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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Description and Service Innovation in Adolescent Transition within Kentucky State Agency Education Programs

Marshall, Amy C 01 January 2013 (has links)
Of all Kentucky youth, state agency children are at the highest risk of making unsuccessful post-secondary transitions to adulthood. The intent of both studies comprising this dissertation was to understand and guide transition planning to make future improvements to transitions of adolescents in state agency programs. The Kentucky Youth at Risk in Transition Study was a mixed methods study that identified and described the understandings of student transitions in state agency education programs from the perspectives of youth and administrators. The study included 105 nontraditional education programs funded and supervised by the Kentucky Educational Collaborative for State Agency Children (KECSAC). Data collection included a survey administered to all KECSAC Program Administrators, focus group interviews with KECSAC Program Administrators, focus group interviews with KECSAC students, and individual interviews with KECSAC students. Survey data produced a description of a variety of key aspects of transition census data for KECSAC students. Qualitative data were analyzed using grounded theory. Results indicated that: transition is more narrowly defined within nontraditional schools; key strengths of transition practice are present in nontraditional schools; and coordination barriers within this inter-agency transition system are most apparent in students’ frequent inter-setting transitions between nontraditional and home schools. The second study was the “Building Enhanced Services for Transition” Study. It was designed to generate improvements to transition planning and services in KECSAC programs. Participatory action research was used so that improvements to transition services would emerge directly from the priorities of those concerned, while grounded theory sought understanding of the emerging changes in services for state agency youth across five KECSAC programs. Participants were comprised of twenty-nine education program administrators and staff members. Data collection occurred through semi- structured interviews, researcher reflections, research team meetings, and observations. There were six successive coding schemes throughout the study. A primary finding of the study was the degree to which individual and structural stigmatization of state agency youth impedes successful transitions to adulthood. Understanding the operation of stigma in these students suggests ways in which this primary barrier might be disrupted and post- secondary outcomes for these students at high risk of failure could be improved.

The relationship between the government and enterprises in Taiwan 1988-2004

Chen, Ching-wen 26 July 2005 (has links)
Authoritative period, party-state are integrative relation, the government has enough resources to control the society, political personages do not need to depend on the entrepreneur under the control of party-state. With the gradual transitions of ' the political structure ' and ' economic structure ', the Kuomintang government must transfer to obtain legitimacy of dominion by electing and economic development, the opposition party also can develop under this kind of environment, so government-business relations has changed. In brief, research of this thesis is to study government-business relations of Taiwan whether has the new appearance behind the transition of ruling Parties and under the changes of the Cross-Straits relations. Research of this thesis is to analysis concrete change of government-business relations under the different presidents head the administration' period. Finding in this thesis that the policy government-business relations of Taiwan appear type of ' big government and small enterprise ' in authoritative period (before 1987), and government have high independence to control the society in one party authoritarian, among the government and enterprise build and construct out an ' unequal government-business relations '. After martial law(1987- 2000), government-business relations appear type of' middle government and small enterprise ', enterprises no longer receive government's comprehensive control under the challenge of the opposition, government-business relations is changed into a kind of ' unequal ally's relation '. government-business relations appear type of 'middle government middle enterprise ' after transition of ruling parties(2000- 2004),the politician helps the entrepreneur to try or influence the policy, but the entrepreneur offers campaign financing for politician , therefore t government-business relations is turned into ' the relation of the equality and mutual benefit '. With the promotion of the trading tie between Taiwan and China, ' the Cross-Straits relations 'become the important key influencing government-business relations of Taiwan to change gradually. In the theory meaning, this means capitalist physique of Taiwan, already from the bureaucracy capitalist and leading systems of authoritative times make the transition for the system with leading folk capital gradually, the independence of state apparatus relative to folk capital of is reducing day by day, and the influence power of the folk capital to the decision-making process of state apparatus rises day by day. Meanwhile , the Cross-Straits relations become the enough factor influencing government-business relations inside Taiwan, therefore Chinese Government make state apparatus pass the operation of trading ties of the Cross-Straits gradually to influence government-business relations of Taiwan and decision-making process of the g state apparatus of Taiwan inside Taiwan, even weaken the state apparatus independence of Taiwan, thus state apparatus of Taiwan face the double crisis coming from native folk capital and Chinese state apparatus .

Ett (värdegrunds)arbete, inte bara på jobbet : En kvalitativ textanalys av värdegrundsdokument från svenska statliga myndigheter ur ett kritiskt perspektiv.

Jannerlid-Söderberg, Fanny, Kheder, Maria January 2019 (has links)
I denna kvalitativa studie undersöks värdegrundsdokument från fem svenska statliga myndigheter. Studien syftar till att bidra med kunskap om maktrelationen och förväntan gentemot den statligt anställde genom textanalys ur ett kritiskt perspektiv. Det empiriska materialet analyserades utifrån critical discourse analysis (CDA) och kompletterades med Hellspong och Ledins (1997) mall av den ideationella strukturen. Den kritiska diskursanalysen är till för att ge svar på vilka värderingar som myndigheterna uttrycker. I den ideationella analysen undersöks värdegrundsdokumentens teman, propositioner och perspektiv. I analysen klargörs olika värdeord och rubriceringar som fanns i värdegrundsdokumenten samt dess innebörd och betydelse för den anställde. Resultatet visade att de önskade värderingarna är att myndigheterna och dess anställda ska vara kompetenta, handlingskraftiga, effektiva, flexibla med mera. Resultatet visade även att förväntningar som läggs hos den statligt anställde samt maktrelationen mellan myndigheterna och den anställde oftast uttrycks som påståenden med uttryckta krav, löften och förväntningar i värdegrundsdokumenten. / In this qualitative study, basic documents from five Swedish state agencies are examined. This study aims to contribute knowledge about the power relationship and expectation towards the state employee through a textual analysis from a critical perspective. The empirical material was analyzed on the basis of critical discourse analysis (CDA) and supplemented with Hellspong and Ledin's (1997) template of the ideational structure. The critical discourse analysis is intended to provide answers to which values the authorities express. In the ideational analysis, the themes, propositions and perspectives of the values documents are examined. The analysis clarifies different value words and headings that existed in the values documents, as well as the respective meanings and significance for employees. Results indicate that the desired values of state agencies and their employees include: compentency, actionable, effectiveness, flexibility among others. Results also demonstrated that expectations of the state employee as well as the power relationship between state agencies and the employee, are usually expressed as claims with expressed requirements, promises and expectations in the values documents.

Velmocenské vztahy a hybridní taktika / Great power relations and hybrid tactics

de Roode, Simone January 2020 (has links)
Technology and innovation offer a unique opportunity for an allied small state to influence the United States. The changing security environment and increased great power competition leads the United States to rely more on its allies, which the latter may use to increase their value to defence cooperation with the U.S. and gain influence on security-oriented decision making. Since, a large part of modern defence strategy is aimed at arriving at innovative, technology-based solutions for complex problems, even system-ineffectual states in alliances may be valuable to the United States and can devise an influencing strategy through an established field of defence research and development paired with other unique selling points they might have. This thesis looks at the Netherlands, a small state with a traditionally strong relationship to the United States, with defence industry potential and proven willingness to contribute to acute defence challenges. The fast evolving, widely carried and technology based field of defence selected is that of Integrated Air and Missile defence (IAMD). Through careful analysis of two regional threats within the great power competition framework and the state of the global missile defence infrastructure that the United States is contributor to, this thesis identifies...

“Hellre för hett än för kallt” : - En studie om sektionschefers uppfattningar av nödvändiga kompetenser för konflikthantering: exemplet statliga myndigheter

Blomqvist, Klara, Ludén, Lisa January 2015 (has links)
För att kunna hantera konflikter krävs olika kompetenser, vilka som krävs och hur vi behärskar dessa genom olika erfarenheter som vi skapat oss i olika sammanhang är en central fråga i denna studie. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka vilka kompetenser sektionschefer inom statliga myndigheter upplever sig behöva för att hantera konflikter på arbetsplatsen mellan sina medarbetare. Vi vill också belysa under vilka omständigheter de samlat på sig dessa erfarenheter. För att besvara syftet tog vi hjälp av följande frågeställningar: “vilka kompetenser anser sektionschefer vara relevanta för att hantera en konflikt?”, “vilka tidigare erfarenheter anser de vara användbara?” samt “hur använder de sig av tidigare erfarenheter för att hantera konflikter på arbetsplatsen?”. En forskningsöversikt över olika fält presenteras under följande rubriker: vad konflikthantering innebär, vad som krävs för konflikthantering som tredje part, nödvändiga kompetenser samt relationen till statliga myndigheter. För att undersöka syftet genomförde vi intervjuer med sju sektionschefer på två statliga myndigheter. Med utgångspunkt i Lev Vygotskijs teori om sociokulturella perspektiv samt Mikhail Bakhtin har vi analyserat och redovisat resultatet. Resultatet visar att sektionscheferna anser sig behöva kompetenser såsom ödmjukhet, vara lyhörd, att kunna se vad som händer på kontoret samt vara modig och våga ta tag i saker. Vikten av att hålla sig neutral nämner de också som en viktig aspekt. De omständigheter som sektionscheferna berättat bidragit med erfarenheter inom konflikthantering är livserfarenhet det viktigaste som de fått sig till livs i familjesammanhang, sportsammanhang samt tidigare arbetslivserfarenheter. I diskussionen behandlas även relationen till tidigare forskning samt resoneras kring framtida forskning. / In order to manage conflict, different competencies are required, which competences are required and how we master them through different experiences, from different contexts, are a key issue in this study. This study aims to investigate which competences section managers within government agencies feel they need to manage conflict at work between their co-workers. We also want to highlight the circumstances under which they amassed these experiences. To be able to answer the purpose, we took the help of these issues: "Which competencies does section managers believe to be relevant to manage conflict?” "Which past experiences do they believe to be useful?" and "How do they use past experience to deal with conflicts in the workplace?". A research across various fields is presented under the following headings: what is conflict, what is required from the third party in conflict management, essential competencies and the relationship to government agencies. To examine the purpose, we conducted interviews with seven heads of sections of two different state agencies. On the basis of Lev Vygotskij's theory about sociocultural perspective, and Mikhail Bakhtin, we have analyzed and reported the results from the empirical material. The results shows that the section heads considers necessary competencies such as humility, to be responsive, to be able to see what happens in the office and to be brave and be able to address problems. The importance of being able to stay neutral was also mentioned as an important aspect. The circumstances that seem to be the most important in the contribution with experience in conflict management seems to the section managers be life experience in different ways. These experiences they received from family context, sporting and previous work experience. In the discussion we also deal with the relation to previous research, and there is also a discussion about future research.

Styrgruppens roll i digitaliseringsprojekt : En studie av projektledare i statliga myndigheters upplevelser / The role of the steering committee in digitalization projects : A study of the experiences of project managers in government agencies

Mollstedt, Ulrika January 2022 (has links)
Den svenska regeringens digitaliseringspolitik har det övergripande målet att vara bäst i världen på att använda digitaliseringens möjligheter. Den offentliga sektorn möter olika möjligheter och utmaningar när deras verksamheter digitaliseras för att möta medborgarens behov. Den här studien fokuserar på digitaliseringsprojekt i statliga myndigheter. Projekt och projektledares roll är enligt tidigare forskning på olika sätt och i olika grad påverkade av styrgruppens insatser, ställningstaganden och beslut. Syftet med den här studien är att, genom att undersöka projektledarens upplevelser, bidra till ökad förståelse om styrgruppens roll under digitaliseringsprojekt i statliga myndigheter. Forskningsfrågorna i studien är:  · Hur upplever projektledaren att styrgruppen styr och/eller stödjer digitaliseringsprojekt? · Vilka utmaningar upplever projektledaren i interaktionen med styrgruppen under digitaliseringsprojekt? En kvalitativ studie med fem intervjuer med projektledare i digitaliseringsprojekt i statliga myndigheter har genomförts. Tematisk analys har använts och fyra teman presenteras Roller i styrgruppen – kliva i kostymen och ta på sig rätt hatt, Styrgruppsmötet – svåra beslut och olösta frågor, Oavsett projektmetodik – startsäkra projekt samt Diffusa uppdrag och komplexa digitaliseringsprojekt. Vid jämförelse med tidigare forskning i privata verksamheter dras slutsatsen att projektledare i statliga myndigheter upplever liknande utmaningar med styrgruppens roll när det kommer till stöd och styrning i komplexa digitaliseringsprojekt. Utmaningar som lyfts i studien är styrgruppens sammansättning, otydliga roller eller roller som inte förstås eller efterlevs, bristfälligt beslutsfattande och otydliga projektdirektiv. En relaterad utmaning är att tolka digitaliseringsuppdrag som kommer från Regeringskansliet till genomförbara projekt som levererar nytta till medborgarna enligt uppsatta tids- och lagkrav. Framgångsfaktorer är att säkerställa ett tydligt projektdirektiv från beställaren där målbild och effekter av projektet framgår. Att i starten av digitaliseringsprojektet mötas i styrgruppen för att diskutera mål, effekter, förväntningar på de medverkandes roller samt projektets spelplan ger förutsättningar att lyckas. / The Swedish government's digitalization policy has the overall goal of being the best in the world at using the opportunities of digitalization. The public sector faces different opportunities and challenges when their operations are digitised to meet the needs of citizens. This study focuses on digitalization projects in government agencies. According to previous research, the role of projects and project managers is influenced in different ways and to different degrees by the steering committee's actions, positions and decisions. The aim of this study is to contribute to a better understanding of the role of the steering committee during digitalization projects in government agencies by examining the experiences of the project manager. The research questions of the study are:  · How does the project manager perceive the steering committee to steer and/or support digitalization projects? · What challenges does the project manager experience in interacting with the steering committee during digitalization projects? A qualitative study with five interviews with project managers in digitalization projects in government agencies has been conducted. Thematic analysis has been used and four themes are presented: Roles in the steering committee – stepping into the suit and putting the right hat on, Steering committee meeting – difficult decisions and unresolved issues, Whatever project methodology – start-proof projects and Diffuse missions and complex digitalization projects. When compared to previous research in private sector organisations, it is concluded that project managers in government agencies experience similar challenges with the role of the steering committee in terms of support and governance in complex digitalization projects. Challenges highlighted in the study include steering committee composition, unclear roles or roles that are not understood or followed, poor decision making and unclear project directive. A related challenge is to interpret digitalization mandates coming from the Government Offices into feasible projects that deliver benefits to citizens according to set time and legal requirements. Success factors are to ensure a clear project directive from the project owner, stating the objectives and effects of the project. Meeting in the steering committee at the start of the digitalization project to discuss the objectives, effects, expectations of the roles of the participants and the project's game plan provides conditions for success.

Storskalig agil transformation - En fallstudie på Skatteverket

Olsson, Ossian, Sammy, Joulak January 2022 (has links)
En dynamisk och komplex omvärld ställer allt större krav på förnyelse och organisatorisk anpassning. I många organisationer har agila arbetssätt blivit populära. Storskaliga agila transformationer kan dock i praktiken vara svåra att genomföra. Dessutom kan agilitet och en hierarkisk organisationsstruktur vara svåra att kombinera. Studiens syfte är att söka kunskap om förutsättningar som påverkar en storskalig agil transformation inom en statlig myndighet. För studiens analysmodell identifierades initialt, med grund i tidigare forskning inom organisatorisk förändring, tre utmaningar och fem framgångsfaktorer. Studiens empiriska material bygger på sju intervjuer med anställda på Skatteverket. Baserat på studiens resultat kompletterades analysmodellen med två utmaningar och två framgångsfaktorer specifika för Skatteverkets transformation. Studiens resultat visade att utmaningarna decentraliserad utveckling, arbete med värdeströmmar och synkronisering av styrning har varit framträdande. Motstånd till förändring och uppföljningsmetodik ansågs inte ha varit reella. Framgångsfaktorerna pilotstudie, stöd från ledningen, utbildning och coachning, kulturanpassning, eldsjälar och införandestrategi ansågs ha varit viktiga för Skatteverket. Vision och kommunikation ansågs inte ha varit av större betydelse. / In our dynamic and complex world organizations are facing an increased demand for renewal and flexibility. Many organizations now shift to becoming agile. Large scale agile transformations are however difficult to practically implement. Moreover, combining hierarchical organizational structures and agile ways of working might be challenging. The aim of this study is to seek knowledge about which conditions that are affecting large scale agile transformations within a state agency. Three challenges and five success factors were identified for the model of analysis based on previous research within the field organizational transformation. Data was gathered through seven interviews with employees at Skatteverket. Based on the result of the study two new challenges and two new success factors were added to the model of analysis. The results show that decentralized development, value streams and synchronization of management have been prominent challenges for Skatteverket. Resistance to change and follow-up methodology were not as evident. The success factors pilot study, support from management, education and coaching, adaptation of culture, agile enthusiasts and implement strategy have been important for Skatteverket. Vision and communication were not as important.

Občanské vzdělávání dospělých v Německu. Případová studie: Saská zemská centrála pro občanské vzdělávání / Adult Civic Education in Germany. The case study: The Saxon State Agency for Civic Education

Doležalová, Anežka January 2017 (has links)
Germany draws on a unique net of state-founded institutions operating in the adult civic education field established after the Second World War to promote democratic values in the society. These Agencies for Civic Education work at state and federal level and are non-partisan. This thesis seeks to grasp the phenomenon of universal adult civic education in Germany, while focusing on The Saxon State Agency for Civic Education; on how is it organized, and whether and how its activities proved beneficial in the context of the current socio-political situation. The first part will elaborate on historic, conceptual and institutional background of adult civic education in Germany. The second part, a case study, will focus on the current socio-political situation in Saxony, and the reaction of The Saxon State Agency for Civic Education to the challenges arising especially from the current migration crisis. The thesis will be based on the information from electronic and printed sources primarily in German; some of them provided by the Saxon State Agency. The complementary source will be an interview, which was conducted with two representatives of the Agency.

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