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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Academic Discourse Socialization for International Students in Architecture: Embedding an Imagined Scenario in Telling a Design Narrative

Choi, Minseok 08 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.

The possibilities provided by subtitling to the SABC TV in the recognition and protection of language rights

Olivier, Jak 01 1900 (has links)
The degree to which the SABC (South African Broadcasting Corporation) as public broadcaster gives shape to its language policy and language mandate, against the background of an investigation of language rights, establishes the central problem statement of this research.It is widely acknowledged that it is difficult to define the concept of language rights. Although the language-sociological literature associates this concept with minority and cultural rights, it can also be seen as individual rights. According to the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, it is clear that language rights should be seen as individual rights that can be exercised within a particular community. Although this dissertation provides an extensive juridical and language sociological explanation of the concept of language rights, the description by Judge Albie Sachs will be used as a working definition for this research. His division between the following four fundamental language rights, viz.: (i) the right to use your language; (ii) the right to develop your language; (iii) the right to be understood and to understand other languages as well as (iv) the right not to be discriminated against because of your language, provides a useful investigation instrument with which the degree to which the SABC-TV acknowledges and protects language rights can be measured.It is found that despite the policy documents on national and corporate level that has equal consideration and treatment of the diverse South African languages in mind, it still happens that the SABC-TV fails to give form to the language rights of individuals that belong to indigenous minority language groups in South Africa. Due to this, the research suggests that the extensive implementation of subtitles, as a form of screen translation that differs from lip synchronised dubbing, can make a significant contribution to the acknowledgement and protection of language rights by the SABC-TV.In addition to a discussion on what subtitles entail, the technical nature and specific parameters thereof, a feasibility study is included within which the affordability of this project for the SABC-TV is indicated. It is found that this form of screen translation is ideal for the South African situation because it is cheaper than both lip synchronised dubbing and the creation of new television programmes, but also because it can effectively be employed in regional broadcasts. Furthermore, the use of bilingual subtitles and pivot subtitles are also alternatives that may be considered. It is essential though that subtitles can indeed contribute to the way in which the SABC, as a public broadcaster, acknowledges and protects the fundamental language rights of the multitude of South Africans that belong to different language communities in South Africa. (Written in Afrikaans)

Alamin Mazrui & Kimani Njogu, Swahili in Spaces of War: A Sociolinguistic Odyssey (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023): Review

Githinji, Peter 02 December 2024 (has links)
The book entitled ‘Swahili in Spaces of War: A Sociolinguistic Odyssey’, authored by the renowned Swahili scholars Alamin Mazrui and Kimani Njogu, was published in 2023. According to the reviewer Peter Githinji, the book is an interesting reading which explores the role of Kiswahili in spaces of war. Many scholars have examined how the language has been used in political mobilization, as agent of economic growth and agency for evangelization by foreigners. However, the authors have ventured into exploring how the language is used in spaces of war which is a new area in the study of Kiswahili. The reviewer acknowledges that the book is a major contribution to Kiswahili scholarship but wishes it had also looked into the issue of the impact of Kiswahili in cyber-terrorism.

Ukrainian Libraries at War : Contesting Colonial Heritage in Western Ukraine / Ukrainska bibliotek i krig : att bestrida det koloniala arvet i västra Ukraina

Karlsson, Emanuel January 2024 (has links)
Libraries in Ukraine have been profoundly affected by the ongoing Russian invasion. But more than that, they are constrained by their historical colonial heritage as a Soviet institution which was used by the Moscow regime as a propaganda tool to exert control, both politically and culturally – not least in the form of Russification, which in the context of Ukrainian libraries took the form of a predominance of Russian-language books in place of Ukrainian. The present thesis aims to explore how Ukrainian libraries cope with the current war situation, how they are affected by and come to terms with their problematic past, and how these issues may relate.The study uses ethnographic methods to describe 11 libraries in Western Ukraine in 2023. The findings are discussed against a theoretical background of sociolinguistics, knowledge organization and postcolonial theory. It describes the libraries’ infrastructure problems, the continuing presence of huge Soviet-Russian collections, and the ongoing mass weeding of these collections during the war. The thesis suggests that Ukrainian libraries face five structural problems beyond the impact of the war: poor collections, lack of infrastructure and funding, administrative peculiarities, government regulations, and the catalogues and classifications. Especially, the need for more and relevant books is a pressing and fundamental concern. Two positive developments are suggested to have taken place during the war: ongoing reversal of the colonial heritage through the mass weeding efforts, and a popularization of the libraries through social initiatives relating to the war effort. / Bibliotek i Ukraina har blivit djupt påverkade av den pågående ryska invasionen. Men vad mer är har de varit kringskurna av sitt historiska koloniala arv som en sovjetisk institution som Moskva-regimen använde som ett propagandaverktyg för att utöva kontroll, både politiskt och kulturellt – inte minst i form av russifiering, vilken i de ukrainska biblioteket tog sig uttryck i en predominans av ryskspråkiga böcker på bekostnad av ukrainska. Den föreliggande uppsatsen ämnar att utforska hur ukrainska bibliotek hanterar den pågående krigssituationen, hur de påverkas av och handskas med sitt problematiska förflutna, och hur dessa frågor kan vara relaterade till varandra.Studien använder etnografiska metoder för att beskriva 11 bibliotek i västra Ukraina år 2023. Resultatendiskuteras utifrån en teoretisk bakgrund av sociolingvistik, kunskapsorganisation och postkolonial teori. Den beskriver bibliotekens infrastrukturproblem, den fortsatta närvaron av enorma sovjetryska samlingar samt den under kriget pågående massgallringen av dessa samlingar. Uppsatsen framställer att ukrainska bibliotek ställs inför fem strukturella problem utöver krigets inverkan: undermåliga samlingar, avsaknaden av infrastruktur och finansiering, administrativa egenheter, statliga regelverk samt kataloger och klassifikationer. I synnerhet är behovet av fler och relevanta böcker en tryckande och fundamental angelägenhet. Två positiva utvecklingar föreslås ha ägt rum under kriget: en pågående uppgörelse med det koloniala arvet genom ansatserna till massgallring, samt en popularisering av biblioteken genom sociala initiativ relaterade till krigsinsatsen.

Wiederentdeckung von sprachlicher Gemeinsamkeit - Iranische Sichtweisen auf „tadschikisches Persisch“ / Eine soziolinguistische Untersuchung – von den 1920ern bis heute

Saeedi, Mehrdad 09 November 2018 (has links)
Gegenstand dieser soziolinguistischen Dissertation ist zwar die neupersische Sprache samt ihren drei nationalen Varietäten in Iran, Afghanistan und Tadschikistan, im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung stehen allerdings die tadschikische und iranische Varietät, anhand der Letzteren es versucht wird, die iranische Sprachauffassung von der v. a. in puncto Schrift und Sprachbezeichnung dem iranischen (und auch afghanischen) Persisch unähnlich erscheinenden Varietät der Tadschiken darzulegen. Dass hier nur das soziolinguistische Verhältnis Irans und Tadschikistans (und nicht Irans und Afghanistans oder Afghanistans und Tadschikistans) zur Frage steht, liegt in der schrift- und aussprachbezogenen Unähnlichkeit der iranischen und tadschikischen Varietäten als auffällige Gegenstücke begründet. Was die Aussprache betrifft, so weisen das afghanische und tadschikische Persisch zueinander mehr Affinität auf als sie es zum iranischen Persisch täten. Und was die Schrift betrifft, so bedienen sich die iranische und afghanische Varietät ein und derselben arabisch-basierten Schrift, während die Tadschiken seit den 1940ern eine kyrillisch-basierte Schrift verwenden. Als theoretischer Rahmen dient das in den 1960ern Jahren in der Soziolinguistik und Dialektologie ansatzweise entstandene und sich seit den 1990ern Jahren fortentwickelnden Konzept der plurizentrischen Sprachen, nach dem das Phänomen der Sprache im Lichte politischer Machtverhältnisse und nationaler Identitätssuche angesehen wird. Nach geopolitischen, ökonomischen und demographischen Kriterien betrachtet, gilt Iran als das dominante Macht- und Sprachzentrum gegenüber den anderen persisch-sprachigen Zentren Afghanistan und Tadschikistan. Daher wird die Forschungsfrage nach der Sprachauffassung der iranischen Kultur-Elite als Ausgangspunkt behandelt. Es wird u. a. den Fragen nach Akzeptanz der Plurizentrizität, Sprachnormativität/-normierung und sprachlicher Konvergenz in/zwischen den nationalen Varietäten nachgegangen. / The subject of this sociolinguistic doctoral thesis is the new Persian language as well as the three national varieties in Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan, but the focus of the study is only on two varieties, the Tajik and Iranian Persian. It deals with the linguistic views and perceptions of Iranians or better to say, the cultural elite of Iran, regarding the most distinguished variety of all three varieties of the pluricentric Persian, the Tajik Persian, due to its modified Cyrillic script and writing system. Another reason for focusing on the sociolinguistic relation between Iran and Tajikistan (and not Iran and Afghanistan nor Afghanistan and Tajikistan) is to be found in the dissimilarity between the Iranian and the Tajik varieties, when it comes to the pronunciation. As a result of geographic closeness, the afghan and Tajik Persian have in this sense more resemblances than the Iranian Persian does to one of these two. And regarding the writing system of both Iranian and afghan Persian, it is generally known, that the Arabic-based script and writing system is traditionally in use since centuries, whereas for Tajik Persian first since the 1940s the Cyrillic script is being used as the one and only script. The theoretical framework of the dissertation is the concept of pluricentric languages, which deals specifically with languages as a part of political power relations and national identity discourses. In a geopolitical, economic and demographic context, Iran is considered the dominant power of the three countries, which effects considerably also the question of the common language. For the same reason, it will be the Iranian cultural elite’s perception of language which will be the question of interest, but of course not the only examinable side among the three countries. Furthermore, questions of acceptance of pluricentricity, language normativity/standardization and language convergence in/between national varieties will be investigated.

A Man Needs a Female like a Fish Needs a Lobotomy: The Role of Adjectival Nominalization in Pejorative Meaning

Robinson, Melissa Aubrey 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis documents the grammatical processes and semantic impact of innovative ways to pejoratively reference individuals through adjectival nominalization. Research on nominalized adjectives suggests that when meanings shift from having one property (1) to becoming a kind with associated properties (2), the noun form often encodes stereotypical attributes: [1] "Her hair is blonde." (hair color); [2] "He married a blonde." (female, sexy, dumb). Likewise, the linguistic phenomenon of genericity refers to classes or kinds and different grammatical structures reflect properties in different ways. In 1 and 2 above, the shift from adjectival blonde to indefinite NP a blonde moves the focus from the definitional characteristic to the prototypical. Similarly, adjectival gay [3] is definitional, but the marked, nominal form [4] adds socially-based conceptions of the "average" gay (example from Twitter): [3] jesus christ i make a joke and now im a gay man? (sexuality) [constructed]; [4] jesus christ i make a joke and now im a gay? … (flamboyant, abnormal). To investigate innovative reference via nominalization, two corpus studies based in human judgment were conducted. In the first study, a subset of the corpus (N=121) was annotated for pejoration by five additional linguists following the same guidelines as the original annotator. In the second study, 800 instances were annotated by non-experts using crowd-sourcing. In both studies we find a correspondence between nominal status and pejorative meaning.

What men say, how women say : an exploration of the interactional mechanisms at play in management meetings

Chipunza, Linda Lorraine Cecilia 30 November 2007 (has links)
This thesis examines how men and women as co-interactants in management meetings use various interactional mechanisms to play out their roles and identities, as they position their ideas in a particular way for intended meaning and effect. The study aims to demonstrate how a particular approach to the examination of naturalistic data, gathered through the use of a case study design, based on recordings and supported by a number of ethnographic strategies can, when examined and informed by conversation analysis, pragmatics and more indirectly critical discourse analysis, generate further insights into the semantic and pragmatic meanings of utterances. The study focuses on four companies in postcolonial Zimbabwe, where the entry of women into senior management positions has changed the complexion of most organisations, but men continue to be the fundamental power brokers in the corporate workplace, which remains a site of social struggle where language, power and gender are important variables. This study finds that while perceptions of power may not vary significantly between men and women, how they use language to play out this power in meetings is of significance. The study suggests that gender-linked communication styles are reflected in management of talk in areas of influence, such as the corporate boardroom. It also shows that men and women, irrespective of their levels of position power or perceived power, present themselves in meetings in different ways, possibly due to gender-role socialisation processes. Apart from generating some new insights regarding theory and research methodology, and describing and interpreting male-female interaction in an under-researched domain (management meetings in a Zimbabwean corporate setting at a time of major socio-economic transformation), it is hoped that this study will also be of value at an applicational level: serving for instance to support applied linguistic goals such as the development of Language for Specific Purposes courses; and conscientising corporate citizens, in particular, to be more accommodating about, and appreciative of differences in communication styles that may be gender-based. / Linguistics / D.Litt. et Phil. (Linguistics)

Language as an instrument of power

Maluleke, M.J. 28 February 2005 (has links)
no abstract available / Linguistics / M.A. (Sociolinguistics)

Language use in industry

Ribbens, Irene Rita 09 1900 (has links)
An immense degree of linguistic diversity exists in the work force where it is possible for speakers of twenty-three home languages to come into contact on the work floor. The language of management in industry is predominantly English; while supervisors are primarily English- or Afrikaans-speaking. Misinterpretation of speaker intent plays a significant role in communication breakdown that occurs when management or foremen/supervisors communicate directly with workers who do not understand the two erstwhile official languages sufficiently or not at all. Reagan ( 1 986) hypothesized that the greatest number of problems are caused by what might be termed mutual ignorance, rather than by language difficulties. The aim of the thesis was therefore to establish what constitutes the mutual ignorance that leads to misinterpretation of speaker intent. The Hymesian model, the ethnography of speaking, was used as a model for an analysis of sociolinguistic features in factories in the Pretoria-WitwatersrandVereeniging area. For data collection a process of triangulation was used and qualitative and quantitative methods used. The Free Attitude Interview technique was used for unstructured interviews. Other methods include observation, and elicitation procedures such as the Discourse Completion Test, which were used in structured interviews. Language preference, forms of address and politeness markers were examined. Findings revealed that the major differences were found to be in the area of non-verbal behaviour. Speakers of Afrikaans and English are, on the whole, unaware of politeness markers used by speakers of African languages. Afrikaans and English speakers are unaware of offensive non-verbal behaviour used by them. It is revealing that speakers of the official languages believe this to be the very area that makes communication possible, but it is the area in which they may cause offence. It was also found that speakers of African languages have adopted many of the features of the power dominant group at work. The findings of the research are important for the development of strategies for overcoming misinterpretation of speaker intent and negative stereotyping. This research was undertaken as part of the Human Sciences Research Council's programme entitled Language in the labour situation. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / D.Litt. et Phil. (Linguistics)

Afrikaans : 'n ideologiese besinning in 'n multilinguistiese Suid-Afrikaans bestel

De Wet, Johannes Petrus 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In this dissertation the ideology behind the debate on the position of Standard Afrikaans in the new, multilinguistic South African dispensation with eleven official languages is examined from a psycholinguistic perspective. The study concentrates on how ideology and power played and are still playing a role in the formation of the variety Standard Afrikaans. The study points out how historical and present-day philosophical, social and language-political considerations influenced the natural development of Afrikaans by advancing it in respect of status on the one hand and prejudicing it in respect of lexicon and corpus on the other hand. The mutual bond of Afrikaans and English as Germanic languages and the inherently hybrid nature of Afrikaans are highlighted. The study points out the artificial role of Eurocentrism and the ideal of "pure language" on perceptions and myths about Afrikaans, as well as the historical influence of the European heritage on Afrikaner thinking and the direct influence thereof on the appropriation of Afrikaans as a symbol and product of an exclusive, ethnical group. Classical perceptions and myths in respect of the origin of Afrikaans and the status of creole languages as opposed to so-called "pure" languages are queried. With reference to the results of the research the author reflects on the possibility of a paradigmatic shift in respect of Standard Afrikaans in its present format. Actual Afrikaans ("aktuele Afrikaans") as a basis for a generally accepted standard language is presented as a new concept. The author reflects on the internal and external desirability of a new approach to Afrikaans as the stimulus behind the survival and acceptance of Afrikaans as an intranational and international language of, inter alia, science, technology, philosophy and social interaction. Scientific arguments in respect of language change, language influencing, language diffusion and language fusion are advanced in this respect. / In hierdie proefskrif word die ideologie agter die debat oor Standaardafrikaans se posisie in die nuwe, multilinguistiese Suid-Afrikaanse bestel met elf amptelike tale vanuit 'n psigolinguistiese perspektief ondersoek. Daar word gekonsentreer op hoe ideologie en mag 'n rol in die vorming van die varieteit Standaardafrikaans gespeel het, en dit steeds doen. Daar word aangetoon hoe historiese en hedendaagse filosofiese, maatskaplike en taalpolitiese oorwegings die natuurlike ontwikkeling van Afrikaans bemvloed het deur dit onder andere enersyds statusgewys te bevoordeel en andersyds leksikaal en korpusgewys te benadeel. Die gemeenskaplike band van Afrikaans en Engels as Germaanse tale en die inherente hibridiese aard van Afrikaans word uitgelig. Daar word gewys op die kunsmatige rol wat Eurosentrisme en die strewe na "taalsuiwerheid" in opvattinge en mites oor Afrikaans gehad het, asook op die historiese invloed van die Europese erfenis op Afrikanerdenke en die indirekte invloed daarvan op die toe-eiening van Afrikaans as simbool en produk van 'n eksklusiewe, etniese groepering. Klassieke opvattinge en mites oor die ontstaan van Afrikaans en die status van kreoolse tale vergeleke met sogenaamde "suiwer" tale word bevraagteken. Na aanleiding van navorsingsresultate word daar besin oor 'n moontlike paradigmaverskuiwing ten opsigte van Standaardafrikaans in die huidige gedaante daarvan. Aktuele Afrikaans as 'n basis vir 'n algemeen aanvaarbare standaardtaal word as nu we konsep aangebied. Daar word besin oor die inteme en eksteme wenslikheid van 'n nuwe benadering tot Afrikaans as die stukrag vir die voortbestaan en aanvaarding .van Afrikaans as 'n intranasionale en intemasionale taal van, onder andere, die wetenskap, tegnologie, filosofie en sosiale omgang. Hiervoor word wetenskaplike argumente. / Afrikaans / D.Lit. et Phil.(Afrikaans)

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