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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Survey of SLPs’ Assessment Practices with Children Who Have SSD Within an ICF Framework

Wagner, Emily, Turney, Kaitlyn, Daley, Victoria, Williams, A. Lynn 13 November 2015 (has links)
ASHA endorsed the WHO ICF framework in the Scope of Practice in SLP in describing the breadth of the SLP role in the management of communication disorders. Survey results of SLPs will be presented with regard to the inclusion of the ICF framework in working with children with SSD.

Prevalence of SSD in Brazil & English-Speaking Countries: Narrative Review

Barnes, Katie, de Melo, Andrea, Schweitzer, Kathleen, Williams, A. Lynn, Bleile, Ken, Keske-Soares, Marcia, Alves, Bruna Tozzetti, Bries, Tara, George, Alexandra, Marth, Katelynn, Morris, Allison, Peterson, Kelly 15 November 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Proposta metodològica per a l'anàlisi de la sostenibilitat, utilitzant indicadors i índexs, implementats i analitzats amb una eina de suport al raonament. Cas d'estudi: municipi de Terrassa

Sureda Carbonell, Bàrbara 06 July 2007 (has links)
Les ciutats d'avui en dia es caracteritzen per un progressiu creixement de la població dins un territori físic limitat. Aquest creixement comporta problemes diversos, com ara la falta d'autocontenció de la ciutat; la segregació espacial de segments de població heterogenis, ja sigui per raons econòmiques o bé per raons socials o culturals; el col·lapse de les infraestructures de transport, o la manca de zones verdes, entre molts altres que podríem destacar. La present tesi doctoral pretén facilitar l'anàlisi de la sostenibilitat d'un sistema, en concret d'un sistema urbà, proposant una metodologia d'anàlisi de la sostenibilitat de sistemes urbans, aplicable a municipis mitjans europeus. La metodologia que proposem es basa en un marc conceptual format per tres components. Un primer component és determinat per la definició de desenvolupament sostenible, la qual solament es pot aplicar si es té una visió sistèmica, transversal i multidisciplinària dels sistemes.Un segon component és determinat per la consideració del sistema com a sistema complex, format per múltiples interrelacions entre els elements que el constitueixen, i entre aquests elements i el seu entorn, cosa que determina una de les principals característiques dels sistemes que cal considerar, la complexitat, la qual planteja greus reptes del sistema a tots els nivells, que fins i tot poden arribar a provocar ne el col·lapse. Un tercer component que cal tenir en compte en parlar de sistemes complexos és la incertesa que els caracteritza. Amb el suport d'aquest marc conceptual i fruit de l'estudi i l'anàlisi de les eines de mesura i modelització de la sostenibilitat existents, la metodologia proposada conforma un procés a partir d'un conjunt d'eines (models, correlacions entre variables, indicadors, índexs i escenaris de futur) que possibiliten analitzar un sistema urbà, caracteritzat per una sèrie de problemàtiques concretes, amb la finalitat de poder definir estratègies o polítiques per aconseguir un desenvolupament sostenible del sistema objecte d'estudi. La metodologia desenvolupada s'ha aplicat en un cas d'estudi concret, el municipi de Terrassa.El desenvolupament de la proposta metodològica aplicada al cas d'estudi ha permès la identificació de les problemàtiques que poden produir impactes significatius en el desenvolupament sostenible de la ciutat, cosa que ens ha permès definir estratègies adequades per aconseguir-ne la contenció. / Modern cities are characterised by progressive population growth in limited physical spaces.This growth gives rise to many problems, including lack of self-containment of cities, spatial segregation of heterogeneous population sectors (whether for economic, social or cultural reasons), the collapse of transport infrastructures, and the lack of green areas.The aim of this doctoral thesis is to facilitate the analysis of a system's sustainability. It examines a particular urban system and puts forward a methodology for analysing the sustainability of urban systems that can be applied to medium-size European towns.The methodology proposed is based on a three part conceptual framework. Firstly, sustainable development can only be applied through a systematic, transversal and multidisciplinary approach. Secondly urban systems must be considered as being inherently complex, as they are made up of multiple interrelationships between their component parts, which in turn interact with their surroundings. This complexity means that the systems are faced with enormous challenges at all levels, and may even face collapse. Thirdly, one of the features that must be taken into account in dealing with complex systems is their high level of uncertainty.The proposed methodology is based on this conceptual framework and a review of existing tools for measuring and modelling sustainability. The result is a process based on a set of tools (models, correlations between variables, indicators, indices and future scenarios) that can be used to analyse urban systems characterised by specific problems and to define strategies and policies for achieving sustainable development in these systems.Through the application of the methodology to a specific case study, the municipality of Terrassa, it was possible to identify problems that may have a significant impact on the town's sustainable development and to define suitable strategies for achieving urban containment.

Performance differences in encryption software versus storage devices

Olsson, Robin January 2012 (has links)
This thesis looked at three encryption applications that all use the symmetric encryption algorithms AES, Twofish and Serpent but differ in their implementation and how this difference would illustrate itself in performance benchmarks depending on the type of storage device that they were used on. Three mechanical hard drives and one solid state drive were used in the performance benchmarks which measured a variety of different disk operations across the three encryption applications and their algorithms. From the benchmarks performance charts were produced which showed that DiskCryptor had the best performance when using a solid state drive and that TrueCrypt had the best performance when using mechanical hard drives. By choosing DiskCryptor as the encryption application when using a solid state drive a performance increase of 38.9% compared to BestCrypt and 28.4% compared to TrueCrypt was achieve when using the AES algorithm. It was also shown that Twofish was overall the best performing algorithm. The primary conclusion that can be drawn from this thesis is that it is important to choose the right encryption application depending on the type of storage device used in order to get the best performance possible.

The Umbrella File System: Storage Management Across Heterogeneous Devices

Garrison, John Allen 2010 May 1900 (has links)
With the advent of Flash based solid state devices (SSDs), the differences in physical devices used to store data in computers are becoming more and more pronounced. Effectively mapping the differences in storage devices to the files, and applications using the devices, is the problem addressed in this dissertation. This dissertation presents the Umbrella File System (UmbrellaFS), a layered file system designed to effectively map file and device level differences, while maintaining a single coherent directory structure for users. Particular files are directed to appropriate underlying file systems by intercepting system calls connecting the Virtual File System (VFS) to the underlying file systems. Files are evaluated by a policy module that can examine both filenames and file metadata to make decisions about final placement. Files are transparently directed to and moved between appropriate file systems based on their characteristics. A prototype of UmbrellaFS is implemented as a loadable kernel module in the 2.4 and 2.6 Linux kernels. In addition to providing the ability to direct files to file systems, UmbrellaFS enables different decisions at other layers of the storage stack. In particular, alternate page cache writeback methods are presented through the use of UmbrellaFS. A multiple queue strategy based on file sequentiality and a sorting strategy are presented as alternatives to standard Linux cache writeback protocols. These strategies are implemented in a 2.6 Linux kernel and show improvements in a variety of benchmarks and tests.

Android Application Context Aware I/O Scheduler

January 2014 (has links)
abstract: Android has been the dominant platform in which most of the mobile development is being done. By the end of the second quarter of 2014, 84.7 percent of the entire world mobile phones market share had been captured by Android. The Android library internally uses the modified Linux kernel as the part of its stack. The I/O scheduler, is a part of the Linux kernel, responsible for scheduling data requests to the internal and the external memory devices that are attached to the mobile systems. The usage of solid state drives in the Android tablet has also seen a rise owing to its speed of operation and mechanical stability. The I/O schedulers that exist in the present Linux kernel are not better suited for handling solid state drives in particular to exploit the inherent parallelism offered by the solid state drives. The Android provides information to the Linux kernel about the processes running in the foreground and background. Based on this information the kernel decides the process scheduling and the memory management, but no such information exists for the I/O scheduling. Research shows that the resource management could be done better if the operating system is aware of the characteristics of the requester. Thus, there is a need for a better I/O scheduler that could schedule I/O operations based on the application and also exploit the parallelism in the solid state drives. The scheduler proposed through this research does that. It contains two algorithms working in unison one focusing on the solid state drives and the other on the application awareness. The Android application context aware scheduler has the features of increasing the responsiveness of the time sensitive applications and also increases the throughput by parallel scheduling of request in the solid state drive. The suggested scheduler is tested using standard benchmarks and real-time scenarios, the results convey that our scheduler outperforms the existing default completely fair queuing scheduler of the Android. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Computer Science 2014

Comparação dos modelos hidrológicos presentes no SSD ABC6 aplicados a uma bacia urbana / Comparison of hydrological models present in the DSS ABC6 applied to an urban watershed

Marcus Vinícius Galbetti 08 July 2015 (has links)
No Brasil, o processo de urbanização caracterizou-se pela falta de planejamento e infraestrutura adequada, potencializando os impactos advindos das enchentes e inundações. Para mitigá-los, é necessária a realização de estudos hidrológicos que busquem compreender e representar o comportamento da bacia hidrográfica frente aos eventos chuvosos. Uma das ferramentas mais utilizadas para a execução dessa tarefa são os Sistemas de Suporte à Decisão (SSDs) aplicados na área de recursos hídricos, destacando-se o Sistema de Suporte a Decisões para Análise de Ondas de Cheias em Bacias Complexas (ABC6). O ABC6 caracteriza-se por ser um software brasileiro, gratuito e apresentar diversos modelos de determinação da precipitação efetiva e de geração de hidrogramas sintéticos. Quando os dados hidrológicos da área de estudo, como precipitação e vazão, encontram-se disponíveis, os parâmetros desses modelos podem ser determinados. Caso contrário, faz-se necessário estima-los por meio de formulações empíricas, sendo questionável a aplicação dessas formulações em áreas com características diferentes às de sua determinação. Dessa forma, a proposta do presente trabalho consistiu em avaliar o desempenho dos modelos presentes no ABC6, utilizando suas formulações empíricas para estimar o tempo de concentração e os parâmetros dos modelos de precipitação efetiva e de geração de hidrogramas sintéticos de uma bacia hidrográfica em processo de urbanização. Os resultados obtidos colocaram em xeque a validade dos valores dos parâmetros sugeridos em literatura técnica, do modelo do SCS para a determinação da precipitação efetiva e das rotinas de cálculo do ABC6 para os modelos de Horton e de Green-Ampt. Os resultados demonstraram a necessidade da atualização das rotinas de cálculo presentes no ABC6, de forma a torna-lo mais robusto, e da elaboração de um manual técnico detalhado de suas rotinas computacionais, orientando ao usuário de forma a extrair o máximo de sua potencialidade em estudos hidrológicos. Demonstrou-se, também, a necessidade de estudos regionalizados, de forma a incorporar as características e peculiaridades de cada região aos parâmetros a serem utilizados. / In Brazil, the urbanization process was characterized by the lack of planning and adequate infrastructure, strengthening the arising of floods and flooding. In order to mitigate them, it is necessary to conduct hydrological studies that seek to understand and represent the behavior of the watershed when facing rainfall events. One of the most used tools to perform this task is the Decision Support Systems (DSS) applied in the water resources area, highlighting the Decision Support System for Flood Wave Analysis in Complex Watersheds (ABC6). The ABC6 is characterized by being a free Brazilian software and it presents many models to determine the effective precipitation and to generate synthetic hydrographs. When the hydrological data of the study area are available, such as precipitation and flow, the models parameters can be determined. Otherwise, it is necessary to estimate them through empirical formulations so that the application of these formulations is questionable in areas with different characteristics from those of their determination. Thus, the purpose of this study was to assess the performance of the models presented in ABC6 by using their empirical formulations in order to estimate the time of concentration and the model parameters of effective precipitation and synthetic hydrograph generation for a watershed in the process of urbanization. The results put into question the validity of the parameters values suggested in the technical literature of the SCS model, which is used for the effective precipitation determination and the ABC6 calculation routines for models of Horton and Green-Ampt. The results presented the need of updating the calculation routines presented in the ABC6 in order to make it more robust, and the need of the elaboration of a detailed technical manual of its computational routines, guiding the user in order to make the most of its potential in hydrological studies. In addition, it has been demonstrated a need for regionalized studies in order to incorporate the features and characteristics of each region to the parameters to be used.

Data Remanence : Secure Deletion of Data in SSDs

Homaidi, Omar Al January 2009 (has links)
The ongoing fast pace research in hardware and software technology has resulted in memory devices efficient and faster than ever before. However, the issue of security of the contained data is rarely discussed. There is an evident capability of these devices to retain data even when it is erased. In this thesis, a study is conducted to qualitatively analyze the extent to which data deletion is important and why secure deletion should be applied. Afterwards, following the sequential exploratory procedure, this paper presents an analysis of methods used to recover the data after being deleted in addition to the techniques used to securely delete this data. Based on this study, some recommendations are made to ensure the safety of data.

Datalagring : en komparativ stude av datalagringslösningar

Elander, Per, Thai, Dennis January 2016 (has links)
Sedan företag började använda sig av internet som ett verktyg för sitt arbete har bekymmer uppstått som de inte haft tidigare, som hur företagsdata ska lagras, vad för utrustning som är bäst för deras behov. Genomförandet av arbetet delades in i tre delar, där det första var att ta reda på vilka olika datalagringslösningar som fanns och användes i servermiljöer. Detta gjordes via litteraturstudier. Den andra delen var att intervjua kundföretag om deras lagringslösningar samt intervjua leverantörer av datalagringslösningar med ett antal frågor som berörde deras datalagringlösning(ar), rekommendationer och framtidsutsikten för datalagring. Den tredje och slutgiltiga delen var att skriva samman analysen över den information som tillförskaffats och de iakttagelser som gjorts. Resultatet av intervjuerna visade på flera pålitliga och snabba alternativ för datalagring som kunder använde och leverantörer sålde.  Lösningar som användes och levererades var NAS(Network Attached Storage), molnlagring av data och SAN(Storage Area Network). Vid genomförande av analysen togs både intervjumaterialet och litteraturmaterialet i beaktning för att kunna komma fram till adekvata slutsatser. Syftet med slutsatserna var att kunna ge ett bra svar på de frågor i frågeställningen som låg till grund för examensarbetet. Vad man har kommit fram till är att det finns inget bra svar för vilken lösning är bäst utan att olika lösningar är anpassad till olika syften och behov.

Disková pole RAID a jejich budoucnost v éře SSD / Future of disk arrays in SSD era

Sládek, Petr January 2012 (has links)
The thesis aims at verification of using emerging Solid-State drives in disk arrays. The advent of SSD disks caused a small revolution in area of data storage, because the growth performance of hard drives has been slow compared to other PC components. But an entirely different principle of operation could mean compatibility problems between SSD and related technologies, such as RAID. This thesis aims at analyzing all the relevant technologies, mainly HDD, SSD and RAID. To achieve this objective, information from literature, articles and other appropriate sources will be used. Other objectives of this thesis are to determine how much are the SSDs suitable for use in the disk array, because low performance RAID controllers or different principles of operation could limit their efficiency. This question should be answered by submission of selected types of storage arrays to synthetic and practical tests of performance. The final goal is to use financial analysis of the test solutions as a shared file storage. Today, remote access to data is used by a wide range of job positions. Slow storage could mean inefficient use of working time and therefore unnecessary financial costs. The goal of my work is primarily to provide answers to the questions mentioned above. Currently it is very hard to find tests of more complex forms of disk arrays based on solid-state drives. This article can be also very useful for companies where fileservers are used to share user data. Based on the result of cost analysis, the company can then decide what type of storage is best for its purpose.

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