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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Standardiserat arbete i produktionssystemet hos Inission Munkfors AB / Standardized work in Inission Munkfors AB's production system

Jonas, Arnesson January 2014 (has links)
Sammanfattning Denna rapport behandlar införandet av standardiserat arbete i produktionssystemet hos företaget Inission Munkfors AB. Arbetet har utförts i kursen Examensarbete för högskoleingenjörsexamen i maskinteknik (MSGC17), som ges vid Fakulteten för hälsa, natur & teknikvetenskap på Karlstads universitet.Företaget Inission Munkfors AB har som mål att från år 2012 till år 2017 kunna fördubbla omsättningen och halvera ledtiden, med samma personalstyrka som år 2012 (75st anställda). Detta kallar företaget "Inspirit 2x2 2017", och strategierna för att nå målen är att: skaffa fler och rätt kunder, ha en unikt bra leveransprecision och alla medarbetare ska vilja vara med. Detta ska uppnås genom att bl.a. tillämpa standardiserade arbetssätt, som är en av Toyotas 14 principer.Denna studie fokuserar på monteringsprocessen av ett specifikt elektronikskåp. Företaget har en tidigare historik med stor frihet gällande hur arbetsuppgifter utförts av medarbetarna. Detta har lett till att montörerna har utvecklat individuella sätt att montera elektronikskåpen på, vilket gjort att en spridning i monteringstid har uppstått. Från en nulägesanalys av processerna i produktflödet utfördes tidtagning, observationer av arbetssätt, och från resultatet dokumenterades förbättringsförslag gällande kvalitet och effektivitet med stöd av Lean-teori om slöseri och standard. För monteringsprocessenskapades och infördes en metodstandard. Under framtagningen av metodstandarden fördes en diskussion med de berörda medarbetarna om vad företagets strategier innebär, teori angående standard och varför det är viktigt att arbeta standardiserat. Under mötet framkom att det finns en negativ inställning bland medarbetarna gällande företagets uppsatta mål, och okunskap kring strategierna samt behovet av att arbeta standardiserat. Några av medarbetarna ansåg att standardiserat arbetssätt inte skulle vara till någon hjälp för dem, vilket tyder på en rädsla för förändring i arbetssättet. Denna negativa inställning och rädsla kan övervinnas genom attledningen skapar ökad förståelse för målen och behovet av att arbeta standardiserat. Vid mätning av cykeltider för två montörer visade resultatet att spridningen i monteringstid minskat från 11 h och 15 min till 15 min vid införandet av metodstandarden. Detta indikerar det som beskrivs i teorin att spridningen sannolikt minskar när alla gör på samma sätt. Monteringen tog tidigare i genomsnitt 8,15 h, och de nya mätningarna visade att monteringen tog i genomsnitt 5,5 h, vilket ger möjligheter till minskad ledtid för produkten. Företaget bör fortsätta dessa mätningar för att se hur spridningen ser ut mellan fler montörer. När arbetssättet är väl inövat och monteringstiden balanserats bör metodstandarden tidsättas för att synliggöra avvikelser och möjliggöra förbättringsarbete i processen. / Abstract This report treats the introduction of standardized work in Inission Munkfors AB's production system. The work has been performed in the course Degree Project for Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering - Mechanical Engineering (MSGC17), given at the Faculty of Health, Nature & Technology at Karlstad University.The company Inission Munkfors AB aims from year 2012 to 2017 to double the turnover, halve the lead time, with the same number of employees as in year 2012 (75 people). This goal is called "Inspirit 2x2 2017" by the company, and the strategies for reaching the goal are: acquire more and correct customers, have a unique delivery precision and to get all the coworkers on board in the change process. One of the corner stones to achieve this will be practising standardized work, which is one of Toyota's 14 principles. This study focuses on the assembly process of a specific electronics cabinet. The company has a former history of freedom regarding how working tasks are performed by the workers. This has led to a development of individual ways of assembly among the workers, which have caused a scatter in assembly time.From a current state analysis of processes in the flow of products, proposals for improvement in effectiveness and quality were documented with support from Lean theory about waste and standard, and for the assembly process a standardized work method was created and introduced. During the development of the standardized work method, a discussion was held with co-workers about the meaning of the company's strategies, theory regarding standardization and the importance of standardized work. From the meeting it was realised that the co-workers have a negative attitude towards the company's goal, and lack of knowledge regarding the meaning of the strategies and the need for standardized work. Some of the co-workers thought that standardized work wouldn't help their daily work, which indicates fear of change. The negative attitude and fear of change can most likely be overcome if the management teaches understanding for the goal and the need for standardized work.The result of the assembly time for two assemblers shows that the scatter has decreased from 11 h and 15 min to 15 min when the standardized work method was introduced. The resultsindicates what is described in the theory that the scatter will decrease if everybody practises the same way. The former average time for mounting was 8,15 h, and the new results shows an average time of 5,5 h, which generates possibilities in cutting lead time for the product. The company need to continue these time studies to be able to see how the scatter is affected by the rest of the co-workers. When the standardized work method has been practised by the co-workers and the scatter in assembly time is rather balanced, the time for executing the activities in the standardized work method should be introduced and documented. This enables visualisation of deviations and makes it possible to improve the process.

Stopptidsanalys och standardiseringsförslag : Examensarbete på Semper AB / Stop time analysis and standardization suggestion : Final year project at Semper AB

Vahlgren, Simon January 2018 (has links)
The food processing company Semper AB in Götene has, after implementing software for monitoring production down time,identified a need for improvements considering time consumption in the cleaning process of Torn 4.After conducting studies, evaluations and analyses within the production, a need for standardization and time determination for the process has been identified. The project has resulted in propositions for new work standards considering time consumption for the included operations within the cleaning process, as well as definitions regarding the steps conducted parallel to one another to reduce the required time and streamline the process.The problem which was initially identified, as visualized through Semper’s down time tracking soft-ware Axxos, has through the course of the project been clarified as a symptom of a neglected work around standardization on the studied object. The need for increased standardization, control and planning is called for from both production management and operators alike, hence the competence involving the process exists within the organization, but need to emphasize and make use of it is nec-essary in a more efficient way. / Livsmedelsföretaget Semper AB i Götene har efter implementering av mjukvara för stoppuppföljning identifierat behov av förbättringar med avseende på tidsåtgång i sin rengöringsprocess på Torn 4. Ef-ter att studier, utvärdering och analyser av verksamheten gjorts har behov av standardisering och tidsbestämning av arbetet identifierats. Arbetet har resulterat i förslag på nya standarder med avse-ende på tidsåtgång för de ingående momenten i rengöringsprocessen samt definiering av de steg som skall utföras parallellt med varandra för att reducera tidsåtgången och strömlinjeforma process-stegen. Det initialt identifierade problemet, visualiserat genom Sempers uppföljningsmjukvara AXXOS, har genom arbetet påvisats vara ett symptom på ett bortprioriterat standardiseringsarbete på den be-rörda utrustningen. Efterfrågan gällande ökad standardisering, kontroll och planering finns från både produktionsledning och operatörer då kompentensen i dagsläget finns inom verksamheten men be-höver lyftas fram och utnyttjas på ett mer effektivt sätt.

Introduktion för nyanställda inom produktion

Sandström, Emma January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Organisationsanpassning mot hållbart och systematiskt förbättringsarbete

Mastenstrand, Rolf, Persson, Jonas January 2016 (has links)
Fallstudien på Företaget AB  syftar till att öka förståelsen för de svårigheter  en organisation kan mötas av vid införandet av Lean-konceptet i en verksamhet. Studiens målsättning är att belysa vilka faktorer som påverkar en långsiktigt lyckad implementering av systematiska ständiga förbättringar.   Nulägesbeskrivningen och teorin analyseras ingående för att sammanställas i en slutsats och möjliga rekommendationer till fallföretaget. De påverkansfaktorer vilka författarna lyfter fram  i studien prioriteras i ordning utifrån sin betydelse och diskuteras med avseende på en uthållig implementering av Lean-konceptet.

Utveckling av metoder för utlastningsytor : En analys för hur utlastningsytor kan standardiseras och effektiviseras

Liljegren, Filip, Lövstedt, Marcus January 2019 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose of this study has been to analyse how activities on loading spaces can be standardized and more effective. The following two questions have been chosen to answer the purpose of the study. 1. Which activities are currently being performed in a disadvantageous manner on loading spaces? 2. Which improvements can be made to enable optimization on loading spaces? Method – A pilot study was conducted at a fall company to identify the purpose to the study and its research questions. The case study was conducted in the form of a onecase design since case study was conducted at only one company. The case study consisted of observations, interviews and document studies. In order to design a theoretical framework as a theoretical basis of the study, a literature review was made. The literature review gave a background to theories in Lean, 5S, Standardized work, Muscle memory, ABC analysis, Poka-Yoke, Warehouse layout and Process mapping. Findings – The study presents several activities that are performed in a disadvantageous way. Examples of these activities are variation in placement of sorting codes, inbound goods or consumables on the loading space and plural wastes connected to a scanning process. An ABC analysis of sorting codes, implementation of 5S and standardized work together with has led to a finding who shows the correlation between the abovementioned methods and how it leads to a standardized and effective work on the loading space. Implications – Based on an existing problem, the study has been based on previously known theories and methods in the areas of inventory and logistics. The study do not present any new theory in these areas but shows the correlations between different methods to standardize and make loading spaces more effective. The correlation between the methods has led to a standardized work process and guideline for how a loading space can be designed which is a relatively unexplored area. Limitations – The study was conducted at a fall company based on their problems at the loading space. A benchmarking within a similar business could increase the understanding of the problems at loading spaces and thus increase generalization further. In the document study have some statistics concerning sorting codes been unspecified, which may have affected the ABC classification. Further does the study only cover activities on the loading space. Activities earlier in the flow have not been taken into consideration which could lead to more solutions to the purpose of the study. Keywords – Loading space, 5S, Standardized work, ABC classification, Wastes, Sorting code, Pallets, Visual aids, Scanning

Ständiga förbättringar i lagerverksamhet på Nedis AB

Dugic, Mahir, Zaulich, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
The thesis has been carried out at Nedis AB in Jönköping. The aim was to develop proposals on approaches that could help the company to continually improve their warehouse operations by eliminating unnecessary operations, making the warehouse more structured and how they better could use the staff's suggestions for improve-ment. The collection of data consists of observations, interviews with a total of nine people from the staff of Nedis AB and a benchmarking conducted at Husqvarna AB. A number of shortcomings and weaknesses in procedures at the warehouse were iden-tified. Packing stations were not standardized and they were seen as poorly structured and messy. Furthermore, procedures for maintenance and cleaning of the warehouse were flawed. There was no one in charge for maintenance, replenishment and clean-ing materials for the packing stations. There were no clear organization for the im-provements efforts in the warehouse, and also a low utilization and management of staff's ideas. The results of this thesis are suggested approaches that can address the weaknesses identified and that can be used to standardize the work of the warehouse of Nedis AB by establishing clear roles and responsibilities, create conditions for participation, structuring and creating procedures to maintain an organized workplace. In order to work towards continuous improvement, we propose a method where Nedis AB can work with visualization of the improvement process. We also suggest that the compa-ny use boards to easily give feedback and better monitor the on-going improvement efforts. If Nedis AB choose to work enthusiastically with the improvement process and to clarify the objectives of the staff, we believe that the proposals presented in this study will help the company achieve its goal to work towards continuous improvement.

Ständiga förbättringar i lagerverksamhet på Nedis AB

Dugic, Mahir, Zaulich, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
<p>The thesis has been carried out at Nedis AB in Jönköping. The aim was to develop proposals on approaches that could help the company to continually improve their warehouse operations by eliminating unnecessary operations, making the warehouse more structured and how they better could use the staff's suggestions for improve-ment. The collection of data consists of observations, interviews with a total of nine people from the staff of Nedis AB and a benchmarking conducted at Husqvarna AB. A number of shortcomings and weaknesses in procedures at the warehouse were iden-tified. Packing stations were not standardized and they were seen as poorly structured and messy. Furthermore, procedures for maintenance and cleaning of the warehouse were flawed. There was no one in charge for maintenance, replenishment and clean-ing materials for the packing stations. There were no clear organization for the im-provements efforts in the warehouse, and also a low utilization and management of staff's ideas. The results of this thesis are suggested approaches that can address the weaknesses identified and that can be used to standardize the work of the warehouse of Nedis AB by establishing clear roles and responsibilities, create conditions for participation, structuring and creating procedures to maintain an organized workplace. In order to work towards continuous improvement, we propose a method where Nedis AB can work with visualization of the improvement process. We also suggest that the compa-ny use boards to easily give feedback and better monitor the on-going improvement efforts. If Nedis AB choose to work enthusiastically with the improvement process and to clarify the objectives of the staff, we believe that the proposals presented in this study will help the company achieve its goal to work towards continuous improvement.</p>

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