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Den institutionaliserade tävlingsidrotten : Kommuner, idrott och politik i Sverige under 1900-talet / Institutionalised Competitive Sport : Municipalities, Sport and Politics in Sweden during the Twentieth CenturySjöblom, Paul January 2006 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to describe and analyse the development of the sports movement at a local level during the 20th century, focusing on the relationship between the municipality, in a broad sense, and the sports clubs, as well as on the conditions that have affected this relationship and the effects this has had for the clubs’ structural and cultural configuration. The thesis put forward is that there is a link between the parliamentary and governmental description of sport as socially beneficial, the relative autonomy of the sports movement, the institutionalisation of the municipalities’ sports policy and their involvement in the local sports culture and the expansion of competitive sport within the sports movement led by the Swedish Sports Confederation. The thesis is advanced in the context of a description of the Swedish sports model at the local level, its rise and eventual fall, and through case studies of three municipalities/local communities as well as a total of six sports clubs, all located in what is today Norrtälje municipality some ninety kilometres north of Stockholm. The thesis is generally confirmed. From the perspective of the central state, within the framework of a corporate governance model, it has involved compromising with a strong sports movement and simultaneously gaining legitimacy and support for its sports policy. This has not caused any major problems as the Swedish Sports Confederation, the sports movement’s unitary organisation, has in all important respects developed organised sport in a desirable way, or at least one that the government authorities have been willing to accept in view of services in return. It appears to be the same at a local level. The municipality has rewarded that section of organised sport which has made, in its opinion, the best contribution to producing a both physically and mentally civic educational as well as integrating leisure activity. On the whole this has been applicable to the performance- and result-oriented sport. This type of competitive sport, or rather, the clubs which have run it, have also been expected to be able to assist in managing the range of facilities, in raising the municipality’s PR value, in creating new services and job opportunities and in uniting the inhabitants.
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Att tävla för betyg : gymnasieelevers bild av ämnet idrott och hälsa genom bedömningspraktikenModell, Nina January 2018 (has links)
The aim is to study and reach an understanding of how upper secondary school students perceive the subject of physical education and health through the assessment practice they experience. Part of the interest concerns the content of the assessment practice and the picture of the subject emerging from this. Another part is to study what students perceive to form the basis of the actual assessment. A third field of interest is directed towards the assessment practice at large and the ways in which students perceive how far this gives them equal opportunities of showing their knowledge and skills. Focus group interviews were carried out inspired by different vignettes, based on various dilemmas identified through earlier research. Four upper secondary schools from southern Sweden are represented, with 38 interviewed students. To further understand and analyze student perceptions, a New Institutional perspective is applied focusing on normative, regulative and cultural conditions1 (Scott 2008). The regulative and normative conditions are understood on the basis of different policy documents, and the cultural conditions are interpreted through previous research in the field. It can be established that institutionalized club sport receives priority both before school policy documents and the less institutionalized health field. Some normative elements are perceived to be important, especially those linked to club sport, like cooperation, consideration, understanding and fair play, while other normative and regulative requirements are neglected or not mentioned at all, like outdoor education. The interpretation may be that above all the culturally based requirements in the form of sport affect students’ perception of the subject of physical education and health. The interviewed students perceive physical education and health as an unfair subject. There are those students who have learned to perform ”correctly” according to sport norms, while at the same time there are those who do not have these skills, and none of the students perceive that they master the sport norms correctly. / Syftet är att undersöka och förstå hur elever på gymnasienivå uppfattar ämnet idrott och hälsa genom den bedömningspraktik de erfar. Ett delintresse utgörs av innehållet i bedömningspraktiken och vilken bild av ämnet som därigenom framträder. Ett andra delintresse är vad eleverna uppfattar ligger till grund för själva bedömningen. Ett tredje delintresse är riktat mot bedömningspraktiken i stort och på vilka sätt eleverna uppfattar i vad mån denna ger dem likvärdiga förutsättningar att visa vad de kan. Elevernas uppfattningar har studerats med hjälp av fokusgruppsintervjuer med inspiration i tre olika vinjetter. I studien deltog 38 elever på fyra olika gymnasieskolor. För att vidare kunna förstå och analysera elevernas uppfattningar användes ett nyinstitutionellt perspektiv där normativa, regulativa och kulturella villkor står i förgrunden (Scott 2008). De regulativa och de normativa villkoren förstås utifrån olika styrdokument och de kulturella villkoren utifrån tidigare forskning om ämnet. Analysen visar att den institutionaliserade föreningsidrotten får företräde framför både skolans styrdokument och ett mindre institutionaliserat hälsoområde. Vissa normerande inslag uppfattas som viktiga, speciellt de som kan kopplas till fostrande aspekter så som exempelvis samarbete, hänsyn, förståelse och fair play, medan andra normerande och reglerande villkor negligeras eller nämns inte alls, som exempelvis friluftsliv. Detta skulle kunna förstås som att det framför allt är de kulturella villkoren i form av föreningsidrott som påverkar elevernas uppfattningar om ämnet idrott och hälsa. De intervjuade eleverna uppfattar idrott och hälsa i stora drag som ett orättvist ämne. Det finns de elever som kan ”rätt” idrott och samtidigt finns de som inte har dessa färdigheter och ingen av eleverna uppfattar att de kommer till sin rätt i ämnet.
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Analýza pohybu dolních končetin při sportovním pohybu člověka - dřep. / Motion analysis of lower extremity during squatting.Varga, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
Title: Motion analysis of lower extermity during squatting Aims: The aim of the thesis is to compare the squat without and with external load in a group of people who work under professional guidance and have experience with this movement, contrary to the people of the common population. Another objective will be the compasion this movement among men and women of the common population. In the theoretical part, the main objective is to describe the basic characteristic of the squat, describe the kinesiological and biomechanical findings and the risks of this movement on the locomotive apparatus. The experimental part will focus on the observation of the determined kinematic parameters of squats and their comparison in the mentioned set of persons. The results of the work should clarify the possible side effects of the squat. Methods: Kinematic analysis will be performed using Qualisys instrumentation. Infrared cameras accurately record and further perform a motion action through passive or active reflection markers. Data from the device will be processed in Microsoft Office Excel software and further evaluated statistically. Results: The results show that there are significant variations in the performance of the movement among groups of men actively engaged in squats under professional guidance and...
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Om idrottsrörelsens områdesbaserade insatser : Vilka ”problem” och institutionella logiker framträder i insatserna Idrottsklivet och Hemmaplan? / About the sports movement's area-based initiative : What "problems" and institutional logics emerge in the initiatives Idrottsklivet and Hemmaplan?Bornlinder Thiborg, Jesper January 2023 (has links)
Samhällsutmaningar som handlar om segregation, integration och ojämlikhet har aktualiserats och ligger högt upp på den politiska agendan. Det har blivit vanligare med att staten använder idrotten som verktyg för att möta dessa utmaningar. På senare tid har idrotten kommit att genomföra områdesbaserade insatser i utsatta områden. I uppsatsen intresserar jag mig för dessa. Syftet är att synliggöra de ”problem” och institutionella logiker som framträder i organiseringen av de områdesbaserade insatser, Idrottsklivet och Hemmaplan. Inspiration har hämtats från Bacchis metod What’s the “problem” represented to be?” och teoretisk utgångspunkt tas även från institutionell teori. För att nå syftet och besvara frågeställningarna har jag använt mig av intervjuer med tjänstepersoner och representanter för idrottsrörelsen, politiker, tjänsteperson från Regeringskansliet, utredare, utvärderare och andra forskare. Dessutom har en enkät skickats ut till representanter för Hemmaplan. Utöver detta har jag analyserat ansökningshandlingar, pressmeddelande och andra relevanta dokument. Resultaten visar på att de problem de områdesbaserade insatserna Idrottsklivet och Hemmaplan är tänkta att lösa handlar främst om avsaknad av föreningsliv och lägre idrottsdeltagande bland barn och unga i dessa områden. Dessutom är förhoppningen att insatserna ska bidra till samhälleliga värden som handlar om ökad trygghet, mindre kriminalitet och förbättrad folkhälsa, men även att motverka segregation och förbättra integrationen. I analysen av insatserna framträder olika institutionella logiker hos de involverade aktörerna. De centrala logikerna kan hänföras till idrottsrörelsen ”handlingsutrymme” och politikens ”handlingskraft”. Slutsatsen i uppsatsen är att de ”problem” som Idrottsklivet och Hemmaplan är tänkta att lösa, liksom de institutionella logikerna som återfinns hos de involverade aktörerna, har betydelse för organiseringen av de områdesbaserade insatserna. / Societal challenges that deal with segregation, integration and inequality have been brought up to date and are on the political agenda. It has become more common for the state to use sport as a tool to meet these challenges. In recent times, sport has come to implement area-based initiatives in vulnerable areas. In the essay, I am interested in these. The purpose is to make visible the "problems" and institutional logics that appear in the organization of the area-based initiative, Idrottsklivet and Hemmaplan. Inspiration has been taken from Bacchi's method “What's the “problem” represented to be?” and theoretical starting point is taken from institutional theory, as well. In order to reach the purpose and answer my research questions, I have used interviews with officials and representatives of the sports movement, politicians, officials from the Government Office, investigators, evaluators and other researchers. In addition, a survey has been sent out to representatives of Hemmaplan. Furthermore, I have analysed application documents, press releases and other relevant documents. The results show that the “problems” that the area-based initiatives Idrottsklivet and Hemmaplan are supposed to solve mainly concern the lack of sport associations and lower participation in sport among children and young people in these areas. In addition, the hope is that the efforts will contribute to societal values that deal with increased security, less crime and improved public health, but also to counter segregation and improve integration. In the analysis of the interventions, different institutional logics have emerged. The central logics can be attributed to the sports movement's “room for action” and politics “action power of”. The conclusion of the essay is that the "problems" that Idrottsklivet and Hemmaplan are supposed to solve, as well as the institutional logics, are important for the organisation of the area-based initiative.
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