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BSR Prestandaverktyg / BSR Performance tool : Prestandamätning via diagnosuttag över CAN / Performance measure via diagnostic socket over CANSjöberg, Andreas January 2009 (has links)
This abstract describes the bachelor degree thesis in computer technology at Växjö University. The company BSR in Växjö has requested an application that can measure a cars performance, with attributes like acceleration times and engine power estimation. The communication between car and computer is via the USB port on the computer and the OBD-II socket on the car with the network protocol CAN, controller area network. Cars from VAG have been the primary focus group and the application has been tested on a Volkswagen Passat CC from 2009. The system is developed in the programming language C# in the environment Visual Studio with the framework .NET. This report describes the network protocol CAN, which is an essential part in understanding how thecommunication works. Also approach, analyze and implementation is described. / Denna rapport beskriver ett examensarbete för högskoleingenjörsexamen i datorteknik vid Växjö universitet. Företaget BSR i Växjö har önskat ett program som kan mäta en bils prestanda, med attribut som accelerationstider och effektuppskattning. Kommunikationen mellan bil och dator sker via USB-port på datorn och OBD-II-uttag på bilen med protokollet CAN, controller area network. Bilar från VAG har i första hand varit målgruppen och programmet har testats på en Volkswagen Passat CC från 2009. Systemet har utvecklats i programspråket C# och i utvecklingsmiljön Visual Studio med ramverket .NET. Rapporten beskriver nätverksprotokollet CAN, vilket är en väsentlig del i att förstå hur kommunikationen går till. Även tillvägagångssätt, analys och implementering beskrivs.
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Bestimmung der relativen Kieferknochendichte mittels digitalen Messverfahrens nach Defektauffüllungen mit ß-TCP unter Berücksichtigung der klinischen Verläufe / Determination of the relative bone density in jaws by using a digital measurement method after augmentation with ß-TCP considering clinical follow-upBlem, Galina 07 March 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Generátor nelegitimního síťového provozu / Generator of illegitimate network trafficBlažek, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the problems of DoS/DDoS attacks and development of a tool, in C lanugage, for generating them. In the first chapter the principles of DoS attacks targeting the internet and transport layers of ISO/OSI model are described and also according to their characteristics divided. Selected attacks on the application layer are also described here in detail togehter with protocols which they are based on. In the following chapter there has been created a comparison of freely available tools, which could be used as a attack generators. The practical part is dedicated to a development of a tool for DoS attacks, especially design, general description and usage. Further there is a summary of the newly created library, including results of web server testing, and extensions of a web interface, which is part of the developed tool.
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A Modular Driver for DSP Hardware and Linux 2.6Neubert, Tobias 14 December 2006 (has links)
This diploma thesis discusses the porting of a device driver for DSP development boards.
Initially, there was an older version for Linux Kernel 2.4, that should be ported to the
new version 2.6. Thereby, the structure had to be redesigned in terms of a simplification
and a functional enhancement. One of the basic changes was to remove the necessity of
a talker on DSP side from the design.
The resulting driver consists of a generic module and several hardware dependent
modules, one for every supported DSP board. Besides the generic driver, chip drivers for
TI EVM C62 and ATEME NVDK C64 have been implemented. Since the representation
in the file system is a character device, the system call API serves as standard user
interface. Additionally, Sys FS is used to make driver controls and hardware registers.
directly accessible. Another new feature is the possibility of handling data streams,
which are often produced by DSP programs as output. So a mechanism for asynchronous
data communication was needed. The netlink sockets provide this functionality and are
therefore used by the driver. / Das Thema dieser Diplomarbeit ist die Portierung eines Gerätetreibers für DSP Entwicklerboards. Ausgangspunkt war ein alter Treiber für Linux Kernel 2.4, welcher für den neuen Kernel 2.6 angepasst werden sollte. Dabei sollte die Struktur vereinfacht und die Funktionalität erweitert werden. Wichtigste Änderung war es, den Treiber unabhängig von einem Talker auf DSP-Seite zu machen.
Der entstandene Treiber besteht aus einem generischen Modul und verschiedenen Hardware abhängigen Modulen, eins für jedes unterstützte Board. Es entstanden somit Treiber für das TI EVM C62 und das ATEME NVDK C64. Als Nutzer Interface dient das System Call API, die Representation des Treibers im System ist eine Gerätedatei. Zudem wird die Verwendung des SysFS für den Zugriff aud Treiber Einstellungen und Hardware Register gezeigt. Ein weitere Funktion bietet die Möglichkeit, Datenströme zwischen DSP und Linux-User zu übermitteln. Diese asynchrone Datenkommunikation wird mit Netlink Sockets realisiert.
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Síťový interface k detektoru klíčových slov / Network Interface for Keyword Spotting SystemSkotnica, Martin Unknown Date (has links)
A considerable part of the research in computer science is dedicated to speech recognition as the speech-controlled systems become useful in many applications. One of them is the keyword spotting which makes possible to find words in audio data. Such a detector is developed at BUT Faculty of Information Technology. The goal of this work is to propose a network interface to this keyword detector based on client/server architecture. Client connects to the server and sends audio data. Server runs keyword detector with this received data and sends the result of keyword spotting back to client. Finally client visualizes the result and interact with user.
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Embedded Communication Channel for Node Communication in WDM NetworksRosén, Anders January 2015 (has links)
Optical Transport Network is a set of Optical Network Elements (NE) connected by optical fiber links able to provide support for optical networking using Wavelength-Division Multiplexing (WDM). In order to be able to introduce link-level applications that require NE-to-NE communication in a packet-optical network, an embedded communication channel is needed. Examples of such applications are dual-ended protection, remote configurationand path trace. By implementing a NE-to-NE communication channel, the exchange of commands and information will allow for implementation of applications that will increase the data link stability in the network. The purpose of this work has been to prove the feasibility of such a channel. This thesis discusses the possibilities of implementing such a channel adjusted to Transmode's layer 1 products without causing disturbance inthe regular traffic or affecting any existing embedded communication. It also proves the channels function in a proof-of-concept manner by demonstrating a simple Path trace application run upon an implementation of the channel on hardware. The chosen solution is an Embedded Communication Channel driver intended to provide termination points for an Embedded Communication Channel (ECC), supervising the connectivity of the channel and relay messages to applications. This thesis project has been carried out at Infinera Corporation (earlier Transmode Systems AB) during summer/autumn 2015.
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Evaluation and Implementation of Substitute Materials for Sustainable Prosthetic Limb SocketsMahdi, Ibrahim, Dirir, Osman January 2024 (has links)
This bachelor's thesis was a collaboration with Lindhe Xtend AB and covered up to find asubstitute material for the prosthetic socket. It was a concept of design on how to evenlydistribute force/pressure around the residual limb on the socket. The project employed amethodical material selection process using Granta EduPack, which involved translatingrequirements, screening, ranking materials, and deepening the investigation through simulationand physical testing. Polylactic Acid (PLA) infused with 30% mineral content emerged as themost suitable material due to its mechanical properties, cost-efficiency, and lowerenvironmental impact. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and compression tests confirmed thematerial's strength, durability, and comfort under various loads. The results demonstrated thatthe PLA-based material is suitable for practical prosthetic applications. Additionally, the projecthighlighted the benefits of 3D printing technology in improving the accessibility andsustainability of prosthetic devices.
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Manobra de Chompret: alterações dimensionais alveolares vestíbulo palatinas em regiões homólogas que foram submetidas a exodontia / Chomprets manouver: dimensional differences on bucco-palatal measurements in homologues sites submitted to teeth extractionHanna, Leandro Botelho 15 June 2011 (has links)
A exodontia é o procedimento cirúrgico odontológico bastante praticado pelo Cirurgião Dentista clínico geral e pelo especialista quando, por diversos motivos, o elemento dentário necessita ser avulsionado. Atualmente a literatura ressalta enfaticamente a importância da preservação do rebordo alveolar durante o planejamento cirúrgico da exodontia, no que tange ao uso de técnicas cirúrgicas minimamente traumáticas, bem como o tratamento dado ao alvéolo fresco. Este estudo caso controle verifica variações das dimensões alveolares horizontais em alvéolos de dentes homólogos anteriores superiores, onde se realizou a manobra de Chompret (controle) e alvéolos onde esta não foi realizada (teste), ao final de um intervalo de sete dias pós operatórios, e conclui que há uma alteração dimensional média de 6,2% em espessura na parte coronária do alvéolo (p=0,003), quando se faz a manobra, também conhecida por compressão alveolar bidigital pós exodontia. O paciente necessita e deve ser reabilitado para que possa, dentro dos limites protéticos, voltar a ter suas funções mastigatória, estética e dictiva restauradas, o que nos compromete a espoliar ao mínimo suas estruturas ósseas remanescentes. / Tooth extraction is a surgical dental procedure always performed by general dentists and specialists when a tooth requires extraction, by several causes. Actually dental literature enphasizes alveolar ridge preservation importance during surgical planning to teeth extraction considering minimally traumatic surgical skill and the treatment gave to fresh socket. This case control study verifies horizontal alveolar dimensions in homologues upper anterior tooth extracted alveoli, in which Chomprets maneuver, known by post-extraction alveolar compression, was performed (Control) and alveoli in which this one was not performed (Test), in a post-operative seven days gap of time, and concludes that there is width dimensional difference of 6,2% in the alveolus coronary section (p=0.003) when the maneuver is done. Patients must be rehabilited to can, inside prosthetics limits, to chew, to speak, to smile, to get aesthetics, what compromises us to prevent damages to remaining bone structures during tooth extraction and post-extraction socket procedures.
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Achieving New Standards in Prosthetic Socket ManufacturingGharechaie, Arman Tommy, Darab, Omid January 2019 (has links)
Preface: The research about product development of a prosthetic socket was conducted by two students from Mälardalen University, department of Innovation, Design, and Technology. Background: The most recent public survey shows that an estimated 5 million people in China are amputees, out of which a significantly large portion are below-elbow amputees. Sockets sold to below-elbow amputees are equipped with only two surface electromyography sensors, has low comfortability, has problems with perspiration, and a high weight. The current standard for socket manufacturing has not changed in decades. Research Questions: The following research questions have determined the direction of the research: (1) What measurable factors contribute to a convenient and ergonomic feature design in prosthetic socket from the end-user’s perspective? (2) How can the weight and functionality be improved to achieve a prosthetic socket more suited to the end-user, with respect to the existing prosthetic socket? (3) Which material and manufacturing method is suitable for producing cost-effective and customized prosthetic sockets? Research Method: The research was guided by the 5th edition of Product Design and Development by Ulrich & Eppinger (2012) where the product development process described in five of the six phases from planning to test and refinement were utilized. The data collection and analysis techniques performed in this research was guided by Research Methods for Students, Academics and Professionals by Williamson & Bow (2002). Interviews were conducted with five different stakeholders to find specifications of requirements and concretize subjectivism of what defines quality and ergonomics. Implementation: Currently, below-elbow amputees order sockets from orthopedic clinics. The socket was identified as a product of Ottobock. Investigations were made to find optimal solutions to the specification of requirements. Results: The development of a socket concept was designed for additive manufacturing using a multi-jet fusion printer. Analysis: This concept had significant improvements to parameters: higher grade of customizability, 30 % reduced weight, 48 % cost reduction, a new production workflow with 93,5 % automation, and a 69 % reduction in manual work hours. Conclusions: The data of the research strongly indicate existing potentials in enhancing socket design techniques and outputs by implementation of additive manufacturing processes. This can prove to be beneficial for achieving more competitive prosthetics and associated services. / Förord: Denna forskning om produktutvecklingsprocessen av en armprotes genomfördes av två studenter från Mälardalens universitet, avdelningen för innovation, design och teknik. Bakgrund: Den senaste offentliga undersökningen visar att cirka 5 miljoner människor i Kina är amputerade, varav en betydligt stor del är under-armbågsamputerade. Armproteser som säljs till underarmsamputerade individer är utrustade med endast två yt-elektromyografiska sensorer, har låg komfort, har problem med perspiration och hög vikt. Den nuvarande standarden för armproteser har inte förändrats under årtionden. Forskningsfrågor: Följande forskningsfrågor har bestämt riktningen för forskningen: (1) Vilka mätbara faktorer bidrar till en praktisk och ergonomisk funktionsdesign i underarmsproteser ur slutanvändarens perspektiv? (2) Hur kan vikten och funktionaliteten förbättras för att åstadkomma en underarmsprotes som är bättre anpassad för slutanvändaren med avseende på den befintliga underarmsprotesen? (3) Vilket material och tillverkningsmetod är lämpligt för att producera kostnadseffektiva och anpassade underarmsproteser? Forskningsmetod: Forskningsmetoden styrdes av den femte upplagan av Product Design and Development av Ulrich & Eppinger (2012) där produktutvecklingsprocessen är uppdelad i sex faser. I denna forskning användes de fem första faserna från planering till testning och justering. Tekniker för datainsamling och analys som användes i denna forskning styrdes av Research Methods for Students, Academics and Professionals av Williamson & Bow (2002). Intervjuer genomfördes med fem olika intressenter för att hitta kravspecifikationer och för att konkretisera subjektivitet för vad som definierar kvalitet och ergonomi. Implementering: Underarmsamputerade individer beställer för närvarande armproteser från ortopediska kliniker. Armprotesen identifierades som en produkt av Ottobock. Undersökningar gjordes för att hitta optimala lösningar för kravspecifikationen. Resultat: Konceptutvecklingen av en armprotes utformades för additiv tillverkning med hjälp av en multi-jet-fusion-skrivare. Analys: Det här konceptet hade betydande förbättringar av parametrar: högre grad av anpassningsbarhet, 30 % minskad vikt, 48 % kostnadsreduktion, ett nytt produktionsflöde med 93,5 % automatisering och en 69 % minskning av manuella arbetstider. Slutsatser: Data från denna forskning indikerar att det finns starkt potential för att förbättra designtekniker och utgångar av underarmsproteser genom implementering av additiva tillverkningsprocesser. Detta kan visa sig vara fördelaktigt för att uppnå mer konkurrenskraftiga proteser och tillhörande tjänster.
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Manobra de Chompret: alterações dimensionais alveolares vestíbulo palatinas em regiões homólogas que foram submetidas a exodontia / Chomprets manouver: dimensional differences on bucco-palatal measurements in homologues sites submitted to teeth extractionLeandro Botelho Hanna 15 June 2011 (has links)
A exodontia é o procedimento cirúrgico odontológico bastante praticado pelo Cirurgião Dentista clínico geral e pelo especialista quando, por diversos motivos, o elemento dentário necessita ser avulsionado. Atualmente a literatura ressalta enfaticamente a importância da preservação do rebordo alveolar durante o planejamento cirúrgico da exodontia, no que tange ao uso de técnicas cirúrgicas minimamente traumáticas, bem como o tratamento dado ao alvéolo fresco. Este estudo caso controle verifica variações das dimensões alveolares horizontais em alvéolos de dentes homólogos anteriores superiores, onde se realizou a manobra de Chompret (controle) e alvéolos onde esta não foi realizada (teste), ao final de um intervalo de sete dias pós operatórios, e conclui que há uma alteração dimensional média de 6,2% em espessura na parte coronária do alvéolo (p=0,003), quando se faz a manobra, também conhecida por compressão alveolar bidigital pós exodontia. O paciente necessita e deve ser reabilitado para que possa, dentro dos limites protéticos, voltar a ter suas funções mastigatória, estética e dictiva restauradas, o que nos compromete a espoliar ao mínimo suas estruturas ósseas remanescentes. / Tooth extraction is a surgical dental procedure always performed by general dentists and specialists when a tooth requires extraction, by several causes. Actually dental literature enphasizes alveolar ridge preservation importance during surgical planning to teeth extraction considering minimally traumatic surgical skill and the treatment gave to fresh socket. This case control study verifies horizontal alveolar dimensions in homologues upper anterior tooth extracted alveoli, in which Chomprets maneuver, known by post-extraction alveolar compression, was performed (Control) and alveoli in which this one was not performed (Test), in a post-operative seven days gap of time, and concludes that there is width dimensional difference of 6,2% in the alveolus coronary section (p=0.003) when the maneuver is done. Patients must be rehabilited to can, inside prosthetics limits, to chew, to speak, to smile, to get aesthetics, what compromises us to prevent damages to remaining bone structures during tooth extraction and post-extraction socket procedures.
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