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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identifiera och hantera våld i nära relation på arbetsplatsen : Kartläggning av chefers inställning och kunskaper

Kron, Mikaela, Jessica, Söderlund January 2019 (has links)
The societal problem of intimate partner violence is becoming more recognized and can be tackled from several angles, including the workplace. The workplace could help the victims of intimate partner violence by raising the issue during staff appraisal and implementing it as a routine so that these questions are asked to everyone. This survey studies the attitudes of managers at Region Norrbotten towards implementing routines at the workplace in order to be able to reach and help more people exposed to intimate partner violence. The manager's attitude has been investigated through a digital questionnaire sent out to managers at Region Norrbotten. The questionnaire contained both quantitative and qualitative questions. The quantitative questions were obligatory to answer while the qualitative questions were follow-up questions that could be answered if the respondent had anything to add. 82 managers responded, of which 72 women, 9 men and 1 non gender. The result was compiled in Google Docs survey program and the qualitative questions were set up in themes. The study showed that most of the respondents do not see any obstacles to introducing preventive work with the aim of helping employees who may be exposed to intimate partner violence. However, it emerged that today they do not have the required knowledge. They lack routines and training, which may explain that the majority of managers are uncertain about how to proceed if an employee is subjected to violence at home. They also state that they would feel safer to ask questions about the employee's home situation if there were clear routines in place. Almost all managers are positive about participating in an education on intimate partner violence. Since the attitude regarding the introduction of routines among the managers is predominantly positive, conclusions are drawn that there are good opportunities to introduce such work within Region Norrbotten but that support and training for managers in that case need to be developed. / Samhällsproblemet våld i nära relationer blir allt mer uppmärksammat och kanangripas från flera håll, däribland på arbetsplatsen. Arbetsplatsen skulle kunna hjälpa den våldsutsatta genom att lyfta frågan på medarbetarsamtal ochimplementera det som en rutin så att dessa frågor ställs till alla. Den här studien kartlägger vad chefer har för inställning till att införa insatser på arbetsplatsen för att kunna fånga upp fler våldsutsatta. Chefers inställning har undersökts genom en digital enkät som skickats ut till chefer inom Region Norrbotten. Enkäten innehöll båden kvantitativa och kvalitativa frågor. De kvantitativa frågorna var obligatoriska att besvara medan de kvalitativa frågorna var öppna följdfrågor som kunde besvaras om respondenten själv ville.82 chefer svarade, varav 72 kvinnor, 9 män och 1 hen. Materialet sammanställdes i Google Docs enkätprogram och de kvalitativa frågorna tematiserades. Studien visade att merparten av de tillfrågade cheferna inte ser något hinder till att införa ett förebyggande arbete med syfte att hjälpa anställda som kan vara utsatta för våld i hemmet. Det framkom dock att de idag inte har den kunskap som krävs. Desaknar rutiner och utbildning vilket kan förklara att majoriteten av cheferna är osäkra på hur de ska gå tillväga om en anställd skulle vara våldsutsatt hemma. De anger även att de skulle kännas sig tryggare att ställa frågor om den anställdes hemsituation om det fanns tydliga rutiner. Nästan alla chefer är positivt inställda till att gå en utbildning om våld i nära relationer. Eftersom inställningen gällande ett införande av rutiner bland cheferna är övervägande positiv dras slutsatser att det finns goda möjligheter att införa ett sådant arbete inom Region Norrbotten men att stöd och utbildning för chefer i så fall behöver utvecklas.

The perceptions, experiences and expectations of educators about their own professional development in schools

Somo, Morolong Phineas 12 November 2007 (has links)
Educational dispensation has brought about radical changes in schools, particularly with reference to curriculum changes and delivery, not only internationally but specifically in South Africa. With a move towards the introduction of new curricular in schools, the concept Continuous Professional Development has been revisited and thus has propagated further review on new approaches of teaching and learning, which leads to the need for establishment of school-based professional development of educators to meet the new challenges of curriculum changes. The school based training of educators should not be seen as short courses or workshops done for the educators, only to be left without a continuous support and guidance. It should be noted that school based educators are part of the community of learners with the shared purpose of ensuring quality learning experiences of all learners, every day, without exception and this is reinforced by the following goals: -- Providing of all school personnel with opportunity of further developing, and enriching their professional skills and knowledge. -- Challenging all school personnel to examine their attitudes and beliefs regarding the capacity of all students at high level, as well as their accountability for continuous improvement in student performance (Fer, 2005:2). The problem is how to cultivate the culture of school based continuous training and participation of all educators in the programmes. The Employment of Educators Act offers enormous possibilities for educators’ professional development. The principal is tasked with the responsibility of establishing staff development progammes, both school based, school focused and externally directed (Personnel Administrative Measures (PAM) of 1998, as determined by the Minister of Education in terms of the Employment of Educators Act, 1998). It also stress that curriculum delivery is the basic of training in order to effect changes. This study draws a distinction between short courses and workshops, and continuous professional development. Short courses is about training educators for about three to five days and leave the on their own. Continuous professional development means training educators on regular bases with follow ups after thereafter. Finally, principals and School Management Teams should ensure that there school based professional development programmes are established at schools and all educators should participate to ensure appropriate curriculum delivery. / Dissertation (MEd (Leadership))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Education Management and Policy Studies / MEd / unrestricted

Medarbetarsamtalet : Em studie av medarbetarsamtalets funktion och betydelse inom äldreomsorgen i Kalmar kommun.

Nilsson, Linda January 2008 (has links)
<p>Author: Nilsson Linda</p><p>Title: Appraisal talk- new ideals and new forms</p><p>The purpose of this study was to examine the concept of the appraisal talk. More specifically its aim was to find out more about the function and the meaning of the appraisal talk, for the organization, managers and co-workers point of view, and if there was any specific method applied. Two of the central questions were: How did the managers and co-workers describe the function and the meaning of appraisal talks? Were there any differences or similarities of the respondent’s point of view, depended of their position in the organization? The method of analysis was qualitative with a critical reflective approach. The study was based on interviews with three managers and four co-workers, in the public service of elderly care in Kalmar municipality. A central finding of the study is that the implementation of the appraisal talk is a tool for the organization to make effectiveness, but also to create a meaningful atmosphere. It seems to depending on the respondent’s position in the organisation. The managers use a solution focused work method in the appraisal talk.</p>

Medarbetarsamtalet : Em studie av medarbetarsamtalets funktion och betydelse inom äldreomsorgen i Kalmar kommun.

Nilsson, Linda January 2008 (has links)
Author: Nilsson Linda Title: Appraisal talk- new ideals and new forms The purpose of this study was to examine the concept of the appraisal talk. More specifically its aim was to find out more about the function and the meaning of the appraisal talk, for the organization, managers and co-workers point of view, and if there was any specific method applied. Two of the central questions were: How did the managers and co-workers describe the function and the meaning of appraisal talks? Were there any differences or similarities of the respondent’s point of view, depended of their position in the organization? The method of analysis was qualitative with a critical reflective approach. The study was based on interviews with three managers and four co-workers, in the public service of elderly care in Kalmar municipality. A central finding of the study is that the implementation of the appraisal talk is a tool for the organization to make effectiveness, but also to create a meaningful atmosphere. It seems to depending on the respondent’s position in the organisation. The managers use a solution focused work method in the appraisal talk.

En kritisk betraktelse av medarbetarsamtalet : - dess former, syften och funktioner i offentliga organisationer

Glamheden, Ulrica, Stjärnborg, Petra January 2022 (has links)
Studien syftar till att granska och belysa medarbetarsamtalets intentioner, praktiker och konsekvenser i svenska offentliga organisationer. Medarbetarsamtalet granskas utifrån hur det framställs i organisationernas dokumentation på olika nivåer i offentlig förvaltning. Då medarbetarsamtalet har kommit att tas alltmer för givet som ett inslag i det svenska arbetslivet, har vi eftersträvat en kritisk blick på fenomenet. Studiens fyra frågeställningar utgörs av: Vilken är den institutionaliserade formen för medarbetarsamtal utifrån dokumenten? Hur motiveras medarbetarsamtal i dokumenten? Vilka önskvärda ideal och vilken normering av synen på medarbetaren framkommer i medarbetarsamtalet? På vilket sätt kommer styrning och ledarskap till uttryck i samband med medarbetarsamtalet? Vid en översikt av litteraturen på området finns det studier som fokuserar på hur medarbetarsamtalet bäst utformas och gör som mest nytta. Det verkar här finnas ett antagande om att medarbetarsamtalet fyller olika viktiga syften för organisationen, chefen eller medarbetaren - bara det genomförs på rätt sätt. Det finns mindre beskrivet om andra outtalade syften med medarbetarsamtal och få studier som ifrågasätter om medarbetarsamtal, oavsett upplägg, är motiverade och efterfrågade i dess nuvarande institutionaliserade form. Studien finner flera likheter mellan organisationerna för medarbetarsamtalets upplägg, vilket tyder på en institutionaliserad form. Dessa likheter kan förklaras utifrån olika typer av isomorfism. Organisationerna anger olika syften med medarbetarsamtalen i sina interna dokument. Dessa uttalade syften kan vara särkopplade från ett underliggande syfte med samtalen som handlar om att uppnå legitimitet. Det finns motsägelser mellan de egenskaper som efterfrågas hos medarbetarna och strukturen för medarbetarsamtalen. Mallarna för medarbetarsamtalen kan användas för att avstyra medarbetare från att reflektera alltför djupt om sådant som ligger bortom de egna arbetsuppgifterna, vilket är kännetecknande för funktionell dumhet. / The focus of this study is the performance appraisal interview in the Swedish public sector. Using document analysis the study examines various policies related to performance appraisal from six different organisations. The aim is to describe the current institutionalised form of the appraisal interview and how this practice is justified according to the policies. Neo-institutional theory and the concept of functional stupidity is applied to analyse how the ideal employee is represented and the expressions of management in the documents. The results of the analysis show how isomorphism can be used to explain the similarities between the six organisations. The study also points to a potential decoupling of the expressed purpose of the interview and the unspoken intent of increased legitimacy. There are also discrepancies between the content of the policies and the practice of the interview. The templates for the appraisal interview can facilitate functional stupidity by using them to prevent employees from being too reflective.

The school principal's management duties : a case of boys-only primary school in the Pinetown district of Kwazulu-Natal

Manickum, Leon January 2011 (has links)
This study describes the research that was carried out at a boys-only primary school in the Pinetown District of Kwazulu-Natal. The study was conducted with the purpose of investigating the management duties undertaken by the principal regarding time, staff and curriculum. In order to achieve the aim of this study the main research question was formulated, that is: How does the principal of X primary boys-only school manage the administrative and instructional programme in the process of executing his duties? Chapter One orientates the reader regarding the purpose, research problem, motivation and design of the study. Chapter Two provides the theoretical framework in terms of the types of school management models with particular focus on the democratic management model and the systems theory. Qualitative research in the form of in-depth interviews and participant observation was undertaken in an attempt to answer the research question. Interviews were conducted with the school principal and four educators. Chapter Four presents the findings of the study which highlight the role of the principal in managing the aspects of the school while he delegates the various areas of management to the members of staff. The findings further reveal the principal’s involvement in all the processes from inception to end. Chapter Five concludes the study summatively. The chapter includes a brief account of what the study covered, assumptions made in the theoretical framework, and draws important conclusions and makes relevant recommendations about the management duties of the school principal. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Education Management)

Medarbetarsamtalets möjligheter till ökad hälsa, lärande och förändring : En intervjustudie bland medarbetare och chefer på ett sjukhus / Possibilities of staff appraisals to increase health, learning and change. : An interview study among co-workers and supervisors at a hospital

Karlsson, Maria, Sparf, Camilla January 2009 (has links)
<p>Arbetet utgör en stor del av våra liv och har stor betydelse för den personliga hälsan. Hälsofrämjande insatser som riktar sig mot arbetslivet kan på så sätt påverka den nationella folkhälsan. Ett sätt att skapa delaktighet och inflytande på arbetsplatsen är att årligen genomföra individuella samtal mellan chef och medarbetare. Frågan vi ställde oss inför studien var <em>Om medarbetarsamtal kan ses som hälsofrämjande? Syftet </em>var att undersöka hur medarbetare och chefer på ett sjukhus upplever hälsofrågor i medarbetarsamtal och utifrån detta studera vilka möjligheter till lärande och förändring som finns. <em>Metoden </em>för datainsamlingen var en intervjustudie med fyra medarbetare och fem chefer utifrån en halvstrukturerad intervjuguide. <em>Resultatet, </em>genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys, visade att både medarbetare och chefer var positiva till medarbetarsamtal men att cheferna upplevde brister i sin kompetens med hälsofrågorna och medarbetarna upplevde att hälsofrågorna tenderade till att vara bedömande. Ur folkhälsopedagogisk synvinkel dras <em>slutsatsen </em>att syften och gränser för hälsofrågorna bör klargöras för att åstadkomma en hälsofrämjande effekt. Det krävs ett öppnare klimat i medarbetarsamtalet där både medarbetares och chefers kunskaper accepteras och uppmärksammas i syfte att lära av varandra och utvecklas tillsammans.</p> / <p>Work means a lot to the human being in life and it has a huge importance on the individual health. Health promotion interventions directed towards the working life could in a way affect the national public health. One way to create involvement and influence at the workplace is to annually implement individual appraisals between supervisor and co-workers. The question we asked ourselves before the study was; <em>could staff appraisals be seen as health promoting?</em> The <em>aim </em>with the study was to investigate how co-workers and supervisors at a hospital feel about health questions in the staff appraisal and on the basis of that, study what possibilities for learning and change there is. <em>Method </em>for the collection of data was an interview study containing four co-workers and five supervisors on the basis of a half structured interview guide. The <em>Result, </em>based on qualitative content analysis, showed that both co-workers and supervisors where positive to the staff appraisal but the supervisors felt lack of competence with the health questions and co-workers experienced the health questions as tending to be to judging. Out of a health promotion and education perspective the <em>conclusion </em>is that proposals and boundaries for the health questions get explained and clear to achieve a health promoting effect. This requires a more open climate in the staff appraisal where both co-worker's and supervisor's knowledge is accepted and noticed, aiming to learn and develop by each other.</p><p> </p>

Medarbetarsamtalets möjligheter till ökad hälsa, lärande och förändring : En intervjustudie bland medarbetare och chefer på ett sjukhus / Possibilities of staff appraisals to increase health, learning and change. : An interview study among co-workers and supervisors at a hospital

Karlsson, Maria, Sparf, Camilla January 2009 (has links)
Arbetet utgör en stor del av våra liv och har stor betydelse för den personliga hälsan. Hälsofrämjande insatser som riktar sig mot arbetslivet kan på så sätt påverka den nationella folkhälsan. Ett sätt att skapa delaktighet och inflytande på arbetsplatsen är att årligen genomföra individuella samtal mellan chef och medarbetare. Frågan vi ställde oss inför studien var Om medarbetarsamtal kan ses som hälsofrämjande? Syftet var att undersöka hur medarbetare och chefer på ett sjukhus upplever hälsofrågor i medarbetarsamtal och utifrån detta studera vilka möjligheter till lärande och förändring som finns. Metoden för datainsamlingen var en intervjustudie med fyra medarbetare och fem chefer utifrån en halvstrukturerad intervjuguide. Resultatet, genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys, visade att både medarbetare och chefer var positiva till medarbetarsamtal men att cheferna upplevde brister i sin kompetens med hälsofrågorna och medarbetarna upplevde att hälsofrågorna tenderade till att vara bedömande. Ur folkhälsopedagogisk synvinkel dras slutsatsen att syften och gränser för hälsofrågorna bör klargöras för att åstadkomma en hälsofrämjande effekt. Det krävs ett öppnare klimat i medarbetarsamtalet där både medarbetares och chefers kunskaper accepteras och uppmärksammas i syfte att lära av varandra och utvecklas tillsammans. / Work means a lot to the human being in life and it has a huge importance on the individual health. Health promotion interventions directed towards the working life could in a way affect the national public health. One way to create involvement and influence at the workplace is to annually implement individual appraisals between supervisor and co-workers. The question we asked ourselves before the study was; could staff appraisals be seen as health promoting? The aim with the study was to investigate how co-workers and supervisors at a hospital feel about health questions in the staff appraisal and on the basis of that, study what possibilities for learning and change there is. Method for the collection of data was an interview study containing four co-workers and five supervisors on the basis of a half structured interview guide. The Result, based on qualitative content analysis, showed that both co-workers and supervisors where positive to the staff appraisal but the supervisors felt lack of competence with the health questions and co-workers experienced the health questions as tending to be to judging. Out of a health promotion and education perspective the conclusion is that proposals and boundaries for the health questions get explained and clear to achieve a health promoting effect. This requires a more open climate in the staff appraisal where both co-worker's and supervisor's knowledge is accepted and noticed, aiming to learn and develop by each other.

The school principal's management duties : a case of boys-only primary school in the Pinetown district of Kwazulu-Natal

Manickum, Leon January 2011 (has links)
This study describes the research that was carried out at a boys-only primary school in the Pinetown District of Kwazulu-Natal. The study was conducted with the purpose of investigating the management duties undertaken by the principal regarding time, staff and curriculum. In order to achieve the aim of this study the main research question was formulated, that is: How does the principal of X primary boys-only school manage the administrative and instructional programme in the process of executing his duties? Chapter One orientates the reader regarding the purpose, research problem, motivation and design of the study. Chapter Two provides the theoretical framework in terms of the types of school management models with particular focus on the democratic management model and the systems theory. Qualitative research in the form of in-depth interviews and participant observation was undertaken in an attempt to answer the research question. Interviews were conducted with the school principal and four educators. Chapter Four presents the findings of the study which highlight the role of the principal in managing the aspects of the school while he delegates the various areas of management to the members of staff. The findings further reveal the principal’s involvement in all the processes from inception to end. Chapter Five concludes the study summatively. The chapter includes a brief account of what the study covered, assumptions made in the theoretical framework, and draws important conclusions and makes relevant recommendations about the management duties of the school principal. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Education Management)

The instructional leadership role of the school principal in Thohoyandou

Kwinda, Ntsumbedzeni Angela 30 November 2002 (has links)
This research focuses on the role of the school principal as instructional leader in primary schools in Thoyandou area, Limpopo Province. It was motivated by a marked decline in the fulfilment of the instructional leadership role of principals in certain schools in the Limpopo Province. A literature study was undertaken to determine the role of a instructional leader, approaches to this role as well as the relationship between the principal's instructional leadership role and staff development and staff appraisal respectively. A qualitative inquiry was conducted using a focus group and personal interviews with a small sample of participants selected by judgement sampling. The findings suggest that understanding of the instructional leadership is fragmented; principals often fail to develop staff adequately; and the Department of Education's new approach to staff and development appraisals is not adequately implemented in schools. Finally guidelines are provided to assist principals in fulfilling their role as effective instructional leaders. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Education Management)

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