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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relações de gênero na imprensa esportiva / Gender relations in the sports press

Erik Giuseppe Barbosa Pereira 08 July 2015 (has links)
O objetivo deste documento é apresentar os artigos que compõem a tese, cuja abordagem temática circunscreve-se sobre as relações de gênero na imprensa esportiva. Em nível de organização, sentimo-nos à vontade para dividirmos esta tese em dois blocos: o de BASE e o de APROFUNDAMENTO. O Bloco base é composto pelos artigos "Os estudos de gênero e masculinidade e seus reflexos para a Educação Física" e "O olhar da imprensa sobre o vôlei feminino: quando a sombra se destaca". O Primeiro versa sobre uma reflexão sobre as identidades e os desdobramentos das masculinidades para a área da Educação Física e esportes. Nessa empreitada, pudemos inferir que os estudos sobre as temáticas Gênero e Masculinidades apontam-nos para um terreno fecundo e promissor no que diz respeito à contemporaneidade e a abrangência teórica no universo da ciência com a qual esta área de saber dialoga. Destarte, somos levados a inferir que os esportes, ao que tudo indica, vem atuando como legitimadora e reprodutora de uma ideologia hegemônica, sexista, patriarcal e machista. O segundo artigo, abordamos a história da inserção e da permanência das mulheres no universo dos esportes, utilizando a técnica da análise de imagens. Verificamos que a imprensa esportiva ainda carreia a imagem das mulheres atletas mantendo padrões ainda subordinados a uma hegemonia masculina que legisla sobre o que se quer ver. Já no segundo bloco, é composto pelos estudos "Jogos Olímpicos de Londres 2012: brasileiros e brasileiras em foco" e "Revelações dos fotógrafos esportivos brasileiros sobre relações de gênero". No primeiro estudo, ao analisarmos as imagens publicadas em jornais no período olímpico de 2012, percebemos que é evidente a quantidade e dimensão superior das imagens masculinas frente às femininas. Também, nas poucas vezes em que o homem é retratado denotando emotividade, choro ou decepção, as imagens divulgadas são de dimensões médias ou pequenas. E nas raras vezes em que a mulher é registrada durante a execução de gestos técnicos, vale-se do mesmo ocorrido no masculino: fotos médias ou pequenas e restritas ao interior do jornal. No artigo seguinte desse bloco, constatamos que o discurso dos fotógrafos para clicar atletas seguem as premissas: focam o corpo feminino belo e sensual em detrimento da representação de seu movimento no esporte, o que explica a apresentação de conotação sexual; sua performance é relegada a segundo plano. Já o corpo masculino, quando exposto sugerindo algum tipo de apelo, é representado de forma diferenciada, não vexatória ou pejorativa e sempre em posição de altivez. Verificamos que o publicado nos jornais não condiz com os discursos proferidos pelos entrevistados, uma vez que em diversos momentos afirmaram não haver discrepâncias quanto ao registro do masculino e do feminino. Nas Considerações finais, elencamos as principais impressões da composição da obra. Nesse item, pudemos confirmar que atletas masculinos e femininos têm tratamentos diferenciados e desiguais nos discursos e nas imagens exibidas pela imprensa esportiva. / The objective of this document is to present the articles that form this thesis, which has a thematic approach based on gender relations in sports press. On an organizational level, this thesis can be divided into two blocks, the basic information and the details. The basic information block contains two articles: "The studies of gender and masculinity and the consequences for Physical Education" and "The eye of the press on female volleyball: when the shadows call attention to themselves". The first is on identities and the effects of masculinity on the Physical Education and Sports area. In the context of this article, it is possible to infer that studies about "gender" and "masculinity" themes are fertile and promising terrain regarding the contemporaneity and theory in the scientific universe that is touched by this area of knowledge. As such, one can infer that sports have been legitimizing and reproducing an hegemonic ideology that is sexist, male chauvinist and patriarchal. In the second article, the history of female insertion and permanence in the world of sports was analyzed through an image analysis technique. The investigation found that the image of female athletes is still being divulged by the sporting press under a male hegemony, that "legislates" about what it wants to see. The second block of articles is composed by two other articles, as follows: "London 2012 Olympic Games: male and female Brazilians in focus." and "Revelations of Brazilian sporting photographers about gender relations.". In the first study, through the analysis of female athlete images published in newspapers during the Olympic Games, it was determined that there was a greater number of male athlete images and that when men were depicted in a moment of weakness, the image was smaller, whereas women, when shown executing technical gestures, were also relegated to smaller spaces than men in the same situation. In the second article of this block, results show that sports photographers have a specific set of considerations when photographing athletes: when depicting female athletes, they focus on beautiful and sensual female bodies, with little room for representations of their movements in sport, so there is a primarily sexual connotation and their sports performance is relegated to the background. Male athletes, however, when represented in any way that may suggest appeal, are shown differently, in a form that is neither pejorative nor vexing, and always in a manner that conveys pride. The investigation determined that what is published in the newspapers is different from what the photographers stated, considering that many times they affirmed that there was no difference between male and female athletes in sports photography. In the "Final Considerations" section, all of the main impressions brought on by the investigation were recorded. As it is, male and female athletes are treated differently and unequally in the discourse and images exhibited by the sporting press.

Du football aux foot-ball : étude comparative de la géographie des cultures sportives « balle au pied » / From football association to football codes : a comparative study of sporting cultures from a geographical perspective

Gaubert, Vincent 18 November 2016 (has links)
Il ressort fréquemment des discours d’acteurs qu’une rencontre sportive n’est jamais gagnée d’avance et que partant, il n’y a pas, ou plus, de petites équipes, les adversaires étant toujours à « prendre au sérieux ». Si le football était un joueur de son propre sport, il ne dérogerait pas à ces aphorismes. Il l’aurait pu quand, accompagnant les débuts de la mondialisation, il marquait de son empreinte la géographie mondiale et nationale des foot-ball et dominait ses concurrents en termes de possession de l’espace. Mais le champ sportif s’est aujourd’hui diversifié en raison de la pluralité de ses pratiques comme celle de leurs modes d’organisation, et il lui apporte de nouveaux opposants ou renforce ses « vieux » challengeurs. De ce fait, un nouveau match a commencé, dont la géographie s’est emparée pour le commenter à sa main : c’est elle qui décide du résultat final, par ses concepts, ses méthodes et ses outils. La comparaison des diffusions, des logiques de localisation et des stratégies géomarketing du football, du futsal, du beach soccer et du football indoor se mue de la sorte en autant d’actions, d’occasions, de phases de jeu qui animent la rencontre de ces cultures sportives « balle au pied ». Celles-ci ne se jouent pas partout, ni au même endroit : leurs terrains ne se confondent pas. Et c’est à l’échelle urbaine que la tension de ce match atteint son paroxysme. Avec l’agglomération lilloise pour toile de fond, cette étude témoignera ainsi de l’implantation différenciée, hiérarchisée et segmentée des foot-ball dans l’espace géographique. / There are some lessons that can be taken out from discussions between a football game participants: no game is a sure thing, there are no small teams anymore, and you can’t underestimate the value of your opponents. If football was a player, he wouldn’t dismiss these aphorisms. Not anymore, because the time has passed when it could rely on its supremacy to turn away from these truths. As a pioneering sport, football has moved along with the early stages of globalisation and has heavily influenced the geography of worldwide and national football codes today: in terms of possession, football reigns over its competitors. However, the diversity of the field of sports, impacted by the variety of its activities and their organisations brings new contenders or strengthen its former challengers. In this way, geography finds an easy subject to discuss. With its concepts, methods and tools, geography decides on the final result. This contest is heightened by actions, big chances or plays which turned into expansion, location and geomarketing strategy of football, futsal, beach soccer and five-a-side football. These sporting cultures don’t play everywhere, neither do they play in the same place: their fields don’t collide. On a smaller scale, that of a city, the game’s tension reaches its climax. Focussed on metropolitan Lille, this study will support differentiated, ranked and segmented football codes in geographic space.

Estrutura organizacional e das tomadas de decisão em Clubes Socioesportivos de São Paulo / Organizational structure and decision-making in Social and Sporting Clubs of Sao Paulo

José Arthur Fernandes Barros 21 March 2016 (has links)
As Organizações chamadas de Clubes Sócioesportivos mantém um modelo de administração que as caracteriza, que é a gestão realizada por voluntários e apoiada por gestores profissionais. A literatura aponta que a estrutura organizacional de entidades esportivas é peculiar, especialmente em clubes de futebol, onde persiste a fronteira entre os gestores voluntários que representam o poder executivo e legislativo e os gestores profissionais que são os que controlam e executam o planejamento financeiro e de atividades. No entanto são escassos estudos voltados a Clubes Sócioesportivos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi de identificar, descrever e comparar aspectos do processo de gestão da área de esportes de Clubes Sócioesportivos e analisa-los à luz de teorias e modelos administrativos. A pesquisa teve abordagem qualitativa, sendo realizado estudo de campo junto a seis clubes sócioesportivos da cidade de São Paulo. Para tanto, foram construídos e aplicados dois instrumentos: questionário e entrevista semiestruturada junto aos gestores de esporte das entidades. As informações obtidas foram analisadas comparativamente entre as entidades. Verificou-se que os Clubes utilizam modelos administrativos tradicionais com desenhos organizacionais. O planejamento destas organizações é baseado estritamente no orçamento anual, não havendo um planejamento plurianual ou estratégico. A tomada de decisão tem como alicerce a experiência pessoal do gestor voluntário, apoiada na vivência do gestor profissional. Não foram encontradas técnicas apuradas de tomada de decisão. As decisões mais importantes quanto a administração do Clube mantém um rito de preocupação com as responsabilidades. Os recursos humanos são selecionados pelo gestor profissional com o aval do gestor voluntário mantendo uma linha de contratação coerente e que está voltada a atender as demandas do Clube. Conclui-se que os Clubes estudados apresentam poucos aspectos diferentes do tradicional nas suas administrações, mantém uma estrutura organizacional própria, e os processos de tomada de decisões na área de esportes são fortemente vinculados ao planejamento financeiro / Organizations Sports Social Club calls maintains a management model that characterizes them, which is the management performed by volunteers and supported by professional managers. The literature points out that the organizational structure of sport organizations is peculiar, especially in football clubs, which remains the boundary between the volunteers managers representing the executive and legislative and professional managers who are controlling and perform financial planning and activities. However there are few studies concerning the Social and Sporting Clubs. The aim of this study was to identify, describe and compare aspects of the management process of Social and Sporting Club sports area and examines them in the light of theories and management models. The research was qualitative approach being conducted field study with six Social and Sporting clubs of São Paulo. To do so, they were built and applied two instruments: questionnaire and semi-structured interviews with the bodies of sport managers. The information obtained was analyzed comparatively between the entities. It was found that the teams use traditional administrative models with organizational designs. The planning of these organizations is strictly based on the annual budget, with no or a multi-annual strategic planning. Decision making has as its foundation the personal experience of the volunteer manager, based on the experience of the professional manager. Cleared technical decision-making were found. The most important decisions as the club\'s management maintains a matter of rite with responsibilities. Human resources are selected by professional manager with the endorsement of the volunteer manager keeping a plausible hiring line and is geared to meet the demands of the Club. We conclude that the studied clubs have few innovative features in their administrations, maintains a traditional organizational structure and decision-making processes in the sports area are strongly linked to financial planning

Návrh marketingové komunikace prodejny APM Sport / Proposal of marketing communication of APM Sport store

Jelínková, Kristýna January 2019 (has links)
Title: The Proposal for Marketing Communication of "APM Sport" store Goals: The goal is to analyze and evaluate the current marketing comunication of the "APM Sport" store, based on the acquired data and findings and propose a new improved marketing communication of the store. Methods: Methods of both qualitative and quantitative reseach have been employed to assess the marketing communication, specifically an interview with instuctions and analysis of internal documents. Later these methods were suplemented by quantitative research, namely polling of both actual and potential customers. Results: The output of the work is a proposal for the improvement of the marketing communication of "APM Sport" store, including new means of communication and efficiency improvement of the current means. It is particularly the enhancement of the loyalty program, personal sale during the outgoing events and increase of PR cooperation. Newly there is a proposal for communal outdoor events, employment of outdoor advertising and guerilla marketing. Keywors: customer, polling, communication mix, promotion, sporting goods

Une approche sensemaking de la responsabilité sociale dans le secteur de l'événementiel sportif / A sensemaking approach of social responsability in the sporting events' sector

Djaballah, Mathieu 02 September 2014 (has links)
La responsabilité sociale des entreprises (RSE) fait l’objet d’un intérêt croissant au sein de la recherche en management des organisations sportives. Il apparaît de plus en plus évident qu’elle y revêt des caractéristiques spécifiques faisant écho aux nombreuses particularités déjà soulignées du secteur sportif. Cette thèse aborde plus précisément la responsabilité sociale dans le cadre des évènements sportifs. Celle-ci semble être influencée, à l’instar de celle d’autres organisations sportives (Babiak & Wolfe, 2009), par deux ensembles de déterminants, les premiers renvoyant aux « ressources internes uniques » dont ils disposent, les seconds aux « fortes pressions externes » dont ils font l’objet. Ce travail envisage donc la responsabilité sociale des évènements sportifs comme une « boîte noire » qu’il s’agit d’ouvrir pour comprendre comment chaque acteur lui donne du sens. Dans cette perspective, il vise deux objectifs : (1) analyser, à travers un modèle de sensemaking stratégique ou prospectif (Thomas, Clark & Gioia, 1993; Selsky & Parker, 2010), les processus de construction de sens de deux parties prenantes principales des évènements sportifs ; (2) rendre compte, en nous appuyant sur les concepts du sensegiving (Gioia & Chittipeddi, 1991 ; Maitlis, 2005), de la manière dont ces différents acteurs influencent la construction de sens collective qui aboutit à la stratégie de responsabilité sociale d’un évènement sportif. Ce travail s’articule autour de trois études. Les deux premières sont constituées d’entretiens semi-directifs (personnes-ressources) auprès d’entreprises sponsors (N=23) et de collectivités locales (N=23). La troisième est composée de quatre études de cas combinant des entretiens semi-directifs auprès des organisateurs et des principales parties prenantes concernées (N=27), d’observations sur site ainsi que d’une analyse documentaire. Les résultats permettent d’identifier, pour chaque catégorie d’acteur, plusieurs niveaux d’ambigüité qui balisent le processus de sensemaking. Pour les entreprises sponsors, il s’agit de leurs perceptions (positives ou négatives) du degré de proximité de l’évènement (ou des différentes entités sportives dont ils sont partenaires) vis-à-vis de la responsabilité sociale, des liens perçus entre la responsabilité sociale de l’évènement et leur propre RSE, du focus de leurs initiatives responsables (liées à la responsabilité sociale de l’évènement, à celle d’une entité sportive particulière ou à la leur) ainsi que des liens entre les objectifs spécifiques des initiatives responsables et leur stratégie globale sur l’évènement. Pour les collectivités locales, il s’agit de leurs perceptions (positives ou négatives) des impacts de l’évènement, de la contrôlabilité perçue de ces impacts ainsi que du lien entre leur politique évènementielle, leur politique sportive globale (en particulier ses aspects sociaux) et leur politique environnementale. Pour chacun de ces acteurs, la combinaison de ces niveaux d’ambigüité aboutit à une pluralité de stratégies et d’actions de responsabilité sociale. Les études de cas montrent quant à elles que les évènements sportifs étudiés prennent place au sein d’un continuum allant d’un sensemaking contraint à un sensemaking non-contraint en fonction de l’origine et de la force du sensegiving. Le sensemaking contraint résulte d’une situation où les organisateurs se conforment au sens que leurs parties prenantes donnent à la responsabilité sociale de l’évènement. Il semble associé à une légitimité de type morale, à un faible degré stratégique de la responsabilité sociale du point de vue de l’organisateur ainsi qu’à une praxis de type « réduction des effets négatifs ». Le sensemaking non-contraint résulte d’une situation où les organisateurs contrôlent le processus de sensegiving. Il semble lié à une légitimité de type pragmatique ou cognitive, à un degré stratégique plus élevé et à une praxis de type « propagation d’effets positifs ». / Since the early 2000’s, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has gained a growing interest in the sport management literature. It seems clear that CSR takes very particular forms in this field. This doctoral research more specifically deals with sporting events. Sporting events appear to be influenced, like other sport organizations, by two sets of determinants (Babiak & Wolfe, 2009), namely “unique internal resources” and “strong external pressures”. This work views sporting event’s social responsibility as a “black box” which the researcher has to open in order to understand how the different stakeholders make sense of it. It therefore aims two objectives: (1) to analyze the strategic sensemaking process (Thomas, Clark & Gioia, 1993; Selsky & Parker, 2010) of two main sporting events’ stakeholders – corporate sponsors and local governments; (2) to account on how the various stakeholders influence the collective sensegiving process (Gioia & Chittipeddi, 1991; Maitlis, 2005) resulting in social responsibility actions. This research is structured around three studies. The first-two are based on semi-structured interviews with corporate sponsors (N=23) and local governments (N=23). The third is composed of four case studies combining semi-structured interviews with sporting events organizers and their main stakeholders (N=27), on-site observation and document analysis. The results identify several levels of ambiguity which mark the sensemaking processes of both stakeholder categories. Concerning corporate sponsors, these levels include positive and negative perceptions about the link between sporting events and social responsibility, perceived links between sporting events’ social responsibility and their own CSR, perceived focus of social responsibility actions as well as perceived links bewtween these actions and their strategic objectives on the event. Concerning local governments, these levels include positive and negative perceptions about sporting events’ social impacts, perceived controllability of these impacts and perceived links between sporting events, the social aspects of global sport policies as well as environmental policies. For each of these actors, combinations of the various levels of ambiguity lead to the development of social responsibility strategies during the events. Case studies show that sporting events can be placed on a continuum between “constained” and “not-constrained” sensemaking depending on the origin and intensity of sensegiving activities. Constained sensemaking occurs when organizers conform to the sense imposed by stakeholders. It seems to be associated with moral legitimacy, a low strategic level and a “do no harm” praxis. Not-constrained sensemaking occurs when organizers keep the control of the sensemaking process. It seems to be associated with pragmatic and cognitive legitimacy, a strong strategic level and a “do good” praxis.

Five yards, a cloud of dust and a bucket of blood : Australian rugby league and violence 1970 to 1995

Hutchins, Brett, n/a January 1997 (has links)
This thesis evaluates Australian rugby league participant violence between 1970 and 1995 through the use of figurational sociology, a body of thought pioneered by Norbert Elias. While figurational theory is the dominant paradigm used, an interdisciplinary focus is adopted in order to negotiate the recognised weaknesses of 'Eliasian' theory, and to complement its strengths. Communication studies, cultural studies and gender theory are interweaved with figurational sociology to analyse rugby league violence. Furthermore, through these theoretical paradigms, important wider social and cultural issues are taken into account including the commodification of Australian rugby league, the media framing of State of Origin rugby league as a 'sports mediated product', and the role violence plays both within the construction of masculine identities in rugby league and in the wider 'gender order' . These social and cultural issues are evaluated to gain an adequate understanding of the structural and interpersonal interrelationships constituting the social phenomenon of rugby league violence. The central finding of this thesis is that there is a processual shift from more to less illegitimate violence in Australian rugby league between 1970 and 1995.

What is a girl’s experience of physical activity? A qualitative descriptive study

Dickson, Caroline January 2008 (has links)
This qualitative study explores the experiences of female adolescents in relation to physical activity. The study investigates the experience of being adolescent and the meaning of a female adolescent’s experience of physical activity. A qualitative description with a phenomenological hue was the methodology used. Their perceptions of their lived experiences in relation to physical activity were revealed through stories. The participants were six adolescent females. The study data was gathered through open-ended questions and in-depth conversations, to seek meaning of the adolescent’s experience of physical activity. The interviews were transcribed and stories extracted from the data. Results from the findings of the study indicate that physical activity needs to be enjoyable for the female adolescent for her to be motivated to participate. What specifically constitutes enjoyment for the adolescent differs for each individual. The data also suggested that other persons of influence or the female adolescent’s environment may also have an impact on their participation. Peers, parents, their gender, body issues, competition, running, and certain restrictions were revealed as making a difference. For the female adolescent participating in physical activity, it would be advantageous to find an approach that allows a girl to experience physical activity in the way that works for her. Some participants, already good at sports, are likely to be very competitive, want to train hard, and will build friendships among their like-minded peers. These female adolescents are not so problematic. They already love physical activity and participate in it. The challenge is to target those female adolescents who do not participate on a regular basis, and to design successful interventions which promote and encourage them into physical activity. This change may prevent a further decline in the levels of physical activity for the adolescent who is at a stage when physical activity may be so advantageous.

An approach to concept development for compliant mechanisms possessing high coefficients of restitution /

Woolley, Brandon H., January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S.)--Brigham Young University. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2004. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 109-112).

Supplier Selection : A Study of the Supplier Selection Process within the Sporting Goods Manufacturing Industry

Smeja, Inken, Tenschert, Ulrike, Przewosnik, Dirk January 2006 (has links)
Due to the ongoing globalisation and fast changes within the business environment companies are forced to adapt more quickly to customer needs. Therefore, they depend on reliable suppliers which provide them with the necessary goods and services. As a consequence, finding suitable suppliers is of utmost importance for companies. To be able to choose those suppliers companies need to establish criteria on which basis potential suppliers can be evaluate and select afterwards. Against this background, this master thesis researches the supplier selection process from the end manufacturer’s point of view. Hereby, the focus is laid on theoretical supplier evaluation criteria and methods. Due to the lack of investigations in this branch of industry the authors have chosen the sporting goods manufacturing industry within Sweden and Austria as their field of study. They have been supported in their research by the companies the Arctic City Counting House AB, the ATOMIC Austria GmbH, and the HEAD Sports AG which provided them with the essential empirical data. Keeping the above mentioned fact in the back of one’s mind, the authors deduce the following research question: On which basis and how do manufacturers of sports equipment in Sweden and Austria evaluate and select their suppliers? Within the theoretical part the reader of this thesis first of all gets an overview of supplier-buyer relationships and afterwards is informed about the structure of the supplier selection process, starting with the preparation step, followed by prequalification and evaluation steps and resulting in the final selection and the continuous controlling of the suppliers. In addition, common criteria which are necessary to evaluate suppliers are presented. Furthermore, the reader is provided with an insight into general evaluation models whereby four common theoretical methods are explained in detail (AHP, TCO, DCA, and DEA). Out of this theoretical data a conceptual model was created. The empirical part consists of practical information which was provided by the three researched companies mentioned above through questionnaires and interviews. The analysed data concludes that the evaluation criteria which are given in theory are also used in practice. In addition, it was discovered that a further criteria category is applied within the researched companies. The values of the evaluation criteria depend on the goals of the respective company. The theoretical evaluation models on the other hand are not used by the examined sporting goods manufacturers. All of them use their own methods which are presented in the empirical as well as in the analytical part of this thesis. Finally, this thesis ends with a conclusion and with the answer of the research question. Based on this thesis sporting goods manufacturers get an insight in specific supplier evaluation methods and thus gain the chance to learn how other companies within this industry evaluate and select their suppliers.

Supplier Selection : A Study of the Supplier Selection Process within the Sporting Goods Manufacturing Industry

Smeja, Inken, Tenschert, Ulrike, Przewosnik, Dirk January 2006 (has links)
<p>Due to the ongoing globalisation and fast changes within the business environment companies are forced to adapt more quickly to customer needs. Therefore, they depend on reliable suppliers which provide them with the necessary goods and services. As a consequence, finding suitable suppliers is of utmost importance for companies. To be able to choose those suppliers companies need to establish criteria on which basis potential suppliers can be evaluate and select afterwards.</p><p>Against this background, this master thesis researches the supplier selection process from the end manufacturer’s point of view. Hereby, the focus is laid on theoretical supplier evaluation criteria and methods. Due to the lack of investigations in this branch of industry the authors have chosen the sporting goods manufacturing industry within Sweden and Austria as their field of study. They have been supported in their research by the companies the Arctic City Counting House AB, the ATOMIC Austria GmbH, and the HEAD Sports AG which provided them with the essential empirical data.</p><p>Keeping the above mentioned fact in the back of one’s mind, the authors deduce the following research question:</p><p>On which basis and how do manufacturers of sports equipment in Sweden and Austria evaluate and select their suppliers?</p><p>Within the theoretical part the reader of this thesis first of all gets an overview of supplier-buyer relationships and afterwards is informed about the structure of the supplier selection process, starting with the preparation step, followed by prequalification and evaluation steps and resulting in the final selection and the continuous controlling of the suppliers. In addition, common criteria which are necessary to evaluate suppliers are presented. Furthermore, the reader is provided with an insight into general evaluation models whereby four common theoretical methods are explained in detail (AHP, TCO, DCA, and DEA). Out of this theoretical data a conceptual model was created.</p><p>The empirical part consists of practical information which was provided by the three researched companies mentioned above through questionnaires and interviews. The analysed data concludes that the evaluation criteria which are given in theory are also used in practice. In addition, it was discovered that a further criteria category is applied within the researched companies. The values of the evaluation criteria depend on the goals of the respective company. The theoretical evaluation models on the other hand are not used by the examined sporting goods manufacturers. All of them use their own methods which are presented in the empirical as well as in the analytical part of this thesis. Finally, this thesis ends with a conclusion and with the answer of the research question.</p><p>Based on this thesis sporting goods manufacturers get an insight in specific supplier evaluation methods and thus gain the chance to learn how other companies within this industry evaluate and select their suppliers.</p>

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