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Communication of sporting body ideals: Experiences of female NCAA Division I college athletesCoppola, Angela M. 16 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Host City, InishmoreSandfer, Jordan 01 April 2019 (has links) (PDF)
A nomadic con artist, bent on inflating the price of his family land, deceives a small Irish town on the verge of bankruptcy into hosting an international sporting event.
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A breath of fresh air : breathing stories of the lived experiences of asthma and sporting embodimentOwton, Helen Louise January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to conduct an investigation of the lived experiences of asthma and sporting embodiment in non-elite sportspeople of different ages and levels of ability, involved in a range of sports. Asthma is characterised as a breathing disorder and the aim of this research is to add to embodied literature by providing ‘fleshy’ realities of the moving, sweating, sensuous sporting body, which holds meanings, purposes and interests for people who experience sport with asthma. Breathing is not only a physiological process, but it is also cultural and people may deal with their asthma symptoms in ways that reflect cultural attitudes embedded in sport. This qualitative study addresses five exploratory questions: 1) How do sportspeople experience asthma? 2) How do sportspeople negotiate their asthma and sporting identities? 3) How do emotional dimensions play a role in sportspeople’s asthma and sporting experiences? 4) How do perceptions of environment and illness shape one another by examining the relationship between the body, the self and environment? 5) What is the role of trauma in sportspeople with asthma? 6) How do key senses (sound) play a role in sportspeople’s asthma and embodied sporting experiences? Through a symbolic-interactionsist and phenomenological-inspired approach, this research places emphasis on the mind-body-self nexus in relation to sensory experiences with a focus upon the centrality of the ‘visceral’ body in the relationship between self-consciousness and the self. A bodily disruption (e.g., asthmatic attack) is likely to heighten awareness of the body-self and contingency and may amplify how sportspeople listen to their own embodied selves when engaged in sporting action. Therefore, sportspeople may become even more acutely aware of, and attuned to, their breathing in ways that link the physiological, the psychological, the social and the environment. This may lead to a permanent re-ordering/negotiation of identities (e.g., athletic identity - asthma identity) through ‘emotion work’ and ‘somatic (auditory) work’ in which a concern with the body is central. The findings are represented as a typology consisting of Conformers, Contesters and Creators, which may be used as a framework to assist health care and sporting professionals in developing more appropriate and effective rehabilitation regimes for sportspeople, in order to improve the quality of treatment and outcomes.
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Sportuojančių mokinių vertybinių nuostatų ypatumai / Peculiarities of value principles of pupils going in forŽvirblienė, Raimonda 03 August 2011 (has links)
Darbo aktualumas. Vertybinių nuostatų reikšmė visuotinai pripažįstama, dažnai nurodoma ugdymo dokumentų preambulėse, net išryškinama, kurios, būties vertybės laikytinos svarbiausios. Tas pats vyksta ir sporte. Sportuojant įvairias sporto šakas ugdomos skirtingos vertybės. Tačiau vertybinių nuostatų ugdymo technologijos menkai atskleistos, nes siejasi su asmens vidaus pasauliu, kurio pažinimas remiasi į psichinių ir dvasinių galių atskleidimą, tiesiogiai neištiriamą. Todėl dažnai telkiamas dėmesys į akivaizdžius ugdymo proceso dėmenis (žinias, gebėjimus, įgūdžius), daugiausia atliepiančius pragmatinio pasaulio siekius, nesugebant įžvelgti jų sąsajų su vidinėmis asmens galiomis bei išskirtiniu, lemiančiu vaidmeniu ugdytinio veikloje. Visa tai ir lėmė temos aktualumą.
Darbo objektas. Sportuojančių mokinių vertybinės nuostatos.
Darbo tikslas. Teoriškai pagrįsti ir empiriškai ištirti sportuojančių mokinių vertybinių nuostatų ypatumus.
Tyrimo metodika. Tyrimui buvo naudojama anketinė apklausa. Empirinis tyrimas vyko 2011 metų sausio ir vasario mėnesiais. Mokiniams buvo išdalinta 220 anketų (į 11 iš jų atsakyta nebuvo). Tyrimo dalyvavo 105 mergaitės ir 104 berniukai. Tyrime dalyvavo Vilkaviškio vidurinės mokyklos, Marijampolės vidurinės mokyklos, Telšių vidurinės mokyklos ir Pakruojo karatė klubo „Cunamis“ mokiniai.
Tyrimo metodologija: darbe remtasi humanistine filosofija ir psichologija, egzistencinės filosofijos ir psichologijos idėjomis, holistine kūno kultūros samprata.
Tyrimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Work relevance: Importance of values universally recognized instruments, often referred to in the preambles of education, even highlighting that, being regarded as the most important values. And the same is happening in sports. Various sports sports conveyed to different values. However, the development of values and low technology disclosed as related to the internal world of a person whose knowledge is based on the mental and spiritual powers of disclosure, directly unsearchable. It is therefore often focuses attention on the clear terms to the educational process (knowledge, abilities, skills), mainly responding to the world of pragmatic goals, inability to discern their internal links to personal and exclusive powers, determining the role of learner activities. All this has led to topicality.
Object of the research. Value of principles of pupils going in for sports.
Purpose of the research. Theoretically based and empirically examine peculiarities of value principles of pupils going in for sports.
Methodology of the research. The study used a questionnaire survey. Empirical research was conducted in January and February months. Students were handed out 220 questionnaires (in 11 of them were not answered). The study involved 105 girls and 104 boys. The study included Vilkaviškis secondary school, Marijampolė secondary school, Telšiai secondary school and karate club “Cunamis” pupils.
This work was based on humanistic philosophy and psychology, existential philosophy and... [to full text]
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Management závodu Author Král Šumavy MTB / Management of the Author Král Šumavy MTB RaceSuchánek, Jiří January 2021 (has links)
Name: Management of the Author Král Šumavy MTB Race Goal: Presentation of strengths and weaknesses of the Author Král Šumavy MTB 2020 cycling race and the creation of a list of specific measures improving the organisation of the race for the year 2021 and following. Methods: In this thesis three research methods (semi-structured interview, participant observation, questionnaire), and one analytical method (SWOT analysis), are used. The opinions of the race participants weree obtained with an eletronic questionnaire (sent to emails of all participants in 2020). The organizers'view of the race management is clarified through semi-structured interviews. The overall view of the management was observed through participant observation made by two independent researchers on the day of the race (August 22, 2020) at the venue. All obtained data are analysed through SWOT analysis. Results: The thesis provides a detailed analysis of the 27th year of the race. The results show that the strengths include the location of the race, the difficulty of the routes and the care of participants. The weakness is the current way of financing the race. It can be stated that the greatest opportunities for the future are creating a better area for participants and spectators, gaining new partners and improving promotion....
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Vliv sportovní masáže zad na vzhled a funkci svalového aparátu a pokožky / Effect of sporting back massage on the appearance and function of the muscular apparatus and skinKřížková, Barbora January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with sporting massage and its effects to the human body. There are used some of diagnostic methods verifies the effects of sporting back massage on a muscular function, a skin appearance, physiological functions of the organism and a subjective feeling of a relaxation. For example, there are methods such as a static and a dynamic examination of a spine or an oximeter and a caliper measurements compared to subjective feelings of relaxation in the back area. The methods were applied before and after the experiment, which was based on the series of sporting back massages. The results of the research are compared with other studies and speak in favor for the sporting massage as an effective means of regenerating for the human body as expected on the beginning of the research. The thesis can be used as an available information source for students of sports disciplines and the physically active public, and it can motivate them to include sporting massage into an everyday regeneration processes.
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Разработка серии детских спортивных мероприятий для МАОУ ДО СШОР по греко-римской борьбе : магистерская диссертация / Development of a series of children's sports events for municipal autonomous educational institution of further education greco-roman wrestling olympic reserve schoolРоманенкова, К. А., Romanenkova, K. A. January 2023 (has links)
В диссертационном исследовании изучены теοретические аспекты разрабοтки детских спοртивных мерοприятий пο спοртивнοй бοрьбе, прοанализирοвана деятельнοсть МАΟУ ДΟ СШΟР пο грекο-римскοй бοрьбе, выявлены особенности детских соревнований в спортивной борьбе. В результате диссертационной работы разрабοтана серия детских спοртивных мерοприятий для МАΟУ ДΟ СШΟР пο грекο-римскοй бοрьбе с целью увеличения контингента занимающихся. / The dissertation studies the theοretical aspects of developmentοf children's spοrting events in wrestling, analyses the activities of Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution of further education Grekο-Roman Wrestling Olympic Reserve school, determines the peculiar features of children's competitions in wrestling. As a result of the dissertation work a series of children's sports events for Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution of further education Grekο-Roman Wrestling Olympic Reserve school in Greko-Roman wrestling has been developed in order to increase the number of students.
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The Price of Glory: A Socio-Economic Analysis of the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Fortaleza, BrazilAlvarez, Robert January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines the social and economic impacts of the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Fortaleza, Brazil. The study used a budget analysis, and in depth interviews to ascertain the economic impact of the world cup games and the distribution of revenue across different sectors and socio-economic divisions within the local economy. A historical and vulnerability analysis was conducted through the examination of secondary sources (historical documents, census data, previous research on vulnerable populations) to identify groups and spaces of high social vulnerability. Qualitative data was then collected through in depth interviews with sources from all facets of society during the World Cup games and the following summer to identify the social impacts on these vulnerable groups and spaces. The thesis found that the final economic costs for infrastructure and stadium refurbishments associated with the World Cup in Fortaleza far exceeded the projected costs and the final economic impact on the local economy was half of projected estimates. While the city saw social benefits in the celebratory atmosphere and public security provided during the World Cup, there were also negative impacts on socially vulnerable groups and spaces including forced community relocations, increases in cases of commercial sexual exploitation, and rises in violent crime.
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Sponsring blir vad man gör det till : En studie om varför företag använder sponsring av idrottsevenemang som en kommunikationskanalFrimodig, Siri, Jäger Stenberg, Sofia January 2016 (has links)
Background: Marketing communication is constantly changing and one way to communicate with customer is to use sponsoring. Sponsorship in sport has changed over the past years and new opportunities has developed. It is therefore interesting to ask sponsors what their opinion about sponsoring is. Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to find out why companies choose to work with sport sponsorship and what there opinion about it is versus other marketing strategies. Method: A qualitative study based on interviews with non-probability sample. Conclusion: This study reveals that there are several reasons to sponsor sporting events. The main reason is the possibility to communicate with a large and diverse targetgroup and have the opportunity for a personal meeting with the targetgroup. In today's information society, it is important to be unique and to communicate on a platform where consumers are responsive. All sponsorship needs to be evaluated and measured to be justified. The study also indicate that sponsorship is different from other marketing methods but the message is the same as in other marketing channels. The primary difference is the relationship with the customer and also the companies commitment to the sporting event through activation.
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Att hantera funktionärer utifrån organisationers perspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om hur organisationer som arrangerar idrottsevenemang hanterar funktionärer gällande rekrytering och behållandeSjögren, Alicia, Arne, David January 2016 (has links)
Flertalet evenemang är idag beroende av funktionärer för att genomföras. Att ha funktionärer till hjälp är ekonomiskt bärkraftigt för organisationer som anordnar evenemang, då de inte behöver anställa betald personal. Vetenskapliga studier menar att organisationer bör upprätta tydliga planer eller strategier för hur de ska hantera funktionärer då konkurrensen om funktionärerna ökar. Eftersom det är kostsamt att rekrytera nya funktionärer bör det vara av stor vikt för organisationer att försöka behålla sina funktionärer inför framtiden. Syftet är att undersöka organisationer som arrangerar årligen återkommande idrottsevenemang för att få en djupare förståelse för hur de arbetar med sina funktionärer. För att undersöka detta har vi intervjuat tre av Sveriges största årligen återkommande idrottsevenemang som alla är beroende av funktionärer. Intervjuerna genomfördes personligen med respektive person i organisationen som hade det övergripande ansvaret för funktionärer. Undersökningen visar att väletablerade evenemang, som de i studien, har vissa likheter i hur de hanterar funktionärer som vetenskapliga studier förespråkar. Att följa en strikt plan för hur arbetet med funktionärer bör gå till visar sig inte vara nödvändigt. Det visade sig att samtliga organisationer delegerar ansvaret för funktionärer till projektledare eller huvudfunktionärer. Det som var viktigt vid rekryteringen var; synliggöra, intervjuer och utbildning. Det som utmärkte sig vid att försöka få funktionärerna att återkomma var; förmåner, kommunikation och relationen. Resultatet visade att arbetet med funktionärerna, trots att de kan vara många till antalet, inte behöver vara komplicerat. / Most events are currently depending on volunteers to be implemented. Having volunteers to help at an event is economically viable to the organisation, because they do not have to employ paid staff. Earlier research shows that organisations should establish strategies on how they will manage volunteers because the competition of volunteers increases. Although there is costly to recruit new volunteers, it should be of great importance for organisations to retain their volunteers for the future. The purpose of this study is to examine organisations that arrange annual sporting events to gain a deeper understanding of how they work with their volunteers. To examine this we have interviewed three of Sweden´s biggest annual recurrent sporting events, all of which are dependent on volunteers. The interviews were conducted in person with each person in the organisation who had overall responsibility for volunteers. The examination shows that well established events, like those in this study, has some similarities in the way they work to what earlier research recommend. But to follow a strict plan for the work with volunteers is not considered necessary. That means managing the volunteers was not as complicated as the theoretical framework shows. It turned out that all organisations delegate the responsibility of volunteers to the project manager or headvolunteers. Aspects that were important when recruiting; visibility, interviews and training. Aspects that stood out when trying to retain volunteers was; benefits, communication and relationship. The result shows that the work with volunteers, although they could be many in number, does not have to be complicated.
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