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Aplikace statistické analýzy řeči pacientů s Parkinsonovou nemocí / Application of statistical analysis of speech in patients with Parkinson's diseaseBijota, Jan January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with speech analysis of people who suffer from Parkinson’s disease. Purpose of this thesis is to obtain statistical sample of speech parameters which helps to determine if examined person is suffering from Parkinson’s disease. Statistical sample is based on hypokinetic dysarthria detection. For speech signal pre-processing DC-offset removal and pre-emphasis are used. The next step is to divide signal into frames. Phonation parameters, MFCC and PLP coefficients are used for characterization of framed speech signal. After parametrization the speech signal can be analyzed by statistical methods. For statistical analysis in this thesis Spearman’s and Pearson’s correlation coefficients, mutual information, Mann-Whitney U test and Student’s t-test are used. The thesis results are the groups of speech parameters for individual long czech vowels which are the best indicator of the difference between healthy person and patient suffering from Parkinson’s disease. These result can be helpful in medical diagnosis of a patient.
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Analýza faktorů ovlivňujících vývoj spotřeby elektrické energie / The Analysis of Factors Affecting Electricity ConsumptionSeiml, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to describe the course of consumption of electricity. One of the feasible ways of description is statistical analysis, which enables to calculate statistically significant factors and their combinations that contributed to the course of consumption of electricity. These factors may be used for modulation of future electricity consumption, and therefore also for long-time prediction. The second chapter discusses the expansion of electricity usage in the Czech Republic from the turn of the 19th century until nowadays. The chapter describes the development of transmission system, development of electricity consumption in the sectors of the national economy, possibilities of using electric energy, and overall balance of electricity and sources of energy. The third chapter presents an overview of usage and consumption of electrical energy in the neighboring European countries as well as in the most interesting countries of the World. The fourth chapter contains statistical analysis. The first part of the chapter details a list of the analyzed quantities of individual consumptions, of the investigated factors, and the analyzed countries. Further, the chapter explains the method of statistical analysis via using simple and multiple regression and its subsequent application and evaluation for the Czech Republic and the others European countries. According to the result, it is GDP that has the main impact on the trends in the course of consumption of electricity. However, it is necessary to consider other factors influencing the consumption of electricity, too, and not rely solely on GDP in terms of long-time prediction of electricity consumption. The fifth chapter discusses the reduction of electricity consumption and savings, which can be both political and macroeconomic result. Quantification of savings is not always unequivocal and any cost-saving actions can lead to an increase in electricity consumption, which can, in effect, be bigger than any possible savings.
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Risk-adjusted Earned Value and Earned Duration Management models for project performance forecastingApostolidou, Ilektra-Georgia, Karmiris, Georgios January 2019 (has links)
Project control is essential to ensure that the investment on a project is providing the intended benefits and is valuable to the customers. Previous methods offer project performance monitoring and forecasting tools, but they lack accuracy and the associated techniques omit the project financial risk (any unplanned event that has an impact on schedule and budget); the main factor of project failure. Poor project execution, and particularly failure to control and accurately forecast the project performance, may lead to increased costs, upset customers and eventually loss of market share. These gaps have been filled in this study by the development of novel models that use statistical analysis of the previous project performance, including risk evaluation techniques. The proposed models succeeded in providing remarkably improved forecasts in three project dimensions: duration, cost and resources. The robustness of the models has been verified by testing them on real projects. The results show superiority in terms of accuracy and easy application compared to any existing method, proving that the risk inclusion provides improvement compared to previous studies. The most important features of the models are: risk-based adjustment of the forecasted values, periodic and completion forecasts, statistical processing and holistic approach. The greatest advancements have been made in the cost forecast, for which the risk adjustment inclusion is examined for the first time. The resources (man-hours) forecast is another pioneer element of the proposed models. All the above provide a complete image of the project status and paint the picture of future performance. The models results are fed in a Decision Support System, which highlights the overperforming and underperforming areas of the project. This confirms the proposition that the model results can be used to initiate restorative action. The contribution of this study to the project management field is easy-to-use and accurate models, which include the financial risk and facilitate the project manager’s decisions and actions. Anticipation of the project performance, by considering the risk, can result to significant time and cost savings, crucial for project success.
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Квалитет хотелских услуга као фактор тржишног позиционирања у бањама Западноморавске бањске зоне / Kvalitet hotelskih usluga kao faktor tržišnog pozicioniranja u banjama Zapadnomoravske banjske zone / Quality of hotel servicies as a factor of market position in spas of the west Morava regionBlešić Ivana 16 July 2010 (has links)
<p>Захтев за бољим квалитетом производа и услуга, један је од најважнијих стратешких приоритета с којим се суочавају хотелска предузећа. Хотели који се определе за примену концепта квалитета као кључног фактора успеха требало би да постигну пораст задовољства корисника (гостију), односно, да се успешно позиционирају на тржишту и тако остваре већи профит. У раду се испитује концепт и мерење квалитета услуге у хотелском сектору. Приказани су резултати анкетног истраживања који се односе на очекивања и перцепције корисника о квалитету услуге у бањским хотелима. Истраживање је спроведено у пет бања Западноморавске зоне, у току августа и септембра 2008. Модел за мерење квалитета услуга развијен је на основу SERVQUAL модела. Коришћени су статистички методи дескриптивна статистичка анализа, Т тест за независне узорке и анализа варијансе ANOVA, помоћу које је испитано да ли између зависних варијабли (питања из домена очекивања и перцепције) и независних варијабли (старосне и образовне структуре испитаника) постоји статистички сигнификантна веза. Добијени резултати могу бити значајни за пружаоце хотелских услуга и допринети унапређењу пословања кроз прилагођавање хотелског производа потребама госта. Резултати спроведеног итраживања показали су да гости генерално нису задовољни хотелским услугама. Њихова очекивања била су већа од доживљеног квалитета услуге код свих детерминанти, изузев детерминанте „саосећање“, где је позитивна вредност јаза резултат ниских очекивања. Укупни SERVQUAL јаз је негативан и износи – 0,21. Горући проблем у пружању квалитетне услуге у бањским хотелима, представља неадекватна уређеност и опремљеност објеката и недостатак додатних хотелских садржаја (садржаја за забаву и рекреацију гостију као и wellness & spa програма). Превазилажење овог проблема треба тражити у изградњи стратегије развоја са краткорочним и дугорочним плановима и стимулацији инвестирања у развој бањског туризма. Уређење и изградња објеката који су у складу са захтевима савременог госта, довели би до продужетка туристичке сезоне и привлачења платежнијих туриста. Понуда услуга високог квалитета представља најбољи начин за постизање конкурентске предности хотелског предузећа и изградње добрих односа са гостом, стога, у управљачким одлукама хотелских менаџера, концепти као што су очекивана и перципирана вредност треба да имају пресудну улогу.</p> / <p>Zahtev za boljim kvalitetom proizvoda i usluga, jedan je od najvažnijih strateških prioriteta s kojim se suočavaju hotelska preduzeća. Hoteli koji se opredele za primenu koncepta kvaliteta kao ključnog faktora uspeha trebalo bi da postignu porast zadovoljstva korisnika (gostiju), odnosno, da se uspešno pozicioniraju na tržištu i tako ostvare veći profit. U radu se ispituje koncept i merenje kvaliteta usluge u hotelskom sektoru. Prikazani su rezultati anketnog istraživanja koji se odnose na očekivanja i percepcije korisnika o kvalitetu usluge u banjskim hotelima. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u pet banja Zapadnomoravske zone, u toku avgusta i septembra 2008. Model za merenje kvaliteta usluga razvijen je na osnovu SERVQUAL modela. Korišćeni su statistički metodi deskriptivna statistička analiza, T test za nezavisne uzorke i analiza varijanse ANOVA, pomoću koje je ispitano da li između zavisnih varijabli (pitanja iz domena očekivanja i percepcije) i nezavisnih varijabli (starosne i obrazovne strukture ispitanika) postoji statistički signifikantna veza. Dobijeni rezultati mogu biti značajni za pružaoce hotelskih usluga i doprineti unapređenju poslovanja kroz prilagođavanje hotelskog proizvoda potrebama gosta. Rezultati sprovedenog itraživanja pokazali su da gosti generalno nisu zadovoljni hotelskim uslugama. NJihova očekivanja bila su veća od doživljenog kvaliteta usluge kod svih determinanti, izuzev determinante „saosećanje“, gde je pozitivna vrednost jaza rezultat niskih očekivanja. Ukupni SERVQUAL jaz je negativan i iznosi – 0,21. Gorući problem u pružanju kvalitetne usluge u banjskim hotelima, predstavlja neadekvatna uređenost i opremljenost objekata i nedostatak dodatnih hotelskih sadržaja (sadržaja za zabavu i rekreaciju gostiju kao i wellness & spa programa). Prevazilaženje ovog problema treba tražiti u izgradnji strategije razvoja sa kratkoročnim i dugoročnim planovima i stimulaciji investiranja u razvoj banjskog turizma. Uređenje i izgradnja objekata koji su u skladu sa zahtevima savremenog gosta, doveli bi do produžetka turističke sezone i privlačenja platežnijih turista. Ponuda usluga visokog kvaliteta predstavlja najbolji način za postizanje konkurentske prednosti hotelskog preduzeća i izgradnje dobrih odnosa sa gostom, stoga, u upravljačkim odlukama hotelskih menadžera, koncepti kao što su očekivana i percipirana vrednost treba da imaju presudnu ulogu.</p> / <p>Demand for better quality of products and service is one of the most important strategic priorities that hotel companies have to manage with. Hotels that choose to implement the concept of quality as the key success factor needed to achieve increased customer satisfaction, respectively, to be successfully positioned in the market and thus achieve higher profits.The paper examines the concept and measurement of quality of service in the hotel sector. The results of research survey that relate to the expectations and perceptions of consumers about the quality of services in the spa hotels are represented here. The survey was conducted in five Serbian spas (West Morava region) in August and September 2008. A model for measuring the quality of services is developed based on the SERVQUAL model. Statistical methods used here are descriptive statistical analysis, t-test and analysis of variance ANOVA, which is used for analyzing whether there is a statistically significant link between the dependent variables (questions in the domain of expectations and perceptions) and the independent variables (age structure of respondents). The results may be important to the providers of hotel services and contribute to the advancement of business through the adjustment of the product to the needs of the guest. Results of the research showed that guests are not generally satisfied with hotel services. Their expectations were higher than their perceptions of quality services in all determinants, except the determinants of "empathy", where the positive value of gap is the result of low expectations. Total SERVQUAL gap is negative and amounts to - 0.21. The burning issue in the provision of quality services in the spa hotels, is inadequate organization and infrastructure facilities and lack of additional hotel content (content for entertainment and recreation and spa & wellness contents). Overcoming of this problem should be sought in construction of development strategies with short-term and long-term plans and cultural stimulation of investment in development of spa tourism. Planning and construction of facilities that are in accordance with the requirements of the guest, would lead to the extention of the tourist season and that would attract wealthier tourists. Offering high quality service is the best way to achieve competitive advantage of hotel companies and building good relations with the guests, therefore, in the management decisions of the hotel manager, concepts such as expected value and the perceived need have a crucial rolе.</p>
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On the diffusion in inhomogeneous systemsHeidernätsch, Mario 29 May 2015 (has links)
Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Untersuchung des Einflusses der stochastischen Interpretation der Langevin Gleichung mit zustandsabhängigen Diffusionskoeffizienten auf den Propagator des zugehörigen stochastischen Prozesses bzw. dessen Mittelwerte. Dies dient dem besseren Verständnis und der Interpretation von Messdaten von Diffusion in inhomogenen Systemen und geht einher mit der Frage der Form der Diffusionsgleichung in solchen Systemen. Zur Vereinfachung der Fragestellung werden in dieser Arbeit nur Systeme untersucht die vollständig durch einen ortsabhängigen Diffusionskoeffizienten und Angabe der stochastischen Interpretation beschrieben werden können.
Dazu wird zunächst für mehrere experimentell relevante eindimensionale Systeme der jeweilige allgemeine Propagator bestimmt, der für jede denkbare stochastische Interpretation gültig ist. Der analytisch bestimmte Propagator wird dann für zwei exemplarisch ausgewählte stochastische Interpretationen, hier für die Itô und Klimontovich-Hänggi Interpretation, gegenübergestellt und die Unterschiede identifiziert. Für Mittelwert und Varianz der Prozesse werden die drei wesentlichen stochastischen Interpretationen verglichen, also Itô, Stratonovich und Klimontovich-Hänggi Interpretation. Diese systematische Untersuchung von inhomogenen Diffusionsprozessen kann zukünftig helfen diese Art von, in genau einer stochastischen Interpretation, driftfreien Systemen einfacher zu identifizieren.
Ein weiterer wesentlicher Teil der Arbeit erweitert die Frage auf mehrdimensionale inhomogene anisotrope Systeme. Dies wird z.B. bei der Untersuchung von Diffusion in Flüssigkristallen mit inhomogenem Direktorfeld relevant. Obwohl hier, im Gegensatz zu eindimensionalen Systemen, der Propagator nicht allgemein berechnet werden kann, wird dennoch der Einfluss der Inhomogenität auf Messgrößen, wie die mittlere quadratische Verschiebung oder die Verteilung der Diffusivitäten, bestimmt. Anhand eines Beispiels wird auch der Einfluss der stochastischen Interpretation auf diese Messgrößen demonstriert. / The aim of this thesis is to investigate the influence of the stochastic interpretation of the Langevin equation with state-dependent diffusion coefficient on the propagator of the related stochastic process, or its averages, respectively. This helps to obtain a deeper understanding and to interpret measurement data of diffusion in inhomogeneous systems and is accompanied with the question of the proper form of the diffusion equation in such systems. To simplify the question, in this thesis only systems are considered which can be fully described by a spatially dependent diffusion coefficient and a given stochastic interpretation.
Therefore, for several experimentally relevant one-dimensional systems, the respective general propagator is determined, which is valid for any possible stochastic interpretation. Then, the propagator for two exemplary stochastic interpretations, here the Itô and Klimontovich-Hänggi interpretation, are compared and the differences are identified. For mean and variance of the processes three major interpretations are compared, namely the Itô, the Stratonovich and the Klimontovich-Hänggi interpretation. This systematic research on inhomogeneous diffusion process may help in future to identify these kind of, in exactly one stochastic interpretation, drift-free systems more easily.
Another important part of this thesis extends this question to multidimensional inhomogeneous anisotropic systems. This is of high relevance, for instance, for the research of diffusion in liquid crystalline systems with an inhomogeneous director field. Although, in contrast to one-dimensional systems, the propagator may not be calculated generally, the influence of the inhomogeneity on measurement data like the mean squared displacement or the distribution of diffusivities is determined. Based on one example, also the influence of the stochastic interpretation on these quantities is demonstrated.
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Measuring and Analyzing Accessibility to Green-Blue Areas and Public Transportation : A study of Stockholm’s progress in achieving the United Nations Agenda 2030’s SDG 11 / Mätning och analys av tillgänglighet till grön-blå områden och kollektivtrafik : En studie av Stockholms framsteg när det gäller att uppnå UN’s Agenda 2030’s SDG 11McNamara, Maureen January 2019 (has links)
The rapid urbanization of populations from rural areas to cities calls for more sustainable focused urban planning to combat the negative effects of urban sprawl. The United Nations’ Agenda 2030 includes the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets that aim to unite both developed and developing countries in transforming humanity and the planet for a more sustainable future. One of these goals is SDG 11, making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. A large part in achieving the targets of SDG 11 is measuring the current access urban residents have to things such as public green-blue spaces as well as public transportation. This thesis will aim to study Stockholm’s achievement of SDG 11 sub-targets 11.2 and 11.7 of Agenda 2030. In order to meet this aim, the following objectives will be pursued. The first objective is to study the degree to which Stockholm County currently has universal access to green-blue areas and public transportation by conducting a GIS-based analysis. The second objective is to improve our understanding of the socio-economic status of residents who have and do not have accessibility to green-blue areas and public transportation by statistically analyzing correlations between environmental and socio-economic indicators. The methodology included qualitative methodologies such as a literature review, interviews and collaborative focus group meetings with Södertörnsanalysen as well as quantitative methodologies such as spatial analysis and statistical analysis. The results show that while Stockholm has impressively high accessibility for its residents, it has yet to meet Agenda 2030 SDG 11targets 11.2 and 11.7 because the accessibility was not universal. The results also found that people with lower income, people who own their flats/homes and people with children have higher accessibility to green areas. It was also shown that people with higher income, people who rent their flats/homes and have no children have higher access to public transportation.This result can be expected as the bulk of people with higher incomes are living in the innercity where they have high access to urban services and rail stops, but not necessarily green areas. It is important to state that at 300 m from residencies, both access to green areas and access to public transportation is almost 100%. At 500 m from residencies, access to blueareas is close to 35 %, which is not almost complete, but still a high percentage since access to blue areas is a bit of a luxury. This thesis ultimately demonstrates the importance of understanding environmental and socio-economic indicators in urban planning especially if the goals of Agenda 2030 are to be met. This thesis also took steps towards building a methodology for quantifying accessibility and it is recognized that further studies can be conducted to further contribute to sustainable urban planning and development. / Den snabba urbaniseringen där människor flyttar från landsbygden till städer kräver en mer hållbar stadsplanering för att bekämpa de negativa effekterna av stadsutbredningen. FN:sAgenda 2030 innehåller 17 mål för hållbar utveckling (Sustainable Development Goals, SDG) och 169 delmål som syftar till att förena både utvecklade och utvecklingsländer i att omvandla mänskligheten och planeten för en mer hållbar framtid. Ett av dessa mål är SDG 11, vilket ska göra städer och mänskliga bosättningar inkluderande, säkra, resilient och hållbara. En stor del i att uppnå målen med SDG 11 handlar om den nuvarande tillgången stadsborna har till bland annat offentliga gröna och blå ytor samt kollektivtrafik. Arbetet syftar till att studera Stockholms måluppfyllelse när det gäller SDG 11 delmål 11.2 och 11.7 i Agenda 2030. Föratt mäta uppfyllelsen av dessa delmål har studien följande mål. Det första målet är att studera i vilken grad Stockholms län idag har allmän tillgång till gröna och blå områden och kollektivtrafik genom att genomföra en GIS-baserad analys. Det andra målet är att förbättra vår förståelse för den socioekonomiska statusen hos boende som har respektive inte har tillgång till gröna och blå områden och kollektivtrafik genom att statistiskt analysera sambandet mellan miljöinriktade och socioekonomiska indikatorer. Metoden innefattade kvalitativa metoder som litteraturöversikt, intervjuer och samverkande fokusgruppsmöten med Södertörnsanalysen samt kvantitativa metoder som rumslig analys och statistisk analys. Resultaten visar att medan Stockholm har imponerande hög tillgänglighet för sina invånare, har det ännu inte uppfyllt Agenda 2030 SDG 11 mål 11.2 och 11.7 eftersom det visades att tillgängligheten inte var universell. Resultaten visar också att personer med lägre inkomst, personer som äger sina lägenheter/hem och personer med barn har högre tillgänglighet till grönområden. Det visades också att personer med högre inkomst, personer som hyr sina lägenheter/hem och inte har barn har högre tillgång till kollektivtrafik. Detta resultat kan förväntas eftersom en stor andel personer med högre inkomster bor i innerstaden där de har hög tillgång till kollektivtrafik och urban service, men inte nödvändigtvis grönområden. På ett avstånd av 300 m från bostäder, är både tillgång till grönområden och tillgång tillkollektivtrafik nästan 100 %. Vid ett avstånd av 500 m från bostäder är tillgången till blåområden nära 35 % vilket är långt ifrån alla, men fortfarande en hög andel eftersom tillgång till vattenområden och stränder kan ses som lite av en lyx. Denna studie visar dessutom vikten av att förstå miljö- och socioekonomiska indikatorer i stadsplaneringen, särskilt om målen i Agenda 2030 ska uppfyllas. Denna studie tog också initiativ till att bygga en metod för att kvantifiera tillgängligheten, medan vidare studier behöver genomföras för att ytterligare bidra till stadsplanerings- och utvecklingssektorn.
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Data analysis for predictive maintenance and potential challenges associated with the technology integration of steel industry machines.Nath, Pradip January 2024 (has links)
The recharge is the focus of data analysis of the different situations with the integration of the system and development of the two-stage 2/2 proportional cartridge valve for the steel industry machine. Using the statistical analysis technique to visualize the valve signal data behavior identify the accuracy of the machine data and apply the statistical feature extracting model using classification and clustering algorithms of real-time data analysis for the manufacturing. The fundamental principles of data analysis with a particular emphasis on its key function in the collection, cleansing, and analysis of substantial amounts of data to develop significant insights. Moreover, we explore the importance of data visualization in effectively presenting intricate research outcomes. We get the data accuracy of 76 percent for train and test set data in the statistical analysis feature indicating the best accuracy in the early stage. Our model gives high accuracy of the recommendation data automation system of the steel industry. Analysis of the valve data in multiple ways for the predictive maintenance of conditional monitoring of the tubes mail production machine. PdM is used for data processing of predictive manufacturing, behavior patterns of machines data, and correlation of statistical model for decision making for the maintenance activity avoiding downtime. The data consists of different channels in the steel industry machine. Some automation process is used for the feature combination of the analysis of valve data in industry between each feature and signals. Using a dataset comprised of sensor data, operation logs, and maintenance records industrial control data of machines and use of this predictive model has the potential to yield significant cost savings for the steel industry through the prevention of unplanned maintenance, while also enhancing operational safety manufacturing of machine in the industry.
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Analyzing Crime Dynamics and Investigating the Great American Crime DeclineShaik, Salma 15 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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<p dir="ltr">In today’s age of information, we are constantly informed about our surroundings by the network of distributed sensors to decide the next action. One major class of distributed sensors is wearable, implantable, and environmental (WIE) electrochemical sensors, widely used for analyte concentration measurement in personalized healthcare, environmental monitoring, smart agriculture, food, and chemical industries. Although WIE sensors offer an opportunity for prompt and prudent decisions, reliable sensing with such sensors is a big challenge. Among them, one is uncontrolled outside environment. Rapidly varying temperature, humidity, and target concentration increase noise and decrease the data reliability of the sensors. Second, because they are closely coupled to the physical world, they are subject to biofouling, radiation exposure, and water ingress which causes physical degradation. Moreover, to correct the drift due to degradation, frequent calibration is not possible once the sensor is deployed in the field. Another challenge is the energy supply needed to support the autonomous WIE sensors. If the sensor is wireless, it must be powered by a battery or an energy harvester. Unfortunately, batteries have limited lifetime and energy harvesters cannot supply power on-demand limiting their overall operation.</p><p dir="ltr">The objective of this thesis is to achieve reliable sensing with WIE sensors by overcoming the challenges of uncontrolled environment, drift or degradation, and calibration subject to limited power supplies. First, we have developed a concept of “Nernst thermometry” for potentiometric ion-selective electrodes (ISE) with which we have self-corrected concentration fluctuation due to uncontrolled temperature. Next, by using “Nernst thermometry,” we have developed a physics-guided data analysis method for drift detection and self-calibration of WIE ISE. For WIE sensor, wireless data transmission is an energy-intensive operation. To reduce unreliable data transmission, we have developed a statistical approach to monitor the credibility of the sensor continuously and transmit only credible sensor data. To understand and monitor the cause of ISE degradation, we have proposed a novel on-the-fly equivalent circuit extraction method that does not require any external power supply or complex measurements. To ensure an on-demand power supply, we have presented the concept of “signal as a source of energy.” By circuit simulation and long-term experimental analysis, we have shown that ISE can indefinitely sense and harvest energy from the analyte. We have theoretically calculated the maximum achievable power with such systems and presented ways to achieve it practically. Overall, the thesis presents a holistic approach to developing a self-sustainable WIE sensor with environmental variation correction, self-calibration, reliable data transmission, and lifelong self-powering capabilities, bringing smart agriculture and environmental sensing one step closer to reality.</p>
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Introducing the IP Heaviness Classification System in IP Valuation : Valuing Intellectual Capital Across Industries / Introduktion av IP-Tunghet inom värdering av immateriella tillgångarLostorp, Henrik, Karlsson, Elias January 2024 (has links)
Valuing Intellectual Property assets is increasingly critical in today’s economy, where intangible assets constitute a significant portion of business value. This thesis addresses the challenges inherent in the IP valuation process, particularly the subjectivity and variability associated with different IP types and valuation methodologies. It proposes a new way to value IP assets, by building upon existing disaggregation methods, and by introducing the IP-heaviness classification system. The study aims to develop an objective valuation model for IP assets by introducing the IP-heaviness classification system. The goal of the model is to estimate the range of IP Contribution (IPC) to company value across different industry groups. Our study employed Kernel Density Estimation and Monte Carlo Simulation to analyze the dataset and generate a larger data sample. We then developed the IPH classification system, which categorizes industries based on their reliance on IP as a value contributor, grouping them by similar levels of IP dependence. This structured approach allows for a preliminary estimation of the IP contribution for each group, providing a standardized framework for IP valuation. Each IPH group was assigned its own probability density curve to represent its potential IPC value. Ultimately, our model produced confidence intervals for each IPH group, offering a reliable measure of the IP contribution within each category. Our findings reveal significant variability in the impact of IP on company value across different industries. Higher IPH groups, representing industries with substantial IP reliance, show a greater proportion of their value attributed to IP assets. Conversely, lower IPH groups, with less reliance on IP, exhibit lower IP contributions. The IPH classification system addresses the challenges of traditional IP valuation methods by providing a more objective and transparent approach. It enhances the comparability of companies within and across IPH groups and reduces subjectivity in the valuation process.
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