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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Talängslan i klassrummet : En studie om elevers upplevelser om talängslan och exempel på arbetsmetoder för att förebygga det / Anxiety to Speak in the Classroom : A study about pupils’ experiences about anxiety to speak in the classroom and examples on working methods to prevent it

Nordh Andersson, Sara January 2018 (has links)
In this study I have focused my research on learning more about how pupils in grade three experience the requirement to present and convey their thoughts and opinions out loud in the classroom. The purpose was also to find out more about working methods that support pupils whom are perceived as shy and silent in their progress to become confident speakers. By allowing pupils in grade three to reply to surveys and by interviewing a teacher, I received answers to my questions. The result of the survey showed that a large proportion of pupils experience the joy of talking out loud in the classroom and a smaller proportion of experiencing anxiety symtomps. The results also showed that the pupils wanted to gain more knowledge of how to become a safer speaker, but pointed out at the same time that they did not know what work method that would help them. The teacher also pointed out that she lacked the knowledge on the subject. She has not been educated about rhetoric during the teacher education courses she had studied. Thus, we can see that there is a requierment from the pupils but lack of knowledge within teaching staff. / I denna undersökning har jag sökt vidare kunskaper om hur elever i årskurs 3 upplever kravet av att presentera och framföra sina tankar och åsikter högt i klassrummet. Syftet var även att söka lärdomar kring arbetsmetoder som stöttar elever som utav omgivningen uppfattas som blyga och tystlåtna i sin utveckling till att bli säkra talare. Genom att låta elever i årskurs 3 genomföra enkäter samt intervjua en aktiv lärare fick jag svar på mina frågeställningar. Resultatet av undersökningen visade att en stor andel av elever upplever det lustfyllt att tala högt i klassrummet och en mindre andel upplever ångestliknande symtom som kan uppkomma. Resultatet visade även att eleverna önskade få mer kunskaper i hur man ska agera för att bli en säkrare talare men påpekade samtidigt att de inte vet vilken arbetsmetod som skulle hjälpa dem. Även läraren påpekade att hon saknade kunskaper i ämnet då hon inte fått utbildning om retorik på de lärarutbildningar hon gått. Vi kan alltså se att det finns ett behov från eleverna men kunskapsbrister hos lärare.

Prata svenska! - Eller? : Vad tycker lärare? / Speak Swedish! - Or don’t? : What do teachers think?

Veenhuis Palmborg, Birgitta January 2018 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks lärares attityder till transspråkande i undervisningssituationer, samt om lärarna anser att de följer upp sina attityder i sin undervisning. Syftet var att ta reda på om lärares attityder till transspråkande påverkade deras sätt att undervisa, enligt deras egna utlåtanden. Undersökningen utgick från en surveyundersökning i form av en enkät med 42 informanter på två högstadieskolor i en kommun i södra Sverige. I studien har informanternas åsikter jämförts med deras egna utsagor om hur de undervisar. Majoriteten av informanterna ställde sig positiva till transspråkande i undervisningssituationer, samtidigt som de rapporterade att de inte använde transspråkande strategier. Slutsatsen blev att, trots att de flesta informanterna var positiva till transspråkande, uppgav de att de inte använder transspråkande strategier i sin undervisning.

"O uso da linguagem como instrumento terapêutico: rezadeiras e ato de fala"

Josinaldo Monteiro Tavares 26 June 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O objetivo desta investigação é responder como a prece (oração ou reza), na qualidade de enunciado linguístico, tem eficácia curativa. Saber o porquê de o rito da benzedura apensa à reza operacionaliza a cura terapêutica de males de origem cultural, tais como mau-olhado, quebranto, espinhela caída, e outras. Para responder a essas indagações, esta pesquisa se fundamenta na obra How to do things with words, a qual deu origem à teoria de atos de fala de Austin (1962/1990) e divulgada, posteriormente, por John Searle (1969) com a obra Speech Acts. Mesmo assim esta teoria dos atos de fala apresentava imperfeições. Por isso a teoria dos atos de fala foi ampliada para dar conta dos diversos tipos de atos linguísticos sejam eles constatativos ou performativos; assim, todos os atos de fala têm uma força ilocucionária. Ou seja, os atos de fala na nova pragmática são todos performáticos (felizes ou infelizes, conforme Austin). Nesta nova pragmática, a performance da linguagem foi conceituada, inicialmente, por Austin e, posteriormente, por diversos autores como Derrida, Rajagopalan, Paulo Ottoni, dentre outros. De fato, a performatividade da linguagem é o que a determina através do ato locucionário. Na performatividade (fala-ação), o sujeito (self), ao realizar um ato de fala específico, não é suficiente sozinho de realizar a ação, mas tão somente se ele for o sujeito adequado para isto. Portanto, é nesta perspectiva que esta investigação perseguirá apreender a eficácia simbólica da reza. Assim sendo, este trabalho objetiva identificar os efeitos simbólicos da reza sobre o padecente-cliente, sob o olhar da eficácia simbólica de Lévi-Strauss, em consonância com a performatividade de Austin; ou seja, a reza é um ato de fala performático, logo é um ato de fala eficaz contra doenças delimitadas socialmente (doenças originadas de feitiço). Sob a perspectiva da teoria de John Austin, os efeitos simbólicos da reza estão relacionados ao ritual da benzedura e à fé, e que produzem cura, a qual é concretizada pela ação das rezadeiras. A metodologia empregada neste estudo foi a da revisão sistemática ou bibliográfica, que tem como premissa estabelecer um levantamento do estado da arte na pragmática. Enfim, numa perspectiva holística de saúde, a reza pode ser usada como complementaridade entre práticas terapêuticas com lógicas diferentes - biomedicina. A reza como eficácia simbólica é um instrumento de cura usado pelas rezadeiras como fruto da cultura nordestina, deve e pode ser usada conforme o contexto sociocultural. De fato, o que se deve fazer é harmonizar esses dois sistemas, pois ambos são produtos da cultura brasileira e todos cuidam da saúde do povo. / The purpose of this research is to answer the question how prayer, as linguistic utterance, has curative effectiveness. Knowing why the benzedura rite attached to pray makes operational the therapeutic healing of cultural origin illnesses. And in that case, the cure of diseases caused by the spell, such as evil eye, weakness, brokenness, stickleback fallen, and others. In order to answer these questions, this research is founded on the work How to do things with words, which gave birth to theory of speech acts of John Austin (1962), and whereby the act of "saying is doing." According to John Austin's theory, in fact, the symbolic effects of prayer are related to the ritual of prayer and faith, which produce healing through prayer ritual that is performed by traditional healer, and those who seek them and believe in her ritual. Notwithstanding this theory was further developed by John Searle (1969) with the work Speech Acts. Even so this theory of speech acts was flawed; this is why it was expanded to deal with the various types of linguistic acts whether constative or performative; so all speech acts have an illocutionary force. That is, the speech acts in the new pragmatic are all performatic acts (happy or unhappy according to Austin). The performance of language in this new pragmatic was conceptualized by several authors as Derrida, Rajagopalan, and Paul Ottoni, among others. In this new pragmatic performance of the language which was conceptualized initially by Austin and later by several authors as Derrida, Rajagopalan, Paul Ottoni, among others. In fact, the performativity of language is what determines through locutionary act. In performativity (speech-action), the subject (self), to perform an act of specific speech is not enough by himself to perform the action, but only if he is the right guy for this. It is therefore with this in mind that this investigation will chase to apprehend the symbolic effectiveness of prayer. As such this paper aims to identify the symbolic effects of prayer on the suffering client, from the perspective of 'symbolic effectiveness' of Lévi- Strauss, in accordance with the performativity of Austin; namely the prayer is a performatic speech act, so it is an act of effectively speech against socially bounded diseases (diseases arising spell). John Austin's theory points out that, in fact, the symbolic effects of prayer are related to the ritual of benzedura and faith, and they produce healing, which it is achieved by the action of rezadeiras. The methodology used in this study was the systematic or bibliographical review, which has as its premise set up a survey of the state of art in pragmatic. Finally, a holistic health perspective, the prayer can be used as complementarity between therapeutic approaches with a different logic such as biomedicine, among others. The prayer as symbolic efficacy is a healing instrument used by rezadeiras (Brazilian women healers) as a result of the northeastern Brazilian culture. It should and can be used according to the sociocultural context. Indeed, what it should be done is to align these two systems because both are products of Brazilian culture and all take care of healthcare of the people.

Kurt Weill's Little Masterpieces

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: This study focuses on three songs from stage works of Kurt Weill (1900-1950): “September Song” from Knickerbocker Holiday (1938), “Speak Low” from One Touch of Venus (1943), and “Lost in the Stars” from Lost in the Stars (1949). All from Weill’s time in the United States, these songs are adaptable as solos and have become American standards performed in various arrangements and styles of popular music by many different artists. The first part of this study is a biographical sketch of Weill’s life and music. It is intended to provide context for the three songs by tracing his beginnings as a German composer of stage works with volatile political messages, to his flight to the United States and his emergence as a composer of Broadway successes. The second part is a commentary on the composition of the three selected songs. The lyrics and musical content are examined to show how Weill’s settings convey the dramatic mood and meaning as well as the specific nuances of the words. Description of the context of these songs explains how they were textually and musically intended to advance the plot and the emotional arc of the dramatic characters. The popularity of these songs endures beyond their original shows, and so there is discussion of how other artists have adapted and performed them, and available recordings are cited. Weill’s songs, his little masterpieces, have proven to be truly evocative and so attractive to American audiences that they have undergone myriad adaptations. This study seeks to provide the personal and historical background of Kurt Weill’s music and to demonstrate why these three songs in particular have proven to have such lasting appeal. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Performance 2016

Let's Speak about the Unspeakable : Using Anderson's Speak in the Swedish Upper Secondary Classroom to discuss Sexism and Sexual Assault

Eriksson, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
This essay examines how Anderson’s Speak can be used in the Swedish Upper Secondary classroom to talk about the difficult topics ‘sexism’ and ‘sexual assault’. The paper discusses several examples of where the power structures between the genders affect the main character of Speak. The novel contains a connection to Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, which is also discussed in this essay, focusing on the timelessness of the issues discussed. The conclusion is that the difficult topics in Speak are important to discuss in the classroom, because a functional way of battling sexism is through vocalizing the problem.

Speak-up as a Resource Based Defence against Application Layer Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks

Jawad, Dina, Rosell, Felicia January 2015 (has links)
Under de senaste åren har antalet DDoS-attacker i Internets applikationsskikt ökat. Detta problem behöver adresseras. Den här rapporten presenterar ett antal existerande metoder för att upptäcka och skydda mot DDoS-attacker i applikationsskiktet. En metod för detta ändamål är att hitta avvikelser av olika typer hos de attackerande klienterna, för att urskilja mellan attackerande och vanliga klienter. Detta är ett brett utforskatförsvarsområde med många positiva resultat, men dessa metoder har ett antal brister, som att de kan resultera i både falska positiva och negativa resultat. En metod som ännu inte har undersökts tillräckligt är resurs-baserat försvar. Det är en metod med mycket potential, eftersom den tydligare kan skilja på goda och onda klienter under en DDoS-attack. Speak-up är en sådan metod och är huvudfokus i denna rapport. För- och nackdelarna med Speak-up har undersökts och resultaten visar på att Speak-up har potential till att bli ett kraftfullt verktyg mot DDoS-attacker. Speak-up har dock sina begränsningar och är därför inte det bästa alternativet under vissa typer av dessa DDoS-attacker. / In recent years, the internet has endured an increase in application layer DDoS attacks. It is a growing problem that needs to be addressed. This paper presents a number of existing detection and protection methods that are used to mitigate application layer DDoS attacks. Anomaly detection is a widely explored area for defence and there have been many findings that show positive results in mitigating attacks. However, anomaly detection possesses a number of flaws, such as causing false positives and negatives. Another method that has yet to become thoroughly examined is resource based defence. This defence method has great potential as it addresses clear differences between legitimate users and attackers during a DDoS attack. One such defence method is called Speak-up and is the center of this paper. The advantages and limitations of Speak-up have been explored and the findings suggest that Speak-up has the potential to become a strong tool in defending against DDoS attacks. However, Speak-up has its limitations and may not be the best alternative during certain types of application layer DDoS attacks.

How do context awareness and listener experience taking the SPEAK test influence perceptions of non-native speaking proficiency?

Cooley, Ciara R. 03 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Be the Voice: Empowering Families to Report Concerns in Care

Romano, Carrie 30 April 2018 (has links)
No description available.

L'impérialisme linguistique au Québec des années 1965-1975: Analyses littéraires de Speak White (Michèle Lalonde) et Salut, Galarneau! (Jacques Godbout)

Melaku, Azeb 15 February 2019 (has links)
Dans la foulée de la Révolution tranquille qui démarre au début de 1960 et s’étend jusqu’à la fin des années 1970, le Québec connaît une période de secousses terribles liées à la demande d’un statut défini de la langue française et de l’identité des Québécois. Les francophones sont soumis à l’hégémonie anglo-saxonne, et la langue est le facteur qui décide leur statut économique. Les luttes linguistiques pour un statut équitable par rapports aux anglophones – luttes qui se sont poursuivies pendant les siècles précédents -- s’intensifient surtout dans la décennie de 1965-1975. C’est l’époque où, au Québec, l’enjeu linguistique devint la plus grande préoccupation des gouvernements (fédéral et provincial), conséquemment entraîna la promulgation de nombreuses lois diverses. La période est aussi marquée par la prise de parole des élites comme Jacques Godbout et Michèle Lalonde. La présente thèse fait une analyse littéraire de leurs œuvres -- respectivement, Salut Galarneau ! et Speak White. Toutes deux ressortent comme l’expression du Québécois ordinaire contre l’hégémonie anglo-saxonne et anglo-américaine qu’il a subie dans les domaines socioculturel, économique, politique mais en particulier, linguistique. Aussi, dans le climat tendu de la fin des années 1960 par les revendications profondes, ces deux œuvres sonnent comme un réveil fort aux oreilles du Québécois : l’état de sa langue est en grand danger et ainsi son identité, sa survivance! / MA / Les premiers occupants en provenance de la France s’installent, dès 1608, sur un territoire amérindien découvert et nommé 75 ans avant, la Nouvelle France. Il comprend l’Acadie, le Canada et la Louisiane. En 1763, l’invasion et l’occupation des colons anglophones de cette vice-royauté du Royaume de France en Amérique du Nord, ne tarde pas à mettre ces francophones dans une situation difficile : leur foi catholique et surtout leur langue, bien sûr liée à leur identité, sont menacées. Dès lors s’installe un antagonisme entre deux races : une minorité anglaise dominante et de foi protestante, contre une majorité de foi catholique parlant le français. Les francophones feront face, le long des siècles à venir, à des défis innombrables, dont des tentatives d’assimilation ou d’anglicisme, l’effet migratoire sur la langue française, l’injustice, le rejet, et le racisme, tous liés à une forte conviction des Anglais : que la langue anglaise est supérieure et le français est voué à sa disparition. La lutte continue des Québécois pour un statut équitable par rapport aux anglophones s’intensifie dès les années 1960, surtout en pleine période de Révolution tranquille. Ce phénomène, connu comme étant le plus grand essor d’urbanisation et d’industrialisation du Québec, marque énormément la réalisation d’une nouvelle identité : l’identité nationale québécoise. Les Québécois, pour la première fois, s’affirment non en tant que « Canadiens-français », mais assurément en tant que « Québécois ». Les élites commencent à prendre la parole et s’engagent dans des discussions et des débats houleux ainsi que des luttes acharnées contre un impérialisme linguistique. La présente étude fait une analyse littéraire de deux oeuvres écrites en pleine époque de lutte : Speak White, le fameux poème de Michèle Lalonde, et le roman de Jacques Godbout, Salut Galarneau ! qui traite le danger d’américanisation du Québec. Les deux oeuvres littéraires québécoises ressortent comme l’expression du Québécois ordinaire contre l’hégémonie anglo-saxonne et anglo-américaine subie dans les domaines socioculturel, économique, politique mais en particulier, linguistique. Alors que ces oeuvres jouent le rôle significatif de réveil aux Québécois contre le danger à leur identité, et par conséquent à leur survivance, elles représentent également la voix de l’opprimé contre toute forme d’inégalité et l’injustice.

Enhancing Nurses' Perceptions of Patient Safety Culture Through the Just Culture Model

Solomon, Aida 01 January 2014 (has links)
An organizational culture of safety affects employees' attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, and values related to safe practice as well as their behaviors and level of engagement. The purpose of this project was to determine the influence of introducing the just culture model through staff engagement in an interactive workshop. A convenience sample of acute care staff were recruited for this 1-sample pretest and posttest project design. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture instrument was used to measure safety culture perceptions on 7 dimensions pre and post intervention. For the theoretical framework, Ajzen's theory of planned behavior and Kantar's empowerment theory were used. Welch's t test results showed significant improvement in perception scores overall (t = 2.7, p < 0.01), with posttest mean scores ('= 3.7) higher than pretest mean scores ('= 3.5). The dimension-specific mean posttest scores were significantly higher on 3 of the 7 dimensions including teamwork (t = 2.99, p < 0.05), feedback and communication (t = 2.14, p < 0.05), and frequency of event reporting (t = 2.31, p < 0.05). Major implications for social change include reduction of preventable errors and iatrogenic events; creating a healthcare environment that is safe, fair, transparent, and reliable; creating organizational learning through evidence-based patient safety training; and promoting the use of perception surveys to measure and improve the culture in one's organization. The project may provide a road map for just culture implementation. Future qualitative and quantitative research should explore effects of a just culture on safety reporting patterns and specific events such reducing medication errors or risk-taking behaviors.

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