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[ES] La entrada al s. XXI ha supuesto cambios tecnológicos que han influenciado los estilos de vida llevando a cabo una transformación de la sociedad más joven hasta la más adulta, abriendo nuevas perspectivas de investigación y paradigmas educativos.
A lo largo de la historia, se ha demostrado el potencial creativo y de innovación que poseen los niños a la hora de resolver determinadas situaciones, pero a su vez, la capacidad de perderlo si no es gestionado adecuadamente. Inmersos ya en la cuarta revolución industrial, las nuevas herramientas tecnológicas sugieren retos innovadores hacia la búsqueda de soluciones de los problemas planteados en el marco de la enseñanza.
Esta investigación plantea el diseño de un escenario basado en el movimiento maker y FabLab, donde los alumnos y profesores tengan opciones de aprendizaje a partir del uso de la fabricación digital, impresión 3D y la robótica educativa como herramientas para generar ideas creativas e innovadoras.
Para llevar a cabo una integración de las técnicas del área de la creatividad, se realiza un estudio a partir de estrategias relacionadas con el diseño. Se presenta el concepto design thinking como una metodología dirigida a la resolución de problemas donde los estudiantes estarán capacitados para desarrollar nuevas ideas, construirlas y llevar a cabo una experimentación basándose en los conocimientos adquiridos en las aulas.
Se elabora un enfoque donde tanto los docentes como los alumnos adquieren un nuevo rol de diseñadores. Para ello se establece un escenario, que, apoyado desde diversos informes internacionales, se analiza la innovación de la educación desde la nueva tendencia educativa multidisciplinar STEM (acrónimo del inglés Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics) y cómo las distintas instituciones y políticas educativas comienzan en el desarrollo de nuevas herramientas y métodos basados en estrategias de diseño para ofrecer y generar modelos y tácticas curriculares.
Como consecuencia, se analiza la evolución del concepto STEM to STEAM y cómo la integración del término Art (A) favorece el nexo creativo entre disciplinas de ciencia y tecnología. A modo significativo, destaca la importancia de utilizar estrategias basadas en el diseño y la creatividad como una prioridad en la búsqueda de soluciones.
Para llevar a cabo esta gestión multidisciplinar, se desarrolla la metodología DiTec, implicando estrategias basadas en el design thinking como una guía creativa hacia la búsqueda de soluciones y el uso de las nuevas tecnologías como el medio curricular para experimentar ideas y generar conocimiento.
Con el fin de validar la investigación, se realiza tres casos prácticos donde la metodología DiTec ha posibilitado estandarizar y dar viabilidad al concepto STEAM y cómo el diseño se establece como una futura disciplina proyectual. / [CA] L'entrada al s. XXI ha suposat canvis tecnològics que han influenciat els estils de vida duent a terme una transformació de la societat més jove fins a la més adulta, obrint noves perspectives de recerca i paradigmes educatius.
Al llarg de la història, s'ha demostrat el potencial creatiu i d'innovació que posseeixen els infants a l'hora de resoldre determinades situacions, però alhora, la capacitat de perdre'l si no és gestionat adequadament. Immersos ja en la quarta revolució industrial, les noves eines tecnològiques suggereixen reptes innovadors cap a la recerca de soluci-ons dels problemes plantejats en el marc de l'ensenyament.
Aquesta investigació planteja el disseny d'un escenari basat en el moviment maker i FabLab, on els alumnes i professors tinguin opcions d'aprenentatge a partir de l'ús de la fabricació digital, impressió 3D i la robòtica educativa com a eines per generar idees creatives i innovadores.
Per dur a terme una integració de les tècniques de l'àrea de la creativitat, es realitza un estudi a partir d'estratègies relacionades amb disseny. Es presenta el concepte design thinking com una metodologia dirigida a la resolució de problemes on els estudiants estaran capacitats per desenvolupar noves idees, construir-les i dur a terme una expe-rimentació basant-se en els coneixements adquirits a les aules.
S'elabora un enfoc on tant els docents com els alumnes adquireixen un nou rol de dis-senyadors. Per a això s'estableix un escenari, que, amb el suport des de diversos in-formes internacionals, s'analitza la innovació de l'educació des de la nova tendència educativa multidisciplinària STEM (acrònim de l'anglès Science, Technology, Engine-ering, & Mathematics) i com les diferents institucions i polítiques educatives comen-cen en el desenvolupament de noves eines i mètodes basats en estratègies de disseny per oferir i generar models i tàctiques curriculars.
Com a conseqüència, s'analitza l'evolució del concepte STEM to STEAM i com la inte-gració del terme Art (A) afavoreix el nexe creatiu entre disciplines de ciència i tecno-logia. A manera significativa, destaca la importància d'utilitzar estratègies basades en el disseny i la creativitat com una prioritat en la recerca de solucions.
Per dur a terme aquesta gestió multidisciplinària, es desenvolupa la metodologia Di-Tec, implicant estratègies basades en el design thinking com una guia creativa cap a la recerca de solucions i l'ús de les noves tecnologies com el mitjà curricular per experi-mentar idees i generar coneixement.
Per tal de validar la investigació, es realitza tres casos pràctics on la metodologia Ditec ha possibilitat estandarditzar i donar viabilitat al concepte STEAM i com el disseny s'estableix com una futura disciplina projectual. / [EN] The entry into the 21st century has supposed technological changes that have influenced modern life, undertaking this way a transformation of both the younger and the elder generation and opening the scope for new prospects of research and educational paradigms.
Throughout history it has been illustrated the creative and innovative potential that children possess while facing and solving certain situations, but this ability may also vanish if it is not adequately managed. Already immersed in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, new technological tools suggest innovative challenges towards the search of solutions concerning to issues raised within the framework of formal education.
This research presents the design for a scenario based on the maker movement and FabLab, where both students and teachers have available learning options from the use of digital fabrication, 3D printing and Educational Robotics as tools for the generation of creative and innovative ideas.
In order to carry out the integration of techniques concerning the field of creativity, the research is guided through active strategies related to design. The concept of de-sign thinking is presented as a methodology focused on problem solving in which the students will be able to develop new ideas, construct them and carry out a testing, looking into the acquired knowledge inside the classrooms.
For that, a new approach is elaborated; in this approach teachers and students acquire a new role as knowledge and learning designers. It establishes a context that, supported by diverse international reports, analyses the innovation of education from the point of the new STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Mathematics) educational tendency and how different institutions and education politics start within the development of new tools and methods based on design strategies to offer and generate curricular models and tactics.
The study analyses the evolution of 'STEM to STEAM' and how the inclusion of the term 'A' favours the creative link among disciplines of science and technology. The importance of using design-based strategies and the creativity as a priority for solution searching is highlighted in a meaningful way.
In order to conduct this multidisciplinary management, DiTec methodology is developed, involving strategies based on design thinking as a creative guide towards the search of solutions and the use of new technologies as the curricular vehicle to experiment ideas and generate knowledge.
To validate this research, three practical cases are performed, in which DiTec method-ology has allowed for standardization and for the viability of STEAM concept and how the term design is established as a future curricular discipline. / Azcaray Fernández, JK. (2019). METODOLOGÍA PARA INTEGRAR EL DISEÑO EN UN PROCESO CURRICULAR STEAM A TRAVÉS DEL USO DE LAS NUEVAS TECNOLOGÍAS CREATIVAS [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/125704
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Steam flow distribution in air-cooled condenser for power plant applicationHoning, Werner 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Air-cooled steam condensers are used in arid regions where adequate cooling water is not available or very expensive. In this thesis the effect of steam-side and air-side effects on the condenser performance, steam distribution and critical dephlegmator length is investigated for air-cooled steam condensers as found in power plants. Solutions are found so that no backflow is present in the condenser. Both single and two-row condensers are investigated.
The tube inlet loss coefficients have the largest impact on the critical dephlegmator tube length in both the single and two-row condensers. The critical dephlegmator tube lengths were determined for different dividing header inlet geometries and it was found that a step at the inlet to the dividing header resulted in the shortest tubes.
Different ambient conditions were found to affect the inlet steam temperature, the steam flow distribution, heat rejection distribution and the critical dephlegmator length for the single and two-row condensers. There were differences in the steam mass flow distributions for the single and two-row condensers with opposite trends being present in parts of the condenser. The single-row condenser’s critical dephlegmator tube lengths were shorter than those of the two-row condenser for the same ambient conditions. Areas of potential backflow change with different ambient conditions and also differ between a single and two-row condenser. The two-row condenser always have an area of potential backflow for the first row at the first condenser fan unit. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Droë lug-verkoelde stoom kondensors word gebruik in droë gebiede waar genoegsame verkoelingswater nie beskikbaar is nie of baie duur is. In hierdie tesis word die effek van stoomkant en lugkant effekte op die vermoë van die kondensor, die stoomvloeiverdeling en kritiese deflegmator lengte ondersoek vir lug-verkoelde stoom kondensors soos gevind in kragstasies. Dit word opgelos sodat daar geen terugvloei in enige van die buise is nie. ʼn Enkel- en dubbelry kondensor word ondersoek.
Die inlaatverlieskoëffisiënte van die buise het die grootste impak op die lengte van die kritiese deflegmator buise in beide die enkel- en dubbelry kondensors. Die kritiese deflegmator buis lengtes is bereken vir verskillende verdeelingspyp inlaat geometrië en dit is gevind dat ʼn trap by die inlaat van die verdeelingspyp die kortste buise lewer.
Dit is gesien dat verskillende omgewingskondisies die inlaat stoom temperatuur, die stoomvloeiverdeling, die warmteoordrag verdeling en die kritiese lengte van die deflegmator buise vir die enkel- en dubbelry kondensor. Daar was verskille tussen die stoomvloeiverdelings vir die enkel- en dubbelry met teenoorgestelde neigings in dele van die kondensor. Die kritiese deflegmator buis lengte vir die enkelry kondensor was korter as die vir die dubbelry kondensor vir dieselfde omgewingskondisies. Die areas in die kondensor waar terugvloei moontlik kan plaasvind in die kondensor verander met ongewingskondisies en verskil vir die enkel- en dubbelry kondensers. Die dubbelry kondensor het altyd ʼn area van moontlike terugvloei vir die eerste buisry by die eerste kondensor waaiereenheid.
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Estudo teórico e experimental de uma máquina a vapor alternativa. / A theoretical and experimental study of a reciprocating steam engine.Unzueta, Rodrigo Bernardello 09 May 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma revisão dos ciclos teóricos estudados por outros autores sobre o funcionamento de uma máquina a vapor funcionando como máquina de expansão e propõe um ciclo generalizado para o estudo. Esse ciclo generalizado é equacionado e seus pontos operacionais de otimização são determinados. Ao estudar os ciclos teóricos, verificou-se que a máquina a vapor pode atingir a eficiência isentrópica igual de 100%. Um estudo experimental foi conduzido em uma máquina a vapor, a fim de verificar os fenômenos que ocorrem e que influenciam na sua eficiência, fazendo o funcionamento real se afastar do ciclo teórico. Ao fazer o estudo experimental, verificou-se que a máquina a vapor real utilizada possui baixa eficiência, atingindo um máximo de 10% de eficiência isentrópica. Essa eficiência não é do ciclo e sim do conjunto todo, e é devido a diversos fatores, como, por exemplo, atritos, problemas de lubrificação, imperfeições físicas que provocam o vazamento do fluido de trabalho. Uma simulação computacional é realizada, visando prever o comportamento real da máquina a vapor e comparar com os dados obtidos experimentalmente. Verificando assim se a simulação consegue prever os fenômenos físicos e auxiliar no projeto de uma máquina a vapor. Após analisar os dados simulados, verificou-se que as válvulas possuem grande influência na eficiência isentrópica do ciclo da máquina a vapor. Válvulas de acionamento rápido preveem uma eficiência que pode chegar a 96%, enquanto as válvulas reais provocam uma eficiência de aproximadamente 60% para as mesmas condições de simulação. Uma das principais diferenças entre a simulação e os dados reais é a restrição ao fluxo provocada pelas válvulas, e que exigem coeficientes de descarga específicos para esse tipo de válvula. / This work reviews the theoretical cycles studied by other authors on the operation of a steam engine as an expansion machine and chooses a generalized cycle for the study. This generalized cycle is modeled and the points of optimization are determined. By studying the theoretical cycles, it was found that the steam engine can reach the isentropic efficiency equal to 100%. An experimental study carried out in a steam engine in order to verify the phenomena occurring that influence their effectiveness, moving the actual operation away from the theoretical cycle. By making the experimental study, it was found that the actual steam engine has a low efficiency, reaching a maximum 10% isentropic efficiency. This efficiency is not of the cycle, but of the whole set, and is due to several factors, such as friction problems, lubrication problems, physical imperfections causing leakage of the working fluid. A computer simulation was performed in order to predict the actual behavior of the steam engine and compare with the experimental data. After analyzing the simulated data, it was found that the valves have a great influence on the isentropic efficiency of the steam cycle. Valves operating instantly can reach 96% of isentropic efficiency, while real valves cause an efficiency of approximately 60% for the same simulation conditions. A major difference between the simulation and the actual data is the flow restriction caused by valves, which requires specific discharge coefficients for this type of valve.
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Avaliação das metodologias de análise de sistemas de tubulações de vapor sujeitas a carregamentos do tipo Steam Hammer / Evaluation of Methodologies for analysis of steam piping systems subjected to Steam Hammer loadingsHipolito, Fabio Camilo 16 September 2016 (has links)
Carregamentos transientes termo hidráulicos do tipo Steam Hammer são eventos comuns em sistemas de tubulações de vapor com grandes potenciais de catástrofes em plantas de geração de energia. Uma vez iniciado o evento, ondas de pressões são geradas com amplitudes, geralmente, de grande magnitude ocasionando altas pressões no sistema, ruídos, deformações, fadiga, com possibilidade de danos materiais e econômicos e em casos extremos fatalidades. Os procedimentos da indústria para análise deste tipo de sistema consistem realização de análises estáticas equivalentes ou análise de espectro de resposta com carregamentos caracterizados por meio de métodos analíticos baseados em hipóteses simplificadoras do fluido e fluxo. Neste trabalho é proposta a analise de sistema de tubulações por meio do método de integração numérica com superposição modal e carregamento caracterizado por método numérico com base no método das características. Comparações foram efetuadas entre os resultados obtidos pela metodologia proposta e os procedimentos da indústria, demonstrando que, dado ao alto grau de conservadorismo, os procedimentos da indústria acarretam em superdimensionamento de estruturas e tubulações ocasionando custos adicionais de projeto, sendo a otimização do projeto obtida aplicando-se a metodologia proposta no trabalho. / Steam Hammer is a common transient thermo hydraulic event in steam piping systems with potential to cause serious damages in power generation plants. It generates pressure waves, generally of great amplitude and magnitude, causing high pressures in the system, associated with noise, with possible material and economic damages and, in extreme case, even fatalities. Industry procedures for analysis of these events consists of performing equivalent static analysis, or response spectrum analysis, with transient loadings calculated by analytical methods based on assumptions of fluid and flow. This paper proposes a new methodology for the piping system analysis by the numerical integration method with modal superposition and transient loadings calculated by a numerical method based on the method of characteristics. Comparisons were made between the results obtained by the proposed methodology and the stablished industry procedures, confirming that, due to the high degree of conservatism, industry procedures can lead to additional cost to the design, with the optimization of the design being obtained by applying the methodology proposed in this paper.
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Estudo teórico e experimental de uma máquina a vapor alternativa. / A theoretical and experimental study of a reciprocating steam engine.Rodrigo Bernardello Unzueta 09 May 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma revisão dos ciclos teóricos estudados por outros autores sobre o funcionamento de uma máquina a vapor funcionando como máquina de expansão e propõe um ciclo generalizado para o estudo. Esse ciclo generalizado é equacionado e seus pontos operacionais de otimização são determinados. Ao estudar os ciclos teóricos, verificou-se que a máquina a vapor pode atingir a eficiência isentrópica igual de 100%. Um estudo experimental foi conduzido em uma máquina a vapor, a fim de verificar os fenômenos que ocorrem e que influenciam na sua eficiência, fazendo o funcionamento real se afastar do ciclo teórico. Ao fazer o estudo experimental, verificou-se que a máquina a vapor real utilizada possui baixa eficiência, atingindo um máximo de 10% de eficiência isentrópica. Essa eficiência não é do ciclo e sim do conjunto todo, e é devido a diversos fatores, como, por exemplo, atritos, problemas de lubrificação, imperfeições físicas que provocam o vazamento do fluido de trabalho. Uma simulação computacional é realizada, visando prever o comportamento real da máquina a vapor e comparar com os dados obtidos experimentalmente. Verificando assim se a simulação consegue prever os fenômenos físicos e auxiliar no projeto de uma máquina a vapor. Após analisar os dados simulados, verificou-se que as válvulas possuem grande influência na eficiência isentrópica do ciclo da máquina a vapor. Válvulas de acionamento rápido preveem uma eficiência que pode chegar a 96%, enquanto as válvulas reais provocam uma eficiência de aproximadamente 60% para as mesmas condições de simulação. Uma das principais diferenças entre a simulação e os dados reais é a restrição ao fluxo provocada pelas válvulas, e que exigem coeficientes de descarga específicos para esse tipo de válvula. / This work reviews the theoretical cycles studied by other authors on the operation of a steam engine as an expansion machine and chooses a generalized cycle for the study. This generalized cycle is modeled and the points of optimization are determined. By studying the theoretical cycles, it was found that the steam engine can reach the isentropic efficiency equal to 100%. An experimental study carried out in a steam engine in order to verify the phenomena occurring that influence their effectiveness, moving the actual operation away from the theoretical cycle. By making the experimental study, it was found that the actual steam engine has a low efficiency, reaching a maximum 10% isentropic efficiency. This efficiency is not of the cycle, but of the whole set, and is due to several factors, such as friction problems, lubrication problems, physical imperfections causing leakage of the working fluid. A computer simulation was performed in order to predict the actual behavior of the steam engine and compare with the experimental data. After analyzing the simulated data, it was found that the valves have a great influence on the isentropic efficiency of the steam cycle. Valves operating instantly can reach 96% of isentropic efficiency, while real valves cause an efficiency of approximately 60% for the same simulation conditions. A major difference between the simulation and the actual data is the flow restriction caused by valves, which requires specific discharge coefficients for this type of valve.
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Sorption Enhanced Ethanol Reforming Over Cobalt, Nickel Incorporated Mcm-41 For Hydrogen ProductionGunduz, Seval 01 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The interest in hydrogen as a clean energy source has increased due to depletion of limited fossil resources and environmental impact related to CO2 emissions. Hydrogen production from bio-ethanol, which already contains large amount of water, by steam reforming reaction, has shown excellent potential with CO2 neutrality. However, steam reforming of ethanol reaction is a highly complex process including many side reactions which decrease hydrogen yield and have a negative effect on process economy. Also, thermodynamic limitations cause decrease in hydrogen yield. In the present study, a new reaction process called sorption enhanced steam reforming has been investigated to improve hydrogen yield in ethanol reforming over Ni and Co impregnated MCM-41 type mesoporous catalysts. In this process in-situ removal of CO2 by CaO was used to improve hydrogen yield significantly.
Catalysts play a crucial role in both steam reforming of ethanol and sorption enhanced steam reforming of ethanol reactions. Discovery of mesoporous catalyst supports, like MCM-41, started a new pathway in catalysis research. In this study, Co and Ni incorporated MCM-41 type materials having metal/Si molar ratio of 0.1 were synthesized by impregnation method, characterized and tested in both steam
reforming of ethanol and sorption enhanced steam reforming of ethanol reactions at 500oC, 550oC and 600oC. EDS and XRD results of the synthesized catalysts showed that Co and Ni were successfully incorporated and well dispersed in the MCM-41 support. The characteristic ordered pore structure of MCM-41 was partially conserved. Synthesized Co-MCM-41 and Ni-MCM-41 had surface area and pore diameter values of 303.6 m2/g &ndash / 1.98 nm and 449 m2/g &ndash / 2.2 nm, respectively.
Catalytic test results obtained with both catalysts proved that hydrogen yield values were significantly enhanced in the presence of CaO during in situ capture of CO2. Catalytic performance of Ni-MCM-41 was much better than Co-MCM-41 in ethanol reforming reaction. The highest hydrogen yield obtained with Co-MCM-41 catalyst was achieved at 550oC as 3.1 with in situ capture of CO2. This value is not high enough for practical use of this catalyst. At the same temperature, the corresponding hydrogen yield value was only 1.62 in the absence of CaO. The catalytic test results obtained with Ni-MCM-41 at 600oC, gave a hydrogen yield value of 5.6 in the sorption enhanced reforming run, which is about 94% of the maximum possible hydrogen yield of six.
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Mathematical Modelling of an Industrial Steam Methane ReformerLatham, Dean 08 January 2009 (has links)
A mathematical model of a steam-methane reformer (SMR) was developed for use in process performance simulations and on-line monitoring of tube-wall temperatures. The model calculates temperature profiles for the outer-tube wall, inner-tube wall, furnace gas and process gas. Reformer performance ratios and composition profiles are also computed. The model inputs are the reformer inlet-stream conditions, the geometry and material properties of the furnace and catalyst-bed. The model divides the furnace and process sides of the reformer into zones of uniform temperature and composition. Radiative-heat transfer on the furnace side is modeled using the Hottel Zone method. Energy and material balances are performed on the zones to produce non-linear algebraic equations, which are solved using the Newton-Raphson method with a numerical Jacobian. Model parameters were ranked from most-estimable to least estimable using a sensitivity-based estimability analysis tool, and model outputs were fitted to limited data from an industrial SMR. The process-gas outlet temperatures were matched within 4 ºC, the upper and lower peep-hole temperatures within 12 ºC and the furnace-gas outlet temperature within 4 ºC. The process-gas outlet pressure, composition and flow rate are also accurately matched by the model. The values of the parameter estimates are physically realistic. The model developed in this thesis has the capacity to be developed into more specialized versions. Some suggestions for more specialized models include modeling of separate classes of tubes that are in different radiative environments, and detailed modeling of burner configurations, furnace-gas flow patterns and combustion heat-release patterns. / Thesis (Master, Chemical Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2009-01-06 21:50:35.04
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Steam reforming of methane ans ethanol over CoₓMg₆₋ₓAl₂, Ru/CoₓMg₆₋ₓAl₂ and Cu/CoₓMg₆₋ₓAl₂ catalystsHomsi, Doris 14 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This work focuses on methane and ethanol conversion to hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst in order to increase the selectivity of the desired product (H₂) and reduce carbon monoxide emission and coke formation. Two kinds of active phase were used (copper and ruthenium) and impregnated on calcined hydrotalcites CoₓMg₆₋ₓAl₂ in order to be evaluated in the methane and ethanol steam reforming reactions. For both reactions, the influence of several factors was evaluated in order to adjust the reaction parameters. It has been shown that catalysts performances for the reforming reactions depend on the content of cobalt and magnesium. High cobalt content enhanced the catalytic activity. 1Ru/Co₆Al₂ catalyst presented the highest activity and stability in the methane steam reforming reaction among the other industrial and prepared catalysts even under a low GHSV and with no hydrogen pretreatment. Reduced ruthenium and cobalt were detected after the reaction by XRD. EPR technique was able to detect negligible amount of two kinds of carbonaceous species formed during the reaction : coke and carbon. On the other hand, 5Cu/Co₆Al₂ catalyst revealed the highest hydrogen productivity in the ethanol steam reforming reaction. However, it suffers from coke formation that deactivated the catalysts after few hours. 5Cu/Co₂Mg₄Al₂ catalyst showed a much lower quantity of carbonaceous species with no deactivating during 50 hours due to the basic character of the magnesium oxide phase present in the support.
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Enhancement Of The Bottoming Cycle In A Gas/steam Combined Cycle Power PlantSafyel, Zerrin 01 February 2005 (has links) (PDF)
A combined cycle gas/steam power plant combines a gas turbine (topping cycle) with a steam power plant (bottoming cycle) through the use of a heat recovery steam generator. It uses the hot exhaust of the gas turbine to produce steam which is used to generate additional power in the steam power plant.
The aim of this study is to establish the different bottoming cycle performances in terms of the main parameters of heat recovery steam generator and steam cycle for a chosen gas turbine cycle.
First of all / for a single steam power cycle, effect of main cycle parameters on cycle performance are analyzed based on first law of thermodynamics. Also, case of existence of a reheater section in a steam cycle is evaluated.
For a given gas turbine cycle, three different bottoming cycle configurations are chosen and parametric analysis are carried out based on energy analysis to see the effects of main cycle parameters on cycle performance. These are single pressure cycle, single pressure cycle with supplementary firing and dual pressure cycle. Also, effect of adding a single reheat to single pressure HRSG is evaluated.
In single pressure cycle, HRSG generates steam at one pressure level.
In dual pressure cycle, HRSG generates steam at two different pressure levels. i.e. high pressure and low pressure.
In single pressure cycle with supplementary firing excess oxygen in exhaust gas is fired before entering HRSG by additional fuel input. So, temperature of exhaust gas entering the HRSG rises.
Second law analysis is performed to able to see exergy distribution throughout the bottoming plant / furthermore second law efficiency values are obtained for single and dual pressure bottoming cycle configurations as well as basic steam power cycle with and without reheat.
It is shown that maximum lost work due to irreversibility is in HRSG for a bottoming cycle in a single pressure gas / steam combined power plant and in boiler for a steam cycle alone.
Comparing this with the single pressure cycle shows how the dual pressure cycle makes better use of the exhaust gas in the HRSG that dual pressure combined cycle has highest efficiency values and lost work due to irreversibility in -most significant component- HRSG can be lowered.
And also it is shown that by extending the idea of reheat the moisture content is reduced and improvement in the performance is possible for high main steam pressures.
Another observation is that supplementary firing increases the steam turbine output compared to the cycle without supplementary firing. The efficiency rises slightly for HP steam pressures higher than 14 MPa at HRSG exit, because the increased steam production also results in increased mass flows removing more energy from the exhaust gas.
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Avaliação das metodologias de análise de sistemas de tubulações de vapor sujeitas a carregamentos do tipo Steam Hammer / Evaluation of Methodologies for analysis of steam piping systems subjected to Steam Hammer loadingsFabio Camilo Hipolito 16 September 2016 (has links)
Carregamentos transientes termo hidráulicos do tipo Steam Hammer são eventos comuns em sistemas de tubulações de vapor com grandes potenciais de catástrofes em plantas de geração de energia. Uma vez iniciado o evento, ondas de pressões são geradas com amplitudes, geralmente, de grande magnitude ocasionando altas pressões no sistema, ruídos, deformações, fadiga, com possibilidade de danos materiais e econômicos e em casos extremos fatalidades. Os procedimentos da indústria para análise deste tipo de sistema consistem realização de análises estáticas equivalentes ou análise de espectro de resposta com carregamentos caracterizados por meio de métodos analíticos baseados em hipóteses simplificadoras do fluido e fluxo. Neste trabalho é proposta a analise de sistema de tubulações por meio do método de integração numérica com superposição modal e carregamento caracterizado por método numérico com base no método das características. Comparações foram efetuadas entre os resultados obtidos pela metodologia proposta e os procedimentos da indústria, demonstrando que, dado ao alto grau de conservadorismo, os procedimentos da indústria acarretam em superdimensionamento de estruturas e tubulações ocasionando custos adicionais de projeto, sendo a otimização do projeto obtida aplicando-se a metodologia proposta no trabalho. / Steam Hammer is a common transient thermo hydraulic event in steam piping systems with potential to cause serious damages in power generation plants. It generates pressure waves, generally of great amplitude and magnitude, causing high pressures in the system, associated with noise, with possible material and economic damages and, in extreme case, even fatalities. Industry procedures for analysis of these events consists of performing equivalent static analysis, or response spectrum analysis, with transient loadings calculated by analytical methods based on assumptions of fluid and flow. This paper proposes a new methodology for the piping system analysis by the numerical integration method with modal superposition and transient loadings calculated by a numerical method based on the method of characteristics. Comparisons were made between the results obtained by the proposed methodology and the stablished industry procedures, confirming that, due to the high degree of conservatism, industry procedures can lead to additional cost to the design, with the optimization of the design being obtained by applying the methodology proposed in this paper.
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