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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Studien zur Eignung labordiagnostischer Verfahren zum Nachweis von Protozoen und Nematoden bei verschiedenen Säugetierarten

Kuhnert-Paul, Yvonne 10 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In den vorliegenden Studien wurden verschiedene diagnostische Verfahren zum Nachweis von Protozoen und Nematoden im Hinblick auf Sensitivität, Arbeitsaufwand und Kosten miteinander verglichen. Zudem wurde die Eignung der PCR zur molekularen Charakterisierung der Cryptosporidium spp. exemplarisch an Igelkotproben getestet. Bei der Untersuchung von 90 Ferkelkotproben auf I. suis war die Sensitivität eines Kotausstriches mit nachfolgender Autofluoreszenzmikroskopie (AM) signifikant höher als bei einem Flotationsverfahren (FV) mit NaCl-Zucker-Lösung und bei dem kombinierten Sedimentations-Flotations-Verfahren (KSFV) mit verschiedenen Flotationslösungen (NaCl, ZnSO4, NaCl-Zucker-Lösung) mit nachfolgender Lichtmikroskopie. Zudem ist der Arbeitsaufwand für die AM deutlich geringer als bei dem FV und KSFV. Die höheren apparativen Kosten für die AM sind bei hohem Probendurchsatz durch den geringeren Zeitaufwand und der höheren Sensitivität gerechtfertigt. Die Anzahl Kryptosporidien-positiver Proben war bei der Untersuchung von 103 Kälberkotproben auf Cryptosporidium sp. mittels Enzymimmunoassays (EIA; ProSpecT® Cryptosporidium Microplate Assay) im Vergleich zur Karbolfuchsin-Färbung (CF) nach HEINE (1981) und der modifizierten-Ziehl-Neelsen-Färbung (MZN) nach HENRIKSEN u. POHLENZ (1982) am höchsten und signifikant höher als bei der Anwendung der MZN, wenn 10 Blickfelder durchmustert wurden. Bei der Untersuchung von 74 Igelkotproben auf Cryptosporidium sp. mittels EIA (ProSpecT®), einem immunochromatographischen Verfahren (FASTest® CRYPTO Strip), der MZN nach HENRIKSEN u. POHLENZ (1981) und einem direkten Immunfluoreszenz-Test (IFA; MERIFLUOR Cryptosporidium/Giardia) wurden in 9 (EIA), 10 (FASTest®), 11 (MZN) und 12 (IFA) Proben Cryptosporidium sp. nachgewiesen. Der Arbeitsaufwand des FASTest® und der CF ist mit dem EIA vergleichbar, während der IFA und die MZN mehr Zeit benötigen. Die Anwendung des FASTest®, des IFA und des EIA ist mit höheren Kosten verbunden als bei den Färbemethoden, können aber gut in den Arbeitsablauf eines diagnostischen Labors eingefügt werden und sind einfach auszuwerten. Darüber hinaus wurden 45 Kotproben, welche bis zu 27 Tage bei verschiedenen Temperaturen (+6 °C, +16 °C, +30 °C, +40 °C) gelagert wurden, untersucht, um einen Einfluss der Temperatur auf das Untersuchungsergebnis von EIA, CF und MZN zu ermitteln. Während sich die Anzahl positiver Proben bei der Untersuchung mit den Färbemethoden temperatur- und zeitabhängig reduzierte, wurde das Untersuchungsergebnis mittels EIA von der Lagerungstemperatur nicht beeinflusst, so dass ungekühlt transportierte Proben vorzugsweise mit dem EIA untersucht werden sollten. Dagegen ist die CF aufgrund ihrer einfachen und preiswerten Durchführung zur Untersuchung einer hohen Anzahl an Proben geeignet, sofern eine ununterbrochene Kühlung der Proben gewährleistet ist und diese innerhalb von drei Tagen untersucht werden. Der FASTest® ist zur Anwendung in Tierarztpraxen und Ställen geeignet, da zur Untersuchung kein Mikroskop benötigt wird und die Resultate schnell vorliegen. Die Verwendung des IFA, der Kryptosporidien-Oozysten und Giardien-Zysten nachweist, bietet sich vor allem bei Proben an, die auf beide Protozoen untersucht werden sollen. Das Vorkommen der Kryptosporidiose bei unterentwickelten und geschwächten Igeln, welche zum Überwintern in Igelstationen aufgenommen werden, ist hoch. Von 188 untersuchten Igelkotproben konnten in 29,8 % der Proben Cryptosporidium spp. nachgewiesen werden. Durch die Genotypisierung der Kryptosporidien aus 15 positiven Igelkotproben mittels RFLP-PCR basierend auf dem 18S rRNA-Gen konnte in allen untersuchten Proben die Präsenz von C. parvum gezeigt werden. Mit Hilfe der Multilocus-Sequenz-Typisierung der Fragmente des 60kDa Glycoprotein-Gens, des 18S rRNA-Gens, des Actin-Gens und des 70 kDa Hitzeschockprotein-Gens konnten drei verschiedene Subtypen-Familien (IIa, IIc und eine neue als VIIa vorgeschlagene Subtypen-Familie) erkannt werden. Die von den Igeln ausgeschiedenen Kryptosporidien-Oozysten mit zum Teil nachgewiesenem zoonotischen Potential (IIa Subtypen-Familie) könnten eine Infektionsquelle für den Menschen sein, aber auch ein antropozoonotisches Potential (IIc Subtypen-Familie) sollte in Betracht gezogen werden, so dass die Hygiene in den Igelstationen einen hohen Stellenwert einnehmen sollte. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse zum Nachweis von Eimeria-Arten beim Kalb von 70 Sammelkotproben, hergestellt aus 10 Einzelkotproben (SKP10), bzw. von 30 Sammelkotproben, zusammengesetzt aus 5 Einzelkotproben (SKP5), wurden mit denen der zugehörigen Einzelkotproben (EKP) verglichen. Die Resultate der EKP (arithmetischer Mittelwert) und der zugehörigen SKP weisen mit den signifikant häufigeren Abweichungen im Bereich von bis zu 100 Oozysten pro Gramm Kot (OpG) eine geringe Differenz zwischen den beiden Verfahren auf. Durch den sicheren Nachweis von Eimeria-Oozysten bei einem erwarteten Oozystengehalt von nur 202 OpG (SKP10) und 122 OpG (SKP5) ist die Untersuchung von Kälbersammelkotproben, eine Methode mit geringem Arbeitsaufwand und geringen Untersuchungskosten, zum Nachweis einer klinischen oder subklinischen Kokzidiose geeignet. Bei 51 Pferdekotproben wurde jeweils dreimal das kombinierte Sedimentations-Flotations-Verfahren (KSFV), wobei die Entnahme von verschiedenen Lokalisationen der Kotprobe (aus der Randregion, dem Inneren oder aus beiden Lokalisationen) erfolgte, und jeweils dreimal das KSFV mit vorheriger Homogenisierung einer größeren Kotmenge zum Nachweis von Nematodeneier durchgeführt. Eine Anhäufung der Strongyliden- und Ascarideneier in einem bestimmten Bereich der Proben konnte durch die Untersuchungen der verschiedenen Lokalisationen (á 10 g Kot) nicht nachgewiesen werden, so dass eine weitgehend homogene Verteilung dieser Nematodeneier in einer Pferdekotprobe wahrscheinlich ist. Zudem konnten die Untersuchungsergebnisse des KSFV, bei welchem 10 g Kot untersucht werden, durch die vorherige Homogenisierung einer größeren Probenmenge nicht verbessert werden. Zum Nachweis von Nematoden beim Pferd sollte dem Labor eine ausreichende Probenmenge (ca. 50 g) zugesandt werden. Die Homogenisierung einer größeren Probenmenge vor der Durchführung einer diagnostischen Methode, bei der Aliquote von mindestens 10 g Kot Verwendung finden, ist unnötig. / The studies presented were carried out to compare different diagnostic methods for detection of protozoa and nematodes regarding sensitivity, expenditure of human labour and costs. Besides, the ability of the PCR for the molecular characterization of the Cryptosporidium spp. was tested exemplarily in faecal samples of hegdehogs. The examination of ninety faecal samples of suckling piglets showed a significantly higher sensitivity of faecal smears examined by autofluorescence microscopy (AM) compared to the flotation method (FV) using NaCl-sucrose solution and the combined sedimentation-flotation method (KSFV) using different flotation solutions (NaCl, ZnSO4, NaCl-sucrose) scanned by bright field microscopy. Moreover the expenditure of human labour by AM is considerably lower than FV and KSFV. The costs related to equipment for AM is justified in case of high sample throughput and by superior sensitivity. The enzyme immunoassay (EIA; ProSpecT® Cryptosporidium Microplate Assay) was the most sensitive method for diagnosis of cryptosporidiosis in calves (n = 103) compared to the carbol fuchsin (CF; HEINE 1981) and modified Ziehl-Neelsen (MZN; HENRIKSEN a. POHLENZ 1982) staining techniques. The sensitivity of the EIA was significantly higher than the MZN, if ten fields of view were scanned. 74 faecal samples of hedgehogs were examined with the EIA (ProSpecT®), an immunochromatographic method (FASTest® CRYPTO Strip), the MZN (HENRIKSEN u. POHLENZ (1981)) and a direct immunofluorescent assay (IFA; MERIFLUOR Cryptosporidium/Giardia). Cryptosporidium sp. were detected in 9 (EIA), 10 (FASTest®), 11 (MZN) und 12 (IFA) faecal samples. The hands on time of the FASTest® and CF is comparable to EIA while the IFA and MZN are more time-consuming. The examination of the FASTest®, IFA and EIA is combined with higher costs than the staining techniques, but they can be integrated in the work flow of a routine diagnostic laboratory easily and evaluation is simple. Moreover 45 faecal samples stored up to 27 days at different temperature (+6 °C, +16 °C, +30 °C, +40 °C) were examined to evaluate the influence of temperature on the results of EIA, CF and MZN. While the number of the positive samples of stained smears decreased in a temperature and time-dependent manner, the results of the EIA were not influenced by sample storage at any temperature, so that samples transported without cooling should be examined preferably by EIA. Nevertheless the CF due to its simplicity and low costs is suited for scanning of a high number of samples, if they were cooled continuously and examined within three days. The FASTest® is qualified for use in veterinary practice and stables, because the examination requires no microscope and the results are obtained immediately. The IFA, which can detect Crypotsporidium oocysts as well as Giardia cysts, is suited especially for faecal samples suspected to contain both protozoa. Cryptosporidial infections are very frequent in hedgehogs which are admitted for hibernation to hedgehog rehabilitation centres because of their insufficient body weight and weakness. Cryptosporidium spp. were detected in 29.8 % of 188 faecal samples of hedgehogs. The genotyping of Cryptosporidium spp. by PCR and RFLP-PCR based on the 18S ribosomal RNA gene were performed on 15 faecal samples of hedgehogs positive for Cryptosporidium spp. and suggested the presence of C. parvum in all samples. Multilocus sequence typing on partial 60 kDa glycoprotein gene, 18S rRNA gene, actine gene, 70 kDa heat shock protein gene sequences revealed 3 different subtype families: IIa, IIc and a new proposed as VIIa subtype family. Some of the Cryptosporidium oocysts excreted from hedgehogs are zoonotical (IIa subtype family) or anthropozoonotic(IIc subtype family). Thus hygienic measurements to avoid transmission are essential in hedgehog rehabilitation centres. The results of examination of 70 pooled faecal samples originating from 10 calves (SKP10) and 30 pooled faecal samples originating from 5 calves (SKP5) for detection of Eimeria spp. were compared with the arithmetic means of opg (oocysts per gram of faeces) counts of the respective single 10 or 5 samples. A low difference between both methods of less than 100 opg was significantly more frequently observed than higher differences. Low values of 202 opg and 122 opg were reliably detected in SKP10 und SKP5, respectively, and thus examination of pooled faecal samples appears to be suitably sensitive and cost effective to detect clinical and subclinical coccidiosis in calves. 51 faecal samples of horses were examined three times by KSFV for nematode eggs by taking aliquots from different locations of the same faecal samples (from the margin, from inside and from both locations). Thereafter the KSFV with the homogenisation of a larger amount of faeces was also carried out three times. The examination of samples from the different locations (each 10 g of faeces) delivered no evidence for accumulation of nematode eggs (strongyles and Parascaris equorum) in the faeces and thus the distribution of the nematode eggs appears sufficiently homogeneous in faecal samples of horses. Homogenisation of a larger amount of faeces did not improve the results of coproscopy. For diagnostic purposes 50 g faeces per sample should be shipped to the laboratory. The homogenisation of a larger amount of faeces before using a diagnostic method is dispensable, if aliquots of 10 g faeces are examined.

Avaliação da temperatura de armazenamento e uso de antimicrobianos na qualidade de doses seminais de suínos / Evaluation of storage temperature and use of antibiotics in boar semen dose quality

Menezes, Tila de Alcantara January 2018 (has links)
A bacteriospermia pode prejudicar a qualidade das doses de sêmen suíno. Desta forma, a adição de antimicrobianos (ATM) aos diluentes de sêmen é imprescindível para a manutenção da qualidade das doses inseminantes. Contudo, a crescente ocorrência de resistência bacteriana tem impulsionado a redução do uso de ATM na suinocultura. Nesse sentido, o armazenamento das doses inseminantes em baixas temperaturas pode ser uma alternativa para a remoção dos ATM dos diluentes comerciais. Sendo assim, no presente estudo, foram realizados dois experimentos para avaliar a qualidade espermática e a contagem de unidades formadoras de colônias (UFC/mL) de doses de sêmen suíno submetidas a baixas temperaturas de armazenamento, na ausência ou presença de ATM. No experimento 1, as motilidades (total e progressiva) das doses com ATM foram maiores conforme aumentou a temperatura de armazenamento (P<0,01). Nas doses sem ATM, as motilidades foram inferiores nas mantidas a 5 °C do que nas demais (P<0,05). O número de UFC/mL foi menor nas doses sem ATM mantidas a 5 e 10 °C do que a 17 °C (P<0,05), mas não houve diferença entre as temperaturas de armazenamento nas doses com ATM (P>0,05). As integridades de acrossoma e de membrana plasmática não foram afetadas (P>0,05) pelo uso de ATM, mas foram influenciadas pela temperatura de armazenamento (P<0,0001) No experimento 2, os machos foram categorizados em BONS e RUINS de acordo com a motilidade progressiva das doses com ATM armazenadas a 5 °C nas 120 h, sendo investigado o efeito dessas categorias sobre as variáveis estudadas. A motilidade total das doses armazenadas a 17 °C foi superior à das mantidas a 5 °C diluídas sem ATM (P<0,05). Os percentuais de motilidade progressiva e de acrossomas normais foram superiores nas doses mantidas a 17 °C do que nas mantidas a 5 °C, com ou sem ATM (P<0,05). O número de UFC/ml foi maior nas doses diluídas sem ATM do que nas demais (P<0,05). Após a categorização dos machos, as motilidades (total e progressiva) foram maiores nos machos BONS do que nos RUINS (P<0,05), sem diferença significativa (P>0,05) nas integridades (acrossomal e de membrana plasmática). Apesar de a qualidade espermática ter sido afetada negativamente pelas baixas temperaturas, o armazenamento das doses de sêmen suíno a 5 °C é possível, uma vez que foi mantida a viabilidade espermática in vitro, por até 5 dias, acima do nível mínimo considerado adequado para a inseminação artificial. Contudo, o uso de doses sem antimicrobianos ainda precisa de otimização, posto que que as baixas temperaturas de armazenamento reduzem, mas não inibem por completo o crescimento bacteriano. / Bacteriospermia can impair boar semen dose quality. Thus, the addition of antibiotics (ATB) is indispensable for maintaining semen doses quality. Nevertheless, growing bacterial resistance occurrence have had driven to a reduction in use of ATB in pig industry. In this sense, storage of semen doses at low temperature may be an alternative to removal ATB of commercial semen extenders. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to assess sperm quality and number of colony-forming units (CFU mL-1) in boar semen doses stored at low storage temperatures with or without ATB, in two experiments. In experiment 1, in semen doses with ATB, total and progressive motility increased as the storage temperature increased (P<0.01). In semen doses without ATB, total and progressive motility were observed to be lower when stored at 5 °C than at 10 and 17 °C (P<0.05). The number of CFU mL-1 was lower in semen doses without ATB stored at 5 and 10 °C than at 17 °C (P<0.05), but there was no difference among storage temperatures in doses with ATB (P>0.05). Acrosome and sperm membrane integrity were not influenced (P>0.05) by using ATB, but they were influenced by storage temperature (P<0,0001) In experiment 2, boars were grouped in GOOD and POOR according to progressive motility in doses stored for up to 120 h at 5 °C. So, the effect of this classification on assessed variables, was investigated. Total motility was higher in doses stored at 17 °C than in doses without ATB stored at 5 °C (P<0.05). The percentages of progressive motility and normal acrosomes were higher in doses stored at 17 °C than in doses stored at 5 °C, with or without ATB (P<0.05). The number of CFU mL-1 was higher in doses without ATB than in remaining ones (P<0.05). Total and progressive motility were observed to be higher in GOOD than in POOR boars (P<0.05). There was no difference between groups of boars in acrosome and membrane integrity (P>0.05). Despite sperm quality was negatively affected by low temperatures, the storage of boar semen doses at 5 °C is possible, since sperm viability in vitro was maintained for up to 5 days, fulfilling the requirements of semen quality to be used in artificial insemination. Nevertheless, the use of semen doses without ATB will need optimization, since low storage temperatures decreased bacterial growth, but not completely inhibit it.

Avaliação da temperatura de armazenamento e uso de antimicrobianos na qualidade de doses seminais de suínos / Evaluation of storage temperature and use of antibiotics in boar semen dose quality

Menezes, Tila de Alcantara January 2018 (has links)
A bacteriospermia pode prejudicar a qualidade das doses de sêmen suíno. Desta forma, a adição de antimicrobianos (ATM) aos diluentes de sêmen é imprescindível para a manutenção da qualidade das doses inseminantes. Contudo, a crescente ocorrência de resistência bacteriana tem impulsionado a redução do uso de ATM na suinocultura. Nesse sentido, o armazenamento das doses inseminantes em baixas temperaturas pode ser uma alternativa para a remoção dos ATM dos diluentes comerciais. Sendo assim, no presente estudo, foram realizados dois experimentos para avaliar a qualidade espermática e a contagem de unidades formadoras de colônias (UFC/mL) de doses de sêmen suíno submetidas a baixas temperaturas de armazenamento, na ausência ou presença de ATM. No experimento 1, as motilidades (total e progressiva) das doses com ATM foram maiores conforme aumentou a temperatura de armazenamento (P<0,01). Nas doses sem ATM, as motilidades foram inferiores nas mantidas a 5 °C do que nas demais (P<0,05). O número de UFC/mL foi menor nas doses sem ATM mantidas a 5 e 10 °C do que a 17 °C (P<0,05), mas não houve diferença entre as temperaturas de armazenamento nas doses com ATM (P>0,05). As integridades de acrossoma e de membrana plasmática não foram afetadas (P>0,05) pelo uso de ATM, mas foram influenciadas pela temperatura de armazenamento (P<0,0001) No experimento 2, os machos foram categorizados em BONS e RUINS de acordo com a motilidade progressiva das doses com ATM armazenadas a 5 °C nas 120 h, sendo investigado o efeito dessas categorias sobre as variáveis estudadas. A motilidade total das doses armazenadas a 17 °C foi superior à das mantidas a 5 °C diluídas sem ATM (P<0,05). Os percentuais de motilidade progressiva e de acrossomas normais foram superiores nas doses mantidas a 17 °C do que nas mantidas a 5 °C, com ou sem ATM (P<0,05). O número de UFC/ml foi maior nas doses diluídas sem ATM do que nas demais (P<0,05). Após a categorização dos machos, as motilidades (total e progressiva) foram maiores nos machos BONS do que nos RUINS (P<0,05), sem diferença significativa (P>0,05) nas integridades (acrossomal e de membrana plasmática). Apesar de a qualidade espermática ter sido afetada negativamente pelas baixas temperaturas, o armazenamento das doses de sêmen suíno a 5 °C é possível, uma vez que foi mantida a viabilidade espermática in vitro, por até 5 dias, acima do nível mínimo considerado adequado para a inseminação artificial. Contudo, o uso de doses sem antimicrobianos ainda precisa de otimização, posto que que as baixas temperaturas de armazenamento reduzem, mas não inibem por completo o crescimento bacteriano. / Bacteriospermia can impair boar semen dose quality. Thus, the addition of antibiotics (ATB) is indispensable for maintaining semen doses quality. Nevertheless, growing bacterial resistance occurrence have had driven to a reduction in use of ATB in pig industry. In this sense, storage of semen doses at low temperature may be an alternative to removal ATB of commercial semen extenders. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to assess sperm quality and number of colony-forming units (CFU mL-1) in boar semen doses stored at low storage temperatures with or without ATB, in two experiments. In experiment 1, in semen doses with ATB, total and progressive motility increased as the storage temperature increased (P<0.01). In semen doses without ATB, total and progressive motility were observed to be lower when stored at 5 °C than at 10 and 17 °C (P<0.05). The number of CFU mL-1 was lower in semen doses without ATB stored at 5 and 10 °C than at 17 °C (P<0.05), but there was no difference among storage temperatures in doses with ATB (P>0.05). Acrosome and sperm membrane integrity were not influenced (P>0.05) by using ATB, but they were influenced by storage temperature (P<0,0001) In experiment 2, boars were grouped in GOOD and POOR according to progressive motility in doses stored for up to 120 h at 5 °C. So, the effect of this classification on assessed variables, was investigated. Total motility was higher in doses stored at 17 °C than in doses without ATB stored at 5 °C (P<0.05). The percentages of progressive motility and normal acrosomes were higher in doses stored at 17 °C than in doses stored at 5 °C, with or without ATB (P<0.05). The number of CFU mL-1 was higher in doses without ATB than in remaining ones (P<0.05). Total and progressive motility were observed to be higher in GOOD than in POOR boars (P<0.05). There was no difference between groups of boars in acrosome and membrane integrity (P>0.05). Despite sperm quality was negatively affected by low temperatures, the storage of boar semen doses at 5 °C is possible, since sperm viability in vitro was maintained for up to 5 days, fulfilling the requirements of semen quality to be used in artificial insemination. Nevertheless, the use of semen doses without ATB will need optimization, since low storage temperatures decreased bacterial growth, but not completely inhibit it.

Efeitos termicos e de graus de umidade constantes na liberação da dormencia de sementes de Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich) Stapf / Thermal and moisture content on storability and seed dormancy releasing of Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Stapf

Cavalcante Filho, Francisco Nahum 16 February 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Roberto Usberti / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Agricola / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-06T12:29:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CavalcanteFilho_FranciscoNahum_M.pdf: 999790 bytes, checksum: b6fe814b4fe9db3c1d4b9f5196d0287a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: As sementes do gênero Brachiaria apresentam um mecanismo duplo de dormência, mais pronunciado em sementes recém colhidas, conduzindo a valores abaixo dos de viabilidade obtidos pelo teste de Tetrazólio e, deste modo, dificultando a tomada de decisões para o armazenamento, comercialização e fiscalização do comércio dessas sementes. Utilizando-se a tecnologia de detecção das constantes da equação de viabilidade de sementes, baseada em altas temperaturas de armazenamento e graus de umidade constantes, foi possível neste experimento isolar o efeito das temperaturas de 40, 50 e 65°C na liberação da dormência de sementes dos cultivares Marandu, Mulato 1 e Mulato 2 de Brachiaria brizantha, armazenadas com graus de umidade constantes, de 1,9 a 17,8%. As sementes apresentaram altos índices de dormência, detectada pelo teste de tetrazólio e liberada pela escarificação química e parcialmente pelo teste de envelhecimento acelerado. Não foram observadas diferenças para a velocidade de germinação (T50); entretanto ocorreram diferenças quanto ao número de sementes por grama. O padrão das isotermas de sorção e desorção foi semelhante para os cultivares. Os melhores resultados para liberação de dormência a 40°C foram obtidos nos graus de umidade de 9,5 e 8,5% para os cultivares Marandu e Mulato 1, respectivamente; a 50°C foram detectadas liberações de dormência em todos os graus de umidade testados e os melhores resultados foram obtidos para o cultivar Marandu (7,6 e 10,3%) e Mulato 1 (8,3%). As liberações de dormência a 65°C não foram tão evidentes em todos os graus de umidade testados. O cultivar Marandu apresentou maior armazenabilidade durante todo o experimento / Abstract: Brachiaria species normally show a double seed dormancy mechanism, mainly on fresh-harvest seeds, leading to germination percentages lower than those of viability detected by Tetrazolium test, so causing problems as to storage, trading and seed inspection activities. Using the methodology to detect the constants of the viability equation (high storage temperatures and fixed moisture contents) it was feasible in this research to isolate the effects of 40, 50 and 65°C on Brachiaria brizantha cultivars Marandu, Mulato 1 and Mulato 2 seed dormancy releasing, after storage at moisture contents ranging from 1.9 and 17.8%. Seed samples used presented high seed dormancy levels, detected by Tetrazolium test and it was released by chemical scarification and partially by accelerated ageing test. No statistical differences were observed as to speed of germination (T50); however, differences were detected as to number of seed per gram among cultivars. Sorption and desorption isotherm curves were similar for the cultivars. The best results of seed dormancy releasing at 40°C were achieved at 9.5 and 8.5% moisture content, for cultivars Marandu e Mulato 1 respectively; seed dormancy releasing results were obtained at 50°C for all moisture content studied and the best results were achieved for cultivars Marandu (7.6 e 10.3%) and Mulato 1 (8.3%). At 65°C seed dormancy releasing results were not clear. The cultivar Marandu presented higher storability than the others throughout the experiment / Mestrado / Tecnologia Pós-Colheita / Mestre em Engenharia Agrícola

Off-gassing from thermally treated lignocellulosic biomass

Borén, Eleonora January 2017 (has links)
Off-gassing of hazardous compounds is, together with self-heating and dust explosions, the main safety hazards within large-scale biomass storage and handling. Formation of CO, CO2, and VOCs with concurrent O2 depletion can occur to hazardous levels in enclosed stored forest products. Several incidents of CO poisoning and suffocation of oxygen depletion have resulted in fatalities and injuries during cargo vessel discharge of forest products and in conjunction with wood pellet storage rooms and silos. Technologies for torrefaction and steam explosion for thermal treatment of biomass are under development and approaching commercialization, but their off-gassing behavior is essentially unknown. The overall objective of this thesis was to provide answers to one main question: “What is the off-gassing behaviour of thermally treated lignocellulosic biomass during storage?”. This was achieved by experimental studies and detailed analysis of off-gassing compounds sampled under realistic conditions, with special emphasis on the VOCs. Presented results show that off-gassing behavior is influenced by numerous factors, in the following ways. CO, CO2 and CH4 off-gassing levels from torrefied and stream-exploded biomass and pellets, and accompanying O2 depletion, are comparable to or lower than corresponding from untreated biomass. The treatments also cause major compositional shifts in VOCs; emissions of terpenes and native aldehydes decline, but levels of volatile cell wall degradation products (notably furans and aromatics) increase. The severity of the thermal treatment is also important; increases in torrefaction severity increase CO off-gassing from torrefied pine to levels comparable to emissions from conventional pellets, and increase O2 depletion for both torrefied chips and pellets. Both treatment temperature and duration also influence degradation rates and VOC composition. The product cooling technique is influential too; water spraying in addition to heat exchange increased CO2 and VOCs off-gassing from torrefied pine chips, as well as O2 depletion. Moreover, the composition of emitted gases co-varied with pellets’ moisture content; pellets of more severely treated material retained less moisture, regardless of their pre-conditioning moisture content. However, no co-variance was found between off-gassing and pelletization settings, the resulting pellet quality, or storage time of torrefied chips before pelletization. Pelletization of steam-exploded bark increased subsequent VOC off-gassing, and induced compositional shifts relative to emissions from unpelletized steam-exploded material. In addition, CO, CO2 and CH4 off-gassing, and O2 depletion, were positively correlated with the storage temperature of torrefied softwood. Similarly, CO and CH4 emissions from steam-exploded softwood increased with increases in storage temperature, and VOC off-gassing from both torrefied and steam-exploded softwood was more affected by storage temperature than by treatment severity. Levels of CO, CO2 and CH4 increased, while levels of O2 and most VOCs decreased, during storage of both torrefied and steam-exploded softwood.CO, CO2 and O2 levels were more affected by storage time than by treatment severity. Levels of VOCs were not significantly decreased or altered by nitrogen purging of storage spaces of steam-exploded or torrefied softwood, or controlled headspace gas exchange (intermittent ventilation) during storage of steam-exploded bark. In conclusion, rates of off-gassing of CO and CO2 from thermally treated biomass, and associated O2 depletion, are comparable to or lower than corresponding rates for untreated biomass. Thermal treatment induces shifts in both concentrations and profiles of VOCs. It is believed that the knowledge and insights gained provide refined foundations for future research and safe implementation of thermally treated fuels as energy carriers in renewable energy process chains.

Studien zur Eignung labordiagnostischer Verfahren zum Nachweis von Protozoen und Nematoden bei verschiedenen Säugetierarten: Studien zur Eignung labordiagnostischer Verfahren zum Nachweis von Protozoen und Nematoden bei verschiedenen Säugetierarten

Kuhnert-Paul, Yvonne 19 February 2013 (has links)
In den vorliegenden Studien wurden verschiedene diagnostische Verfahren zum Nachweis von Protozoen und Nematoden im Hinblick auf Sensitivität, Arbeitsaufwand und Kosten miteinander verglichen. Zudem wurde die Eignung der PCR zur molekularen Charakterisierung der Cryptosporidium spp. exemplarisch an Igelkotproben getestet. Bei der Untersuchung von 90 Ferkelkotproben auf I. suis war die Sensitivität eines Kotausstriches mit nachfolgender Autofluoreszenzmikroskopie (AM) signifikant höher als bei einem Flotationsverfahren (FV) mit NaCl-Zucker-Lösung und bei dem kombinierten Sedimentations-Flotations-Verfahren (KSFV) mit verschiedenen Flotationslösungen (NaCl, ZnSO4, NaCl-Zucker-Lösung) mit nachfolgender Lichtmikroskopie. Zudem ist der Arbeitsaufwand für die AM deutlich geringer als bei dem FV und KSFV. Die höheren apparativen Kosten für die AM sind bei hohem Probendurchsatz durch den geringeren Zeitaufwand und der höheren Sensitivität gerechtfertigt. Die Anzahl Kryptosporidien-positiver Proben war bei der Untersuchung von 103 Kälberkotproben auf Cryptosporidium sp. mittels Enzymimmunoassays (EIA; ProSpecT® Cryptosporidium Microplate Assay) im Vergleich zur Karbolfuchsin-Färbung (CF) nach HEINE (1981) und der modifizierten-Ziehl-Neelsen-Färbung (MZN) nach HENRIKSEN u. POHLENZ (1982) am höchsten und signifikant höher als bei der Anwendung der MZN, wenn 10 Blickfelder durchmustert wurden. Bei der Untersuchung von 74 Igelkotproben auf Cryptosporidium sp. mittels EIA (ProSpecT®), einem immunochromatographischen Verfahren (FASTest® CRYPTO Strip), der MZN nach HENRIKSEN u. POHLENZ (1981) und einem direkten Immunfluoreszenz-Test (IFA; MERIFLUOR Cryptosporidium/Giardia) wurden in 9 (EIA), 10 (FASTest®), 11 (MZN) und 12 (IFA) Proben Cryptosporidium sp. nachgewiesen. Der Arbeitsaufwand des FASTest® und der CF ist mit dem EIA vergleichbar, während der IFA und die MZN mehr Zeit benötigen. Die Anwendung des FASTest®, des IFA und des EIA ist mit höheren Kosten verbunden als bei den Färbemethoden, können aber gut in den Arbeitsablauf eines diagnostischen Labors eingefügt werden und sind einfach auszuwerten. Darüber hinaus wurden 45 Kotproben, welche bis zu 27 Tage bei verschiedenen Temperaturen (+6 °C, +16 °C, +30 °C, +40 °C) gelagert wurden, untersucht, um einen Einfluss der Temperatur auf das Untersuchungsergebnis von EIA, CF und MZN zu ermitteln. Während sich die Anzahl positiver Proben bei der Untersuchung mit den Färbemethoden temperatur- und zeitabhängig reduzierte, wurde das Untersuchungsergebnis mittels EIA von der Lagerungstemperatur nicht beeinflusst, so dass ungekühlt transportierte Proben vorzugsweise mit dem EIA untersucht werden sollten. Dagegen ist die CF aufgrund ihrer einfachen und preiswerten Durchführung zur Untersuchung einer hohen Anzahl an Proben geeignet, sofern eine ununterbrochene Kühlung der Proben gewährleistet ist und diese innerhalb von drei Tagen untersucht werden. Der FASTest® ist zur Anwendung in Tierarztpraxen und Ställen geeignet, da zur Untersuchung kein Mikroskop benötigt wird und die Resultate schnell vorliegen. Die Verwendung des IFA, der Kryptosporidien-Oozysten und Giardien-Zysten nachweist, bietet sich vor allem bei Proben an, die auf beide Protozoen untersucht werden sollen. Das Vorkommen der Kryptosporidiose bei unterentwickelten und geschwächten Igeln, welche zum Überwintern in Igelstationen aufgenommen werden, ist hoch. Von 188 untersuchten Igelkotproben konnten in 29,8 % der Proben Cryptosporidium spp. nachgewiesen werden. Durch die Genotypisierung der Kryptosporidien aus 15 positiven Igelkotproben mittels RFLP-PCR basierend auf dem 18S rRNA-Gen konnte in allen untersuchten Proben die Präsenz von C. parvum gezeigt werden. Mit Hilfe der Multilocus-Sequenz-Typisierung der Fragmente des 60kDa Glycoprotein-Gens, des 18S rRNA-Gens, des Actin-Gens und des 70 kDa Hitzeschockprotein-Gens konnten drei verschiedene Subtypen-Familien (IIa, IIc und eine neue als VIIa vorgeschlagene Subtypen-Familie) erkannt werden. Die von den Igeln ausgeschiedenen Kryptosporidien-Oozysten mit zum Teil nachgewiesenem zoonotischen Potential (IIa Subtypen-Familie) könnten eine Infektionsquelle für den Menschen sein, aber auch ein antropozoonotisches Potential (IIc Subtypen-Familie) sollte in Betracht gezogen werden, so dass die Hygiene in den Igelstationen einen hohen Stellenwert einnehmen sollte. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse zum Nachweis von Eimeria-Arten beim Kalb von 70 Sammelkotproben, hergestellt aus 10 Einzelkotproben (SKP10), bzw. von 30 Sammelkotproben, zusammengesetzt aus 5 Einzelkotproben (SKP5), wurden mit denen der zugehörigen Einzelkotproben (EKP) verglichen. Die Resultate der EKP (arithmetischer Mittelwert) und der zugehörigen SKP weisen mit den signifikant häufigeren Abweichungen im Bereich von bis zu 100 Oozysten pro Gramm Kot (OpG) eine geringe Differenz zwischen den beiden Verfahren auf. Durch den sicheren Nachweis von Eimeria-Oozysten bei einem erwarteten Oozystengehalt von nur 202 OpG (SKP10) und 122 OpG (SKP5) ist die Untersuchung von Kälbersammelkotproben, eine Methode mit geringem Arbeitsaufwand und geringen Untersuchungskosten, zum Nachweis einer klinischen oder subklinischen Kokzidiose geeignet. Bei 51 Pferdekotproben wurde jeweils dreimal das kombinierte Sedimentations-Flotations-Verfahren (KSFV), wobei die Entnahme von verschiedenen Lokalisationen der Kotprobe (aus der Randregion, dem Inneren oder aus beiden Lokalisationen) erfolgte, und jeweils dreimal das KSFV mit vorheriger Homogenisierung einer größeren Kotmenge zum Nachweis von Nematodeneier durchgeführt. Eine Anhäufung der Strongyliden- und Ascarideneier in einem bestimmten Bereich der Proben konnte durch die Untersuchungen der verschiedenen Lokalisationen (á 10 g Kot) nicht nachgewiesen werden, so dass eine weitgehend homogene Verteilung dieser Nematodeneier in einer Pferdekotprobe wahrscheinlich ist. Zudem konnten die Untersuchungsergebnisse des KSFV, bei welchem 10 g Kot untersucht werden, durch die vorherige Homogenisierung einer größeren Probenmenge nicht verbessert werden. Zum Nachweis von Nematoden beim Pferd sollte dem Labor eine ausreichende Probenmenge (ca. 50 g) zugesandt werden. Die Homogenisierung einer größeren Probenmenge vor der Durchführung einer diagnostischen Methode, bei der Aliquote von mindestens 10 g Kot Verwendung finden, ist unnötig. / The studies presented were carried out to compare different diagnostic methods for detection of protozoa and nematodes regarding sensitivity, expenditure of human labour and costs. Besides, the ability of the PCR for the molecular characterization of the Cryptosporidium spp. was tested exemplarily in faecal samples of hegdehogs. The examination of ninety faecal samples of suckling piglets showed a significantly higher sensitivity of faecal smears examined by autofluorescence microscopy (AM) compared to the flotation method (FV) using NaCl-sucrose solution and the combined sedimentation-flotation method (KSFV) using different flotation solutions (NaCl, ZnSO4, NaCl-sucrose) scanned by bright field microscopy. Moreover the expenditure of human labour by AM is considerably lower than FV and KSFV. The costs related to equipment for AM is justified in case of high sample throughput and by superior sensitivity. The enzyme immunoassay (EIA; ProSpecT® Cryptosporidium Microplate Assay) was the most sensitive method for diagnosis of cryptosporidiosis in calves (n = 103) compared to the carbol fuchsin (CF; HEINE 1981) and modified Ziehl-Neelsen (MZN; HENRIKSEN a. POHLENZ 1982) staining techniques. The sensitivity of the EIA was significantly higher than the MZN, if ten fields of view were scanned. 74 faecal samples of hedgehogs were examined with the EIA (ProSpecT®), an immunochromatographic method (FASTest® CRYPTO Strip), the MZN (HENRIKSEN u. POHLENZ (1981)) and a direct immunofluorescent assay (IFA; MERIFLUOR Cryptosporidium/Giardia). Cryptosporidium sp. were detected in 9 (EIA), 10 (FASTest®), 11 (MZN) und 12 (IFA) faecal samples. The hands on time of the FASTest® and CF is comparable to EIA while the IFA and MZN are more time-consuming. The examination of the FASTest®, IFA and EIA is combined with higher costs than the staining techniques, but they can be integrated in the work flow of a routine diagnostic laboratory easily and evaluation is simple. Moreover 45 faecal samples stored up to 27 days at different temperature (+6 °C, +16 °C, +30 °C, +40 °C) were examined to evaluate the influence of temperature on the results of EIA, CF and MZN. While the number of the positive samples of stained smears decreased in a temperature and time-dependent manner, the results of the EIA were not influenced by sample storage at any temperature, so that samples transported without cooling should be examined preferably by EIA. Nevertheless the CF due to its simplicity and low costs is suited for scanning of a high number of samples, if they were cooled continuously and examined within three days. The FASTest® is qualified for use in veterinary practice and stables, because the examination requires no microscope and the results are obtained immediately. The IFA, which can detect Crypotsporidium oocysts as well as Giardia cysts, is suited especially for faecal samples suspected to contain both protozoa. Cryptosporidial infections are very frequent in hedgehogs which are admitted for hibernation to hedgehog rehabilitation centres because of their insufficient body weight and weakness. Cryptosporidium spp. were detected in 29.8 % of 188 faecal samples of hedgehogs. The genotyping of Cryptosporidium spp. by PCR and RFLP-PCR based on the 18S ribosomal RNA gene were performed on 15 faecal samples of hedgehogs positive for Cryptosporidium spp. and suggested the presence of C. parvum in all samples. Multilocus sequence typing on partial 60 kDa glycoprotein gene, 18S rRNA gene, actine gene, 70 kDa heat shock protein gene sequences revealed 3 different subtype families: IIa, IIc and a new proposed as VIIa subtype family. Some of the Cryptosporidium oocysts excreted from hedgehogs are zoonotical (IIa subtype family) or anthropozoonotic(IIc subtype family). Thus hygienic measurements to avoid transmission are essential in hedgehog rehabilitation centres. The results of examination of 70 pooled faecal samples originating from 10 calves (SKP10) and 30 pooled faecal samples originating from 5 calves (SKP5) for detection of Eimeria spp. were compared with the arithmetic means of opg (oocysts per gram of faeces) counts of the respective single 10 or 5 samples. A low difference between both methods of less than 100 opg was significantly more frequently observed than higher differences. Low values of 202 opg and 122 opg were reliably detected in SKP10 und SKP5, respectively, and thus examination of pooled faecal samples appears to be suitably sensitive and cost effective to detect clinical and subclinical coccidiosis in calves. 51 faecal samples of horses were examined three times by KSFV for nematode eggs by taking aliquots from different locations of the same faecal samples (from the margin, from inside and from both locations). Thereafter the KSFV with the homogenisation of a larger amount of faeces was also carried out three times. The examination of samples from the different locations (each 10 g of faeces) delivered no evidence for accumulation of nematode eggs (strongyles and Parascaris equorum) in the faeces and thus the distribution of the nematode eggs appears sufficiently homogeneous in faecal samples of horses. Homogenisation of a larger amount of faeces did not improve the results of coproscopy. For diagnostic purposes 50 g faeces per sample should be shipped to the laboratory. The homogenisation of a larger amount of faeces before using a diagnostic method is dispensable, if aliquots of 10 g faeces are examined.

Evaluation of storage conditions on DNA used for forensic STR analysis

Beach, Lisa Renae January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Short tandem repeat (STR) analysis is currently the most common method for processing biological forensic evidence. STRs are highly polymorphic and allow for a strong statistical power of discrimination when comparing deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) samples. Since sample testing and court proceedings occur months, if not years apart, samples must be stored appropriately in the event additional testing is needed. There are generally accepted methods to store DNA extracts long-term; however, one universally recognized method does not exist. The goal of this project was to examine various methods of storage and make recommendations for a universal storage method that maintained DNA integrity over time. Four variables were evaluated: storage buffer, storage temperature, initial storage concentration and the effects of repeated freeze-thaw cycles. DNA quantity was assessed using real-time polymerase chain reaction and DNA quality was evaluated using STR genotyping. Overall, the Tris-EDTA (TE) buffer outperformed nuclease free water as a long-term storage buffer for DNA extracts. Stock tubes stabilized concentration better than single use aliquots when eluted with TE while tube type was not significant when water was the buffer. For samples stored in TE, temperature had no effect on DNA integrity over time, but samples stored in water were largely affected at room temperature. Additionally, the greater the initial DNA concentration, the less likely it was to degrade in water. As a result of this research, DNA extracts from forensic samples should be stored long-term in TE buffer with a minimum concentration of 0.1 ng/μL. When water is the buffer, frozen storage is recommended.

Influence of Nucleation Techniques on the Degree of Supercooling and Duration of Crystallization for Sugar Alcohol as Phase Change Material : Investigation on erythritol-based additiveenhanced Composites

Lin, JiaCheng, Teng, HaoRan January 2019 (has links)
Utilizing Phase Change Materials (PCM) for Latent Thermal Energy Storage (LTES) applications have previously been extensively researched as a measure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from energy consumption. In order to make use of the waste heat from industrial processes for LTES purposes, a new demand emerged for PCMs capable of phase change in mid-temperature ranges of 100 °C - 200 °C. This higher temperature requirement made most of the previously studied material inapplicable as they had much lower melting and solidification temperatures. With this in mind, a new generation of PCMs consisting of Sugar Alcohols (SA) has been proposed. Erythritol is seen as an especially promising SA with good thermophysical properties for LTES purposes. However, it has been shown to suffer from severe supercooling, which makes it unreliable in real applications. To eradicate this issue, two additives, Graphene Oxide (GO) and Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) at varying mass fractions were mixed with pure erythritol to form a composite which was studied using the Temperature-history (T-history) method to determine its effectiveness in reducing supercooling. Results show that at its most effective mass fraction, GO reduces supercooling by 28 o C and a 31 o C reduction is seen by the addition of PVP. The impacts on the duration of crystallization was also documented and analyzed using the same method. It was observed that the duration of crystallization was increased with increasing mass fractions of the additives. Other important properties of the composites were also studied in order to determine the overall feasibility for industrial applications. It includes analysis of the storage capacity through latent heat, changes in viscosity along with impacts on thermal diffusivity of the composites. / Att använda fasändringsmaterial (PCM) för termisk energilagring i form av latent värme (LTES) har tidigare extensivt forskats och undersökts som en lösning för att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser från energiförbrukning. För att utnyttja spillvärme från industriella processer för LTES-ändamål uppstod en efterfrågan på PCM som ändrar fas i temperaturer mellan 100 °C - 200 °C. Detta krav på högre temperatur gjorde att de flesta av de tidigare aktuella materialen inte kunde tillämpas eftersom de hade mycket lägre smält- och kristalliseringstemperaturer. Med detta i åtanke har en ny generation av PCM bestående av sockeralkoholer (SA) föreslagits. Erytritol ses som ett särskilt lovande SA med goda egenskaper för LTES-ändamål. Den har dock visat sig drabbas av svår underkylning, vilket gör den opålitligt i verkliga tillämpningar. För att utrota detta problem blandades två tillsatser, Graphene Oxide (GO) och Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) vid olika massfraktioner med ren erytritol för att bilda en komposit som studerades med metoden Temperature-history (T-history) för att bestämma dess effektivitet på att minska underkylningen. Resultaten visar att GO på sin mest effektiva massfraktion minskar underkylningen med 28 o C och tillsats av PVP lyckats minska den med som mest 31 o C. Påverkningarna på varaktighet av kristallisering dokumenterades och analyserades med samma metod. Det var observerad att varaktigheten av kristallisering ökades med ökande massfraktioner av tillsatserna. Även andra viktiga egenskaper hos kompositerna studerades för att avgöra rimligheten att använda dessa för industriella tillämpningar. Det inkluderar analys av lagringskapaciteten genom latent värme, förändringar i viskositet tillsammans med påverkan på kompositernas termiska diffusivitet.

Influence of Nucleation Techniques on the Degree of Supercooling and Duration of Crystallization for Sugar Alcohol as Phase Change Material : Investigation on erythritol-based additiveenhanced composites

Lin, Jiacheng, Teng, Haoran January 2019 (has links)
Utilizing Phase Change Materials (PCM) for Latent Thermal Energy Storage (LTES) applications have previously been extensively researched as a measure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from energy consumption. In order to make use of the waste heat from industrial processes for LTES purposes, a new demand emerged for PCMs capable of phase change in mid-temperature ranges of 100 °C - 200 °C. This higher temperature requirement made most of the previously studied material inapplicable as they had much lower melting and solidification temperatures. With this in mind, a new generation of PCMs consisting of Sugar Alcohols (SA) has been proposed. Erythritol is seen as an especially promising SA with good thermophysical properties for LTES purposes. However, it has been shown to suffer from severe supercooling, which makes it unreliable in real applications. To eradicate this issue, two additives, Graphene Oxide (GO) and Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) at varying mass fractions were mixed with pure erythritol to form a composite which was studied using the Temperature-history (T-history) method to determine its effectiveness in reducing supercooling. Results show that at its most effective mass fraction, GO reduces supercooling by 28 oC and a 31 oC reduction is seen by the addition of PVP. The impacts on the duration of crystallization was also documented and analyzed using the same method. It was observed that the duration of crystallization was increased with increasing mass fractions of the additives. Other important properties of the composites were also studied in order to determine the overall feasibility for industrial applications. It includes analysis of the storage capacity through latent heat, changes in viscosity along with impacts on thermal diffusivity of the composites. / Att använda fasändringsmaterial (PCM) för termisk energilagring i form av latent värme (LTES) har tidigare extensivt forskats och undersökts som en lösning för att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser från energiförbrukning. För att utnyttja spillvärme från industriella processer för LTES-ändamål uppstod en efterfrågan på PCM som ändrar fas i temperaturer mellan 100 °C - 200 °C. Detta krav på högre temperatur gjorde att de flesta av de tidigare aktuella materialen inte kunde tillämpas eftersom de hade mycket lägre smält- och kristalliseringstemperaturer. Med detta i åtanke har en ny generation av PCM bestående av sockeralkoholer (SA) föreslagits. Erytritol ses som ett särskilt lovande SA med goda egenskaper för LTES-ändamål. Den har dock visat sig drabbas av svår underkylning, vilket gör den opålitligt i verkliga tillämpningar. För att utrota detta problem blandades två tillsatser, Graphene Oxide (GO) och Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) vid olika massfraktioner med ren erytritol för att bilda en komposit som studerades med metoden Temperature-history (T-history) för att bestämma dess effektivitet på att minska underkylningen. Resultaten visar att GO på sin mest effektiva massfraktion minskar underkylningen med 28 oC och tillsats av PVP lyckats minska den med som mest 31 oC. Påverkningarna på varaktighet av kristallisering dokumenterades och analyserades med samma metod. Det var observerad att varaktigheten av kristallisering ökades med ökande massfraktioner av tillsatserna. Även andra viktiga egenskaper hos kompositerna studerades för att avgöra rimligheten att använda dessa för industriella tillämpningar. Det inkluderar analys av lagringskapaciteten genom latent värme, förändringar i viskositet tillsammans med påverkan på kompositernas termiska diffusivitet.

INFLUÊNCIA DOS TIPOS DE ORDENHA, TRANSPORTE E TEMPO DE ARMAZENAMENTO NA QUALIDADE DO LEITE CRU REFRIGERADO DA REGIÃO SUDOESTE DO ESTADO DE GOIÁS / Influence of the milking types, transport and storage time in the cooled raw milk quality of the goiano southwest

SILVA, Marco Antônio Pereira da 19 December 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:13:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacaoMarcoAntonio.PDF: 791526 bytes, checksum: 7a8a829a082433a7f23c3880ef18467d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-12-19 / The objective of the research were evaluate cooled raw milk gotten in dairy properties of the Southwest Goiano in the periods rainy and dry of 2008. The samples were collected of individual producers where the storage in bulk tanks were carried for until 72 hours, with 24-hour intervals. Somatic cells count, total bacterial count and centesimal composition were carried in the Laboratório de Qualidade do Leite of the Centro de Pesquisa em Alimentos of the Escola de Veterinária of the Universidade Federal de Goiás. The microbiological analysis and titratable acidity were carried in the Laboratories of the Unidade de Agroindústria of the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Goiano Campus Rio Verde GO. Data were submitted to the variance analysis and the analyzed factors were: period, type of milking and storage time, in entirely casualized delineation and factorial arrangement 2 x 2 x 4. The comparison of period and type of milking was carried through by means of test F of the variance analysis. The storage time was analyzed by means of regression models. Software SISVAR was used for analysis. The results of the physical-chemical composition were in accordance with the legislation. The total bacterial count of cooled raw milk to the 24 hours of storage was above of the limit of the legislation. The count of psychrotrophic, psychrotrophic proteolytic and Pseudomonas spp., was bigger in the rainy period. / O objetivo da pesquisa foi avaliar o leite cru refrigerado obtido em propriedades rurais do Cerrado Goiano nos períodos chuvoso e seco de 2008. As amostras foram coletadas de produtores individuais onde o armazenamento em tanques de expansão era realizado por até 72 horas, com intervalos de 24 horas. As análises eletrônicas (contagem de células somáticas, contagem bacteriana total e composição centesimal) foram realizadas no Laboratório de Qualidade do Leite do Centro de Pesquisa em Alimentos da Escola de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Goiás. As análises microbiológicas e de acidez titulável foram realizadas nos Laboratórios de Microbiologia e Processamento de Leite e Derivados da Unidade de Agroindústria do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Goiano Campus Rio Verde GO. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância, e os fatores analisados foram: período (chuvoso ou seco), tipo de ordenha (manual ou mecânica) e tempo de estocagem (zero, 24, 48 e 72 horas), em delineamento inteiramente casualizado e arranjo fatorial 2 x 2 x 4. A comparação do período e tipo de ordenha foi realizada por meio do teste F da análise de variância. Os tempos de estocagem foram analisados por meio de modelos de regressão. Para atender as pressuposições da análise de variância a contagem de psicrotróficos, psicrotróficos proteolíticos, Pseudomonas spp., CCS e CBT foram transformadas por meio do logaritmo na base 10. Foi utilizado o Software SISVAR para análise. A contagem bacteriana total do leite cru refrigerado às 24 horas de armazenamento ficou acima do limite exigido pela legislação. A contagem de psicrotróficos, psicrotróficos proteolíticos e Pseudomonas spp., foi maior no período chuvoso. Deverão ser alertados, produtores e indústrias para a obtenção e processamento de leite com qualidade higiênico-sanitária adequada.

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