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Physical properties and crystallization of theophylline co-crystalsZhang, Shuo January 2010 (has links)
<p>This work focuses on the physical properties and crystallization of theophyline co-crystals. Co-crystals of theophylline with oxalic acid, glutaric acid and maleic acid have been investigated.</p><p>The DSC curves of these co-crystals show that their first endothermic peaks are all lower than the melting temperature of theophylline. The decomposition temperature of theophylline – oxalic acid co-crystal is at about 230 °C, determined by DSC together with TGA. After decomposition, the remaining theophylline melts at about 279 °C, which is higher than the known melting temperature of theophylline, suggesting a structure difference, ie. a new polymorph may have been formed. The formation of hydrogen bonds in theophylline – oxalic acid co-crystal was investigated by FTIR. Changes of FTIR peaks around 3120 cm<sup>-1</sup> reflects the hydrogen bond of basic N of theophylline and hydroxyl H of oxalic acid. The solubility of theophylline – oxalic acid co-crystal and theophylline – glutaric acid co-crystal was determined in 4:1 chlroform – methanol and in pure chloroform respectively. At equilibrium with the solid theophylline – oxalic acid co-crystal, the theophylline concentration is only 60 % of the corresponding value for the pure solid theophylline. At equilibrium with the solid theophylline – glutaric acid co-crystal, the theophylline concentration is at least 5 times higher than the corresponding value for the pure solid theophylline. Two phases of theophylline were found during the solubility determination. In the chloroform – methanol mixture (4:1 in volume ratio) the solubility of the stable polymorph of theophylline is found to be about 14 % lower than that of the metastable phase. Various aspects of the phase diagram of theophylline – oxalic acid co-crystal was explored.</p><p>Theophylline – oxalic acid co-crystal has been successfully prepared via primary nucleation from a stoichiometric solution mixture of the two components in chloroform – methanol mixture. By slurry conversion crystallization, the co-crystal can be prepared in several solvents, and yield and productivity can be significantly increased. Theophylline – glutaric acid can be successfully prepared via both co-grinding of the two components and slow evaporation with seeding.</p> / QC20100608
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Optimering av den kemiska reningen vid Fläskebo deponi / Optimization of the Chemical Treatment at Fläskebo LandfillNilsson, Anna January 2006 (has links)
<p>Landfill leachate contains a variety of contaminants and is created when rainwater percolates the landfill. For landfill management the leachate is the main issue that can cause problems to the environment. At the landfill of Fläskebo, Renova AB treats the leachate in a local treatment plant. The treatment consists of a chemical treatment step with chemical precipitation, flocculation, sedimentation and filtration, and a final step with a carbon and peat filter. Renova has to ensure that the condition of the leachate reaches the regulation set for the landfill before it is released to the recipient. This regulation has not yet been established and a final suggestion will be given to the county administrative board in spring 2006.</p><p>In this master thesis the chemical treatment of Fläskebo is optimized. A comparison between the control program and the regulation was made to estimate the contamination of the leachate. Also the effectiveness of the two steps is evaluated. For optimization, the leachate was first tested in a laboratory with different coagulants and flocculants.</p><p>The purpose was to increase the precipitation of particles and metals; arsenic, cadmium, chromium, mercury, lead, copper, nickel and zinc through sweep floc coagulation and hydroxide precipitation. After the laboratory tests the precipitation was tested in the treatment plant with higher pH and coagulant. Also the process control for sodium hydroxide was examined.</p><p>The leachate had a small content of organic matter and nutrients, but had a large content of halogenated substances (AOX) and the heavy metals nickel and copper. High concentrations of contaminants were reduced better than low concentrations in the two treatment steps. The carbon and peat filter material also caused an increase of the arsenic content in the leachate after filtration. From the laboratory work the results showed a better reduction of metals with iron-chloride, PlusJÄRN and the anjonic polyacrylamid, Fennopol A. Because of the high content of chloride the iron- sulphate, PurFect was chosen for further tests. The optimal pH for the heavy metals arsenic, zinc, copper and nickel was between pH 9 and 9, 5. The precipitation in the treatment plant showed better results with sodium hydroxide and a higher pH, pH 9 in the flocculation basin. An increase of the coagulant PurFect from 202 mg/l to 225 mg/l meant only a higher chemical cost. The process control of sodium hydroxide showed an oscillating and unstable control performance, which may lead to a higher consumption of chemicals.</p> / <p>Lakvatten har varierande föroreningsgrad och karaktär och bildas då regnvatten perkolerar igenom en deponi. För en deponiverksamhet är lakvattnet den huvudsakliga påverkan på den omgivande miljön. Vid en av Renova ABs deponier, Fläskebo, utanför Göteborg sker reningen av vattnet i den lokala reningsanläggningen. Reningen består av kemisk fällning, flockning, sedimentering och filtrering samt ett kol- och torvfilter. För att få släppa ut lakvattnet har Renova just nu ett prövotidsvillkor på lakvattnets kvalité och till våren 2006 skall förslag på slutgiltiga utsläppsvillkor lämnas till Länsstyrelsen.</p><p>I detta examensarbete har den kemiska reningen av lakvattnet från Fläskebo optimerats utifrån lakvattnets karaktär. Lakvattnets föroreningsgrad bedömdes efter en jämförelse av analysresultatet inom kontrollprogrammet och riktvärdena i prövotidsvillkoret. Dessutom utvärderades effektiviteten i varje enskilt reningssteg, den kemiska reningen och kol- och torvfiltret. För optimering av den kemiska reningen testades lakvattnet först på lab med olika fällnings- och flockningsmedel. Uppgiften var att öka partikelfällningen och reducera metallerna arsenik, kadmium, krom, kvicksilver, bly, koppar, nickel och zink i lakvattnet genom svepkoagulering och hydroxidfällning.</p><p>Utifrån resultaten på lab testades sedan fällningen i full skala, pH höjdes i flockningsbassängen och så även dosen fällningsmedel till vattnet. En inledande undersökning av regleringen av lutdosering gjordes med några stegsvarsexperiment.</p><p>Lakvatten innehöll låga halter av organiskt material och närsalterna kväve och fosfor, medan de halogena ämnena (AOX) och tungmetallerna nickel och koppar var höga. De båda reningsstegen, kemisk rening och kol- och torvfiltret var generellt bra på att rena föroreningar i höga koncentrationer men var sämre vid låga. Kol- och torvfiltret ökade koncentrationen i vattnet av arsenik genom materialets interna läckage. I fällningsförsöken gav järnkloriden, PlusJÄRN och den anjoniska polyakrylamiden, Fennopol A bäst resultat i att avskilja metaller. Järnsulfaten PurFect gav näst bäst resultat och valdes istället för järnkloriden för vidare försök då kloridhalten i lakvattnet redan var högt. Optimalt pH för arsenik, zink, koppar och nickel var inom pHintervallet 9 och 9,5. Fällningen i full skala ute i verket visade ett bättre resultat vid tillsatt lut och ett högre pH (pH 9) i flockningsbassängen. Däremot betydde en höjning av fällningskemikalien från 202 mg/l PurFect till 225 mg/l enbart en ökad kemikaliekostnad och en överdosering. Det visade sig dessutom att lutregleringen var svängig och på gränsen till instabil. Regulatorn bör därför ses över så att risken för ökad kemikaliekonsumption och kostnader minskar.</p>
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Evaluating the Potential of Scaling due to Calcium Compounds in Hydrometallurgical ProcessesAzimi, Ghazal 04 August 2010 (has links)
A fundamental theoretical and experimental study on calcium sulphate scale formation in hydrometallurgical solutions containing various minerals was conducted. A new database for the Mixed Solvent Electrolyte (MSE) model of the OLI Systems® software was developed through fitting of existing literature data such as mean activity, heat capacity and solubility data in simple binary and ternary systems. Moreover, a number of experiments were conducted to investigate the chemistry of calcium sulphate hydrates in laterite pressure acid leach (PAL) solutions, containing Al2(SO4)3, MgSO4, NiSO4, H2SO4, and NaCl at 25–250ºC. The database developed, utilized by the MSE model, was shown to accurately predict the solubilities of all calcium sulphate hydrates (and hence, predict scaling potential) in various multicomponent hydrometallurgical solutions including neutralized zinc sulphate leach solutions, nickel sulphate–chloride solutions of the Voisey’s Bay plant, and laterite PAL solutions over a wide temperature range (25–250°C).
The stability regions of CaSO4 hydrates (gypsum, hemihydrate and anhydrite) depend on solution conditions, i.e., temperature, pH and concentration of ions present. The transformation between CaSO4 hydrates is one of the common causes of scale formation. A systematic study was carried out to investigate the effect of various parameters including temperature, acidity, seeding, and presence of sulphate/chloride salts on the transformation kinetics. Based on the results obtained, a mechanism for the gypsum–anhydrite transformation below 100°C was proposed.
A number of solutions for mitigating calcium sulphate scaling problems throughout the processing circuits were recommended: (1) operating autoclaves under slightly more acidic conditions (~0.3–0.5 M acid); (2) mixing recycled process solutions with seawater; and (3) mixing the recycling stream with carbonate compounds to reject calcium as calcium carbonate. Furthermore, aging process solutions, saturated with gypsum, with anhydrite seeds at moderate temperatures (~80°C) would decrease the calcium content, provided that the solution is slightly acidic.
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Impact of process parameter modification on poly(3-hexylthiophene) film morphology and charge transportLee, Jiho 13 January 2014 (has links)
Organic electronics based on π-conjugated semi-conductor raises new technology, such as organic film transistors, e-paper, and organic photovoltaic cells that can be implemented cost-effectively on large-area applications. Currently, the device performance is limited by low charge carrier mobility. Poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) and organic field effect transistors (OFET) is used as a model to investigate morphology of the organic film and corresponding electronic properties. In this thesis, processing parameters such as boiling points and solubility are controlled to impact the micro- and macro-morphology of the film to enhance the charge transport of the device.
Alternative approach to improve ordering of polymer chains and increase in charge transport without post-treatment of P3HT solution is studied. The addition of high boiling good solvent to the relatively low boiling main solvent forms ordered packing of π-conjugated polymers during the deposition process. We show that addition of 1% of dichlorobenzene (DCB) to the chloroform based P3HT solution was sufficient to improve wetting and molecular structures of the film to increase carrier mobility.
Systematic study of solvent-assisted re-annealing technique, which has potential application in OFET encapsulation and fabrication of top-contact OFET, is conducted to improve mobility of OFET, and, to suggest a cost-effective processing condition suitable for industrial application. Three process parameters: boiling point, polarity, and solubility are investigated to further understand the trend of film response to the solvent-assisted technique. We report the high boiling non-polar solvents with relatively high RED values promote highest improvement in molecular packing and formulate crystalline structure of the thin film, which increases the device performance.
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Etude de la solubilité et des cinétiques de dissolution des phosphates et vanadates d'uranium : implications pour l'amont du cycle électronucléaire / Study of solubility and kinetics of dissolution of phosphates and vanadates of uranium : implications for front-end of nuclear fuel cycleCrétaz, Fanny 06 December 2013 (has links)
De manière à répondre à l'accroissement des besoins en uranium, l'exploitation de nouvelles ressources de composition minéralogique variée devient une nécessité. De plus, dans une perspective de développement durable, les procédés d'exploitation et de traitement des minerais d'uranium requièrent une optimisation afin de réduire leur empreinte environnementale. Dans ce but, il est nécessaire d'acquérir des données thermodynamiques fiables relatives aux systèmes d'intérêt, dont en particulier les phosphates et les vanadates d'uranium (VI). Dans ce contexte, une étude multiparamétrique de la dissolution de la méta-torbernite Cu0,8(H3O)0,2(UO2)2(PO4)2,8H2O, de la méta-autunite Ca(UO2)2(PO4)2,6H2O, de la méta-ankoleïte K2(UO2)2(PO4)2,6H2O et de la carnotite K2(UO2)2(VO4)2,3H2O a été entreprise. Dans un premier temps, des analogues à ces quatre phases minérales ont été préparés par différentes méthode, basées sur une voie sèche pour la carnotite et sur des voies humides pour les trois phases phosphatées. Elles ont ensuite été caractérisées d'un point de vue structural, microstructural et chimique. Des structures cristallographiques similaires ont ainsi été mises en évidence au sein desquelles les polyoxoanions (PO43- ou V2O86-) et les groupements uranyle forment des feuillets parallèles entre lesquels s'insèrent les contres cations (Cu2+, Ca2+ ou K+) et les molécules d'eau. Hormis pour la méta-ankoleïte, les analogues synthétiques ont également été comparées à des minerais naturels. Il a ainsi été possible de mettre en évidence des différences d'ordre chimique (présence d'impuretés dans les échantillons naturels) et morphologique (tailles de grains, notamment). La dissolution de ces phases a ensuite été étudiée, tant d'un point de vue cinétique que thermodynamique, à travers des études menées en conditions statiques et dynamiques, dans différents milieux acides (H2SO4, HNO3 et HCl) et à plusieurs températures. Les vitesses de dissolution mesurées sont proches de 1 g.m-2.j-1 pour les quatre phases. Dans les conditions utilisées, la dissolution de la méta-autunite s'est avérée incongruente (précipitation de phosphates d'uranyle), empêchant la détermination des constantes de solubilité. En outre, la dissolution de la méta-ankoleïte a conduit à un échange cationique aboutissant à la formation de solutions solides (H3O)2xK2x-2(UO2)2(PO4)2, 6H2O (0 < x < 2) dont les constantes de solubilité ont pu être calculées. Enfin, les expériences menées sur la méta-torbernite et la carnotite ont conduit à des réactions de dissolution congruentes qui ont permis d'accéder aux données thermodynamiquement d'intérêt telles que leur produit de solubilité et leurs grandeurs standards associées à la dissolution (DrH°, DrG° et DrS°) ou à la formation (DfG° = -6100 ± 5 kJ.mol-1 pour la méta-torbernite et DfG° = -4632 ± 7 kJ.mol-1 pour la carnotite) de chacune de ces phases. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les constantes de solubilité des trois phases phosphatées sont très faibles (10-53 < Ks,0° < 10-45) et ont des valeurs qui diffèrent peu selon la nature du contre cation, en bon accord avec leurs similitudes structurales. D'autre part, la comparaison des grandeurs thermodynamiques déterminées dans ce travail, montre que la carnotite (Ks,0° = 10-63) est plus stable que les phases phosphatées étudiées. La différence observée peut s'expliquer par la structure des feuillets à base de vanadates. Cette étude a ainsi permis d'obtenir des premières valeurs de solubilité pour les phosphates et les vanadates d'uranium(VI) présents dans les gisements d'intérêt économique et d'établir un premier modèle d'estimation de la solubilité pour des phases similaires. Ces données ont également été utilisées lors d'une modélisation en conditions environnementales afin de déterminer la nature des phases susceptibles de se former dans un cas réel (eaux d'un lac proche d'un gisement d'uranium). / In the current context of restart of the nuclear energy, the needs in uranium are expected to increase significantly. Moreover, in a perspective of sustainable development, the exploitation, the treatment and the purification of uranium ores need to be optimized. It is thus necessary to determine reliable thermodynamic data (and especially solubility constants) for the systems of interest, especially uranium(VI) phosphates and vanadates. In this aim, a multiparametric study of the dissolution of meta-torbernite Cu0.8(H3O)0.2(UO2)2(PO4)2.8H2O, meta-autunite Ca(UO2)2(PO4)2.6H2O, meta-ankoleïte K2(UO2)2(PO4)2.6H2O and carnotite K2(UO2)2(VO4)2.3H2O was undertaken.First, analogues of these four minerals were synthesized, based only on dry chemistry process for carnotite or on wet chemistry methods for the phosphate phases. They were then extensively characterized (in terms of structure, microstructure and chemical composition). It particularly highlighted the similar structures of such compounds. The anionic groups (PO43- or V2O86-) and uranyl form parallel layers between which counter cations (Cu2+, Ca2+ or K+) and water molecules are inserted. However, the counter cations present in the interlayer space of the three phosphate phases present different lability. The synthetic phases were also compared to their natural analogues, except for meta-ankoleïte, which allowed us to point out significant differences in the composition (presence of impurities in natural samples) and the morphology (grain size).The dissolution of these phases was then studied from a kinetic and thermodynamic point of view, through leaching tests in static and dynamic conditions, in various acid media (sulfuric, nitric and hydrochloric) and at different temperatures. In these conditions, the dissolution of meta-autunite was found to be uncongruent due to the precipitation of uranyl phosphate then avoidinf the determination of solubility constants. Similarly, the dissolution of meta-ankoleite was preceded by a cation exchange step between K+ and H3O+ leading to the formation of (H3O)2xK2x-2(UO2)2(PO4)2.6H2O (0 < x < 2) solid solutions, whose solubility constant have been evaluated. Finally, meta-torbernite and carnotite presented congruent dissolutions which allowed the determination of thermodynamic data of interest such as solubility products and standard enthalpy, Gibbs free energy and entropy associated with the dissolution reaction (DrH°, DrG° and DrS°) and formation of each phase (DfH°, DfG° and DfS°).The results obtained evidenced very low and similar solubility constants for the three phosphate phases studied (10-53 < Ks,0° < 10-45). Such small variation directly came from the closely related crystal structures previously described. In addition, the difference in composition of the sheets between phosphate and vanadate phases led to greater stability of carnotite (Ks,0° = 10-63) compared to phosphates phases. The solubility values derived from this study for phosphates and vanadates uranium(VI) allowed estimating values for similar phases. These data were also used in a geochemical model for the prediction of neoformed phases in a real case (water of a lake near an uranium deposit).
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Analyse et modélisation de la précipitation de struvite : vers le traitement d'effluents aqueux industriels / Analysis and modelling of struvite precipitation : towards the treatment of industrial waste-water dischargesHanhoun, Mary 28 June 2011 (has links)
La réduction des apports phosphorés des eaux usées régie par la Directive Européenne de 1991 (91/271/EEC) est considérée comme le facteur clé de la lutte contre la pollution des rivières et des lacs. Ces travaux concernent exclusivement l'étude de la formation maîtrisée de struvite (MgNH4PO4.6H2O) par précipitation comme alternative originale de récupération du phosphore et, par voie de conséquence, de l'ammonium à partir d'eaux usées. Un atout de ce procédé concerne la valorisation du précipité en tant que fertilisant. Dans ce contexte général, l'objectif consiste à développer une démarche combinant des aspects expérimentaux et de modélisation de la précipitation de la struvite. Un effluent synthétique contenant du phosphore, du magnésium et de l'ammonium a servi de solution modèle pour étudier le rôle de la température, de la concentration en réactifs, et du pH sur l'efficacité de la précipitation de la struvite ainsi que sur la distribution de la taille des cristaux obtenus. Les essais expérimentaux ont été réalisés par précipitation en cuve agitée. Diverses méthodes d'analyse des phases solide et liquide (spectrophotométrie, absorption atomique, granulométrie laser, MEB et Morphométrie) ont été utilisées. Le dosage du magnésium, ainsi que celui d'ammonium et du phosphore permet de déterminer le taux de conversion de ces composés et d'étudier une éventuelle formation d'un sous-produit. L'approche développée dans ce mémoire permet de déterminer les conditions de pH et de température favorisant l'efficacité maximale pour la récupération de la struvite. Deux voies complémentaires ont été proposées. La première étape concerne la modélisation des équilibres chimiques, d'une part, pour calculer le taux de conversion du phosphate final en fonction du pH à l'équilibre pour plusieurs températures et, d'autre part, pour évaluer l'impact de la température sur la constante de solubilité de la struvite. La stratégie numérique implique un algorithme génétique (NSGA II) pour initialiser efficacement un algorithme de résolution classique (Newton Raphson) et garantir la robustesse de la procédure. Dans la seconde étape, un modèle numérique basé sur un bilan de population couplé avec le modèle thermodynamique prédit la distribution de taille des particules,. Cette approche s'est avérée particulièrement stable d'un point de vue numérique lors du calcul des paramètres des vitesses de nucléation et de croissance, utilisés ensuite pour prédire la distribution de taille à l'aide d'une méthode de reconstruction. La forme de la distribution de taille des cristaux obtenue est typique d'un modèle nucléation – croissance. La méthodologie proposée trouve tout son intérêt pour traiter des effluents de qualité variable et prédire l'efficacité du procédé dans lequel le contrôle du pH et de la sursaturation constituent des paramètres clés. / The reduction of phosphorus contribution in wastewater, governed by the European directive of 1991 (91/271/EEC) is regarded as the key factor of the fight against pollution of rivers and lakes. This work concerns exclusively the study of the controlled struvite formation (MgNH4PO4.6H2O) by precipitation as an alternative removal of phosphorus and, consequently, of ammonium from waste-water discharges. The valorization of the precipitate as a fertilizer constitutes an asset of the process. In this general context, the objective consists in developing a methodology combining an experimental approach with struvite precipitation modelling. A synthetic effluent containing phosphorus, magnesium and ammonium was used as a model solution to study the role of temperature, concentration in reagents and pH on struvite precipitation efficiency as well as on particle size distribution in a stirred tank reactor. Various analysis methods of both solid and liquid phases (spectrophotometry, atomic absorption, laser granulometry, MEB and Morphology) were used. The residual concentration of magnesium, ammonium and phosphorus allows to determine the conversion rate of these compounds and to study a likely formation of a co-product. The proposed framework is based on a two-level modelling approach. The former level, based on an equilibrium prediction of the study system Mg-PO4-NH4, involves, on the one hand, the computation of the final conversion rate of phosphate as a function of equilibrium pH at different temperatures and, on the other hand, the temperature impact assessment on struvite solubility product. The numerical strategy implies a genetic algorithm (NSGA II) to initialize a traditional algorithm of resolution (Raphson Newton) and to guarantee the robustness of the process. In the second stage, a population balance-based model coupled with the thermodynamic one predicts the particle size distribution. This approach turns out to be particularly numerically stable for the identification of nucleation and particle growth kinetics parameters that are then used to predict the size distribution, typical of a nucleation - growth model, using a method of reconstruction. The proposed methodology is particularly interesting for the treatment of industrial waste-water discharges that may be of variable quality as well as for the prediction of the process efficiency for which pH control and supersaturation constitute key parameters.
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Solubilité du sodium dans les silicates fondus / Sodium solubility in silicate meltsMathieu, Romain 04 September 2009 (has links)
Les alcalins, généralement lithophiles à basse température, deviennent volatils à haute température et/ou sous des conditions réductrices. Il existe peu de données expérimentales sur les relations activité-composition dans les silicates fondus et aucun modèle thermodynamique ne permet de prédire leur comportement dans les liquides silicatés. Pour acquérir une base de données cohérente sur ces relations, nous avons développé un nouveau système expérimental permettant d'imposer et de contrôler, à haute température, une pression partielle de sodium sous des conditions d'oxydoréduction fixées. Une cellule thermochimique originale, simple de mise en œuvre et efficace a été conçue pour contraindre l’ensemble de ces paramètres thermodynamiques. Les résultats de cette étude montrent que les processus de condensation et de volatilisation du sodium dans les liquides silicatés du système CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 peuvent être décrits par une équation simple de type : Na(gaz) +1/2 O2(gaz) = Na2O(liq). Les données obtenues à l'équilibre sur des liquides de compositions différentes ont permis de dériver un modèle permettant de prédire la solubilité et les coefficients d’activité (aNa2O et ?Na2O) dans un liquide silicaté du système CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2, à différentes températures et différentes PNa, en fonction de la composition de ce dernier. Ce modèle est basé sur la détermination de la basicité optique du liquide sans sodium, c'est-à-dire suivant l’état de polymérisation du liquide et suivant ses interactions acide-base entre oxydes. Par ailleurs, ces travaux ont permis la détermination d’un nouveau type de diagramme de phase à isoPNa. Enfin cette étude a de nombreuses applications en cosmochimie, sidérurgie et magmatologie / Alkalis in molten silicates have a complex behaviour, changing from lithophile to volatile elements depending on temperature and/or reducing conditions. However, due to the lack of experimental data concerning activity/composition relationships, there is no thermodynamic model available to describe alkali solubility in silicate melts, and their partitioning between melts, minerals and gases. In order to tackle this issue, we have developed a new device for the determination of sodium oxide activity in silicate melts by equilibration of melts with gaseous environment of known Na partial pressure at high temperature and fixed oxygen fugacity (PO2) following: Na(gaz) +1/2 O2(gaz) = Na2O(liq). Using equilibrium data we have establish a model able to predict the sodium solubility and activity in silicate melt belonging CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 system, at differents PNa and temperatures, as a function of optical basicity, i.e. melt composition. These results have allowed us to determine new type of phase diagram at isoPNa. Finally, this study have to many applications in cosmochemistry, steel and magmatic process
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Effekten av olika typer av biokol på metallers löslighet i förorenad urban jord / Effects of different types of biochar on metal solubility in contaminated urban soilsNorberg, Elin January 2019 (has links)
Förorenade markområden utgör ett stort miljöproblem som orsakar spridning av toxiska metaller till grund- och ytvatten. Samtidigt är många metaller toxiska för djur och människor, vilket gör att markmiljön kan påverkas och risker för människors hälsa uppkommer om de vistas på platsen. I Sverige finns idag över 80 000 förorenade områden och saneringstakten anses inte vara tillräckligt snabb. Metallerna koppar (Cu), bly (Pb) och zink (Zn) hör till de allra vanligasteme tallföroreningarna i jord. Lösligheten av dessa är avgörande för hur biotillgängliga deär samt i hur stor utsträckning de kan spridas till yt- och grundvatten. Biotillgängligheten och halterna i yt- och grundvattnet har i sin tur stor betydelse för hur stor exponeringen blir för människor och djur. Biokol är ett organiskt material som genomgått kemisk omvandling i en syrefattig miljö vid höga temperaturer. Dessa framställningsbetingelser gör att biokol har stora möjligheter att fastlägga metaller genom adsorption till funktionella grupper på dess yta. Samtidigt fungerar biokol som ett jordförbättrande medel. Det anses även kunna lagra kol i upp till 1000 år och därmed fungera som en kolsänka. Biokol kan dessutom tillverkasav organiskt avfall vilket gör att avfallsströmmen minskar när detta framställs. I studien har sex olika biokol blandats in i en jord förorenad med Cu, Pb och Zn. Syftet var att undersöka hur inblandningen påverkade lösligheten av metallerna. Samtidigt testades också fastläggningen av metallerna till tre rena biokol. Det visade sig att lösligheten förändrades när biokolen blandades in i jorden. I pH-intervallet 4 - 6 minskade lösligheten av alla metaller. Det framkom att ett av biokolen var bättre på att fastläggametallerna än de andra. Detta biokol kom från anläggningen i Högdalen, Stockholm och var framställt av trädgårdsavfall. / Contaminated ground constitutes an environmental problem that causes spread of metals to groundwater and surface water. Many of the contaminating metals are toxic to animals and humans and their spreading can cause negative effects on soil environment. In Sweden there are more than 80 000 contaminated sites and the decontamination rate is considered to be too slow. The metals copper, zinc and lead are some of the most common contaminants in soils. The solubility of these metals affects how bioavailable they are and how much they can spread to groundwater and surface water. Bioavailability and concentration in water is crucial for the exposure of metals to humans and animals. Biochar is an organic material that has been chemically transformed in an environment with little or no oxygen, at high temperatures. Due to these conditions, biochar is efficient for reducing the solubility of metals through adsorption to functional groups on its surface. Biochar also improve soil fertility, and it might also remain in the soil up to 1000 years and acts as a carbon sink. Furthermore, biochar can be produced from organic wastes and thus production of biochar can contribute to a reduced waste stream. In this study, six different samples of biochar were mixed with a contaminated soil containing copper, lead and zinc. The aim was to investigate how the adding of biochar would affect the solubility of the metals, since the solubility is crucial for the spread of metals and their bioavailability. The sorption of the metals in three pure samples of biochar was also tested. It was found that the solubility changed when biochar was addedto the soil. In the pH range 4 - 6, the solubility decreased for each metal. One of thebiochar samples had better sorption capacity in the soil than the others. This biochar was produced from garden wastes in Högdalen, Stockholm.
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Etudes des phénomènes de précipitation en milieu supercritique : application aux traitements des déchets industriels / Study of the precipitation phenomenon in supercritical water : application to the industrial wasteVoisin, Thomas 17 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre d'une collaboration étroite entre la société Innoveox (http://www.innoveox.com) et le groupe Fluides Supercritiques de l'Institut de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Bordeaux (ICMCB). La société Innoveox a mis en œuvre une technologie révolutionnaire non polluante qui détruit des déchets qu'ils soient dangereux ou non, urbains, industriels ou même militaires, avec une efficacité de 99.99%. Cette technologie s'appelle l'oxydation hydrothermale supercritique. Cette technologie est étudiée à l'ICMCB depuis le début des années 1990 au sein du groupe Fluides Supercritiques. Ce travail de recherche a pour objet l'étude des phénomènes de précipitation des sels en eau supercritique. La motivation de ce projet repose sur la compréhension des processus mis en jeu lors de la précipitation afin d'améliorer le fonctionnement du procédé industriel. Ce projet de thèse repose sur 3 principaux objectifs. Le premier concerne la détermination expérimentale de la solubilité des sels en conditions supercritiques, via la mise en place d'un système de mesure en continu. Le second objectif porte sur la détermination expérimentale des tailles de particule de sel, aussi bien au niveau de la formation de la cristallite que de l'agrégat. Pour ce faire, des analyses in situ sont notamment réalisées. Enfin, le dernier objectif est la réalisation d'une simulation numérique de la précipitation des sels en conditions supercritiques, utilisant les résultats expérimentaux des deux précédents objectifs. Les résultats de cette modélisation sont en accord avec les résultats expérimentaux et apportent également de nouveaux éléments de compréhension du mécanisme de précipitation. / This thesis is part of a close collaboration between the Innoveox Company (http ://www.innoveox.com) and the Supercritical Fluids group in the Institute of Chemistry and Condensed Matter of Bordeaux (ICMCB). The Innoveox Company has developed a revolutionary nonpolluting technology, degrading toxic and dangerous waste from industrial, urban or military use, with a 99.99% efficiency. This technology is called Supercritical Water Oxidation and is studied at the ICMCB since the beginning of the 90's in the Supercritical Fluids Group. The present research work objective is the study of the salt precipitation phenomenon in supercritical water, with the aim of understanding the processes and mechanisms involvedduring precipitation, to then improve the industrial process. The project is built on 3 main objectives. The first one is dedicated to the experimental determination of solubility data of salts, in supercritical conditions, with the development of a continuous experimental set-up. The second objective is related to the experimental determination of particle sizes, from crystallite to aggregates formation, using in situ analyses. Last objective concerns the numerical modeling of salt precipitation in supercritical water conditions, using previous experimental data obtained. The results of the modeling are in agreement with the experimental ones, and bring new understanding elements for the precipitation mechanism.technology is called Supercritical Water Oxidation and is studied at the ICMCB since the beginning of the 90's in the Supercritical Fluids Group.
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Estudo da granulação por solidificação de materiais fundidos em leito fluidizado utilizando dispersão sólida de indometacina / Study of Fluidized Bed Hot Melt Granulation using solid Dispersion of IndomethacinAndrade, Toni Carvalho de 03 April 2009 (has links)
A preparação de partículas pela técnica de granulação por solidificação de material fundido em leito fluidizado tem se destacado no âmbito da indústria farmacêutica. As vantagens do uso deste método têm atraído muitos pesquisadores para aprimorar e colocar em prática tal técnica de preparo. A principal vantagem deste processo é dispensar o uso de solventes e diminuir o tempo de preparo dos granulados para compressão. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o desenvolvimento e estudo desta técnica de granulação, usando a lactose tipo spray-dried como substrato e como agente aglutinante uma dispersão do polímero polietilenoglicol 4000 contendo indometacina como fármaco modelo. Outra motivação para este trabalho foi realizar a caracterização físico-química dos granulados obtidos e avaliar um possível aumento da solubilidade deste fármaco de classe II. Resultados obtidos durante estudos preliminares mostram que a solubilidade da indometacina foi consideravelmente aumentada com o uso do PEG e análises físico-química indicaram que não há interação entre a indometacina e o PEG. O método utilizado na granulação consistiu na atomização da dispersão liquefeita de PEG 4000 contendo 25% de indometacina sobre o substrato a fim de obter grânulos contendo estes três componentes. Um estudo prévio da fluidodinâmica da lactose provou ser predominante o regime de leito fluidizado. Para viabilizar a obtenção destas dispersões sólidas, foram estudadas as variáveis do processo como vazão da dispersão carreador/fármaco, vazão do ar de atomização e quantidade total de dispersão adicionada, aplicando para tal um planejamento fatorial tipo Box-Behnken. O leito fluidizado se mostrou eficiente para a granulação e os granulados obtidos foram considerados de boa qualidade baseando-se na sua caracterização por densidades aparente e compactada, fluidez, distribuição granulométrica, doseamento do fármaco e perfil de dissolução in-vitro. Granulados de dois tamanhos médios diferentes e com ótima fluidez foram escolhidos para as análises seguintes. A integridade e ausência de interação do fármaco com os demais componentes destes granulados foram comprovadas por calorimetria exploratória diferencial, difração de raios-X, infravermelho, microscopia de plataforma quente e microscopia de varredura eletrônica. As micrografias mostraram visivelmente que as formas dos cristais de indometacina presentes no granulado apresentaram as características da forma y (II), que é a mesma da indometacina padrão. A dissolução de cápsulas gelatinosas duras contendo os lotes de grânulos escolhidos mostraram que no meio tampão fosfato (pH 7,2) foi liberado até 99% da indometacina. Porém, em meio HCl 0,1N; obteve-se liberação de até 28% da indometacina, o que corresponde a um aumento de 14,5 vezes a liberação obtida com a indometacina padrão. / Recently, there is a renewed interest in the fluidized bed hot melt granulation for the preparation of solid dosage forms in the pharmaceutical industry and academy. The several advantages of this technique have attracted may researchers, but the main advantage are undoubtedly the solvent free operation and the short processing times. The aim of this work was to develop and study this granulation technique using spray-dried lactose as substrate and a dispersion of indomethacin in hot melted polyethylene glycol 4000 and as the binder. Another goal in this work was to characterize the granules obtained and to evaluate any increase in indomethacin solubility in the solid dispersions. The results of preliminary evaluation of indomethacin/polyethylene glycol physical mixtures and solid dispersions showed a considerable increase in the drug solubility, while no chemical or physical interaction with the carrier could be observed. Before the granulation experiments the fluid dynamic behavior of the lactose was characterized as fluidization regime. The method of granulation consisted in the atomization of hot melted polyethylene glycol containing 25% of indomethacin onto the fluidized bed of lactose. In order to study the granulation process, a Box-Behnken design was applied to verify the effects of spray air flow rate, drug/carrier feed rate and total amount of drug/carrier added to granules. The fluidized bed showed to be an effective method for hot melt granulation and the granules quality can be considered adequate, based on their characteristics of apparent and compacted densities, flowability, particle size distribution, indomethacin content and in-vitro dissolution profile. From the whole set of experiments, two granule batches were chosen based on their mean particle sizes and excellent flow indexes, to verify any drug/PEG/lactose interaction during the granulation process. The non existence of interaction was proved by differential scanning calorimetry, X-ray powder diffraction, Fourier transform Infra-red, hot stage microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The scanning electron microscopy showed that indomethacin crystals with the characteristic shape of the form y (II) could be observed in the granules, indicating that its crystalline form did not change during processing. The dissolution profiles of indomethacin from hard gelatin capsules containing the granules showed the release of 99% of the drug in phosphate buffer media (pH 7.2). However, in acidic media (HCl 0,1N) 28% of the total indomethacin was released, which corresponded to a 14.5 fold increase when compared to the pure indomethacin release under the same conditions.
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