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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interação, autonomia e mediação tecnológica no ensino-aprendizagem de inglês como língua adicional

Cypriano, Ana Paula Tavares de Moraes Silva 13 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Fabiano Vassallo (fabianovassallo2127@gmail.com) on 2017-04-11T17:59:23Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Tese-AnaPaulaCypriano.pdf: 39989736 bytes, checksum: 2298172210f8f89db684123c7e7f938c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Josimara Dias Brumatti (bcgdigital@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-04-13T13:58:15Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Tese-AnaPaulaCypriano.pdf: 39989736 bytes, checksum: 2298172210f8f89db684123c7e7f938c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-13T13:58:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Tese-AnaPaulaCypriano.pdf: 39989736 bytes, checksum: 2298172210f8f89db684123c7e7f938c (MD5) / Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Centro de Educação e Humanidades. Rio de Janeiro, RJ / Este estudo tem como objetivo geral averiguar a contribuição da fala-em-interação institucional de uma docente na promoção da autonomia discente, do tipo reativa, em contextos mediados pelas novas tecnologias. Situa-se no contexto de ensino e aprendizagem de língua inglesa como língua adicional, em uma escola pública de ensino fundamental, localizada no município do Rio de Janeiro. Os dados foram coletados dentro da abordagem quali-quantitativa de pesquisa. Os instrumentos de pesquisa utilizados foram questionário, gravações em vídeo e áudio de aulas da professora, atividades produzidas pelos discentes, conversas em chat da rede social Facebook e entrevista estruturada. As análises foram feitas considerando-se o conceito de autonomia como sistema multifacetado, conceitos da Análise da Conversa Etnometodológica, e da Sociolinguística Interacional que servem de instrumentos para a análise da fala-em-interação institucional. Os resultados mostram que quando a fala-em-interação institucional leva em conta as várias facetas da autonomia, ela contribui positivamente para a promoção da autonomia discente, do tipo reativa, em ambientes mediados por novas tecnologia / This study aims to determine the contribution of a teacher’s institutional talk-in-interaction in promoting learner’s reactive type autonomy in technology-mediated learning contexts. Its context is related to teaching and learning English as an additional language in a public elementary school, in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro. Data were collected considering the qualitative and quantitative research approach. The research instruments used were questionnaire, recordings of the teacher’s classes, activities produced by students, interactions in Facebook chats and structured interviews. The data were analyzed considering the concept of autonomy as a multifaceted system, concepts of Conversation Analysis, and Interactional Sociolinguistics as tools for the analysis of institutional talk-in-interaction. The results show that when institutional talk-in-interaction takes into account the various facets of autonomy, it contributes positively to the promotion of student’s reactive type autonomy in technology-mediated learning contexts

Drivna män, dynamiska kvinnor? : Kontaktstrategier och könsassociationer i Nordnets platsannonser / Driven men, dynamic women? : Relationship building strategies and gender associations in Nordnet's job postings

Strandvall, Malin January 2013 (has links)
Studiens primära syfte är att undersöka hur målgruppen potentiellt framtida kvinnliga arbetssökande upplever det språkliga tilltalet i nätbanken Nordnets platsannonser. Hypotesen att det språkliga tilltalet i Nordnets platsannonser bär spår av manliga drag och attraherar män i högre utsträckning än kvinnor är en central utgångspunkt för undersökningen som görs. Ett sekundärt syfte med studien är även att ur språkvetenskapligt perspektiv undersöka hur de relationsskapande strategierna ser ut i fem slumpmässigt utvalda platsannonser från Nordnet. Studien utgår från frågeställningar som berör attityder till det språkliga tilltalet och hur platsannonsernas relationsskapande strategier associeras med manligt eller kvinnligt språk. Frågeställningarna besvaras med hjälp av två kvantitativa metoder: en enkätundersökning samt en textanalys, vars resultat legat till grund för enkätundersökningens utformning. 39 respondenter deltog i enkätundersökningen, varav 22 kvinnor och en kontrollgrupp på 17 män. Till grund för textanalysen låg fem slumpmässigt utvalda platsannonser från Nordnet. Studien har en sociolingvistisk ansats och bygger vidare på Gaucher, Friesen & Kays (2011) forskning om effekterna av könsbundna ord i platsannonser samt Xiaoli Fus (2012) forskning om platsannonsens kontaktskapande strategier. Resultaten från textanalyserna visar att de kontaktskapande strategierna i Nordnets platsannonser stämmer väl överens med tidigare forskning samt att användningen av olika attitydmarkörer och läsarinkluderande pronomen har en gynnsam effekt på målgruppen. Vidare talar resultaten för hypotesens förkastande - åtminstone vad gäller den undersökta gruppen - då merparten av de undersökta kvinnorna uppger sig vara lockade att söka en tjänst hos Nordnet och även upplever platsannonsens kontaktskapande strategier på ett positivt sätt. Inte heller uppgav de kvinnliga respondenterna att de associerade det språkliga tilltalet med manligt språk; tvärtom skattade männen i kontrollgruppen valda delar av platsannonsens språkliga tilltal som mera maskulint än kvinnorna. / The objective of this study is to investigate how a specific target group; potential, future female applicants, perceive the language in Nordnet’s job postings. The hypothesis that the language used in Nordnet’s job postings attracts men to a greater extent than women is a central starting point for the investigation. A secondary objective for the study is also to examine how the interactional metadiscourse, e.g. relationship building strategies, look like in five randomly selected job postings from Nordnet. The study is based on questions that apply to attitudes towards linguistic traits in the job postings and how the relationship building strategies is associated with masculinity or femininity. These questions are answered by two quantitative methods : a survey and a text analysis, the results of which formed the basis of the questionnaire survey design. 39 respondents participated in the survey, including 22 women and a control group of 17 men. The basis for text analysis were five randomly selected job postings from Nordnet. The study has a sociolinguistic approach and builds on Gaucher, Friesen & Kay's (2012) research on the effects of gendered wording in job postings and Xiaoli Fu's (2011) research on interactional metadiscourse in job postings. The results from the text analysis shows that the relationship building strategies of Nordnet’s job postings are consistent with previous research and the use of different attitude markers and reader-inclusive pronouns has a beneficial effect on the target audience. Furthermore, the results speak for hypothesis rejection - at least for the group studied – since most of the female participants claimed to be attracted to apply for a position within Nordnet and also experienced the job posting’s strategies in a positive way. Neither did the female participants associate the language with masculinity; on the contrary, instead the male participants rated selected parts of the job postings interactional metadiscourse as more masculine than the women did.

The Change and the Development of the Chinese Euphemisms : A Study Based on a Survey of the Use of Euphemisms byRespondents of Different Age Groups

Wang, Xun January 2017 (has links)
The Chinese euphemisms have aroused much interest of many researches due to its distinctive function and diversity. The choice and use of Chinese euphemisms are affected by many factors such as the Chinese traditional culture, social customs, people’s self-cultivation, the situation context and linguistic context of a conversation, etc. Hence, the progress of society, the development of technology and the renewing of the concept make up the dynamic characteristic of the Chinese euphemisms. However, most studies focus mainly on the vocabulary people use and their expressing habits and patterns, there are few studies focus on how Chinese euphemisms develop along with the times. Studies that shed light on how modern people use broad euphemisms and narrow euphemisms are even less. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to collect linguistic materials and design a questionnaire to make a survey on the current situation of using euphemisms by respondents of different age groups. The result of this survey shows that modern people are not only becoming less and less indirect in terms of the scope of using euphemisms, but also less and less tactful in terms of the vocabulary that they use. This phenomenon can be observed when people talk about topics such as death, disease, appearance, unemployment, marriage and privacy. Modern people tend to be relatively low decoratively worded. In other words, people are to some extent becoming less indirect and less tactful. This paper verifies the adaptability as well as the updating and upgrading of Chinese euphemisms. It also discusses the linguistic diversity of modern people in terms of using broad and narrow euphemisms under different contexts. This paper will not only help us to understand how Chinese language adapts to the change with the times, but also digs deeper into the great role that social culture plays in language development. / 汉语委婉语的功能鲜明、灵活多变,引起了很多研究的兴趣。汉语委婉语的选择和使用 受到中国的传统文化、社会风俗,人自身的修养内涵、情景和语境等多方面因素的影响,并伴 随着社会的发展、科技的进步、观念的转变而处于一个动态的变化过程。然而,目前的研究对 委婉语的词汇、表达方式及表达规律探讨的比较多,但是对汉语委婉语基于时代变化的研究则 较少,特别是对于在现代社会的日常交谈中,人们具体如何使用狭义和广义委婉语,以及探讨 他们在委婉语使用方面出现了哪些变化的研究则更少了。 因此,本论文旨在搜集语言素材并设计问卷,对不同年龄段的人委婉语的使用现状做一 个问卷调查。调查数据的结果表明,在现代社会的日常交谈中,不同年龄段的人使用汉语委婉 语的范围不仅缩小了,并且委婉程度也有一定的降低。具体体现为在死、病、相貌、 失业、 婚姻、隐私等话题下,人们现在倾向于使用修饰性较低,或者说委婉程度较低的委婉语。 本论文验证了委婉语的顺应性和更新替代性,并具体阐述了在现代社会的日常交谈中, 不同年龄段的人在不同语境下对广义和狭义委婉语选择的多样性。因此,本论文不仅有助于理 解汉语随时代变迁发展变化的趋势,也有助于更深入的理解社会文化在语言发展中发挥的巨大 作用。

Die invloed van die spraakbenadering van onderwys vir dowe kinders op die maatskaplike funksionering van die dowe

Heyns, Mimi January 1982 (has links)
From Introduction: Gehoor speel 'n belangrike rol in die leerproses, in aanpassing by die omgewing asook in aanpassing by sosiale omstandighede. Gehoorverlies plaas die individu in 'n situasie van vereensaming, veroorsaak deur 'n beperktheid in kommunikasievermoë. (Roux, 1979:1) Dr Roux, Direkteur van Gesondheidsdienste van die Departement van Gesondheid, Welsyn en Pensioene, het tydens die Goue Jubileum-Kongres van die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Raad vir Dowes daarop gewys dat gehoorverlies vandag meer Amerikaners affekteer as hartsiektes, kanker, blindheid, tuberkulose, veneriese siektes, sklerose en niersiektes tesame. (Roux, 1979:1) In Suid-Afrika word beraam dat 0,06% van aIle babas totaal doof gebore word en dat die aantal persone met ernstige gehoorprobleme, volgens die skatting van die Departement van Gesondheid, Welsyn en Pensioene, 65 000 beloop. Hierdie getal sluit Swartes uit. (Roux, 1979:1) ... Die probleem van doofheid is kompleks en soms so ingewikkeld dat dit te betwyfel is of die horende individu die omvang daarvan begryp en insig in die situasie van die dowe kan ontwikkel. Empatie met die dowe en begrip vir sy leefwêreld is vir die horende persoon problematies. 'n Wêreld sonder klank is moeilik om te visualiseer en 'n wêreld sonder taal lê buite die begripsvermoë van die horende. Daar bestaan op velerlei gebiede verwarring ten opsigte van die dowe. Die horende persoon besef gewoonlik dat daar 'n eiesoortige wêreld van ervaring en denke vir die dowe is anders as die van die horende, maar begrip vir die omvang van die andersheid van die dowe ontbreek.

Gramática tanimuka, una lengua de la Amazonía colombiana / Grammaire de la langue tanimuka, Amazonie colombienne / Grammar of the Tanimuka language, Colombian Amazon

Eraso, Natalia 27 May 2015 (has links)
Cette grammaire du tanimuka, langue tucano d’Amazonie colombienne, s’organise en quatre parties. La première partie, ‘le tanimuka : la langue et ses locuteurs’, est divisée en trois chapitres (1 à 3), qui établissent le profil sociolinguistique de la langue, et décrivent les conditions d’enquête de terrain. La deuxième partie, divisée en deux chapitres (5 et 6), présente une description de la phonologie et morphophonologie de la langue, avec une description du phénomène d’épenthèse syllabique dans le verbe. La troisième partie (chapitres 7 et 8) présente d’abord une étude générale de la grammaire au niveau morphosyntaxique et syntaxique, puis une étude thématique approfondie des systèmes de classification nominale : genre et classificateurs numéraux. La quatrième partie, divisée en trois chapitres (9 à 11), se concentre sur le domaine de l’expression spatiale, omniprésente dans la langue. Le premier chapitre présente l’inventaire de tous les éléments de l’expression spatiale de la langue. Le deuxième décrit le fonctionnement des verbes de postures et des positionnels dans les constructions locatives de base de prédicats de base simple ou complexe (séries verbales). Le troisième est dédié à l’étude de l’expression de la trajectoire. La thèse se termine par trois annexes : une présentation des stimuli visuels créés pour les enquêtes sur les verbes locatifs de posture et les positionnels, une étude sur le système de numération traditionnel du tanimuka, et la transcription d’une histoire de tradition orale ‘La tortue de terre Parekika’, glosée et traduite. / This grammar of Tanimuka, a Tucanoan language of the Colombian Amazonian area, is organized in four parts. The first part, ‘Tanimuka : the language and its speakers’, is divided into three chapters (1 to 3), which establish the sociolinguistic profile of the language and describe the fieldwork conditions. The second part, divided into two chapters (5 and 6), presents a description of the phonology and morphophonology of the language, with a study of the phenomenon of syllabic epenthesis in the verb. The third part (chapters 7 and 8) begins with a general study of the morphosyntactic and syntactic levels, followed by an in-depth study of the noun classification systems: gender and numeral classifier. The fourth part (chapters 9 to 11) focuses on the expression of space, omnipresent in the language. The first chapter presents an inventory of all the elements that express the domain of space in the language. The second provides a detailed analysis of postures and positional verbs in basic locative construction of simple or complex predicates (serial verb constructions). The final chapter is dedicated to the study of the expression of the Trajectory category. The dissertation ends with three annexes, which present, in turn, the visual stimuli created for the investigation of locative verbs of posture and position, a study of the traditional system of numeration and the transcription of a history of oral tradition: 'The tortoise Parekika', glossed and translated.

Histoire externe de la langue française au Maroc de 1912 jusqu'à nos jours

El Couri, Mostapha January 2000 (has links)
Doctorat en philosophie et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Les contacts hispano-marocains et le phénomène de l'emprunt linguistique: le cas de Tanger

Chebaa, Abdelouahid January 1998 (has links)
Doctorat en philosophie et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Rappers and linguistic variation : a study of non-standard language in selected Francophone rap tracks

Verbeke, Martin R. J. January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines the use of non-standard language, more specifically non-standard vocabulary (i.e. slang, verlan, colloquialisms, vulgarities, foreign borrowings, and abbreviations), in a corpus of selected francophone rap tracks in order both to quantify its use and to investigate what determines its variation, focusing on the impact of diachronic, diatopic, gender and diaphasic determinants. The methodology relies on a lexicographic analysis to produce quantitative results which are then analysed qualitatively by means of extract analyses and semi-structured interviews with francophone rappers. To answer the research questions, the thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter presents the aforementioned methodology and the overall quantitative results from the thesis, while also introducing the notion of variation, which is then tackled in the last four chapters. The second chapter investigates diachronic determinants from two perspectives: different generations of rappers (1990/1991, 2001 and 2011) and one artist throughout his career (Akhenaton in 1991, 2011 and 2011). The third chapter looks at diatopic determinants, analysing the impact of ethnic and spatial origins. Three ethnic origins are compared (rappers of French, Algerian and Senegalese origin), together with three cities (Marseille, Paris and Brussels) and three departments (Hauts-de-Seine, Seine-Saint-Denis and Val-de-Marne). The fourth chapter focuses on gender determinants, with a comparison of male versus female rappers that also takes broader gender performativity into account. Finally, the fifth chapter examines the impact of diaphasic determinants. It analyses three rap genres (jazz/poetic, ego trip and knowledge rap), which then form the foundation for qualitative discussions of the effect of aesthetics, figures of speech, themes and performance. In conclusion, the contribution to knowledge of this work is the observation that the main determinant of high use of non-standard vocabulary is the performance of modern ego trip. The other determinants do not impact non-standard vocabulary to the same extent quantitatively or systematically, due to the complexity of the contextual and fluid identity performances involved with these determinants.

Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale: A Charismatic Authority and His Ideology

Cibotti, John P 22 March 2017 (has links)
Sikh leader Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale’s militant and masculinist discourses were embraced by Punjabi Sikhs because of his presence as a charismatic authority, a concept first developed by sociologist Max Weber to understand the conditions surrounding and personal qualities of a figure which attracts followers. The rebellion he led in Punjab resulted from his radical exploitation of issues concerning the Sikh community. Religion was wielded as a tool, legitimizing Sikh violence as commanded by the Gurus. Radical interpretations of Sikh scripture and folklore were initially preached to rural, less educated crowds. While his sermons brought out their frustrations with the government, his charisma allowed him to manipulate young men, his largest demographic of supporters, into embracing violence. This study analyzes Bhindranwale from the perspective of the people that supported him. By identifying multiple social factors through which to understand Bhindranwale’s reign, this study exhibits his importance in understanding Sikhism in Modern India.

Transnational Compositionality and Hemon, Shteyngart, Díaz; A No Man's Land, Etc.

Miner, Joshua D. 08 1900 (has links)
Contemporary transnational literature presents a unique interpretive problem, due to new methods of language and culture negotiation in the information age. The resulting condition, transnational compositionality, is evidenced by specific linguistic artifacts; to illustrate this I use three American novels as a case study: Nowhere Man by Aleksandar Hemon, Absurdistan by Gary Shteyngart, and The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Díaz. By extension, many conventional literary elements are changed in the transnational since modernity: satire is no longer a lampooning of cultures but a questioning of the methods by which humans blend cultures together; similarly, complex symbolic constructions may no longer be taken at face value, for they now communicate more about cultural identity processes than static ideologies. If scholars are to achieve adequate interpretations of these elements, we must consider the global framework that has so intimately shaped them in the twenty-first century.

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