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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Specialpedagogens arbetsuppgifter : En enkätstudie med 78 examinerade specialpedagoger

Holmefur, Ida, Svansdóttir-Sundberg, Maria January 2021 (has links)
Studien tar avstamp i de livliga diskussioner om specialpedagogens roll, uppdrag och arbetsuppgifter som förekommer i bland annat pedagogisk litteratur, tidskrifter och digitala forum. Syftet med studien är att belysa vilka arbetsuppgifter en specialpedagog, verksam inom förskola, grundskola och gymnasieskola i Sverige, bör utföra. Studien har en kvantitativ ansats och data samlades in med hjälp av anonyma digitala enkäter som besvarades av examinerade specialpedagoger. Resultatet visar att specialpedagoger är eniga om att en mångfald av arbetsuppgifter bör ingå i uppdraget. Resultatet visar också att specialpedagoger blir ombedda att utföra många arbetsuppgifter som de inte anser borde ingå i deras uppdrag. Av studien framgår att specialpedagoger önskar en tydligare rolldefinition och de lyfter rektors betydelse för detta. Studien kan utgöra ett bidrag till debatten om rollen och bidra till att klargöra behovet av tydliggjorda roller samt i förlängningen leda till ökad samsyn kring rollerna i skolan. / The study is based on the lively discussions about the special educational needs coordinator's role, assignments and tasks that occur in educational literature, journals and digital forums among others. The purpose is to shed light on which tasks a special educational needs coordinator, active in preschool, primary school and upper secondary school in Sweden, should perform. The study has a quantitative approach and data was collected using anonymous digital surveys. The respondents were graduated special educational needs coordinators. The result shows that special educational needs coordinators agree that a variety of tasks should be included in the assignment. The result also shows that they are asked to perform many tasks that they do not consider should be included in the assignment. The study shows that the special educational needs coordinators want a clearer role definition and they emphasize the importance of the principal in this. The study can constitute a contribution to the debate about the role, help to elucidate the need for clarified roles and in the long run lead to increased consensus about roles in school.

8 klasės nedidelių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių mokinių matematinio raštingumo tyrimas / Mathematical literacy research of 8th class schoolchildren with small special educational needs

Bartkevičiutė, Milda 02 September 2010 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojami VIII klasių nedidelių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių mokinių, besimokančių bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje, matematikos gebėjimai bei raštingumas. Suformuluota hipotezė, jog tikėtina, kad nedidelių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių mokinių, besimokančių bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje, matematiniai gebėjimai atitinka Nacionalinio mokinių pasiekimų tyrimo testų vertinimo instrukcijoje aprašytą patenkinamą pasiekimų lygmenį. Tyrime dalyvavo 40 VIII klasių nedidelių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turintys mokiniai, besimokantys bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose. Kontrolinio matematikos testo metodu tirta, kaip nedidelių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turintys mokiniai geba pritaikyti turimas matematikos žinias, spręsdami uždavinius ir kokie yra jų gebėjimai. Tyrimu nustatyta, kad VIII klasės nedidelių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių mokinių žinios ir gebėjimai atitinka matematikos programoje nurodytus minimalius reikalavimus, tačiau šios žinios nėra tvirtos, mokiniai ne visada gebėjo jas taikyti praktinėje veikloje sprendžiant uždavinius. Todėl beveik visose užduotyse buvo daroma klaidų. Išanalizavus tyrimo rezultatus pastebėta, kad geriausiai moksleiviams sekėsi atlikti geometrijos turinio srities uždavinius, spręsti aritmetines eilutes bei kitus lengvesnio pobūdžio veiksmus, kuriuose buvo pateikti atsakymo variantai. Kiek sunkiau mokiniams sekėsi atlikti tuos uždavinius, kuriuose reikėjo skaičius kelti laipsniu, rasti pradinę prekės kainą ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Mathematic and mathematical literacy are very important parts of personality and of all society. There are things which make an influence on human daily life, work and others. These things are important in education too because schoolchildren have to know that these subjects are necessary not only now but it will be need in the future too. The bachelor work deals with schoolchildren of 8th classes and who have small special educational needs. The purpose of investigation was to explore mathematical abilities of children with small special educational needs. It is hypothesized, that probably children’s with small special educational needs who learn in comprehensive school mathematical abilities adequate achievement level of satisfactory which was written in National schoolchildren achievement, in instruction of investigation’s evaluation tests. Forty schoolchildren with small educational needs of 8th classes participated in this investigation. The respondents were selected from Šiauliai, Skuodas, Kupiškis comprehensive schools. They had to work a sums which were taken from National schoolchildren achievements investigation in 2007. The results of investigation showed that schoolchildren with small special educational needs don’t have enough information of mathematic, so their mathematical abilities are not good too. Some results of worksheet were comparable with normal schoolchildren of the same age. Results of these people were better because they were done less mistakes... [to full text]


Jasėnaitė, Inga 03 September 2010 (has links)
Tyrimo aktualumas. Kiekvienas vaikas turi teisę į mokslą. Šią teisę užtikrina Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucija, Lietuvos Respublikos Švietimo įstatymas, Specialiojo ugdymo įstatymas ir kiti teisės aktai, tačiau kai kurie vaikai gali susidurti su šios teisės pažeidimais ir sunkumais. Įgyvendinant specialiųjų ugdymo(si) poreikių mokinių integraciją į bendrojo lavinimo mokyklas, būtina siekti, kad šių mokinių teisės į mokslą nebūtų pažeistos, užtikrinant visiems mokiniams lygias mokymosi galimybes, vadovaujantis principu ,,mokykla visiems“. Magistro darbe siekiama išsiaiškinti, kokias teises specialiųjų ugdymo(si) poreikių mokiniai turi bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje ir kaip jos įgyvendinamos, su kokiomis problemomis susiduriama, kurios apribotų šių mokinių teises į mokslą. Tyrimo objektas - specialiųjų ugdymo(si) poreikių mokinių teisių į mokslą įgyvendinimas. Tyrimo tikslas - išsiaiškinti specialiųjų ugdymo(si) poreikių mokinių teisių į mokslą įgyvendinimo problemas. Tyrimo metodika. Tyrimas atliktas anketinės apklausos metodu. Parengtos dvi anketos: pedagogams pusiau uždaro tipo anketa ir specialiųjų ugdymo(si) poreikių mokiniams uždaro tipo anketa. Tyrime dalyvavo 92 aukštesniųjų klasių bendrojo lavinimo pedagogai ir 100 (4 - 10 klasių) specialiųjų ugdymo(si) poreikių mokiniai, integruoti į bendrojo lavinimo klases. Anketinės apklausos metodu tirta, ar pedagogai turi pakankamai kompetencijų ugdyti specialiųjų ugdymo(si) poreikių mokinius, koks bendraklasių požiūris šių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The urgency of the research. Every child has the right to study. Although this right is based on the Constitution the Education Act of the Republic of Lithuania the Special Education Law and other laws, some of the children still face difficulties and offences of this right. While integrating pupils with special needs into the secondary schools of general education it is very important to strive not to offend this right and guarantee equal possibilities for all the children to study following the principle “school for all”. This paper for Master’s Degree aims to find out what rights pupils with special needs have in a secondary school of general education and how they are implemented, what problems are faced, and what limits the right of a pupil having special needs to get appropriate education. The main subject of the research: the problems faced while integrating pupils with special needs into the secondary schools and implementing their right to study. The objective of the research: analyse the problems of implementing the right. The approach. The research was done using the method of quistionaires. There were 2 quistionaires prepared: a semi closed type of a questionnaire for the teachers and a closed type of a questionnaire for the pupils having special needs. 92 teachers and 100 students with special needs (from the 4th to the 10th forms) integrated into the ordinary classrooms general education schools participated in the research. The research investigated teachers... [to full text]

An investigation of the features of design and technology lessons that motivate disaffected and low ability pupils to engage in learning : an action research project focussing on perceived relevance

Thomas, Michael Gary January 2007 (has links)
This thesis is based on practitioner and action research by the author. A series of iterative case studies identified factors that contributed towards a group of low ability and disaffected pupils being engaged in learning in design and technology. The findings of each case study were analysed and conclusions used to frame the subsequent case study. Findings from these case studies were then used to develop an action research project. Discussion of the relationship between pupils' perceived relevance of an activity and their levels of engagement has appeared on the UK educational agenda, (Ofsted 2005:51-52, Davies et al, 2004:147, Daniels et al 1998:5.5, Denton, 1992), but not with the frequency which might be expected. Initial research at the school found that a group of low ability and disaffected pupils had a very positive perception of the “relevance” of design and technology. In contrast the literature reviewed suggested that pupils in their samples had a low perception of the “relevance” of design and technology. Qualitative methodology was used. This included interviewing teachers and pupils and the development of a semi-structured interview schedule. Analysis of this data was aided by the use of a Likert, (1932) rating scale. A "summated" scale, Trochim, (2006) supported the interpretation of data. Observations were used to record classroom interactions. A Delphi group (Toffler, 1970:462) explored issues emerging during the research and to limit the danger of single observer bias. Pupil understanding of the term “relevance” was explored. The findings identified strategies employed to promote the relevance of the subject. These strategies were developed into an action research project that tested the strategies in three other schools. One school, with a relatively inexperienced teacher, found the strategies had a positive impact on teaching and learning.

Future secondary schools for diversity : where are we now and where could we be? : a 'futures thinking' approach to planning for diversity and inclusion, informed by an investigation of the current over-representation of secondary aged students in special schools in England

Black, Alison Elizabeth January 2012 (has links)
In 2011, 65% of the 76,900 pupils aged between 5 and 16 in special schools in England were of secondary age. When this population is broken down further, a constant rise in pupil numbers is seen; from just under 3,500 pupils at age 5, to more than 10,000 at age 15, with a large leap in numbers between the ages 10 and 11. This thesis views these patterns as demonstrations of disproportionality and as indications that inclusion in mainstream secondary schools is not being achieved. The thesis fills a gap in the literature exemplified by the paucity of studies on this phenomenon. It is distinctive in not only exploring a problem and then suggesting ways of overcoming it, it also tests these suggestions. The thesis is in two parts, the first is a standard empirical enquiry, using a survey methodology, the second uses futures studies methodologies and evaluation techniques to create and develop a vignette of a future school that successfully includes those children currently placed in special schools. A critical realist perspective is adopted, acknowledging that explanations are contingent and influenced by personal experience and bias (at the level of researcher and participants). Hence a range of stakeholder views are sought, along with the involvement of groups of practitioners and experts in the refinement of a vignette of a future school. The thesis employs a mixed methods approach, in order to base findings on as many sources as possible. It also involves a futures thinking aspect, in the design of a preferable, transforming, normative image of a future education system. In part one explanations about why the phenomenon of over-representation occur are sought through a literature review, then a questionnaire of key stakeholders (those involved in school placement decisions). Factors that are commented on most frequently are school level factors and within child factors. These findings point to limitations of current models used to understand disability and special educational needs, the thesis posits that an extended multi-dimensional model is needed, and suggests a number of existing models that could be developed. In part two a vignette of a future school is created by considering how problems and issues raised in part one of the study could be circumvented. This vignette is evaluated by experts who have experiential and theoretical knowledge of the field of special educational needs and inclusion. The evaluation contributes to the further refinement of the vignette. This thesis highlights the unexplored phenomenon of secondary over-representation in special schools in England and presents an in-depth analysis of the reasons that stakeholders give to explain this over-representation. Uniquely, this analysis is then translated into an imaginary design of a possible future inclusive school, the evaluation of which in turn highlights some of the persistent issues about the purposes and design of schools in a diverse society.

Assessing the quality of clinical occupational therapy records kept at schools for learners with special educational needs in the Western Cape

Rischmuller, Renee Antoinette 08 May 2009 (has links)
iv Abstract This research report compares what occupational therapists working at schools for learners with special educational needs (LSEN) think is important to record with what is recorded in the learners' occupational therapy files. Six clinical occupational therapists completed a questionnaire by grading items according to their level of importance in maintaining occupational therapy records. The researcher did an audit on 76 learners' occupational therapy files at four LSEN schools. The results indicated a vast discrepancy between what the occupational therapist viewed as important and what was actually recorded in the learners' files. The occupational therapists viewed most items as being very important to record (84.2%), yet the items were seldom recorded in the learners' files (33.3%). The researcher used the results to develop an adjusted checklist that could be used by occupational therapists at LSEN schools to audit their own records and as a guideline for record keeping.

Parental attitudes towards mainstreaming/inclusion of children with special educational needs in regular classrooms and schools

Glassman, Jennifer A. 04 April 2014 (has links)
Thesis (M.Ed.)--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Education, 1999. / This study examines parental attitudes towards mainstreaming/inclusion in South Africa, which was recently adopted as part of the new educational dispensation. The sample included parents of children in four different school types in Johannesburg, and the survey was conducted by means of a questionnaire with multiple-choice and open-ended sections. The respondents totaled 255 out of a possible 400 (64%). Statistical analyses used included factor analysis, analysis of variance and independent group t-tests. The results indicated an overall neutral or negative attitude towards mainstreaming by parents, with parents of children in special and remedial schools being more negative. Parents felt that gifted children or those with mild to moderate learning disabilities were the most suitable candidates for mainstreaming, whilst children with severe mental retardation, sensory impairments, or behavioural disorders were the least suited. Parents were concerned that teachers would not be able to cope with the demands of the mainstream classroom because of inadequate training or time. They were also concerned that classes would be too large, that children of differing abilities would not be able to cope with the academic and social demands placed on them, and that general educational standards would drop. Only 20% of parents felt that mainstreaming would be successful, and most parents were not clear about what measures could help to implement this educational approach in South Africa. The implications of these results were discussed, with a view to future research and interventions to allay parental fears about mainstreaming/inclusion

Permanência dos alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais em classes comuns: a ótica de professores de 5ª a 8ª séries / Permanence of pupils with special educational needs in common classes: the perspective of teachers from 5th to 8th grades.

Santos, Maria Luisa dos 22 September 2010 (has links)
A democratização do direito à educação com a inclusão escolar corresponde à previsão da legislação brasileira como direito para todos, respaldado pela legislação educacional nacional, estadual e municipal. A evolução do número de matrículas dos alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais em classes comuns em todo o território brasileiro tem gerado tensões e contradições nos sistemas de ensino para o atendimento desse alunado, despertado discussões e reflexões sobre a prática educacional e possibilitado o desenvolvimento de pesquisas voltadas para desvendar esse complexo fenômeno social e escolar. O presente estudo objetivou investigar a relevância dos fatores que favorecem a permanência dos alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais em classes comuns, sob a ótica dos professores de 5ª à 8ª série do ensino fundamental, no município de Barueri, em São Paulo. Para a realização da pesquisa qualitativa foi utilizado um questionário como instrumento de investigação e os achados discutidos à luz dos documentos da legislação educacional e a partir das contribuições teóricas que possibilitaram aprofundar conhecimentos sobre os fatores imbricados na permanência dos alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais em classes comuns. Os apontamentos dos professores referiram que os fatores de maior relevância para a permanência dessa demanda em classes comuns estão relacionados ao número de alunos por sala de aula e a necessidade de revisão de critérios de avaliação e de promoção desse público. A pesquisa possibilitou informações que podem ser referenciais para a discussão de políticas públicas e de ações que possam, de fato, favorecer a permanência desse alunado em classes comuns no curso do ensino fundamental. / The democratization of the right to education with school inclusion corresponds to the prediction of the Brazilian law as a right for all, backed by national legislation on education, state and municipal levels. The evolution of the enrollment of students with special educational needs in regular classes throughout the Brazilian territory has generated tensions and contradictions in education for the care of these students, aroused discussion and reflection on educational practice and enabled the development of research focused to unravel this complex social phenomenon and school. This study aimed to investigate the relevance of the factors that promote the continuity of pupils with special educational needs in ordinary classes, from the perspective of teachers from 5th to 8th grade education in the city of Barueri, São Paulo. To achieve the qualitative questionnaire was used as a research tool and findings discussed in light of the documents of educational legislation and from the theoretical contributions that made possible increase knowledge of factors permeating the residence of pupils with special educational needs in regular classes. The notes of the teachers reported that the factors most relevant to this demand to remain in regular classes are related to the number of students per classroom and the need for revision of criteria for evaluation and promotion of the public. The survey offered information that can be references for the discussion of public policies and actions that may in fact promote the persistence of these students in regular classes in the course of elementary school.

Inclusion and teaching Physical Education (PE) in Greece : PE teachers' understandings and practice of inclusion and Mosston's Spectrum of Teaching Styles

Karageorgopoulou, Efstathia January 2016 (has links)
Inclusion in relation to special educational needs (SEN) has become an imperative in the educational policies of many countries. However, the implementation of inclusive practice is not straightforward and has been the focus of many studies. In Physical Education (PE), Mosston’s Spectrum of Teaching Styles is an integral component of many educational systems but has not been studied in relation to teachers’ understanding of inclusion and inclusive practice. Mosston’s Spectrum of Teaching styles has been promoted in Greece since 2006 and this study investigates the relationship between the beliefs and practices of specialist primary PE teachers in Greece in relation to inclusion and Mosston’s Spectrum of Teaching Styles. The study has a single-case research design with embedded units and was conducted in mainstream primary schools with 15 participant PE teachers. Data was collected using semi-structured observations of participants’ PE lessons followed by semi-structured interviews focusing on their understanding of inclusion, of inclusive practices and their knowledge and use of Mosston’s Spectrum of Teaching Styles. The findings suggest that some of the teachers’ beliefs about inclusion resonate with current understandings as reported in the literature whereas other teachers refer to older understandings of inclusion and disability. Very few teachers had a detailed knowledge of Mosston’s Spectrum of Teaching Styles but were found to use them to some extent during their lessons. While not commonly associated with inclusion, the teaching styles from Mosston’s Spectrum that were used did not prevent the use of inclusive practices by the teachers. This study relates Mosston’s Spectrum of Teaching Styles to a single dimension of inclusion and challenges the value it is accorded in Physical Education policy in Greece where inclusive practice is promoted by particular educational policies. The findings lead to suggestions for enhancement of both policy and practice in the context of Physical Education in Greece and more widely.

Digital media in a special educational needs classroom : a study

Williams, Keir January 2016 (has links)
This thesis presents a series of design-led case studies concerned with the use of digital technology and the practice of interaction design for children within the context of UK special educational needs classrooms. It explores the use and development of accessible digital systems to support groups of students who have a range of special educational needs. Working with groups of mixed ability students has found to be the most typical situation for teaching in the participant schools and is a rich but underexplored area of concern for interaction design research. This thesis presents detailed accounts and grounded analysis of four embedded, design-led, case studies in two UK special needs schools. It makes three main contributions to the community of researchers, designers and educational practitioners who are concerned with the use of digital technology with children and more specifically working within the field of interaction design for children with special educational needs. These contributions are: A set of design guidelines developed through an analysis of the detailed and thorough accounts of four embedded design-led research projects in two special needs school in the UK. A discussion of the development of the research approach taken in this thesis. A set of design personas of teaching staff interaction designers are likely to encounter when working in a UK special needs school.

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