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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The short-term effect on shareholder wealth of banking mergers and acquisitions during periods of real economic expansion and contraction

Kerr, Gordon Roy January 2011 (has links)
Controversy currently exists over whether abnormal returns (ARs) are earned by shareholders of bidder and target banks through a Merger and Acquisition (M&A). The state of the economy in which the firms operate is often mentioned as a reason for firms engaging in M&As, however, the extent to which economies influence the ARs of shareholders is unknown. Following MacKinlay (1997), the aim of this study is to determine the average ARs earned or lost by shareholders of several banks around the world during an M&A. The results obtained may indicate that shareholders of bidding firms consider an M&A to be a wealth-destroying event irrespective of the state of the economy. It would seem that target firms’ shareholders consider M&As to be wealth-creating events when they occur during a period of real economic expansion. However, during periods of real economic contraction, target firms’ shareholders consider M&As to be wealth-destroying events. Thus, the state of an economy during an M&A can affect average ARs considerably.

Public Relations at the Dr. Pepper Company

Bux, Robert Michael 05 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was to examine the community, stockholder, and consumer public relations of the Dr Pepper Company. The data were collected by an examination of the major areas in Dr Pepper's public relations department. Detailed questionnaires were used in interviewing the department's head, Harry Ellis, and his assistant, Jim Ball. Follow-up interviews clarified Ball's and Ellis's responses to the questionnaires. Chapter I introduces the thesis. Chapter II presents information about Dr Pepper's consumer relations, Chapter III presents data about stockholder relations, and Chapter IV presents information about community relations. Chapter V summarizes the study and makes conclusions and recommendations. Dr Pepper's overriding weakness was the lack of pre- or post-testing of its public relations efforts; and its strengths are that it has never been accused of doing misleading advertising and it labels its products so that the consumer knows its content. The recommendation was made to expand and departmentalize the public relations operation.

Variational Information-Theoretic Atoms-in-Molecules

Heidar-Zadeh, Farnaz 11 1900 (has links)
It is common to use the electron density to partition a molecular system into atomic regions. The necessity for such a partitioning scheme is rooted in the unquestionable role of atoms in chemistry. Nevertheless, atomic properties are not well- defined concepts within the domain of quantum mechanics, as they are not observable. This has resulted in a proliferation of different approaches to retrieve the concept of atoms in molecules (AIM) within the domain of quantum mechanics and in silico experiments based on various flavors of model theories. One of the most popular families of models is the Hirshfeld, or stockholder, partitioning methods. Hirshfeld methods do not produce sharp atomic boundaries, but instead distribute the molecular electron density at each point between all the nuclear centers constituting the molecule. The various flavors of the Hirshfeld scheme differ mainly in how the atomic shares are computed from a reference promolecular density and how the reference promolecular density is defined. We first establish the pervasiveness of the Hirshfeld portioning by extending its information-theoretic framework. This characterizes the family of f-divergence measures as necessary and sufficient for deriving Hirshfeld scheme. Then, we developed a variational version of Hirshfeld partitioning method, called Additive Variational Hirshfeld (AVH). The key idea is finding the promolecular density, expanded as a linear combination of charged and neutral spherically-averaged isolated atomic densities in their ground and/or excited states, that resembles the molecular density as much as possible. Using Kullback-Liebler divergence measure, this automatically guarantees that each atom and proatom have the same number of electrons, and that the partitioning is size consistent. The robustness of this method is confirmed by testing it on various datasets. Considering the mathematical properties and our numerical results, we believe that AVH has the potential to supplant other Hirshfeld partitioning schemes in future. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

上市公司購併宣告對股東財富影響之研究 / The Research of M&A Effect on Stockholders Wealth

陳匯中, Cheng, Huey Chung Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣在面臨臺幣升值、工資與房地產價格狂漲的經營困境之下,企業開始藉由購併活動來取得現成的管理經驗與經營資源,來彌補對海外經營環境缺乏認識或經驗不足的弱勢。國內企業因經營規模普遍太小,難以發揮規模經濟的綜效,以致相對削弱競爭能力,不利於產業升級。近年來由於政府的支持與推動,以及企業多年來累積的財富與股票市場的推波助瀾,更興起企業購併的風潮。而本研究的目的,為探討資本市場對上市公司的購併宣告有何反應。   本研究以民國78年1月至83年12月為研究期間,經蒐集相關資料後,選取42個進行購併宣告的上市公司樣本,利用傳統事件研究法及殘差分析,探究臺灣上市公司進行購併活動的宣告對股東財富之影響。所獲得的結論如以下四點:   1.就全體樣本實證結果顯示,上市公司的購併宣告將影響公司的市場價值,在宣告日當天有顯著正的異常報酬值1.192%(t=2.195),表示股東財富將因此宣告訊息而增加。2.國際購併與國內購併的事件宣告在資本市場的反應均具有正的異常報酬值,但其結果不甚相同。3.在購併型態方面,非相關購併事件因為產業關聯性較低,綜效的價值較不能發揮,因此,此二購併類型的差異效果的確存在。4.位處不同產業的購併宣告亦有所差異。

Köpbeteende på finansmarknaden : Vad påverkar riskaversionen hos unga vuxna på aktiemarknaden? / Buying behavior in the financial market : What affects the risk aversion of young adults in the stock market?

Karmalita, Sofia January 2021 (has links)
An individual's behavior is a substantial part of one’s personality and is a big part in decision-making, it applies to large and small decisions in our everyday lives. An increase in the proportion of young adults in the stock market has been observed in recent years. Our world was hit by a pandemic, Covid-19 and as a result of this pandemic, a majority of countries in the world experienced financial crises and difficulties. Many analysts noticed, however, the continued increase in private investors in the stock market. The results in this study have shown that an individual's personality and personal traits are decisive factors in how an investor will behave in the stock market. The different causes and factors addressed in the study affect each respondent in different ways where some were affected more and others less. The study thus showed that it was not only one factor or cause that affects how risky an investor is, it is a combination of several factors and causes. This study has provided a new perspective for the theorists as the study took place during a pandemic. Lastly, this study has given rise to relevant questions that are presented in future research suggestions. / En individs beteende är en stor del av personligheten och är även en avgörande faktor för olika beslut som vi individer fattar, det gäller såväl stora som små beslut i vår vardag. Olika faktorer och orsaker har större påverkan i vårt beteende än vad vi kan tro, även i vårt köpbeteende på finansmarknaden när investerare tar beslut om diverse investeringar såsom aktier. Det har i synnerhet observerats en ökning av andelen unga vuxna på aktiemarknaden under de senaste åren. Vår värld drabbades av en pandemi, Covid-19 och till följd av denna pandemi upplevde majoriteten av världens länder finansiella kriser och svårigheter. Det intressanta som däremot många analytiker uppmärksammade var den fortsatta ökningen av privata investerare på aktiemarknaden, speciellt de unga vuxna. I och med den ännu pågående pandemin har det därmed inte gjorts studier och observationer om privata investerares köpbeteende under just Coronapandemin. Detta har gett upphov till att föra en kvalitativ studie om vilka orsaker och faktorer som påverkar privata investerares köpbeteende och hur pass riskaverta investerarna är baserat på dessa orsaker och faktorer och det individuella köpbeteendet. Med hjälp av teorier och tidigare forskning från området beteendeekonomi (”behavioral finance” på engelska) har denna studie, vars avsikt varit att undersöka köpbeteende och grad av riskaversion, varit möjlig. Resultaten har visat att en individs personlighet och de personliga dragen är avgörande faktorer för hur en investerare kommer att bete sig på aktiemarknaden. De olika orsakerna och faktorerna som togs upp i studien påverkar varje respondent på olika sätt där vissa påverkades mer och andra mindre. Graden av riskaversionen hos studiens respondenter gick att avgöra baserat på varje investerares övertro på sig själv, hur påverkade de blir av lättillgänglig information, stereotyper som ett företag kan påvisa samt flockbeteende. Studien visade därmed att det inte endast var en faktor eller orsak som påverkar hur pass riskavert en investerare är, det handlar om en blandning av flera faktorer och orsaker. För just denna åldersgruppen var graden av riskaversion av svagare karaktär vilket indikerar på att investerare i denna åldersgrupp inte är rädda för större risker. Denna studie har gett ett nytt perspektiv för teoretikerna då studien tagit plats under en pandemi vilket kan ha bidragit med andra resultat med tanke på den finansiella krisen som världen drabbades av. Avslutningsvis har denna studie gett upphov till relevanta frågor som presenteras under förslag på framtida forskning.

The development of leadership competencies index: the Economic Value Added (EVA) approach

Nthoesane, Meiya Gert 12 1900 (has links)
Researchers posit that the primary objective of a business enterprise is to create shareholder value, and Economic Value Added (EVA) has been found to be the best available financial metric for measuring value. It is argued that EVA differs from other metrics in the sense that it incorporates both the enterprise profits and the capital costs for such profits. The study intended to establish attributes and competencies that are relevant, key and can bear the relationship with the EVA. In order to achieve this, the following questions were posed, namely; what key attributes and competencies an executive needs to possess for the purpose of organisational value creation?; and what is the measure to be utilised that includes these competencies to ensure organisational value creation and leadership development? The study aim was to propose and develop a diagnostic Value Creating Competencies Index, which is based on the components of or influenced by EVA. The success of the study was based on three pillars, firstly, EVA as a superior financial measure. To support this, literature that supported that EVA is adopted as a superior financial measure compared to other accounting based measures was reviewed and critiqued. The second element of the study was the focus on CEOs as critical and important drivers of value in organisations. However, the available literature was not able to provide a convincing argument to focus ‘all’ the attention on CEOs at the expense of other executives and the organisation at large. To determine whether CEOs can be given this attention and prominence, we conducted an additional study that assessed the share price movement on the public announcement of CEOs on companies listed on JSE. The findings of this study showed significant movement of share price and volume traded, and on the strength of this observation we concluded that CEOs can be used in this study as drivers of value. The third element was to look at competencies and competency modelling as a conduit that links value creation (EVA) and creators of value (CEOs). The literature on competencies was consulted and that of modelling, looking at the advantages and disadvantages of competency modelling. The study adopted a pragmatic paradigm and mixed methods approach. A qualitative dominant approach was followed. The study population consisted of Chief Executive Officers of the companies listed on the JSE top 40, who have had same position for a minimum of five years. Two CEOs could successfully be reached and interviewed. Data were collected through interviews, observations and documents analysis of the selected CEOs and their respective companies. Data were analysed qualitatively using the Atlas-ti software package, and then followed by a quantitative approach that was conducted using a Delphi approach. Two samples were utilised for this purpose. The first sample was a census of top 50 companies on Executive Search Review (United States headquartered companies that deals with CEO recruitments), the second sample was a random sample taken from JSE listed companies. Qualitative results were presented and discussed and the competencies were identified and linked to actual performance in respective organisations. In addition, identified competencies were confirmed by linking to the relevant quotations from the interviews and or analysed documents. Based on the qualitative results a competency model, Octastellatus CEO Competency model was developed and presented. From the competency model, the competency index Sustainable Economic Value Competency Index (SEVCI) was constructed and presented. The index has four clusters, namely; the core competencies, enabling competencies, differentiating competencies and competitive competencies. The index measure is presented as the sum of weighted averages of the four clusters. It is believed that this research work have made a significant and unique contribution by providing a quantitatively validated CEO competency model and corresponding competency index for assessing potential ability to create economic value. In an area that previously had a disconnection between ability to create value and actual value creation is now a known area and it is represented by SEVCI. / Business Management / DBL

An Analysis of the Determination of Reasonable Compensation in Closely-Held Corporations

Price, John Ellis 08 1900 (has links)
The Internal Revenue Code invokes the concept of reasonableness as the major qualification for the stockholder executive compensation deduction for federal income tax purposes. However, neither the Code nor Regulations contain general guidelines for determining reasonable compensation. Consequently, disputes with the IRS are frequent, resulting in substantial litigation. The primary hypothesis of the study was that the IRS guideline variables were incapable of discriminating taxpayers who have won litigated reasonable compensation cases from those who have lost. The secondary hypothesis was that the IRS guideline variable group, the court case variable group, or the two groups combined were equally powerful in discriminating taxpayers who have won litigated reasonable compensation cases from taxpayers who have lost. The study included all unreasonable compensation cases litigated in the Tax Court from 195^ to September, 1980. Only cases related to the reasonableness of officer-shareholder compensation of closely-held corporations were included.

Utdelningsbeskattning : Effekterna av investeringssparkontots införande

Mägiste, Mattias, Winst, Anton January 2020 (has links)
The effects of individual income taxation direct the way they choose to receive capital flows. The clientele effect suggests, investor preferences are affected by their individual taxation. A shareholder with high marginal tax will according to theory invest in stocks with low or no dividend yield, while individuals with low marginal tax opts to invest in stocks with high dividend yield. In this study we analyse how the implementation of the investeringssparkonto affects the dividend clientele theory. With our impact analysis we are able to show that Swedish individuals are able to receive dividends at a lower tax rate than before. We establish proof that tax rates have lowered for all income levels of the Swedish populations since the implementation 2012, where the largest percentage increase happened among the lower income levels. While the largest unit tax rate cut happened at the top. The investeringssparkonto has created a new scenario where the effective tax rate is lower than the traditional aktie och fonddepå, when the dividend yield is higher than the government bond rate increased by one percent. Lower effective dividend taxation amount to stockholders receiving a larger share of the distributed profit. This new scenario where all individuals are prone to choose higher dividend yields, reduced the relevancy of who the dividend policy is adjusted to. All dividend clienteles prefer the same policy. / Effekterna av privatpersoners inkomstbeskattning styr hur de väljer att få sina kapitalflöden. Klienteleffekten antyder att investerarens preferenser kommer att påverkas av deras privata beskattning. En aktieägare med hög marginalskatt ska enligt teorin dras till aktier i företag där utdelningen är låg eller obefintlig, medan personer med låg marginalskatt är intresserade av att äga aktier i bolag med höga aktieutdelningar. I denna studie undersöker vi hur införandet av investeringssparkontot påverkar de tidigare teorierna om utdelningsklientel. Vi kan med vår konsekvensanalys visa att de svenska privatpersonerna har möjlighet att ta emot utdelningar till en betydligt lägre skattesats än tidigare. Vi kan konstatera att skatten har sjunkit för samtliga inkomstnivåer sedan införandet av investeringssparkontot 2012, det gick att se att den största procentuella skillnaden skedde bland de lägre inkomst nivåerna, men den största skillnaden sett till procentenheter sker i toppen. Investeringssparkontot har medfört ett nytt scenario där den effektiva skatten är lägre än i en aktie och fonddepå, då direktavkastningen överstiger statslåneräntan ökat med en procentenhet. Lägre effektiv skatt på utdelningar innebär att ägarna får en större del av den utdelade vinsten. Detta nya scenario där alla privatpersoner har ett incitament till hög direktavkastning, gör det mindre relevant vem utdelningspolicyn anpassas till då alla “klientel” föredrar samma policy.

Relação entre desempenho social corporativo e desempenho financeiro de empresas no Brasil / The relation between corporate social performance and financial performance of firms in Brazil

Borba, Paulo da Rocha Ferreira 29 June 2005 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo principal analisar e responder ao questionamento acerca da relação entre desempenho social corporativo e desempenho financeiro de empresas brasileiras. De forma mais específica, a dissertação investiga a seqüência causal e a direção (positiva ou negativa) do relacionamento entre as variáveis que representam as duas concepções de desempenho. Para tanto, foram utilizadas duas variáveis para representar o desempenho financeiro a valores de mercado, três variáveis para representar o desempenho financeiro a valores contábeis, e o Indicador de Desempenho Social Corporativo, construído nesta dissertação para representar o desempenho social das empresas e baseado nos Balanços Sociais publicados segundo modelo do Instituto Brasileiro de Análises Sociais e Econômicas (IBASE). Além dessas variáveis, duas variáveis de controle consideradas relevantes pela teoria, o Tamanho da Empresa e o Setor de Atuação, também constituíram o modelo estatístico. O período de análise (2000 a 2002) do relacionamento entre as variáveis e a amostra da pesquisa foi relativamente pequeno, devido principalmente à fragilidade do banco de dados referente ao desempenho social corporativo e à incipiência do próprio tema na administração brasileira. As análises foram realizadas em períodos anuais, sem e com defasagem temporal de um ano, a fim de que seis hipóteses alternativas propostas por modelo já existente pudessem ser testadas. A análise estatística foi realizada através de matriz de correlações, de modelos de regressão linear múltipla pelo método dos mínimos quadrados ordinários, de regressão a erros padrão robustos a heterocedasticidade e de regressão robusta. Os resultados, em sua maioria, não foram capazes de rejeitar a hipótese nula do modelo, isto é, de que não há relação estatisticamente significante entre o desempenho social e o desempenho financeiro corporativos. Entretanto, as regressões que utilizaram indicadores contábeis de desempenho financeiro apresentaram resultados que indicariam, em alguns períodos de análise, a existência de uma relação positiva entre as duas formas de desempenho, corroborando, em parte, com a idéia de que a administração dos stakeholders acarretaria desempenho financeiro superior às empresas. Porém, a seqüência causal do relacionamento não foi clara, dado que tanto um melhor ou pior desempenho social corporativo foi causa de um melhor ou pior desempenho financeiro, como também o segundo foi causa do primeiro. Por sua vez, a relação entre os indicadores de mercado do desempenho financeiro das empresas e o indicador de desempenho social corporativo apresentou-se bastante contraditória, o que corrobora com resultados alcançados em pesquisas e trabalhos anteriores sobre o tema. Finalmente, a variável de controle de Tamanho da Empresa mostrou-se não significante para o modelo, enquanto a variável de controle de Setor de Atuação apresentou resultados bastante diversos. Dessa forma, os resultados mostraram-se pouco conclusivos, fato explicado pela literatura existente que identifica as limitações conceituais, como a indefinição de conceitos-chave, e empíricas, como a ausência de banco de dados ou deficiências dos existentes, que permeiam a maioria das pesquisas existentes sobre o tema e que se agravam na realidade brasileira. Para as novas pesquisas, recomenda-se atenção especial à representação do desempenho social corporativo, tornando-o mais abrangente e robusto, bem como a utilização de diferentes janelas temporais para o modelo estatístico que permitam o alcance de resultados mais conclusivos. É importante observar que iniciativas recentes de instituições no país vêm ao encontro do atendimento das necessidades dos pesquisadores que se interessam sobre o tema, o que estimula e favorece o desenvolvimento de pesquisas futuras. / The major objective of this here dissertation consists in analyzing the relation between social and financial performances of Brazilian enterprises and in responding to the related inquiries. More specifically, this text investigates the causal sequence and the direction (positive or negative) taken by the relation between the variables that represent the two performance concepts. For that purpose, two variables have been used to represent the financial performance at market values, three variables have been used to represent the financial performance at book values and the Corporate Social Performance Indicator has been here constructed to represent the social performance of enterprises, based on the Social Balance Sheets published according to the Instituto Brasileiro de Análises Sociais e Econômicas (IBASE). Besides these variables, two control variables have been considered relevant in the theory: the size of the company and its industry. Both have framed the statistic model. The analysis period (from 2000 to 2002) of the relation between the variables and the research sample has been somewhat short, mostly due to the fragility of the corporate social performance database and to the embryonic condition of the issue in Administration in Brazil. The analyses have been accomplished in yearly periods, with and without one-year temporal gaps, so that six alternative hypotheses proposed for already existing model could be tested. The statistic analysis was developed through a correlations matrix, models of multiple linear regression processed by the ordinary least squares method, models of heteroskedasticity-consistent standard error and covariance regression and of robust regression. Most of the results have not been able to reject the null hypothesis of the model, which means that there is no statistically meaningful relation between corporate social and financial performances. However, some of the results provided by the regressions that adopted book value measurement of financial performance denote, at some analysis periods, the existence of a positive relation between the two performances, which somehow reinforces the idea that the administration of stakeholders may provide an improved financial performance. Nevertheless, the causal sequence of the relation has not been clear, considering that either a better or worse corporate social performance has caused a better or worse financial performance; and that the latter may have caused the former. On the other hand, the relation between the variables of corporate financial performance at market values and the corporate social performance indicator has proven quite contradictory, which enhances the results accomplished in previous researches and articles on the subject. Finally, the control variable of enterprise size has proven meaningless for the model, while the control variable of industry has presented quite diverse results. Thus, the results are inconclusive, according to the existing literature, which identifies the conceptual limitations, such as lack of definition of key-concepts; and the empirical limitations, like lack or inadequacy of database, which permeates most of the researches on the subject and deteriorates in the Brazilian reality. For new researches, special attention should be paid to the representation of corporate social performance, making it more extensive and robust; likewise, the usage of different temporal windows for the statistic model, which would allow the accomplishment of more conclusive results. It is important to notice that recent institutional initiatives in the country have met with the needs of researchers interested in the subject, which stimulates and favors the development of future investigations.

Relação entre desempenho social corporativo e desempenho financeiro de empresas no Brasil / The relation between corporate social performance and financial performance of firms in Brazil

Paulo da Rocha Ferreira Borba 29 June 2005 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo principal analisar e responder ao questionamento acerca da relação entre desempenho social corporativo e desempenho financeiro de empresas brasileiras. De forma mais específica, a dissertação investiga a seqüência causal e a direção (positiva ou negativa) do relacionamento entre as variáveis que representam as duas concepções de desempenho. Para tanto, foram utilizadas duas variáveis para representar o desempenho financeiro a valores de mercado, três variáveis para representar o desempenho financeiro a valores contábeis, e o Indicador de Desempenho Social Corporativo, construído nesta dissertação para representar o desempenho social das empresas e baseado nos Balanços Sociais publicados segundo modelo do Instituto Brasileiro de Análises Sociais e Econômicas (IBASE). Além dessas variáveis, duas variáveis de controle consideradas relevantes pela teoria, o Tamanho da Empresa e o Setor de Atuação, também constituíram o modelo estatístico. O período de análise (2000 a 2002) do relacionamento entre as variáveis e a amostra da pesquisa foi relativamente pequeno, devido principalmente à fragilidade do banco de dados referente ao desempenho social corporativo e à incipiência do próprio tema na administração brasileira. As análises foram realizadas em períodos anuais, sem e com defasagem temporal de um ano, a fim de que seis hipóteses alternativas propostas por modelo já existente pudessem ser testadas. A análise estatística foi realizada através de matriz de correlações, de modelos de regressão linear múltipla pelo método dos mínimos quadrados ordinários, de regressão a erros padrão robustos a heterocedasticidade e de regressão robusta. Os resultados, em sua maioria, não foram capazes de rejeitar a hipótese nula do modelo, isto é, de que não há relação estatisticamente significante entre o desempenho social e o desempenho financeiro corporativos. Entretanto, as regressões que utilizaram indicadores contábeis de desempenho financeiro apresentaram resultados que indicariam, em alguns períodos de análise, a existência de uma relação positiva entre as duas formas de desempenho, corroborando, em parte, com a idéia de que a administração dos stakeholders acarretaria desempenho financeiro superior às empresas. Porém, a seqüência causal do relacionamento não foi clara, dado que tanto um melhor ou pior desempenho social corporativo foi causa de um melhor ou pior desempenho financeiro, como também o segundo foi causa do primeiro. Por sua vez, a relação entre os indicadores de mercado do desempenho financeiro das empresas e o indicador de desempenho social corporativo apresentou-se bastante contraditória, o que corrobora com resultados alcançados em pesquisas e trabalhos anteriores sobre o tema. Finalmente, a variável de controle de Tamanho da Empresa mostrou-se não significante para o modelo, enquanto a variável de controle de Setor de Atuação apresentou resultados bastante diversos. Dessa forma, os resultados mostraram-se pouco conclusivos, fato explicado pela literatura existente que identifica as limitações conceituais, como a indefinição de conceitos-chave, e empíricas, como a ausência de banco de dados ou deficiências dos existentes, que permeiam a maioria das pesquisas existentes sobre o tema e que se agravam na realidade brasileira. Para as novas pesquisas, recomenda-se atenção especial à representação do desempenho social corporativo, tornando-o mais abrangente e robusto, bem como a utilização de diferentes janelas temporais para o modelo estatístico que permitam o alcance de resultados mais conclusivos. É importante observar que iniciativas recentes de instituições no país vêm ao encontro do atendimento das necessidades dos pesquisadores que se interessam sobre o tema, o que estimula e favorece o desenvolvimento de pesquisas futuras. / The major objective of this here dissertation consists in analyzing the relation between social and financial performances of Brazilian enterprises and in responding to the related inquiries. More specifically, this text investigates the causal sequence and the direction (positive or negative) taken by the relation between the variables that represent the two performance concepts. For that purpose, two variables have been used to represent the financial performance at market values, three variables have been used to represent the financial performance at book values and the Corporate Social Performance Indicator has been here constructed to represent the social performance of enterprises, based on the Social Balance Sheets published according to the Instituto Brasileiro de Análises Sociais e Econômicas (IBASE). Besides these variables, two control variables have been considered relevant in the theory: the size of the company and its industry. Both have framed the statistic model. The analysis period (from 2000 to 2002) of the relation between the variables and the research sample has been somewhat short, mostly due to the fragility of the corporate social performance database and to the embryonic condition of the issue in Administration in Brazil. The analyses have been accomplished in yearly periods, with and without one-year temporal gaps, so that six alternative hypotheses proposed for already existing model could be tested. The statistic analysis was developed through a correlations matrix, models of multiple linear regression processed by the ordinary least squares method, models of heteroskedasticity-consistent standard error and covariance regression and of robust regression. Most of the results have not been able to reject the null hypothesis of the model, which means that there is no statistically meaningful relation between corporate social and financial performances. However, some of the results provided by the regressions that adopted book value measurement of financial performance denote, at some analysis periods, the existence of a positive relation between the two performances, which somehow reinforces the idea that the administration of stakeholders may provide an improved financial performance. Nevertheless, the causal sequence of the relation has not been clear, considering that either a better or worse corporate social performance has caused a better or worse financial performance; and that the latter may have caused the former. On the other hand, the relation between the variables of corporate financial performance at market values and the corporate social performance indicator has proven quite contradictory, which enhances the results accomplished in previous researches and articles on the subject. Finally, the control variable of enterprise size has proven meaningless for the model, while the control variable of industry has presented quite diverse results. Thus, the results are inconclusive, according to the existing literature, which identifies the conceptual limitations, such as lack of definition of key-concepts; and the empirical limitations, like lack or inadequacy of database, which permeates most of the researches on the subject and deteriorates in the Brazilian reality. For new researches, special attention should be paid to the representation of corporate social performance, making it more extensive and robust; likewise, the usage of different temporal windows for the statistic model, which would allow the accomplishment of more conclusive results. It is important to notice that recent institutional initiatives in the country have met with the needs of researchers interested in the subject, which stimulates and favors the development of future investigations.

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