas as expressões em sheng utilizadas nas situações de abertura e fechamento de conversações, agradecimentos, pedidos de desculpas e outras que potencialmente podem ser avaliadas como polidas. Essa análise permitirá verificar se, mesmo em uma situação social de extrema exclusão, como a vivida pela comunidade de Mukuru, em Nairóbi, onde a mera questão de sobrevivência torna-se uma luta diária, os indivíduos da comunidade lingüística que hoje \"constrói\" esse novo código lingüístico, estariam preocupados em estabelecer regras de conduta para situações de interação que se refletiriam em seu discurso, e se essas regras seriam formas de \"polidez lingüística\" ou formas de \"comportamento político\", como proposto por Richard Watts. / This dissertation aims to analyze, in specific contexts, the linguistic politeness phenomenon in sheng. In order to fulfill this goal, we will initially approach the theories on linguistic politeness within the scope of socio pragmatics, presenting the more traditional theories, which appeared in the 1970s, as well as the more recent ones, all developed mainly in Anglophone countries. Then we will outline Kenya\'s linguistic situation, focusing mostly on sheng in Nairobi. Finally, we will describe sheng idioms that are used in conversational openings and closings, in acts of returning thanks and apologies, and other actions that might be potentially considered as polite. This analysis will allow us to observe if the individuals from the linguistic community that \"constructs\" today this linguistic code, even living in a situation of extreme exclusion such as the one experienced by the Makuru community in Nairobi, where mere subsistence is itself a daily struggle, are concerned about establishing rules of conduct for interaction situations that would reflect in their discourse, and if these rules would be forms of \"linguistic politeness\" or forms of \"political behavior\", as it is assumed by Richard Watts.

A extraposição no Hebraico. Um fenômeno linguístico do idioma ou discriminação dos judeus da comunidade oriental. / An extraposition in Hebrew a linguistic phenomenon of the language or discrimination of oriental jews

Damián Alejandro Dzienciarsky 03 October 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa versa sobre a análise morfossintática do fenômeno de extraposição no hebraico. No primeiro capitulo mostro quais são as premissas, as hipóteses e os corpora trabalhados nesta pesquisa. No segundo capítulo, localiza-se a extraposição dentro do sistema morfossintático da língua hebraica revisando o uso da extraposição em diferentes registros do hebraico moderno. Analisei o fenômeno em si, para entender seu uso, formas, regras, nomenclatura e entorno onde a extraposição geralmente aparece. No terceiro capítulo, analiso o livro Shum Gamadim ló Yavohu. Por meio desta análise pude pesquisar a linguagem pobre dos personagens, um idioma comum aos bairros da periferia. Os objetivos da analise do livro são, por um lado, confirmar que o fenômeno de extraposição é espontâneo e cotidiano no hebraico, tanto na linguagem oral como na escrita, e por outro lado, analisar por que este fenômeno é considerado como parte do registro baixo na língua hebraica moderna. No quarto e quinto capítulos, localizei o fenômeno de extraposição no texto bíblico e talmúdico. A Bíblia e o Talmud são as fontes indiscutíveis do judaísmo e constituem o padrão do hebraico para definir o que pertence ou não pertence à língua hebraica do ponto de vista linguístico. Desta maneira consegui demonstrar que o fenômeno de extraposição é parte da língua hebraica desde a época bíblica. No sexto e último capítulo, através da analise da extraposição no árabe e no francês, pude demonstrar que a extraposição é um fenômeno frequente nestas línguas, penetrando no hebraico moderno pelos falantes dessas línguas. Entendendo que estes falantes do árabe e francês foram discriminados pelos nativos do hebraico. O fenômeno de extraposição foi discriminado pelo uso excesivo dos falantes da comunidade judia oriental. / The present work deals with the morphosyntactic analysis of the phenomenon of extraposition in Hebrew. Its first chapter contains the premises, hypotheses and corpora worked on for the research. Its second chapter identifies extraposition within the morphosyntactic system of the Hebrew language, revising the use/occurrence of extraposición in different/distinct registers of Modern Hebrew. The phenomenon in itself is analyzed, with the purpose of understanding the use, forms, rules, nomenclature and environment where extraposition normally occurs. The third chapter analyzes the book/novel Shum Gamadim ló Yavohu. It is through this analysis that the language of its characters is researched, which is a simple language, common to the speakers of the suburban neighborhoods. The aims of the analysis of the book are, on the one hand, confirming that the phenomenon of extraposición is spontaneous and usual in Hebrew, both in spoken language as well as in writing, and on the other hand discussing why this phenomenon is ascribed to the lower register of Modern Hebrew. Chapters four and five deal with the identification of the phenomenon of extraposition in Biblical and Talmudic text. The Bible and the Talmud are both undisputable sources of Judaism, and they constitute the pattern of Hebrew in order to define what belongs to Hebrew and what does not from a linguistic perspective. It is thus demonstrated that the phenomenon of extraposition has been a part of the Hebrew language since Biblical times. In the sixth and final chapter, by means of the analysis of the phenomenon of in Arab and French, it is demonstrated that extraposition is a phenomenon of high frequency of occurrence in those languages. Given the understanding that the Hebrew of native speakers of Arab and French was looked down upon by native speakers of Hebrew, the phenomenon of extraposition was scorned due to its excessive use by the speakers of the Oriental Jewish community.

Em terras de você o natural é misturar pronomes de segunda pessoa do singular - estudos dos pronomes \'tu\' e \'você\' no português popular do Brasil / In the land of you is natural to mix second person singular pronoun: studys of pronouns TU and VOCÊ in the Popular Portuguese of Brazil

Ivanilde da Silva 30 September 2015 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem como objetivos estudar e descrever o comportamento variável dos pronomes das séries TU e VOCÊ no Português Brasileiro Popular (PBPOP) falado em três Comunidades de Prática (CsPrát., ECKERT, 2012), localizadas em São José dos Campos (SJC-SP). Para levantar e descrever as variantes em questão, propus como método reunir um, dois, três ou mais falantes para entrevistar, constituindo, desse modo, molduras discursivas distintas (GOFFMAN [1974] 2012). Com base em Moreno Fernández (2012), analisei 37 Entrevistas Sociolinguísticas Semidirigidas (ESSDs) nas quais 66 falantes foram considerados e distribuídos em suas respectivas CsPrát. Essas CsPrát. foram classificadas em níveis de formalidade. Os entrevistados foram distribuídos em três faixas etárias, dois níveis de escolaridade, sexo (masculino e feminino) e procedência, como sugere a literatura laboviana; assim, essa pesquisa baseia-se na perspectiva variacionista, utilizada para descrever variação e mudança linguísticas, com o uso do pacote estatístico Goldvarb X. Além disto, interfaces teórico-metodológicas foram mobilizadas para embasar descrições, percepções, contextos linguísticos e sociais que poderiam ou não condicionar o uso das variantes quanto ao fenômeno mistura pronominal na fala popular de SJC-SP. Os resultados apontam a seguinte rota linguística: o uso dos pronomes das séries você e tu está deixando de ser variável, marcando os populares considerados como falantes que misturam pronomes por consequência de construtos sociais. Assim, em linhas gerais, no PB, misturar velhas e novas formas pronomianais faz parte do comportamento linguístico de certas Comunidades de Fala. / This research aims at studying and describing the variable behavior of the pronominal series tu and você in the Popular Brazilian Portuguese (POPBP) spoken at three Practice Communities (PractComm, ECKERT, 2012) located in São José dos Campos, São Paulo State (SJC-SP). To raise and describe the variants in question I proposed the method of interviewing one, two, three or more speakers, thus creating distinct discursive frames (Goffman [1974] 2012). Based on Moreno Fernández (2012), I analyzed 37 Semi Directed Sociolinguistic Interviews (SDSLIs) in which 66 speakers were considered and distributed in their respective PractComm. These PractComm were classified into levels of formality. The interviewed were divided into three age groups, two levels of school education, gender (male and female) and origin, as suggested by the Labovian literature. Therefore, this research is based upon the variationist perspective, used to describe variation and language change, with the use of the Goldvarb X statistical package. In addition, theoretical-methodological interfaces have been mobilized to support descriptions, perceptions, linguistic and social contexts that could or could not make the use of variants of the phenomenon \"pronominal mixture\" in popular speech to SJC-SP. The results show out the following linguistic route: the pronouns of series VOCÊ and TU in Brazilian Portuguese are ceasing to be variable rule, marking the popular crew considered as speakers that \"blend\" pronouns as a consequence of social constructs. In general lines, in PB, mix old and new forms is part of the linguistic behavior of certain speech communities.

Har du sett husena därborta? : En morfologisk dialektundersökning i nutida Eskilstuna

Gran, Alexandra January 2019 (has links)
Eskilstunamålet har tidigare uppmärksammats, främst i de två studierna av Nordberg (1985) och Sundgren (2002). Dessa studier har tjänat som inspiration för denna undersökning. Syftet med denna uppsats är dels att undersöka vilka dialektala variabler som är synliga i nutid och om dessa skiljer sig i olika åldersgrupper och mellan de biologiska könen. Syftet är dels också att ta reda på om det skett någon förändring sedan tidigare studier. Utöver detta undersöks även attityden till dialekten hos Eskilstunaborna. Metoden som ligger till grund för att undersöka det upplevda dialektbruket hos informanterna är enkätundersökningar. Resultatet av informanternas upplevda bruk visar att Eskilstunamålet fortfarande lever kvar och det pekar på både ökningar och minskningar i användandet av variablerna sedan 1960- och 1990-talet. Informanternas attityder till de olika variablerna skiljer sig också åt mellan de olika informantgrupperna. Det generella resultatet följer även trenden från annan tidigare forskning om att kvinnor tenderar att tala mer standard än män.

Proust and Speech

Trumbo-Tual, Matthew January 2019 (has links)
This dissertation examines how Marcel Proust presents and uses different speech styles in A la recherche du temps perdu. The narrator of the novel analyzes how almost everyone he encounters speaks and consistently bases his decisions about how to interact with others on his evaluation of their speech mannerisms. I argue that, through the narrator’s observations, Proust emphasizes the role of the socioindexicality of speech, or how the way a person speaks communicates their social identity, in mediating social relations. I begin by presenting the narrator’s comments on how social status is interpreted through the way that people speak. Then I turn in the second chapter to how the narrator’s understanding of what factors determine a person’s speech mannerisms changes over the course of his life. The third chapter argues that the narrator has a sustained interest in how people use speech to perform different identities and shows how his investigation into the reasons these performances succeed or fail informs Proust’s own technique of using different speech styles to create fictional characters in his novel. The last chapter discusses how Proust’s Jewish and gay characters adapt how they speak to avoid or overcome discrimination. In each of these chapters, I show how, in A la recherche, the way social identity is interpreted and performed through speech causes individuals to take on different identities. I argue that, through the narrator’s comments on this phenomenon, Proust demonstrates how it affects the structure of society while also studying the way it can be used to create fictional characters in a novel.

An Investigation of the Cultural Values and Beliefs in English Textbooks in Korea

Choi, Young Mi 21 January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of his study was to investigate cultural values and beliefs embedded in high school English textbooks currently used in Korea. Specifically, this study addressed the following questions: (1) What Korean cultural values and beliefs are conveyed to youth in high school English textbooks? (2) How do the textbooks' discourse and visuals convey these messages? For the study, five reading textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education (MOE) in Korea, were analyzed. Critical discourse analysis (CDA) was adopted as a main approach to investigate what cultural values and beliefs were presented in the selected chapters in these textbooks. The texts were analyzed as a whole, then on the sentence levels, and the word level. First, the themes in the chapters were examined and discussed by looking at narratives, images, and the choice of certain vocabulary. For the further analysis of linguistic features in the texts, the Mood systems, modality, and the use of personal pronouns were investigated. Four themes were found to convey what the authors or Korean society value and believe as ideal objectives for Korean youth: pursuing a successful life, getting a good job, having a positive mind and persistence, and mastering English for a career purpose. In addition, certain images and word choices supported and strengthened the authors' view on the topic. The analysis also revealed that certain linguistic features contributed authority and certainty to the authors: the frequent use of imperative and declarative mood, the frequent use of modal verbs expressing a strong degree of certainty, and the use of certain personal pronouns that established the relationship between the authors and the readers. The study shows that the texts situate the reader (Korean youths) in a position where they are expected to conform to social norms, restrain themselves, and remain blindly optimistic while ignoring their own interest, curiosities, and critical thoughts.

Portland Dialect Study: The Story of /æ/ in Portland

Conn, Jeffrey C. 01 June 2000 (has links)
This study reports on the hypothesized raising of the low, front vowel /æ/, which is characteristic of a regional dialect vowel shift found in cities of the Midwest and Eastern North of the United States. The raising of this vowel is the primary change in a series of vowel shifts that have traditionally been attributed to this region of the U.S. The purpose of this study is to document the production of this vowel by residents of Portland, Oregon, in order to see what light it can shed on dialect research of the Pacific Northwest, especially across age groups to see if it can be implicated in language change. Data were collected by interviewing a convenience sample of twenty-four Portland speakers. Twelve females and twelve males from three different age groupings were interviewed. The interviews were tape recorded and portions of the tapes were analyzed. There was a two-part analysis of the data: 1) Formant measurements (in Hz) were measured with PCQuirer speech analysis software, 2) These measurements were plotted on a graph with Plotnik graphing software. The study found that /æ/ produced by Portland speakers is not following Labov's theory of language change and is therefore not raising. However, some initial speculations of the lowering and fronting of this vowel can be made by the data. The study found that the working class subjects produced a more fronted vowel, and that the younger subjects produced a more fronted and lowered variant of the vowel when compared to the other subjects. The study concludes that the patterns found do not clearly support Labov's paradigm of language change and are therefore only initial speculations.

Language and Identity : Attitudes towards code-switching in the immigrant language classroom

Blomquist, Linda January 2009 (has links)
<p>Although many studies have been conducted on second language acquisition and bilingual education, little is known about the role of language in the formation of identity by adolescent immigrants in the language classroom. More specifically, this study aims to investigate the use of code-switching by immigrant and refugee students learning Swedish and English in a high school preparatory program. Furthermore, this study investigates the relationship between students’ and teachers’ attitudes towards code-switching and language as a resource, and theories on language as a marker of identity. Quantitative collection of data and qualitative interviews reveal tensions between the ways in which teachers and students relate to code-switching and bilingualism. This study concludes that language in general, and code-switching in particular, can be used by students as a marker of identity. It further concludes that teachers to some extent discourage the use of code-switching, and thereby undermine the students’ possibilities in forming multicultural identities.</p>

‘Yo puedo bien español’ : Influencia sueca y variedades hispanas en la actitud lingüística e identificación de los hispanoamericanos en Suecia

Esquivel Sánchez, María Denis January 2005 (has links)
<p>The aim of this research has been to describe and analyse Swedish linguistic and cultural influence, on identification, and idiomatic awareness as well as on the Spanish used by Hispanic Americans who have lived more than 12 years in Sweden.</p><p>The analysis has been carried out within the field of sociolinguistics, specifically in the area of language contact, drawing on methodological aspects of ethno linguistics, sociology of language and cognitive linguistics. The research was divided into two phases. In the first phase, we describe and analyse Corpus 1, consisting of 20 interviews of first generation Hispanic Americans political refugees. In the second phase, we describe, compare and analyse Corpus 2, which consists of 105 questionnaires distributed to first and second generation Hispanic Americans in Sweden.</p><p>The results have shown that in Sweden Hispanic Americans have gradually generated a variety of Spanish which clearly shows features of Swedish culture and language and with an aspect of standardisation due to the fact that in the intercommunication between language speakers of varieties of Spanish certain variations have slowly been eliminated over the course of time. The sociolinguistic situation of the informants has been observed as well as the nature of the immigration and identification and idiomatic awareness in relation to their integration or lack of integration into Swedish society. The use of 38 words with a high level of synonymy was also investigated in order to establish standardisation of these representative words among the varieties of Spanish, spoken in Sweden. Furthermore we have investigated clichés, lexical, semantic-pragmatic and syntactic loans from Swedish as well as Swedish cultural influence on use tense among the informants.</p>

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