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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La nomination des couleurs, des bruits et des odeurs par les élèves d'une classe de CE1. Etude des ressources mobilisées en situation d'action et en situation métadiscursive / The verbalisation of colors, sounds and smells by students of primary school [CE1]. Studies of the verbal resources used in “situated action” and in metadiscursive situations

Pagnier, Thierry 07 December 2009 (has links)
L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de produire un inventaire des ressources langagières que des élèves de cours élémentaire mobilisent pour parler des couleurs, des bruits et des odeurs dans un oral qui se rapproche de l’oral conversationnel et dans des situations de type scolaire. Nous retraçons d’abord les débats qui ont eu lieu à propos des sensations entre les universalistes et les tenants d’une prise en compte des situations hétérogènes, ce qui justifie notre choix de ce domaine. Puis nous dégageons les enjeux sociaux de l’opposition entre langue scolaire et français ordinaire, ce qui nous a conduit à construire deux situations d’enquête. Nous avons procédé à 10h d’enregistrements réalisés en triades en présence des référents [échantillons d’odeurs, de couleurs et de bruits]. Le cadre était relativement informel, et les tâches n’impliquaient pas que le langage soit l’objet d’une attention particulière. Nous avons complété le premier corpus en procédant à des exercices de type scolaire en face à face avec l’enquêteur. Dans les deux cas, le protocole de recueil a permis d’aboutir à des séries relativement homogènes permettant des comparaisons entre les performances des élèves. Globalement, nos analyses permettent d’apprécier l’écart entre la petite quantité de mots actualisés dans des structures syntaxiques répétitives et les ressources de la langue « seconde » de l’école ; elles montrent aussi une série de décalages intéressants avec les axes de nominations privilégiés par les adultes. Enfin, nous avons souligné l’intérêt didactique qu’il y aurait à travailler sur la phraséologie comme interface entre langue, discours et culture. / The aim of this thesis is to identify the linguistic strategies used by the primary school pupils to talk about colors, sounds and smells through oral conversations and in “school-situations”. We adopt a context-dependent point of view, capable of handling heterogeneous situations, cultural determination and dynamic discourses. This approach emphasizes the social stakes of the opposition between ordinary French language and “school-language”. Two surveys have been taken and lead on two corpora. The first corpus consists of ten hours recordings of rather informal interactions, which do not posit language as a focus-on subject. Pupils were performing tasks based on samples of colors, smells and sounds. We added this first corpus with scholar exercises face to face the investigator. This second corpus consists of classroom tasks aiming at highlighting the difficulties that pupils may encounter in naming these sensations. We have obtained relatively homogeneous series allowing contrast the discourse performance of pupils. Globally, the study points out a gap between the small number of words used by pupils in repeated syntactic structures and the richness of lexical resources of “school-language”; it also shows a series of differences between the denominative strategies used by children and those preferred by adults. Finally, we stressed the didactic interest to study phraseology as an interface between language, discourse and culture.

Les particularités fonctionnelles et structurales des actes de parole russes des Allemands ethniques dans l'espace sociolinguistique de l'Allemagne / Functional and Structural Features of Russian Speech of Ethnic Germans in the sociolinguistic space in Germany.

Nedopekina, Ekaterina Mikhaïlovna 07 July 2015 (has links)
La thèse Les particularités fonctionnelles et structurales des actes de parole russes des Allemands ethniques dans l'espace sociolinguistique de l’Allemagne se concentre sur la description détaillée de l’espace sociolinguistique déterminé par la présence d'immigrés russes d'origine allemande dans l'Allemagne actuelle. L'objet de l'étude est la variété parlée et écrite issue des pratiques spontanées en russe de la communauté russophone des Allemands ethniques au nord de l'Allemagne actuelle, plus précisement dans le district de Schleswig-Holstein. Le but de la présente recherche est d’identifier et de classer les particularités les plus importantes et fréquentes du parler russe de ces Allemands ethniques aux plans phonétique, lexical et morphologique dans les conditions d’influence permanente exercée par la langue et la culture allemandes ainsi que de révéler différentes types des variétés du russe dans ce contexte en fonction des situations de communication non-institutionelle du bilinguisme russo-allemand. Les réponses obtenues au cours d'enquêtes effectuées en Allemagne sous la forme de questionnaires auprès de 80 Allemands ethniques russophones et d'entretiens spontanés ainsi qu'en se référant aux données des sites russo-allemands dépouillées, en 2008-2009, ont servi de la base empirique de la recherche. La méthodologie retenue est descriptive : interviews, questionnaires, traitement statistique des données. Elle intègre aussi une analyse contextuelle, sémantique. L'étude effectuée a montré que le fonctionnement de la langue russe à l'extérieur de son aire de répartition historique dans des conditions de contacts permanents avec la langue allemande accompagne l’émergence d'un espace sociolinguistique particulier qui se caractérise par l’hétérogénéité ethnique. Par conséquent, cet espace ne peut être identifié comme une diaspora. Il dispose cependant d'une large gamme de traits distinctifs, et sa cohésion est assurée par la langue russe, ce qui contribue à la formation d'une identité linguistique spécifique. / The thesis Functional and Structural Features of Russian Speech of Ethnic Germans in the Sociolinguistic Space in Germany aims to provide a detailed description of a sociolinguistic space determined by the presence of Russian immigrants of German ancestry in today's United Germany. The object of the research is the spoken and written varieties issued from spontaneous utterances of Russian speech in the Russian speaking community of said Germans in present day Northern Germany, particularly in the district of Schleswig-Holstein. The purpose of the current thesis is to identify and to classify the most important and regular traits of the spoken Russian of ethnic Germans with respect to phonetics, lexis and morphology under the conditions of permanent influence exercised by the German language and culture and finally, to reveal different types of Russian language varieties in this context in connection with the non-institutional communicative situations of Russian and German bilingualism. The answers obtained within the inquiry conducted in Germany in the form of questionnaires distributed to 80 Russian speaking ethnic Germans and during spontaneous interviews as well as with the help of data gathered from the Russian and German Internet-sites in 2008-2009, formed the empirical basis of the research. The chosen methodology is descriptive: interviews, questionnaires and the statistical treatment of data, with the inclusion of contextual and semantic analysis. By conducting this piece of research, it highlighted that the functioning of the Russian language within the limits of its historical distribution and under the conditions of its permanent contact with German language, has led to the creation of a particular sociolinguistic space which is specified by its ethnic heterogeneity. The consequence being, this space cannot be defined as a diaspora. Nevertheless, it possesses a significant variety of highly distinctive features and its solidarity is assured by the Russian language which contributes to the formation of a specific linguistic identity.

Literacy, orality and recontextualization in the parliament of the Republic of South Africa : an ethnographic study

Siebörger, Ian January 2012 (has links)
In parliaments, the tasks of drafting legislation and conducting oversight are accomplished by means of complex chains of spoken, written and multimodal texts. In these genre chains, information is recontextualized from one text to another before being debated in sittings of the houses of parliament. This study employs the point of view afforded by linguistic ethnography to investigate critically the ways in which meanings are recontextualized in one section of such a genre chain, namely the process by which committees of South Africa's National Assembly oversee the budgets of government departments and state-owned entities. It does this to identify possible sources of communication difficulties in this process and suggest ways in which these can be minimized. In so doing, it develops a theoretical model of the discursive effects of recontextualization informed by Latour's (1987) notion of black-boxing as well as Maton's (2011) Legitimation Code Theory. This model uses Interactional Sociolinguistics and elements of Systemic Functional Linguistics, including APPRAISAL and Transitivity as tools to describe the realization of these effects in language. This study finds that ideational and interpersonal meanings are condensed and decondensed at particular points in the genre chain in ways that lead to some MPs’ voices being recontextualized more accurately than others’. It also shows that common sources of communication difficulties in the committee process include differences in political background and understandings of committee procedure and participant roles. It recommends that representatives of departments and entities reporting to the committees should receive a fuller prebriefing on their roles; that MPs should receive training on asking clear, focused questions; and that the role of committee secretaries as procedural advisors should be strengthened.

Une remise en question de la « langue en danger » : Rôle des représentations sociales dans la caractérisation du kattu nayaka / jenu kurumba comme « langue en danger » en Inde du Sud. / Questioning "endangered languages" : The role of social representations in characterizing Kattu Nayaka / Jenu Kurumba as an "endangered language" in South India.

Reid-Collins, Oriana 12 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse questionne et relativise la notion de « langue en danger » à partir de l'étude des représentations sociales d’acteurs institutionnels et scientifiques au travers de l’histoire et de locuteurs d’une langue dite « en danger ». La notion de « langue en danger » est appréhendée par des acteurs institutionnels et scientifiques au travers de représentations de la langue comme entité autonome et organique, relié à ses essences. Ces représentations puisent leurs origines dans la période coloniale. En examinant l’histoire d’une ancienne colonie britannique, l’Inde, nous montrons que de telles représentations se sont déployées dans et par des pratiques coloniales visant au maintien de l’ordre social. Il en va de même de certaines pratiques postcoloniales qui s’appuient de plus en plus sur la langue comme moyen nécessaire à l’identification des minorités et commencent à s’articuler autour de la dénommée « langue en danger ». Nous avons mené une enquête auprès de locuteurs d’une langue dite « en danger » pour savoir s’ils la considéraient également comme telle. Nous avons abordé leurs points de vue au travers du concept de représentation sociale et ce afin d'appréhender la manière dont ces mêmes locuteurs comprennent et co-construisent leur réalité sociale. Suite à l’annotation d’entretiens bilingues, nous avons analysé via l’Analyse Conversationnelle la manière dont les représentations émergent dans et par les pratiques interactionnelles. Nos analyses démontrent un écart entre les représentations des locuteurs et celles construites par l’enquêtrice et l’interprète, ces dernières étant plus proches des représentations déployées dans des travaux sur les langues en danger. / This thesis questions and relativizes the notion of “endangered language” based on a study of the social representations of institutional and scientific actors throughout history and of speakers of a so-called “endangered language” today. The notion of “endangered language” is constructed through representations through which institutional and scientific actors construct language as an autonomous and organic whole linked to its essences. These representations originate in the colonial period. By examining a former British colony, India, we show that such representations were used in and by colonial practices to maintain the social order. This is also the case for certain postcolonial practices in India which are increasingly based on language as a necessary means to identify minorities and are beginning to be articulated in terms of “endangered languages”. We conducted a study with speakers of a so-called “endangered language,” to see if they considered it as such. We examined their points of view through the concept of “social representation” in order to grasp how these actors understand and co-construct their reality within interactions. After annotating bilingual interviews conducted via an interpreter, we analyzed the way in which representations emerge in and through interactional practices using an approach inspired by Conversation Analysis. Our analyses show a discrepancy between speakers’ representations and those constructed by the investigator and the interpreter, the latter more similar to representations constructed in scientific and institutional work on endangered languages.

Étude de l’intégration linguistique des nouveaux arrivants : une enquête sociolinguistique au collège Diderot de Besançon (Doubs) / Studying the linguistic integration of newcomers in a French as Second Language context : a sociolinguistic survey in a junior school (Collège Diderot, Besançon, Doubs)

Ben Abdallah, Kaouthar 02 May 2011 (has links)
La Thèse porte sur l’IL des nouveaux arrivants dans le contexte de Français Langue Seconde enFrance. Elle vise l’objectif suivant : décrire et comprendre le comportement linguistique du groupeenquêté. Notre démarche est micro-sociolinguistique aussi bien dans la problématique que dans laméthodologie adoptée. Ancrée en sociolinguistique et en didactique, notre recherche est articulée à lathématique de l’immigration et s’est construite à partir d’une approche empirico-inductive. Afin demieux comprendre les problématiques liées au phénomène migratoire et aux processus d’intégrationqui en découle, nous plaçons le concept d’intégration linguistique au centre de cette recherche. Lathèse emprunte une démarche qualitative longitudinale et de réflexivité qui accorde une priorité auterrain. Le but est d’analyser comment se construit et se développe le processus d’IL – processusévolutif se déroulant dans le temps – vers le français de ces jeunes à travers les réseaux sociauxcommunicationnels et d’examiner ensuite dans quelle mesure ces instances influencent les usageslinguistiques des sujets de l’enquête. Les résultats obtenus indiquent une présence importante dufrançais dans les pratiques langagières déclarées à l’intérieur de ces réseaux. De ce fait, leurintégration linguistique est amorcée. Toutefois, ces comportements ne sont pas stables. Ils sontbeaucoup plus le fait d’une « adaptation » à des réseaux sociaux et linguistiques, que celui d’un choixlinguistique personnel définitif. Il ne faut donc pas prendre ces résultats comme la matérialisation depratiques langagières définitives mais comme un état provisoire dans un processus d’intégration encours. Certaines de nos conclusions pourraient être utilisées pour l’élaboration de programmesd’enseignement/apprentissage du FLS en contexte français. D’autres pourraient grandement aider lesformateurs d’enseignants afin de mieux préparer les futurs maîtres et les enseignants en poste àintégrer dans leurs classes « normales » des ENAF. La présence de ce public scolaire dans le systèmeéducatif français implique l’urgence de concevoir une didactique du plurilinguisme qui considère lesréalités langagières des ENAF / The thesis focuses on the linguistic integration of newcomers in the context of French as a SecondLanguage in France. It has the following objectives: to describe and understand the languagebehaviour of the group investigated. Both in the research questions and in the methodology, weadopted a micro-sociolinguistic approach. Anchored in sociolinguistics and didactics, our research isarticulated to the theme of immigration and was constructed from an empirical-inductive approach. Tounderstand better the issues related to migration phenomena and the induced integration processes, wehave put the concept of linguistic integration at the centre of this research. The thesis uses alongitudinal and qualitative approach, which reflexivity gives priority to fieldwork. The linguisticintegration process is evolutionary and takes time. The aim was to analyze how this process builds anddevelops through communicative social networks for these young people learning French. Then wehave considered how these instances influence the language uses of the subjects surveyed. The resultsshow a significant presence of the French language in the practices described by the children withinthese networks. Thus, their linguistic integration is initiated. However, these behaviours are not stable.They are much more the result of "adaptation" to social networks and language, than a final andpersonal choice of a language. So these results shall not be taken as the realization of permanentlinguistic practices but as a provisional state in an integration process under way. Some of our findingscould be used to develop curricula and learning programs for French as a second language in a Frenchcontext. Other findings could greatly help teachers’ educators to prepare future and currentlyemployed teachers to integrate newcomers into their "normal" classes better. The presence of thesepupils in the French education system implies urgency in developing a didactics for multilingualism,which would take into account the linguistic realities of newcomer pupils

Raciological thought in Victorian culture : a study in imperial dissemination

O'Leary, Daniel Ralph J. 05 1900 (has links)
My thesis revives the term raciology to describe collectively the literature which emanated out of philological ethnology, that is, out of the studies of man inspired by the rapid advances in linguistic science in the early nineteeenth century. Raciological Thought in Victorian Culture is divided into two parts: it examines the development and dissemination of nineteenth-century raciological knowledge in the works of celebrated philologists and anthropologists; and then investigates typical features of raciological discourse in Victorian and Victorian Canadian culture. It views this regional British literature as a field for the political and educational deployment of British raciological conceptions, and comments on some of the implications of the circulation of raciological doctrine. My argument begins with discussion of the often overlooked celebrity and authority of philologists in Victorian culture, tracing the derivation from philology of raciological typologies which established the raciological associations of terms like "Britons," "Anglo-Saxons," and "Teutons" during the early and middle-Victorian periods. An important aspect of the thesis is a re-evaluation of the influence of Friedrich Max Muller, the most influential comparative philologist and mythologist in the Victorian world. I argue that his use of etymological study for archaeological data greatly contributed to the rapid dissemination of raciological thought among the educated and educating classes. The first part of the thesis concludes with discussion of issues which animated raciological discourse. The second part follows the dissemination of Victorian raciological thought to Canada, and illustrates its effects in an imperial context. It demonstrates the use of raciology in establishing Canada's legitimacy as a British nation, and documents the place of raciology in establishing the authenticity of Canadian continuity with a British culture running into deep antiquity. After discussing neglected raciological aspects of several important Victorian Canadian source works, it goes on to outline the importance of raciological mythology to the preservation of the Dominion from American annexation and Fenian incursion. My epilogue briefly documents the decline of raciological thought in Britain after the 1890s. By investigating numerous neglected Victorian sources, Raciological Thought in Victorian Culture establishes raciology as an important element in Victorian political-and, in particular, nationalist-thinking. / Arts, Faculty of / English, Department of / Graduate

A study of the second-language socialization of university-level students : a developmental pragmatics perspective

Matsumura, Shoichi 11 1900 (has links)
The present study focused on changes over time in university-level Japanese students' sociocultural perceptions of social status during their year abroad in Canada, and the impact of such altered perceptions on their perceptions at subsequent time points. The sociocultural perception to be examined was perceived "social status" which Brown and Levinson (1987) discussed as a contributory factor in the perception of social asymmetry, power and authority. The study attempted to examine (1) whether (and to what extent) Japanese students, before they came to study in Canada, had recognized English native speakers' understanding of social status and had learned how to offer advice appropriately in English to individuals of various social statuses, (2) what proportion of differential pragmatic development among Japanese students in Canada was accounted for by their English proficiency and amount of exposure to English, and (3) whether (and to what extent) living and studying in Canada facilitated Japanese students' pragmatic development, which was assessed by the degree of approximation to native speech act behavior in various advice-giving situations repeated during the course of an academic year. To this end, the study compared the development of Japanese exchange students' pragmatic competence during their year abroad in Canada with peers in Japan who did not undertake a year abroad. / Education, Faculty of / Language and Literacy Education (LLED), Department of / Graduate

Learner use of French second-person pronouns in synchronous electronic communication.

McCourt, Claire A. 12 1900 (has links)
This study analyzes students' use of the French second-person pronouns tu (T) and vous (V) in small-group (2-3 students) inter-learner online chat sessions. The influence of internal linguistic factors (i.e., turn type and morphosyntactic environment) on learners' appropriate vs. inappropriate use of these pronouns is considered. The study also investigates the influence of Instructional Level on tu-vous use and the extent to which students from different instructional levels provide various types of peer assistance (e.g., lexical, morphosyntactic, and sociolinguistic/pragmatic) . Pronoun use was extremely unstable for learners of all levels, and a Kruskal-Wallis analysis revealed that Instructional Level did not significantly affect appropriate T/V use overall. Instructional Level and Syntax did, however, significantly affect interrogative T/V use, as shown through multivariate analyses. Peer-assisted performance was limited to lexical retrieval. Pedagogical recommendations are presented for teaching and learning second-person pronouns in French.

A sociolinguistic profile of Mamelodi and Atteridgeville : its role in language policy development at local government level

Strydom, Louise 22 June 2005 (has links)
This research project seeks to gain insight into the sociolinguistic realities of Mamelodi and Atteridgeville, two residential areas that resort under the Tshwane Metropolitan Council's jurisdiction (formerly known as the Greater Pretoria Metropolitan Area) - including reference to language use, knowledge, behaviour, status and attitudes. A questionnaire reflecting the principles of inter-methodological cross-validation was developed as research instrument in order to attain a sociolinguistic profile of the areas under investigation. The gathering, analysis, and verification of the research results took place against the background of extensive literature study, as well as the implementation of both quantitative (interpretation and analysis of numerical data) and qualitative (questionnaire format resembling a structured interview) methods. Other general aims of this research project are to provide local decision-makers with information that might aid the language planning process, and to provide a future basis for comparison to identify the occurrence of potential sociolinguistic change. The planning and implementation of a local language policy cannot occur in isolation, and it is therefore necessary to set the background against which language-related decisions are made - on local and international level. The challenges faced by the South African government are inseparably linked to matters evolving around the role of language in governance, education, economy and development. It will be argued that South Africa formally committed itself to multilingualism by entrenching it in the Constitution and in the proposed Languages Bill. It will furthermore be argued that languages have a market value and are thus to be regarded as economic resources. If the national ideals are to be met in terms of democratically developing the nation, all citizens must have equal access to all the rights and privileges of the country. In order to realise the strategic goals listed in the proposed South African Languages Bill, namely to facilitate individual empowerment and national development, and to facilitate economic development via the promotion of multilingualism, it is thus imperative that the Tshwane Municipal Council implements and enforces language policies that reflect these goals. Since municipalities must take into account the language usage and preferences of their residents and at least use two official languages - the logical conclusion is that a plan of language policy implementation should be supported and institutionalised by means of legislation and other measures. The Tshwane Metropolitan Council, and all other municipal structures - by implementing reality-based language policies that meet the developmental needs of its citizens by promoting and investing in multilingualism - will ascertain equal access to knowledge and skills. The ultimate purpose of this whole debate surrounding language planning and policy implementation in a multilingual African state is not merely to arrive at a theoretical linguistic solution, but rather to meet the socio-economic developmental needs of its people. / Thesis (DPhil (Linguistics))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Afrikaans / unrestricted

English with an accent : A study of attitudes among Swedish adolescents regarding British and Middle Eastern varieties of English

Helleberg, Fia January 2018 (has links)
This study examines the attitudes of adolescent Swedes towards speakers of British and Middle Eastern varieties of English. Due to the ongoing wars in the Middle East and elsewhere, and thus the stream of refugees seeking sanctuary in Sweden and other European countries, many children from diverse backgrounds have been and will be enrolled in Swedish schools. Considering their right to democratic, humane and inclusive education, it is of importance to identify and oppose possible prejudice and preconceptions towards foreign languages, cultures and religions at an early state. This study aims towards this goal. The study, carried out among Swedish teenagers, is based on a matched-guise test in combination with an Osgood scale. The pre-recorded speakers were from Iran, Syria, and Britain.       The results of the study prove that there were preconceptions regarding Middle Eastern varieties of English, yet they can be both positive and negative. It is evident that the majority of the informants perceived the Middle Eastern speakers of English negatively with regard to traits that may be related to education, economy and intelligence, yet they rated the same speakers positively with regard to traits that may be correlated to emotional and social capacity. Interestingly enough, the study also provides evidence to suggest that British speakers of English are perceived favourably with regard to traits that may be related to education, economy and intelligence, yet negatively with regard to traits that may be correlated to emotional and social capacity. Overall, the study mainly provided results that confirm findings of previous research within the field.

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