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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Remaking Lives in Northern Sri Lanka: Migration, Schooling, and Language in Postwar Jaffna

Kuganathan, Prashanth David January 2021 (has links)
This dissertation contemplates the radical shifts and changes in language and education due to and during the Sri Lankan civil war (1983-2009), utilizing the detailed method of classroom ethnography in postwar Jaffna to comprehend macro-perspective problems about language and nationalism in postwar Sri Lanka. It attempts to answer some of the following questions: In a country trying to heal and recover from the trauma of war and violence based on ethnolinguistic difference, what does postwar education and schooling look like? In a region of the country that has a proud history and heritage of Tamil language and culture, yet a simultaneous colonial and postcolonial tradition of English language education and schooling, and now, a continued postwar Sinhalese military and police presence, how do people negotiate and navigate these three distinct linguistic spheres of practice? From the perspectives of research informants and interlocutors, what does life look like in contemporary postwar Jaffna? I find that almost three decades of war and outmigration have resulted in an ongoing transformation concerning learning, language, and life in the Jaffna peninsula. The decline in English language education combined with the predominantly monolingual Tamil-speaking environment that Jaffna provides for school children solidifies their ethnoreligious identities while limiting opportunity. However, we see a transformation in local economies due to war and emigration and the influx of remittance income, which has created new patterns and habits in consumption and even a shift in priority and work ethic. Therefore, we see the emergence of a new generation in northern Sri Lanka navigating this postwar space, embracing cultural changes that have been brought about by these processes of war, migration, and increased interconnectedness in what is still the most conservative and traditional region of the country.

Violence as a Point of Orientation in the Formation of Sri Lankan Diasporic Subjectivities

Edirisinghe, Ruwanthi 13 July 2021 (has links)
No description available.

What does it cost to invest with preferences? : What does investors lose/gain on investing in sin-stocks versus SRI investing?

Nilsson, Sara, Ramare, Jennifer January 2021 (has links)
This paper analyses the difference in risk-adjusted returns between Sin-stocks and SRI-investing for the period 2001-2021. The analysis was conducted by creating two optimally risky portfolios according to the Modern Portfolio Theory, one comprised of only Sin-stocks and one with only high ESG scoring companies. The Sin-stocks contained stocks from four different sectors, alcohol, gambling, tobacco and weapons while the companies for the SRI-portfolio was chosen from the FTSE4Good index. The regression models were chosen to follow both the CAPM, and the Fama & French three factor model and the regressions were in the end conducted with the GARCH model which showed results that both the SRI-portfolio and the Sin-portfolio had a general excess return over the market. The two portfolios were also compared with the help of Sharpe Ratio and Jensen’s Alpha. The Sharpe ratio as well as the Jensen’s Alpha showed that the Sin-portfolio had the highest risk-adjusted returns. In conclusion, the SRI-portfolio as well as the Sin-portfolio both outperformed the market during the time period 2001-2021 and they were both less volatile than the market.

Hållbar och ansvarsfull fondförvaltning : En studie av en föränderlig marknad

Nilsson, Julia, Backberg, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Intresset för hållbara investeringar, som en del av hur CSR integreras i fondförvaltningen, har under decennier engagerat både forskare och praktiker. Tidigare forskning har delvis präglats av att fastställa samband mellan hållbara investeringar och fondernas avkastning. Analysmodellen för det teoretiska ramverket har utgjorts av teorier för CSR, hållbara och ansvarsfulla investeringar, tillhörande metoder och strategier, regelverkets övergripande betydelse för fondmarknaden samt investeringsmarknadens faser. Genom en kvalitativ studie har studiens syfte, att undersöka hur hållbarhet och ansvarstagande integreras inom fondförvaltning samt att på ett övergripande plan redogöra för hur synen på hållbara investeringar med tillhörande strategier har förändrats under tidsperioden mellan åren 2010– 2020, uppfyllts. Studien visade att respondenterna tillämpar metoderna: välja in, välja bort och påverka, med tillhörande strategier. Under årtiondet har synen på området inom hållbara investeringar gått från att vara restriktiv till att visa på en bred acceptans. Samtidigt bekräftar studien avsaknandet av en enhetlig definition av vad ‘hållbarhet’ innebär och hur det integreras inom ramen för fondförvaltning.

Hållbara investeringar under coronapandemin : En analys om sambandet mellan hållbarhet och prestation

Lindvall, Julia, Nyman, Jonna January 2021 (has links)
I takt med att miljömedvetenheten har ökat i samhället har även intresset för hållbara investeringar ökat. Den här studien undersöker prestationen hos svenska hållbara fonder mot svenska konventionella fonder under coronapandemin. Trots att det finns många studier som undersöker hållbara investeringars prestation under finansiella kriser, är ämnet inte så utstuderat under coronakrisen, framförallt inte i Sverige som jämfört med många andra länder haft en annorlunda coronastrategi. Vidare undersöks även om investerares ökade risktagande i att investera i andra fonder än indexfonder lönar sig. Studien utförs genom att analysera faktisk avkastning, Sharpe-kvot och Treynor-kvot för svenska fonder under och innan coronapandemin. Resultatet visar att det finns en signifikant skillnad i prestation mellan hållbara och konventionella fonder under coronapandemin, samt en skillnad mellan dessa fondgrupper och marknaden under coronapandemin. Det går huruvida inte att fastställa att skillnaden beror på vilket hållbarhetsbetyg fonderna innehar. I den utförda regressionsanalysen visade endast en variabel ett signifikant samband med prestation och det var beta-värdet.  Resultatet från studien har lett till slutsatsen att Den moderna portföljteorin är en rimlig förklaring till hur investerare konstruerar sina portföljer för att maximera den förväntade avkastningen. Teorin innebär att exkluderandet av icke-hållbara fonder, eller inkluderandet av endast hållbara fonder, leder till färre diversifieringsmöjligheter vilket i sin tur medför en lägre avkastning. Att det finns en skillnad i prestation mellan hållbara och konventionella fonder talar dock för att Den effektiva marknadshypotesen inte håller. Detta för att man enligt teorin inte kan göra extra avkastningar men resultatet som visar att en skillnad finns bevisar motsatsen. Vidare diskuteras även resultatet utifrån Beteendeekonomi där många olika aspekter finns med. Det som talat emot teorin är att marknaden återhämtade sig snabbt efter nedgången i början av coronapandemin vilket dock kan bero på gränsen till arbitrage där investerare kan ha upptäckt undervärderade tillgångar. Den här studien har inte analyserat Beteendeekonomi vidare eftersom fokus har legat på fondernas prestation och inte individernas investeringsbeteenden. Vad som däremot har konstaterats är att många investerar i hållbara fonder oavsett prestation vilket kan förklaras av Prospektteorin. Teorin menar att individer vinner en annan nytta än just den som de får i avkastningen.

Värderar Marknaden Om Grönt Verkligen Är Grönt? : En tvärsnittsstudie om hållbarhetsinformationens påverkan på fondkapitalflöde

Berggren, Isac, Sånevall, Emil January 2021 (has links)
Hållbara och klimatsmarta investeringar har blivit alltmer aktuellt i finansvärlden. Detta har lett till att många finansiella instrument fått nya nischer. Gröna obligationsfonder, vilket är räntefonder som är aktivt förvaltade, är en av dessa instrument som fått sig en rejäl ökning de senaste åren. Utvecklingen av detta finansiella instrument kan förklaras av att det både genererar finansiell prestanda, samtidigt som det gör samhället och miljön en god tjänst. Utvecklingen kan förklaras av att utbudet av gröna obligationsfonder har skiftat från att endast varit tillgängligt för institutionella investerare, till idag vara öppet för privat investerare. I och med att utbudet, och likaså, efterfrågan av gröna obligationsfonder ökat, medför det oftast en del brister, främst från fondutgivarnas sida. Det finns nämligen en viss varians i hur diverse fondutgivare väljer att redovisa sitt hållbarhetsarbete. Vissa utgivare är väldigt tydliga med hur deras hållbarhetsarbete går till och andra är inte lika tydliga, eller har inte gjort någon hållbarhetsredovisning alls, trots att de utgivit en grön obligationsfond. Detta leder till vad denna studie ämnar undersöka; Hur påverkar en grön obligationsfonds tydlighet gällande hållbarhetsinformation dess fondkapitalflöden? Studien baseras på 105 olika gröna obligationsfonder mellan tidsperioden 2019–2020, som är hämtade från databasen Thomson Reuters (Eikon). Utifrån den inhämtade data, teori, samt tidigare litteratur har det skapats en linjär regressionsmodell, i syfte att kunna empiriskt visa om hållbarhetsinformation har en påverkan på en grön obligationsfonds fondkapitalflöden. Studien konstaterade att det fanns två olika typer av investerare som investerar i gröna obligationsfonder; den värdeskapande investeraren och den vinstdrivande investeraren. Dessa investerarprofiler visade sig styras av olika motiv när det kommer till att investera i gröna obligationsfonder. Studien visade på att tydlighet gällande hållbarhetsinformation hade en påverkan på de gröna obligationsfondernas fondkapitalflöden där tydlig information minskade reaktionen hos investerare på tidigare avkastning gentemot icke-tydlig eller obefintlig information som istället ökade reaktionen hos investerare på tidigare avkastning.

The Impact from Sustainable Responsible Investments : A study with a focus on measurement and follow up work

Chaodee Edwall, Tina, Månsson Jacobsson, Emelie January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the Swedish sustainable and responsible investment (SRI) market focusing on pension and life insurance companies. The purpose is to understand how the companies work with SRI and if there is a process in place to follow-up the investments and their possible impact. In the thesis a qualitative research method is conducted as the purpose is to understand the behaviour of the different companies relating to SRI. The empirical study consists of interviews with representatives from larger companies in the pension and life insurance space focusing on how they conduct their SRI work. The finding in this paper is that there are similarities regarding SRI strategies in place however the type of insurance being offered affects how they work. This thesis found that all companies follow-up their investments to ensure that they are sustainable. Further the process of measuring the impact of SRI is very much still in its early stage but there are initiatives taken to measure both soft and hard measurements. The future of the SRI market seems to be moving towards more transparency, both from possible legislation as well as initiatives. The other key area of focus when looking to the future of SRI in Sweden, is the sustainable development goals created by the UN.

Belonging in exile and "home" : the politics of repatriation in South Asia

Chowdhory, Nasreen. January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Examining Other Diplomacies of Sri Lankan Migrant Workers in South Korea: A Human-Centric Approach to Diplomatic Studies

Wijeratne, Suneth January 2021 (has links)
This dissertation examines the concept of Other Diplomacies and argues for a human-centric approach to studying diplomacies. / The academic field of Diplomatic Studies has long been insulated from critical interventions in the broader discipline of International Relations. While critical discussions surrounding gender, race, and class have been in ascendance in International Relations, Diplomatic Studies has managed to police its traditional disciplinary boundaries by centring scholarship around states and their accredited agents. The state-centric focus of the field has resulted in scholarship privileging the interests of states, which are abstract entities, over those of actual living communities; therefore, engage with issues primarily important to masculine, Eurocentric, and elite actors. This dissertation intervenes in the academic field of Diplomatic Studies to decentre the state and reorient the field’s focus towards human-centric issues. It argues that societal non-state actors engage in Other Diplomacies as they interact with each other across boundaries of perceived differences. Thereby the dissertation contributes to the literature on Other Diplomacies by showing how Sri Lankan migrant workers engage in Other Diplomacies as they interact with their interlocutors in South Korea. It shows how Sri Lankan migrant workers utilise diplomatic skills to understand and navigate their gendered, racialised, and classist identities. This dissertation also contributes to the literature on consular affairs by arguing that it constitutes a part of Diplomatic Studies rather than a separate field of study. I sustain the human-centric focus of Other Diplomacies and shows that societal non-state actors provide and receive consular assistance from each other due to inadequate levels of assistance from their state. I propose that Other Diplomacies scholarship sustain a human-centric focus to uncover the gendered, racialised, and classist power hierarchies that societal actors must negotiate across as they interact with other actors, both state and non-state. Thereby this dissertation contributes to the critically inclined scholarship of Diplomatic Studies in particular and International Relations in general. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / The academic study of diplomacy has focused on states and their accredited agents. This has resulted in scholarly work that mostly limits itself to issues, interests, and solutions relevant to states and their leaders. While these concerns are important and relevant, the scholarship has neglected to take the concerns of ordinary people and communities into account. The implications of this have been the excluding of issues related to race, class, and gender, among other distinctions from the scholarship. This dissertation argues that scholars studying diplomacy should also place humans at the centre of concern, rather than only states. It does so by examining how Sri Lankan migrant workers in South Korea engage in diplomacy through the functions of representation, communication, and negotiation. Therefore, the dissertation contributes by centring ordinary people and communities in the study of diplomacy and international relations and showing how they matter.

Changing Narratives of the Sri Lankan Civil War: How Sinhalese Buddhist Nationalism and Tamil Nationalism are Rooted in Class and Caste Conflict

Wijedasa, Ivana January 2022 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Kalpana Seshadri / The dominant discourse on the Sri Lankan civil war classifies it as an ethnic conflict resulting from Sinhalese Buddhist nationalism and Tamil nationalism. The classification of Sri Lanka as an ethnic conflict neglects to account for divisions within both the Sinhala community and the Tamil community, especially along class and caste divisions. This thesis provides a nuanced historical understanding of the Sri Lankan civil war as a class conflict arising from Sinhalese nationalism and manufactured ethnic tensions. The argument presented is that the Sri Lankan civil war is rooted in class struggle within and across ethnic groups for access to political power and economic equality. Since there have been instances of solidarity between Sinhalese people and Tamils due to shared class interests, it is clear that ethnic divisions were not inherent to the Sri Lankan polity but were caused by colonial policies and class divisions. To make this argument, the thesis utilizes an intersectional Marxist framework accounting for the influence of ethnic relations in class theories of exploitation, exclusion, and class interests. The thesis concludes with a focus on the current economic crisis in Sri Lanka and how it furthers my argument for a nuanced understanding of the civil war with attention to the class disparities in the nation. / Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2022. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Departmental Honors. / Discipline: International Studies.

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