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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Policing in Africa

Francis, David J. January 2012 (has links)
This wide-ranging collection offers fresh insights into a critical factor in development and politics on the African continent. It critically examines and illustrates the centrality of policing in transition societies in Africa, and outlines and assesses the emergence and impact of the diversity of state and non-state policing agencies.

Förenklade informationsklassificeringsscheman hos svenska statliga myndigheter / Simplified classification schemes at Swedish state agencies

Gustavsson, Fredrik January 2016 (has links)
Information is a vital part for most organizations, not least for state agencies as they handle personal data for every citizen, such as medical records, social security numbers and other sensitive information. It is therefore critical to protect the information assets at a sufficient level according to its value. Information security aims to do this by preserving the properties of confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information. This means that accurate and complete information shall be accessible and usable by an authorized entity upon demand. Swedish state agencies are obliged to manage their information security by the implementation of an information security management system (ISMS). The ISMS has to be set up and operated in compliance with the international standards ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 27002, but these standards are somewhat vague in describing how to perform certain procedures. One part of the ISMS consists of the process of classifying the information, a process that according to the result from a survey by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) is troublesome (MSB, 2014), especially for smaller-sized agencies. In this classification process, a classification scheme is used to determine the consequences to the organisation if the confidentiality, integrity or availability of the information is jeopardized. The result of this process determines the level of protection that each piece of information asset will receive at a later stage. It is vital to classify the assets at a suitable level to avoid over or under classification, as the former can lead to unnecessary costs and difficulties in using the assets, and the latter can put the asset at risk of unauthorized access. The interest from the academic world have however been low regarding research focused on the 27000 series of standards, compared to the more mature ISO/IEC 9000 and ISO/IEC 14000 series. This thesis project aims to investigate how the classification scheme has been simplified and to identify enabling factors from the development and use of simplified classification schemes. The research questions for this thesis project are: In which ways have a number of Swedish state agencies simplified their information classification schemes? Which factors have influenced the development and use of a simplified classification scheme? A mixed method, an embedded case study, was used, including both a review of existing information security policies for the state agencies to gather information about current information classification models and schemes, as well as interviews with the chiefs of information security for the state agencies regarding the development and usage of a simplified information classification scheme. In total, 120 documents from 81 agencies were reviewed and 7 interviews were completed. The results from the study shows that the state agencies that have simplified their classification scheme do so by focusing on one aspect: confidentiality. The agencies motivate this by a number of reasons: The aspects integrity and availability are regarded complex and difficult for the end user to relate to and classify. In order to simplify for the end user these aspects are handled by the IT department and the IT environment The integrity and availability aspects are more or less built into the IT environment and thus handled automatically as long as the end user correctly classifies the information asset according to the confidentiality aspect and handles the information according to the handling guidelines The study also shows the need for a national, common set of handling guidelines and consequence levels for the classification scheme as this would simplify and improve the security in communication between the state agencies

The modernization of the Port of Callao: The response of the State to the exportation wave of 2004-2011 / La modernización del puerto del Callao: La respuesta del Estado a la ola exportadora 2004-2011

Guibert, Yamilé, Cruz, Marylia, Figueroa, Manuel January 2015 (has links)
El último periodo de crecimiento económico y el deseo de elevar la competitividad del comercio exterior peruano exigieron del Estado peruano una respuesta de modernización de su infraestructura portuaria. El proceso de modernización del Terminal Portuario del Callao, el número uno del país y considerado la plataforma logística más importante de la Costa Oeste de Sudamérica, resulta ser un interesante estudio de caso sobre la adaptación del Estado a una combinación de factores internacionales (aumento de los precios de las materias primas y el impulso de políticas de apertura comercial) y domésticos (demanda de empresarios y decisión política). Mientras que se evidencian nuevos aprendizajes del Estado peruano, por ejemplo en el manejo de nuevas reglas de juego en materia de concesiones portuarias con la participación de operadores de talla mundial y el notable incremento de la competitividad de su principal terminal portuario, se manifiestan serias debilidades en planificación y el aseguramiento de políticas a largo plazo que trasciendan gobiernos.

A garantia institucional do Ministério Público em função da proteção dos direitos humanos / The institutional guarantee of the public attorney´s office and the protection of human rights

Almeida, Fernanda Leao de 11 June 2010 (has links)
Esta tese volta-se à análise crítica da garantia institucional de independência do Ministério Público brasileiro sob dois aspectos: de um lado, a sua independência em relação às esferas organizacionais dos poderes clássicos do Estado; e, de outro, os limites da independência funcional que visa a assegurar, para os seus membros, o livre desenvolvimento das funções institucionais. Sob o influxo do processo de reconhecimento universal dos direitos humanos a partir da Declaração de 1948, o valor da dignidade da pessoa humana representa o fundamento central do Estado Democrático de Direito da Constituição Federal de 1988, constituindo a fonte jurídica do vasto conjunto de direitos fundamentais dela constante. A proteção dos direitos fundamentais da pessoa humana é indissociável de um regime político democrático, que não pode prescindir de um sistema eficaz de controle do exercício do poder político para a persecução de tal desiderato. Daí a importância da efetividade dos mecanismos de controle recíproco entre os órgãos estatais, no comando do princípio fundamental projetado por Montesquieu que, atualmente, não mais se reduz à formula tríplice de distribuição das funções legislativa, executiva e judicial. É nesse contexto que se pretende introduzir a análise da garantia institucional de independência do Ministério Público, à luz, especificamente, de determinadas funções que lhe foram atribuídas para o controle de decisões de outros órgãos estatais, sobretudo do Executivo, envolvendo a tutela dos direitos fundamentais de proteção da dignidade da pessoa humana. A hipótese é a da existência de aspectos organizacionais condicionando o funcionamento do Ministério Público em dissonância de sua plena afirmação como novo ator político; quais sejam: a) a ausência de limites precisos à garantia de independência funcional no desenvolvimento de suas atividades; b) um sistema autocrático de gestão orientando as decisões sobre todas as políticas institucionais; c) a manutenção dos vínculos que prendem a instituição ao Executivo do Estado, concebido como o ramo hegemônico do regime político brasileiro. O trabalho pretende investigar as causas das incorreções, correlacioná-las e apontar os seus equívocos, para a identificação dos pontos relevantes sujeitos a uma pronta alteração de cunho organizacional, de modo a serem reproduzidos no funcionamento do Ministério Público brasileiro os valores republicanos e democráticos que devem informar um regime político como Estado Democrático de Direito. / This thesis offers a critical analysis of the institutional guarantee of independence of the Brazilian Public Attorney\'s Office regarding two aspects: on one hand, its independence concerning the organizational spheres of the classical branches of the State; on the other hand, the limits of the functional independence that aims at securing free development of the institutional functions to the members of the Public Attorney\'s Office. Due to the process of universal acknowledgement of human rights since the Declaration of 1948, the value of a human being\'s dignity represents the central basis of the Democratic Rule of Law of the 1 988 Federal Constitution, establishing a legal source for the vast set of fundamental rights contained in it. The protection of the fundamental rights of a human being is intrinsic to a democratic political system, which cannot dispense with an efficient procedure to control the use of political power for pursuing such desideratum. Hence the importance of the efficiency of the mechanisms of checks and balances among state agencies, in carrying out the fundamental principle proposed by Montesquieu that is no longer limited nowadays to the triple distribution formula of legislative, executive and judiciary functions. It\'s in this context that the present work intends to introduce the analysis of the institutional guarantee of independence of the Public Attorney\'s Office, specifically examining certain functions attributed to it for the control over decisions by other state agencies, particularly in the executive branch, that involve the safeguarding of the fundamental rights of protection of a human being\'s dignity. The hypothesis is the existence of organizational aspects stipulating the operation of the Public Attorney\'s Office in discordance with its full role as new political agent, such as: a) absence of precise limits to guarantee functional independence in the development of its activities; b) an autocratic ruling system guiding decisions on all institutional policies; c) maintenance of the bonds linking the institution to the executive branch, which is conceived as the hegemonic branch of Brazil\'s political system. This work intends to investigate the causes of those problems, correlate them and pinpoint mistakes, in order to identify the relevant points that would be subject to a swift alteration in terms of organization, so the republican, democratic values that ought to conduct a political regime as a Democratic Rule of Law may be reproduced in the operations of the Brazilian Public Attorney\'s Office.


Adalberto NapoleÃo de AraÃjo Neto 27 August 2009 (has links)
O setor de saneamento bÃsico no Brasil tem passado por grandes transformaÃÃes em sua estrutura nos Ãltimos anos, requerendo das Companhias Estaduais de Saneamento BÃsico (CESB) uma completa mudanÃa na forma de atuar, principalmente, pelas novas possibilidades trazidas pela Lei n 11.107/05 que em termos prÃticos, permite a participaÃÃo de empresas privadas na gestÃo dos serviÃos de saneamento, por meio de licitaÃÃo, aumentado a concorrÃncia no setor, e, sobretudo, pelas exigÃncias impostas pela Lei n 11.445/07, comumente conhecida como âMarco RegulatÃrio do Saneamentoâ, que dentre outros pontos preconiza a universalizaÃÃo dos serviÃos prestados; a eficiÃncia e sustentabilidade econÃmica e a transparÃncia das aÃÃes, baseada em sistemas de informaÃÃes e processos decisÃrios institucionalizados. Diante desse cenÃrio, as CESBs vÃm adotando diversas prÃticas de gestÃo e vÃrias ferramentas de TI a fim de melhorar os seus resultados. A adoÃÃo de sistemas ERP â Enterprise Resourse Planning como alternativa para maximizar os resultados das organizaÃÃes tÃm se tornado uma prÃtica em vÃrias empresas no mundo, chegando Ãs empresas brasileiras a partir de meados da dÃcada de 90, inclusive nas Companhias Estaduais de Saneamento no inÃcio dos anos 2000. InÃmeros sÃo os benefÃcios associados à utilizaÃÃo dos sistemas ERP nas organizaÃÃes. Todavia, diversos problemas sÃo relacionados ao uso desses sistemas, que impendem o alcance dos resultados inicialmente esperados e prometidos. Nesse contexto, esse trabalho tem como objetivo principal analisar como as Companhias Estaduais de Saneamento BÃsico tÃm utilizado os sistemas ERP na sua gestÃo. Do ponto de vista de seus objetivos, a presente pesquisa caracteriza-se como exploratÃrio-descritiva. Quanto à abordagem do problema pode ser classificada como quantitativa e qualitativa. No tocante aos procedimentos adotados, pode-se citar a realizaÃÃo de pesquisa bibliogrÃfica e a aplicaÃÃo de um survey combinado com a realizaÃÃo de um estudo de caso em uma das 27 companhias estaduais de saneamento bÃsico do Brasil. A partir da anÃlise dos resultados constatou-se que os sistemas ERP nÃo sÃo utilizados por todos os nÃveis hierÃrquicos das CESBs e nÃo contempla os seus processos principais e parte dos processos de apoio. Em relaÃÃo ao propÃsito a que se destina a sua utilizaÃÃo, verificou-se que sÃo utilizados com maior freqÃÃncia para dar apoio Ãs operaÃÃes e processos da organizaÃÃo e apoio à tomada de decisÃo empresarial, pelo nÃvel tÃtico e operacional das CESBs. Em relaÃÃo aos processos que dÃo suporte, ficou evidenciado que se concentram basicamente em parte dos processos de apoio, quais sejam: Financeiro; ContÃbil; LogÃstico e GestÃo de Pessoas. Constatou-se que as funcionalidades existentes se aderem a tais processos, e, mesmo com essas restriÃÃes verificadas a avaliaÃÃo sobre as melhorias proporcionadas à gestÃo dos processos transacionais das CESBs foi positiva, evidenciando uma congruÃncia com a atual realidade das Companhias Estaduais de Saneamento BÃsico. / Brazilian basic sanitation has undergone profound structural changes over the past years, requiring basic sanitation state agencies (CESB) to revise their working procedures. Thus, law #11.107/05 introduced new practical possibilities, such as the participation of private enterprises in the management of sanitation services by way of public bidding, thereby increasing competition in the sector, while law #11.445/07, commonly referred to as the âbasic sanitation regulatory frameworkâ, calls for the universalization of public services, economic efficiency and sustainability and administrative transparency, based on information systems and institutionalized decision-making processes. In response, CESBs have adopted a range of management practices and IT tools in order to improve their results. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems designed to maximize results are increasingly popular among companies around the world, and have been in use by private enterprises in Brazil since the mid-nineties and even by CESBs since the beginning of the current decade. ERP is associated not only with numerous advantages, but also with a number of problems compromising expected results. The main objective of the present study is to analyze the use of ERP systems by CESBs. Based on a review of the literature and a survey in combination with a case study of one of the 27 CESBs operating in Brazil, the study is exploratory and descriptive with regard to the objective, and quantitative-qualitative in its approach. The results show that ERP systems are not used at all hierarchical levels of the CESBs and do not cover the main processes and some of the support processes. ERP systems are most often used to support organizational operations and processes and executive tactical and operational decision-making processes. The main support processes include financial administration, accounting, logistics and staff management. Existing functionalities were found to ad here to these processes and, even in the presence of such restrictions, the assessment of the improvement to the management of CESB transactional processes was positive, revealing a congruence with the present reality of the basic sanitation state agencies.

A garantia institucional do Ministério Público em função da proteção dos direitos humanos / The institutional guarantee of the public attorney´s office and the protection of human rights

Fernanda Leao de Almeida 11 June 2010 (has links)
Esta tese volta-se à análise crítica da garantia institucional de independência do Ministério Público brasileiro sob dois aspectos: de um lado, a sua independência em relação às esferas organizacionais dos poderes clássicos do Estado; e, de outro, os limites da independência funcional que visa a assegurar, para os seus membros, o livre desenvolvimento das funções institucionais. Sob o influxo do processo de reconhecimento universal dos direitos humanos a partir da Declaração de 1948, o valor da dignidade da pessoa humana representa o fundamento central do Estado Democrático de Direito da Constituição Federal de 1988, constituindo a fonte jurídica do vasto conjunto de direitos fundamentais dela constante. A proteção dos direitos fundamentais da pessoa humana é indissociável de um regime político democrático, que não pode prescindir de um sistema eficaz de controle do exercício do poder político para a persecução de tal desiderato. Daí a importância da efetividade dos mecanismos de controle recíproco entre os órgãos estatais, no comando do princípio fundamental projetado por Montesquieu que, atualmente, não mais se reduz à formula tríplice de distribuição das funções legislativa, executiva e judicial. É nesse contexto que se pretende introduzir a análise da garantia institucional de independência do Ministério Público, à luz, especificamente, de determinadas funções que lhe foram atribuídas para o controle de decisões de outros órgãos estatais, sobretudo do Executivo, envolvendo a tutela dos direitos fundamentais de proteção da dignidade da pessoa humana. A hipótese é a da existência de aspectos organizacionais condicionando o funcionamento do Ministério Público em dissonância de sua plena afirmação como novo ator político; quais sejam: a) a ausência de limites precisos à garantia de independência funcional no desenvolvimento de suas atividades; b) um sistema autocrático de gestão orientando as decisões sobre todas as políticas institucionais; c) a manutenção dos vínculos que prendem a instituição ao Executivo do Estado, concebido como o ramo hegemônico do regime político brasileiro. O trabalho pretende investigar as causas das incorreções, correlacioná-las e apontar os seus equívocos, para a identificação dos pontos relevantes sujeitos a uma pronta alteração de cunho organizacional, de modo a serem reproduzidos no funcionamento do Ministério Público brasileiro os valores republicanos e democráticos que devem informar um regime político como Estado Democrático de Direito. / This thesis offers a critical analysis of the institutional guarantee of independence of the Brazilian Public Attorney\'s Office regarding two aspects: on one hand, its independence concerning the organizational spheres of the classical branches of the State; on the other hand, the limits of the functional independence that aims at securing free development of the institutional functions to the members of the Public Attorney\'s Office. Due to the process of universal acknowledgement of human rights since the Declaration of 1948, the value of a human being\'s dignity represents the central basis of the Democratic Rule of Law of the 1 988 Federal Constitution, establishing a legal source for the vast set of fundamental rights contained in it. The protection of the fundamental rights of a human being is intrinsic to a democratic political system, which cannot dispense with an efficient procedure to control the use of political power for pursuing such desideratum. Hence the importance of the efficiency of the mechanisms of checks and balances among state agencies, in carrying out the fundamental principle proposed by Montesquieu that is no longer limited nowadays to the triple distribution formula of legislative, executive and judiciary functions. It\'s in this context that the present work intends to introduce the analysis of the institutional guarantee of independence of the Public Attorney\'s Office, specifically examining certain functions attributed to it for the control over decisions by other state agencies, particularly in the executive branch, that involve the safeguarding of the fundamental rights of protection of a human being\'s dignity. The hypothesis is the existence of organizational aspects stipulating the operation of the Public Attorney\'s Office in discordance with its full role as new political agent, such as: a) absence of precise limits to guarantee functional independence in the development of its activities; b) an autocratic ruling system guiding decisions on all institutional policies; c) maintenance of the bonds linking the institution to the executive branch, which is conceived as the hegemonic branch of Brazil\'s political system. This work intends to investigate the causes of those problems, correlate them and pinpoint mistakes, in order to identify the relevant points that would be subject to a swift alteration in terms of organization, so the republican, democratic values that ought to conduct a political regime as a Democratic Rule of Law may be reproduced in the operations of the Brazilian Public Attorney\'s Office.

Användarmedverkan vid utveckling av digitala tjänster : En kvalitativ studie på fem statliga förvaltningsmyndigheter / User-participation when developing public e-services : A qualitative study on five government agencies

Makhoul, Kristina January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka användarmedverkan vid utveckling av digitala tjänster hos statliga förvaltningsmyndigheter i Sverige. Tidigare har forskning fokuserat på att undersöka kommuner och deras involvering av användaren vid utveckling av tjänster. Forskning visar att tjänstemän i kommuner har en mer negativ attityd gentemot utveckling av tjänster och därmed negativa till involveringen av användaren i utvecklingen. Anledningen beror på att det är ett tidskrävande arbete som inte har ekonomisk nytta och där det inte finns tillräckligt med kunskap hos de anställda för att driva arbetet med användaren. Litteraturen är idag flera år gammal och i behov av uppdatering. Utöver det har forskningens mål tidigare varit kommuner och därmed skiftas fokuset här till högre organ, nämligen statliga förvaltningsmyndigheter. Studien har utgått utifrån en kvalitativ metod med inslag av abduktiv ansats, där semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med nio anställda verksamhetsutvecklare och UX-designers från fem olika myndigheter: Arbetsförmedlingen, CSN, Skatteverket, Tillväxtverket och Transportstyrelsen. Resultatet visar att användarmedverkan bedrivs, dock till en begränsad nivå. Myndigheterna har en betydligt mer positiv inställning till involvering av användaren jämfört med kommunernas tjänstemän och det finnsdessutom en önskan att involvera användaren ytterligare. Utmaningar som påverkar till vilken grad användarmedverkan bedrivs är bland annat bristande resurser som budget och relevant kompetens hos anställda. Den mest förekommande utmaningen är dock bristande tid, där reformer från regeringen orsakar korta deadlines, varav myndigheterna tvingas släppa arbetet med användaren och fokusera på det nyinkomna, statliga uppdraget. Studien ökar förståelsen för de statliga myndigheternas arbetssätt och bidrar till framtida forskning, i hopp om att öka kunskapen och ta itu med utmaningarna som de anställda ställs inför vid utveckling av tjänsterna. / The aim of this study has been to examine government agencies’ user participation of citizens, when developing public e-services. In previous research papers, the aim of the studies have been to examine municipalities and their involvement of users in the development of public e-services. The studies show that the officials have a negative attitude towards the development of services and consequently, being negative towards involving the user in the process. The reason for this being, a time-consuming work that has no financial benefits and the employees not having enough knowledge to work with the user. However, those studies are many years old and in need of an update. Moreover, researchers’ aim has previously been municipalities, and therefore the focus is now shifting to higher grounds, namely state agencies. This study is based on a qualitative method with an abductive approach, where semi-structured interviews have been conducted with nine government employees, possessing roles such as business developers and UX-designers, from five different government agencies: The Swedish Public Employment Service, The Swedish Board of Student Finance, The Swedish Tax Agency, The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth, and The Swedish Transport Agency. The results show that user participation is managed, although to a certain extent. The agencies have a more positive attitude to the involvement of users, compared to the municipalities, and there is a wish to include the user even more. The challenges that affect to what degree the user is involved, are lack of resources, such as budgets and lack of employee-competence. The most recurring challenge however, is time, where legal reforms from the government cause short deadlines, of which the agencies are forced to drop the user-based work and focus on implementing the new laws.The study increases the understanding of the agencies’ work and contributes to future research, in hopes of increasing the knowledge and learning ways to deal with the challenges the employees are faced with when developing public e-services.

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