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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Approche inclusive des langues en situation minoritaire : le cas de l'Ecosse / Inclusive approach to languages in a minority situation : the case of Scotland

Pedley, Malika 13 December 2018 (has links)
La catégorisation des langues en sociolinguistique est de plus en plus foisonnante et complexe. Si cette action permet de mieux caractériser les langues dans des contextes précis, elle engendre également une différenciation accrue au niveau des représentations collectives des langues. L’enjeu pour cette thèse est de démontrer la pertinence d’une approche inclusive des langues en contexte local, créant ainsi des liens entre des situations et des communautés linguistiques habituellement considérées comme séparées. Deux langues régionales ou minoritaires, le scots et le gaélique, sont reconnues en Ecosse, et des centaines d’autres langues sont pratiquées sur le territoire, dont le polonais, première langue parlée après l’anglais. Dans un contexte concomitant de Brexit et de volonté d’indépendance du Royaume-Uni, l’Ecosse affiche un discours positif à l’égard de la diversité croissante. En outre, un mouvement prend de l’ampleur visant à promouvoir le plurilinguisme et l’apprentissage des langues, afin de favoriser une sortie du monolinguisme en anglais. Une des stratégies consiste alors à valoriser les langues déjà présentes. L’enjeu sociolinguistique de cette thèse a été testé directement sur un projet qui s’inscrit dans cette stratégie, le concours de poésie multilingue Mother Tongue Other Tongue. Il propose aux enfants d’écoles primaires et secondaires écossaises de mettre à profit leur compétence plurilingue et pluriculturelle en arborant une langue de leur répertoire. Toutes les langues sont alors mises au même niveau, sans hiérarchie aucune. Nos analyses reposent sur deux corpus : les productions soumises au concours et les transcriptions d’entretiens menés auprès d’élèves participants. Les résultats montrent que l’expérience de Mother Tongue Other Tongue donne lieu à des changements dans les représentations vis-à-vis des langues présentes dans l’environnement de l’élève, convergeant alors vers une approche inclusive des langues, même si, en ce qui concerne l’apprentissage, celui-ci reste conscient de la valeur symbolique de chacune des langues. Le message que portent ces enfants doit être pris en considération afin d'élargir cette partie du champ d'application de la sociolinguistique. / Language categorization in sociolinguistics has become more and more abundant and complex. Whilst this action helps defining language characteristics in precise contexts, it also increases differences in how languages are perceived through collective social representations. The aim of this PhD is to show the relevance of an inclusive approach to languages in a local context, thus creating links between linguistic situations and communities commonly though apart. Two regional or minority languages have been recognized in Scotland, Scots and Gaelic, and hundreds of other languages are used, including Polish, the language mostly spoken after English. In the context of Brexit and movements for independence from the United Kingdom, Scotland displays a positive attitude in discourse regarding increasing diversity. Also, educational policies are currently promoting plurilingualism and language learning in order to put an end to English monolingualism. One of the strategies that is used is to value languages locally in use. The sociolinguistic issue of this PhD has been directly tested on a project which follows this strategy, the multilingual poetry competition Mother Tongue Other Tongue. It offers Scottish primary and secondary school pupils the opportunity to put in practice their plurilingual and pluricultural competence using a language of their repertoire. All languages are considered equal. Our analyses focus on two corpora: the productions submitted to the competition and transcripts of the interviews conducted with children who participated in this competition. The results show that the Mother Tongue Other Tongue experience changes children’s social representations of the languages of their environment, converging towards an inclusive approach to languages, even if they remain aware of the symbolic value of each language when it comes to choosing a language to learn. The message these children carry must be taken into consideration in this field of sociolinguistics.

Plurilinguisme et éducation en Inde : l’enseignement des langues et du français langue étrangère. Etude de cas à Chennai et Poudouchéry / Multilingualism and education in India : teaching of languages and French as a foreign language. A case study in Chennai and Puducherry.

Jeannot, Céline 13 December 2012 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche propose une approche croisée de la sociolinguistique et de la didactique des langues pour explorer l’enseignement des langues, et en particulier de l’anglais, du tamoul, de l’hindi et du français, en contexte indien. Il vise la compréhension d’enjeux globaux sur la gestion éducative du plurilinguisme en Inde tout en s’appuyant sur une étude de cas localisée à Chennai et Poudouchéry, dans le sud de l’Inde. Le questionnement retenu porte sur les liens de cohérence existant entre la situation sociolinguistique indienne, les politiques linguistiques éducatives et les pratiques et représentations des enseignants en rapport avec les langues et le plurilinguisme. La mise en relation de ces différents niveaux d’analyse s’opère par le biais d’une démarche de contextualisation permettant de mettre en évidence certaines spécificités du plurilinguisme social et individuel en Inde. Cette recherche questionne plus spécifiquement la place du français dans le panorama de l’enseignement des langues en Inde, ainsi que les modalités de son enseignement et les représentations qui y sont associées. L’étude des pratiques et représentations des enseignants de langue a fait l’objet d’une enquête de terrain menée dans des établissements scolaires de Chennai, à l’Alliance française de Madras (Chennai) et au Lycée français de Pondichéry (Poudouchéry). La réflexion menée débouche sur quelques perspectives pour une meilleure reconnaissance des pratiques plurilingues par l’école, et une véritable prise en compte des langues et variétés présentes dans l’environnement social. / The present work proposes a cross-approach of sociolinguistics and didactics to explore the teaching of languages, especially English, Tamil, Hindi and French, in the Indian context. The study aims at a better understanding of issues on educational management of multilingualism in India while relying on a case study located in Chennai and Puducherry (South India). The inquiry focuses on consistent links between the sociolinguistic situation of India, language education policies, and practices and perceptions of teachers in relation to languages and multilingualism. Linking these different levels of analysis occurs through a process of contextualisation that highlights some specificities of both social and individual multilingualism in India. The research questions more specifically the place of French in the panorama of language teaching in India, as well as related teaching methods and representations. The study of practices and representations of language teachers has been done through a field survey in schools in Chennai, at the Alliance française of Madras (Chennai) and at the Lycée français of Puducherry. This analysis leads to a few suggestions for a better recognition of multilingual practices by the school, so that languages and varieties of the social environment would be taken into account.

Pratiques stylistiques hétérogènes : analyse et réception des discours en milieu urbain contemporain norvégien / Contemporary language practices : discourse analysis and attitudes towards adolescents’ new speech style in multiethnic areas in Oslo, Norway

Harchaoui, Sarah 26 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les pratiques langagières hétérogènes d’une quarantaine d’adolescents originaires des quartiers multiculturels de la capitale norvégienne. Croisant une approche sociolinguistique, épistémologique et psychoculturelle, nous nous interrogeons sur les motivations sociales et individuelles du recours à des variables lexicales et syntaxiques jugées innovantes en norvégien. Notre recherche vise à démontrer que ces éléments linguistiques ne résultent pas d’un manque de compétences linguistiques, mais bien d’une variation stylistique à laquelle les locuteurs-individus ont recours en fonction d’une multitude de paramètres internes et externes à l’énonciation. L’analyse sociohistorique permet de replacer les locuteurs dans leur environnement local et de contextualiser leurs faits de langue. L’analyse linguistique s’appuie quant à elle sur des données écologiques recueillies dans le cadre du projet national UPUS (Utviklingsprosesser i urbane språkmiljø – Processus de développement linguistique en milieu urbain) mené entre 2006 et 2008 à Oslo. In fine la thèse propose d’envisager les pratiques stylistiques hétérogènes comme un champ de ressources non-fixes présent dans le répertoire d’individus aussi bien adolescents qu’adultes, issus des minorités comme de la majorité nationale dont le point commun n’est pas le partage d’une origine ethnique mais bien l’expérience conjointe de l’actuel milieu urbain contemporain. / This thesis provides a sociolinguistic analysis of Norwegian contemporary language practices among 41 adolescents all raised in multilingual and multicultural environments in the Eastern parts of Oslo. Based on a series of examples from the UPUS-Project (Utviklingsprosesser i urbane språkmiljø – Linguistic Development in Urban Environments), this work discusses social and individual motivations which lead speakers to use innovative lexical (including non-European loan words) and syntactic features in Norwegian. We argue that heterogeneous features do not result from a lack of language skills but rather are a part of a speech style thatspeakers activate depending on discursive settings. We also take into account the social and historical dimensions of Oslo in order to contextualize the language practices and to demonstrate how speakers during the life stage of adolescence make themselves heard on the local and global society. We suggest that this new speech style is not restricted to Oslo and adolescents speakers, but rather is a common resource for whoever wants to show solidarity toward the contemporary urban reality.

A escrita da mulher trabalhadora na imprensa operária brasileira da República Velha : a luta contra o enclausuramento e o preconceito linguístico

Boenavides, Débora Luciene Porto January 2018 (has links)
Questa tesi, che ha come base teorica la sociolinguistica storica, analizza il modo come la scrittura delle donne lavoratrici nella stampa operaia brasiliana della Prima Repubblica – República Velha (1889-1930) ha costituito un prodotto della realtà del tempo come pure ha inciso su quella realtà. A tale fine, si osservano le basi materiali nelle quali le lavoratrici di quel periodo storico operavano, cercando di descrivere il modo di produzione, i rapporti di produzione, i rapporti sociali nonché i vari ruoli sociali che quelle donne occupavano. Per primo è analizzato il confinamento di voci e idee come forma di politica linguistica imposta al proletariato dalla classe dominante nel Brasile della Prima Repubblica. Si difende l'idea che questa politica linguistica sia avvenuta attraverso pratiche che limitavano le possibili sfere discorsive accessibili alla classe lavoratrice, tra cui vanno citati la censura subita dalla stampa operaia in quel contesto storico, la disciplina imposta alla classe operaia e la colonizzazione delle donne lavoratrici, tramite molteplici discorsi dominanti sulla cosiddetta "questione femminile" e attraverso la presunta difesa del loro onore, realizzata mediante l'internamento delle giovani donne nei "conventi". Si esamina la politica di discriminazione linguistica, considerando due stereotipi sulla classe operaia, costruiti dal ceto dominante: quello di una classe di analfabeti e quello della donna “facile”. Infine, il rapporto tra le donne lavoratrici e la stampa operaia, la nuova possibile sfera discorsiva per quelle donne, viene analizzata mediante l'osservazione di questa sfera discorsiva, dei generi di discorsi che vi erano prodotti e degli enunciati delle donne lavoratrici in questa sfera. Tra le conclusioni dell'analisi, tre vanno evidenziate. La prima è che la stampa operaia in quanto sfera discorsiva non era egualitaria, nel senso che in essa, non vi era un'uguaglianza tra le voci maschili e femminili. La seconda è che i generi discorsivi prodotti dalle donne in questo campo erano costituiti perlopiù di lettere aperte, articoli e inviti e presentavano stili rivendicatori e/o argomentativi, al contrario di quelli prodotti dagli uomini, che di solito erano espositivi. L'ultima conclusione che possiamo trarre dall'analisi realizzata è che, da un punto di vista linguistico, gli enunciati prodotti dalle donne si contraddistinguevano da quelli degli uomini per l'uso della prima persona plurale, ancorché tale caratteristica non sempre significasse che le donne che l'usavano si considerassero parte del próprio discorso, ma piuttosto che erano consapevole di appartenere a quella classe e sapevano che solo con l'unione sarebbero potute emergere vittoriose dalle loro lotte. / Prenant comme base théorique la sociolinguistique historique, ce travail se propose de montrer que les écrits des ouvrières dans la presse brésilienne de la Première République – República Velha (1889-1930) ont constitué un reflet de la réalité de l'époque, de même qu'ils ont influencé cette réalité. Pour cela, nous observons les bases matérielles dans lesquelles les femmes ouvrières de cette période opéraient et tentons de décrire le mode de production, les rapports de production, les relations sociales de même que les divers rôles sociaux qu'elles ont occupés. Nous discutons d’abord la claustration des voix et des idées en tant que politique linguistique imposée au prolétariat par la classe dominante brésilienne de la Première République. Nous défendons l'idée que cette politique linguistique s’est réalisée au travers de pratiques qui limitaient les sphères discursives accessibles à la classe ouvrière, parmi lesquelles on compte la censure qu'a souffert la presse ouvrière dans ce contexte historique, la discipline imposée à la classe ouvrière et la colonisation des femmes travailleuses, par le moyen des différents discours de la classe dominante sur la soi-disant «question des femmes» et à travers la prétendue défense de leur honneur, faite par l'internement des jeunes femmes dans les «couvents». Nous discutons ensuite la politique de discrimination linguistique à travers la présentation critique de deux stéréotypes sur la classe ouvrière construits par la classe dominante: celui d'une classe composée d'analphabètes et celui de la femme “de mauvaise vie”. Finalement, la relation entre les travailleuses et la presse ouvrière, cette nouvelle sphère discursive possible pour ces femmes, est analysée par le biais de l'observation des aspects de cette sphère discursive, des genres de discours qui y étaient s produits et des déclarations des travailleuses dans ce domaine langagier. Trois des conclusions de cette analyse peuvent être mises en évidence. La première de ces conclusions est que la presse ouvrière, en tant que sphère discursive, n'était pas une sphère égalitaire, dans laquelle il y aurait eu un équilibre entre les voix masculines et féminines. La seconde déduction que l'on peut faire est que les genres discursifs produits par les femmes dans ce domaine consistaient systématiquement en lettres ouvertes, articles d'opinion et invitations et présentaient surtout des traits stylistiques argumentatifs et/ou revendicatifs, contrairement à ceux des hommes qui étaient habituellement expositifs. Finalement, on peut dire que les énoncés produits par des femmes étaient linguistiquement marqués par l'utilisation de la première personne du pluriel, sans que ce trait ne signifie nécessairement que les femmes qui l'utilisaient se considèrent parties prenantes de leurs discours, mais voulant dire qu'elles étaient conscientes d'appartenir à cette classe et qu'elles ne pourraient sortir victorieuses de leurs luttes qu'en restant unies. / Esta dissertação de mestrado, que tem como base teórica a sociolinguística histórica, tem como objetivo principal analisar como a escrita da mulher trabalhadora na imprensa operária brasileira da República Velha (1889-1930) refletiu e influenciou a realidade da época. Para isso, observa-se em que base as mulheres trabalhadoras deste período estavam inseridas, tentando-se, assim, descrever o modo de produção, as relações de produção, as relações sociais e, também, os diversos papeis sociais vivenciados por elas. Discute-se, primeiramente, o enclausuramento de vozes e de ideias enquanto política linguística imposta ao proletariado pela classe dominante no Brasil durante a República Velha. Defende-se a ideia que esta política linguística ocorreu através de práticas que limitavam as esferas discursivas possíveis à classe trabalhadora, entre elas, a censura que sofreu a imprensa operária nesse contexto histórico, o disciplinamento da classe trabalhadora e a colonização da mulher trabalhadora, através dos múltiplos discursos da classe dominante sobre a chamada “questão da mulher” e através da suposta defesa de sua honra, feita pelo internamento das moças nos “conventos”. Após, discorre-se sobre a política do preconceito linguístico, através da discussão sobre dois estereótipos da classe trabalhadora construídos pela classe dominante: o estereótipo de uma classe formada por analfabetos e o estereótipo da mulher prostituída. Por fim, analisa-se a relação entre mulher trabalhadora e imprensa operária, uma nova esfera discursiva possível a estas mulheres. São estudados os aspectos dessa esfera discursiva, os gêneros discursivos que nela são produzidos e os enunciados das mulheres trabalhadoras nessa esfera. Podem-se destacar três das conclusões a respeito da análise realizada. A primeira, que a imprensa operária enquanto esfera discursiva não foi uma esfera igualitária, em que houvesse equipolência entre as vozes masculinas e femininas. A segunda, que os gêneros discursivos produzidos por mulheres nesta esfera constantemente constituíam cartas abertas, artigos de opinião e convites com estilos reivindicatórios e/ou argumentativos, em oposição aos dos homens, que normalmente eram expositivos. A última, que os enunciados produzidos por mulheres eram linguisticamente marcados pelo uso da primeira pessoa do plural, mas que esta marca nem sempre significava que as mulheres que a usavam se incluíam em seus discursos, e sim que elas possuíam consciência de sua classe e sabiam que apenas com união poderiam sair vitoriosas de suas lutas. / This Masters dissertation, which has Historical Sociolinguistics as theoretical basis, analyses how the writing of the working woman in the Brazilian working press in the Old Republic (1889-1930) reflected and influenced the reality of the time. Therefore, it is observed in which base the working women were in this period, trying, this way, to describe the mode of production, the relations of production, the social relations and the different social roles lived by them. It is discussed, at first, the enclosure of the voices and the ideas whilst language policy imposed to the proletariat by the ruling class in Brazil during the Old Republic. It is defended the idea that this language policy occurred through the practices that limited the possible spheres of discourse to the working class, including the censorship that the working press suffered in this historic context, the disciplining of the working class and the colonization of the working woman, through the multiple discourses of the ruling class on the so-called “women question” and through the suppose defence of their honour, done through the confinement of the ladies in the “convent”. After that, it is expatiated about the policy of the linguistic discrimination, through the discussion about two stereotypes of the working class built by the ruling class: the stereotype of a class formed by illiterate people and the stereotype of the prostituted woman. At last, it is analysed the relation between the working woman and the working press, a new sphere of discourse possible to these women. It is studied the aspects of this sphere of discourse, the discursive gender produced on it and the utterance of the working women in this sphere. It is possible to highlight three of the conclusions about this analysis. The first, the working press whilst sphere of discourse was not an egalitarian sphere, in which there was equivalence between male and female voices. The second, the discursive gender produced by women in this sphere constantly built open letters, opinion articles and invitations with a claim or argumentative style, opposite the discourse produced by men, which normally were expositive. The last, the utterances produced by women were linguistically marked by the use of the first person of plural, although this mark did not always mean the women that used it included themselves in their discourses, instead, they were aware of their class and they knew only with union they could emerge victorious from their struggles.

TEORETICKÉ A METODOLOGICKÉ PROBLÉMY SOCIOLINGVISTICKÉ ANALÝZY KONVERZAČNÍCH MARKERŮ: BOLUDO V ARGENTINSKÉ ŠPANĚLŠTINĚ / Theoretical and Methodological Problems Related to a Sociolinguistic Analysis of Conversation Markers: boludo in Argentinian Spanish

ŠMÍDOVÁ, Markéta January 2019 (has links)
The dissertation thesis aims to identify and describe the key theoretical and methodological problems related to the study of conversation markers and to the collection of authentic data for such an analysis. To illustrate the whole research process, the Argentinian conversation marker boludo as a model example is used. The starting point of the analysis is located at the intersection of conversation analysis, discourse analysis and sociolinguistic paradigms, while taking into account the omnipresent background of pragmatics as well. We try to assess the contribution of such an interdisciplinary approach when studying conversation markers. As for the methodology, the thesis seeks to show what difficulties arise when carrying out a sociolinguistic research of conversation markers, which are understood as units typical of spontaneous conversation, i.e. without external manipulation, in comparison with the variationist research at other language levels. In addition, we also clarify why it is important to evaluate their character not only on the grounds of qualitative and functional perspective (in relation to analysing the socially-indexed interaction markers), but also quantitatively with regards to selected social variables that appear to be relevant for the recurrent use of the given marker. The outcome of the method assessment is an attempt to design a model approach to be applied in practice. In sum, the core of the research consists in analysing the Argentinian marker boludo from different perspectives; namely, within the pragmatic, functional-positional, interactional-sociolinguistic and variationist-sociolinguistic frameworks. Its nature is subsequently compared to the behaviour of another recurrent Argentinian conversation marker, che, since some authors regard them as equivalents. The analyses of naturally-occurring conversation data collected in situ are complemented by introspective judgements of several native speakers.


KELLY DAY 19 July 2005 (has links)
[pt] Declarado oficialmente como país multilíngüe e multicultural, o Brasil conforma em seu território diversas situaçoes de multilingüismo. Dentre as quais se inserem os contextos de fronteira, regiões que, na medida em que colocam frente a frente povos com línguas e culturas diferentes, são, por excelência, propícias para a eclosão do bilingüismo societal. Neste trabalho elaboramos um quadro sociolingüístico da fronteira franco-brasileira ( Oiapoque e Saint Georges ) tomando como base o contato entre povos de línguas distintas e o resultado desse contato na vida cotidiana dos habitantes de um lado e de outro da fronteira, correlacionamos as duas realidades e discutimos questões relativas as políticas lingüísticas presentes ou ausentes naquela região. / [en] Officially declared as a multilingual and multicultural country, Brazil has diverse multi-lingual situations in its territory. Within these we must add the context of the frontier, with regions that in the way they put people face to face with linguistic and cultural differences, are ripe for the exploitation of bilingual societies. In this work we will elaborate on a sociolinguistic portrait of the Franco- Brazilian frontier (Oiapoque and Saint Georges), taking as a base the contact between people with distinct languages and the result of this contact in the daily life of the inhabitants of one side or the other of the frontier, correlating the two realities and discussing questions relative to the linguistic politics present or absent in that region. / [fr] Le Brésil est officiellement un pays multilingue et multiculturel dont plusieurs situations de multilinguisme se présentent dans son territoire et parmi lesquelles se trouvent les situations frontalières. Des régions qu au fur et à mesure que mettent face à face des peuples de langues et cultures différentes, sont, par excellence, propre à l éclosion du multilinguisme. Dans ce travail on élabore un portrait sociolinguistique de la frontière franco- brésilienne (Oiapoque et Saint Georges de l Oyapock) prenant comme base le contact entre deux peuples de langues distinctes et les résultats de ce contact dans la vie quotidienne des habitants de l un et de l autre côté de la frontière, mettant en rapport également les deus réalités et mettant en évidence quelques questions relatives aux politiques linguistiques présentes ou absentes dans la région.

Gender-Related Terms in English Depositions, Examinations and Journals, 1670–1720

Lilja, Sara January 2007 (has links)
<p>This dissertation focuses on gender-related terms as well as adjectives and demonstratives in connection with these terms used in texts from the period 1670–1720. The material in the study has been drawn from both English and American sources and comes from three text categories: depositions, examinations and journals. Two of these text categories represent authentic and speech-related language use (depositions and examinations), whereas the third (journals) is representative of a non-speech-related, non-fictional text category. While previous studies of gender-related terms have primarily investigated fictional material, this study focuses on text categories which have received little attention so far. </p><p>The overarching research question addressed in this study concerns the use and distribution of gender-related terms, especially with regard to referent gender. Data analyses are both quantitative and qualitative, and several linguistic and extra-linguistic factors are taken into account, such as the semantic domain to which the individual gender-related term belongs, region of origin and referent gender. Adjectives and demonstratives collocating with the gender-related terms are also investigated, as previous research has shown that referent gender has an impact on the use of adjectives as well.</p><p>The results show that the use of gender-related terms is influenced by both region of origin and referent gender. It is suggested that this is due in part to the difference in nature between Early Modern English society and the early American colonies, and in part due to the social roles which men and women had. Referent gender also has an impact on the type of adjectives used in connection with gender-related terms: adjectives collocating with gender-related terms denoting men have positive connotations to a larger extent than do adjectives collocating with their female counterparts; meanwhile, gender-related terms denoting women tend to collocate with negative adjectives. </p>

Status & solidarity through codeswitching: three plays by Dolores Prida

Anderson, Sheri L. 30 September 2004 (has links)
This analysis employs the sociolinguistic framework of status and solidarity (Holmes, 2001) to examine the use of codeswitching on the relational development between the characters in three plays by Cuban-American playwright Dolores Prida. The three plays discussed are Beautiful Señoritas (1978), Coser y cantar (1981) and Botánica (1991). Linguistic scholars recognize the lack of linguistic analysis of literary texts; specifically, codeswitching at present is not fully explored as a linguistic phenomenon in written contexts. Furthermore, Prida's works have never before been appraised using linguistic methodology. Hence, this work aims to add to scholarly research in the fields of codeswitching, discourse analysis, and literary linguistics, using the status and solidarity framework to examine the codeswitching in Dolores Prida's plays. Dolores Prida is a feminist and Hispanic dramatist whose central theme is the search for identity of Hispanic immigrants, specifically women, in the United States today. Due to her ideological stance, it is expected that a strong emphasis on solidarity rather than status and the use of affective rather than referential speech functions are present in the relationships in her plays. Accordingly, the analysis of Botánica reveals that indeed codeswitching between the characters does affect their relational development in maintaining solidarity and intimacy. However, the relationships found in Beautiful Señoritas and Coser y cantar do not offer such conclusions, due to the variable nature of the relationships identified. Further analysis of these and other literary works will more accurately determine benefits of the status and solidarity framework as applied to the codeswitching research.

Migration for Education: Haitian University Students in the Dominican Republic

Miner, Jenny 01 April 2013 (has links)
Haitian university students represent a part of the increasing diversity of Haitian migrants in the Dominican Republic. Using an ethnographic approach, I explore university students’ motivations for studying in the Dominican Republic, their experiences at Dominican universities and in Dominican society, Haitian student organizations, and their future plans. Additionally, I focus on Haitian students’ experiences with discrimination and how they relate to other Haitian migrants in the Dominican Republic. I find that most students come to the Dominican Republic due to the difficulty of gaining entrance to affordable Haitian universities and logistical convenience. The university is a unique setting where Haitian and Dominican students are clearly peers, which results in increased interactions between the two groups and decreased discrimination towards Haitian students. However, Haitian students remain a relatively isolated group within the university and in the larger Dominican society. Many students reported experiencing discrimination, although students identified class, rather than race or nationality, as the main reason for discrimination. Furthermore, I focused on the role of language in migrants’ experiences. I found that while a high command of Spanish allowed migrants to avoid identification as Haitian and subsequent discrimination, Kreyòl was used as a resource to create solidarity and maintain cultural ties to Haiti. My research suggests that it is important to keep in mind the distinct notions of race and nationality in Haiti and in the Dominican Republic when considering contemporary struggles for the rights of Haitian migrants and their descendants in the Dominican Republic.


VERRECCHIA, ELISA CARLA BIANCA 18 April 2012 (has links)
La tesi presenta un’analisi sociolinguistica del ruolo delle lingue francese e italiano nel contesto dell’immigrazione, in particolare presso la comunità senegalese francofona immigrata a Brescia. Nella prima parte, il primo capitolo è dedicato al Senegal, che viene illustrato nei suoi tratti storici, etnici, culturali, religiosi e di cui viene descritto l’attuale quadro linguistico. Viene anche ricostruita l’evoluzione della diaspora senegalese in Europa e in Italia nelle sue diverse fasi. Il secondo capitolo si focalizza su Brescia, città d’elezione dei migranti senegalesi in Italia, a causa delle sue caratteristiche socio-economiche che la rendono territorio particolarmente adatto alla creazione di reti di solidarietà fra senegalesi e autoctoni. La seconda parte è interamente dedicata all’analisi sociolinguistica delle lingue in gioco in questo contesto d’immigrazione. L’indagine si basa su venti interviste fatte a un campione di senegalesi residenti a Brescia, dalle quali emergono le pratiche linguistiche e le rappresentazioni linguistiche dei soggetti rispetto alle lingue conosciute e parlate. Le conclusioni della tesi consistono in un bilancio d’insieme del lavoro svolto e in una rilettura del metodo adottato per la conduzione dell'inchiesta. / This thesis presents a sociolinguistic analysis of the role of French and Italian in the migration context, notably in the community of francophone Senegalese immigrants in Brescia. In the first part, the first chapter is dedicated to Senegal, which is described in its historical, ethnic, cultural, religious and linguistic features. The evolution of the Senegalese diaspora in Europe and Italy is also tackled in its different stages. The second chapter focuses on Brescia, elective hometown of the Senegalese in Italy, because of it socio-economic features which make it a territory particularly favorable to the creation of solidarity networks between Senegalese and Italians. The second part is entirely dedicated to the sociolinguistic analysis of the languages involved in this context. The survey is based on twenty interviews made with a sample of Senegalese immigrants in Brescia, from which the linguistic practices and representations of the subjects, about the languages known and spoken, emerge. In the conclusions of the thesis, a global view on the research carried out and on the method adopted for the survey will be given.

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