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Studium relaxačních feroelektrických látek se spontánními polárními nanooblastmi / Studies of Relaxor Ferroelectrics with Spontaneous Polar NanoregionsOndrejkovič, Petr January 2017 (has links)
Title: Studies of Relaxor Ferroelectrics with Spontaneous Polar Nanoregions Author: Petr Ondrejkovič Institute: Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences Supervisor: Ing. Jiří Hlinka, Ph.D., Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences Abstract: The thesis is devoted to relaxor ferroelectrics with spontaneous polar nanoregions. We have investigated one of the canonical representatives, uniaxial strontium barium niobate, by means of neutron scattering, and also performed computer simulations with a model of a uniaxial ferroelectric with point defects. Neutron scattering studies of strontium barium niobate single crystals under a defined sequence of thermal and electric field treatments elucidate nature of distinct components of its transverse diffuse scattering. These components are associated mainly with the static ferroelectric nanodomain structure and the dynamic order-parameter (polarization) fluctuations. Moreover, high-resolution neutron backscattering experiments allowed us to resolve characteristic frequencies of the order-parameter fluctuations and prove that this component is caused by the same polar fluctuations that are responsible for the Vogel-Fulcher dielectric relaxation, the hallmark of relaxor ferroelectrics. The model system of a uniaxial ferroelectric with point...
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Non-Collinear Second Harmonic Generation in Strontium Barium NiobateTunyagi, Arthur. R. 17 September 2004 (has links)
Refractive index measurements of the Strontium-Barium-Niobate (SBN) crystals show that none of the known second-harmonic-generation scheme (SHG) can be hold responsible for the SHG in SBN. Based on observations of the SHG experiments carried out with several compositions of the crystals in different setup-geometries a new model of second harmonic generaion was developed. The new SHG model, domain-induced second-harmonic generation (DISHG), which considers that the needle-like domain structure of this material plays an active role in the quasi phase matching of the produced second harmonic light has been experimentally proved using two different experiments. The new SHG process in the SBN crystals is a potential light source of cylindrically polarized light. The easy way of obtaining cylindrically polarized light with the SBN crystal broadens the potential applications for this material. The (DISHG) allows to investigate several properties of the ferroelectric domains. Using SHG measurements it was possible to analyze the development of the domain densities for domains of different sizes during the poling of the crystal. SHG measurements allow us to determine the minimum length of the ferroelectric domains. It was shown that this does not depend on the [Sr]/[Ba] ratio and domains are not getting longer after the sample was poled, except for the case of doped SBN. The ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition has also been investigated. From the inflection point of the nonlinear susceptibility as function of the temperature the phase transition temperature was determined. The non fully-linear dependence of the phase transition temperature as function of the [Sr]/[Ba] ratio can be explained by a system of three different sublattices at the crystallographic positions of Strontium and Barium atoms.
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Optical and Dielectric Properties of Sr(x)Ba(1-x)Nb(2)O(6)David, Calin Adrian 15 December 2004 (has links)
Several SBN-x crystals of different composition have been investigated using the following methods: Optical absorption in the band gap spectral region, optical absorption of the OH-stretch-mode in the near infrared, Raman scattering, pyroelectric and dielectric measurements.The band edge position depends on the crystal composition in a non-linear manner, thus showing band bowing, typical for mixed systems. A new method has been developed to increase the hydrogen content in the bulk. This doping depends on the composition in an almost linear manner. The observed OH stretch mode spectra have been deconvoluted into three sub bands which can be attributed to different sites in the lattice. The composition dependent spectra have been modelled with a few parameters, using different line shapes and both linear and quadratic dependences of the band position.Raman spectra of several crystals of different composition were recorded for four different scattering configurations. Changes for wave numbers below 500 have been found, but could not attributed to particular modes. A prominent feature at about 600 wave numbers was not disturbed by other modes allowing a decomposition and an assigned of this mode to a certain vibration. It was found that the behaviour of this mode is governed by the [Sr]/[Ba] ratio in the pentagonal channel of SBN-x.The ferroelectric relaxor phase-transition of SBN-x has been studied with pyroelectric measurements. From the nonlinear susceptibility as a function of temperature the phase-transition temperature was deduced using the inflection point. The non fully-linear dependence of the phase-transition temperature as a function of the [Sr]/[Ba] ratio can be explained by a system of three different sublattices for the Strontium and Barium atoms.First results obtained with a setup for measuring the dielectric constant confirmed already reported data of other groups.
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Synthese und Funktion nanoskaliger Oxide auf Basis der Elemente Bismut und NiobWollmann, Philipp 29 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Am Beispiel von ferroelektrischen Systemen auf Bismut-Basis (Bismutmolybdat, Bismutwolframat und Bismuttitanat) und von Strontiumbariumniobat werden neue Möglichkeiten zur Synthese solcher Nanopartikel aufgezeigt. Die Integration der Nanopartikel in
transparente Nanokompositmaterialien und die Entwicklung neuer Precursoren für die Herstellung von Dünnschichtproben gehen den Untersuchungen zur Anwendung als elektrooptische aktive Materialien voraus.
Durch weitere Anwendungsmöglichkeiten in der Photokatalyse, dem Test dampfadsorptiver Eigenschaften mit Hilfe eines neuartigen Adsorptionstesters (Infrasorb) und auch mit Hilfe der Ergebnisse der ferroelektrischen Charakterisierung von gesinterten Probenkörpern aus einem Spark-Plasma-Prozess wird ein gesamtheitlicher Überblick über die vielfältigen Aspekte in der Arbeit mit nanoskaligen, ferroelektrischen Materialien gegeben.
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Synthese und Funktion nanoskaliger Oxide auf Basis der Elemente Bismut und NiobWollmann, Philipp 22 March 2012 (has links)
Am Beispiel von ferroelektrischen Systemen auf Bismut-Basis (Bismutmolybdat, Bismutwolframat und Bismuttitanat) und von Strontiumbariumniobat werden neue Möglichkeiten zur Synthese solcher Nanopartikel aufgezeigt. Die Integration der Nanopartikel in
transparente Nanokompositmaterialien und die Entwicklung neuer Precursoren für die Herstellung von Dünnschichtproben gehen den Untersuchungen zur Anwendung als elektrooptische aktive Materialien voraus.
Durch weitere Anwendungsmöglichkeiten in der Photokatalyse, dem Test dampfadsorptiver Eigenschaften mit Hilfe eines neuartigen Adsorptionstesters (Infrasorb) und auch mit Hilfe der Ergebnisse der ferroelektrischen Charakterisierung von gesinterten Probenkörpern aus einem Spark-Plasma-Prozess wird ein gesamtheitlicher Überblick über die vielfältigen Aspekte in der Arbeit mit nanoskaligen, ferroelektrischen Materialien gegeben.:Inhaltsverzeichnis...........................................................................................................5
Abkürzungsverzeichnis ...................................................................................................9
1. Motivation....................................................................................................................11
2. Stand der Forschung und theoretischer Teil ...............................................................14
2.1. Nanoskalige Materialien...........................................................................................15
2.1.1. Nanopartikel und Nanokompositmaterialien ....................................................... 15
2.1.2. Dünnschichten..................................................................................................... 21
2.1.3. Anwendungen in der Photokatalyse.................................................................... 22
2.1.4. Anwendungen in der Gas- und Dampfsensorik.................................................... 24
2.2. Ferroelektrika .........................................................................................................26
2.2.1. Bismutmolybdat................................................................................................... 32
2.2.2. Bismutwolframat.................................................................................................. 34
2.2.3. Bismuttitanat ....................................................................................................... 36
2.2.4. Strontiumbariumniobat......................................................................................... 37
2.3. Verwendete Methoden.............................................................................................40
2.3.1. Spark-Plasma-Sintering ........................................................................................40
2.3.2. Bestimmung ferroelektrischer Eigenschaften ...................................................... 42
2.3.3. Charakterisierung nichtlinearer, elektrooptischer Eigenschaften......................... 43
3. Experimenteller Teil ....................................................................................................51
3.1. Synthesevorschriften................................................................................................52
3.1.1. Verwendete Chemikalien und Substrate.............................................................. 52
3.1.2. Solvothermalsynthese von Bi2MO6 (M = Mo, W)................................................... 55
3.1.3. Phasentransfersynthese von Bi2MO6 (M = Mo, W)............................................... 56
3.1.4. Präparation von Bi2MO6/PLA Nanokompositmaterialien (M = Mo, W) ................... 57
3.1.5. Sol-Gel-Synthese von Bi2MO6 (M = Mo, W), Bi4Ti3O12 und Ba0.25Sr0.75Nb2O6 und Dünnschichten..................... 57
3.1.6. Mikroemulsionssynthese von Bi4Ti3O12 ............................................................... 59
3.1.7. Sol-Gel-Synthese von Bi2Ti2O7............................................................................. 60
3.1.8. Synthese von BiOH(C2O4), BiOCH3COO und Bi(CH3COO)3................................... 61
3.2. Vorschriften zur Durchführung und Charakterisierung...............................................62
3.2.1. Verwendete Geräte und Einstellungen ................................................................ 62
3.2.2. Spark Plasma Sintering von Bi2MO6 (M = Mo,W) und Bestimmung ferroelektrischer Eigenschaften ........................ 65
3.2.3. Prüfung elektrooptischer Eigenschaften, Präparation der Bauteile und Messaufbau .............................................. 67
3.2.4. Durchführung photokatalytischer Messungen ....................................................... 69
3.2.5. Messung der Dampfadsorption an Nanopartikeln mit Hilfe berührungsloser Detektion ........................................... 70
4. Ergebnisse und Diskussion...........................................................................................71
4.1. Synthese und Eigenschaften von nanoskaligen Materialien......................................72
4.1.1. Synthese von Bi2MO6 (M = Mo, W) Nanopartikeln................................................. 72
4.1.2. Nanokompositmaterialien mit Bi2MO6 (M = Mo, W)................................................ 81
4.1.3. Synthese der Bismuttitanate Bi4Ti3O12 und Bi2Ti2O7 .......................................... 84
4.1.4. Herstellung von Dünnschichten der Systeme Bi2MO6 (M = Mo, W), Bi4Ti3O12 und Sr0.75Ba0.25Nb2O6 ................. 88
4.2. Funktion der nanoskaligen Materialien .....................................................................100
4.2.1. Bismuthaltige Nanopartikel in der Photokatalyse ..................................................100
4.2.2. Spark-Plasma-Sintern von Bi2MO6-Nanopartikel (M = Mo, W)................................103
4.2.3. Elektrooptische Eigenschaften von Dünnschichten und Kompositmaterialien ............................................................108
4.2.4. Messung der Dampfadsorption an Bi2MO6 (M = Mo, W)-Nanopartikeln mit Hilfe berührungsloser Detektion ............114
4.3. Synthese von BiOH(C2O4), BiO(CH3COO) und Bi(CH3COO)3....................................118
5. Zusammenfassung ......................................................................................................127
6. Ausblick .......................................................................................................................131
7. Literatur ......................................................................................................................132
8. Abbildungs- und Tabellenverzeichnis ..........................................................................146
8.1. Abbildungsverzeichnis...............................................................................................146
8.2. Tabellenverzeichnis...................................................................................................152
9. Anhang ........................................................................................................................154
9.1. Synthese und Eigenschaften von nanoskaligen Materialien......................................155
9.1.1. Solvothermalsynthese von Bi2MO6 (M = Mo, W).....................................................155
9.1.2. Phasentransfersynthese von Bi2MO6 (M = Mo, W).................................................156
9.1.3. Synthese der Bismutmolybdate Bi4Ti3O12 und Bi2Ti2O7 .......................................156
9.1.4. Herstellung von Dünnschichten der Systeme Bi2MO6 (M = Mo, W), Bi4Ti3O12 und Sr0.75Ba0.25Nb2O6 .................159
9.2. Funktion der nanoskaligen Materialien ......................................................................164
9.2.1. Spark-Plasma-Sintern..............................................................................................164
9.2.2. Elektro-optische Eigenschaften von Dünnschichten und Kompositmaterialien .........................................................166
9.2.3. Messung der Dampfadsorption an Bi2MO6 (M = Mo, W)-Nanopartikeln mit Hilfe berührungsloser Detektion ...........174
9.3. Synthese von BiOH(C2O4), BiO(CH3COO) und Bi(CH3COO)3.....................................175
9.3.1. DTA-TG-Ergebnisse .................................................................................................175
9.3.2. Kristalldaten und Strukturverfeinerung ...................................................................177
9.4. Quelltexte ..................................................................................................................181
9.4.1. MATLAB-Skript zur Auswertung elektrooptischer Koeffizienten................................181
9.4.2. MATLAB-Skript zur Auswertung dampfadsorptiver Eigenschaften............................182
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