1041 |
[pt] A partir da abordagem da Sociolingüística Interacional para
a Análise do Discurso, esta investigação tem por objetivo
analisar a construção de identidade de um imigrante
italiano, em situação de entrevista de pesquisa. O estudo
analisa a organização discursiva da fala do entrevistado em
blocos temáticos, focalizando as diferentes dimensões de
sua construção identitária. Partindo do pressuposto de
que as narrativas são co-construções dos participantes da
situação de comunicação, foram também analisadas as
estratégias de envolvimento utilizadas e suas implicações
para a construção da identidade do narrador. Observou-se
também em que medida a história de vida do entrevistado foi
orientada por valores da cultura italiana e por sua
condição de imigrante no Brasil. A identidade constitui-se
simultaneamente nos universos da história, da interação e
dos valores sócio-culturais. / [en] Based on an Interactional Sociolinguistics approach to
discourse analysis, this investigation has a discursive
aim, namely, that of analyzing the construction of
identity of an Italian immigrant in a research interview
situation. The analysis focuses on the organization in
theme blocks and different dimensions of identity
construction. Involvement strategies and its implications
for the construction of the narrator s identity, used
during the interview, were analyzed based on the statement
that narratives are co-constructed by participants in a
communicative event. The narrator s identity construction
is observed in relation to his professional trajectory and
his Italian culture-based attitude. It was observed to
which extent the interviewed life story was oriented by
Italian cultural values and also his immigrant condition in
Brazil. Identity is built simultaneously in three
different universes: story, interaction and social-cultural
1042 |
Gesture and speech in the oral narratives of Sesotho and Mamelodi Lingo speakersNtuli, Nonhlanhla January 2016 (has links)
Dissertation submitted to the Department of African Languages and Linguistics
in fulfilment of the requirement for Master of Art's Degree in Humanities
The University of the Witwatersrand, School of Literature, Language and Media, March 2016 / The gradual decline in the use of Black South African languages (BSALs) has been a concern for the past 20 years in both the South African civil population and academia. The last census data of 2011 informs this phenomenon by showing how language use has changed nationally over the years. In an effort to counter this decline, some researchers have called for the improvement of existing non-standard language varieties, which could serve to improve some of these decreasing Black South African languages (Ditsele, 2014). Non-standard language varieties are ‘languages’ largely spoken in black townships around South Africa. They are sometimes referred to as stylects, sociolets or speech varieties, due to their structures and functions (Bembe & Beukes, 2007). Applying a psycholinguistic approach, this study seeks to compare the standard language Sesotho to a non-standard language variety, Mamelodi Lingo. This study looks at the discursive behaviour focusing on speech and gesture.
Previous literature on South African language varieties focuses on the semantic and pragmatic description of the words in use (Calteaux, 1996; Hurst, 2008; 2015; Rudwick, 2005; Ditsele, 2014), and very few have incorporated co-speech gesture, which form an integral part of non-language varieties (Brookes, 2001; 2005).
The present study presents the results of an empirical investigation that compares 20 narratives produced by Sesotho and Mamelodi Lingo speakers. Using the methodology used in the elicitation of speech and gesture by Colletta et al., (2009; 2015), participants watched a speechless short cartoon and were then asked to retell the story they had seen to the interviewer. Using the language annotation tool, ELAN narratives were annotated for language complexity, length, and type of clause, syntax, as well as story grammar memory-recall. Narratives were also annotated for gesture: type of gesture and function of gesture. The focus was on the discursive performance of speech and gesture. Results show a significant use of meta-narrative clauses from the language variety compared to the standard language as well as a higher use of non-representational gestures by the non-standard language. The findings also show an interesting use of interactive co-speech gestures when retrieving lexical items that are not present in the repertoire of Mamelodi Lingo / GR2017
1043 |
The language of post-apartheid urban development: the semiotic landscape of Marshalltown in JohannesburgBaro, Gilles Jean Bernard January 2017 (has links)
A dissertation submitted to the School of Language, Literature and Media, Faculty of Humanities for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, March 2017 / Although the burgeoning fields of linguistic and semiotic landscapes (LL and SL) studies provide extensive coverage of urban settings around the globe, it lacks a focus on urban development and the associated phenomenons such as gentrification, with the notable exception of Lou (2016). This dissertation looks at the neighbourhood of Marshalltown, located in the inner city of Johannesburg. Marshalltown is known as the mining district because of its proximity to the original goldmines that sparked the growth of the city. The neighbourhood’s SL has radically shifted from a place of urban decay to a trendy neighbourhood since the late 1990s, after urban development efforts financed by the private sector made the area stand out from the rest of the inner city. The developers working in Marshalltown have purposefully filled it with signs indexing the mining heritage its businesses which tend to cater to the middle-to-upper-classes, thus excluding poorer residents which make up most of the inner city’s population.
Against this backdrop, the dissertation aims to answer the following three research questions: 1) How is Marshalltown constructed as a space of heritage, both in its materiality and in its representation in a corpus of media texts? 2) Considering that heritage entails a selection process from a more general historic field, which sections of history are curated in Marshalltown’s SL, which are silenced, and what are the implications for the narratives displayed in the context of post-apartheid South Africa? 3) How is Marshalltown’s urban environment experienced by social actors in a context of globalized trends in urban design which rely on heritage and authenticity to market formerly ignored city centres?
The data for this study consists of a corpus of 25 media articles from various outlets, 255 photographs of Marshalltown and its vicinity, ethnographic field notes written between 2012 and 2016, as well as interviews with developers, heritage architect, a deputy director of immovable heritage at the City of Johannesburg, shop owners and people who work in the area.
This dissertation aims to contribute to the young field of SL studies, while bringing forth Scollon and Scollon’s (2003) methodological toolkit of geosemiotic which allows for an analysis of signs in place and how people interact with them to draw a pertinent analysis of the construction of place. Geosemiotics is coupled with specific themes for each analytical chapter which brings forth a new way of analysing a SL. Those themes are 1) the language of urban development which drawing on Markus and Cameron (2002) helps analyse the representation of city neighbourhoods; 2) heritage, which brings a temporal perspective to SL studies that I call a chronoscape; 3) authenticity, which brings a visual analysis addition to the recent debate on the topic within sociolinguistics scholarship (Coupland 2003, Bucholtz 2003 and Eckert 2003) and its focus on the discursive construction of what counts as authentic.
This study argues that Marshalltown’s post-apartheid SL is carefully designed by a majority of (white) developers wanting to give the area a heritage feel, borrowing from the mining history of the city; thus anchoring a European influenced heritage within their own interpretation of what an African city should look like. The heritage feel of Marshalltown is part of a broader plan to reclaim the city, which means changing the image it acquired previously during an era of urban decay as a dangerous no-go area, into an attractive tourism-friendly urban space. Those changes are achieved by inserting development efforts into the market for authentic urban lifestyle which Marshalltown can provide thanks to its preserved history. The neighbourhood stands out from the rest of the inner city by being privately controlled and maintained thus distancing itself from the popular discourse of inner city Johannesburg and instead developers redesign it as an ideal space for consumption. / XL2018
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[pt] Este estudo baseia-se nas teorias oriundas da Antropologia
Social sobre a Casa e a
Rua de Roberto DaMatta, buscando a delimitação dos espaços
limítrofes na sociedade
brasileira. Sabe-se que o brasileiro demonstra uma
preferência pelas relações de maior
intimidade e familiaridade, características das relações
da casa, em oposição às relações
distantes não familiares: a rua. Entretanto, o fenômeno
analisado nesse trabalho é a
existência de um terceiro espaço, ambíguo e limítrofe, nem
situado na casa, nem na rua.
Também mostramos que tal espaço é representado por uma
série de eventos lingüísticos,
sociais e até mesmo espaciais, pois o brasileiro,
geralmente, busca situar suas interações
nesses espaços limítrofes, num esforço de estabelecer uma
maior proximidade com o seu
interlocutor, mesmo estando no espaço da rua. Além disso,
apontamos para uma aplicação
desses conceitos de casa, rua e espaços limítrofes ao
ensino de PL2-E, uma vez que a
aquisição de uma segunda língua está relacionada não
apenas a fatores lingüísticos, mas
também a fatores de ordem sócio-cultural. / [en] This work is based on the theories of Social Anthropology
deriving from the house
and street by Roberto DaMatta, in an attempt to
circumscribe the limitrophe spaces within
Brazilian society. It is well known that the Brazilian
people display a preference for
relationships with more intimacy and familiarity, features
of the house relations, in
opposition to distant and unfamiliar relations: street.
However, the phenomenon being
analysed in this work is the existence of a third space,
ambiguous and limitrophe, neither
located in the house, nor in the street. We also point out
that this space is represented by a
series of linguistic, social and spacial events, for the
Brazilian people, usually, tend to place
their interactions in this limitrophe space, as an effort
to establish a greater proximity with
their interlocutor, even being at the space of the street.
Besides that, we also show that these
concepts of house, street and limitrophe spaces can be
applied to the teaching of Portuguese
as Second Language for Foreigners, since the acquisition
of a second language is related
not only to linguistic features but also to the social and
cultural ones.
1045 |
Assignations et catégorisations des Roms : une analyse sociolinguistique des pratiques langagières dans les campi nomadi (Italie) / Assignations and categorizations of Roma people : a sociolinguistic analysis of language practices in the nomadi campi (Italy)Kakouch, Sabira 17 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse, menée auprès de deux campi nomadi de Rome (Italie), se situe dans une approche sociolinguistique qui souhaite rendre compte de la pluralité et de l’hétérogénéité des pratiques langagières observées auprès des habitants roms. Pour en saisir la complexité et la diversité, il s’agit d’abord de comprendre l’espace social où ces pratiques ont été observées. Le campo, en tant que lieu de vie anthropologique et terrain d’enquête sera donc compris en tenant compte des relations humaines qui s’y tissent et des places que l’on désigne à l’Autre ou que l’on s’octroie. L’objectif est de procéder par « fragmentation » (Lorcerie, 2009), de s’intéresser aux représentations et aux discours individuels pour rendre compte de l’hétérogénéité des pratiques. Il s’agira également de passer par un travail de déconstruction et de compréhension des mécanismes d’ethnicisation et d’assignation identitaire, sociales et linguistique qui participent à l’élaboration de catégorisations autour des groupes roms. Cette recherche part donc d’un espace social spécifique, d’un « specialismo » italien (Tosi, 2007) pour fournir une analyse des pratiques socio-langagières fragmentées de ses habitants et rendre compte de leur « expérience plurielle de la parole » (Canut, 2007). / This doctoral research, carried out in two campi nomadi (Rome, Italy) is underpinned by a sociolinguistic approach that aims to analyse the plurality and heterogeneity of language practices observed among Roma inhabitants. Grasping the complexity and diversity of these practices requires an undertanding of the social space where they take place. The campo, as an anthropological living place and fieldwork will therefore be understood taking into account the human relations that emerge and the places that the Other is assigned or those one grants oneself. The objective is to proceed by "fragmentation" (Lorcerie, 2009), focusing on representations and individual discourses to account for the heterogeneity of practices. This also involves a process of deconstruction and comprehension of the mechanisms of ethnicization and identity, and of social and linguistic assignment that contribute to the development of categorizations of Roma groups. This research therefore starts from a specific social space, from an Italian "specialismo" (Tosi, 2007) so as to provide an analysis of the fragmented sociolinguistic practices of its inhabitants and to expound the "plural experience of their speech" (Canut, 2007)
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Bilinguisme scolaire breton-français du jeune enfant : les représentations parentales et leurs influences / Young child's educational bilingualism Breton-French : parents' representations and their influencesAdam, Catherine 30 November 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche en sociolinguistique étudie les rapports entre langues et vie sociale à partir d'un cas d'étude particulier : celui de l'actuelle place de la langue bretonne dans le paysage linguistique breton, et plus précisément, celui du bilinguisme scolaire breton-français du jeune enfant. Apprendre et parler une langue résulte de choix - familiaux, personnels, sociétaux, politiques, économiques, etc.) directs ou indirects, plus ou moins conscients qui interviennent, en fonction des individus et des situations, à différentes périodes de la vie. Les paramètres qui président à ces choix sont nombreux et d'une grande complexité : parmi eux, les représentations que les individus ont de la langue choisie. Pour le jeune enfant breton, l'apprentissage de la langue bretonne ne découle donc pas d'un choix personnel au départ. Les parents sont les acteurs principaux de ces choix linguistiques. Aussi, ce travail a envisagé les représentations de cette langue et de son apprentissage et leurs influences, présentes dans les discours de ces parents et enfants, comme révélateurs des origines d'une pratique linguistique particulière. 42 entretiens semi-directifs (individuels ou en couple) avec les parents et 9 entretiens collectifs avec leurs enfants, retranscrits, servent de bases de données aux différentes phases d'analyses. Elles ont permis de caractériser des registres discursifs parentaux, associés à des types de profil caractéristiques et de mettre en lumière des effets d'influences sur les représentations enfantines. Cette approche à partir d'un matériau discursif vient confirmer l'intérêt de l'étude des représentations pour la compréhension des pratiques linguistiques et permet d'envisager Ia complexité d'un phénomène. / This research in sociolinguistics examines the relations between languages and social life from a particular case study: the actual place of Breton language in the Breton linguistic field, and more specifically, young child's educational bilingualism. Learning and speaking a language results from choices -familiar or personal ones, or social, or political, or economical ones, etc.-, direct or indirect, more or less conscious that intervene, in relation to individuals and situations, at different periods in life. Many parameters lead these choices and they are highly complex: among them, individual representations of the chosen language. For the young Breton child, learning Breton language does not stem from a personal's choice. Parents are the principal actors of these linguistic choices. Therefore, this work has considered the representations of this language, of its learning and their influences, present in parents' and children's discourse, as revealing the origins of a particular linguistic practice. 42 semistructured (individual or couple) interviews with the parents and 9 collective interviews with their children, transcribed, are used as a database for the different phases of the analysis. They allowed characterising parental discourse regime, linked with characteristic profile types, and they highlighted influences effects on children's representations. This approach, coming from a discursive material, confirms the interest of studying representations for the understanding of linguistic practices. It helps to consider the complexity of the phenomenon.
1047 |
[pt] Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo buscar entendimentos sobre
a interação
dentro do contexto profissional no qual estou inserida: a
equipe de supervisoras
acadêmicas de uma instituição de ensino de inglês como
língua estrangeira. À luz
dos princípios da Prática Exploratória (Allwright, 2001),
monitorei atividades nas
quais nos engajamos nos bastidores de nossa prática
diária, assumindo o papel de
pesquisadora praticante inserida no contexto de pesquisa.
Os dados foram gerados
a partir de CIPEs - Conversas Informais com Potencial
Exploratório (Azevedo,
2005), notas de campo e gravações em áudio de reuniões
planejadas, conversas
informais e da interação diária entre as supervisoras
dentro dos cubículos do
Departamento Acadêmico. A análise dos dados, com base em
conceitos advindos
da Sociolingüística Interacional, permitiu-me identificar
no curso desses
diferentes momentos de interação do grupo como se dão:
construção de
conhecimento e credibilidade profissional, tomadas de
decisões e resoluções de
problemas, e a construção da identidade do grupo. Ao
promover o envolvimento
do grupo nessa busca por entendimentos, este estudo
acrescentou uma nova
dimensão ao nosso fazer supervisão no dia-a-dia: um olhar
exploratório sobre
nossas experiências de participação e não-participação em
diferentes comunidades
de prática (Wenger,1998) dentro da instituição. / [en] This study aims at searching for understandings of the
interaction in the
professional context I belong to: the team of academic
supervisors in an EFL
school. Following the principles of Exploratory Practice
(Allwright, 2001), I
monitored activities in which we engaged in the backstage
of our daily practice,
adopting the role of a practitioner researcher. Data was
generated through
potentially exploitable informal conversations (Azevedo,
2005), field notes, and
audio recordings of scheduled meetings, informal meetings
and the daily
interaction inside the supervisors´ room. Data analysis,
based on concepts of
Interactional Sociolinguistics, allowed me to identify, in
the supervisors´
discourse, how we construct professional knowledge and
credibility, make
decisions and resolve problems and construct our group
identity. By involving the
group in this search for understanding, this study has
added a new dimension to
our daily practice in supervision: an exploratory look at
our experiences of
participation and non-participation in different
communities of practice
(Wenger,1998) inside the school.
1048 |
Transgredir, jamais! Interação e cortesia linguísticas nos manuais de etiqueta / Transgress, never! Linguistic interaction and politeness inside etiquette manualsCirelli, Renira Appa de Moraes 02 August 2012 (has links)
A presente tese discute a comunicação como fator dependente da interação e da cortesia linguísticas inseridas nos manuais de etiqueta, visando a identificar explícita e implicitamente as estratégias interacionais apresentadas por três autores, escolhi-dos como corpus, os quais compõem três guias de comportamento: 1)Marcelino por Claudia: o guia de boas maneiras de Marcelino de Carvalho interpretado por Claudia, de Claudia Matarazzo; 2)Etiqueta Século XXI: um guia prático de boas ma-neiras para os novos tempos, de Celia Ribeiro; 3)Sempre, às vezes, nunca: etiqueta e comportamento, de Fabio Arruda. Destes três manuais, foram escolhidas algu-mas partes que cabiam à análise proposta. A pesquisa busca embasamento nas perspectivas da Análise da Conversação (AC) e na Sociolinguística Interacional (SI). Essas bases possuem duas linhas dorsais, com estudos sobre interações e cor-tesia linguística. Dá-se ainda uma visão panorâmica dos três livros pertencentes ao corpus, com uma breve análise da variação linguística. Investiga-se também a utili-dade desses manuais na melhoria dos níveis de interação social. A análise dos mar-cadores de cortesia percorre os critérios de correção, atenuadores, modalizadores, formas de tratamento e situações de ameaça às faces, visando a encontrar respos-tas para os questionamentos da pesquisa. Quanto aos aspectos comportamentais da cortesia são pouco mencionados, exceto os que estão inseridos no contexto fala ou na intenção de fala. O estudo parte de um ponto de vista sobre a cortesia linguís-tica; teoria de ameaça às faces positiva e negativa, concentrando-se na linguagem de interesse social e na interação entre indivíduos ou grupos. / This thesis discusses communication as an interaction-dependent factor and linguis-tic politeness inserted in etiquette manuals, in order to explicit and implicitly identify the interactional strategies presented by three authors chosen as corpus, which is comprised of some parts chosen from three manuals of behavior: 1) Marcelino by Claudia: the guide to good manners by Marcelino de Carvalho interpreted by Clau-dia, by Claudia Matarazzo; 2) 21st Century Etiquette: a practical guide to good manners for modern times, by Celia Ribeiro; 3) Always, sometimes, never: etiquette and behavior, by Fabio Arruda. This research seeks to establish the bases for per-spectives in Conversation Analysis (CA) and in Interactional Sociolinguistics (IS). These theorical bases have two dorsal structures or chief ideas, with studies on lin-guistic interactions and politeness. It gives still a birds-eye view of the three books belonging to the corpus, with a brief analysis of linguistic variation. It also investigates the usefulness of these manuals in the improvement of social interaction levels. The analysis of politeness markers traverses the criteria for correction, attenuators, modalizations (a speakers attitude towards their own utterance), forms of treatment, and faces threatening acts (FTA), in order to find answers to the researchs posing questions. Behavioral aspects of courtesy are mentioned only when inserted into speech context or its intention. The study originates from a point of view about lin-guistic politeness; threatening theory on positive and negative faces, focusing on the language of social interest, with the purpose of continuity of interaction between indi-viduals or groups.
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Aspectos da polidez lingüística em sheng - língua urbana de Nairóbi / Aspects of linguistic politeness in Sheng - urban language of NairobiMacek, Juliana França 29 August 2007 (has links)
Esta dissertação propõe-se estudar, em contextos específicos, o fenômeno da polidez lingüística em sheng. Para atingir esse objetivo abordaremos, inicialmente, as teorias sobre polidez lingüística dentro do panorama da sociopragmática, apresentando tanto as teorias mais tradicionais, surgidas nos anos 70, quanto as mais recentes, todas desenvolvidas principalmente em países anglófonos. Em seguida, traçaremos um perfil da situação lingüística do Quênia e trataremos especificamente do sheng em Nairóbi. Finalmente, serão descritas as expressões em sheng utilizadas nas situações de abertura e fechamento de conversações, agradecimentos, pedidos de desculpas e outras que potencialmente podem ser avaliadas como polidas. Essa análise permitirá verificar se, mesmo em uma situação social de extrema exclusão, como a vivida pela comunidade de Mukuru, em Nairóbi, onde a mera questão de sobrevivência torna-se uma luta diária, os indivíduos da comunidade lingüística que hoje \"constrói\" esse novo código lingüístico, estariam preocupados em estabelecer regras de conduta para situações de interação que se refletiriam em seu discurso, e se essas regras seriam formas de \"polidez lingüística\" ou formas de \"comportamento político\", como proposto por Richard Watts. / This dissertation aims to analyze, in specific contexts, the linguistic politeness phenomenon in sheng. In order to fulfill this goal, we will initially approach the theories on linguistic politeness within the scope of socio pragmatics, presenting the more traditional theories, which appeared in the 1970s, as well as the more recent ones, all developed mainly in Anglophone countries. Then we will outline Kenya\'s linguistic situation, focusing mostly on sheng in Nairobi. Finally, we will describe sheng idioms that are used in conversational openings and closings, in acts of returning thanks and apologies, and other actions that might be potentially considered as polite. This analysis will allow us to observe if the individuals from the linguistic community that \"constructs\" today this linguistic code, even living in a situation of extreme exclusion such as the one experienced by the Makuru community in Nairobi, where mere subsistence is itself a daily struggle, are concerned about establishing rules of conduct for interaction situations that would reflect in their discourse, and if these rules would be forms of \"linguistic politeness\" or forms of \"political behavior\", as it is assumed by Richard Watts.
1050 |
Connotations, dénotations et stéréotypie dans l’affiche et le spot publicitaires au Liban : campagne électorale de 2009 / Connotations, denotations and stereotypes in the advertising billboard and spot in LebanonDagher, Zeina 14 November 2016 (has links)
Notre travail consiste à étudier les affiches publicitaires trilingues au liban et leur effet sur le public libanais qui constitue une société hétérogène regroupant des couches sociales, intellectuelles et communautaires très variées. il semble aussi intéressant d'étudier les messages très connotés des slogans crées, qui semblent ne fonctionner qu'au liban car ils reflètent la vie sociale et communautaire complexe du pays. le travail de recherche couvre une période spécifique délimitée dans le temps. on revient un an en arrière, vers l'année 2009, l'année des dernières élections législatives, dont les campagnes publicitaires sont parmi les plus mobilisées dans l'histoire du pays. cette mouvance et cette mobilisation politique et publicitaire représentées par la guerre des paroles de la publicité ont émergé durant les élections parlementaires confrontant loyalistes et opposants au régime politique.l'importance de la question se manifeste par l'influence et les effets des médias sur les individus. on va tenter de répondre aux questions suivantes. les affiches ont-elles le même effet sur les différentes tranches sociales dans le pays ? a qui s'adresse-t-on quand on décide de communiquer avec certaines langues plutôt qu'avec d'autres ? / Our thesis is based, in the first part, on the will of showing the originality behind the advertising communication and most specifically the electoral billboards by relying on a cultural analysis presented through multiculturalism and multilingualism, anchored in the Lebanese habits and know-how. This specificity has brought us to carry out a research work based on the conciliation between theory and practice in the fields of semiotics and sociolinguistics. We have based our study on the works of Charles Sanders Peirce for the analysis of the first part of the corpus taking into consideration the sign, the representamen and the interpretant in the billboards as well as the connotations and denotations that can be interpreted differently according to the visions of the world of each receptor. In the second part, we have chosen to observe and analyze the lebanese bilingualism in the world of advertising. Hence, the spot is based on the creation of a bilingual scenario accompanied with obvious and even exaggerated gestures by a Lebanese advertiser in order to show a stereotyped Lebanese across a Lebanese emigrant. The work we have undertaken is a work of language analysis beyond the only linguistic forms through a study of the speech in situation, undertaken by the gestures that accompany the speech of the comedian during all the sequences of the spot.
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