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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Strenuous Life" Strained: Political and Social Survival Strategies of the New Orleans Athletic Club, 1923-1940

Ryder, Shawn G. 20 May 2011 (has links)
The New Orleans Athletic Club, founded in 1872, is one of the oldest athletic clubs in the United States that still operates today. After the boom of the 1920s and increased revenues, the club was forced to confront the Great Depression and shift its emphasis on the "strenuous life" to the "social life" to survive. The club had capitalized on the popularity of boxing during the 1920s and just finished constructing a lavish new club house when the stock market crashed in 1929. With members losing their jobs, the popularity of boxing waning, and the club in dire financial straits, the club looked for alternative strategies to survive. Its "social life" strategy relied on the club's various political ties to cut expenses and increased incentives for membership, which led to a larger, albeit, limited presence of women at the club.

EFEKTI AEROBNOG I ANAEROBNOG VEŽBANjA MAKSIMALNOG INTENZITETA NA BIOMARKERE PERIFERNOG ZAMORA I ĆELIJSKE BIOENERGETIKE KOD MLADIH MUŠKARACA I ŽENA / Effects of exhaustive aerobic and anaerobic exercise on biomarkers of peripheral fatigue and cell bioenergy in young men and women

Valdemar Štajer 25 December 2019 (has links)
<p>Primena biomarkera ćelijske energetike, uključujući indikatore metabolizma kreatina u krvi, je relativno novijeg datuma, gde se ovi indikatori koriste kao mogući pokazatelji stanja organizma pri maksimalno intenzivnim fizičkim aktivnostima. Cilj istraživanja je obuhvatao utvrđivanje efekata pojedinačnih epizoda aerobnog i anaerobnog vežbanja maksimalnog intenziteta na biomarkere perifernog zamora i ćelijske bioenergetike kod mladih mu&scaron;karaca i žena. Istraživanje je dizajnirano tako da obuhvati populaciju fizički aktivnih mu&scaron;karaca i žena, kao i populaciju aktivnih sportista. U prvom eksperimentalnom tretmanu fizički aktivni ispitanici mu&scaron;kog (n =12) i ženskog pola (n = 11) podvrgnuti su test protokolima aerobnog i anaerobnog opterećenja maksimalnog intenzivnog i kratkog trajanja. Tokom aerobnog test protokola ispitanici su trčali do maksimalnog voljnog otkaza na tredmil traci sa progresivnim povećanjem opterećenja. Pri anaerobnom test protokolu ispitanici su izvr&scaron;ili testiranje snažne izdržljivosti gornjih ekstremiteta do otkaza potiskom sa ravne klupe, uz opterećenje od 25% od njihove telesne težine. Drugi eksperimentalni tretman je sačinjen iz pre-eksperimentalnog testiranja kardiorespiratorne forme i eksperimentalne protokol sesije trčanja do maksimalnog voljnog otkaza na pokretnoj traci, pri konstantnoj individualnoj brzina trčanja na anaerobnom pragu. U ovom eksperimentalnom tretmanu bila je uključena populacija aktivnih sportista&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (n = 10). Pre, tokom i nakon eksperimentalnih sesija praćena je koncentracija različitih biohemijskih i hematolo&scaron;kih markera: guanidinosirćetna kiselina (GAA); kreatin (Cr); kreatinin (Crn); laktat (Lac); interleukin-6 (IL-6); kreatin kinaza (CK); kortizol (Cor). Rezultati prvog eksperimentalnog tretmana su utvrdili statistički značajne promene u koncentraciji GAA, Cr i Crn u ktvi pre i nakon pojedinačne epizode aerobnog i anaerobnog vežbanja maksimalnim intenzitetom. Utvrđena je i statistički značajna povezanost između vežbanjem-indukovanih promena u cirkulatornim vrednostima GAA, Cr, Crn za vreme pre, tokom i nakon drugog eksperimentalnog tretmana. Uočena je statistički značajna povezanost između promena koncentracije GAA, Cr, Crn u serumu sa tradicionalnim biomarkerima perifernog zamora (IL6, Cor, Lac, CK). Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na mogućnost primene biomarkera metabolizma kreatina u krvi prilikom praćenja i evaluacije stanja organizma tokom maksimalnih intenzivnih fizičkih aktivnosti kod mladih mu&scaron;karaca i žena.</p> / <p>The use of biomarkers of cellular bioenergetics in exercise science appears more prevalent in recent years, where these outcomes perhaps describe changes in creatine metabolism during strenuous exercise. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of individual episodes of strenuous aerobic and anaerobic exercise on several biomarkers of peripheral fatigue and cellular bioenergetics in young men and women. The study recruited physically active men and women, and active athletes. In the first experiment, physically active men (n = 12) and women (n = 11) were subjected to strenuous aerobic and anaerobic exercise. During the aerobic test, subjects ran to exhaustion while during the anaerobic test, subjects performed repetitive bench press exercise. The second experimental treatment consisted of a pre-experimental testing of cardiorespiratory fitness, and an experimental protocol of a strenuous running session to exhaustion at constant individual running speed at the anaerobic threshold; active athletes (n = 10) were included in this experimental treatment. The blood levels of various biochemical and hematological markers were monitored before, during and after the experimental sessions, including guanidinoacetic acid (GAA); creatine (Cr); creatinine (Crn); lactate (Lac); interleukin-6 (IL-6); creatine kinase (CK); cortisol (Cor), and plethora of other physiological outcomes. We found statistically significant changes in serum GAA, Cr and Crn before and after a single session of strenuous aerobic and anaerobic exercise. A significant correlation was found between exercise-induced changes in serum GAA, Cr and Crn before, during and after the second experimental intervention. A statistically significant association was observed between changes in serum GAA, Cr, Crn and traditional biomarkers of peripheral fatigue (IL6, Cor, Lac, CK). The results of the present study suggest that biomarkers of creatine metabolism might be used as innovative tools in monitoring strenuous exercise in young men and women.</p>

Trabalho penoso: da aplicação dos princípios ambientais para a reparação social dos danos / Unsafe or overly strenous labor practises: using the environment principles for the social reparation of the harms.

Teixeira, Marcia Cunha 16 May 2013 (has links)
O presente estudo enfoca o trabalho penoso e as consequências nocivas à saúde dos trabalhadores que exercem atividades penosas, com evidência na reparação social dos danos e com fundamento nos princípios ambientais. Analisam-se o trabalho na sociedade atual, o processo de organização do trabalho, a globalização da economia, a precarização das relações de trabalho e os impactos sobre a saúde dos trabalhadores. Os princípios ambientais são estudados, bem como todo o arcabouço constitucional e legal de proteção ao direito à saúde no trabalho. Efetua-se o debate acerca do papel da sociedade civil, das entidades sindicais, dos empregadores, bem como dos poderes públicos, na fiscalização do meio ambiente de trabalho e na prevenção de doenças e acidentes do trabalho. A responsabilidade do empregador é examinada à luz da doutrina e da jurisprudência predominante nos nossos Tribunais. Realiza-se o estudo de doutrina sobre medicina do trabalho, em especial de ergonomia, psicologia do trabalho, bem como de textos de filosofia e sociologia do trabalho, economia e administração de empresas, para a caracterização da penosidade. Por fim, são debatidas formas de reparação dos danos, descartando-se a via da monetização do risco. Propõe-se a revogação de legislação em vigor, para que nova normatização efetivamente imponha aos responsáveis pelos danos causados aos trabalhadores, os empregadores que exigem tarefas ou condições de trabalho no limite do risco proibido, o dever de arcar com as despesas da reparação, de ressarcimento dos benefícios que serão gastos pelos cofres públicos. / This study approaches the unsafe or overly strenuous labor practises and its nocuous effects on workers health, especially the compensation of the social harms based on the environmental principles. An analysis of the work in the current society is undertaken, along with that of the work organization process, of the economic globalization, of the deterioration of the working conditions and the impacts on the workers health. The environmental principles are addressed, as well as the entire occupational health protection legal framework, along with the debate regarding the roles of society, trade unions, employers, as well as the role of the government on investigating the work environment and preventing labor accidents and diseases. The employers responsibility is examined, according to the prevailing doctrine and cases. There are the doctrine studies regarding occupational medicine, especially ergonomics, occupational psychology; including the study of texts relating to labor philosophy and sociology, economy and business management, in order to distinguish the laboriousness. Lastly, there is the discussion about the compensation of the damages, excluding the commodification of the risk. The proposition repeals the current act, in order for the new statute to effectively hold the employers accountable for the damages caused to the employees, through the burden of bearing the costs of the reparation, as well as the reimbursement of the expenses incurred by the Treasury.

Adaptations cardiaques à l’exercice aigu, chronique et épuisant de longue durée : mise en évidence du rôle clé du mécanisme de torsion - détorsion dans le remplissage ventriculaire gauche / Cardiac adaptations to acute, chronic and streneous exercise : key role of twisting - untwisting mecanism in left ventricular filling

Doucende, Grégory 23 November 2010 (has links)
Lors de la systole, le ventricule gauche (VG) se déforme suite à la contraction des cardiomyocytes. De part l’orientation en spirale des fibres myocardiques, ces déformations incluent un mouvement de torsion, la base et l’apex du VG tournant dans des sens opposés. L’emmagasinement d’énergie élastique par ce mécanisme et surtout sa restitution très précoce en début de diastole jouent un rôle clé dans le remplissage ventriculaire gauche. Les objectifs de ce travail ont été d’étudier les adaptations mécaniques ventriculaires gauche en se focalisant sur le rôle de la torsion 1) lors d’un exercice d’intensité croissante chez le sujet sédentaire jeune, 2) suite à l’entrainement aérobie au repos et lors d’un exercice d’intensité croissante et, 3) concomitantes aux dysfonctions cardiaques observées après un exercice épuisant de longue durée. Pour cela, nous avons effectué des échocardiographies au repos et/ou lors d’épreuves d’effort d’intensité croissante en incluant l’utilisation d’un nouvel outil échocardiographique basé sur le "speckle tracking" (STE). Nos résultats soulignent le rôle clé de la torsion dans le couplage systole – diastole à l’effort. De plus, nos résultats montrent une modification des adaptations mécaniques ventriculaires gauche à l’effort en parallèle à l’amélioration de la fonction diastolique chez les sportifs entrainés en endurance aérobie. Enfin, la dysfonction ventriculaire gauche transitoire observée après un exercice épuisant de longue durée est caractérisée par une diminution et un décalage dans le temps de la torsion, limitant probablement la diminution précoce des pressions intraventriculaires gauche et donc le remplissage. L’ensemble de ces résultats mettent en évidence, d’une part, l’intérêt de l’évaluation par STE de la mécanique ventriculaire gauche au repos et à l’effort, et d’autre part le rôle clé du mécanisme de torsion – détorsion dans l’explication de fonctions diastoliques améliorées ou altérées / During systole, contraction of cardiomyocytes induces left ventricular (LV) strains. Moreover, the helical orientation of myofibers induces LV torsion consequently to LV basal and apical rotations. LV torsion stores energy in elastic component that is released very early in diastole and constitutes a key factor of LV filling. The aims of this thesis were to characterize LV mechanicals adaptations focussing on the role of LV torsion 1) during a progressive exercise test in healthy sedentary subjects, 2) induced by aerobic training at rest and during a progressive exercise test and, 3) concomitant with cardiac dysfunctions after prolonged and strenuous exercise. We used a novel echocardiographic tool, based on Speckle Tracking (STE), in order to evaluate LV function at rest and/or during a progressive exercise test. Our results underlined the key role of LV torsion in systolic – diastolic coupling during exercise. Moreover, our results showed an alteration of LV mechanical adaptation paralleling the enhancement of diastolic function during effort in aerobic trained subjects. At last, transient LV dysfunction after prolonged and strenuous exercise was associated with decreased and delayed LV torsion, probably limiting the early drop of LV intraventricular pressures and thus LV filling. All together, these results underlined the usefulness to evaluate LV mechanics at rest and during effort by STE, and point out the key role of twisting – untwisting mechanism in improved or depressed LV diastolic function

Trabalho penoso: da aplicação dos princípios ambientais para a reparação social dos danos / Unsafe or overly strenous labor practises: using the environment principles for the social reparation of the harms.

Marcia Cunha Teixeira 16 May 2013 (has links)
O presente estudo enfoca o trabalho penoso e as consequências nocivas à saúde dos trabalhadores que exercem atividades penosas, com evidência na reparação social dos danos e com fundamento nos princípios ambientais. Analisam-se o trabalho na sociedade atual, o processo de organização do trabalho, a globalização da economia, a precarização das relações de trabalho e os impactos sobre a saúde dos trabalhadores. Os princípios ambientais são estudados, bem como todo o arcabouço constitucional e legal de proteção ao direito à saúde no trabalho. Efetua-se o debate acerca do papel da sociedade civil, das entidades sindicais, dos empregadores, bem como dos poderes públicos, na fiscalização do meio ambiente de trabalho e na prevenção de doenças e acidentes do trabalho. A responsabilidade do empregador é examinada à luz da doutrina e da jurisprudência predominante nos nossos Tribunais. Realiza-se o estudo de doutrina sobre medicina do trabalho, em especial de ergonomia, psicologia do trabalho, bem como de textos de filosofia e sociologia do trabalho, economia e administração de empresas, para a caracterização da penosidade. Por fim, são debatidas formas de reparação dos danos, descartando-se a via da monetização do risco. Propõe-se a revogação de legislação em vigor, para que nova normatização efetivamente imponha aos responsáveis pelos danos causados aos trabalhadores, os empregadores que exigem tarefas ou condições de trabalho no limite do risco proibido, o dever de arcar com as despesas da reparação, de ressarcimento dos benefícios que serão gastos pelos cofres públicos. / This study approaches the unsafe or overly strenuous labor practises and its nocuous effects on workers health, especially the compensation of the social harms based on the environmental principles. An analysis of the work in the current society is undertaken, along with that of the work organization process, of the economic globalization, of the deterioration of the working conditions and the impacts on the workers health. The environmental principles are addressed, as well as the entire occupational health protection legal framework, along with the debate regarding the roles of society, trade unions, employers, as well as the role of the government on investigating the work environment and preventing labor accidents and diseases. The employers responsibility is examined, according to the prevailing doctrine and cases. There are the doctrine studies regarding occupational medicine, especially ergonomics, occupational psychology; including the study of texts relating to labor philosophy and sociology, economy and business management, in order to distinguish the laboriousness. Lastly, there is the discussion about the compensation of the damages, excluding the commodification of the risk. The proposition repeals the current act, in order for the new statute to effectively hold the employers accountable for the damages caused to the employees, through the burden of bearing the costs of the reparation, as well as the reimbursement of the expenses incurred by the Treasury.

Påfrestande situationer och bemästrandets konst : en fenomenologisk studie av sjuksköterskor i äldrevården

Järemo, Maud January 2000 (has links)
The aim of this study is to describe situations that nurses experience as strenuous in their work with elders in institutional environment. The study focuses on the content and structure of the situations, meanings the nurses put in the situations and how they manage to handle the situations. The approach was to have a phenomenological perspective and a theoretical frame of reference in the CPT model  (CognitivePhenomenological-Transactional view) from Lazarus and Manet as well as inAntonovsky's discussion about the importance of general resistance resources against stressful events. The study is based on observations and interviews with five nurses working in three different institutions and in five different wards. The thesis states that factors in the work organisation such as lack of a common caring philosophy, ignorance of the nurses' role and function, communication problems with other organisations, imbalance between demands and resources are experienced as strenuous. Situations with pain and pain relieving, constant shouting from patients and  severe confusion were pointed out as particularly stressful in the interaction with patients. The nurses use a number of strategies in order to handle these strains, such as seeking social support, planned problemsolving, positive reappraisal and sometimes distancing. From an immediate perspective these strategi.es were efficient and the nurses were satisfied with their work.

Dysfonctions cardiaques transitoires induites par un exercice physique prolongé : Exploration mécanistique par une approche translationnelle / Transient cardiac dysfunction induced by a prolonged and strenuous exercise : A translational approach of the underlying mechanisms of cardiac fatigue

Vitiello, Damien 07 December 2011 (has links)
L’activité physique régulière est bénéfique pour la santé cardiovasculaire. Cependant, destravaux ont rapporté des dysfonctions cardiaques après des exercices physiques prolongés (EPP) tels que les marathons ou les triathlons longue distance type "Ironman". Ces dysfonctions sont souvent associées à des dommages myocardiques. Récemment, des études échocardiographiques ont suggéré que ces dysfonctions étaient associées à des baisses de contractilité et de relaxation myocardiques.Toutefois, l’atteinte myocardique après un EPP reste à ce jour controversée et les mécanismes sousjacents de ces dysfonctions demeurent inconnus. Dans ce contexte, le but de ce travail de doctorat a été de vérifier la diminution de contractilité et/ou de relaxation du myocarde après un EPP ii) d’évaluer l’implication de la voie ß-adrénergique et du stress oxydant dans l’altération de la fonction cardiaque.Pour cela, une première approche clinique, basée sur l’utilisation de l’échocardiographie cardiaque haute résolution (et plus particulièrement une technique de pointe, le "Speckle TrackingEchocardiography") nous a permis d’appréhender la fonction myocardique par l’intermédiaire de l’évaluation des déformations et de la torsion du ventricule gauche pendant le cycle cardiaque. Une deuxième approche fondamentale, chez l’animal, nous a permis d’évaluer la fonction cardiaque après un EPP chez le rat au niveau de l’organe entier et de l’organe isolé dans des conditions basale et de stress (ß-adrénergique). Des investigations complémentaires ont été réalisées sur le tissu myocardique pour évaluer le stress oxydant (GSH/GSSG, MDA) et des marqueurs de dommages cellulaires cardiaques (troponines I) après avoir bloqué la NAD(P)H oxydase (Nox), enzyme fortement impliquée dans la production d’espèces réactives dérivées de l’oxygène au niveau cardiaque. Les résultats de ces travaux montrent clairement, chez l’Homme et l’animal, des baisses de contractilité et de relaxation myocardiques associées à une augmentation des marqueurs de dommages cellulaires cardiaques après un EPP. Alors que la voie ß-adrénergique ne semble pas être impliquée dans ces dysfonctions, nos résultats indiquent que le stress oxydant joue un rôle majeur, puisque lorsque la Nox est bloquée, la fonction cardiaque est majoritairement restaurée après l’EPP. / Regular physical activity is beneficial for cardiovascular health. However, recentstudies have uncovered the presence of cardiac dysfunctions following prolonged physical exercise(PPE), such as marathon racing, or long-distance triathlons like the “Ironman”. These cardiacdysfunctions are often associated with damage at the myocardial level. Recently, someechocardiographic studies suggested that these dysfunctions were linked to a diminished myocardialcontractility and relaxation capacity. Nonetheless, the specific impact of PPE on myocardial propertiesremains controversial, and the mechanisms underlying these dysfunctions are thus far unknown.Therefore, within this context, the objectives of this PhD research were to i) verify the purporteddecrease in myocardial contractility and relaxation capacity following PPE, and ii) evaluate the rolesof the B-adrenergic pathway and oxidative stress in the alteration of cardiac function. In order toexplore this adequately, two different approaches were used. Firstly, a clinical approach wasemployed, based on the use of high resolution echocardiography (or more specifically, a leading edgetechnique known as Speckle Tracking Echocardiography), and allowed us to characterise myocardialfunction via the evaluation of left ventricular strain and torsion during a cardiac cycle. The secondfundamental approach, using an animal model, allowed us to evaluate cardiac function following PPEin rats; at a whole organ (in vivo) level and at an isolated organ (ex vivo) level, during both resting andstress (ß-adrenergic) conditions. Complementary investigations were conducted on myocardial tissueto evaluate oxidative stress (GSH/GSSG,MDA) and markers of myocardial damage (troponin I), afterhaving blocked NAD(P)H oxidase (Nox); an enzyme strongly involved in the production of oxidativestress at the cardiac level. Our findings clearly demonstrate, in both humans and animals, a decrease inmyocardial contractility and relaxation capacity, associated with an increase in markers of myocardialdamage, following PPE. Whilst the ß-adrenergic pathway does not appear to be involved in thesedysfunctions, our results indicate that oxidative stress plays a major role, since cardiac function isrestored following PPE when the Nox is blocked.

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