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Umoya wamagama (The spirit of the word)Aristide, Jean-Bertrand 30 November 2006 (has links)
This thesis entitled Umoya Wamagama endeavors to establish the nature of the relationship between IsiZulu and Haitian Kreyòl. As a member of the Nguni group, IsiZulu is spoken by Africans. On the other side, Kreyòl is spoken by African descendants of Haiti, the world's first Black independent Republic.
Viewed from a multidisciplinary perspective, these two languages exhibit a significant relationship, hence this important observation: IsiZulu- Haitian Krèyol: So Close, Yet So Far! In other words, they are far from a linguistic point of view but close from a psycho-theological perspective.
* So Far: Comparative linguistics shows that Kreyòl is genetically related to French and Latin.
* So Close: Born in Haiti during the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade, Kreyòl keeps alive the spirit of the African ancestors and still contains linguistic roots of ancestral languages.
Vital and vibrant is this historical relatedness linking the two languages. While Haitian Kreyòl is genetically related to French and Latin, it shares with IsiZulu an ancestral psychodynamic and theological paradigms deeply rooted in Ubuntu.
Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu. These words crystallize the essence of Ubuntu. Its psychological and theological study transcends the literal language. In that regard Umoya Wamagama refers to both literal and figurative linguistic expressions. The
emphasis however is more on the words which connote additional layers of meaning rather than those which simply denote their meanings.
The method used in this thesis is comparative, descriptive, investigative, analytic and exegetic when necessary.
Providing evidence of linguistic relationships, the comparative and analytic approach then embraces the semantic field of IsiZulu-Kreyòl as a significant psycholexicology where explanations puts an emphasis on the meaning and the spirit of the words. Siye ngomoya wamagama. Hence, the core question of addressing the psychological and theological dimensions of this research which is based on a multidisciplinary approach.
After 500 years, in the wake of European colonial expansion, the Spirit of the African slaves is still alive in the psyche and the language of the Haitian people. As we said above:
Yize isiKreyòl saseHaiti sifuze nesiFulentshi nesiLatini, sabelana nesiZulu ngokwemisuka nangokwezimiso zezinkolelo okunezimpande ezijulile emfundisweni yobuntu.
IsiZulu and Kreyòl are related through an ancestral psychodynamic and theological paradigms rooted in Ubuntu. / African Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (African Languages)
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Sociolinguistic variation in spoken and written Sesotho : a case study of speech varieties in QwaQwaSekere, Ntaoleng Belina 30 June 2004 (has links)
This work has taken the region of Qwaqwa as a case study. Through this study, the researcher attempted to join in the debate around language varieties that occur as a result of contact between different language groups. To achieve this objective, the factors that have an impact on Sesotho spoken in the Qwaqwa area and, in particular, in schools, have been assessed.
The researcher provides a broad and general picture of the language situation and patterns of language use in the Qwaqwa area. A brief overview of the geographical description, historical background and economic development of Qwaqwa is given. Some of the linguistic phenomena that play a role in language variation in this area fall under the spotlight.
Language contact, i.e. language and dialect, regional and social dialect, the use of language and the impact of language contact between languages is discussed. Patterns and the extent of language contact and the resultant effects of interference, codeswitching and borrowing as well as the processes and points at which these processes occur are identified.
The major similarities and relationships between spoken and written Sesotho, as used by learners in Qwaqwa schools, is highlighted with the discussion focussing on the linguistic description of the similarities and relationships between the two forms. / African Languages / (M.A.(Afican Languages))
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Analysing "involvement" in distance education study guides: an appraisal-based approachMischke, Gertruida Elizabeth 30 November 2005 (has links)
The main aim of this study is to extend our current understanding of the linguistic characteristics of student-centred distance education texts. This aim links directly with the shift in South Africa from an objectivistic, content-centred teaching approach towards an outcomes-based, studentcentred one. Partly because few guidelines exist as to what the linguistic characteristics of student-centred texts are, developers of such texts in a distance education environment face many challenges and thus, a secondary, more indirect aim of this study is to benefit developers of distance education study materials. In view of the educational context in which the study is situated, a brief overview of some of the most relevant pedagogic perspectives underlying the notion of student-centredness is provided.
Student-centredness is then interpreted in terms of Biber's (1988) construal of `involvement' and
also in terms of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL): more particularly, the interpersonal
discourse semantic metafunction of SFL and on insights developed in Appraisal Theory. The
focus of the study is thus on `involvement' and the expression of evaluative stance, and
consequently on attitudinal language through `involvement' features. Of particular interest to the present study is how learning is advanced through the use of attitudinal language.
The data for the study include six print-based distance education teaching texts (study guides)
from three different academic departments at the University of South Africa. Two guides from
each department are analysed and compared: one developed by way of a content-centred
approach to teaching and the other by way of a student-centred approach. The linguistic construal of evaluative stance in these guides is analysed and interpreted in interpersonal
terms. The thesis develops a theoretically motivated explanation of the linguistic characteristics of student-centred distance education texts, and in the process provides evidence of the interpersonal and pedagogic relevance of evaluative stance in the context of distance education. Some of the main conclusions reached are that student-centred texts differ from contentcentred ones with regard to: the extent to which the social presence of discourse participants is signalled in such texts; the extent to which solidarity is negotiated with students; the participation of students in the knowledge construction process; the relationship that prevails between lecturers and students; and the identity developed for both students as well as lecturers. / Linguistics / D. Litt. et Phil. (Linguistics)
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Narrative theory, post-modernism and the selfGenot, Santjie 01 1900 (has links)
The current vast sociocultural shift from Modernism to PostModernism forms the backdrop to this study. Whenever paradigm shifts occur, the metaphors which depict human experience and identity also change. The mechanistic metaphors of Modernism are giving way to metaphors derived from art and literature, in particular narrative theory. Self, as one of the most pivotal notions in philosophy, literature, and psychology, should not be excluded from this process of reconceptualisation. As the point of intersection between the personal and the cultural, the notion of Self now needs to bereformulated to become more coherent with Post-Modernist ideas. Within this framework the Modernist notion of a Self which is unified, substantial, and stable across all contexts,
is deconstructed in this study to reveal the linguistic and ideological codes and conventions which are used in its
construction. It is proposed that the Self can be viewed as embedded in relationship with others and as inscribed by the prevailing cultural ideologies regarding personhood. As such the Self can be regarded as held together reflexively by narrative codes and conventions. These ideas are demonstrated in an analysis of two written self-narratives and applied to the conventions and practices in psychotherapy. / Psychology / D.Litt. et Phil. (Psychology)
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IsiZulu traditional healers’ perspective of ukuhlonipha in contextNene, Jabulani Owen 31 January 2014 (has links)
Traditional healers are one among professionals that are viewed as the most significant people in African Society. They are accorded the highest esteem because of the role they play in saving people’s lives and promoting cultural aspects such as ukuhlonipha amasiko in isiZulu. It should be remembered that this word ukuhlonipha which means to respect, is used across cultures to maintain peace within family and society. It all depends on which culture promotes it more than others. It is sociolinguistic truism that ukuhlonipha is essentially linked to the ubuntu philosophy of African people. However, traditional healers more than other people follow ukuhlonipha culture in numerous ways, especially when they meet, being consulted and during traditional ceremonies. They serve and promote what in IsiZulu is known as ukuhlonipha, which to the uninitiated and sometimes even to the scholars of this philosophy is a mystery. It is for this reason and others that people view them as the soul of society.
This study looks at relevant sociolinguistic theories especially the politeness theory to analyze most of the hlonipha features shown by traditional healers, apprentice and people during consultation. / African Languages / M.A. (African Languages)
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Herinnering, geskiedenis, identiteit : 'n ondersoek na beeld en teks in mito-poesisKaden, Martha J. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / 214 Leaves printed on single pages, preliminary pages i- xvi and numbered pages 1-191. Includes bibliography and illustrations. / Digitized at 600 dpi grayscale to pdf format (OCR), using a Bizhub 250 Konica Minolta Scanner. Digitized by Ivan Jacobs on request of Niel Hendrickz, 15 April 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This investigation is informed by the assumption that language, as representation
and as image, is positioned in a metaphorical relationship to reality. Language,
as a structure of representation, is the way in which we represent reality to
ourselves and to others and recreate the past, as well as the way in which we
invest our lives with meaning, significance and experience. Language includes
visual and verbal representation, and this investigation shows how image and
text create a variety of multiple meanings through playful and interactive
Following from the assumption that language comprises temporal and spatial
qualities, it is also the terrain that enables us to know and understand reality,
ourselves, and others. This emphasizes the material nature of language, which
is also connected with social and cultural practices and, as such, involves
reciprocation and interaction between divergences. Language is therefore a
mode of action that makes the bridging of divisions possible.
Language is proposed as a medium through which the monolithic hegemony of
the apartheid past may be confronted within a multicultural South Africa. The aim
of representing this past in my work is not to recall it as it was or to discover
etemal, inheritable qualities, but rather to bring about re-demption (healing)
through re-presentation. Re-demption and re-presentation is a textual practice
that involves a re-script of the past. With the understanding that history and
culture are regarded as text, re-writing the past does not involve representation
as mimesis, but as production.
This investigation recognizes the role of the subconscious as the other or the
alterity in all language constructs that makes it possible to circumvent the logic of
binary oppositions; entertain alternatives simultaneously; erase boundaries;
share spaces, and discover the other in the self. This unconscious language of
the other, as a strange doubling and interplay between near and far, gives rise to
The creation of multi-dimensional spaces that draw the poetical and the everyday
into an imaginative and directed conceptual interplay as well as provoke dialogue
between differences and diversities, engenders a desire for the complexity of the
other. The interplay and recurrent movement across divisions and between
paradoxes create a new and changed interspace, characterized by difference,
plurality, and contradiction. Intertextual spaces allow relationships between
differences and exist precisely as a result of dialogicity between diversities. In this
way it is possible to establish, by virtue of difference, a mutual, interdependent
relationship with the other.
Metaphorical language requires an allegorical reading that places divergences in
relation to one another, thereby causing a mythic animation of signification that
moves from one level to another. Mytho-poeisis, as an allegorical structure, is
proposed as a model by means of which symbolic transformation and redemption
of the personal and collective psyche may occur. Poetic re-imagining
as re-presentation impels change and transformation and points to other possible
forms of social and ethical experiences. This impulse, to reconcile the social and
the aesthetic, or the cultural with symbolic form, is based on the principle of
reconciliation between art and life. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie ondersoek handhaaf die veronderstelling dat taal in 'n metaforiese
verhouding tot die werklikheid staan as voorstelling en as beeld. Taal, as 'n
struktuur van voorstelling, is die wyse waarop ons die werklikheid aan onsself en
ander voorstel en die verlede herskep, asook die wyse waarop ons sin, betekenis
en ervaring aan ons lewens verskaf. Taal sluit visuele en verbale voorstellings in
en hierdie ondersoek toon op watter wyse beeld en teks in speelse en
interaktiewe wisselwerking 'n verskeidenheid meersinnige betekenisse skep.
Uitgaande van die veronderstelling dat taal temporele en ruimtelike kwaliteite
betrek, is dit ook die terrein wat ons in staat stel om die werklikheid, onsself en
ander te ken en verstaan. Dit beklemtoon die materiele aard van taal, wat ook
met sosiale en kulturele praktyke verbind is en sodanig wisselwerking en
interaksie tussen uiteenlopendhede betrek. Taal is dus 'n modus van doen, wat
oorbrugging van skeidings moontlik maak.
Taal word as 'n medium voorgestel waardeur die monolitiese hegemonie van die
apartheidsverlede binne 'n multikulturele Suid-Afrika gekonfronteer word.
Voorstelling van hierdie verlede in my werk is nie met die doel om dit te herroep
soos dit was, of ewige, erfbare eienskappe te ontdek nie, maar eerder om herstel
deur her-voorstelling te bewerkstellig. Her-stel en her-voorstelling is 'n
tekstuele praktyk wat 'n re-skripsie van die verlede behels. Met begrip dat
geskiedenis en kultuur as teks beskou word, behels die her-skryf van die verlede
nie voorstelling as mimesis nie, maar as produksie.
Hierdie ondersoek erken die rol van die onderbewussyn as die ander of die
alteriteit (alterity) in alle taalvoorstellings wat dit moontlik maak om die logika van
binere oposisies te omseil; alternatiewe gelyktydig in ag te neem; grense uit te
wis, ruimtes te deel en die ander in die self te ontdek. Hierdie onbewuste taal
van die ander, as 'n vreemde verdubbeling en spel tussen naby en ver, gee
aanleiding tot poesis (poiesis).
Die skep van multidimensionele ruimtes wat die poetiese en die alledaagse in 'n
verbeeldingryke en gerigte konseptuele wisselspel betrek, asook dialoog tussen
verskille en diversiteite bewerkstellig, skep 'n aandrang vir die kompleksiteit van
die ander. Die interspel en ewigdurende beweging oor skeidings en tussen
paradokse skep 'n nuwe en veranderde interruimte, wat gekenmerk word deur
verskil, pluraliteit en kontradiksie. Intertekstuele ruimtes laat verskilsverhoudings
toe en bestaan juis as gevolg van dialogisiteit tussen diversiteite. Op hierdie
wyse is dit moontlik om op grond van verskil 'n wedersydse en interafhanklike
verhouding met die ander aan te knoop.
Metaforiese taalgebruik verg 'n allegoriese lees wat uiteenlopendhede in
verhouding tot mekaar plaas sodat dit 'n mitiese animasie van betekening
bewerkstellig wat vanaf een vlak na 'n ander vlak beweeg. Mito-poesis, as 'n
allegoriese struktuur, word voorgestel as model waarvolgens simboliese
transformasie en herstel van die persoonlike en kollektiewe psige kan geskied.
Poetiese her-verbeelding as her-voorstelling motiveer verandering en
transformasie en dui op ander moontlike vorms van sosiale en etiese ervarings.
Hierdie impuls, om die sosiale en die estetiese, of om die kulturele met
simboliese vorm te vereenselwig, berus op die beginsel van versoening tussen
kuns en lewe.
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Gender representation in personal ads in Hong Kong and the U.S.: a linguistic investigationLeung, Wing-kwan., 梁永坤. January 1999 (has links)
published_or_final_version / English Studies / Master / Master of Arts
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Social Capital and Cultural Identity for U.S. Korean Immigrant Families: Mothers' and Children's Perceptions of Korean Language RetentionJung, Su-Jin Sue 26 May 2016 (has links)
Through increasing immigration, the U.S. society is becoming more linguistically and culturally diverse. Yet, as many U.S. language minority groups seek to assimilate, they face many challenges. One challenge is that their home language does not match the dominant language, English, that their children are learning at school. For Korean communities, maintaining Korean language presents a problem for families, especially for the mothers and children. The purpose of this study was to explore the U.S. Korean immigrant mothers' and children's perceptions of and experience with maintaining the Korean language and the effect that has on the development of social capital and cultural identity. I conducted two focus groups--one with mothers, another with their children, using a semi-structured interview protocol. I used narrative inquiry as my qualitative approach and then used thematic analysis to summarize my findings. I identified four major themes: (a) use of Korean language: positive and negative experiences, (b) perspectives on Korean language maintenance: benefits and limitations, (c) effect of parental involvement: provision of social capital, and (d) value of cultural identity formation: acculturation and the reality of learning Korean. This study revealed that parental support for children's heritage language retention seems to have an effect on language maintenance. Thus, because of this seemingly strong relationship, there seem to be significant benefits for children, families, and the overall society when the U.S. educators and other Korean immigrant parents strongly encourage American-born Korean youth to maintain their mother tongue in the U.S.
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Les diatopismes du français en Vendée et leur utilisation dans la littérature : l'œuvre contemporaine d'Yves Viollier / The Diatopic Elements of Western French (Vendée) and their Usage in Literature : the Works of the Contemporary Novelist Yves ViollierWissner, Inka 18 December 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat étudie l'utilisation discursive des régionalismes, ou diatopismes, du français en alliant les perspectives de la linguistique variationniste et de l'analyse du discours. L'étude fournit un développement conceptuel, terminologique et méthodologique détaillé en matière de diatopie et des contraintes qui pèsent sur l'usage de diatopismes dans le discours. Elle explicite en particulier la méthode d'analyse appliquée en termes différentiels, pour la description des diatopismes et l'interprétation des sources et des enquêtes de terrain menée par l'auteure, ainsi que pour l'analyse du discours. À partir de l'analyse des procédés discursifs qui présentent les diatopismes en autonymie (les mises en relief) et de leur distribution discursive, un nouveau paradigme sociopragmatique permet d'interpréter les caractéristiques pragmatiques et sociolinguistiques des diatopismes dans le discours. Le corps de l'analyse est présenté sous la forme d'articles dictionnairiques, complétant un modèle lexicographique différentiel de rubriques qui sont consacrées aux aspects discursifs et sociopragmatiques des diatopismes étudiés. L'analyse philologique porte sur tous les diatopismes qui sont mis en relief dans l'ensemble des vingt-six romans grand public du Vendéen Yves Viollier, publiés de 1972 à 2009, et qui appartiennent à la communauté sociolinguistique de ce dernier. L'étude montre que les mises en relief, tributaires de l'orientation réaliste des romans étudiés, sont relativement rares, et que la création de l'ethos du 'régional' passe dans ceux-ci par un choix original de diatopismes, et non par des clichés largement partagés. / This doctoral dissertation studying the use of French regionalisms, or diatopicisms, in literature, is situated in the fields of variationist linguistics and of discourse analysis. The study offers a detailed description of the concepts and current terminology in the recent discipline of Francophone differential linguistics as well as in the related branches of French discourse analysis. It pays particular attention to the methods applied in the identification of diatopic elements and the interpretation of existing sources – completed by field studies conducted by the author – as well as for an appropriate discourse analysis of diatopicisms in literature. Developing a new sociopragmatic paradigm, the author analyses the strategies that present meta-linguistically highlighted diatopicisms and their textual distribution in order to interpret what these procedures say obliquely about the diatopicisms in terms of their pragmatic and sociolinguistic characteristics. The large corpus analysis is presented in the form of dictionary articles, based on a model developed in French differential lexicography, and enriched by sociopragmatic sections. The author analyses all highlighted diatopicisms in the twenty-six popular novels of Yves Viollier which belong to the latter's sociolinguistic community (Vendée). The study shows that the strategies highlighting diatopicisms in the analysed novels – published from 1972 to 2009, realist and partly regionalist – are relatively rare. The ethos of the novelist's home region is partly created by the use of diatopicisms – but this is achieved through original choices, rather than largely shared stereotypes.
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Commutation de code entre le ouïghour et le chinois : une étude de cas sur la communauté linguistique ouïghoure de Ürümchi / Code switching between Uyghur and Chinese : a case of study on the uyghur linguistic community in UrumchiCabras, Giulia 17 February 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le domaine de la sociolinguistique et de l’anthropologie linguistique. De nature descriptive et qualitative, elle porte sur la commutation de code entre les langues ouïghoure et chinoise. L’étude se base sur un corpus composé de données ethnographiques, linguistiques et conversationnelles, recueillies entre 2012 et 2013 dans la ville de Ürümchi, capitale de la Région Autonome du Xinjiang, à travers des observations de terrain et d’enregistrements de conversations spontanées.L’analyse porte sur les caractéristiques structurelles de la commutation de code, sur ses aspects pragmatiques et socio-culturels ainsi que sur la valeur idéologique de cette pratique linguistique. La nature complexe du phénomène et le contexte historique et politique de la région du Xinjiang nous ont conduite à insérer les phénomènes de commutation de code dans une dimension interdisciplinaire. Par conséquent, l’étude prend en compte différents facteurs, micro- et macro-, de nature politique et sociale : les politiques linguistiques menées par le gouvernement chinois, la relation diglossique entre le ouïghour et le chinois, les caractéristiques urbaines de la ville de Ürümchi et les relations ethniques entre Ouïghours et Chinois Han. L’étude a donc pour objectif la présentation de la commutation de code ouïghour-chinois en tant que pratique langagière complexe, dans laquelle entrent en jeu les traits structurels des deux langues, les besoins interactionnels, les changements culturels et sociaux, ainsi que les dynamiques identitaires. / This thesis is related to the field of sociolinguistics and linguistic anthropology. Its nature is descriptive and qualitative and deals with code switching between Uyghur and Chinese. The study is based on a corpus made of ethnographic, linguistic and conversational data, gathered in the city of Ürümchi, capital of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in 2012 and 2013, through field observations and recording of spontaneous conversation. The analyses focus on the structural characteristics of code switching, on its pragmatic and sociocultural aspects, as well as on the ideological value of this language practice. Because of the complex nature of the phenomenon as well as the historical and political context of Xinjiang region, this study inserts Uyghur-Chinese code switching in an interdisciplinary dimension. Therefore, it takes into account different factors, micro- and macro- of political and social nature, within them language policies brought by the government, the diglossic relations between Uyghur and Chinese, Ürümchi urban characteristics and the ethnic relationships between Uyghurs and Han Chinese. The study aims at presenting Uyghur-Chinese code switching as a complex language practice, in which come into play structural features, cultural and social changes, as well as construction identity dynamics.
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