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Cultivating social learning spaces at an urban Johannesburg university student residenceAgherdien, Najma 14 October 2015 (has links)
Ph.D. (Education) / This case study investigated the conceptualisation and implementation of social learning spaces (SLS) in a University of Johannesburg student residence. The literature base I drew on included ideas, concepts and constructs associated with learning communities [where the terms ‘SLS’ and ‘learning communities’ (LCs) are often used interchangeably], Wenger’s communities of practice, the First Year Experience (FYE), university student residence life and transformation in higher education. Cultural historical activity theory (CHAT) as provided by Engeström and critical theory served as theoretical frameworks to guide the study. I used CHAT as a theoretical lens and as a tool of analysis. In addition, I used content analysis to analyse the data. The main findings of this study show that, despite numerous efforts to get them to articulate their concerns, students found voice only in the SLS groups. Their sociocultural and historical backgrounds shaped how they interacted with residence management and prevented them from becoming more active in their own learning. Residence management and students’ lack of addressing matters of concern prevented the optimal development of SLS establishment. The established hegemonic practices of residence management further prevented them from recognising the need for new learning tools, spaces and practices. Major constraints to the development of SLS included the hierarchical and power-laden setting in the university environment, coupled with clearly established roles and responsibilities, and students’ as well as residence advisors’ lack of agency. Specific intervention and conscious creation was needed in establishing SLS. Some students found the conceptualisation and implementation of SLS vague at first and somewhat problematic, but over time, managed to apply what they had learned in these SLS spaces ...
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Housing in a university situation: a study of student livingFish, Hirsh L 14 April 2020 (has links)
Whilst travelling in the united states and Europe during 1969, I visited various university campuses. It was at Bochum being built at the time in Germany that I became especially aware of how separated the university community seemed to be from the society outside. Due it its remoteness I decided to examine and evaluate the relationships that exist between a university and its community preferably in some particular field of study. I drew the hypothesis that there existed a casual relationship between vehicular congestion and housing and that by providing more on campus housing a move towards alleviating the congestion problems would be made. In the gathering of information on residence provision, it became apparent that there exists an intense level f concern amongst our university administrators in regard to the correct provision of student housing and that much research work needed to be done in this field. Starting at the beginning of this year and after some considerable time, with much energy spent, the stages has been reached where the emerging problem of student housing can be defined. It is hoped that this thesis will make some contribution of the kind of housing out students want and need and that from this study a re-assessment of basic attitudes to the housing of our students can be made.
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O lugar onde a casa mora : memórias sobre a Casa do Estudante Universitário Aparício Cora de Almeida- CEUACA (1963-1981)Hinterholz, Marcos Luiz January 2017 (has links)
Este é um estudo historiográfico sobre a Casa do Estudante Universitário Aparício Cora de Almeida (CEAUCA), fundada no ano de 1934 em Porto Alegre - RS. Busca- se entender a Casa como uma instituição educativa, tendo como documentos privilegiados narrativas de memória de oito antigos moradores. Trata-se, portanto, de uma noção ampliada do processo educativo nas moradias estudantis, para além da escolarização, interessada em buscar, por meio da construção de uma história desta instituição, práticas e experiências dos sujeitos habitantes, bem como analisar os modos como a Casa é significada por cada um dos entrevistados. A pesquisa posiciona-se no campo da História da Educação, utilizando os postulados da História Cultural, especialmente o conceito de representação, por meio dos quais busca analisar de forma dialógica as oito entrevistas produzidas e demais documentos mobilizados para a construção da presente narrativa historiográfica, como periódicos, imagens, estatutos e plantas do prédio sede. Para o tratamento metodológico dos documentos orais e escritos foram utilizadas a História Oral e a análise documental histórica, respectivamente. Os marcos históricos eleitos para contextualizar a instituição CEUACA foram a Ditadura Civil Militar (1964-1985) e o Maio de 68. Na intenção de valorizar as experiências daqueles que narram, a temporalidade final foi definida cronologicamente, entre a entrada do morador entrevistado mais antigo e a saída do mais recente (1963-1981). O estudo discutiu, entre outras coisas, as origens e consolidação da Casa como instituição, a formação de sua complexa estrutura organizacional e os efeitos do modelo de autonomia e autogestão. A CEUACA pôde ser percebida como um espaço de ambivalências, de transição, ocupado por estudantes oriundos de camadas empobrecidas que em pouco tempo passariam por um processo de ascensão social. Foram dados a ver trajetórias formativas irregulares e estratégias de permanência e condições de possibilidade da presença destes estudantes no Ensino Superior, bem como aspectos relacionados à inserção destes no novo círculo de sociabilidades. Foram recorrentes tanto nas narrativas quanto no discurso dos periódicos analisados, a atribuição de um sentido formativo à experiência de moradia estudantil. O estudo contemplou ainda as implicações do contexto político e suas reverberações no interior da Casa, por meio de cisões ideológicas que concorreram fortemente na forma como os sujeitos rememoraram suas vivências na instituição. Ainda que todas as valorações sobre esta experiência de moradia elaboradas pelos antigos moradores tenham sido positivas, foi possível perceber que a Casa é inscrita e elaborada de diferentes maneiras nas narrativas de si dos sujeitos entrevistados. / This is a study on the history of the College Student Residence Aparício Cora de Almeida - Casa do Estudante Universitário Aparício Cora de Almeida (CEAUCA), established in 1934 in Porto Alegre - RS. Its aim is to acknowledge CEAUCA as an educational institution, having memory narratives of eight former tenants as its privileged documents. This is, therefore, a broadened view of the educational process in the college residence halls beyond schooling, which is interested in investigating practices and experiences of tenants subjects through the construction of the history of this institution, as well as in analyzing the ways the House is signified by each one of the interviewees. The study is constructed in the History of Education field, using the postulates of Cultural History, in particular the representation concept, by which it aims to analyze in a dialogic form the eight produced interviews and other documents fulfilled for the construction of this historiographical narrative, such as periodicals, images, statutes and architectural plans of the head office. For the methodological treatment of the oral and written documents, Oral History and historic documental analysis were used respectively. The elected historical landmarks were the Civil-Military Dictatorship (1964-1985) and the May 68. In an attempt to value the experiences of the narrators, the final temporality was defined chronologically, from the admission of the oldest interviewed tenant to the withdrawal of the most recent (1963-1981) The study discussed, among other things, the origins and consolidation of the House as an institution, the formation of its complex organizational structure and the effects of the autonomy and self-management model. CEUACA could be perceived as a space of ambivalences and transition, inhabited by students derived from impoverished layers that in a short period of time would pass through a social ascension process. The following were data considered: irregular formative trajectories, retention strategies and conditions of possibility of these students’ presence in higher education, as well as aspects related to their inclusion in the new social circle. The attribution of a formative sense to the experience of living in a College Student Residence was recurrent not only in the narratives but also in the discourse of the analyzed periodicals. The study encompassed the implications of the political context and its repercussions within the student house as well, through ideological fissures that strongly concurred with the way the subjects recollected their experiences in the institution. Though all the valuations regarding this housing experience elaborated by the former tenants were positive, it was possible to notice that CEUACA is embodied and elaborated in various ways in the self-narratives of the subjects interviewed.
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O lugar onde a casa mora : memórias sobre a Casa do Estudante Universitário Aparício Cora de Almeida- CEUACA (1963-1981)Hinterholz, Marcos Luiz January 2017 (has links)
Este é um estudo historiográfico sobre a Casa do Estudante Universitário Aparício Cora de Almeida (CEAUCA), fundada no ano de 1934 em Porto Alegre - RS. Busca- se entender a Casa como uma instituição educativa, tendo como documentos privilegiados narrativas de memória de oito antigos moradores. Trata-se, portanto, de uma noção ampliada do processo educativo nas moradias estudantis, para além da escolarização, interessada em buscar, por meio da construção de uma história desta instituição, práticas e experiências dos sujeitos habitantes, bem como analisar os modos como a Casa é significada por cada um dos entrevistados. A pesquisa posiciona-se no campo da História da Educação, utilizando os postulados da História Cultural, especialmente o conceito de representação, por meio dos quais busca analisar de forma dialógica as oito entrevistas produzidas e demais documentos mobilizados para a construção da presente narrativa historiográfica, como periódicos, imagens, estatutos e plantas do prédio sede. Para o tratamento metodológico dos documentos orais e escritos foram utilizadas a História Oral e a análise documental histórica, respectivamente. Os marcos históricos eleitos para contextualizar a instituição CEUACA foram a Ditadura Civil Militar (1964-1985) e o Maio de 68. Na intenção de valorizar as experiências daqueles que narram, a temporalidade final foi definida cronologicamente, entre a entrada do morador entrevistado mais antigo e a saída do mais recente (1963-1981). O estudo discutiu, entre outras coisas, as origens e consolidação da Casa como instituição, a formação de sua complexa estrutura organizacional e os efeitos do modelo de autonomia e autogestão. A CEUACA pôde ser percebida como um espaço de ambivalências, de transição, ocupado por estudantes oriundos de camadas empobrecidas que em pouco tempo passariam por um processo de ascensão social. Foram dados a ver trajetórias formativas irregulares e estratégias de permanência e condições de possibilidade da presença destes estudantes no Ensino Superior, bem como aspectos relacionados à inserção destes no novo círculo de sociabilidades. Foram recorrentes tanto nas narrativas quanto no discurso dos periódicos analisados, a atribuição de um sentido formativo à experiência de moradia estudantil. O estudo contemplou ainda as implicações do contexto político e suas reverberações no interior da Casa, por meio de cisões ideológicas que concorreram fortemente na forma como os sujeitos rememoraram suas vivências na instituição. Ainda que todas as valorações sobre esta experiência de moradia elaboradas pelos antigos moradores tenham sido positivas, foi possível perceber que a Casa é inscrita e elaborada de diferentes maneiras nas narrativas de si dos sujeitos entrevistados. / This is a study on the history of the College Student Residence Aparício Cora de Almeida - Casa do Estudante Universitário Aparício Cora de Almeida (CEAUCA), established in 1934 in Porto Alegre - RS. Its aim is to acknowledge CEAUCA as an educational institution, having memory narratives of eight former tenants as its privileged documents. This is, therefore, a broadened view of the educational process in the college residence halls beyond schooling, which is interested in investigating practices and experiences of tenants subjects through the construction of the history of this institution, as well as in analyzing the ways the House is signified by each one of the interviewees. The study is constructed in the History of Education field, using the postulates of Cultural History, in particular the representation concept, by which it aims to analyze in a dialogic form the eight produced interviews and other documents fulfilled for the construction of this historiographical narrative, such as periodicals, images, statutes and architectural plans of the head office. For the methodological treatment of the oral and written documents, Oral History and historic documental analysis were used respectively. The elected historical landmarks were the Civil-Military Dictatorship (1964-1985) and the May 68. In an attempt to value the experiences of the narrators, the final temporality was defined chronologically, from the admission of the oldest interviewed tenant to the withdrawal of the most recent (1963-1981) The study discussed, among other things, the origins and consolidation of the House as an institution, the formation of its complex organizational structure and the effects of the autonomy and self-management model. CEUACA could be perceived as a space of ambivalences and transition, inhabited by students derived from impoverished layers that in a short period of time would pass through a social ascension process. The following were data considered: irregular formative trajectories, retention strategies and conditions of possibility of these students’ presence in higher education, as well as aspects related to their inclusion in the new social circle. The attribution of a formative sense to the experience of living in a College Student Residence was recurrent not only in the narratives but also in the discourse of the analyzed periodicals. The study encompassed the implications of the political context and its repercussions within the student house as well, through ideological fissures that strongly concurred with the way the subjects recollected their experiences in the institution. Though all the valuations regarding this housing experience elaborated by the former tenants were positive, it was possible to notice that CEUACA is embodied and elaborated in various ways in the self-narratives of the subjects interviewed.
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O lugar onde a casa mora : memórias sobre a Casa do Estudante Universitário Aparício Cora de Almeida- CEUACA (1963-1981)Hinterholz, Marcos Luiz January 2017 (has links)
Este é um estudo historiográfico sobre a Casa do Estudante Universitário Aparício Cora de Almeida (CEAUCA), fundada no ano de 1934 em Porto Alegre - RS. Busca- se entender a Casa como uma instituição educativa, tendo como documentos privilegiados narrativas de memória de oito antigos moradores. Trata-se, portanto, de uma noção ampliada do processo educativo nas moradias estudantis, para além da escolarização, interessada em buscar, por meio da construção de uma história desta instituição, práticas e experiências dos sujeitos habitantes, bem como analisar os modos como a Casa é significada por cada um dos entrevistados. A pesquisa posiciona-se no campo da História da Educação, utilizando os postulados da História Cultural, especialmente o conceito de representação, por meio dos quais busca analisar de forma dialógica as oito entrevistas produzidas e demais documentos mobilizados para a construção da presente narrativa historiográfica, como periódicos, imagens, estatutos e plantas do prédio sede. Para o tratamento metodológico dos documentos orais e escritos foram utilizadas a História Oral e a análise documental histórica, respectivamente. Os marcos históricos eleitos para contextualizar a instituição CEUACA foram a Ditadura Civil Militar (1964-1985) e o Maio de 68. Na intenção de valorizar as experiências daqueles que narram, a temporalidade final foi definida cronologicamente, entre a entrada do morador entrevistado mais antigo e a saída do mais recente (1963-1981). O estudo discutiu, entre outras coisas, as origens e consolidação da Casa como instituição, a formação de sua complexa estrutura organizacional e os efeitos do modelo de autonomia e autogestão. A CEUACA pôde ser percebida como um espaço de ambivalências, de transição, ocupado por estudantes oriundos de camadas empobrecidas que em pouco tempo passariam por um processo de ascensão social. Foram dados a ver trajetórias formativas irregulares e estratégias de permanência e condições de possibilidade da presença destes estudantes no Ensino Superior, bem como aspectos relacionados à inserção destes no novo círculo de sociabilidades. Foram recorrentes tanto nas narrativas quanto no discurso dos periódicos analisados, a atribuição de um sentido formativo à experiência de moradia estudantil. O estudo contemplou ainda as implicações do contexto político e suas reverberações no interior da Casa, por meio de cisões ideológicas que concorreram fortemente na forma como os sujeitos rememoraram suas vivências na instituição. Ainda que todas as valorações sobre esta experiência de moradia elaboradas pelos antigos moradores tenham sido positivas, foi possível perceber que a Casa é inscrita e elaborada de diferentes maneiras nas narrativas de si dos sujeitos entrevistados. / This is a study on the history of the College Student Residence Aparício Cora de Almeida - Casa do Estudante Universitário Aparício Cora de Almeida (CEAUCA), established in 1934 in Porto Alegre - RS. Its aim is to acknowledge CEAUCA as an educational institution, having memory narratives of eight former tenants as its privileged documents. This is, therefore, a broadened view of the educational process in the college residence halls beyond schooling, which is interested in investigating practices and experiences of tenants subjects through the construction of the history of this institution, as well as in analyzing the ways the House is signified by each one of the interviewees. The study is constructed in the History of Education field, using the postulates of Cultural History, in particular the representation concept, by which it aims to analyze in a dialogic form the eight produced interviews and other documents fulfilled for the construction of this historiographical narrative, such as periodicals, images, statutes and architectural plans of the head office. For the methodological treatment of the oral and written documents, Oral History and historic documental analysis were used respectively. The elected historical landmarks were the Civil-Military Dictatorship (1964-1985) and the May 68. In an attempt to value the experiences of the narrators, the final temporality was defined chronologically, from the admission of the oldest interviewed tenant to the withdrawal of the most recent (1963-1981) The study discussed, among other things, the origins and consolidation of the House as an institution, the formation of its complex organizational structure and the effects of the autonomy and self-management model. CEUACA could be perceived as a space of ambivalences and transition, inhabited by students derived from impoverished layers that in a short period of time would pass through a social ascension process. The following were data considered: irregular formative trajectories, retention strategies and conditions of possibility of these students’ presence in higher education, as well as aspects related to their inclusion in the new social circle. The attribution of a formative sense to the experience of living in a College Student Residence was recurrent not only in the narratives but also in the discourse of the analyzed periodicals. The study encompassed the implications of the political context and its repercussions within the student house as well, through ideological fissures that strongly concurred with the way the subjects recollected their experiences in the institution. Though all the valuations regarding this housing experience elaborated by the former tenants were positive, it was possible to notice that CEUACA is embodied and elaborated in various ways in the self-narratives of the subjects interviewed.
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Moradia estudantil e formação do (a) estudante universitário (a) / Residence halls and the college student¿s formative yearsGarrido, Edleusa Nery, 1961- 20 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Elizabeth Nogueira Gomes da Silva Mercuri / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T22:08:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Garrido_EdleusaNery_D.pdf: 1945440 bytes, checksum: 44ea9523737bc8b92256b6b4e6ffb229 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Estudos têm destacado a amplitude dos impactos da educação superior sobre os estudantes. A vivência acadêmica, composta por uma gama de atividades com as quais os estudantes se deparam nesse período, em ambiente acadêmico, tanto dentro como fora da sala de aula, está relacionada a tais impactos. A moradia estudantil, um dos espaços que compõem o ambiente acadêmico, traz contribuições importantes para o estudante em formação, e as investigações, especialmente aquelas realizadas nos Estados Unidos, confirmam isso. Contudo, no Brasil, as raras publicações sobre moradias estudantis e/ou seus moradores não têm atentado para esse aspecto, concentrando-se, frequentemente, na sua análise enquanto ação de assistência estudantil. A presente investigação teve como objetivo identificar e analisar mudanças percebidas pelos residentes em moradias estudantis no domínio pessoal, social, acadêmico e saúde e as condições associadas a essas mudanças. Buscou também descrever as características de uma moradia estudantil adequadas à formação universitária, segundo a percepção de seus moradores. É um estudo qualitativo, de caráter exploratório e descritivo, desenvolvido em duas universidades públicas baianas, com 32 estudantes de graduação de ambos os sexos, residentes em oito moradias estudantis em tempo superior a dois semestres. Os dados foram coletados a partir de entrevista semiestruturada, cujo roteiro foi amparado por resultados de estudos centrados no impacto da moradia estudantil sobre o estudante nos anos de formação. Somado aos itens referentes aos quatro domínios investigados, o instrumento apresentava ainda uma questão sobre as características consideradas desejáveis para uma moradia estudantil, tendo em vista as necessidades e as responsabilidades impostas pela formação universitária. Foram identificados 542 pares de relação entre impactos e condições, distribuídos nos quatro domínios de impactos, na seguinte ordem de frequência: social, acadêmico, pessoal e saúde. Os impactos positivos foram mais numerosos nos domínios social e acadêmico; os indesejáveis, nos domínios saúde e pessoal. As condições de impacto identificadas foram organizadas nas categorias relativas ao ser morador e à moradia em seus aspectos sociais e estruturais. Dentre as condições propiciadoras de mudanças, as associadas aos aspectos sociais presentes na moradia apresentaram maior força na produção de impactos. Os aspectos estruturais da moradia, por sua vez, revelam uma situação preocupante: a eles foi atribuída a maior parte dos impactos indesejáveis no domínio saúde. Os estudantes apresentaram 183 sugestões dirigidas à moradia, aos serviços e aos compromissos institucionais e dos moradores. Os resultados confirmam a contribuição da moradia no enriquecimento da vivência acadêmica e apontam para a necessidade de investimentos nesses espaços, especialmente no que tange aos aspectos estruturais e que valorizem seu potencial de formação. Diante do escasso conhecimento sobre o impacto das moradias estudantis brasileiras, sugerem-se novos estudos em outros contextos institucionais que incorporem variáveis não contempladas na presente investigação. / Abstract: Several studies have pointed out the scope of the impacts of higher education on students. College life, consisting of a wide range of activities facing students in an academic environment both inside and outside the classrooms, is related to such impacts. The residence hall, one of such spaces comprising the academic environment, plays a major role in the college students' formative years, which has been confirmed by research work, mostly undertaken in the United States. In Brazil, however, the rare existing studies on residence halls and/or their residents have not addressed such an aspect, often focusing, instead, on their assistance role for students. This investigation was aimed at identifying and analyzing the changes perceived by residence hall residents in the personal, social, academic, and health domains and the conditions associated with those changes. It also sought to describe the residence hall features deemed as desirable in the college's formative years, as per the residents' perception. It is an exploratory descriptive qualitative study carried out in two public universities in the state of Bahia (Brazil) involving 32 undergraduate students of both genders, residents in eight residence halls for over two semesters. Data were gathered from a semi-structured interview, the protocol of which was based on results from studies focused on the impact of residence halls on the college students' formative years. Adding to the items concerning the four domains under investigation, the tool also featured a question about the characteristics deemed as desirable for a residence hall in view of the needs and responsibilities imposed by the college experience. Data analysis showed 542 pairs of relationships between impacts and conditions, distributed among the four impact dimensions in the following order of frequency: social, academic, personal and health. Positive impacts were more frequent in the social and academic dimensions whereas the undesirable ones were more often found in the health and personal domains. The impact conditions identified were then organized in categories related to being a resident and to the social and structural aspects of the residence hall. Among the conditions favoring changes, those related to social aspects in the residence hall were found to be the strongest in exerting impact. Findings for the structural aspects of the residence hall revealed a worrying situation: they were assigned most of the undesirable impacts concerning the health dimension. Respondents provided 183 suggestions regarding the residence hall, the services and the residents' and institution's commitments. Results confirmed the contribution of residence halls in enriching the academic experience and point to the need for investments in such spaces especially concerning the structural aspects and those which may maximize their formative potential. In light of the scarce knowledge on the impact of Brazilian residence halls, further studies in other institutional contexts are warranted in order to add variables not included in this investigation. / Doutorado / Psicologia Educacional / Doutor em Educação
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Rehabilitación de la Residencia Universitaria de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos / Rehabilitate the University Residence of the National University of San MarcosEspinoza Guevara, Jimena 12 December 2018 (has links)
La expansión de Lima y el centralismo han generado el aumento de universidades, es por eso que muchos jóvenes deciden dejar sus provincias y buscar mejores oportunidades en la capital, sin embargo muchos estudiantes al no tener un lugar donde vivir, tienen la necesidad de buscar alojamientos que no cumplen con las necesidades básicas.
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo principal desarrollar un proyecto de rehabilitación de la Residencia universitaria de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos con la finalidad de crear espacios de habitad y condiciones adecuadas para el buen desenvolvimiento del universitario.
Por otro lado se buscará rediseñar las áreas comunes, proponiendo nuevos espacios como: salas de estudio, de visitas y de entretenimiento con el fin de fomentar la socialización entre estudiantes, así mismo se diseñarán las habitaciones con todas las comodidades logrando que estos espacios sean aptos para el descanso de los residentes. También se plateará espacios relación interior – exterior para romper con el lugar cerrado así los estudiantes logren tener contacto con la naturaleza.
Para lograr el objetivo, se utilizaran estrategias de diseño como: aperturas y volúmenes por dentro y fuera de la edificación con el fin de generar una distribución dinámica y diferentes experiencias espaciales para los residentes. También se propone paneles con persianas corredizas en la fachada con el propósito de controlar el ingreso del calor y la luz solar a la residencia, igualmente brindar una estética arquitectónica a la fachada. / The expansion of Lima and centralism have generated the increase of universities, that is why many young people decide to leave their provinces and look for better opportunities inthe capital, however, many students do not have a place to live, they need to look for accommodations that don't meet basic needs.
This work aims to develop a project to rehabilitate the University Residence of the UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL MAYOR DE SAN MARCOS in order to create spaces of habitat and conditions suitable for the good development of the student.
On the other hand, we will redesign the common areas, proposing new spaces such as study rooms, visitors and entertainment to promote socialization among students. Likewise, the design of the rooms will provide all the comfort needed, making this spaces suitable for residents. The protect also proposes spaces with indoor-outdoor relationship spaces to break with the enclosed place so that students can have contact with nature.
To achieve the goal, design strategies such as the following will be used: openings and volumes inside and outside the building will be used to generate a dynamic distribution and different spatial experiences for students. Panels with sliding shutters are also proposed on the facade to control the ingress of heat and sunlight to the residence, also providing an architectural aesthetic to the facade. / Tesis
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Den delade studentbostaden : Om arkitekturens inverkan på människan och viktiga kvaliteter i hemmiljö / The shared student residence : The impact of architecture and important qualities of the home environmentAndersson Serreli, Vendela January 2022 (has links)
Bostadens kvaliteter har direkt inverkan på individens förutsättningar och påverkar livskvaliteten. Studentbostäder hör till kategorin tillfälliga boenden vilket medför viss sanktionering gällande kvalitetskrav för bostadens utformning, detta ses som problematiskt eftersom studentergenerellt tillbringar många timmar i sitt hem och hemmiljön vanligtvis också fungerar somen plats för studier. Bostaden som både hem- och arbetsmiljö betraktas i och med förväntad utbredning av digitaliserad undervisning som en viktig aspekt i utformningen av framtidens studentbostäder. Syftet med uppsatsen är att identifiera vad som är ett bra studentboende.För att förstå detta undersöks relationen mellan den byggda miljö och människan, synen på hemmiljö och bostaden, vilka arkitektoniska kvaliteter som bidrar till trivsel i bostaden och har positiv inverkan på upplevelsen av hemmiljö, vilka behov som kan betraktas som mänskligt förenande samt vilka specifika behov och preferenser som finns inom målgruppen studenter.Den teoretiska grunden har formats utifrån det vetenskapliga fältet för arkitektur, sociologi, psykologi och filosofi. Resonemang som förts i olika tider sätts i relation till varandra ochillustrerar hur synen på bostaden och dess primära funktioner förändras över tid. Litteratur- och databassökning resulterar i sammanställande av åtta indikatorer som är viktiga att ta hänsyntill i utformning av framtidens studentbostäder, dessa är; sammanhang, spatial form, dagsljus och inomhusklimat, nivåer av socialt och privat, rummens placering i relation till varandra, omslutenhet kontra öppenhet, möjlighet till variation samt material och detaljer. Indikatorerna har fungerat vägledande i utformandet av ett gestaltningsförslag över ett studentboende i Malmö. För att tillgodose alla dessa behov i en bostadslösning, begränsad av studenternas budget och effektivitetskrav, har ett koncept kring en delad lägenhet för två personer utvecklats. Att två studenter bor tillsammans är också en strategi som tillämpas för att underlätta integrationen i den sociala gemenskapen, i byggnaden mellan studenterna och i staden mellan studenternaoch universitetslivet. Att dela en situation med en person som befinner sig i “samma” position beskrivs våde i tidigare forskning och av studenterna som ett sätt att öka upplevelsen av trygghet. När människor känner sig trygga uppstår en vilja att utforska vilket leder till utveckling.En ritningsanalys av fyra befintliga studentbostäder i Malmö och förståelse utifrån Malmö universitets Campusplan 2040 har bidragit med kompletterande inslag i analysen utifrån medvetenheten kring platsens och sammanhangets inverkan i utformning av god arkitektur. För ytterligare förståelse för målgruppen har fem universitetsstudenter som bor i Malmö intervjuats omfrågor som rör kvaliteter och behov i bostaden samt synen på hemmiljö och studentbostäder. Gestaltningsförslaget presenterades för studenterna och ledde till en djupare diskussion om livet i studentbostäder, vilka delar i utformningen som upplevdes som bra och vad som kunde förbättras samt vilka utmanande frågor som kunde identifieras. Samtalen med studenterna bekräftar tidigare forskning på områdena hemmiljö och studentbostaden, således även indikatorernas relevans. Intervjuerna leder till uppslag för vidare utveckling av gestaltningsförslaget och en diskussion kring komplexiteten i utformningen av studentbostäder, på grund av konkurrerande värden som sätts i relation till varandra. Studien visar att det i fråga om studentbostaden finns ett behov av möjlighet till personligt avtryck och flexibilitet inom bostaden samt att en balans mellan integritet och interaktion efterfrågas. Både det privata livet, identitetsskapande och tillgångentill gemenskap ses som extra viktigt i den formativa period i livet som tiden för studier är. Dessa teman kan tillsammans med de åtta indikatorerna dels ses som områden för vidare forskning, dels som ett svar på vad dagens studentbostäder, i varierande grad, saknar och kan således fungera som ett uppslag till vad som bör utvecklas vidare i utformningen av framtida studentbostäder. / The quality of the home environment have a direct impact on the individual’s living conditions and influence the quality of life. Student residential belongs to the category of temporary homes, which implies less expectations on the quality of the accommodation due to legislation. This becomes problematic since the students, generally spend many hours in their home and the home environment usually also works as place for studies. Student residential as both a home and work space is a relevant aspect in the design of future student housing, since the expected spread of digitized education. The aim of the thesis is to identify what constitutes good student housing. In order to understand that, the relationship between the built environment and people, the perception of home environment and housing, which architectural qualities contribute to the well- being of the home and have a positive impact on the experience of home environment, which needs that can be considered as humanly unifying and which specific needs and preferencesthat exist within the target group of students are investigated. The theoretical framework has been formed from the scientific fields of architecture, sociology, psychology and philosophy. Arguments made at different times are seen in comparison to each other and illustrate how the view of the home and its primary functions changes over time. Literature and database searches result in the compilation of eight indicators that are important to consider in the design of future student housing, these are; context, spatial form, daylight and indoor climate, levels of socialand private, the positioning of spaces in relation to each other, enclosure versus openness, opportunity for variety and materials and detailis.The indicators serve as a guide in the designof a design proposal for a student residence in Malmö. To meet all these needs in a dwelling solution, limited by the students’ budget and efficiency requirements, a concept for a shared flat directed to two students was developed. Two students living together was also a strategy applied to make it easier incorporating with the social community, in the building between the students and in the city between the students and the university life. To share a situation with a personin the same circumstances are described by the students as one way of increase the experienceof safety. When people feel safe a will to explore arise which leads to personal development. A drawing analysis of four existing student residences in Malmö and an understanding from Malmö University’s Campus Plan 2040 have contributed with additional elements to the analysis, based on the awareness of the impact of place and context in designing good architecture. For further understanding of the target group, five university students living in Malmö have been interviewed on issues related to qualities and needs at home and views on home environment and student housing. The designed outcome were presented to the students and led to a deeper discussion on life in student residential which parts that experienced good and what could be improved and the challenging issues could be identified in the design proposal. The conversations with the students confirmed previous research in the areas of perception in home environment and student housing, thus also the relevance of the indicators. The interviews led to suggestions for further development of the design proposal and a discussion about the complexity of the design of student housing, due to competing values that are put in relation to each other. The study shows that a need for personal expression and flexibility within the dwelling and a balance between privacy and interaction is required. Both privacy, identity formation and access to community are seen as particularly important in the formative period of life while studying. These subjects are, together with the indicators, seen as areas for further investigation and as a reply on what today’s student housing, to varying degrees, lacks and can thus be a suggestion for what should be developed further in the design of future student housing.
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Residencia de estudiantesMeléndez Cisneros, Ximena 30 May 2021 (has links)
Se presenta un proyecto arquitectónico de carácter residencial en el distrito de la Molina, tras identificar la problemática de la ausencia de equipamientos de residencias para estudiantes, en Lima en general, ubicando el proyecto en el Sur Oeste ya que concentra a las universidades con mayor demanda estudiantil.
Se ubicó el proyecto en un terreno con buenos criterios de accesibilidad y cercanía a las universidades. Se buscó a la vez la continuidad del eje comercial de la zona, creando un zócalo con esta función generando plazas públicas y equipamiento comunitarios, convirtiendo al proyecto en un espacio de encuentro e interacción social.
La investigación reúne una serie de datos cuantitativos como cualitativos de referentes locales y externos como también un estudio de usuario y de lugar, además el conocimiento de los criterios de la nueva vivienda actual, construyendo así un marco teórico entre la tipología propuesta con las necesidades y usos del lugar.
Al tener los criterios ya establecidos, se busca satisfacer una demanda existente y también generar un vínculo en la comunidad estudiantil potenciándolos con espacios de usos comunes, los cuales fueron ubicados a modo de crear un recorrido de lo público a lo privado en los primeros niveles de la residencia, quienes al mismo tiempo están articulados a través del patio central como eje principal.
Es así que se plantea un proyecto en donde este colectivo específico tenga un espacio físico para residir, tanto como para la extensión de su desarrollo educativo, y el descubrimiento de distintos talentos personales. / An architectural project of a residential nature is presented in La Molina district, after identifying the problem of the absence of equipment for student residences, in Lima in general, locating the project in the South West since it concentrates the universities with the highest student demand.
The project was located on land with good accessibility criteria and proximity to universities. At the same time, the continuity of the commercial axis of the area was sought, creating a plinth with this function generating public squares and community facilities, turning the project into a space for social interaction and meeting.
The research brings together a series of quantitative and qualitative data from local and external references as well as a user and place study, in addition to the knowledge of the criteria of the current new home, thus building a theoretical framework between the proposed typology with the needs and uses of the place.
By having the criteria already established, it seeks to satisfy an existing demand and also to generate a link in the student community, enhancing them with spaces of common uses, which were located in order to create a route from public to private in the first levels of the residence, who at the same time are articulated through the central courtyard as the main axis.
Therefore, a project is proposed where this specific group has a physical space to reside, as well as for the extension of their educational development and the discovery of different personal talents. / Tesis
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Формирование новых механизмов решения жилищного вопроса обучающихся в высших учебных заведениях России на примере Уральского федерального университета : магистерская диссертация / Formation of new mechanisms for solving the housing problem of students in higher educational institutions of Russia on the example of the Ural Federal UniversityКузьмин, М. Н., Kuzmin, M. N. January 2020 (has links)
Структура магистерской диссертации включает в себя введение, три главы, заключение, словарь терминов, список использованных источников и шесть приложений. В первой главе проводится подробный анализ сложившейся ситуации с поселением и проживанием обучающихся в вузах России и за рубежом. Вопрос рассматривается с точки зрения трех участвующих в данном процессе сторон: высших учебных заведений, студентов и бизнеса. Обозначаются существующие проблемы. Во второй главе сформулированы новые механизмы решения жилищного вопроса обучающихся в вузах России, за счет университетских и частных студенческих общежитий, и выделения нового сегмента рынка – «студенческой» недвижимости. В третьей главе приводятся инвестиционные расчеты, которые наглядно демонстрируют целесообразность выдвинутых решений по организации управления университетскими студенческими общежитиями и созданию частных студенческих общежитий и их применимость на практике. В приложениях приведены соответствующие расчеты. / The structure of the master's thesis includes an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a glossary of terms, a list of references and six annexes. The first chapter provides a detailed analysis of the situation with the settlement and residence of students in universities in Russia and abroad. The issue is considered from the point of view of the three parties involved in this process: higher education institutions, students and business. Existing problems are indicated. The second chapter formulates new mechanisms for solving the housing problem of students in Russian universities, due to university and private student dormitories, and the allocation of a new market segment - “student” real estate. The third chapter provides investment calculations that clearly demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed solutions for organizing the management of university student dormitories and the creation of private student dormitories and their applicability in practice. The appendices contain the corresponding calculations.
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