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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effects of student migration to South African universities on higher education in Zimbabwe

Gubba, Angela 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of the present study was to establish the effects on the Zimbabwean higher educational system of student migration into South Africa for higher education. The study was motivated by the rising number of Zimbabwean students migrating to South Africa for that purpose, aided in doing so by their schools and other organisations. Rising migration rates are substantiated not only by the growing number of students departing the country for a foreign university, but by the parents who support their going and the administrators and lecturers in Zimbabwean universities who witness migration‟s impacts on the nation‟s higher education. A qualitative research design was employed for data collection. A review was first conducted of the empirical evidence of student migration rates. Data were collected through conversations and interviews, the interview-guide approach, and recorded cell-phone interviews. The qualitative research design was motivated by grounded theory, narrative qualitative inquiry, interim analysis and interpretive epistemology. These approaches jointly ensured that the data would be most suitable for the study‟s intensions. The study investigated the international and local factors contributing to the out-migration of Zimbabwean students in general and, in particular, into South African higher educational institutions. Interviewees reported that migration was motivated mainly by the condition of the Zimbabwean economy. Findings also clarified the effects of the migration process on the educational system in Zimbabwe. Those effects emerge as challenges that must be addressed in the Zimbabwean higher education system. Policy recommendations for addressing such challenges are provided. / Educational Management and Leadership / D. Ed. (Education Management)

"Foreign talent" : desire and Singapore's China scholars

Yang, Peidong January 2014 (has links)
This thesis addresses the “foreign talent” situation in Singapore with an ethnographic account of the lived experiences of immigrant PRC students on scholarships, or “PRC scholars.” For some two decades, the Singapore government has annually recruited middle school students from China in their hundreds, selecting them through tests and interviews, granting them full scholarships at either pre-undergraduate or undergraduate level, and, very often, “bonding” them to work subsequently in Singapore for a number of years. Wooed and appropriated in such a way as prized potential human capital, PRC scholars exemplify the Singapore state’s desire for “foreign talent.” In the first decade of the twenty-first century, as the influx of all manners of “foreign talent” into the small city-state gathered pace, local sentiments and discourses of resentment arose. The local-vs-“foreign talent” problem became a serious strain on a city and people proud of their cosmopolitanism. This thesis analyzes the “foreign talent” situation through the ethnographic “macro-trope” of desire. It argues that “foreign talent” is a site of convergence and divergence, collusion and collision, accommodation and contestation, fulfillment and failure of various individual, sociocultural, and political desires and longings. Through the lens of desire, and its psychoanalytic undertones and insights, this thesis looks ethnographically into the PRC scholars’ “foreign talent” journeys in nuanced ways. Based on ethnographic fieldworks carried out in a Chinese middle school and a Singaporean university, the thesis shows how Chinese students are constituted as specific subjects of desire, and how they subsequently develop certain perceptions, attitudes, and stereotypes about the local “other” as well as about themselves after arriving in Singapore as “foreign talent.” Infused with multifarious desires, the PRC scholars’ experiences are often characterized by angst and dissatisfaction; yet it is also argued that generative subjective transformations take place precisely amidst these dynamics and pragmatics of desiring. Ultimately, this thesis seeks to make possible an ethical re-imagination of the “foreign talent” situation in Singapore from the perspective of desire; to provide an account of the so far little-studied Chinese migrant students in the context of Singapore; and to speak more broadly to the cultural and subjective dimensions of human experiences in the context of educational mobility, identity politics, and globalization.

The effects of student migration to South African universities on higher education in Zimbabwe

Gubba, Angela 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of the present study was to establish the effects on the Zimbabwean higher educational system of student migration into South Africa for higher education. The study was motivated by the rising number of Zimbabwean students migrating to South Africa for that purpose, aided in doing so by their schools and other organisations. Rising migration rates are substantiated not only by the growing number of students departing the country for a foreign university, but by the parents who support their going and the administrators and lecturers in Zimbabwean universities who witness migration‟s impacts on the nation‟s higher education. A qualitative research design was employed for data collection. A review was first conducted of the empirical evidence of student migration rates. Data were collected through conversations and interviews, the interview-guide approach, and recorded cell-phone interviews. The qualitative research design was motivated by grounded theory, narrative qualitative inquiry, interim analysis and interpretive epistemology. These approaches jointly ensured that the data would be most suitable for the study‟s intensions. The study investigated the international and local factors contributing to the out-migration of Zimbabwean students in general and, in particular, into South African higher educational institutions. Interviewees reported that migration was motivated mainly by the condition of the Zimbabwean economy. Findings also clarified the effects of the migration process on the educational system in Zimbabwe. Those effects emerge as challenges that must be addressed in the Zimbabwean higher education system. Policy recommendations for addressing such challenges are provided. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)

O novo Enem e a plataforma Sisu: efeitos sobre a migração e a evasão estudantil / The effects of the introduction of a centralized admission system on student migration and college dropout: evidence from Brazilian higher education

Li, Denise Leyi 15 September 2016 (has links)
A reformulação do Exame nacional de ensino médio (Enem), em 2009, e a implementação da plataforma Sisu, em 2010, levaram à transição do sistema de seleção do ensino superior público brasileiro: passou-se de um modelo descentralizado para um majoritariamente centralizado. Apesar da relevância dessa política, a avaliação de seus impactos ainda é principiante. Nesse sentido, utilizando dados de ingressantes entre 2006 e 2014, a pesquisa buscou investigar os impactos dessa política na migração inter e intraestadual e na evasão dos estudantes. Utilizamos, de forma inédita, bases derivadas do cruzamento entre microdados identificados de responsabilidade do Inep, que possibilitaram uma medida mais precisa da migração estudantil. Além disso, investigamos amostras agregadas por instituições e por estados para a inclusão de controles tradicionais de atração e repulsão na literatura de migração. Encontramos que o ingresso do aluno em um programa que oferta vagas pelo SISU eleva a probabilidade de ele ser um migrante interestadual em 2,9 pontos percentuais (p.p.), mas reduz a probabilidade de ele ser um migrante intraestadual em até 3,95 p.p.. Quanto aos resultados para a evasão, verificamos que a adesão ao Sisu eleva a probabilidade de evasão no primeiro ano em 4,5 p.p.. Além disso, um aluno que ingressa em um programa que oferta vagas pelo Sisu tem uma probabilidade maior de mudar de instituição antes de completar o curso. Nesse caso, o auxílio social mostra-se relevante para manter o aluno na mesma instituição, mas não no mesmo curso. Por fim, verificamos que mulheres são mais estáveis no sentido de serem menos propensas a migrar, a evadir e a mudarem de instituições depois do ingresso. / This paper studies the policy that unified the admission system to Brazilian Higher Education. The policy consists of the reformulation of the Enem, in 2009, and the implementation of Sisu platform, in 2010. By using student level admission data from 2006 to 2014, this research seeks to investigate the impact of this policy on both the inter and intra state migration and on the dropout of students. We matched identified databases from the National Institute of Study and Research (Inep) to achieve a more accurate measure of student migration. We found that the admission of a given student in a program that offers places through SISU increases the probability of him being an interstate migrant by 2.9 percentage points (pp), but reduces the likelihood of him being a intrastate migrant by up to 3.95 pp. Concerning the results for dropout, we found that the university\'s commitment to Sisu raises the first year dropout probability by 4.5 pp. In addition, a student who joins a program that offer places via Sisu is more likely to change to another institution before finishing his course. In this case, social aid is effective in keeping the student in the same institution, but not on the same course. Finally, we found that women are more stable in the sense of being less likely to migrate, to dropout or change institutions after their admission.

DiÃspora Africana em Fortaleza no sÃculo XXI: ressignificaÃÃes identitÃrias de estudantes imigrantes / African Diaspora in Cearà in the 21st Century:identity resignations of immigrant students

Ercilio Neves BrandÃo Langa 17 October 2016 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / Esta produÃÃo acadÃmica analisa a migraÃÃo, presenÃa e permanÃncia de estudantes oriundos de distintos paÃses africanos para o Brasil, especificamente, na cidade de Fortaleza-CE, nos processos que designo de âDiÃspora Africana no Cearà no sÃculo XXIâ. Esta DiÃspora à fruto da migraÃÃo estudantil internacional de alunos de Ãfrica que, se deslocam ao Brasil para desenvolver formaÃÃo universitÃria em instituiÃÃes de ensino superior (IES) pÃblicas e privadas. Interessa-me compreender os processos de ressignificaÃÃes identitÃrias nas trajetÃrias e percursos desses estudantes nesta DiÃspora, focando o seu cotidiano, a partir da trÃplice dimensÃo: ser negro, africano e imigrante âtemporÃrioâ. Este estudo traz, como aspecto inovador o fato de investigar, nÃo apenas a realidade dos alunos africanos inseridos em universidades pÃblicas, auferindo bolsas de estudos, no Ãmbito de convÃnios, como o Programa Estudantes ConvÃnio â GraduaÃÃo (PEC-G), Programa Estudante ConvÃnio â PÃs-GraduaÃÃo (PEC-PG) e outros acordos, mas adentrar, tambÃm, na realidade vivenciada pelo amplo contingente de africanos matriculados em faculdades particulares, a dependerem da ajuda econÃmica de parentes e familiares residentes em Ãfrica e ao redor do mundo. Este grupo de estudantes, hoje majoritÃrio, apresenta inserÃÃes precÃrias no contexto de Fortaleza, enfrentando dificuldades econÃmico-financeiras, para garantir o pagamento de mensalidades nas instituiÃÃes universitÃrias privadas e manter a prÃpria sobrevivÃncia nesta metrÃpole. Assim, este segmento de estudantes africanos tem que se envolver em trabalhos informais e precarizados, considerados âirregularesâ pelas autoridades brasileiras, sujeitos a violaÃÃo de direitos trabalhistas, com longas jornadas e baixos salÃrios. Neste estudo sociolÃgico exploro distintas esferas da vida desses sujeitos nos percursos diaspÃricos, quais sejam: cotidiano; inserÃÃo no contexto universitÃrio; trabalho; interaÃÃes com organismos e instituiÃÃes pÃblicas e privados no acesso a mercadorias e serviÃos; associativismo em agremiaÃÃes estudantis; utilizaÃÃo das tecnologias de informaÃÃo e comunicaÃÃo (TICâs) e das redes sociais virtuais na internet; processos de saÃde e de adoecimento; conjuntura de violÃncia urbana e, mesmo, violÃncia que culminam com a morte de estudantes africanos; formas de lazer; processos de sociabilidade entre africanos e brasileiros; festas africanas e interaÃÃes afetivossexuais. O estudo revela como os estudantes oriundos de Ãfrica sÃo alvo de preconceito e discriminaÃÃo racial, por conta da cor da pele e da prÃpria origem africana. Neste processo analÃtico, trabalho como fio condutor, a ideia de que, nas trajetÃrias e percursos diaspÃricos, os estudantes africanos constituem mÃltiplos pertencimentos identitÃrios, forjados em Ãfrica e no cotidiano no Brasil que, ora tendem à afirmaÃÃo, ora tendem à negaÃÃo de africanidade e negritude. As identidades sÃo ressignificadas, particularmente, no contato com a alteridade racial e cultural no contexto cearense, em meio a mÃltiplas formas de inclusÃo e de discriminaÃÃo racial. As identidades ressignificadas expressam-se em comportamentos, atitudes, modos de vida, formas de ser e estar. Estes processos sÃo mediados por dimensÃes objetivas como, roupas, vestimentas e trajes, calÃados, cabelos tranÃados, bem como por dimensÃes simbÃlicas, como lÃnguas faladas no cotidiano, com destaque para o crioulo, culinÃria e modos de alimentaÃÃo, expressÃes religiosas, sexualidades e discursos. Nesta anÃlise compreensiva, utilizo como aportes teÃricos, os estudos PÃs-Coloniais, a partir das ideias de William Du Bois, Paul Gilroy, Stuart Hall, dentre outros. No plano metodolÃgico, utilizo, como recursos investigativos, a observaÃÃo sistemÃtica, entrevistas abertas, em profundidade, mescladas com conversas informais, tanto a nÃvel presencial, como no espaÃo virtual, sempre registradas no âcaderno de campoâ. / This academic production aims at evaluating the migration, presence and permanence of students in Brazil from different African countries, specifically in Fortaleza-CE, according to developments that I designate as the "African Diaspora in Cearà in the 21st Century." This Diaspora is the result of the international migration of African students who travel to Brazil to obtain a university education in public and private institutions (IES). I am engaged in understanding the processes of identity-related re-signification in the trajectories and paths of these students in this Diaspora, focusing on their daily life, from a triple dimension configuration: being black, being African and being a "temporary" immigrant. This study has as an innovative aspect the fact of investigating, not only the daily life of African students enrolled in public universities, receiving scholarships, within the scope of the agreements, such as the Programa Estudantes ConvÃnio â Under-graduation (PEC-G), and the Programa Estudante ConvÃnio âGraduation (PEC-PG) and other agreements, but also the experience of a large contingent of Africans enrolled in private colleges, depending on the financial assistance of relatives and relatives residing in Africa and other parts of the world. This group of students, the largest now, presents precarious insertions in the context of Fortaleza, facing economic and financial difficulties to guarantee the payment of tuition fees in private university institutions and to maintain their own survival in the metropolis. Thus, this segment of African students has to engage in informal and precarious jobs, considered "irregular" by Brazilian authorities, subject to violations of labor rights, with long hours and low wages. In this sociological study I explore different spheres of life of these subjects who are distinguished for their diaspora-related journeys, namely, daily life, insertion in the university context, job, Interactions with public and private bodies and institutions to access goods and services, integration with student associations, use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and virtual social networks on the Internet, health and illness processes, the conjuncture of urban violence and even gender violence that culminate in the death of African students, leisure forms, sociability between Africans and Brazilians, African celebrations, besides sexual and affective interactions. The study reveals how students from Africa are subjected to prejudice and racial discrimination because of their color and African origin. In this analytic process, I use as a guiding thread, the idea that, in diaspora-related trajectories and journeys, African students stand for multiple identity shapes, forged in Africa and in everyday life in Brazil that on the one hand, tend to affirm, but on the other hand, tend to deny Africanism and blackness. Identities are re-signified, particularly, in the contact with racial and cultural alterity in the context of CearÃ, in the midst of multiple forms of racial inclusion and discrimination. Re-signified identities are expressed in behaviors, attitudes, ways of life, and ways of being. These processes are mediated by objective dimensions such as clothing, costumes, shoes, braided hair, as well as by symbolic dimensions such as the languages spoken in everyday life, especially Creole, cooking and eating modes, religious expressions, sexuality and speech. In this evaluating analysis, I use as theoretical contributions, post colonial studies, from the ideas of William Du Bois, Paul Gilroy, Stuart Hall, among others. At the methodological level, I use investigative resources as systematic observation, open in-depth interviews mixed with informal conversations, both face-to-face and in virtual space, always recorded in the "field notebook".

O novo Enem e a plataforma Sisu: efeitos sobre a migração e a evasão estudantil / The effects of the introduction of a centralized admission system on student migration and college dropout: evidence from Brazilian higher education

Denise Leyi Li 15 September 2016 (has links)
A reformulação do Exame nacional de ensino médio (Enem), em 2009, e a implementação da plataforma Sisu, em 2010, levaram à transição do sistema de seleção do ensino superior público brasileiro: passou-se de um modelo descentralizado para um majoritariamente centralizado. Apesar da relevância dessa política, a avaliação de seus impactos ainda é principiante. Nesse sentido, utilizando dados de ingressantes entre 2006 e 2014, a pesquisa buscou investigar os impactos dessa política na migração inter e intraestadual e na evasão dos estudantes. Utilizamos, de forma inédita, bases derivadas do cruzamento entre microdados identificados de responsabilidade do Inep, que possibilitaram uma medida mais precisa da migração estudantil. Além disso, investigamos amostras agregadas por instituições e por estados para a inclusão de controles tradicionais de atração e repulsão na literatura de migração. Encontramos que o ingresso do aluno em um programa que oferta vagas pelo SISU eleva a probabilidade de ele ser um migrante interestadual em 2,9 pontos percentuais (p.p.), mas reduz a probabilidade de ele ser um migrante intraestadual em até 3,95 p.p.. Quanto aos resultados para a evasão, verificamos que a adesão ao Sisu eleva a probabilidade de evasão no primeiro ano em 4,5 p.p.. Além disso, um aluno que ingressa em um programa que oferta vagas pelo Sisu tem uma probabilidade maior de mudar de instituição antes de completar o curso. Nesse caso, o auxílio social mostra-se relevante para manter o aluno na mesma instituição, mas não no mesmo curso. Por fim, verificamos que mulheres são mais estáveis no sentido de serem menos propensas a migrar, a evadir e a mudarem de instituições depois do ingresso. / This paper studies the policy that unified the admission system to Brazilian Higher Education. The policy consists of the reformulation of the Enem, in 2009, and the implementation of Sisu platform, in 2010. By using student level admission data from 2006 to 2014, this research seeks to investigate the impact of this policy on both the inter and intra state migration and on the dropout of students. We matched identified databases from the National Institute of Study and Research (Inep) to achieve a more accurate measure of student migration. We found that the admission of a given student in a program that offers places through SISU increases the probability of him being an interstate migrant by 2.9 percentage points (pp), but reduces the likelihood of him being a intrastate migrant by up to 3.95 pp. Concerning the results for dropout, we found that the university\'s commitment to Sisu raises the first year dropout probability by 4.5 pp. In addition, a student who joins a program that offer places via Sisu is more likely to change to another institution before finishing his course. In this case, social aid is effective in keeping the student in the same institution, but not on the same course. Finally, we found that women are more stable in the sense of being less likely to migrate, to dropout or change institutions after their admission.

Ensino “Além Mar” : trajetórias e travessias de estudantes africanos no ensino superior em Juiz de Fora - MG

Laier, Aline Cristina 10 March 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Geandra Rodrigues (geandrar@gmail.com) on 2018-06-18T12:24:38Z No. of bitstreams: 1 alinecristinalaier.pdf: 2654107 bytes, checksum: 70d41f793d23b069a88714a3b7724649 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2018-06-27T12:13:25Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 alinecristinalaier.pdf: 2654107 bytes, checksum: 70d41f793d23b069a88714a3b7724649 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-27T12:13:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 alinecristinalaier.pdf: 2654107 bytes, checksum: 70d41f793d23b069a88714a3b7724649 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-10 / A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo apreender as trajetórias e travessias dos estudantes africanos que migram para a cidade de Juiz de Fora para cursarem o ensino superior, notadamente os estudantes atrelados ao Programa estudante convênio graduação – PEC-G. Partindo do pressuposto de que a migração estudantil, para além do deslocamento espacial, traz em seu cerne transformações acerca das identidades dos indivíduos e se realiza por intermédio das redes sociais estabelecidas entre o país de origem e o país de destino, busca-se refletir como estudantes africanos se inserem no seio do universo estudantil da sociedade brasileira e de que forma a interação dentro desta nova realidade social contribui para que indivíduos e os grupos por eles formados acionem novas categorias identitárias, operando transformações no plano individual e social. “Ser africano” no contexto da vivência da sociabilidade de uma juventude universitária, é uma faceta identitária que se (re)afirma cotidianamente. Esta faceta também é celebrada através de eventos organizados por estes estudantes; através dos discursos do que é ser africano no contexto migratório, forma pela qual alguns elementos simbólicos são acionados. Também se pretende refletir acerca do projeto da migração estudantil, da decisão de migrar para cursar o ensino superior, a chegada e as experiências vivenciadas, assim como os planos para depois da formação. Como método, utilizou-se a etnografia, através da observação participante e de entrevistas abertas. E para um entendimento maior do universo social do qual estes estudantes são oriundos e sobre as origens e implicações das migrações estudantis, fez-se necessário uma pesquisa acerca da história das relações Brasil-África; sobre a (re)configuração de uma identidade negra à partir do século XX; a questão dos PALOP e a língua portuguesa como um patrimônio cultural em comum; assim como os acordos governamentais empreendidos pelo governo brasileiro e os países africanos de modo a fomentar as migrações / The current research aims at gathering the path and crossings of African students migrating to the city of Juiz de Fora to take a college degree, notoriously students related to the ProgramaEstudanteConvênioGraduação – PEC-G. Assuming that student migration, beyond spatial displacement, brings in its core shifts regarding individual identity and carries itself out through social networking established between home country and destination country, we aim to think over on how African students settle at the bosom of schooling universe of the Brazilian society and in what ways the interaction amongst this new social reality contributes for individuals and groups formed by them to activate new identity categories, operating changes individually and socially-wise. “Being African” in the context of sociability living of a college youth, is an identity facet reassured daily. This facet is also celebrated through events which are organized by those students; through speeches of what is being African in the migration setting, a way by which some symbolic elements are triggered. We also intend to reflect on the project of student migration, the choice of migration to take a college degree, the arrival and experiences lived, as much as plans after graduation. For a method, ethnography was used, through the observation of participants and open interviews. Also, for a better understanding of those students’ original student universe and about the origins and implications of student migration, a research about the Brazilian-African relation was necessary; about the (re)setting of a black identity at the 20th century; the question of Portuguese-speaking African countries and Portuguese language as a common cultural inheritance; as well as governmental agreements moved by the Brazilian government and African countries in order to encourage migrations.

Stanna eller flytta? : Påverkar Norrbotniabanan studenters arbetsmöjligheter och planer att stanna i regionen efter examen? / Should I stay or should I go? : Does the Norrbotnia railway affect students' job opportunities and plans to stay in the region after graduation?

Sterner, Edit, Berglind, Mira January 2024 (has links)
Kollektivtrafiken underlättar resor för utbildning, nöje och arbete. Norrbotniabanan byggs för att förbättra förbindelser, minska utsläpp och möta transportefterfrågan i Norrland. Utveckling av järnvägsinfrastruktur är avgörande för hållbar tillväxt. Det behövs mer forskning om hur infrastrukturinvesteringar påverkar studenters uppfattning om arbetsmöjligheter och deras beslut att stanna kvar eller flytta efter examen. Studien undersöker därför om Norrbotniabanan påverkar hur studenter vid Umeå universitet uppfattar arbetsmöjligheter och upplevd sannolikhet att stanna i regionen efter examen. En blandad metod användes, med enkäter och fokusgruppintervjuer. Analysen inkluderade deskriptiv statistik med data från en webbaserad enkät och en tematisk analys för data från fokusgruppsintervjuer. Den teoretiska referensramen omfattar tillgänglighet, restid, kollektivtrafik och studenters rörlighet efter examen. Majoriteten av studenterna är osäkra eller vill inte stanna kvar i regionen efter examen, främst på grund av bristande arbetsmöjligheter och långa avstånd till familj. Jämfört med män, är kvinnor mer optimistiska till att Norrbotniabanan kan generera positiva effekter på arbetsmöjligheterna. Förbättrad kollektivtrafik anses vara en nyckelåtgärd för att främja ekonomisk tillväxt och underlätta för studenter att stanna kvar eller pendla till arbetsplatser utanför sin hemort. Trots att studenterna trivs i Umeå, skapar bristen på arbetsmöjligheter och bostäder osäkerhet i regionen, vilket driver dem att söka sig söderut. För att studenterna ska stanna kvar krävs regional tillväxt, och Norrbotniabanan framhålls som ett steg i rätt riktning. / Public transportation facilitates travel for education, leisure, and work. The Norrbotnia Railway is being constructed to enhance connections, reduce emissions, and meet transportation demand in Norrland. The development of railway infrastructure is crucial for sustainable growth. There is a need for more research on how infrastructure investments affect students' perceptions of job opportunities and their decisions to stay or move after graduation. Therefore, the study investigates whether the Norrbotnia Railway influences how students at Umeå University perceive job opportunities and their likelihood of staying in the region after graduation. A mixed method approach was used, including surveys and focus group interviews. The analysis involved descriptive statistics using data from a web-based survey and thematic analysis for data from focus group interviews. The theoretical framework includes accessibility, travel time, public transportation, and students’ mobility after graduation. The majority of students are uncertain or do not want to stay in the region after graduation due to lack of job opportunities and long distances from family. Compared to men, women are more optimistic about the potential positive effects of the Norrbotnia Railway on job opportunities. Improved public transportation is considered a key measure to promote economic growth and facilitate students' ability to stay or commute to workplaces outside their hometown. Despite the students thriving in Umeå, the shortage of job opportunities and housing creates uncertainty in the region, prompting them to seek opportunities elsewhere. Regional growth is necessary to retain students, and Norrbotniabanan is seen as a step in the right direction.

La nation anglo-allemande de l'Université de Paris pendant la domination anglo-bourguignonne (1418-1436)

Drolet, Sébastien January 2006 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Migration for Education: Haitian University Students in the Dominican Republic

Miner, Jenny 01 April 2013 (has links)
Haitian university students represent a part of the increasing diversity of Haitian migrants in the Dominican Republic. Using an ethnographic approach, I explore university students’ motivations for studying in the Dominican Republic, their experiences at Dominican universities and in Dominican society, Haitian student organizations, and their future plans. Additionally, I focus on Haitian students’ experiences with discrimination and how they relate to other Haitian migrants in the Dominican Republic. I find that most students come to the Dominican Republic due to the difficulty of gaining entrance to affordable Haitian universities and logistical convenience. The university is a unique setting where Haitian and Dominican students are clearly peers, which results in increased interactions between the two groups and decreased discrimination towards Haitian students. However, Haitian students remain a relatively isolated group within the university and in the larger Dominican society. Many students reported experiencing discrimination, although students identified class, rather than race or nationality, as the main reason for discrimination. Furthermore, I focused on the role of language in migrants’ experiences. I found that while a high command of Spanish allowed migrants to avoid identification as Haitian and subsequent discrimination, Kreyòl was used as a resource to create solidarity and maintain cultural ties to Haiti. My research suggests that it is important to keep in mind the distinct notions of race and nationality in Haiti and in the Dominican Republic when considering contemporary struggles for the rights of Haitian migrants and their descendants in the Dominican Republic.

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