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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Processos de constru??o do sentido na esquizofrenia: uma perspectiva cognitiva da linguagem

Sousa Junior, Nelson Ferreira de 24 January 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:06:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 NelsonFSJ_DISSERT.pdf: 3337475 bytes, checksum: 226e09b5130058ff2165989ac30f42d7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-01-24 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / There is still a lot to be said about the relationship between culture, cognition and language. Within an embodied cognition perspective to language, it may be understood that the senses generated and used in discourse are built and negotiated not only linguistically, since they also involve stereotypes, schemes, frames, etc. These cognitive structures, in turn, would emerge from subjects experiences and interactions with a sociohistorically constituted environment. With that in mind, what would happen if someone had an altered view in the perception of such environment? The objective of this master s thesis was to understand the process of meaning construction, aiming at the activation of frames, in the discourse of people who have been diagnosed as schizophrenic and have been hospitalized, that is, individuals who have their socio-environmental perception affected. With that aim in mind, a speech corpus was generated with three schizophrenic patients from Professor Severino Lopes Psychiatric Hospital. The data were collected and analyzed qualitatively, based on the theoretical and analytical premises of Cognitive Linguistics, more specifically, of Simulation Semantic perspective. Therefore, it was possible to identify aspects related to meaning construction processes in the discourse of schizophrenic patients, understanding that language is integrated with cognition and culture. Therefore, the alteration in the way experiences are perceived by schizophrenic patients affect the linguistic production of these subjects. Finally, if we take into consideration that the mental disturbance caused by schizophrenia results in a change in perception of reality by these individuals, we can infer an implication of such factors in language and, subsequently, the interference of such issues in the meaning construction processes in the discourse of patients diagnosed with schizophrenia / Muito ainda h? para se compreender acerca das rela??es entre cultura, cogni??o e linguagem. Tendo como ponto de partida a perspectiva corporificada da linguagem, podese perceber que os sentidos gerados e utilizados nas produ??es discursivas s?o constru?dos e negociados n?o apenas linguisticamente, um vez que envolvem tamb?m estere?tipos, esquemas, frames etc. Por sua vez, essas estruturas cognitivas adviriam das experi?ncias e intera??es dos sujeitos inseridos num ambiente s?cio-historicamente constru?do. Tendo isso em mente, o que ocorreria caso algu?m tivesse uma altera??o na percep??o desse ambiente? Esta disserta??o teve como objetivo a compreens?o de processos de constru??o do sentido, tendo em vista a ativa??o de frames, na fala de pessoas diagnosticadas como esquizofr?nicas em situa??o de interna??o, isto ?, indiv?duos que t?m um afetamento na percep??o de seu entorno social. Visando tal foco, gerou-se um corpus da fala de tr?s pacientes com esquizofrenia, internos do Hospital Psiqui?trico Professor Severino Lopes, sob uma abordagem metodol?gica qualitativa de pesquisa, utilizando-se dos pressupostos te?ricos e anal?ticos da Lingu?stica Cognitiva, mais especificamente da perspectiva da Simula??o Sem?ntica. Vislumbra-se, portanto, a compreens?o de aspectos relacionados aos processos de constru??o do sentido na fala de pessoas com esquizofrenia, entendendo-se que a linguagem est? integrada ? cogni??o e ? cultura. Ent?o, a altera??o na maneira como as experi?ncias s?o percebidas afetam a produ??o lingu?stica. Por fim, entendendo que a desestrutura??o mental ocasionada pela afeta??o esquizofr?nica acarreta numa mudan?a nos modos de percep??o da realidade pelo indiv?duo, pode-se inferir a implica??o desses fatores para com a linguagem e, subsequentemente, a interfer?ncia de tais quest?es sobre o sentido na fala de pacientes diagnosticados com esquizofrenia

N?o-extensividade em percola??o por liga??es de longo - alcance

R?go, H?nio Henrique Aragao 20 February 1998 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:15:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 HenioHAR_dissert.pdf: 2631114 bytes, checksum: 60dff4f8aa02185a64e369badebb4290 (MD5) Previous issue date: 1998-02-20 / A linear chain do not present phase transition at any finite temperature in a one dimensional system considering only first neighbors interaction. An example is the Ising ferromagnet in which his critical temperature lies at zero degree. Analogously, in percolation like disordered geometrical systems, the critical point is given by the critical probability equals to one. However, this situation can be drastically changed if we consider long-range bonds, replacing the probability distribution by a function like . In this kind of distribution the limit α → ∞ corresponds to the usual first neighbor bond case. In the other hand α = 0 corresponds to the well know "molecular field" situation. In this thesis we studied the behavior of Pc as a function of a to the bond percolation specially in d = 1. Our goal was to check a conjecture proposed by Tsallis in the context of his Generalized Statistics (a generalization to the Boltzmann-Gibbs statistics). By this conjecture, the scaling laws that depend with the size of the system N, vary in fact with the quantitie / Uma cadeia linear n?o apresenta transi??o de fase a qualquer temperatura finita num sistema unidimensional considerando apenas intera??es entre primeiros vizinhos. Um exemplo disso ? o ferromagneto de Ising que tem o ponto cr?tico a temperatura zero. De urna maneira an?loga, no dom?nio dos sistemas geom?tricos desordenados do tipo percola??o, o ponto cr?tico ? dado pela probabilidade cr?tica igual a um. No entanto, esta situa??o pode ser drasticamente mudada se incluirmos liga??es delongo alcance, substituindo a distribui??o de probabilidade por uma fun??o do tipo: Para este tipo de distribui??o, o limite α → ∞ corresponde ao caso comum com liga??es entre primeiros vizinhos. Enquanto que α = 0 corresponde ao que conhecemos como uma situa??o de "campo molecular". Nesta tese, estudamos o comportamento de Pc como uma fun??o de α para a percola??o por liga??es especialmente no caso d = 1. Nosso prop?sito foi verificar uma conjectura formulada no contexto da Estat?stica Generalizada de Tsallis (uma extens?o da estat?stica de Boltzmann-Gibbs). Segundo esta conjectura, as leis de escala que variam com o tamanho N do sistema, dependem diretamente da Quantidade

Meta-heur?sticas aplicadas ? identifica??o de sistemas

Severino, Alcemy Gabriel Vitor 08 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2018-03-12T20:41:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 AlcemyGabrielVitorSeverino_DISSERT.pdf: 2366907 bytes, checksum: 9c123928f1facabf2097d270c1a468ad (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-03-19T11:45:04Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 AlcemyGabrielVitorSeverino_DISSERT.pdf: 2366907 bytes, checksum: 9c123928f1facabf2097d270c1a468ad (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-19T11:45:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AlcemyGabrielVitorSeverino_DISSERT.pdf: 2366907 bytes, checksum: 9c123928f1facabf2097d270c1a468ad (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-08 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / A identifica??o de sistemas tem como objetivo determinar modelos matem?ticos capazes de descrever suas caracter?sticas din?micas a partir de observa??es. Geralmente, o processo de identifica??o ? dividido nas seguintes etapas: i) coleta de dados experimentais, ii) determina??o da estrutura do modelo, iii) estima??o de par?metros e iv) valida??o do modelo. Neste trabalho investiga-se o problema da determina??o de estruturas. A partir de t?cnicas de otimiza??o conhecidas como meta-heur?sticas, foi desenvolvido um algoritmo para determina??o da estrutura de modelos NARX polinomiais. Diferente dos m?todos tradicionais, as meta-heur?sticas utilizam um conjunto de poss?veis solu??es e estrat?gias, geralmente baseadas na natureza, para encontrar a solu??o do caso aplicado. Dentre as t?cnicas estudadas est?o o algoritmo gen?tico, a otimiza??o por enxame de part?culas e o algoritmo do morcego. A metodologia proposta foi aplicada na identifica??o de tr?s exemplos experimentais: um aquecedor el?trico, um conversor buck e uma v?lvula pneum?tica. Os resultados demonstram que meta-heur?sticas podem ser aplicadas no problema da sele??o de estruturas em modelos NARX polinomiais. / System identification has the goal to determine mathematical models to describe dynamic characteristics of systems from observations. The identification process is generally divided into the following steps: i) experimental data collection, ii) determination of model structure, iii) parameter estimation and iv) model validation. In this work, the problem determining of structures is investigated. An algorithm was developed to determine the structure of polynomial NARX models using optimization techniques known as meta-heuristics. Unlike traditional methods, metaheuristics use a set of possible solutions and strategies, usually based on nature, to find the solution of the case applied. Among the techniques studied are the genetic algorithm, the particle swarm optimization, and the bat algorithm. The methodology proposed in this work was applied to identify three experimental examples: an electric heater, a buck converter and a pneumatic valve. The results demonstrate that metaheuristics can be applied to the problem of the selection of polynomial NARX model structures.

(Re)pensando o ensino de gram?tica em tr?s eixos: o sujeito anaf?rico na constru??o da referencia??o

Medeiros, Fernanda Rafaela Lopes de 17 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2018-03-12T21:11:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 FernandaRafaelaLopesDeMedeiros_DISSERT.pdf: 1053124 bytes, checksum: 82ff0c45f7d7dde9138dd71edb193155 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-03-19T12:42:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 FernandaRafaelaLopesDeMedeiros_DISSERT.pdf: 1053124 bytes, checksum: 82ff0c45f7d7dde9138dd71edb193155 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-19T12:42:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FernandaRafaelaLopesDeMedeiros_DISSERT.pdf: 1053124 bytes, checksum: 82ff0c45f7d7dde9138dd71edb193155 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-17 / Analisando produ??es do Ensino Fundamental (EF), este estudo destaca, entre outros problemas, as dificuldades de os alunos compreenderem a categoria gramatical sujeito, bem como sua utilidade na constru??o da coes?o referencial ? especificamente, o sujeito anaf?rico. Considerando essa constata??o, a proposta de interven??o e aplica??o que comp?e esta pesquisa, a partir da elabora??o de uma Sequ?ncia Did?tica (SD) trata do uso do sujeito anaf?rico em uma turma do 9? ano do Ensino Fundamental da Escola Estadual Fabr?cio Maranh?o, pertencente ? rede p?blica de ensino, localizada em Canguaretama/RN. Tem por base os pressupostos te?ricos e a metodologia sistematizados em estudos recentes da Sociolingu?stica variacionista sobre o ensino de gram?tica (G?RSK; COELHO, 2009; VIEIRA, 2008, 2013, no prelo; MARTINS, 2013; MARTINS; VIEIRA; TAVARES, 2014). A partir da aplica??o de uma SD, primeiramente, os alunos recontaram, com suas palavras, o conto Natal na barca (de Lygia Fagundes Telles). Essa primeira produ??o serviu para realizar um levantamento dos usos do sujeito anaf?rico feitos por eles. Com isso, a an?lise mostrou que, em muitos casos, s?o usados sujeitos anaf?ricos amb?guos ou sem referente recuper?vel na superf?cie textual, ou, ainda, com a atribui??o de a??es ao referente errado, criando situa??es que n?o existem no texto original. Na sequ?ncia, faz uso das pr?prias produ??es dos alunos para trabalhar com eles os usos do sujeito anaf?rico. Essas produ??es subsidiaram informa??es necess?rias para refletir acerca do objeto de estudo em quest?o, e, com base na literatura lingu?stica, tamb?m refletir cientificamente sobre a l?ngua. Na ?ltima interven??o em sala de aula, os alunos produziram, mediante orienta??o, um texto final. Com essas ?ltimas produ??es, os alunos demonstraram uma aten??o, que antes n?o existia, em rela??o aos usos do sujeito anaf?rico. Como resultado da aplica??o da SD, alguns alunos, que inicialmente produziram textos praticamente incompreens?veis, demonstraram um uso mais diversificado dessa categoria gramatical, construindo cadeias referenciais de modo mais eficiente. / Analyzing productions of Elementary School?s students, we observed, among other problems, the difficulties of students to understand the subject grammatical category as well as its usefulness in the construction of referential cohesion - specifically, the anaphoric subject. Considering this finding, we propose and apply in this work a Didactic Sequence (SD) on the use of the anaphoric subject in a group of the 9th grade of the Elementary School of the Escola Estadual Fabr?cio Maranh?o, belonging to the public teaching system, located in Canguaretama / RN. As a theoretical basis, we base ourselves on theoretical assumptions and methodology systematized in recent studies on grammar teaching (G?RSK; COELHO, 2009; VIEIRA, 2008, 2013; MARTINS, 2013; MARTINS, VIEIRA and TAVARES, 2014). We applied an SD that, first, proposed to the students to recount, with their words, the short story Natal na barca by Lygia Fagundes Telles. This first production served us to make a survey of the uses of the anaphoric subject made by them. We have found that, in many cases, ambiguous anaphoric subjects with no recoverable referent are used on the textual surface, or even with attribution of actions to the wrong referent, creating situations that do not exist in the original text. Following that, we use the students' own productions to work with them the uses of the anaphoric subject, which subsidized information necessary to reflect on the object of study in question, and, based on the linguistic literature, we reflect scientifically on the language. In the last classroom intervention, the students were instructed to produce a final text. With these latter productions, we could perceive an attention that did not previously exist in relation to the uses of the anaphoric subject, and some students, who initially produced texts that were practically incomprehensible, demonstrated a more diversified use of this grammatical category, constructing reference chains in a more efficient way.

Atitudes lingu?sticas de graduandos em Letras em rela??o ? redu??o do ditongo final [ja] em palavra parox?tona e ?s pessoas que a empregam

Moura, Elisabeth Silva de Vieira 07 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2018-03-20T15:48:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ElisabethSilvaDeVieiraMoura_TESE.pdf: 1325350 bytes, checksum: bd727014c89cffbd412eb8424e8357c5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-03-21T13:31:15Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 ElisabethSilvaDeVieiraMoura_TESE.pdf: 1325350 bytes, checksum: bd727014c89cffbd412eb8424e8357c5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-21T13:31:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ElisabethSilvaDeVieiraMoura_TESE.pdf: 1325350 bytes, checksum: bd727014c89cffbd412eb8424e8357c5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-07 / Com base em estudos sociolingu?sticos sobre o problema emp?rico da avalia??o e com o intuito de contribuir com as pesquisas sobre o valor social dos elementos vari?veis, esta tese visa a verificar a atitude lingu?stica de estudantes de Letras da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte em rela??o ? redu??o do ditongo [ja] ?tono final de palavra parox?tona. Nosso corpus ? composto de testes aplicados aos estudantes calouros e concluintes, observando-se tr?s componentes da atitude ? cognitivo, afetivo e comportamental ? em rela??o ? redu??o citada, como em pacien?a/poli?a, e em rela??o ? pessoa que usa essa variante. Sendo assim, esta pesquisa se justifica na medida em que se prop?e a mostrar a import?ncia da elabora??o e valida??o de testes de atitude para a observa??o do valor social das variantes lingu?sticas. Diante disso, as quest?es fundadoras de nossa pesquisa s?o as seguintes: (i) que testes podem ser aplicados para verificar as atitudes lingu?sticas?; (ii) quais s?o as atitudes lingu?sticas de universit?rios do curso de Letras, nos per?odos iniciais e finais do curso, em rela??o ? redu??o do ditongo [ja] ?tono final de palavra parox?tona? Diante dessas quest?es, nossos objetivos s?o os seguintes: (i) desenvolver e validar testes para avaliar atitudes lingu?sticas em fun??o de seus tr?s componentes ? cognitivo, afetivo e comportamental; (ii) descrever e analisar atitudes de universit?rios do curso de Letras, nos per?odos iniciais e finais do curso, em rela??o ? redu??o do ditongo [ja] ?tono final de palavra parox?tona. Como expectativa aos objetivos norteadores da pesquisa, apresentamos as seguintes hip?teses: (i) a escala de Likert, a escala de diferenciador sem?ntico e a escala de dist?ncia social devem mostrar-se adequadas para avaliar as atitudes; (ii) alunos concluintes, por j? terem uma forma??o te?rica sobre os fen?menos de varia??o e mudan?a lingu?stica, apresentariam uma postura diferente no que respeita ao fen?meno de mudan?a e varia??o. As escalas mostraram-se adequadas para a verifica??o das atitudes, por?m os alunos concluintes n?o apresentaram atitudes melhores que os calouros. Pesquisas sobre atitudes lingu?sticas s?o significativas para discuss?es sobre preconceito e prest?gio lingu?sticos e para auxiliar na compreens?o de como se d?o as mudan?as na l?ngua. A elabora??o de testes significativos pode contribuir para um melhor esclarecimento das atitudes dos falantes e de sua influ?ncia na varia??o/mudan?a lingu?stica, e, ao permitir a observa??o do valor social das variantes lingu?sticas, os testes de atitude podem subsidiar an?lises feitas por quem pesquisa o mesmo fen?meno vari?vel, mas n?o faz testes de atitude. Al?m disso, trazer ? tona a quest?o da atitude lingu?stica nos cursos de Letras tem sido uma discuss?o pertinente para possibilitar aos futuros professores a reflex?o sobre o tema e a transposi??o para a sala de aula desses conhecimentos que s?o importantes para a forma??o integral do educando. / Based on sociolinguistic studies about empirical problems of evaluation, and attempting to contribute with variable elements? social value, this thesis aims to verify the linguistic attitude of students of Portuguese Language and Literature Course from a public university in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. Our corpus data is composed by applied tests for Portuguese Language and Literature students - freshmen and seniors -, by observing attitude?s three components - cognitive, affective and behavioral ? relating to diphthong?s [ja] reduction in paroxytone unstressed words, as in pacien?a/poli?a, according to who is using this variant. Based on our analysis, we support that freshmen and seniors judgments are different from the studied variant. Therefore, this research is justified when it proposes to show how it is important elaborating and validating these attitude tests by the observation of linguistic variant?s social value. Consequently, our research?s founding questions are the following: (i) which tests can be applied to verify linguistic attitudes? (ii) what are freshmen and seniors undergraduate students of Portuguese Language and Literature Course linguistic attitudes concerning stigmatized variable phonetic phenomena? While considering these issues, our goals are as follows: (i) developing and validating tests to assess linguistic attitudes according to their three components - cognitive, affective and behavioral; (ii) describing and analyzing undergraduate students attitudes in their first and last semester regarding stigmatized variable phonetic phenomena; (iii) defining and identifying the three components of judge listening attitudes; and, (iv) verifying the influence of linguistic studies on these students? change of attitudes. As an expectation for the guiding objectives of this research, we present the following hypotheses: (i) because of previous theoretical backgrounds about variation and linguistic change phenomena, senior students present a different standpoint regarding change and variation phenomenon. The scales were adequate for the verification of the attitudes, but the seniors students did not present better attitudes than the freshmen. Researches on linguistic attitudes are significant for linguistic prejudice and prestige discussions, and to assist in understanding how language changes occur. The elaboration of significant tests will contribute to a better clarification of the speakers? attitudes and their influence on linguistic variation / change, and by allowing the social value of language variants to be observed, attitude tests can support analyzes made by those who research the same variable phenomenon, but do not perform attitude tests. Additionally, bringing up the question of linguistic attitude in Literature courses has been a relevant discussion to enable future teachers to reflect about the subject and how these knowledges are important for classroom?s transposition in student?s complete formation.

Nova prova de resultados cl?ssicos de percola??o / New proofs of classical results in percolation theory

Silva, Antonio Djackson Alves da 21 July 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2018-04-02T15:09:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 AntonioDjacksonAlvesDaSilva_DISSERT.pdf: 810567 bytes, checksum: 5d6801c0f1fbf2939971f34f6f8c58a4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-04-06T11:01:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 AntonioDjacksonAlvesDaSilva_DISSERT.pdf: 810567 bytes, checksum: 5d6801c0f1fbf2939971f34f6f8c58a4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-06T11:01:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AntonioDjacksonAlvesDaSilva_DISSERT.pdf: 810567 bytes, checksum: 5d6801c0f1fbf2939971f34f6f8c58a4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-07-21 / Um processo de percola??o modela o fen?meno da distribui??o ou transporte de fluidos em um meio poroso. A varia??o de um par?metro do modelo revela a exist?ncia de, geralmente, duas fases, uma fase dita subcr?tica e outra fase dita supercr?tica. Essas fases possuem caracter?sticas globais distintas e a transi??o de uma dessas fases ? outra se d? em um valor cr?tico do par?metro do modelo. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar novas demonstra??es para resultados cl?ssicos no modelo de percola??o Bernoulli de elos, a saber: o decaimento exponencial do raio de um aglomerado aberto na fase subcr?tica e a cota inferior da probabilidade de percola??o. / A percolation process models the distribution and transport of fluids in porous media. The variation of a model parameter reveals the existence of, generally, two phases, one called subcritical and the other called supercritical. These phases bear distinct global characteristics and the transition between phases takes place at a critical value for the model parameter. The present work aims at presenting new proofs for some classical results of Bond Bernoulli Percolation, namely: exponential decay of the radius of the cluster at the origin in subcritical phase and a lower bound on probability of percolation.

Um estudo das pr?ticas de letramento de t?cnicos e agentes de pesquisa da PNAD/IBGE

Costa, Maria Aparecida da 29 January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-01-03T18:12:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaAparecidaDaCosta_DISSERT.pdf: 1369790 bytes, checksum: d69bfa1251cd62fa6cf8c748ae490c12 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-01-04T19:41:03Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaAparecidaDaCosta_DISSERT.pdf: 1369790 bytes, checksum: d69bfa1251cd62fa6cf8c748ae490c12 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-04T19:41:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaAparecidaDaCosta_DISSERT.pdf: 1369790 bytes, checksum: d69bfa1251cd62fa6cf8c748ae490c12 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-01-29 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / Em Lingu?stica Aplicada (LA), as investiga??es sobre o uso da linguagem em contextos institucionais, diferentes das do dom?nio pedag?gico, come?aram a se delinear, sobretudo nas pesquisas de base etnogr?fica, em meados dos anos 1990. Segundo Moita Lopes (1998; 2011), constituem exemplos de tais pesquisas aquelas ambientadas em contextos profissionais como o jur?dico, o da enfermagem hospitalar e o da seguran?a p?blica, assinalando o interesse acad?mico pelo modo como as pessoas agem discursivamente ao se utilizarem da leitura e da escrita em situa??es de trabalho. Tendo por pano de fundo o campo da LA, na acep??o ora elucidada, e sua interface com os estudos de Letramento, a presente investiga??o se constitui de uma pesquisa descritiva, com abordagem de dados qualitativa e tra?os de vertente etnogr?fica (MOREIRA; CALEFFE, 2006; BOGDAN; BIKLEN, 2006; CAN?ADO, 1994). Seu objetivo consiste em descrever as pr?ticas de letramento em atividades censit?rias desenvolvidas por T?cnicos e Agentes de Pesquisa do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estat?stica (IBGE) na realiza??o da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domic?lios (PNAD). Especificamente, busca conhecer e caracterizar as rotinas letradas atinentes ao contexto de trabalho dos referidos servidores, no sentido de contribuir para a amplia??o do foco das pesquisas sobre o Letramento nesse locus em particular e, consequentemente, favorecer uma melhor compreens?o de suas ocorr?ncias linguageiras como meio de legitima??o do discurso institucional inerente ao dom?nio censit?rio. Em termos de abordagem te?rica, a pesquisa se baseia nos postulados dos Estudos de Letramento (STREET, 2014 [1995], 1993, 1984; HAMILTON, 2000; KLEIMAN, 1995; ROJO, 2009; OLIVEIRA, 2008; 2010) com ?nfase no Letramento Laboral (PAZ, 2008), sob o vi?s do Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo (BRONCKART, 1999; 2006; 2008; MACHADO, 2005; GUIMAR?ES et al., 2007). A partir das categoriza??es propostas por Hamilton (2000) acerca dos elementos vis?veis e n?o vis?veis nos eventos e pr?ticas letradas, as descri??es empreendidas t?m apontado para a relev?ncia do processo instrucional oferecido pelo IBGE aos seus servidores e tamb?m para as recorrentes a??es linguageiras orientadas para o convencer, constitutivo ao fazer profissional desses participantes. Essas estrat?gias discursivas se fazem notar, sobretudo, no trabalho dos Agentes de Pesquisa, cujo grupo est? diretamente vinculado ao contexto de vida dos informantes quando das circunst?ncias de coleta nos domic?lios, figurando, portanto, como porta-vozes institucionais da esfera pesquisada frente ? conjuntura social. / In Applied Linguistics (AL), the investigation towards the use of language in institutional contexts, that one different from the educational field, had its starting point in the mid-1990s, especially through ethnographic researches. According to Moita Lopes (1998; 2011) these investigations are likely to take place within professional contexts such as the juridical system, hospitals and nursing institutions as well as the ones concerning public safety, setting forth the academic interest in the way one discursively behaves when using reading and writing in their work place. Having the scientific background of the AL field, defined and herein elucidated, together with its interface with the literacy studies, this investigation is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach and traits of ethnographic component (MOREIRA; CALEFFE 2006; BOGDAN; BIKLEN, 2006; CAN?ADO, 1994). The broader objective of this master?s thesis is to discuss literacy practices in census activities carried by technicians and research agents of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), when carrying out the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD). Also, this study specifically attempts to identify and characterize literate routines related to the working context of these servants in order to contribute to the enhancement of the scope of researches on Literacy in this particular locus, thus, promoting a better understanding of their utterances as a means to legitimate the institutional discourse inherent within the census area. In terms of theoretical approach, this thesis is based on Literacy Studies (STREET, 2014 [1995]; 1993; 1984; HAMILTON, 2000; KLEIMAN, 1995; OLIVEIRA, 2008; 2010; ROJO, 2009), with emphasis on Labor Literacy (PAZ, 2008), as well as some contributions from the Socio-discursive Interactionism (BRONCKART, 1999; 2006; 2008; MACHADO, 2005; GUIMAR?ES et al., 2007). In accordance with the categorizations proposed by Hamilton (2000) towards the visible and non-visible elements in Literacy events and practices, the analysis has pointed out the relevance of the continuum education offered by IBGE to its servants as well as the importance of guidance on oriented utterances in order to boost the skills of such servants to convince, once this is one of the key abilities within the job of the participants. Such discursive strategies are noticed especially in the work of research agents, whose group is directly linked to the context of the life of their informants when collecting their information at their houses, hence, these research agents also work as institutional spokesmen within the social conjuncture of the people they speak to.

Estima??o bayesiana no modelo pot?ncia normal bimodal assim?trico

Souza, Isaac Jales Costa 28 January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-01-13T12:23:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 IsaacJalesCostaSouza_DISSERT.pdf: 808186 bytes, checksum: 0218f6e40a4dfea5b56a9d90f17e0bfb (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-01-23T13:11:35Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 IsaacJalesCostaSouza_DISSERT.pdf: 808186 bytes, checksum: 0218f6e40a4dfea5b56a9d90f17e0bfb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-23T13:11:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 IsaacJalesCostaSouza_DISSERT.pdf: 808186 bytes, checksum: 0218f6e40a4dfea5b56a9d90f17e0bfb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-01-28 / Neste trabalho ? apresentada uma abordagem bayesiana dos modelos pot?ncia normal bimodal (PNB) e pot?ncia normal bimodal assim?trico (PNBA). Primeiramente, apresentamos o modelo PNB e especificamos para este prioris n?o informativas e informativas do par?metroque concentra a bimodalidade (?). Em seguida, obtemos a distribui??o a posteriori pelo m?todo MCMC, o qual testamos a viabilidade de seu uso a partir de um diagn?stico de converg?ncia. Depois, utilizamos diferentes prioris informativas para ? e fizemos a an?lise de sensibilidadecom o intuito de avaliar o efeito da varia??o dos hiperpar?metros na distribui??o a posteriori. Tamb?m foi feita uma simula??o para avaliar o desempenho do estimador bayesiano utilizando prioris informativas. Constatamos que a estimativa da moda a posteriori apresentou em geralresultados melhores quanto ao erro quadratico m?dio (EQM) e vi?s percentual (VP) quando comparado ao estimador de m?xima verossimilhan?a. Uma aplica??o com dados bimodais reais foi realizada. Por ?ltimo, introduzimos o modelo de regress?o linear com res?duos PNB. Quanto ao modelo PNBA, tamb?m especificamos prioris informativas e n?o informativas para os par?metros de bimodalidade e assimetria. Fizemos o diagn?stico de converg?ncia para o m?todo MCMC, que tamb?m foi utilizado para obter a distribui??o a posteriori. Fizemos uma an?lise de sensibilidade, aplicamos dados reais no modelo e introduzimos o modelo de regress?o linear com res?duos PNBA. / In this paper it is presented a Bayesian approach to the bimodal power-normal (BPN) models and the bimodal asymmetric power-normal (BAPN). First, we present the BPN model, specifying its non-informative and informative parameter ? (bimodality). We obtain the posterior distribution by MCMC method, whose feasibility of use we tested from a convergence diagnose. After that, We use different informative priors for ? and we do a sensitivity analysis in order to evaluate the effect of hyperparameters variation on the posterior distribution. Also, it is performed a simulation to evaluate the performance of the Bayesian estimator using informative priors. We noted that the Bayesian method shows more satisfactory results when compared to the maximum likelihood method. It is performed an application with bimodal data. Finally, we introduce the linear regression model with BPN error. As for the BAPN model we also specify informative and uninformative priors for bimodality and asymmetry parameters. We do the MCMC Convergence Diagnostics, which is also used to obtain the posterior distribution. We do a sensitivity analysis, applying actual data in the model and we introducing the linear regression model with PNBA error.

O ser professor nos complexos bil?ngues de refer?ncia para surdos de Natal: vozes em di?logo

Oliveira, Laralis Nunes de Sousa 30 June 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-02-13T18:45:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LaralisNunesDeSousaOliveira_DISSERT.pdf: 1493529 bytes, checksum: ec50d6de296d39dceca68a2d394082f0 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-02-13T22:00:24Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 LaralisNunesDeSousaOliveira_DISSERT.pdf: 1493529 bytes, checksum: ec50d6de296d39dceca68a2d394082f0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-13T22:00:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LaralisNunesDeSousaOliveira_DISSERT.pdf: 1493529 bytes, checksum: ec50d6de296d39dceca68a2d394082f0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-06-30 / No ano de 2010, na cidade de Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, realizou-se a implementa??o de um novo conceito institucional voltado para a educa??o de surdos, materializado nos Complexos Bil?ngues de Refer?ncia para Surdos (CBRS), formados por dez grupos de duas ou tr?s escolas municipais, respons?veis pela Educa??o Infantil e Ensino Fundamental I e II, pass?veis de terem at? 50% de seu alunado constitu?do por alunos surdos. Dada a alcunha ?bil?ngue? do projeto, t?m grande import?ncia para sua realiza??o n?o apenas os profissionais especializados na educa??o de surdos (como instrutores e int?rpretes de Libras), mas os professores de L?ngua Portuguesa dessas institui??es. Nesta pesquisa, o objeto s?o as vozes sobre o ser professor nos Complexos Bil?ngues de Refer?ncia para Surdos de Natal. Situados na ?rea da Lingu?stica Aplicada, temos por objetivo criar inteligibilidade sobre um problema social que tem a linguagem ocupando papel central, qual seja o ser professor nas institui??es em quest?o. O corpus da pesquisa se constitui de onze textos redigidos por esses profissionais sobre sua atua??o nas referidas institui??es. A an?lise que realizamos se constr?i sobre os tr?s t?picos mais recorrentemente encontrados nos relatos, quais sejam a forma??o inicial e continuada, as experi?ncias docentes e as rela??es institucionais que permeiam sua atua??o. Sob uma perspectiva qualitativo-interpretativista, realizamos a leitura e a discuss?o dos dados tomando por base as concep??es de linguagem e sujeito elaboradas pelo C?rculo de Bakhtin; a no??o de diferen?a dos Estudos Culturais; e as discuss?es sobre educa??o de surdos dos Estudos Surdos. Nas falas dos professores, ? poss?vel identificar a fluidez e multiplicidade de vozes que os atravessam. Em suas vozes se revelam as tens?es existentes entre o discurso governamental da inclus?o como perspectiva da Educa??o Especial e a realidade enfrentada pelos docentes. A despeito das diferen?as que os constituem, seus discursos se tocam sobretudo no que diz respeito ?s insuficientes oportunidades de forma??o e ?s prec?rias condi??es de atua??o, que t?m repercuss?es diretas no processo de ensino-aprendizagem do aluno surdo. / In 2010, in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, it was implemented a new institutional concept aimed at the education of deaf students, materialized in Bilingual Complexes of Reference for the Deaf (CBRS), which are ten groups of two or three municipal schools, responsible for Childhood Education and Elementary School, that may have up to 50% of their student body made up of deaf students. Because of the denomination "bilingual" on the project, not only specialized professionals in deaf education (as instructors and Sign Language interpreters), but the Portuguese teachers in these institutions have great importance for its realization. In this research, the object are the voices about being a teacher in the Bilingual Complexes of Reference for the Deaf in Natal. Situated in the area of Applied Linguistics, we aim to create intelligibility on a social problem that has language occupying central role, which is being a teacher in the institutions concerned. The corpus of the research is constituted of eleven texts written by these professionals about their performance in the Complexe?s institutions. The analysis we do is built on the three topics more recurrently found in the reports, which are the initial and continuous training, teaching experiences and the institutional aspects that permeate their performance. From a qualitative-interpretative perspective, we read and discuss the data building on the concepts of language and subject prepared by the Circle of Bakhtin; the notion of difference of Cultural Studies; and discussions about deaf education of Deaf Studies. In the speeches of teachers, it is possible to identify the fluidity and multiplicity of voices that cross them. Their voices reveal the tensions between the government discourse of inclusion as perspective of Special Education and the reality faced by teachers. Despite of the differences that constitute them, their speeches touch especially with regard to insufficient training opportunities and precarious conditions of work, which have direct impact on the teaching-learning process of deaf students.

Precondicionamento do m?todo GMRES para Z-matrizes / Preconditioning of the GMRES method for Z-matrices

Silva, Josimara Tatiane da 19 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-02-13T20:18:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JosimaraTatianeDaSilva_DISSERT.pdf: 1557682 bytes, checksum: fac59260c784cbb83579953ae2c457f9 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-02-16T19:30:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 JosimaraTatianeDaSilva_DISSERT.pdf: 1557682 bytes, checksum: fac59260c784cbb83579953ae2c457f9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-16T19:30:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JosimaraTatianeDaSilva_DISSERT.pdf: 1557682 bytes, checksum: fac59260c784cbb83579953ae2c457f9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-19 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar o comportamento de converg?ncia do m?todo GMRES (Generalized Minimal RESidual) e sua vers?o GMRES(m), sem e com precondicionador ILU(0) aplicado ? sistemas lineares n?o sim?tricos esparsos. Nosso interesse principal ? verificar se o comportamento destes algoritmos pode ser influenciado pela estrutura das matrizes consideradas, em particular, as Z-matrizes e a influ?ncia da escolha do grau de esparsidade. Entre os par?metros observados, concentramos no raio espectral dessas matrizes, tanto como a norma do res?duo relativo obtido por estes algoritmos. / This study aims to investigate the convergence behavior of the GMRES (Generalized Minimal Residual) method and its version GMRES(m), without and with preconditioner ILU(0) applied to sparse non-symmetric linear systems. Our main interest is to see if the behavior of these algorithms can be influenced by the structure of the matrices considered, in particular, the Z-matrices. Furthermore, the influence of the choice of the degree of sparsity. Among the observed parameters, we focus on the spectral radius of these matrices, as well as the relative residual norm obtained by these algorithms.

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